Libri sul tema "School children"
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Pramanik, Rashmi. Overburdened school-going children. New Delhi: Concept Pub. Co., 2007.
Cerca il testo completo1946-, Steiner Hans, e Yalom Irvin D. 1931-, a cura di. Treating school-age children. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1997.
Cerca il testo completoCentre for Educational Research and Innovation., a cura di. Immigrants' children at school. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1987.
Cerca il testo completoM, Bailey Cindee, e Oregon State University. Extension Service., a cura di. Preparing children for school. Corvallis, Or: Extension Service, Oregon State University, 1989.
Cerca il testo completoNational Association for Pastoral Care in Education. Refugee children in school. Coventry: NAPCE, 1995.
Cerca il testo completoGreat Britain. Department for International Development., a cura di. Children out of school. London: Department for International Development, 2001.
Cerca il testo completoManchester. Education Committee. Teacher's Centre. Books, children and school. [Manchester: Teachers' Centre, 1985.
Cerca il testo completoManchester. Education Committee. Teacher's Centre. Books, children and school. [Manchester: Teacher's Centre], 1986.
Cerca il testo completoVirginia, Richardson. School children at-risk. London: Falmer Press, 1989.
Cerca il testo completoBaxter, Thomas J. School nutrition and children. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2009.
Cerca il testo completoMary, Baginsky, a cura di. Safeguarding children and schools. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2008.
Cerca il testo completoRankin, Joyce. Children's running: An after-school program for elementary school children, for clubs, school, and parents. Aspen, Colo: WHO Press, 1994.
Cerca il testo completoRankin, Joyce. Children's running: An after-school program for elementary school children, for clubs, school, and parents. Aspen, Colo: WHO Press, 1994.
Cerca il testo completo1947-, Nixon Nicholas, a cura di. School. Boston, USA: Little, Brown, and Co., 1998.
Cerca il testo completoSociety, National Deaf Children's, a cura di. Safely to school: School transport for deaf children. London: National Deaf Children's Society, 1989.
Cerca il testo completoClick, Phyllis. Caring for school-age children. 5a ed. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning, 2009.
Cerca il testo completoKao, Shin-Mei. Narrative Development of School Children. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2015.
Testo completoBetty, Collis, a cura di. Children and computers in school. Mahwah, N.J: L. Erlbaum Associates, 1996.
Cerca il testo completoJennifer, Parker, a cura di. Caring for school-age children. 3a ed. Albany, NY: Delmar Publishers, 2002.
Cerca il testo completoStone, Lyndsey. Managing difficult children in school. Oxford: Blackwell, 1990.
Cerca il testo completoClick, Phyllis. Caring for school-age children. 4a ed. Clifton Park, NY: Thomson Delmar Learning, 2006.
Cerca il testo completoClick, Phyllis. Caring for school age children. 4a ed. Clifton Park, NY: Thomson Delmar Learning, 2005.
Cerca il testo completoWood, Melody. Programming for school-aged children. Ottawa: Canadian Library Association, 1988.
Cerca il testo completoLichton, Ira J. Anthropometry of Hawaii school children. Honolulu, Hawaii: HITAHR, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii, 1985.
Cerca il testo completoEyre, Deborah. School governors & more able children. London: DFEE/NACE, 1995.
Cerca il testo completoParker), Parker Jennifer (Lynch, a cura di. Caring for school-age children. 6a ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Cengage-Learning, 2012.
Cerca il testo completoTrust, Ragged School Museum, a cura di. Ragged schools, ragged children. London: Ragged School MuseumTrust, 1995.
Cerca il testo completoWolfgang. School Young Children. Longman Higher Education, 1991.
Cerca il testo completoFabian, Hilary. Children Starting School. David Fulton Publishers, 2013.
Testo completoKidder, Tracy. Among School Children. Pan Macmillan, 1990.
Cerca il testo completoPangrazi, Robert P. Elementary School Children. Pearson Education, Limited, 2006.
Cerca il testo completoKidder, Tracy. Among School Children. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Trade & Reference Publishers, 1989.
Cerca il testo completoAmong school children. Boston: Houghton, 1989.
Cerca il testo completoHinde, Thomas. Carpenter's Children. James & James (Publishers) Ltd, 1995.
Cerca il testo completoRipich, Danielle Newberry. School Discourse Problems (School-Age Children). 2a ed. Singular Publishing Group Inc, 1994.
Cerca il testo completoRankin, Joyce. Children's Running: An After-School Program for Elementary School Children. Warren H Ohirich, 1995.
Cerca il testo completoJohn A. (John Atkinson) 1880-1 Ferrell e North Carolina Dept of Public Instruct. Medical Inspection of Schools and School Children. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2018.
Cerca il testo completoGoulding, Lingard. Your Children are Not Your Children: The Story of Headfort. The Lilliput Press Ltd, 2012.
Cerca il testo completoKearney, Christopher A., e Anne Marie Albano. When Children Refuse School. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Testo completoKearney, Christopher A., e Anne Marie Albano. When Children Refuse School. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Testo completoEdwards, Ros, a cura di. Children, Home and School. Routledge, 2004.
Testo completoChildren of Rainbow School. Essence Publishing (Canada), 2005.
Cerca il testo completoBeekman, N. Parenting School Aged Children. Caps Pr, 1989.
Cerca il testo completoEducation, Advisory Centre for. Children Out of School. Advisory Centre for Education (ACE) Ltd, 1993.
Cerca il testo completoEt, Tizard. Young Children at School. Psychology Press, 1988.
Cerca il testo completoParsons, Carl, Louise Benns, Jean Hailes e Keith Howlett. Excluding Primary School Children. Family Policy Studies Centre, 1994.
Cerca il testo completoRichardson, Virginia. School Children at Risk. Taylor & Francis Group, 1989.
Cerca il testo completoMadueke, Pst Prayer M. School for Children Teachers. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2017.
Cerca il testo completoRichardson, Virginia. School Children at Risk. Taylor & Francis Group, 1989.
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