Articoli di riviste sul tema "Risk (Insurance) – Mathematical models"
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Prokopjeva, Evgenija, Evgeny Tankov, Tatyana Shibaeva e Elena Perekhozheva. "Behavioral models in insurance risk management". Investment Management and Financial Innovations 18, n. 4 (21 ottobre 2021): 80–94.
Testo completoDrissi, Ramzi. "Mathematical Risk Modeling: an Application in Three Cases of Insurance Contracts". International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics 8, n. 6 (30 ottobre 2019): 01–10.
Testo completoZhuk, Tetyana. "Mathematical Models of Reinsurance". Mohyla Mathematical Journal 3 (29 gennaio 2021): 31–37.
Testo completoChen, Liansheng, e Jinhua Tao. "Mixed Insurance Risk Models". Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences 8, n. 1 (febbraio 1996): 3–10.
Testo completoKorstanje, Maximiliano Emanuel, e Babu P. George. "What does insurance purchase behaviour say about risks?" International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment 6, n. 3 (14 settembre 2015): 289–99.
Testo completoLefèvre, Claude, e Philippe Picard. "RISK MODELS IN INSURANCE AND EPIDEMICS: A BRIDGE THROUGH RANDOMIZED POLYNOMIALS". Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 29, n. 3 (23 marzo 2015): 399–420.
Testo completoShkolnyk, Inna, Eugenia Bondarenko e Valery Balev. "Estimation of the capacity of the Ukrainian stock market’s risk insurance sector". Insurance Markets and Companies 8, n. 1 (24 novembre 2017): 34–47.
Testo completoNkeki, C. I., e G. O. S. Ekhaguere. "Some actuarial mathematical models for insuring the susceptibles of a communicable disease". International Journal of Financial Engineering 07, n. 02 (18 maggio 2020): 2050014.
Testo completoSingh, Amrik, e K. R. Ramkumar. "Risk assessment for health insurance using equation modeling and machine learning". International Journal of Knowledge-based and Intelligent Engineering Systems 25, n. 2 (26 luglio 2021): 201–25.
Testo completoKhanlarzadeh, Sarvinaz. "Mathematical Modeling of the Risk Reinsurance Process". WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON MATHEMATICS 21 (20 giugno 2022): 447–60.
Testo completoKlepikova, O. А., e Z. M. Sokolovska. "The Information and Analytical Model of the Decision-Making Process for the Development of Health Insurance Programs". Business Inform 1, n. 516 (2021): 119–33.
Testo completoXie, Shengkun. "Improving Explainability of Major Risk Factors in Artificial Neural Networks for Auto Insurance Rate Regulation". Risks 9, n. 7 (2 luglio 2021): 126.
Testo completoDashko, Vitaly Mikhailovich. "Modeling of fire risk management support in the residential sector during individual insurance". Technology of technosphere safety 97 (2022): 160–70.
Testo completoEttore D’Ortona, Nicolino, e Maria Sole Staffa. "The theoretical surrender value in life insurance". Insurance Markets and Companies 7, n. 1 (18 novembre 2016): 31–44.
Testo completoKhare, S., A. Bonazzi, C. Mitas e S. Jewson. "A framework for modeling clustering in natural hazard catastrophe risk management and the implications for re/insurance loss perspectives". Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions 2, n. 8 (20 agosto 2014): 5247–85.
Testo completoEmbrechts, Paul, e Hanspeter Schmidli. "Ruin estimation for a general insurance risk model". Advances in Applied Probability 26, n. 02 (giugno 1994): 404–22.
Testo completoButuzov, S. Yu, A. V. Kryuchkov e E. B. Tyutikova. "Safety management of tourist services based on insurance risk assessment". Technology of technosphere safety 90 (2020): 102–15.
Testo completoGhosh, Indranil, e Filipe J. Marques. "Tail Conditional Expectations Based on Kumaraswamy Dispersion Models". Mathematics 9, n. 13 (24 giugno 2021): 1478.
Testo completoŌsawa, Hideo. "Reversibility of Markov chains with applications to storage models". Journal of Applied Probability 22, n. 1 (marzo 1985): 123–37.
Testo completoMare, Codruţa, Daniela Manaţe, Gabriela-Mihaela Mureşan, Simona Laura Dragoş, Cristian Mihai Dragoş e Alexandra-Anca Purcel. "Machine Learning Models for Predicting Romanian Farmers’ Purchase of Crop Insurance". Mathematics 10, n. 19 (3 ottobre 2022): 3625.
Testo completoTaksar, Michael I. "Optimal risk and dividend distribution control models for an insurance company". Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (ZOR) 51, n. 1 (17 febbraio 2000): 1–42.
Testo completoRivas-Lopez, Maria Victoria, Roman Minguez-Salido, Mariano Matilla Garcia e Alejandro Echeverria Rey. "Contributions from Spatial Models to Non-Life Insurance Pricing: An Empirical Application to Water Damage Risk". Mathematics 9, n. 19 (3 ottobre 2021): 2476.
Testo completoBäuerle, Nicole, e Rudolf Grübel. "Multivariate risk processes with interacting intensities". Advances in Applied Probability 40, n. 2 (giugno 2008): 578–601.
Testo completoYuanjiang, He, Li Xucheng e John Zhang. "Some results of ruin probability for the classical risk process". Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences 7, n. 3 (1 gennaio 2003): 133–46.
Testo completoAtoyev, Konstantin, e Pavel Knopov. "Assessment of Environmental, Social, Governance and Technogenic Components of Investment Risks". Cybernetics and Computer Technologies, n. 3 (29 novembre 2022): 37–45.
Testo completoGasparian, Mikhail Samuilovich, Irina Anatolievna Kiseleva, Valery Alexandrovich Titov e Natalia Alekseevna Sadovnikova. "St. Petersburg paradox: adoption of decisions on the basis of data mining and development of software in the sphere of business analytics". Nexo Revista Científica 34, n. 04 (28 ottobre 2021): 1370–80.
Testo completoLi, Jingwei, Guoxin Liu e Jinyan Zhao. "Optimal Dividend-Penalty Strategies for Insurance Risk Models with Surplus-Dependent Premiums". Acta Mathematica Scientia 40, n. 1 (17 dicembre 2019): 170–98.
Testo completoWang, Shijie, e Wensheng Wang. "Precise Large Deviations for Sums of Random Variables with Consistently Varying Tails in Multi-Risk Models". Journal of Applied Probability 44, n. 4 (dicembre 2007): 889–900.
Testo completoLee, Jen-Chieh, e Tyrone T. Lin. "Decision Analysis on Sustainable Value: Comparison of the London and Taiwan Markets for Product Integration of Family Security Services and Residential Fire Insurance". Journal of Risk and Financial Management 13, n. 11 (30 ottobre 2020): 266.
Testo completoLefèvre, Claude, e Matthieu Simon. "Ruin problems for epidemic insurance". Advances in Applied Probability 53, n. 2 (giugno 2021): 484–509.
Testo completoBadescu, Andrei L., Eric C. K. Cheung e David Landriault. "Dependent Risk Models with Bivariate Phase-Type Distributions". Journal of Applied Probability 46, n. 1 (marzo 2009): 113–31.
Testo completoLevenchuk, Liudmyla. "The Bayesian approach to analysis of financial operational risk". ScienceRise, n. 2 (30 aprile 2022): 11–20.
Testo completoMichna, Zbigniew. "Self-similar processes in collective risk theory". Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis 11, n. 4 (1 gennaio 1998): 429–48.
Testo completoAlanzi, Ayed R. A., M. Qaisar Rafique, M. H. Tahir, Waqas Sami e Farrukh Jamal. "A New Modified Kumaraswamy Distribution: Actuarial Measures and Applications". Journal of Mathematics 2022 (31 dicembre 2022): 1–18.
Testo completoKalfin, Kalfin, Sukono Sukono, Sudradjat Supian e Mustafa Mamat. "Insurance Premium Determination Model and Innovation for Economic Recovery Due to Natural Disasters in Indonesia". Computation 10, n. 10 (28 settembre 2022): 174.
Testo completoAlbrecher, Hansjörg, Sem C. Borst, Onno J. Boxma e Jacques Resing. "Ruin excursions, the G/G/∞ queue, and tax payments in renewal risk models". Journal of Applied Probability 48, A (agosto 2011): 3–14.
Testo completoRyan, Gearóid. "Hedging your bets in a volatile world: an introduction to the use and pricing of European call options." Boolean: Snapshots of Doctoral Research at University College Cork, n. 2011 (1 gennaio 2011): 207–10.
Testo completoKrah, Anne-Sophie, Zoran Nikolić e Ralf Korn. "Least-Squares Monte Carlo for Proxy Modeling in Life Insurance: Neural Networks". Risks 8, n. 4 (4 novembre 2020): 116.
Testo completoDonnelly, Catherine, e Paul Embrechts. "The Devil is in the Tails: Actuarial Mathematics and the Subprime Mortgage Crisis". ASTIN Bulletin 40, n. 1 (maggio 2010): 1–33.
Testo completoKhalfallah, Mohammed El-arbi, Mohammed Lakhdar Hadji e Josep Vives. "Pricing cumulative loss derivatives under additive models via Malliavin calculus". Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática 41 (23 dicembre 2022): 1–15.
Testo completoHürlimann, Werner. "Economic capital modelling for the MTPL man-made catastrophe risk". Annals of Actuarial Science 7, n. 1 (4 settembre 2012): 46–60.
Testo completoGajek, Lesław, e Marcin Rudź. "Finite-Horizon Ruin Probabilities in a Risk-Switching Sparre Andersen Model". Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 22, n. 4 (26 marzo 2018): 1493–506.
Testo completoRyzhkov, O. Yu, e V. V. Glinskiy. "Risk Evaluation Using the Theory of Generalized Actuarial Calculations". Voprosy statistiki 26, n. 2 (9 marzo 2019): 18–26.
Testo completoFerreiro, Ana M., Enrico Ferri, José A. García e Carlos Vázquez. "Global Optimization for Automatic Model Points Selection in Life Insurance Portfolios". Mathematics 9, n. 5 (25 febbraio 2021): 472.
Testo completoPerera, S. S. N. "Analysis of Economic Burden of Seasonal Influenza: An Actuarial Based Conceptual Model". Journal of Applied Mathematics 2017 (2017): 1–6.
Testo completoPfeifer, Dietmar, e Olena Ragulina. "Generating unfavourable VaR scenarios under Solvency II with patchwork copulas". Dependence Modeling 9, n. 1 (1 gennaio 2021): 327–46.
Testo completoXie, Shengkun, e Rebecca Luo. "Measuring Variable Importance in Generalized Linear Models for Modeling Size of Loss Distributions". Mathematics 10, n. 10 (11 maggio 2022): 1630.
Testo completoJin, Zhuo, Rebecca Stockbridge e George Yin. "Some Recent Progress on Numerical Methods for Controlled Regime-Switching Models with Applications to Insurance and Risk Management". Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 15, n. 3 (1 luglio 2015): 331–51.
Testo completoLin, Peng, Martin Neil e Norman Fenton. "Risk aggregation in the presence of discrete causally connected random variables". Annals of Actuarial Science 8, n. 2 (26 agosto 2014): 298–319.
Testo completoFarina, Francesco, Stefania Ottone e Ferruccio Ponzano. "On the Collective Choice among Models of Social Protection: An Experimental Study". Games 10, n. 4 (11 ottobre 2019): 41.
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