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Ma, Baoquan, Shaochun Yang, Hong Zhang, Qingdong Kong, Chunting Song, Ya Wang, Qinglin Bai e Xidong Wang. "Diagenetic facies quantitative evaluation of low-permeability sandstone: A case study on Chang 82 reservoirs in the Zhenbei area, Ordos basin". Energy Exploration & Exploitation 36, n. 3 (7 novembre 2017): 414–32.

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Abstract (sommario):
Quantitative characterization of diagenetic facies has great significance for reservoir evaluation and prediction. In order to find out the method to evaluate diagenetic facies, the author took Chang 82 reservoir low-permeability sandstone in Zhenbei area of Ordos basin as research object and divided the reservoir into six types of diagenetic facies by analysis of casting thin section, scanning electron microscope, cathode luminescence, and physical property. According to 14 quantitative evaluating parameters which were related with petrology characteristic, diagenesis strength, pore structure, etc. quantitative evaluation of diagenetic facies of low-permeability sandstone reservoir was done by data envelopment analysis. The result showed that in the Chang 82 reservoir low-permeability sandstone in Zhenbei area of Ordos basin, quantitative representative indexes of diagenetic facies ranged from 0 to 1.00. Various diagenetic facies and their indexes had interval corresponding relation. The diagenetic facies of weak corrosion with chlorite mat and the diagenetic facies of corrosion of unstable components had the best reservoir quality. Their diagenetic facies indexes ranged from 0.66 to 1.00. The reservoir quality of the diagenetic facies filled with kaolinite was not as good as the former. The indexes ranged from 0.50 to 0.66. The diagenetic facies of quartz secondary enlargement and the diagenetic facies of clay mineral cementation replacement had poor reservoir quality. Their diagenetic facies indexes ranged from 0.30 to 0.40. The diagenetic facies of carbonate cementation had the poorest reservoir quality. It hardly possessed fluid storage capability. After comparing diagenetic facies indexes, absorption strength and remaining oil saturability, the perfect corresponding relation between quantitative evaluation results and reservoir quality could be verified.
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Humphrey, Elliot, Enrique Gomez-Rivas, Joyce Neilson, Juan Diego Martín-Martín, David Healy, Shuqing Yao e Paul D. Bons. "Quantitative analysis of stylolite networks in different platform carbonate facies". Marine and Petroleum Geology 114 (aprile 2020): 104203.

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Kuznetsova, Ya V. "Object methods of geostatistical analysis for facies modeling". Oil and Gas Studies, n. 1 (19 marzo 2021): 20–29.

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Abstract (sommario):
Facies cube is a required part of a static model, especially concerning fields characterized by complicated geological structure. The important quantitative limitations for modeling are facies proportions in the formation volume. Nowadays these proportions are calculated using standard geostatistical methods without considering particular properties of facies data. These properties are specific geometrical characteristics of sedimentological units. The consequences are significant differences between calculated and actual data and unreliable hydrocarbon reserves estimation.In order to enhance reliability of reserves estimation on the basis of 3D static models, this article is devoted to special methods of geostatistical analysis for facies data: object geometrization and object clustering. These methods allow taking into account specific geometrical parameters of formations deposited in different environments, therefore, allow reducing differences between calculated and actual facies data and enhancing reliability of reserves estimation.
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Chalabi, Aicha, B. Pierson e Jasmi Ab Talib. "Remote Sensing Analysis of Recent Carbonate Platforms, East of Sabah: Potential Analogues for Miocene Carbonate Platforms of the South China Sea". Indonesian Journal on Geoscience 7, n. 3 (28 settembre 2012): 123–35.

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Abstract (sommario):
DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v7i3.141Recent carbonate platforms may provide useful analogues for fossil platforms and reefs, and could allow the generation of quantitative tools for the prediction of facies distribution, reservoir volumes, and reservoir quality. Data from these modern analogues would greatly enhance our ability to construct more reliable and calibrated reservoir models for carbonate fossil fields, such as the Miocene carbonate platforms of Central Luconia Province, Sarawak. In this study, carbonate facies maps and quantitative reservoir data will be generated by using remote sensing techniques. Satellite imageries over the carbonate platforms east of Sabah have been acquired and processed for generating facies maps. In order to produce a reliable facies map, the composition and grain size distribution of the sediments that make up individual facies must be known in order to determine the classes that have been identified on the initial facies maps. Samples collected from the Gaya and Selekan platforms were analyzed and the results of grain size analysis are illustrated.
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Teng, Ji, Qiang Fu, Jun Qin, Wenrui Ma, Guanyu Zhang e Kailong Feng. "Quantitative Evaluation of Paleocene Reservoir Diagenetic Facies by Logging in Lishui West Sag, East China Sea Basin". Minerals 14, n. 1 (26 dicembre 2023): 28.

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Abstract (sommario):
Exploration in the Lishui West Sag of the East China Sea Basin is limited by the scarcity of offshore drilling sites, and the prediction of deep, high-quality reservoirs is challenging using only geophysical methods. This study introduces a quantitative approach to diagenetic facies division in individual wells based on logging data, providing a new method and perspective for the prediction of deep, high-quality reservoirs. We employed comprehensive data from core, logging, thin-section casting, cathodoluminescence, scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction analyses from five wells to study the petrology, physical properties, diagenetic types and strength, and diagenetic minerals of the Paleocene sandstone reservoirs in the Lishui West Sag. Apparent compaction rate, apparent cementation rate, and other quantitative characterization parameters were used to calculate the comprehensive diagenetic coefficient (Cg), and the diagenetic facies were divided into compaction, cementation, and dissolution facies. A logging calculation model for the comprehensive diagenetic coefficient (Cg) and a quantitative identification method for diagenetic facies in individual well reservoirs were established through a fitting analysis between Cg and logging curve parameters. Continuous quantitative identification of vertical diagenetic facies in the five wells in the study area showed that the high-quality reservoirs in wells L1, L2, and L3 within the L1 gas field are characterized by extensive development of dissolution facies, while wells L4 and L5 are dominated by compaction and cementation facies, with poor reservoir properties and no industrial gas flow output. The results demonstrate the reliability of the model method. The establishment of this quantitative characterization method for diagenetic facies using logging data provides guidance for the prediction of favorable reservoirs.
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Grana, Dario, Marco Pirrone e Tapan Mukerji. "Quantitative log interpretation and uncertainty propagation of petrophysical properties and facies classification from rock-physics modeling and formation evaluation analysis". GEOPHYSICS 77, n. 3 (1 maggio 2012): WA45—WA63.

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Abstract (sommario):
Formation evaluation analysis, rock-physics models, and log-facies classification are powerful tools to link the physical properties measured at wells with petrophysical, elastic, and seismic properties. However, this link can be affected by several sources of uncertainty. We proposed a complete statistical workflow for obtaining petrophysical properties at the well location and the corresponding log-facies classification. This methodology is based on traditional formation evaluation models and cluster analysis techniques, but it introduces a full Monte Carlo approach to account for uncertainty evaluation. The workflow includes rock-physics models in log-facies classification to preserve the link between petrophysical properties, elastic properties, and facies. The use of rock-physics model predictions guarantees obtaining a consistent set of well-log data that can be used both to calibrate the usual physical models used in seismic reservoir characterization and to condition reservoir models. The final output is the set of petrophysical curves with the associated uncertainty, the profile of the facies probabilities, and the entropy, or degree of confusion, related to the most probable facies profile. The full statistical approach allows us to propagate the uncertainty from data measured at the well location to the estimated petrophysical curves and facies profiles. We applied the proposed methodology to two different well-log studies to determine its applicability, the advantages of the new integrated approach, and the value of uncertainty analysis.
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Laporte, Léo. "Matching Mind and Method with Material: John Imbrie and Quantitative Facies Analysis". Earth Sciences History 30, n. 1 (1 dicembre 2011): 163–71.

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Abstract (sommario):
John Imbrie (b. 1925) always had deep mathematical insight and facility. At Yale University he completed his PhD (1951) under Carl Dunbar working on Middle Devonian brachiopods where he employed a statistical technique—'reduced major axis regression'—to differentiate several subspecies. Later, in a study with Edwin Colbert at the American Museum of Natural History, he used the same technique to determine subtle, yet significant, variations in the growth patterns of Triassic Metoposaurid amphibians (1956). At about the same time as sedimentary facies analysis was becoming of increased interest, Imbrie sought to test what one might do with quantitative facies analysis by undertaking a decade-long study of the Lower Permian Florena Shale (Kansas) using multivariate cluster analysis to characterize different litho- and biofacies. Despite much hard work in the field and with a highdecibel desk calculator, the hoped for results were lackluster. But neither the man nor the methods were wanting. The materials—fragmented, scattered invertebrate fossils imbedded in shales and limestones—permitted no more understanding than qualitative, eye-ball analysis. Even a late stage attack with the IBM computer at Columbia University merely groaned and brought forth similar mousey results. What was needed was a problem whose material components (abundant planktonic microfossils) within well-characterized stratigraphic sequences (deep-sea Pleistocene cores) were suitably matched to the man's mind and his quantitative procedures. And, of course, the result was phenomenal: his empirical demonstration of the deep-sea data for the validity of Milankovitch Cycles as the forcing factors for large-scale global climate change. His scientific success was duly honored by awards, prizes, medals, and elections to distinguished honorary societies. How did this happen?
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Shahtakhtinskiy, Aydin, e Shuhab Khan. "Quantitative analysis of facies variation using ground-based lidar and hyperspectral imaging in Mississippian limestone outcrop near Jane, Missouri". Interpretation 8, n. 2 (1 maggio 2020): T365—T378.

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Abstract (sommario):
Ground-based hyperspectral imaging is useful for geologic mapping because of its high spectral and spatial resolutions at a millimeter to centimeter scale. We have used hyperspectral and terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) data collected in close range to a roadcut near Jane, Missouri, that contains a subvertical outcrop of Lower Mississippian limestone. The outcrop consists of the Compton, Northview, and Pierson Formations, which we evaluated for facies heterogeneity. The sequence near Jane, Missouri, was deposited in shelf margin with high-frequency sea-level fluctuations. These fluctuations introduced lithologic and geometric heterogeneity to the facies, and debris flows brought in carbonate mounds referred to as outrunner blocks. These are important to interpret accurately because of their equivocal depositional origin, which is highly debated by previous workers. We combined hyperspectral data with TLS for an integrated spatial analysis of geometric and compositional variations in facies by accurate, point cloud-registered mineralogical mapping. We mapped several carbonate facies based on spectral signatures of calcite, silt, and clay particles and distinguished pure limestone outrunner blocks from surrounding mud-prone limestone facies with various proportions of silt and clay (a total of approximately 60%). By tracing the classified facies from combined hyperspectral and TLS imagery, we produced a lithostratigraphic framework, which indicates rapid changes in lithology and the presence of shale baffles that vary the character of the Compton through Pierson interval and contribute to heterogeneity in this outcrop. The data suggest a lower energy depositional environment and support the hypothesis of transported outrunner blocks in a distally steepened ramp system. The information that we have evaluated in our study could help to explain reservoir heterogeneity in equivalent carbonate fields.
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Fournier, Frédérique, Pierre‐Yves Déquirez, Costas G. Macrides e Marty Rademakers. "Quantitative lithostratigraphic interpretation of seismic data for characterization of the Unayzah Formation in central Saudi Arabia". GEOPHYSICS 67, n. 5 (settembre 2002): 1372–81.

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Abstract (sommario):
A lithostratigraphic interpretation of seismic data sets covering the Unayzah fluviatile formation in central Saudi Arabia has allowed us to map the sandstone distribution and to characterize the average porosity of the formation. First, sandstone distribution was predicted through seismic facies identification and interpretation with well information. Seismic facies analysis was performed with statistical pattern recognition applied to the portions of traces at the reservoir level, these traces being characterized by a series of seismic attributes. A good convergence of results from unsupervised and supervised pattern recognition was observed. This increases the confidence in the interpretation of sandprone facies. Second, using a statistical relationship between the reservoir average porosity defined at the wells and selected amplitudes of adjacent traces, the porosity was predicted all over the area covered by the seismic information. The model was based on a multivariate linear regression, showing satisfying quality criteria (correlation coefficient, residuals, etc.). The porosity variation predicted from the seismic data complements the sandstone distribution, derived from the seismic facies analysis. In particular, some areas where sandstones are predicted do not appear as porous as could have been suspected from their lithological content, perhaps as the result of diagenetic effects. Last, seismic facies analysis with pattern recognition applied to 2‐D exploratory lines, partly intersecting the 3‐D data set, led to the identification of potential prospects (Unayzah interval with a high sand–shale ratio).
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Liu, Di, Changchun Zou, Yihang Chang, Ping Yang, Zhonghong Wan e Weiguang Liu. "Seismic facies discrimination incorporating relative rock physics". Leading Edge 40, n. 10 (ottobre 2021): 734–41.

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Abstract (sommario):
Seismic facies discrimination is usually performed based on a rock-physics-driven quantitative interpretation approach. The accuracy of the study of rock physics largely impacts the reservoir and fluid recognition. However, the study is commonly conducted with absolute well logs without removing the trend effect. Such an approach may introduce inappropriate low-frequency information and bias further analysis of seismic data (crossplotting, facies probability density function generation, and projection angle determination). By contrast, relative rock physics with the trend decomposed reflects the rock-property variation of the overburden and underlying formation. The relative portions are more consistent with the seismic reflectivity, providing an alternative tool to facies interpretation through a seismic inversion scheme. A workflow for seismic facies discrimination has been investigated that incorporates relative rock physics, long short-term memory-based nonlinear seismic inversion, and Bayesian classification. This workflow is employed in a case study from Songliao Basin in northeast China, through which the results of relative and absolute approaches in key steps are analyzed and compared. The consistency of facies, determined through relative and absolute methods with petrophysical interpretation, is calculated. The relative analysis exhibits improved agreement with petrophysical interpretation in overall facies and reservoir sand discrimination of the blind wells. This indicates the potential to minimize the trend bias by integrating relative rock physics in quantitative interpretation.
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Young, G. A., e J. P. A. Noble. "The Llandovery—Wenlock Halysitidae from New Brunswick, Canada". Journal of Paleontology 61, n. 6 (novembre 1987): 1125–47.

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A large collection of Silurian halysitids, mainly from the Limestone Point, La Vieille, and Petit Rocher Formations of northern New Brunswick, includes nine species distributed among Catenipora Lamarck, Halysites Fischer von Waldheim, and Cystihalysites Tchernyshev. One species, Cystihalysites belledunensis, is new, and, of the others, half are previously unknown in the Chaleur Bay region and half have been described before from this area.All species are defined using both qualitative and quantitative data. Statistical analysis of serial sections of a corallum of Cystihalysites belledunensis suggests that any random section of a halysitid will yield quantitative data representative of that colony.Preliminary analysis of the relationships between species distributions and stratigraphy and sedimentary associations suggests strong facies-control on the distribution of the four most abundant species. Both Catenipora simplex (Lambe) and Catenipora micropora (Whitfield) occur mostly in outer shelf facies. Cystihalysites belledunensis n. sp. and Cystihalysites encrustans (Buehler) never occur together, the former being found in predominantly high-energy inner shelf facies and the latter in the outer shelf facies.
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Isla, Manuel F., Ernesto Schwarz, Gonzalo D. Veiga, Jerónimo J. Zuazo e Mariano N. Remirez. "Discriminating intra-parasequence stratigraphic units from two-dimensional quantitative parameters". Journal of Sedimentary Research 91, n. 8 (27 agosto 2021): 887–911.

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Abstract (sommario):
ABSTRACT The intra-parasequence scale is still relatively unexplored territory in high-resolution sequence stratigraphy. The analysis of internal genetic units of parasequences has commonly been simplified to the definition of bedsets. Such simplification is insufficient to cover the complexity involved in the building of individual parasequences. Different types of intra-parasequence units have been previously identified and characterized in successive wave-dominated shoreface–shelf parasequences in the Lower Cretaceous Pilmatué Member of the Agrio Formation in central Neuquén Basin. Sedimentary and stratigraphic attributes such as the number of intra-parasequence units, their thickness, the proportions of facies associations in the regressive interval, the lateral extent of bounding surfaces, the degree of deepening recorded across these boundaries, and the type and lateral extent of associated transgressive deposits are quantitatively analyzed in this paper. Based on the analysis of these quantified attributes, three different scales of genetic units in parasequences are identified. 1) Bedset complexes are 10–40 m thick, basin to upper-shoreface successions, bounded by 5 to 16 km-long surfaces with a degree of deepening of one to three facies belts. These stratigraphic units represent the highest hierarchy of intra-parasequence stratigraphic units, and the vertical stacking of two or three of them typically forms an individual parasequence. 2) Bedsets are 2–20 m thick, offshore to upper-shoreface successions, bounded by up to 10 km long surfaces with a degree of deepening of zero to one facies belt. Two or three bedsets stack vertically build a bedset complex. 3) Sub-bedsets are 0.5–5 m thick, offshore transition to upper-shoreface successions, bounded by 0.5 to 2 km long surfaces with a degree of deepening of zero to one facies belt. Two or three sub-bedsets commonly stack to form bedsets. The proposed methodology indicates that the combination of thickness with the proportion of facies associations in the regressive interval of stratigraphic units can be used to discriminate between bedsets and sub-bedsets, whereas for higher ranks (bedsets and bedset complexes) the degree of deepening, lateral extent of bounding surfaces, and the characteristics of associated shell-bed deposits become more effective. Finally, the results for the Pilmatué Member are compared with other ancient and Holocene examples to improve understanding of the high-frequency evolution of wave-dominated shoreface–shelf systems.
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Pan, Jun Hui, Hui Wang e Xiao Gang Yang. "Petrophysical Facies Classification Based on Fuzzy Inference Networks". Advanced Materials Research 634-638 (gennaio 2013): 4017–21.

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Aiming at the petrophysical facies recognition, a novel identification method based on the weighted fuzzy reasoning networks is proposed in the paper. First, the types and indicators are obtained from core analysis data and the results given by experts, and then the standard patterning database of reservoir petrophysical facies is established. Secondly, by integrating expert experiences and quantitative indicators to reflect the change of petrophysical facies, the classification model of petrophysical facies based on the weighted fuzzy reasoning networks is designed. The preferable application results are presented by processing the real data from the Sabei development zone of Daqing oilfield.
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Zhao, Tao, Fangyu Li e Kurt J. Marfurt. "Constraining self-organizing map facies analysis with stratigraphy: An approach to increase the credibility in automatic seismic facies classification". Interpretation 5, n. 2 (31 maggio 2017): T163—T171.

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Abstract (sommario):
Pattern recognition-based seismic facies analysis techniques are commonly used in modern quantitative seismic interpretation. However, interpreters often treat techniques such as artificial neural networks and self-organizing maps (SOMs) as a “black box” that somehow correlates a suite of attributes to a desired geomorphological or geomechanical facies. Even when the statistical correlations are good, the inability to explain such correlations through principles of geology or physics results in suspicion of the results. The most common multiattribute facies analysis begins by correlating a suite of candidate attributes to a desired output, keeping those that correlate best for subsequent analysis. The analysis then takes place in attribute space rather than ([Formula: see text], [Formula: see text], and [Formula: see text]) space, removing spatial trends often observed by interpreters. We add a stratigraphy layering component to a SOM model that attempts to preserve the intersample relation along the vertical axis. Specifically, we use a mode decomposition algorithm to capture the sedimentary cycle pattern as an “attribute.” If we correlate this attribute to the training data, it will favor SOM facies maps that follow stratigraphy. We apply this workflow to a Barnett Shale data set and find that the constrained SOM facies map shows layers that are easily overlooked on traditional unconstrained SOM facies map.
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Kifayet Kerimova, Kifayet Kerimova. "STUDY OF GENESİS OF PRODUCTİVE SERİES SEDİMENTS BY PETROPHYSICAL PARAMETERS". PAHTEI-Procedings of Azerbaijan High Technical Educational Institutions 07, n. 03 (25 maggio 2021): 50–59.

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It is known that over than 90% of oil produced in Azerbaijan is extracted from the South Caspian Basin. The South Caspian basin is one of the largest deeply buried basins. Sedimentation process here is characterized by high rate as 25 km for 150-170 mln. years (0.6-0.7 km/mln.years). Last year’s due to acceleration in search and exploration works and assessment of the outlook for oil and gas deposits research of the genesis of Productive Series attracts a lot of attention. İn this paper “Quantitative and qualitative models of log facies” on the basis of well logging data the analysis of lithology, facies and genesis of sedimentary rocks in Pirallahi structure have been done and results were derived. Within the framework of the study by use of Neuralog software based on LL, SP, GL, NGL and other log types the data have been transformed into the LAS format, then the, porosity, bulk clay coefficient and thickness of facies alteration models have been designed by use of Petrel software. Study of sedimentation environment constantly draws the interest of geoscientists due to the direct dependence of structure and identification of oil and gas traps on sedimentation environment. This paper deals with study of genesis of Productive Series deposits based on quantitative and qualitative analysis of logging curves. The study target is Kirmaky suite across Pirallahi field of Absheron oil-gas bearing region. Study of sedimentation environment constantly draws the interest of geoscientists due to the direct dependence of structure and identification of oil and gas traps on sedimentation environment. This paper deals with study of genesis of Productive Series deposits based on quantitative and qualitative analysis of logging curves. The study target is Kirmaky suite across Pirallahi field of Absheron oil-gas bearing region. Keywords: facies analysis, log facies, genesis, flow, bar, coastal plain.
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Fukuda, Sojiro, e Hajime Naruse. "Shape difference of mud clasts depending on depositional facies: application of newly modified elliptic Fourier analysis to hybrid event beds". Journal of Sedimentary Research 90, n. 10 (1 ottobre 2020): 1410–35.

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Abstract (sommario):
ABSTRACT Hybrid event beds are the deposits from sediment gravity flows that change their rheological behavior through their passage, entraining muddy sediments and damping turbulence. Muddy facies of hybrid event beds are often associated with abundant mud clasts which show a wide variety of size and shape. The variation of clast occurrence in hybrid event beds is expected to preserve the information of entrainment and transport processes of muddy sediments in submarine density currents. However, previous analyses of hybrid event beds have focused on describing the overall clast occurrence rather than the statistical size and shape analyses because traditional shape parameters are incapable of characterizing the complex shape of mud clasts. Here, a new quantitative grain-shape analysis of mud clasts is conducted and allows visualization of the spatial variation of clast size and shape, which suggests the wide variety of origin and transport systems of entrained mud clasts. This new method revises the traditional elliptic Fourier analysis, substituting Fourier power spectra (FPS) for traditional elliptic Fourier descriptors to overcome the mirror-wise shape problem. Further, principal-component analysis is shown to capture significant shape attributes more effectively than traditional shape parameters. The proposed method is applied to mud clasts in sediment-gravity-flow deposits in the lower Pleistocene Otadai Formation, central Japan. Results imply that there are distinctive shape and size differences of mud clasts that are strongly associated with depositional facies rather than the distance from the source. The clasts have a higher angularity than other facies in the debrite intervals in hybrid event beds. It is also shown that clasts in sandy, structureless facies have different characteristics in shapes based on elongation and convexity compared to laminated facies. Comparison between different shape-analysis methods demonstrates that none of the traditional methods are able to visualize these trends as effectively as the method presented herein. These results highlight the importance of the quantitative shape analysis of sediment grains and the effectiveness of FPS-based elliptic Fourier analysis.
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Kiessling, Wolfgang. "Facies characterization of mid-mesozoic deep-water sediments by quantitative analysis of siliceous microfaunas". Facies 35, n. 1 (dicembre 1996): 237–74.

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Yenwongfai, Honore Dzekamelive, Nazmul Haque Mondol, Jan Inge Faleide e Isabelle Lecomte. "Prestack simultaneous inversion to predict lithology and pore fluid in the Realgrunnen Subgroup of the Goliat Field, southwestern Barents Sea". Interpretation 5, n. 2 (31 maggio 2017): SE75—SE96.

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Abstract (sommario):
An integrated multidisciplinary workflow has been implemented for quantitative lithology and fluid predictions from prestack angle gathers and well-log data within the Realgrunnen Subgroup in the Goliat Field, southwestern Barents Sea. We have first performed a qualitative amplitude-variation-with-angle (AVA) attribute analysis to assess the spatial distribution of lithology and fluid anomalies from the seismic data. A simultaneous prestack elastic inversion was then carried out for quantitative estimates of the P-impedance and [Formula: see text] ratio. Probability density functions, a priori lithology, and fluid class proportions extracted from well-log training data are further applied to the inverted P-impedance and [Formula: see text] seismic volumes. The AVA qualitative analysis indicates a class IV response for the top of the reservoir, whereas anomalies from the AVA attribute maps agree largely with the clean sand probabilities predicted from the Bayesian facies classification. The largest misclassification in the lithology classification occurs between shaly sands and shales. A mixed lithology and fluid classification indicates a smaller degree of overlap and allows for the discrimination of hydrocarbon sands. Integration of a qualitative AVA analysis and a quantitative Bayesian probability approach helps in constraining the depositional facies variability within the Realgrunnen Subgroup. Finally, a possible influence of tectonic activity during the deposition of the Realgrunnen reservoir is inferred based on the facies distribution maps.
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Fofanova, Ekaterina A., Yulia N. Paveleva, Oksana A. Melnikova, Boris V. Belozerov, Natalia Y. Konoshonkina e Daria V. Bek. "Quantitative assessment of areal geological complexity". PROneft’. Proffessional’no o nefti 6, n. 4 (24 dicembre 2021): 54–61.

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Abstract (sommario):
Background. The article presents a new approach to assessing the geological complexity — quantitative assessment of areal complexity, as well as an alternative methodology for assessing complexity in 1D. Aim. Developing a numerical metric for assessing the geological complexity and creating an algorithm for complexity maps construction. Materials and methods. Generally, complexity describe the reservoir in one number, that often underestimates the real complexity of the deposit. Geological complexity, presented in the article consists of 5 groups: structuraltectonic, facies-lithological, permeability and porosity, secondary alteration and fluid properties, 13 characteristics describe the complexity space of these groups. Each of these characteristics could be presented not only in 1D but also in 2D. The proposed methodology was tested on the company’s assets. Results. The presented examples of complexity maps for several fields show the advantage of 2D complexity estimation in comparison with 1D. The analysis of decomposed complexity estimation (for individual groups) on the company’s assets showed that the key groups of complexity are structural-tectonic, facies-lithological characteristics. Therefore, characteristics that describe these groups should be taken into account during the decision-making process and assets ranking. Conclusion. A methodology of quantitative assessment of areal geological complexity has been developed. This areal assessment allows identify the most “problematic” areas, analyzing existing sources of uncertainty, and also ranking and screening company assets when making strategic decisions.
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Birk, Dieter. "Quantitative coal mineralogy of the Sydney Coalfield, Nova Scotia, Canada, by scanning electron microscopy, computerized image analysis, and energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry". Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 27, n. 2 (1 febbraio 1990): 163–79.

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Abstract (sommario):
Automated image and X-ray analysis, with a scanning electron microscope, has been used to "fingerprint" mineral particles in bituminous coals of the Sydney Coalfield and catalogue their chemical class and size distribution. Four seams (Hub, Harbour, Phalen, and Gardiner) were analyzed quantitatively for some 32 000 mineral particles; these analyses revealed particle-size and weight distributions for 27 chemical classes. Manual searches augmented the computer-automated scans, covering eight seams and recording a total of 35 mineral species, their paragenesis, and sites for 28 elements.Sydney seam mineralogy is dominated by pyrite and kaolinite, but illite, chlorite, siderite, ankerite, and quartz are locally prominent; these are accompanied by a large variety of accessory minerals (zircon, rutile, apatite, barite, gypsum, rare-earth phosphates, and ore minerals) and alteration products (goethite and hydrated sulphates). Individual column benches show geochemical fades with different mineral suites resulting from cyclic sedimentation, hydrologie conditions, and changes in pore-water chemistry during peat accumulation, coalification, and diagenesis. A sulphide facies and a siderite–chlorite facies are recognized within one seam (Harbour); these facies change vertically and laterally within lithotype bands.Stratigraphic correlation is precluded, but quantitative mineralogy can elucidate paleoenvironments and be applied to coal-cleaning technology (beneficiation) or environmental studies.
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Abstract (sommario):
ABSTRACT This study assesses the foraminiferal morphogroup concept as a quantitative tool for interpreting environments of deposition in the geological record. This was achieved by first establishing a solid paleoenvironmental framework based on assessment of trace fossils (Zoophycos, Cruziana, and Phycosiphon ichnofacies, and the unnamed brackish-water association), sedimentology, and facies analysis of shallow-marine siliciclastic units of the upper Albian Viking Formation of the Western Interior Seaway, Canada. Foraminiferal morphogroups were integrated into a framework of six well-defined marine mudstone-dominated facies—estuarine, embayment, prodelta, upper offshore, lower offshore, and marine shelf. Seven morphogroups were recognized, quantified, and labeled using alphanumeric codes—A (tubular), B1 (globular), B2 (coiled, flat), B3 (lenticular), C1 (elongate), C2 (quinqueloculine), and D (trochospiral). Tubular forms (A, Bathysiphon) occur rarely in these shallow-marine facies. Globular forms (B1, Lagenammina) are common in estuarine (33%) and embayment (23%) facies, but also occur elsewhere in low numbers (7–14%). Coiled planar forms (B2, Ammodiscus) occur only rarely (1–8%), but have a minor presence in embayment facies (8%). Lenticular forms (B3, Haplophragmoides) are dominant in estuarine facies (43%) and occur commonly in other environments (9–29%) as well. Elongate forms (C1, Ammobaculites, Reophax, Verneuilinoides) dominate all shallow-marine facies (43–80%), except estuarine (10%). Quinqueloculine forms (C2, Miliammina) have a minor presence in prodelta and marine facies (5%) but are generally rare. Trochoid forms (D, Trochammina) occur rarely, but are relatively common in the prodeltaic facies (15%). Albian foraminiferal morphogroups of the Viking Formation are comparable to those of modern-day offshore environments from water depths of 13 to 160 meters. Foraminiferal morphogroups are objective entities independent of taxonomic determinations. Analysis of their form and function is applicable not only in the shallow-marine facies of the Albian Western Interior Seaway, but in similar facies throughout the geologic record.
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Wendorff, Marek, Andrzej Świąder e Ireneusz Felisiak. "Modal Quantitative Logs for the Objective Recording and Analysis of Very Thick Sedimentary Sequences". Minerals 13, n. 5 (14 maggio 2023): 675.

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The quantitative logs method is designed for objective facies analysis of thick sedimentary successions. This method enables the analysis of whole successions instead of selected intervals arbitrarily considered as representative and results in a database suitable for further analysis, e.g., statistical, quantitative stratigraphy, or facies modelling. The logging procedure involves the following steps: (i) each of the logged sedimentary features is classified according to a standard, e.g., grain-size follows the phi scale or Wentworth classes are applied for bed thickness; (ii) in the course of logging, the whole succession is subdivided into intervals, each of which is characterised by a predominant (i.e., modal) class of the considered feature; (iii) such modal class characterises a part of the section that has a specific thickness and is called a ‘modally homogeneous interval’ (MHI); and (iv) the lower and upper boundary of each MHI are defined by a change in the modal class. The thickness of all MHIs characterised by the same class interval is then added. The grand total of such component sub-totals for all class intervals of the logged feature equals the log thickness and is the basis for the calculation of frequency distribution, which characterises the succession from the viewpoint of this feature. Each bar of the resulting histogram represents the percentage of the whole section composed of the strata among which the given class occurs as the modal (i.e., predominant) feature. The method of modal quantitative logs is illustrated here with an example of statistical analysis of selected sections of the Krosno Beds (Oligocene) turbidite succession from the Western Outer Carpathians of Poland.
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Aleksandrov, Vadim, Marsel Kadyrov, Andrey Ponomarev, Denis Drugov e Irina Bulgakova. "Analysis of the Geological Structure of the Sredne-Ugutskoye Oil Field with Regard to an Increase in the Efficiency of its Development". Key Engineering Materials 785 (ottobre 2018): 94–100.

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The productive formations YUS11 and YUS12 are characterized by a strong lithologic and facies instability. The article shows the results of the analysis of the geological and technical interventions efficiency carried out on these sediments and defines their genetic dependence on the specific features of geological structure. The research objective is to analyze the geological structure of productive deposits, identify facies complexes and assess the effectiveness of geological and technical interventions. With the help of geological-field analysis, a quantitative evaluation of the technological effect obtained during the hydraulic fracturing of well formations, the repair and insulation works and a whole range of measures on intensification of inflow was carried out.
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Peng, Zhu, Lin Chengyan, Liu Xiaolei, He Weicong, Wang Yulei e Zhang Hualian. "Types of Diagenetic Facies of Tight Sandstone Reservoir and Its Quantitative Identification by Well Log Data". Open Petroleum Engineering Journal 8, n. 1 (19 agosto 2015): 308–15.

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According to the features of clastic mineral components, diagenesis, diagenetic mineral combination, etc., the tight sandstone reservoir of Esx in block Zhuang62-66 is classified into 5 types of diagenetic facies by the analysis of thin sections, casting thin sections, scanning electron microscopy and core description. Natural gamma (GR), true formation resistivity (Rt), flushed zone formation resistivity (Rxo), compensated neutron (CNL), density (DEN), acoustic (AC) and spontaneous potential (SP) are selected on the basis of comprehensively analyzing the log response mechanism of different diagenesis. The effective log recognition model of diagenetic facies is established on the basis of principal component analysis, five comprehensive variables F~F are built, while F and F account for 91.4% of the total variance, which could replace primitive multi-dimension information. The method is verified through processing of coring wells, thus providing a geological basis for the high quality reservoir prediction of the oilfield in the future.
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Peper, Tim. "Quantitative subsidence analysis of the Western Canada foreland basin with implications for short-term facies changes". Tectonophysics 226, n. 1-4 (novembre 1993): 301–18.

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Zhang, Sihai, Yin Xu e Peng Lu. "Analysis and modeling of dolomite sealing potential". Petroleum and Chemical Industry International 5, n. 3 (18 agosto 2022): 153–61.

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One of the challenges toward understanding and predicting carbonate reservoir quality is the complex syn- to post-depositional diagenetic processes. Dolomitization is a critical modifier for carbonate reservoir quality in transforming the original grain-pore framework. Dolomitization especially leads to the redistribution of pore structure and connectivity, permeability, pathways, and reservoir producibility. Dolomite may behave as either a conduit or a barrier to flow depending on the original depositional texture, the chemistry of dolomitizing fluid, previous diagenetic stages, the timing and type of dolomitization, and the presence of anhydrite. A quantitative conceptual model of dolomite sealing potential was established based on theoretical calculations of dolomitization for reservoir quality, supported by core and thin section data. The dolomite volume fraction-porosity relationships suggest that (1) generally, dolomitization can be divided into replacement and pore-filling (over-dolomitization) phases; (2) porosity preservation characterizes the former phase, and reduction of porosity for the latter phase; (3) grain-dominated limestone facies usually have less dolomitization potential (e.g., the dolomite fraction is usually < 0.8), whereas muddy facies have a higher dolomitization potential. Away from the dolomitizing fluid source, low flux and normal concentrations cause porosity preservation. Near the fluid source, high flux and high concentrations cause over-dolomitization. Tight dolomite can be an effective seal featuring high dolomite content, small pore throats, low porosity and low permeability. 3D geological models based on well logs and seismic data were built to help understanding the dolomitization mechanism, predict replacive dolomite and dolomite seal distribution. Modeling results very well proved the two phase’s dolomitization and the sealing potential of tight dolomite
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Zhao, Tao, Fangyu Li e Kurt J. Marfurt. "Seismic attribute selection for unsupervised seismic facies analysis using user-guided data-adaptive weights". GEOPHYSICS 83, n. 2 (1 marzo 2018): O31—O44.

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With the rapid development in seismic attribute and interpretation techniques, interpreters can be overwhelmed by the number of attributes at their disposal. Pattern recognition-driven seismic facies analysis provides a means to identify subtle variations across multiple attributes that may only be partially defined on a single attribute. Typically, interpreters intuitively choose input attributes for multiattribute facies analysis based on their experience and the geologic target of interest. However, such an approach may overlook unsuspected or subtle features hidden in the data. We therefore augment this qualitative attribute selection process with quantitative measures of candidate attributes that best differentiate features of interest. Instead of selecting a group of attributes and assuming all the selected attributes contribute equally to the facies map, we weight the interpreter-selected input attributes based on their response from the unsupervised learning algorithm and the interpreter’s knowledge. In other words, we expect the weights to represent “which attribute is ‘favored’ by an interpreter as input for unsupervised learning” from an interpretation perspective and “which attribute is ‘favored’ by the learning algorithm” from a data-driven perspective. Therefore, we claim the weights are user guided and data adaptive, as the derivation of weight for each input attribute is embedded into the learning algorithm, providing a specific measurement tailored to the selected learning algorithm, while still taking the interpreter’s knowledge into account. We develop our workflow using Barnett Shale surveys and an unsupervised self-organizing map seismic facies analysis algorithm. We found that the proposed weighting-based attribute selection method better differentiates features of interest than using equally weighted input attributes. Furthermore, the weight values provide insights into dependency among input attributes.
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Rezaee, Payman, Seyedeh Akram Jooybari, Kiamars Hosseini e Amin Moodi. "Lithostratigraphy, lithofacies and deposition conditions of the late Olenekian-middle Anisian Alam Formation in the Nakhlak area, central Iran". Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana 75, n. 2 (10 giugno 2023): A070323.

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The present study aims to investigate petrography characteristics and sedimental environments of upper Olenekian–middle Anisian deposits of Nakhlak group in the sedimentary-structural zone of central Iran. To this end, a section of these deposits with a thickness of 720 meters was first selected, and 190 samples were taken from this section for preparing thin sections. Also, quantitative and qualitative laboratory tests were performed and 25 samples of sandstone were selected for point counter analysis. The results indicated that the major deposits of this formation are related to siliciclastic, carbonate, and pyroclastic types, which are in the form of two facies associations. The facies association A at the bottom of the studied section with the thickness of 90 meters has a periodicity of clastic, carbonate, and pyroclastic facies. The clastic facies of this association consists of fine-grained sandstone. In addition, the carbonate facies in association A are characterized by two microfacies consisting of intraclast oolitic grainstone and oolitic grainstone. Further, tuffite is the only pyroclastic facies related to association A, which has a laminate structure, cross-bedding lamination, herringbone bedding, and upward-thinning and thickening cycles. The facies association, B which is deposited later, is more in the middle and top part of the section. The facies association B is 660 meters thick and has a periodicity of clastic and limestone facies. Clastic facies of this association includes four lithofacies such as conglomerate, pebble coarse-grained sandstone, medium-grained sandstone to thin layer siltstone and shale. The carbonate facies consists of four microfacies such as sandy intraclastic wackestone and mudstone. Furthermore, slumping structures, cross bedding, turbulence, boudinage structure, and convolute of sediments, along with the effects of erosional channels are observed in facies B. Field and laboratory studies conducted on this succession indicate the structure of facies association A was deposited in a mixed siliciclastic carbonate ramp. Finally, submarine canyons and submarine fan environments were left by increasing the depth of the facies association B in the deep part of sea and turbidity systems.
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Hou, Jue, Lun Zhao, Xing Zeng, Wenqi Zhao, Yefei Chen, Jianxin Li, Shuqin Wang, Jincai Wang e Heng Song. "Characterization and Evaluation of Carbonate Reservoir Pore Structure Based on Machine Learning". Energies 15, n. 19 (28 settembre 2022): 7126.

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The carboniferous carbonate reservoirs in the North Truva Oilfield have undergone complex sedimentation, diagenesis and tectonic transformation. Various reservoir spaces of pores, caves and fractures, with strong reservoir heterogeneity and diverse pore structures, have been developed. As a result, a quantitative description of the pore structure is difficult, and the accuracy of logging identification and prediction is low. These pose a lot of challenges to reservoir classification and evaluation as well as efficient development of the reservoirs. This study is based on the analysis of core, thin section, scanning electron microscope, high-pressure mercury injection and other data. Six types of petrophysical facies, PG1, PG2, PG3, PG4, PG5, and PG6, were divided according to the displacement pressure, mercury removal efficiency, and median pore-throat radius isobaric mercury parameters, combined with the shape of the capillary pressure curve. The petrophysical facies of the wells with mercury injection data were divided accordingly, and then the machine learning method was applied. The petrophysical facies division results of two mercury injection wells were used as training samples. The artificial neural network (ANN) method was applied to establish a training model of petrophysical facies recognition. Subsequently, the prediction for the petrophysical facies of each well in the oilfield was carried out, and the petrophysical facies division results of other mercury injection wells were applied to verify the prediction. The results show that the overall coincidence rate for identifying petrophysical facies is as high as 89.3%, which can be used for high-precision identification and prediction of petrophysical facies in non-coring wells.
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Delgado, I. Palomo, M. Ortega Huertas e P. Fenoll Hach-Ali. "The significance of clay minerals in studies of the evolution of the jurassic deposits of the Betic Cordillera, SE Spain". Clay Minerals 20, n. 1 (marzo 1985): 39–52.

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AbstractA detailed study of the mineralogy of the Jurassic detrital sediments of the Betic Cordillera (SE Spain) was needed to resolve problems relating to the environment of deposition. The choice of the marly limestone and marl facies for such a study was appropriate, because these are well represented throughout the Cordillera and consist of the earliest materials deposited after the break-down of the Liassic carbonate platform. Quantitative mineralogical analyses and crystallochemical studies enabled the source area to be defined, as well as indicating the likely erosion and weathering processes undergone by the minerals during transport and deposition, and the degree of diagenesis. Four mineral associations were distinguished, permitting a temporal and spatial analysis of the environment of deposition, and the relationship between its mineralogy and the different lithological facies.
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Al-Iessa, Israa, e Wang Zhang. "The Methods of Determination of Stratigraphic Boundaries and Reservoir Units for the Yamama Formation in the Ratawi Oil Field, Southern Iraq". Iraqi Geological Journal 56, n. 1D (30 aprile 2023): 285–309.

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The qualitative interpretation of the logs was used by interpreting the behaviour of their curves to determine the upper and lower boundaries of the Yamama Formation in the Ratawi Oil Field, southern Iraq, and their reservoir units for the wells in the study area. Quantitative interpretation has been used to calculate the petrophysical parameters by applying equations and Petrel Software. Detailed core examinations, thin sections, and cuttings data were collected for facies analysis and divided into primary and secondary facies. These data identify the formation tops and thicknesses and have also been used in stratigraphic correlation. These core and log data are also crucial for determining the separator boundaries between the formations that return to the reservoir.
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Area development deals with optimal land use and the reduction of the risk of geological disasters. The coastal area of South Bali is prone to land settlement hazards. In order to mitigate the risk, it is important to understand the depositional environment of the area related to its bearing capacity and geological hazard risks. The aim of this research is to understand the subsurface depositional environment and quantifying its bearing capacity. Quantitative modeling was carried out to obtain the sediment-bearing capacity of the Pendungan area in Bali, Indonesia. The methods used in this research were the observation of borehole cores, the identification of the cone penetration test (CPTu) curves pattern, the sediment index property test, the soil strength laboratory, and bearing capacity analysis. Based on lithologic association, the CPTu curve pattern, and grain size analysis, there are three facies developing in the study area with different bearing capacity values. Generally, beach ridge sand has a higher bearing capacity (N-SPT value of 8 – 52) for shallow foundation than fluvial clay. Meanwhile, floodplain facies has the lowest bearing capacity (N-SPT value of 2 – 20).
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Khorniawan, Wahyu Budhi, Anita Galih Ringga Jayanti e Dipo Caesario. "Quantitative Analysis of Thin Section using Frequency Measurement (Point Counting), a Case Study on Limestone of The Rajamandala Formation, Cikamuning, West Java, Indonesia". Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology 9, n. 3 (30 settembre 2024): 251–58.

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The description of thin sections observations has traditionally relied on the visual comparison method, often using a visual comparison chart. However, this method has interpretative limitations, as readings can vary between individuals, and the values produced tend to be rounded. The point counting method for determining frequency is one of the statistical approaches that quantitatively counts the presence of mineral grains or particles. The limestone samples were collected from the Rajamandala Formation in the Cikamuning area of West Java, Indonesia. The methodology involved petrographic observations using the point counting method, which entailed creating a grid on the thin sections with a total of 312 points and calculating the percentage of occurrence of the constituent rock compositions. The analysis results showed constituent composition percentages of 33.65% for corals, 52.24% for matrix, 4.81% for cement, 2.56% for calcite, 3.85% for replacement, and 2.88% for porosity, categorizing the rock as coral wackstone. The facies is determined based on the presence of biota, while diagenesis is determined by the presence of cement types, secondary porosity, and grain contacts. In the research area, the identified facies is open marine (FZ 7), and the diagenesis includes marine phreatic, meteoric phreatic, and burial diagenesis.
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Chen, Liu Qin, Chang Bing Tian e Shui Qing Hu. "Underground Reservoir Architectural Elements Analysis on Minghuazhen Formation of Gangxi Oilfield, Eastern China". Advanced Materials Research 524-527 (maggio 2012): 1656–59.

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Neogene Minghuazhen formation of Gangxi oilfield is a sequence of meandering river sedimentary record, which consists of a series of upward fining succession. During the mid-later period, it is becoming more difficult for oil development because of strong reservoir heterogeneity. In the late stage of oilfield development, it is necessary to refine temporal and spacial distribution of sedimentary facies distribution. Based on sedimentary facies research, the paper put focus on architectural elements analysis of meandering river point bar reservoir, mainly using underground well logging data. By the way of calculations of typical well area (Gx47-4) of Nm2-7-1 single layer, the scale of lateral acceleration sandstone body, the dip angel of lateral mudstone interlayers, the ratio of the width and thickness of channel sandstone are quantitatively calculated. The results show that the dip angle of lateral accretion interlayers within a point bar is 4-6° and the ratio of width and depth of a meandering river is 18-22 and the planar width is about 50m. These quantitative parameters provide important foundation for next detailed study on sedimentary features of underground reservoir. At the same time they provide significant guidance for well pattern adjustment.
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Gonzalez, Ezequiel F., Stephane Gesbert e Ronny Hofmann. "Adding geologic prior knowledge to Bayesian lithofluid facies estimation from seismic data". Interpretation 4, n. 3 (1 agosto 2016): SL1—SL8.

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Using inverted seismic data from a turbidite depositional environment, we have determined that accounting only for rock types sampled at the wells can lead to biased predictions of the reservoir fluids. The seismic data consisted of two volumes resulting from a (multi-incidence angle) sparse-spike amplitude variation with offset inversion. Information from a single well (well logs and petrological analysis) was used to define an initial set of lithofluid facies that characterized rock type and porefill fluid to emulate a typical exploration setting. Based on our geologic understanding of the study area, we have augmented this initial model with lithofluid facies expected in the given depositional environment, yet not sampled by the well. Specifically, the new lithofluid facies accounted for variations in the mixture type and proportions of shales and sands. The elastic property distributions of the new lithofluid facies were modeled using appropriate rock-physics models. Finally, a geologically consistent, spatially variant, prior probability of lithofluid facies occurrence was combined with the data likelihood to yield a Bayesian estimation of the lithofluid facies probability at every sample of the inverted seismic data. Applying the augmented geologic prior probabilities, we were able to generate a scenario consistent with all available data, which supports further development of the field. In contrast, using the initial, purely data-driven lithofluid facies model based on a single well, the Bayesian classification would lead to prospectivity downgrade or suboptimal development of the field. We found that limited well control in quantitative interpretation needs to be counterweighted by geologic prior information based on detailed stratigraphic interpretation, to derisk geologic scenarios without bias.
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Isla, Manuel F., Ernesto Schwarz e Gonzalo D. Veiga. "Record of a nonbarred clastic shoreline". Geology 48, n. 4 (31 gennaio 2020): 338–42.

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Abstract The morphology of wave-dominated clastic shorelines (i.e., foreshore and upper-shoreface sediments) can vary from barred to nonbarred, though the ancient record of nonbarred, sand-dominated shorelines has yet to be recognized. Here, a facies and quantitative architectural analysis of a clastic succession characterized by sandy inclined beds is presented and interpreted as the record of a high-gradient, nonbarred shoreline. Inclined beds dip seaward, have a tangential geometry (&lt;3 m height, &lt;40 m length, &lt;11° dip), and are composed of planar lamination along the foresets and subordinate small-scale trough cross-bedding in the bottomsets. This facies distribution reflects a steep beach profile with a narrow surf zone and the development of plane beds both in foreshore and proximal upper-shoreface settings. Successive packages of inclined beds (a few tens of meters wide) are interpreted as the seaward accretion of this shoreline morphology, producing distinctive architectural elements (foresets and bottomsets). For the first time, we propose diagnostic criteria for identification in the rock record of the widely used modern nonbarred clastic shoreline model, and we contrast them with classical facies models of barred systems. Moreover, we discuss similarities and differences with radar-based Holocene coastal architectural elements, highlighting the need to incorporate detailed two-dimensional quantitative studies for refining the reconstruction of deep-time and recent clastic shorelines.
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Harishidayat, Dicky, e Wasif Rehman Raja. "Quantitative Seismic Geomorphology of Four Different Types of the Continental Slope Channel Complexes in the Canterbury Basin, New Zealand". Applied Sciences 12, n. 9 (26 aprile 2022): 4386.

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Modern marine seismic reflection data have allowed for the study of the morphology of submarine channels in a 3D perspective. This study presents a quantitative analysis of continental slope channel complexes morphology within the Canterbury Basin (New Zealand). It aims to characterize the morphology and seismic facies of submarine channels to better understand their formative sedimentary processes, paleoenvironment, and petroleum prospectivity. Submarine channel morphometric parameters are measured at 150 m intervals perpendicular to the axis of channels complexes. Based on the morphology analysis of erosional surfaces and seismic facies of channel complexes filling deposits, four types of continental slope channel complexes are found in the study area. These are vertical migrating channels, lateral migrating channels, V-shaped channels, and U-shaped channels. Furthermore, our work shows that channel morphometry varies over distances of 0.1 to 14 km in this continental slope system. These changes indicate a combination of submarine gravity flow process and channel wall collapse responsible for the development of continental slope channel complexes. Regionally, the evolution of the channels indicated less significant regional plate movement. This quantitative seismic geomorphology approach of characterizing submarine channels system has broader applications for better interpretation of paleoenvironment and petroleum prospectivity within frontier basins.
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Fajar Fathur Rahman, Isfan, Wahju Krisna Hidajat, Reddy Setyawan, Yunita Meilany e Dhimas Aditya Nugraha. "Facies Analysis and Reservoir Characterization Using Petrophysical Methods in the Interest Zone in the 'FAN' Field, Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan". Journal of Applied Geology 7, n. 2 (30 aprile 2023): 101.

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One of the most prospective oil and gas producing basins in Indonesia is Kutai Basin which is located in East Borneo. In Kutai Basin there is a natural resource potential in the form of gas which is quite abundant. This is due to the richness of the source rock aspect in the Kutai Basin which is dominated by coal. Besides coal, in the Kutai Basin there is also claystone with rich organic matter (organic shale) that has an important role as a prospective source rock. Therefore, a final project research was conducted in the Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan. The purpose of the research is to identifying the type and content of subsurface lithology and fluids, calculating petrophysical parameters, and making the facies distribution map at the research site in potential and prospective zone to produce hydrocarbons which is called the zones of interest. The research is focused on reservoir rocks at the research site because the hydrocarbons accumulated in the reservoir rocks itself. By focusing research on reservoir rocks, it will be able to describe the modelling and calculation results of petrophysical parameters using several analytical methods such as qualitative and quantitative analysis methods, electrofacies and parasequence analysis methods, stratigraphic correlation analysis methods, facies analysis methods and depositional environments, and facies map analysis methods. In addition, by focusing research on reservoir rocks, it can develop and increase the level of optimization of exploration and exploitation of drilling wells. Based on the analysis data, the research location is included in the transitional depositional environment, delta in particular with distributary channels and mouth bars facies and also it can be identified some lithology such as sandstone, claystone, coal, limestone, and organic claystone and there are fluids with gas and water types.
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Andrews, John T. "Baffin Bay/Nares Strait surface (seafloor) sediment mineralogy: further investigations and methods to elucidate spatial variations in provenance". Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 56, n. 8 (agosto 2019): 814–28.

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The goal of the paper is to ascertain whether there are significant regional variations in sediment mineral composition that might be used to elucidate ice sheet histories. The weight percentages of nonclay and clay minerals were determined by quantitative X-ray diffraction. Cluster analysis, an unsupervised learning approach, is used to group sediment mineralogy of 263 seafloor/core top samples between ∼80°N and 62°N. The optimum number of clusters, based on 30 indexes, was three for the weight percentage data but varied with data transformations. Maps of the distribution of the three mineral clusters or facies indicate a significant difference in weight percentages between samples from the West Greenland and Baffin Island shelves. However, several indexes support a larger number of clusters and similar analyses of the spatial distribution and defining minerals of nine mineral facies indicated a strong association with the original three clusters and with broad geographic designations (i.e., West Greenland shelf, Baffin Island fiords, etc). Classification Decision Tree analysis indicates that this difference is primarily controlled by the percentages of plagioclase feldspars versus alkali feldspars.
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Zhou, Tianqi, Chaodong Wu, Zhongkui Shi, Jialin Wang, Wen Zhu, Bo Yuan e Disheng Yang. "Multi-Scale Quantitative Characterization of Pore Distribution Networks in Tight Sandstone by integrating FE-SEM, HPMI, and NMR with the Constrained Least Squares Algorithm". Energies 12, n. 18 (12 settembre 2019): 3514.

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The goal of this study was to investigate the impacts of various sedimentary-diagenetic conditions on the macroscopic petrophysical parameters and microscopic pore structures of tight sandstones from the Lower Jurassic Badaowan Formation in the Southern Junggar Basin, China. Based on the traditional methods for establishing pore size distribution, including integrating the results of high-pressure mercury injection, nuclear magnetic resonance, and scanning electron microscopy, the constrained least squares algorithm was employed to automatically determine the porosity contributions of pore types with different origins. The results show that there are six genetic pore types: residual intergranular pores (RIPs), feldspar dissolution pores (FDPs), rock fragment dissolution pores (RFDPs), clay mineral intergranular pores (CIPs), intercrystalline pores of kaolinite (IPKs), and matrix pores (MPs). Four lithofacies were identified: the quartz cemented-dissolution facies (QCDF), carbonate cemented facies (CCF), authigenic clay mineral facies (ACMF), and matrix-caused tightly compacted facies (MCTF). Modified by limited dissolution, the QCDF with a high proportion of macropores (RIPs, FDPs, and RFDPs) exhibited a slightly higher porosity and considerably higher permeability than those of others. A large number of micropores (MPs, CIPs, and IPKs) in MCTF and ACMF led to slightly lower porosities but considerably lower permeabilities. Due to the tightly cemented carbonates in the CCF, its porosity reduced sharply, but the permeability of the CCF remained much higher those of the MCTF and ACMF. The results highlight that a high proportion of macropores with large radii and regular shapes provide more effective percolation paths than storage spaces. Nevertheless, micropores with small radii and complex pore structures have a limited contribution to flow capability. The fractal dimension analysis shows that a high proportion of MPs is the major reason for the heterogeneity in tight sandstones. The formation of larger macropores with smooth surfaces are more conductive for oil and gas accumulation.
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Zhong, Guangjian, Jing Zhao, Zhongquan Zhao, Guanghong Tu, Hai Yi, Wu Li, Junhui Yu e Changmao Feng. "Analysis of acidolysis hydrocarbon anomaly in the Chaoshan Depression of the Northern South China Sea and its response to reservoir properties". Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2682, n. 1 (1 gennaio 2024): 012005.

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Abstract Chaoshan Depression is a Mesozoic residual depression in the northeast of the South China Sea. It mainly develops two sets of Source rock, i.e., upper Triassic lower Jurassic shallow marine bathyal facies mudstone, lower Jurassic shallow marine shelf facies mudstone, upper Jurassic shallow marine reef limestone, and upper Jurassic basin floor fan sandstone, with good oil-gas exploration potential. It has gone through six tectonic evolution stages in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, with strong uplift and denudation, developed fault structures, complex hydrocarbon accumulation conditions, and unknown hydrocarbon distribution laws. Analysing the Carbon Isotope Values of Acidolysis Hydrocarbons and Methane in Seabed Sediments through Detection δ 13C (‰) prediction of favourable oil-gas exploration zones, oil-gas traps, and types of oil-gas reservoirs is a fast and effective method for oil and gas geochemical exploration. The first detection of trace amounts of light and heavy hydrocarbon components and methane carbon isotope values in marine surface sediments at 200 stations in the Chaoshan Depression based on acidolysis δ 13C (‰), quantitative analysis of abundance and structural anomalies of light and heavy hydrocarbons using gas chromatography mass spectrometry, and quantitative analysis of carbon isotope values of light, heavy, and methane using the Kriging method δ13C (‰) plane distribution characteristics delineate two comprehensive anomaly zones for oil-gas exploration in the northeast and southwest of the Chaoshan Depression. CS depression is a petroleum depression, and DS-A structure is an oil gas structure.
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Kanjanapayont, Pitsanupong, Peekamon Ponmanee, Bernhard Grasemann, Urs Klötzli e Prayath Nantasin. "Quantitative finite strain analysis of the quartz mylonites within the Three Pagodas shear zone, western Thailand". Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences 111, n. 2 (1 dicembre 2018): 171–79.

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AbstractThe NW–trending Three Pagodas shear zone exposes a high–grade metamorphic complex named Thabsila gneiss in the Kanchanaburi region, western Thailand. The quartz mylonites within this strike–slip zone were selected for strain analysis. 2–dimensional strain analysis indicates that the averaged strain ratio (Rs) for the lower greenschist facies increment of XZ– plane is Rs = 1.60–1.97 by using the Fry’s method. Kinematic vorticity analysis of the quartz mylonites in the shear zone showed that the mean kinematic vorticity number of this increment is Wk = 0.75–0.99 with an average at 0.90 ±0.07. The results implied that the quartz mylonites within the Three Pagodas shear zone have a dominant simple shear component of about 72% with a small pure shear component. A sinistral shear sense is indicated by kinematic indicators from macro– to micro–scale. We conclude that the Three Pagodas shear zone deformed in the process of sinstral shear–dominated transpression, which is similar to the Mae Ping shear zone in the north.
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Yekini, Mochammad Alim, e Gamma A. Jabbar. "Study of Eruption Mechanism Pyroclastic Deposit of Banten Tuff (Qpvb) in Pancanegara and its surrounding Using Grainsize Distribution and Componentry Analysis". JURNAL TEKNOLOGI MINERAL FT UNMUL 11, n. 2 (29 dicembre 2023): 25.

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Banten Tuff (Qpvb) is pyroclastic deposit that is very significant in western Java Island. The importance of this deposit is caused by spreading and covering most of Banten region. In the middle of Banten Tuff, there is a caldera that has rectangular shape and the large area 13.7 km x 6.5 km. The research in this area has not studied yet that explain the characteristics of pyroclastics deposit in detail, therefore it’s hard to tell how the eruption process and mechanism that happened based on the deposit. This study become solution of a puzzle about process, mechanism, history, and episode of eruption. The research methods are using qualitative and quantitative analysis such as grain-size distribution and componentry. The study has succeed obtaining more than ten outcrops that described in detail. Description of outcrops resulted tephra-stratigraphy correlation in four facies unit. These four facies categorized into three eruption phases. Eruption phases are arranged into a story which is useful for determining historical and episode eruption in Pancanegara and its surrounding.
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Shakir, Urooj, Aamir Ali, Muhammad Raiees Amjad e Muyyassar Hussain. "Improved gas sand facies classification and enhanced reservoir description based on calibrated rock physics modelling: A case study". Open Geosciences 13, n. 1 (1 gennaio 2021): 1476–93.

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Abstract Rock physics provides a dynamic tool for quantitative analysis by developing the basic relationship between fluid, lithological, and depositional environment of the reservoir. The elastic attributes such as impedance, density, velocity, V p/V s ratio, Mu-rho, and Lambda-rho are crucial parameters to characterize reservoir and non-reservoir facies. Rock physics modelling assists like a bridge to link the elastic properties to petrophysical properties such as porosity, facies distribution, fluid saturation, and clay/shale volume. A robust petro-elastic relationship obtained from rock physics models leads to more precise discrimination of pay and non-pay facies in the sand intervals of the study area. The Paleocene aged Lower Ranikot Formation and Pab sandstone of Cretaceous age are proven reservoirs of the Mehar gas field, Lower Indus Basin. These sands are widely distributed in the southwestern part of the basin and are enormously heterogeneous, which makes it difficult to distinguish facies and fluid content in the reservoir intervals. So, an attempt is made in this paper to separate the reservoir facies from non-reservoir facies by using an integrated approach of the petro-elastic domain in the targeted sand intervals. Furthermore, missing logs (S-sonic and P-sonic) were also synthesized in the wells and missing intervals along with improving the poor quality of the density log by captivating the washouts and other side effects. The calibrated rock physics model shows good consistency between measured and modelled logs. Petro-elastic models were predicted initially using petrophysical properties and incorporated at true reservoir conditions/parameters. Lithofacies were defined based on petrophysical cut-offs. Rock physics modelled elastic properties (Lambda-rho versus Mu-rho, impedance versus V p/V s ratio) were then cross-plotted by keeping lithofacies in the Z-axis. The cross-plots clearly separated and demarcated the litho-fluid classes (wet sand, gas sand, shale, and limestone) with specific orientation/patterns which were randomized in conventional petrophysical analysis.
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Mahmoud, Hamlaoui. "Automatic characterization and quantitative analysis of seismic facies in naturally fractured reservoir: Case study of Amguid Messaoud field, Algeria". Mining of Mineral Deposits 17, n. 3 (30 settembre 2023): 42–48.

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Purpose. Natural fractured reservoirs are a special category of reservoirs due to the effects of porosity and permeability. Optimizing the exploitation of hydrocarbon reserves in this type of reservoir requires a specific study compared to other conventional reservoirs. Methods. We have focused on the quantitative analysis of seismic traces for the purpose of an automatic seismic facies recognition strategy. The study area, the Amguid-Messaoud Basin, is formed by a series of horsts and grabens bounded by submeridional “North-East and South-West” faults, as well as perpendicular “North-West and South-East” faults with-out outcrops of fractures, which have a great influence on reservoir fracturing. A set of statistical data analysis methods, such as principal component analysis, discriminant factor analysis, and automatic classification, have been tested on real data from geophysical seismic data interpretation, in particular the stratigraphic interpretation. Findings. The results obtained show a better use of data, which, however, are of a different nature, leading to a reliable interpretation of the geological environment. Originality. The methodology proved to be useful for constructing a reservoir model and predicting the geological properties of the reservoir along a field. Practical implications. The results obtained clearly demonstrate the best use of data, which, however, are of a different nature, which leads to a reliable interpretation of the geological environment. These methods have proved to be very useful for constructing a reservoir model and predicting the geological properties of the latter along a field.
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Pronin, Nikita A., Alexey Petrovich Pronin, Turar E. Dzhumabaev e Rahim N. Uteev. "Lithological and stratigraphic characteristics of the upper permian and triassic deposits of the Karachaganak oil and gas condensate field". Kazakhstan journal for oil & gas industry 4, n. 3 (15 ottobre 2022): 10–21.

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The article considers the results of part of the research, groundworkss, as well as the experience gained in the implementation of the project to study the core of the Triassic and Tatar horizons of the Karachaganak field. This project included both direct work with core material, conducting a series of laboratory studies on it in order to determine the conditions of sedimentation, understanding their extent, determining the age of rocks, their qualitative and quantitative characteristics, and facies modeling to obtain facies maps, correlation schemes and profiles. One of the most interesting and important stages of the project implementation was biostratigraphic analysis and the construction of a correlation scheme on its basis in order to conduct a qualitative correlation of the section, which is the basis for identifying the conditions of sedimentation and understanding their strike in space.
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Zucali, M., D. Chateigner, M. Dugnani, L. Lutterotti e B. Ouladdiaf. "Quantitative texture analysis of glaucophanite deformed under eclogite facies conditions (Sesia-Lanzo Zone, Western Alps): comparison between X-ray and neutron diffraction analysis". Geological Society, London, Special Publications 200, n. 1 (2002): 239–53.

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Li, Shao Hua, Qiang Li e Hui Li. "Lithofacies Palaeogeography Reconstruction Based on GIS". Applied Mechanics and Materials 182-183 (giugno 2012): 810–13.

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The facies palaeogeographic reconstruction can be achieved by using the single factor analysis and multi-factor comprehensive mapping method and GIS spatial analysis functions. Single factors are the factors which can independently reflect some characteristics of sedimentary environments of a stratigraphic interval of a section in an area, such as the thickness of the interval and its specific rock types, texture constituents, etc. The multifactor comprehensive mapping method takes these quantitative single factor maps together and makes an integrative analysis. The reconstruction of lithofacies palaeogeography can be achieved in a particular area efficiently and exactly based on GIS system.
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Mardani, Alireza, Reza Rezaee e Ashkan A. Eskandar. "NMR Facies Definition for Permo-Triassic Kangan/Dalan Carbonate Formation by Use of Core/Log and Pore-Scale Measurements". SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 16, n. 01 (24 gennaio 2013): 8–18.

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Summary An integrated and quantitative approach is taken here to the Permo-Triassic Kangan/Dalan carbonate formation. We apply pore-network characterization to the problem of the classification of these complex carbonate gas-reservoir rocks. We start with the useful and convenient nuclear-magnetic-resonance (NMR) data on 28 samples to define NMR facies (NMRF). The NMRF grouping is performed with both the relaxivity constant (ρ2) and the specific-surface-volume (Sgv) data. Seven NMRF have been defined with a combination of core/log NMR data, petrographic image analysis, and mercury-injection examinations for two wells. The advantage of evaluation of the pore spaces rather than grain properties is to discover trends that are not apparent when one uses a conventional sedimentological facies definition. Lithology-independent NMRF exhibit properties that are associated with pore geometry. This should have special importance for the formation evaluation of carbonates.
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Ding, Xuesong, Tristan Salles, Nicolas Flament e Patrice Rey. "Quantitative stratigraphic analysis in a source-to-sink numerical framework". Geoscientific Model Development 12, n. 6 (28 giugno 2019): 2571–85.

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Abstract. The sedimentary architecture at continental margins reflects the interplay between the rate of change of accommodation creation (δA) and the rate of change of sediment supply (δS). Stratigraphic interpretation increasingly focuses on understanding the link between deposition patterns and changes in δA∕δS, with an attempt to reconstruct the contributing factors. Here, we use the landscape modelling code pyBadlands to (1) investigate the development of stratigraphic sequences in a source-to-sink context; (2) assess the respective performance of two well-established stratigraphic interpretation techniques: the trajectory analysis method and the accommodation succession method; and (3) propose quantitative stratigraphic interpretations based on those two techniques. In contrast to most stratigraphic forward models (SFMs), pyBadlands provides self-consistent sediment supply to basin margins as it simulates erosion, sediment transport and deposition in a source-to-sink context. We present a generic case of landscape evolution that takes into account periodic sea level variations and passive margin thermal subsidence over 30 million years, under uniform rainfall. A set of post-processing tools are provided to analyse the predicted stratigraphic architecture. We first reconstruct the temporal evolution of the depositional cycles and identify key stratigraphic surfaces based on observations of stratal geometries and facies relationships, which we use for comparison to stratigraphic interpretations. We then apply both the trajectory analysis and the accommodation succession methods to manually map key stratigraphic surfaces and define sequence units on the final model output. Finally, we calculate shoreline and shelf-edge trajectories, the temporal evolution of changes in relative sea level (proxy for δA) and sedimentation rate (proxy for δS) at the shoreline, and automatically produce stratigraphic interpretations. Our results suggest that the analysis of the presented model is more robust with the accommodation succession method than with the trajectory analysis method. Stratigraphic analysis based on manually extracted shoreline and shelf-edge trajectory requires calibrations of time-dependent processes such as thermal subsidence or additional constraints from stratal terminations to obtain reliable interpretations. The 3-D stratigraphic analysis of the presented model reveals small lateral variations of sequence formations. Our work provides an efficient and flexible quantitative sequence stratigraphic framework to evaluate the main drivers (climate, sea level and tectonics) controlling sedimentary architectures and investigate their respective roles in sedimentary basin development.
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