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Luiset, Nicolas. "La Renaissance dans le roman contemporain d'expression française (2001-…) : chez Arditi, Binet, Cuneo, Enard, Rufin, Vuillard". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024. https://accesdistant.sorbonne-universite.fr/login?url=https://theses-intra.sorbonne-universite.fr/2024SORUL085.pdf.
Testo completoContemporary novels written in French which tell stories happening during the 16th century differ from earlier literary productions. They showcase a renewed vision of this period of time, turning their eyes on the New World and Europe mainly, showing something else, which involves discovering someone new. Exploring new frontiers offers a multicultural approach of the past questioning historiography of the European Renaissance and France's role in the world. This geographic decentering is accompanied by a similar approach from a historical point of view: with works of art characterised by their desire for social marginality, which tend to emphasise figures of forgotten, defeated and oppressed people. Contemporary authors thus offer in their novels (or written work) such a personal vision of the past that it may also build bridges towards current issues. This point of view, on the issues, is accompanied, in the shape, by a reflection on how to write a historical novel, on how fiction and non-fiction interact, in what could be viewed as a narrowing gap between literature and humanities
Abdollahzadeh, Sardehaei Sara. "Romancières iraniennes d'expression française (2000-2016)". Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019GREAL015.
Testo completoThis research work focuses on seven novelists (one of whom is a graphic novelist), of Iranian origin who chose to go into exile in France and adopt French as their language of expression : Fariba Hachtroudi (b. 1951), Nahal Tajadod (b. 1960), Sorour Kasmaï (b. 1962), Chahdortt Djavann (b. 1967), Négar Djavadi (b. 1969), Naïri Nahapétian (b. 1970) and Marjane Satrapi (b. 1969). These writers have some characteristics in common : all are bicultural, know both the Persian and French languages perfectly and address the same themes. Although their ages and experiences differ, they write about women and their main characters are almost always women. This characteristic is exceptional and recent (since 2000) in Francophone literature emanating from emigration. Our Francophone novelists of Iranian origin begin to talk about Iran and its history through a form of fiction that remains very close to reality in order to address major current issues : the oppression installed in Iran since 1979, the dictatorial climate of the mullahs'regime, its consequences on people's lives and particularly on the lives of women who are more affected by it.The first part focuses on the personal and common paths that lead Iranian women to become French novelists. The second part proposes an analysis of the French and Persian cultural models to which novels in search of a distinctive style obey. The third part is a study of the way these authors use the novelistic structure and sometimes create a new form of historical fiction. The fourth part is dedicated to the reception of this literature in France as well as in Iran and in other Muslim countries
Bouaziz, Lycette. "Moyen âge, passions et pouvoir maudit : étude de l'exploitation littéraire des sources et des données historiques dans "Les Rois maudits" (tomes V, VI, VII) de Maurice Druon : thèse". Paris 12, 2005. https://athena.u-pec.fr/primo-explore/search?query=any,exact,990002520970204611&vid=upec.
Testo completoThe challenge of tracing back the history of the Middle Age by interpreting some historians' psychology accounts to some extent for his psychological portraits to be somewhat different from reality. The medieval reality uncovered through the dramatic art and the critics of M. Druon leads to a metamorphosis of the Middle Age. The three parts of this thesis respectively emphasize three major aspects of this historical period : the dull Middle Age is less the one of Jacques de molay's malediction than that of characters with fiendish passions. In the second part, M. Druon reveals the power from a committed writer is shown. In the third part, M. Druon reveals the malfunctioning of a bloody XIVth century, wellreal, that led to the terrible Hundred Years' War. So the originality of M. Druon consists in combining his detailed documentation with his own interpretation of the psychology of some historians
Langoureau-Morel, Fabienne. "Quand l'intime devient éthique : du régionalisme à l'universel dans la Trilogie niçoise de Louis Nucera". Thesis, Nice, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014NICE2053/document.
Testo completoIn the second half of the twentieth century, writers tried to fathom the world’s upheavals. Louis Nucera’s writings in this post-war context are little known. Yet they cover numerous literary genres. The musical quality of his interior monologue leaves us with an impression unlike anything we have ever known. His narrative becomes a labyrinthine meandering through the maze of memory, in search of a mother gone too soon. The “romancero nucerien”, consisting of a plethora of short portraits, becomes a true family album of the ordinary people of Nice. The reader finds traces of ancestors which will never leave him. The Trilogy novels also plunge the reader into the heart of history and its crises. Avenue des Diables-Bleus, Chemin de la Lanterne and Le Kiosque à Musique span no fewer than twenty-three centuries. At a time when committed literature and ambitious literary schools were vying with each other, Louis Nucera chose to resort to a solitary and intimate voice. He depicts the ordinary people of Nice whilst constantly praising them for the authenticity of the human values they embody. Underneath the captivating voice of these intimate family novels, one can also read, as if it were a palimpsest, a personal history of French communism from illusions to awakening. The author draws upon a true philosophy of life, in which the only entities still worth fighting for are friends, relatives and loving couples. The only rule to be followed is to rediscover a sense of endeavour and a taste for hard work and to keep imparting the lessons of the past. Both an endless literary quest and a painful reflection on the act of writing unfold in his novels.Key-words: Louis Nucera, Nice, 20th century French literature, mother, memory, novel, autobiography, auto fiction, poetic narrative, portrait, historical novel, history, communism
Bentolila, Éric. "Le roman policier français de 1970 et 2000 : une analyse littéraire". Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016GREAL013/document.
Testo completoThe French crime novel from 1970 to 2000The following thesis conducts literary analysis on French crime novels of the late twentieth century. The intention is then to show that if these detective novels can be analyzed with the tools of literary analysis, these novels can then be considered literary works and their authors as writers in their own right. The corpus contains the main novels of four authors spread over the last four decades of the twentieth century: Jean-Patrick Manchette, Frederick H. Fajardie, Didier Daeninckx and Tonino Benacquista. The tools selected for analysis are those related to novels characters, the places in which these novels take place and different types of plots offered by the authors. This is the work of Yves Reuter, Isabelle Krzywkowski and Paul Larivaille. These authors have allowed the analysis of selected texts and also allowed the author to confront these same texts to literary analysis tools in academic use.Thus literary analysis produced by the author allows him to advance the idea that the texts of detective novels, being analyzed with these tools, can be part of the regular corpus of literature
Zonza, Christian Barthélémy. "La nouvelle historique classique de 1657 à 1703". Paris 4, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PA040201.
Testo completoIn the middle of the seventeenth century, the novel became the target of criticisms concerning its implausibilities and its tedious developments. At the same time, history itself bred doubts as to its capacity to tell the truth : language was hardput to express reality, the historian being subjective and biased. The historical short story thus benefited from the joint difficulties of both genres and sitted in with an aesthetics of brievity and unity, akin to history writing. Not only did it copy the style of that former genre but it also tried to mimic its functioning, bye imagining that the root of all important events laid in very trivial and gallant causes. While staging an ideology in which gallantery and heroi͏̈sm were closely interwoven, doubtesly well-appreciated by those to whom it was dedicated -ie the nobility-, the short story also explained the reasons which had led to the loss of power of the nobility, since from then history was ruled bye the arbitrary. Often presented as a moral work whose aim was to show the havoc wreaked by passion, the historical short story nevertheless aroused numerous criticisms and controversies from people who disapprouved of this blend of fiction and truth
Berthier, Danielle. "Le roman historique pour le jeunesse en France au XIXe siècle". Artois, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008ARTO0001.
Testo completoThis work tries to explain the way how the historical novel for children appeared and evolved during the nineteenth century. Moral novels appeared within the “Œuvres des bons livres” and with the Catholic publishers who created collections specialised in moral education. Historical novels turned “classical” novels were considered at this time as subversive and were published for the youth rarely and with a great number of precautions. To tell history in a novel – as Augustin Thierry did for example - was badly considered among educational circles, even if the romantic movement and the taste for history were finally victorious. The first youth historical novels told about the Middle Ages and the chivalrous ideal: this ideal applied to the Revolutionary period. Successive political régimes played a part in the development of the genre, fostering some ideologies and practices. Many books had a great longevity, as one can see in the general editorial production of the time. The appearance of the idea of Prehistory, coinciding with the establishment of the Republic, was the ground of a new look upon the past. However, one can say that the past was dealt with during the century in a stable way, born with the divergent trends resulting from the French Revolution
Gendrel, Bernard. "Le roman de moeurs en France (1820-1855) : du roman historique au roman réaliste". Thesis, Tours, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010TOUR2015.
Testo completoAfter having distinguished three explicative aspects of the novel (the psychological, social and plot-driven aspects) and defined three corresponding types of novels (novels of characters, manners and plot), this work focuses on the novel of manners during the Bourbon Restoration and the July Monarchy. Heir to quite an old tradition, this genre is at its peak with the Scottian historical novel and the novel of contemporary manners of the 1820’s. Balzac, first influenced by the novel of manners, develops in The Human Comedy a hybrid form (combining social and psychological aspects, novel of characters and novel of manners), which we may call the realistic novel (characterized by an overloading of verisimilitude). This definition of realism does not erase the differences between the authors; it allows, on the contrary, to appreciate the specific poetics developed by Stendhal, George Sand or Champfleury
Louÿs, Gilles. "Des romans inachevés : étude historique et structurale". Paris 8, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998PA081400.
Testo completoThis is a historical, descriptive and typological study of unfinished french novels from the middle ages to the twentieth century, through a corpus of examples and an analysis limited to the unfinished or incomplete narratives of stendhal and giono (566 indexed titles in all). Noting the absence of a unambiguous concept of'unfinishdness', various criteria are adressed by which unfinished novels might be identified within the broader class of incomplete narratives, which are particularly numerous in the 17th and 18 centuries, inviting a study of how authors dealt with the problem of arbitrary nature of endings. The study goes on to analyse forms of unfinishedness, and their impact, in the work of stendhal and giono, and concludes in appraising such infinished and incomplete works in the light of the expectations set up by the narrative tradition. Research into different types of incompleteness suggests a distinction between (a) unfinished novels in the primary sense ; (b) fragmentary works ; (c) inconclusive cycles and romances ; (d) closed infinitely-expanding works ; (e) traces of the creative act (sketches, notes, outlines of planned works). Historically, the process leads to normalisation : with the inconclusive novels of the 17th and 18th centuries, and the open-ended narratives of the 20th, the lack of an ending ceases to be an exceptional feature, although their frequency does not challenge the paradigm of the concordant ending as a characteristic of the narrative tradition according to kermode and ricoeur. Morever, a study of the fate of unfinished works (posthumous continuations, reconstructive editions, critical readings offering explanations for the unfinished state of the work) shows that the ideal of completeness and coherence continues to shape contemporary expectations of fiction, even though the teleological conception of narrative in no way exhausts the variety of realisations of the novel as a genre
Horvath, Christina. "Au miroir de la surmodernité : le roman urbain en France 1990-2000". Paris 3, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PA030018.
Testo completoThe aim of this study is to found a theory of the "urban novel", a genre which we propose to investigate in its present state at the end of the 20th century in France. Defined as a fiction whose plot unfolds in the contemporary era (that of the author and the reader at the moment of publication) the "urban novel" tends to offer a detailed description of everyday life without focusing on the representation of a particular social class. It is a characteristic form of expression in the post-modern period. The study examines a corpus of about fifty novels, edited between 1990 and 2000, and analyses the principal aspects of the literary city: as a network, a kaleidoscope and a patchwork. We describe the rules which govern the representation of urban space, classify the characters and plots which are typical of the "urban novel" and examine the intertextual strategies which largely account for the effect of "up-to-dateness" which is so characteristic of them
PETIT, JEAN GEORGES. "De l'espace historique reel a l'espace romanesque dans les fous de dieu de jean pierre chabrol. Quelques reflexions sur le roman historique a travers le portrait des ecclesiastiques et des anciens catholiques du recit". Montpellier 3, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997MON30050.
Testo completoMore than a study of these very portraits, more than an analysis of jean-pierre chabrol's works of fiction, this doctoral thesis is, above all, a reflection on the historical novel in general. Consequently, each character studied here, whether real or created, is examined in three different ways: first, through a close examination of the historical aspects to determine if the character portrayed by the novelist bears any resemblance to what professional historians tell us of the past; then through an examination of the narrative aspects to see how the great figures of the past or the heroes imagined by the writer enter the narrative or, conversely, history; finally, through an examination of the ideological bias with which each protaganist, whatever his or her status may be, is necessarily loaded; all of this being naturally and closely linked to the two principles expressed by jean-claude rioux; the phagocytosis of history by fiction, and the historicisation of fiction by history. These two principles are sufficient (sufficiently rich/strong ) to account for the historical novel, since they allow us to view the different ways in which cohesion between historical discourse and fictional discourse is made possible; two discourses which must -for a matter of balance and unity -fuse together seamlessly even though they are different in content and aim. This work is not, of course, a theory of the historical novel- this being impossible as yet - but a general survey of the knowledge we have of this particular and much-debated genre
Levet, Natacha. "Le genre, entre pratique textuelle et pratique sociale : le cas du roman noir français : 1990-2000". Limoges, 2006. http://www.unilim.fr/theses-doctorat/2006LIMO2002/html/index-frames.html.
Testo completoRobert, Brigitte. "Espaces et identités dans le roman féminin centre-américain contemporain (1980-2000)". Poitiers, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005POIT5020.
Testo completoDalhem, Johannes. ""Le passé n’est ainsi qu’une invention du présent" : formen kritischen historischen Erzählens im französischen Gegenwartsroman (Simon, Forest, Rouaud, Kaddour)". Thesis, Lyon, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LYSE2091.
Testo completoThis PhD thesis offers a study of different forms of representations of the past in the French contemporary novel. Since several years, literary critics agree that there has been something like a “return to history” on the actual literary scene. But we also have to state that some con-temporary authors combine this “return” with a profound suspicion against the knowing of history and the (cultural or literary) forms of telling it. In his Le Siècle des nuages (2010), Philippe Forest tells the story of his father while at the same time questioning himself about how to represent a story which seems to withdraw itself constantly. The result is somewhat paradoxical and may be described as a self-referential historical novel that constructs and deconstructs itself in front of the reader’s eyes. In a similar way, Jean Rouaud’s L’Imitation du bonheur (2006) invites its reader in the artist’s workshop in order to reveal the sources and the resources of the story. Exploiting the techniques of realistic illusion, Rouaud is in fact parodying them. Waltenberg (2005) by Hédi Kaddour acts differently: in this novel, historical narration is undermined by a broken storyline, by a pluralization of times and spaces and by the abandoning of the chronological order. Thus the author confronts us with a history “in pieces” that doesn’t obey the principles of unity and coherence anymore. Even if the strategies of historical representation are quite different in these three novels, they are all based on a common concept which I suggest to call “critical historical narration”.The main part of my work consists of the analysis of the three novels mentioned above, an analysis which is mostly based on methods provided by narratology (D. Cohn, A. Nünning, W. Wolf) or theory of history (H. White, P. Ricœur, R. Koselleck). This main part is preceded by a more general part that is subdivided into three theoretical approaches: the systematizing approach tries to reunite some of the most important features of critical historical narration in a synopsis and thereby takes also account of other (contemporary) literary texts. The historical approach connects the novels analysed in the main part of this thesis to the work of Claude Simon, which will be considered here as an esthetical paradigm for a new kind of historical narration. Finally, the comparative approach focuses on professional historians (Ginzburg, Ja-blonka, Boucheron) who have been exploring new strategies of historical writing in the same way that novelists have done. Indeed, if these new strategies converge with those in literary writing because of the use they make of fiction, they are nevertheless included in a more general reflection on the possibilities of representing the past. Historiography thus may provide something like an equivalent to critical historical narration in literature
Ripoll, Élodie. "De l'unique au multiple : emplois et fonctions de la couleur dans le roman français (1720-1839)". Paris, EHESS, 2016. https://janus.bis-sorbonne.fr/login?url=https://doi.org/10.15122/isbn.978-2-406-08304-7.
Testo completoThis project deals with the use and the meaning of colour in literature. Theoretical hypotheses are to be tested in a broad corpus of French novels, from 1720 to 1839, which is a central time for both the history of colour and the history of literature. Newton's Opticks was first translated into French in 1720 and Chevreul's work on the simultaneous contrast was published in 1839. In the meantime, the modern European novel emerged and colour has become an essential part of it. Contemporary scientific, artistic and literary discourses are to be investigated along with various aspects of everyday life in order to reconstruct the status of colour and the part it played in culture at that particular time, as well as the evolutions that occurred. Comparing those results with contemporary novels would not only show similarities and/or differences in the treatment of colour but also help to determine the particularities of the use of colour in literature which does not seem to develop chronologically. A corpus of 50 French novels will be analysed to highlight several aspects of that non-linear evolution such as the colour vocabulary chosen by the authors, the colour symbolism involved in the novels, the tensions between narration and description or literature and painting. This project is based on a transdisciplinary approach, including the works by M. Pastoureau, A. Mollard-Desfour, Berlin and Kay, as well as literary theory, aesthetics, anthropology, linguistics, cultural history, history of science, history of art
Chamblain-Champseix, Elisabeth. "La mort en ce jardin : étude du thème du jardin dans des romans contemporains (1956-2000) de langue anglaise, espagnole, française, italienne". Paris 4, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA040147.
Testo completoBouchard, Pierre-Olivier. "Rapport au temps et figures d'écrivains : la fin du XIXe siècle dans les biographies fictives françaises et québécoises parues entre 1980 et 2000". Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/28083.
Testo completoNamane, Farid. "L’écriture de la guerre d’Algérie au XXIe siècle : écrivains français, écrivains algériens, regards croisés sur un événement historique". Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2019. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/ulprive/DDOC_T_2019_0215_NAMANE.pdf.
Testo completoMore than an half-century after its end, "the algerian war" continues to inspire the novelists of the both Mediterranean sides. Considered as such (a war) in 1999 by the French parliament , this war makes noise in every literary return.our thesis subject , is going to be a comparative analysis of the Algerian and French fiction writings concerning the Algerian war : how a common historical event can be interpreted in fictions differently? After the reading of French novels, we noticed that it’s always a story of military who goes to war and the description is characterized by such exoticism and astonishment. On the other hand, the Algerian writer couldn’t go beyond the war; it’s always present , as an important event by which we should go through to enter in literature: it’s a « location of memory ». Because of these différents points of views we suggest the reading of the main corpus composed of a set of novels edited in XXI st: Rachid Boudjedra Les figuiers de barbarie (2010), Anouar Benmalek Le Rapt (2009), Jérôme Ferrari Où j’ai laissé mon âme (2010), Laurent Mauvignier Des Hommes (2009). In order to do this work properly , we will add an other corpus to the novels mentioned above which had been published during the first years of the independence to the beginning of the 2000 and that in order to see the evolution of the french and Algerian fiction writing theme
Pascaniuc-Caullataille, Oana. "L' univers langagier de San Antonio". Paris 4, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA040063.
Testo completoWhat relationship have San-Antonio's detective novels with consumer society ? Our analysis of San-Antonio's language at three levels (vocabulary, morphosyntax and semantics), using the tools of serial stylistics, allowed us to identify five massive dominant characteristics : the playful, the new, the variant, the familiar universe, the accumulation or excess. Similarly, these dominant characteristics are major features of consumer society. We also identified two cross dominants, variety and simplicity, as well as a relative dominant, the literary, in contrast to the familiar universe. Consequently, the universe of San-Antonio's language can be represented as a complex network of relations between these various dominant characteristics. San-Antonio's detective novels are real consumer goods which seduce the reader due to their particular use of language. They are a true reconstruction of colloquial French, marked with the multitude of procedures we identified as being typical of San-Antonio
Zouini, Imane-Sara. "Les langues d’Abdelhak Serhane, un métissage arabo-français chez un romancier marocain, suivi d’une traduction intégrale, en langue arabe, du roman Les Temps noirs, écrit en français par le même auteur". Thesis, Paris, INALCO, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019INAL0005.
Testo completoThe aim of this thesis is to present a rather complete study of Abdelhak Serhane’s novel Les Temps noirs, in order to highlight its literary aesthetic. After contextualizing the Maghrebi literature of French expression, the research is prolonged by a literary analysis of Les Temps noirs, then by a study of the Arab-French hybridity which underlies the literary writing of the Moroccan novelist. Finally, it is to the analysis of Les Temps noirs’s translation in arabic that this research work is dedicated, in order to study the passage of figures of hybridity in the text translated by the author of this thesis while relying on the theoretical and critical contribution of Antoine Berman
Lecomte, Dauthuille Sylvaine. "Le motif improbable ˸ le récit d’enquête français contemporain, Thierry Beinstingel, Emmanuel Carrère et Jean Rolin". Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018USPCA036.
Testo completoLiterary narrative forms at the dawn of 21st century sometimes take the form of an enquiry. The present thesis aims to examine in detail this narrative technique as practised by Thierry Beinstingel, Emmanuel Carrère et Jean Rolin. The way they use it could help to understand and identify the aesthetic qualities and purposes of this emerging narrative mode. In these stories, the narrator feels his own thoughts as locked inside an authoritarian doxa which he must first overcome to recover his freedom of perception. He can then become involved in the enquiry, which can be understood as a phenomenological way to be aware. He then selects an arbitrary or improbable motif as the goal for his quest, which may be a person, an object, a project, an area, and undertakes to tell the story of his own inquiry. From this starting point, he begins to question the meaning of his existence and to observe himself making sense of, reading, thinking about and reacting to things. Between fiction and nonfiction, these frequently digressive tales often border on novels, essays or investigation journalism. The narrator always looks puzzled, hesitant and does not seem to trust his own approach. Yet in the background we witness the emergence of a dynamic both narrative and introspective through which the narrator becomes an acute observer of the world around him. He follows freely his train of thought through among other things the use of the essay form to drift from an idea to the next, finding new means of expressing the critique of social problems, creating novel ways of building new fictional worlds and perhaps even managing to rebel against the idea that there is no alternative to the world as it exists
Poujat, Sandra. "Le Roman national de la langue française. Imaginaires linguistiques et stylistiques de la Révolution française à la Troisième République". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2023. http://www.theses.fr/2023SORUL077.
Testo completoThis thesis is a study of the construction of a national imagination by the French language during the long 19th century (1789-1920), both from a linguistic perspective, through the emerging concept of a national language, and from a stylistic point of view, through the rise of the French style as a category. The hypothesis defended here is that the national language, in France, is less the product of a linguistic policy than a discursive construct elaborated by grammar books between the French Revolution and the Third Republic. 19th century grammarians decided that it was the duty of literature to illustrate the national language, at a time when grammar and literature were indissociable. In fact, that literature should be influenced by reflections in which language and nation are associated is inevitable: writers, especially at the end of the century, approached style according to the notion of “Frenchness”, which is at once political, ideological, and imaginary. Such a notion asserted the existence of a French style, as opposed to non-French styles that failed to abide by the alleged tradition of the so-called genius of the French language. This thesis first explores the linguistic imagination that influenced the national language in the grammar books of the 19th century. It then moves on to the writers’ use of the imaginary notions related to a specifically French style. Last but not least, it examines the style of some of the authors who wrote during the Third Republic, and seeks to identify what was perceived as a specifically French style (as in the works of Renan, Daudet, Barrès, Maurras or France), and what was perceived as an antinational style (as in the works of Goncourt, Louÿs, Huysmans, Mallarmé, Valéry, Suarès, Péguy, Fargue, Claudel, Gide, Proust or Giraudoux)
Sidaoui, Sihem. "Figures du sujet dans la narration des années 1990-2000 : une approche socio-poétique de la narration discordante". Phd thesis, Université de la Sorbonne nouvelle - Paris III, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00875682.
Testo completoGiugliarelli, Letizia. "Un univers ouvert, hétérogène et incomplet : Textes et contextes dans les romans des Wu Ming". Thesis, Université Côte d'Azur, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020COAZ2024.
Testo completoThis research focuses on collective novels by the group of writers known before as Luther Blissett and afterward as Wu Ming: these literary works constitute a compact corpus as regards both formal features and messages transmitted by the plots. The six novels, as a whole, are expressive of showing to the readers and the critics many references and stimulations of reflection: observing their morphology, considering their expressive potential, they can understand that the literary works are structured as a network of relationships between events and people. The authors handle such a narrative material with audacious ability, by experimenting and innovating models: this research is structured to consider both resemblances persistence and differences diachronic evolution. The Wu Ming’s idea of literature social role is substantial. The group cultural activity openly aims at claiming literature political value. Indeed, we investigate the importance in the novels of communities and of the knowledge spread within them. Furthermore, we would verify the coherence between texts substance and reflection sparks that the writers would come to let their audience share. Intending to gather Wu Ming’s writing tendencies, we employ a method which is a key of highlighting novels different facets, in order to understand their rich meaning. So this investigation is structured on many levels. At the beginning it is focused on texts morphology and narrative structure elements; then, it is enriched by the comparison with significant resemblances of other literary works; in conclusion, it is oriented to reach the novels specific meaning in relation to necessities and features of the cultural milieu they are produced in
Cello, Serena. "La "littérature des banlieues" : quel engagement contemporain ?" Thesis, Tours, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015TOUR2022.
Testo completoIn the course of the last 30 years, the word banlieue has evoked the territorial movement of a social problem as the historical expert of the Parisian suburbs, Annie Fourcaut, substantiates. The banlieue which have been much in vogue in the mass media and political debates especially since the first 1990 mass media covered urban disorders, up to the more violent ones in 2005, are to be understood as sensitive working-class areas. During the past few decades the latter seem to gather around each other and, above all, around the juveniles who inhabit them in the most oddly assorted and detrimental situations : abject social/economic poverty, residential segregation, urban decay as well as violence and delinquency. As the years have gone by, the rhetoric and the representation of those sites has become the expression of a disadvantage that the specialists call: “epicentre of the contemporary social problem”. This work of thesis deals with these current events. It sets its objective as contemplation on the contemporary literary representation of these places. Indeed, the delicate and marginal situations of banlieue during the recent urban riots, are the essential conditions that have favoured the production of an emerging literatur classified by critics as the "banlieue literature" of "cités" or urban areas"
Negli ultimi trent’anni la parola banlieue evoca la trasposizione territoriale di una questione sociale come evidenzia la storica esperta della periferia parigina Annie Fourcaut. In voga nei dibattiti mediatici e politici, in particolare dopo i primi moti urbani conosciuti attraverso le reti d’informazione negli anni 1990 fino ad arrivare alle sommosse del 2005, le banlieue intese come quartieri popolari “sensibili”, sembrano attirare attorno ad esse e soprattutto attorno alla gioventù che vi ci abita, le situazioni più diverse e negative: pauperizzazione socio/economica, segregazione residenziale, degrado urbano nonché violenza e delinquenza. Con il passare degli anni, la retorica e le rappresentazioni legate a questi luoghi sono diventati l’espressione di un malessere riconosciuto dagli specialisti come “epicentro del problema sociale contemporaneo”. Il presente lavoro di tesi s'inserisce in tale contesto d'attualità politica e sociale; Esso si pone come obietivo la riflessione sulla rappresentazione lettaria contemporeana di questi huoghi al margine e marginalizzati. In effetti, la situazione delicata delle periferie urbane durante le recenti rivolte, costituirebbero il contesto determinante che ha favorito la produzione di una letteratura emergente classificata dalla critica francese come "letteratura della banlieue" delle "cites" o "urbana"
Safa, Isabelle. "Du temps retrouvé au temps réfléchi : enjeux idéologiques et narratologiques de la mise en roman de l'histoire dans l'œuvre d’Alexandre Dumas père". Caen, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013CAEN1689.
Testo completoDumas’ historical novels fully participate in the process of redefinition of historical writing in the early nineteenth century. His work sheds light on recaptured time, a history which is alive and gradually taken charge of by the people, and the recipient of which is explicitly the people. Through historical myths and providentialist ideology, Dumas provides his readers, through the specific methodology of the novel, with the hermeneutics of an emancipatory history. The historical novel, informed by republican ideology, projects the issues of the present into the past. On the political and artistic levels, Dumas is fully engaged with his own time. His characters are the historian’s substitute. Through them, he displays an analysis of historical methods and a reflection on the ways history is constructed. As a form of reflected time, History is reconceptualized through methods of fictionalization and dramatization, which place it at the heart of Dumas’ poetics. By blending history and poetry together, Dumas puts the historical novel at the service of an artistic project which is simultaneously total and democratic, thus confirming his status as a major romantic author
Olivier, Claire. "Images : voir, penser, rêver : approche intermédiale de l'oeuvre (2000-2015) de Jean-Phlippe Toussaint, écrivain, photographe, cinéaste et plasticien". Thesis, Limoges, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018LIMO0086.
Testo completoThis research work questions the ensemble of the artistic activities conducted by Jean-Philippe Toussaint at the dawn of the 21st century. These activities determine a corpus composed of different publications, exhibitions and installations which forge implicit and explicit links in between themselves. This immaterial framework serves as the basis for our corpus, our study “text” thus being constituted of this interlacing of artistic propositions. This questioning convokes several perspectives that can be distinguished even though they are interdependent. The first perspective considers the place of this work in a defined period and its claim of contemporaneity. The second leans on a reflection on the supports, the media of Jean-Philippe Toussaint’s artistic production, their specific features, their links pertaining equally to complementarity and to tension. The third one refers to the reflective dimension of this composite work displaying itself, “exposing” itself in every sense of the word, to the extent of taking the risk of unveiling. Our work centers on a period, 2000-2015, of creative maturity inaugurated by the first photographs exhibitions (Chapter XII, Brussels; CASO, Osaka), the writing of the opus I, Faire l’amour (published in 2002) of the cycle M.M.M.M. and the publication of the collection Autoportrait (A l’étranger) gathering texts written at the end of the nineties. The toussaintian realizations of the years 2000-2015, fictions, essays, catalogue, videos, films, exhibitions, installations, although varied, all establish a relationship with his own writings, the book and the reading; they demonstrate a homogeneity based on the omnipresence of the scriptural and visual picture, or more precisely PICTURES, which are superimposed on each other, complete each other, annihilate each other, in movements of synergies as well as conflicts. Therefore, these pictures are in the heart of our questioning which sheds light on Toussaint’s poetics as the latter manifest themselves in his productions and are expressed in his words. The pre-eminence of the gaze is thus a permanent feature (« La main et le regard, il n’est jamais question que de cela dans la vie, en amour, en art. » La Vérité sur Marie, 2009) which circulates throughout the entire work. The gaze is central because to see is also, according to Jean-Philippe Toussaint, to think and to dream, the picture pertaining, in turns, and sometimes simultaneously, to perception, analysis and fantasy
Mouton-Rovira, Estelle. "Théories et imaginaires de la lecture dans le récit contemporain français". Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017USPCC254.
Testo completoTheories of reading and reader-response criticism have, since the turn of the 21st century, emphasized pragmatic approaches to reading and the reading experience. Meanwhile, contemporary French fiction has also been focusing on representations of reading and the reader. Although such representations are usually seen as part of a parodic, anti-novelistic tradition, they have in fact had a revitalizing impact on contemporary narratives and suggest new ways of looking at fictional and critical visions of reading. At a time when the democratization of digital tools seems to be revolutionizing the reading subject’s relationship to books and knowledge, a study of the representations of reading in literary texts can illuminate the impact of digital data on reading practices and reception. By devising new strategies of reader involvement and new embodiments of reception in the text, as well as by their fictionalization or mise en abyme of reading, the narratives of our corpus evolve and express new and diverse “arts of reading”. They turn our relationship to the signs in our world and in ourselves into fiction and thus call for a rethinking of our interpretive processes, away from classical hermeneutics and from formalist-inspired theories. Innovative thoughts and imaginings about literature are thus produced by literary texts themselves. They have a re-energizing impact on contemporary fiction and also explain why writers of fiction are once again lured into adopting theoretical discourses
Ben, Amor Amel. "Madame De Genlis romancière et narratrice : entre fiction et histoire : (Mademoiselle de Clermont, La Duchesse de la Vallière, Madame de Maintenon, Mademoiselle de la Fayette, Jeanne de France et Inès de Castro)". Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010MON30094.
Testo completoTo be a witness of one’s era, to transmit the knowledge of the past and to restore the bond between a present and a past broken by a great event such as the French Revolution is a work to which Mme de Genlis devoted more than half of her life. In her novels as in her tales and her Memoirs, the notion of time and history develops in the narrative through the topics approached and creates the narrative form. The articulation of the various temporal levels is even more sensitive in the historical novels: Miss de Clermont, The Duchess of The Vallière, Madam de Maintenon, Miss of The La Fayette, Jeanne of France and Inès de Castro. The assumption is to bring to light, on the basis of the "cross reference" such as defined by Paul Ricoeur, " the fiction would borrow as much from history as history borrows from fiction " Mame de Genlis, the novelist, carries us away in bygone times that seem more or less close to us, we follow the destiny of a heroin encompassing a time much larger than her own, that of History. The conviction of the author is that the historical novel is the most favorable one to the development of moral concepts; it is a true study of the human heart and one time moral standards which are proposed in these novels. The life at court exposes, through the behavior of the courtiers, the passions, the virtues and the defects of Men. Mme de Genlis, the narrator, builds narrative structures where, by a subtle play between the time of telling and the time of what is told, follow one another narration of the past and comment at the present; a narrative framework and an embedded narrative. The subject of the six novels is borrowed from History on which are superimposed a more recent historical time, that sometimes unconsciously escapes from the author. It is the time of the mental universe of Mme de Genlis, a reflection of the concerns of her era: the women’s relation with power, the freedom to choose one’s husband, the temptation of the convent, and the happiness in virtue. In spite of the “historical” adjective that her novels do have since they tell the story of a glorified past yet they remain very much related to our present time
Rubino, Marcella. "Religion et violence dans l'oeuvre de Yūsuf Zaydān : les chemins croisés de la fiction et de l'histoire". Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018USPCF014/document.
Testo completoThe Egyptian writer Yūsuf Zaydān is part of the tradition – dating from the age of the Nahḍa – of intellectuals as "educators of consciousness". Since then, faced with a national narrative controlled by political or religious power, Arab literature has often revisited history and current affairs with the aim of restoring – through the freedom offered by fictional discourse – the truth overshadowed by official history. Through this rewriting process, Zaydān is particularly interested in discussing the relationship between religion, politics and violence. The objective of this thesis is to explore Zaydān’s literary work in order to identify its originality. This originality is manifested, first, through Zaydān's dual profile as both academic and novelist, engaged in varied production that ranges from novels to essays; second, in the specific strategies he employs in order to address his privileged audience: the Egyptian reader. A controversial author in both his work and his personality, Zaydān is above all a literary phenomenon. An example of the blossoming literary field and the exacerbated cultural democratisation in Egypt, his case allows us to better understand ultra-modern Arab literature and what it expresses about the (politically, economically, culturally) recomposed and changing society that have produced it
Taguchi, Aki. "Recherche de l'autre et conquête de soi le "Voyage en Orient" de Nerval". Paris 4, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA040330.
Testo completoThe present thesis examines the process of literary construction of the Orient of Gérard de Nerval, seen as a meeting place with the other and a stage of self-conquest. Gérard de Nerval wrote, rewrote, and reworked many times the texts that became later the Voyage en Orient. Originally published as a series of articles from 1840 to 1850, partially published as a separate volume in 1848, when the Voyage en Orient appeared in full in 1851, it was a new work. Nerval invents travel-fiction : more than ten years had passed between the real journeys, made in 1839-1840 and in 1842-1843, and the publication of the Voyage en Orient, first as a series of articles, then as a separate volume. The main part of the present thesis starts with the first publications and goes until the Voyage en Orient proper, to which Nerval, after having published an intermediate version of Scènes de la vie orientale, gave a new and subtly unclassifiable form of the travel tale. The thesis is divided into two parts, which correspond to the geography of the narrated journey. The Occidental part, from Paris via Switzerland and Austria (Vienna) to Greece (the islands), serves as an introduction to the Oriental part, from Egypt (Cairo) through Lebanon (Beirut) until Turkey (Constantinople). The thesis aims at demonstrating that, and how, Nerval's subsequent literary work took root in the long development of the Voyage en Orient
Aubelle, Marie. "Retour à la maison. Le motif de la maison dans l’œuvre romanesque de J.M.G. Le Clézio, Pascal Quignard, Sylvie Germain et Marie NDiaye". Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018USPCA001/document.
Testo completoThe history of home and that of the novel have crossed paths more than once, but hardly ever more so than in the nineteenth century, when literature and architecture began exploring new forms, the similarities of which were aptly pointed out by Philippe Hamon. At the time, both house and home were subjected to deep societal changes, and their worth as literary object was called into question: thus, home, which had long been a favourite topic of the realists, was shaken to its foundations. The very notion of representation lay at the crux of the crises the novel was going through. Around the 1980s, however, the novel began pivoting back towards fiction, thus reviving its core characteristic. Did this return to home promote new building permits, so to speak? Did it make home, as a literary trope, inhabitable once again ? This dissertation shall explore the motif of home in the complete works of four contemporary authors, namely J.M.G. Le Clézio, Pascal Quignard, Sylvie Germain and Marie NDiaye, as analyzed through the prism of sociological changes, as well as of novel-related problematics. By so doing, I hope to demonstrate that home still bears a slew of new perspectives for the fiction genre. I will put forward the notion of a ‘home novel’, which, just like the ‘adventure novel’, is endowed with its very own set of spaces, plots and characters. By delving into various domestic spaces, I shall bring out some of its key aspects, be they aesthetic or poetic, and wonder whether the novel might have become, in the times we live in, the safest and most hospitable haven at our disposal
Charreire, Magali. "L'Histoire en médaillons romantiques : Paul Lacroix, le bibliophile Jacob (1806-1884)". Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013MON30081.
Testo completoA novelist, writer, scholar and book-lover, Paul Lacroix, aka bibliophile Jacob (1806-1884), went through the nineteenth century as both a writer-journalist and a librarian at the Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal from 1855 on. Influenced by the deep changes affecting both historiography and literature, in which in actively participated and the obsessions of its times nurtured by the romantic movement, his abundant and multifaceted work tried to melt the historian’s and the novelist’s approaches, materialised by the mysterious, clever pen name, the token of his success in 1830. Under the July Monarchy, he undertook to take an inventory of the French historical past; his writings were submitted to the fluctuating possible modalities provided by the narrative as well as the economic imperatives resulting from the transformations of bookshops and libraries. Though his works did not try to set up a closed and coherent system, which was illustrated by the race for the ultimate roman-histoire, they questioned French people’s relationship with time, which was seriously undermined by the Revolution. The so-called « French Walter Scott » followed the taste for the Middle-Ages and wrote historical novels thatreminded one of the specialists of the Antiquity and contributed to founding a narrative of the origins based on a speculative approach of history. His historical narratives is pervaded with fictionalised cameos crystallising the colours, plots and pitfall of both medieval and modern times, separated by a porous border, thus questioning the consequences of the French Revolution. The two faces of those cameos paved the way for a rearrangement of historical time/events
Parent, Sébastien. "L'historiographie de la Révolution tranquille et ses rapports à la mémoire canadienne-française : 1960 à aujourd'hui". Thèse, 2013. http://www.archipel.uqam.ca/5726/1/D2471.pdf.
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