Articoli di riviste sul tema "Regularized quantiles"
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Santos, Patricia Mendes dos, Ana Carolina Campana Nascimento, Moysés Nascimento, Fabyano Fonseca e. Silva, Camila Ferreira Azevedo, Rodrigo Reis Mota, Simone Eliza Facioni Guimarães e Paulo Sávio Lopes. "Use of regularized quantile regression to predict the genetic merit of pigs for asymmetric carcass traits". Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 53, n. 9 (settembre 2018): 1011–17.
Testo completoBang, Sungwan, e Myoungshic Jhun. "Adaptive sup-norm regularized simultaneous multiple quantiles regression". Statistics 48, n. 1 (30 agosto 2012): 17–33.
Testo completoZou, Hui, e Ming Yuan. "Regularized simultaneous model selection in multiple quantiles regression". Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 52, n. 12 (agosto 2008): 5296–304.
Testo completoNascimento, Ana Carolina Campana, Camila Ferreira Azevedo, Cynthia Aparecida Valiati Barreto, Gabriela França Oliveira e Moysés Nascimento. "Quantile regression for genomic selection of growth curves". Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy 46, n. 1 (12 dicembre 2023): e65081.
Testo completoLi, Jia, Viktor Todorov e George Tauchen. "ESTIMATING THE VOLATILITY OCCUPATION TIME VIA REGULARIZED LAPLACE INVERSION". Econometric Theory 32, n. 5 (25 maggio 2015): 1253–88.
Testo completoOliveira, Gabriela França, Ana Carolina Campana Nascimento, Moysés Nascimento, Isabela de Castro Sant'Anna, Juan Vicente Romero, Camila Ferreira Azevedo, Leonardo Lopes Bhering e Eveline Teixeira Caixeta Moura. "Quantile regression in genomic selection for oligogenic traits in autogamous plants: A simulation study". PLOS ONE 16, n. 1 (5 gennaio 2021): e0243666.
Testo completoSun, Pengju, Meng Li e Hongwei Sun. "Quantile Regression Learning with Coefficient Dependent lq-Regularizer". MATEC Web of Conferences 173 (2018): 03033.
Testo completoPapp, Gábor, Imre Kondor e Fabio Caccioli. "Optimizing Expected Shortfall under an ℓ1 Constraint—An Analytic Approach". Entropy 23, n. 5 (24 aprile 2021): 523.
Testo completoWu, Hanwei, e Markus Flierl. "Vector Quantization-Based Regularization for Autoencoders". Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 34, n. 04 (3 aprile 2020): 6380–87.
Testo completoLi, Meng, e Hong-Wei Sun. "Asymptotic analysis of quantile regression learning based on coefficient dependent regularization". International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing 13, n. 04 (luglio 2015): 1550018.
Testo completoAdlouni, Salaheddine El, Garba Salaou e André St-Hilaire. "Regularized Bayesian quantile regression". Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation 47, n. 1 (2 giugno 2017): 277–93.
Testo completoLi, Qing, Ruibin Xi e Nan Lin. "Bayesian regularized quantile regression". Bayesian Analysis 5, n. 3 (settembre 2010): 533–56.
Testo completoYao, Fang, Shivon Sue-Chee e Fan Wang. "Regularized partially functional quantile regression". Journal of Multivariate Analysis 156 (aprile 2017): 39–56.
Testo completoChoi, Ho-Sik, e Yong-Dai Kim. "The Doubly Regularized Quantile Regression". Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods 15, n. 5 (30 settembre 2008): 753–64.
Testo completoFeng, Xiang-Nan, Yifan Wang, Bin Lu e Xin-Yuan Song. "Bayesian regularized quantile structural equation models". Journal of Multivariate Analysis 154 (febbraio 2017): 234–48.
Testo completoPan, Xiao, Gokhan Yildirim, Ataur Rahman, Khaled Haddad e Taha B. M. J. Ouarda. "Peaks-Over-Threshold-Based Regional Flood Frequency Analysis Using Regularised Linear Models". Water 15, n. 21 (31 ottobre 2023): 3808.
Testo completoZhao, Wei-hua, Ri-quan Zhang, Ya-zhao Lü e Ji-cai Liu. "Bayesian regularized regression based on composite quantile method". Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series 32, n. 2 (29 aprile 2016): 495–512.
Testo completoHorvat, D., e S. Ilijić. "Regular and singular solutions for charged dust distributions in the Einstein-Maxwell theory". Canadian Journal of Physics 85, n. 9 (1 settembre 2007): 957–65.
Testo completoPaycha, Sylvie. "(Second) Quantised resolvents and regularised traces". Journal of Geometry and Physics 57, n. 5 (aprile 2007): 1345–69.
Testo completoYousif, Ali Hameed, e Wafaa Jaafer Housain. "Atan Regularized in Quantile Regression for High Dimensional Data". Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1818, n. 1 (1 marzo 2021): 012098.
Testo completoUniejewski, Bartosz, e Rafał Weron. "Regularized quantile regression averaging for probabilistic electricity price forecasting". Energy Economics 95 (marzo 2021): 105121.
Testo completoAlhamzawi, Rahim, Ahmed Alhamzawi e Haithem Taha Mohammad Ali. "New Gibbs sampling methods for bayesian regularized quantile regression". Computers in Biology and Medicine 110 (luglio 2019): 52–65.
Testo completoChristmann, Andreas, e Ding-Xuan Zhou. "Learning rates for the risk of kernel-based quantile regression estimators in additive models". Analysis and Applications 14, n. 03 (13 aprile 2016): 449–77.
Testo completoWei, Long, e Yang Wang. "The Lagrangian, Self-Adjointness, and Conserved Quantities for a Generalized Regularized Long-Wave Equation". Abstract and Applied Analysis 2014 (2014): 1–5.
Testo completoAlkenani, Ali, e Basim Shlaibah Msallam. "Group Identification and Variable Selection in Quantile Regression". Journal of Probability and Statistics 2019 (10 aprile 2019): 1–7.
Testo completoTang, Qiaoqiao, Haomin Zhang e Shifeng Gong. "Bayesian Regularized Quantile Regression Analysis Based on Asymmetric Laplace Distribution". Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics 08, n. 01 (2020): 70–84.
Testo completoBarroso, L. M., F. Morgante, T. F. Mackay, A. C. C. Nascimento, M. Nascimento e N. V. Serão. "032 Genomic prediction accuracies using regularized quantile regression (RQR) methodology". Journal of Animal Science 95, suppl_2 (1 marzo 2017): 14–15.
Testo completoZhang, Yongxia, Qi Wang e Maozai Tian. "Smoothed Quantile Regression with Factor-Augmented Regularized Variable Selection for High Correlated Data". Mathematics 10, n. 16 (15 agosto 2022): 2935.
Testo completoDing, Xianwen, Jiandong Chen e Xueping Chen. "Regularized quantile regression for ultrahigh-dimensional data with nonignorable missing responses". Metrika 83, n. 5 (7 settembre 2019): 545–68.
Testo completoBracale, Antonio, Guido Carpinelli e Pasquale De Falco. "Developing and Comparing Different Strategies for Combining Probabilistic Photovoltaic Power Forecasts in an Ensemble Method". Energies 12, n. 6 (15 marzo 2019): 1011.
Testo completoHe, Qianchuan, Linglong Kong, Yanhua Wang, Sijian Wang, Timothy A. Chan e Eric Holland. "Regularized quantile regression under heterogeneous sparsity with application to quantitative genetic traits". Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 95 (marzo 2016): 222–39.
Testo completoTian, Yuzhu, Silian Shen, Ge Lu, Manlai Tang e Maozai Tian. "Bayesian LASSO-Regularized quantile regression for linear regression models with autoregressive errors". Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation 48, n. 3 (6 dicembre 2017): 777–96.
Testo completoXiang, Dao-Hong, Ting Hu e Ding-Xuan Zhou. "Approximation Analysis of Learning Algorithms for Support Vector Regression and Quantile Regression". Journal of Applied Mathematics 2012 (2012): 1–17.
Testo completoHwang, Duckdong, Bruno Clerckx e Gil Kim. "Regularized channel inversion with quantized feedback in down-link multiuser channels". IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 8, n. 12 (dicembre 2009): 5785–89.
Testo completoChan, Yuk-Hee, e Yik-Hing Fung. "A regularized constrained iterative restoration algorithm for restoring color-quantized images". Signal Processing 85, n. 7 (luglio 2005): 1375–87.
Testo completoKoçhan, Necla, G. Yazgi Tutuncu, Gordon K. Smyth, Luke C. Gandolfo e Göknur Giner. "qtQDA: quantile transformed quadratic discriminant analysis for high-dimensional RNA-seq data". PeerJ 7 (18 dicembre 2019): e8260.
Testo completoLi, Jessie. "The Proximal Bootstrap for Finite-Dimensional Regularized Estimators". AEA Papers and Proceedings 111 (1 maggio 2021): 616–20.
Testo completoAnand, Namit, e Paolo Zanardi. "BROTOCs and Quantum Information Scrambling at Finite Temperature". Quantum 6 (23 giugno 2022): 744.
Testo completoAnand, Namit, e Paolo Zanardi. "BROTOCs and Quantum Information Scrambling at Finite Temperature". Quantum 6 (27 giugno 2022): 746.
Testo completoNashed, Gamal G. L. "Physical Quantities of Reissner-Nordström Spacetime with Arbitrary Function and Regularized Procedure". Advances in High Energy Physics 2013 (2013): 1–13.
Testo completoPérez-Rodríguez, Paulino, Osval A. Montesinos-López, Abelardo Montesinos-López e José Crossa. "Bayesian regularized quantile regression: A robust alternative for genome-based prediction of skewed data". Crop Journal 8, n. 5 (ottobre 2020): 713–22.
Testo completoKoné, N’Golo. "Regularized Maximum Diversification Investment Strategy". Econometrics 9, n. 1 (29 dicembre 2020): 1.
Testo completoICHINOSE, SHOICHI. "CASIMIR ENERGY OF 5D ELECTRO-MAGNETISM AND SPHERE LATTICE REGULARIZATION". International Journal of Modern Physics A 23, n. 14n15 (20 giugno 2008): 2245–48.
Testo completoHable, R., e A. Christmann. "Estimation of scale functions to model heteroscedasticity by regularised kernel-based quantile methods". Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 26, n. 2 (12 febbraio 2014): 219–39.
Testo completoYu, Liju, e Jingjun Zhang. "Global solution to the complex short pulse equation". Electronic Research Archive 32, n. 8 (2024): 4809–27.
Testo completoGunzburger, Max, Traian Iliescu e Michael Schneier. "A Leray regularized ensemble-proper orthogonal decomposition method for parameterized convection-dominated flows". IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 40, n. 2 (25 gennaio 2019): 886–913.
Testo completoKumar, Arun, Rahul Kumar Walia e Sushant G. Ghosh. "Bardeen Black Holes in the Regularized 4D Einstein–Gauss–Bonnet Gravity". Universe 8, n. 4 (10 aprile 2022): 232.
Testo completoMomoniat, E. "A Modified Equation Approach to Selecting a Nonstandard Finite Difference Scheme Applied to the Regularized Long Wave Equation". Abstract and Applied Analysis 2014 (2014): 1–14.
Testo completoAjeel, Sherzad M., e Hussein A. Hashem. "Comparison Some Robust Regularization Methods in Linear Regression via Simulation Study". Academic Journal of Nawroz University 9, n. 2 (20 agosto 2020): 244.
Testo completoMohammed, F. A. "Soliton solutions for some nonlinear models in mathematical physics via conservation laws". AIMS Mathematics 7, n. 8 (2022): 15075–93.
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