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Zabelina, Ol'ga, Irina Omel'chenko, Anna Mayorova e Ekaterina Safonova. Human resource Development in the Digital Age: Strategic Challenges, Challenges, and Opportunities. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2021.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
The monograph, based on the identification of trends and problems of changes in the demand and supply of skills, as well as the study of modern mechanisms of their formation and actualization, substantiates the priority areas of human resources development in the Russian Federation that meet the strategic challenges of the period of digital transformation of the labor sphere. The authors identify and systematize current and future trends related to changes in the demand for professions and skills in the Russian and global labor markets. The directions of transformation of the demand for skills and professions in the conditions of digitalization of the economy, skills and professions of the future are determined. Quantitative and qualitative imbalances and trends in labor supply and demand in the Russian labor market are identified (based on statistical analysis of data from 2009-2019). The features and problems of supply and demand of professions/skills in the segments of the Russian labor market covered by Internet recruitment are identified (based on data from resume parsing and vacancies of Internet recruitment portals in 2018 and 2020). Methodological approaches to identifying widely-and poorly-demanded skills are proposed and tested during the competence analysis of labor supply and demand using Big Data technologies.the competence profile of the vacancies of the professional core and extra - skills. An innovative author's approach to assessing the potential of skills capitalization — a possible increase in the salary of an applicant due to the expansion of the set of skills that he has-is proposed and tested. The current policy directions of formation and improvement of skills of the population in the Russian Federation are identified and systematized. The strategic challenges of the period of digital transformation of the labor sphere facing the Russian Federation and the priority areas of human resources development that meet these challenges are identified. The conclusions and recommendations can be used in the work of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, Rostrud, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the Ministry of Education of Russia, government authorities, employment services of the Russian regions, as well as organizations of the professional education system.
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Diogo, Rui, e Sharlene E. Santana. Evolution of Facial Musculature. Oxford University Press, 2017.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
We review the origin and evolution of the facial musculature of mammals and pay special attention to the complex relationships between facial musculature, color patterns, mobility, and social group size during the evolution of humans and other primates. In addition, we discuss the modularity of the human head and the assymetrical use of facial expressions, as well as the evolvability of the muscles of facial expression, based on recent developmental and comparative studies and the use of a powerful new quantitative tool: anatomical networks analysis. We emphasizes the remarkable diversity of primate facial structures and the fact that the number of facial muscles present in our species is actually not as high when compared to many other mammals as previously thought. The use of new tools, such as anatomical network analyses, should be further explored to compare the musculoskeletal and other features of humans across stages of development and with other animal to enable a better understanding of the evolution of facial expressions.
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Krawatzek, Félix. Interpreting Text as Discourse or Using Text as Data. Oxford University Press, 2018.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
This chapter presents a new multi-level investigation of discourse that combines network analysis with qualitative content analysis. This book is the first to employ this method for multi-linguistic comparative research. The chapter first develops an understanding of discourse, which seeks to address some of the challenges discourse analysis has faced. It then describes the sources, the sampling procedure, the process of qualitative content analysis, and the logic of the applied coding scheme. A final section introduces details of the discourse network analysis, which combines the unique insight of qualitative interpretation, and the structural insights derived through the rigour of network analysis. This combination can pre-empt some of the concerns that critics have voiced about new quantitative approaches to analysing text. Its added value lies in the identification of clusters in the network, which point to discursive formations that structure meaning.
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Láruson, Áki Jarl, e Floyd Allan Reed. Population Genetics with R. Oxford University Press, 2021.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Population genetics is an inherently quantitative discipline. Because the focus of population genetics studies is usually on abstract concepts like the frequencies of genetic variants over time, it can at first glance be difficult to conceptualize and appropriately visualize. As more and more quantitative models and methods have become established in the discipline, it has become necessary for people just entering the field to quickly develop a good understanding of the many layers of complex approaches, so as to correctly interpret even basic results. An unfortunate side effect of the widespread implementation of ready-to-use quantitative software packages is that some facets of analysis can become rote, which at best might lead to implementation without the full understanding of the user and at worst, inappropriate application leading to misguided conclusions. In this book a “learning by doing” approach is employed to encourage readers to begin developing an intuitive understanding of population genetics concepts. The analytical software R, which has increasingly been the program of choice for early exposure to basic statistical programming, is freely available online, has cross-platform compatibility (Windows, Mac, and Linux all support distributions of R), and offers the potential for hands-on implementation by the students, in addition to using pre-packaged functions.
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Kabay, Sarah. Access, Quality, and the Global Learning Crisis. Oxford University Press, 2021.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Around the world, 250 million children cannot read, write, or perform basic mathematics. They represent almost 40 percent of all primary school-aged children. This situation has come to be called the “Global Learning Crisis,” and it is one of the most critical challenges facing the world today. Work to address this situation depends on how it is understood. Typically, the Global Learning Crisis and efforts to improve primary education are defined in relation to two terms: access and quality. This book is focused on the connection between them. In a mixed-methods case study, this book provides detailed, contextualized analysis of Ugandan primary education. As one of the first countries in sub-Saharan Africa to enact dramatic and far-reaching primary education policy, Uganda serves as a compelling case study. With both quantitative and qualitative data from over 400 Ugandan schools and communities, the book analyzes grade repetition, private primary schools, and school fees, viewing each issue as an illustration of the connection between access to education and education quality. This analysis finds evidence of a positive association, challenging a key assumption that there is a trade-off or disconnect between efforts to improve access to education and efforts to improve education quality. The book concludes that embracing the complexity of education systems and focusing on dynamics where improvements in access and quality can be mutually reinforcing can be a new approach for improving basic education in contexts around the world.
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Tir, Jaroslav, e Johannes Karreth. The Empirical Record of Highly Structured Intergovernmental Organizations and Armed Conflict Escalation. Oxford University Press, 2018.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
For a systematic, empirical test of this book’s main hypothesis, we develop a research design for a quantitative analysis of low-level armed conflicts. We define these conflicts as the occurrence of politically motivated violence resulting in at least twenty-five battle deaths. The analysis examines whether low-level armed conflict escalated to full-scale civil war and surpassed a threshold of 1,000 casualties. Since World War II, roughly one-third of more than 260 separate low-level armed conflicts have escalated to civil war. Analyzing systematic patterns among these conflicts, we find strong evidence favoring our hypothesis. Countries that belong to a larger number of highly structured intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) face a significantly lower risk that emerging low-level armed conflicts on their territories escalate to full-scale civil wars. The impact of a greater number of memberships in highly structured IGOs is substantial, cutting the risk of escalation by more than half.
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Hirsh, C. Elizabeth, e Patricia Louie. Legal Consciousness, Mobilization, and Discrimination Disputes at Work. A cura di Adrienne J. Colella e Eden B. King. Oxford University Press, 2015.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Engaging theories of legal consciousness, rights mobilization, and workplace conflict, we detail the factors that lead workers to mobilize their rights under US antidiscrimination laws and the obstacles that they face. Drawing on quantitative data from defendants in discrimination lawsuits as well as qualitative data from interviews with plaintiffs in discrimination cases, we examine how workers perceive the law, the meaning of discrimination, and their legal rights; what motivates workers to seek legal redress despite the seemingly insurmountable odds they face; and how workplace conditions affect workers’ willingness to use the law to solve workplace disputes. Analysis suggests that workers pursue litigation as a last resort, after multiple experiences of bias, with the hope of seeking formal validation of their experience and, ultimately, social change. Workforce composition, corporate culture, and access to workplace information are important contextual factors for the emergence of legal claims.
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Pereira, Erlândia Silva, e Rogério de Melo Costa Pinto. Rodas de Conversa Dialógicas: O processo de criação de uma metodologia de investigação e intervenção em saúde. Brazil Publishing, 2020.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
The present research constitutes as a research-intervention carried out with Control Agents of Zoonoses (CCZ) - Dengue Control Program. The objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention of the Dialogical Conversation Wheels for refinement of the perception of Quality of Life of these workers. In the midst of this, the variations of the perception of the Quality of Life by the participants when inserted in the Wheels are identified. For that, the WHOQOL-bref instrument is used to collect quantitative data related to the Quality of Life of the research subjects, and the Dialogical Conversation Wheels as a tool for collecting qualitative data and also as a mediating space between the questionnaire and the workers. The methodology used thus involves both the quantitative and content analysis of these data, as well as an analysis of the workers' discourse from their speeches in the Dialogical Conversation Wheels, in which the researcher appropriates a Freirean look to carry out the discussion, which presents the speech of the participants of the Wheels itself in an elucidatory and explanatory way. . From the analysis of the four domains evaluated by the WHOQOL-breaf: Physical, Psychological, Social and Environmental, what can be perceived about the differences of scores (percentage) between the moments of the research, is, firstly, that there is a significant change in the perception of QV between at least two of the moments, which is expressed between moments 0 and 1, with the realization of five wheels between them.The main result that can be perceived concerns the fact that the Dialogical Conversation Wheel fulfills its objective, as the aspects related to quality of life are discussed, the return to the questionnaire is carried out in a more reflective way, in which the instrument itself can approach the reality of these people. It is also explicit that it is not any group that allows us to refine the perception about quality of life, since the Wheel of Dialogic Conversation is organized in such a way as to provide reception, encounters / confrontations of the subjects with the other, in a singular way, with himself, facing the stagnation and the massification of his daily life to denaturalize what is constructed as his life.
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Sil, Rudra. Triangulating Area Studies, Not Just Methods. Oxford University Press, 2018.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
This chapter revisits trade-offs that qualitative researchers face when balancing the different expectations of area studies and disciplinary audiences. One putative solution to such trade-offs, mixed-method research, emphasizes the triangulation of quantitative and qualitative methods. CAS, as defined above, essentially encourages a different form of triangulation—the pooling of observations and interpretations across a wider array of cases spanning multiple areas. This kind of triangulation can be facilitated by cross-regional contextualized comparison, a middle-range approach that stands between area-bound qualitative research and (Millean) macro-comparative analysis that brackets out context in search of causal laws. Importantly, this approach relies upon an area specialist’s sensibilities and experience to generate awareness of local complexities and context conditions for less familiar cases. The examples of cross-regional contextualized comparison considered in this chapter collectively demonstrate that engagement with area studies scholarship and the pursuit of disciplinary knowledge can be a positive-sum game.
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Wagner-Havlicek, Carina, e Harald Wimmer, a cura di. Werbe- und Kommunikationsforschung II. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2022.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
For decades, market, communication and advertising impact research has been providing important insights for both the economy and for advertising and media agencies. This book contains a compact overview of the different methods of research on advertising effectiveness and communication. In its individual chapters, these methods are described in detail, their respective advantages and disadvantages are explained, concrete examples of their application in market, advertising impact and communication research are shown in practice and a conclusion is drawn about each one. Adding to the publication’s first volume, this book describes some standard methods, such as qualitative and quantitative content analysis and some experiments. In addition to elaborating on the basics of sampling and sampling errors, it also explains semiotics, facial coding, mystery shopping, test markets, mobile research, creative as well as non-reactive methods and social media monitoring. The book concludes with an article on panels. With contributions by Chiara Brammer, Alena Ehrenberger, Johanna Erd, Barbara Hackl, Teresa Häring, Philip Hagen, Isabella Henninger, Lisa-Marie Hochsteger, Markus Hofstätter, Larissa Kaiser, Barbara Klinser-Kammerzelt, Tina Montibeller, Daniela Janine Pulz, Jürgen Resch, Christine Schmid, Verena Simlinger, Carina Wagner-Havlicek and Harald Wimmer.
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Roger, Charles B. The Origins of Informality. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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Abstract (sommario):
This book explores the phenomenon of informal international organizations. These bodies are involved in governing many of the most important issues the world currently faces, and differ significantly from the highly legalized, formal organizations the world has traditionally relied on. But despite their evident importance, they remain poorly understood. This book develops a new approach to thinking about these puzzling institutions, presents new data revealing their extraordinary growth over time, and develops a novel theory about why states are creating them. The theory explains how states form preferences over the informality of international organization and how legal designs get chosen through often contentious bargaining processes. This theory of institutional design then informs a more dynamic account of the rise of informality. This account explains how major shifts occurring in the domestic political arenas of powerful states—especially growing polarization and the rise of the regulatory state—have been projected outward and reshaped the legal foundations of global governance. The book systematically tests this theory, quantitatively and qualitatively, and presents detailed accounts of the forces behind some of the most important institutions in the global economy. It concludes with an analysis of the effectiveness of informal organizations, finding that many are likely to be less capable of addressing the complex challenges the world presently confronts.
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Vargas-Ramos, Carlos, e Anthony M. Stevens-Arroyo, a cura di. Blessing La Política. ABC-CLIO, LLC, 2012.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
An essential guide to the new face of electoral politics in America, this book provides an examination of the political mobilization of Latinos and Latinas through the churches and the influence of being of the Catholic faith, enabling an understanding of the social and cultural dynamics at play. Blessing La Política: The Latino Religious Experience and Political Engagement in the United States presents a corrective challenge to the authoritative conclusion by the book Voice and Equality: Civic Voluntarism in American Politics that Latinos are less likely to become involved in politics because of the predominant Catholic beliefs of this demographic. Through comprehensive analysis of the political tendencies of Latinos and Latinas of faith, the findings in this work consistently counterpoint those conclusions from a variety of perspectives and methodologies. The research presented in the book comprises surveys that are national in scope—both of elites, and at the mass level—as well as localized in cities. The authors have also collected ethnographies that are localized in U.S. cities and transnational in nature. The result is both a broad view of Latino politics and religion, and detailed information that provides far more context that is possible in national-level quantitative studies.
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Zaitsev, Fedor, e Vladimir Bychkov. Mathematical modeling of electromag-netic and gravitational phenomena by the methodology of continuous media mechanics. LCC MAKS Press, 2021.

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Abstract (sommario):
The book of well-known Russian scientists systematically presents a new theoretical approach to studying nature's fundamental phenomena using the hypothesis of the physical vacuum, or the ether, as some environment in which all the processes develop. In the proposed studies, the ether is represented as some one-component continuous media that satisfies generally accepted conservation laws: of matter and momentum. From the appropriate two equations, a number of consequences are obtained to which a physical interpretation is given. For the first time, 150 years after studies of Faraday and Maxwell, it is shown that these single premises mathematically give basic physical laws established experimentally: the Maxwell equations, the Lorentz force, the Gauss theorem; the laws: Coulomb, Biot - Savard, Ampere, electromagnetic induction, Ohm, Joule - Lenz, Wiedemann - Franz, universal gravitation, and etc. Details of mechanisms of many processes, that seemed previously paradoxical, have been disclosed. A method of the model substantiation adopted in the mathematical modeling methodology allows to conclude that the presented mathematical model of the ether adequately describes electromagnetic and gravitational processes. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of hundreds of known and new experimental facts allows in the methodology of physics, as science summarizing the experiments data, to confirm a conclusion about the existence of the ether (physical vacuum). The content of the book is based on the works of authors done during the last fourteen years. Many results are published for the first time. The book is intended for specialists in the field of electrodynamics, electrical engineering, gravity and kinetics, as well as for graduate students and students, interested in the fundamental principles of these scientific directions. This book is unique in terms of the comprehensive consideration of the problem and the depth of its analysis.
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Field, Clive D. Counting Religion in Britain, 1970-2020. Oxford University Press, 2021.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Counting Religion in Britain, 1970–2020, the fourth volume in the author’s chronological history of British secularization, sheds significant new light on the nature, scale, and timing of religious change in Britain during the past half-century, with particular reference to quantitative sources. Adopting a key performance indicators approach, twenty-one facets of personal religious belonging, behaving, and believing are examined, offering a much wider range of lenses through which the health of religion can be viewed and appraised than most contemporary scholarship (which is typically confined to one or two measures). Summative analysis of these indicators, by means of a secularization dashboard, leads to a reaffirmation of the validity of secularization (in its descriptive sense) as the dominant narrative and direction of travel since 1970, while acknowledging that it is an incomplete process and without endorsing all aspects of the paradigmatic expression of secularization as a by-product of modernization. The appendix of 173 tables, a discrete statistical reference work in its own right, besides supporting (and being cross-referenced in) the main text, is designed as an extension to 2020 of the appendix of tables to 1970 in the acclaimed 1977 Clarendon Press volume Churches and Churchgoers: Patterns of Church Growth in the British Isles since 1700, by Robert Currie, Alan Gilbert, and Lee Horsley. As well as covering statistics generated by faith communities and the state, as did the 1977 book, the appendix to Counting Religion in Britain, 1970–2020 includes a wide variety of time series from national sample surveys.
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Uma análise da percepção docente, gestora e familiar sobre a qualidade da educação básica em escolas públicas em defesa do modelo cívico-militar. Editora Acadêmica Periodicojs, 2021.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
The objective of this study was to analyze the perception of teachers, managers and family members of the municipal and state education system in a city in the Metropolitan Region of Recife / PE regarding the quality of basic education, difficulties faced, student performance and the process of implementing the civic-military model in the the public school. 64 subjects participated in the study, which were subdivided into 13 managers, 30 teachers working in elementary and high school and 21 parents / guardians of a municipal school and a state school. The instruments used for data collection were 3 (three) electronic questionnaires developed in Google forms, containing objective and subjective questions, directed to managers, teachers and parents / guardians. Quantitative data were treated statistically by the PRISMA for Windows program - Version 4.03 and analyzed by the Chi-square test, with p <0.05, expressed in percentages, and the data referring to the qualitative evaluation were treated through analysis of content, with data represented qualitatively and expressed in a table. It was found in this study, from the perception of teachers, managers and parents about basic education, that the main problems faced are associated with the low interest of students in studies (69.2%; 76.7%, p= 0.032) and lack of adequate structure (50%, p= 0.038). Regarding the contribution of the civic-military model, the study pointed out the improvement of students' behavior in the family, school and social environment (71.4% p= 0.053), improving the quality of basic education with an emphasis on access, permanence and in learning (66.7% p= 0.036), makes the teacher feel valued (61.9% p= 0.042), contributes to preventing violence in the school environment and improving school performance (66.7% p= 0.024), contributes to the promotion of society's moral, civic and patriotic values (81.0 p= 0.031), and based on the current model (55%; 54.2% p= 0.005) of teachers and parents feel dissatisfied. We conclude that the civic-military model can contribute to reducing evasion, valuing the teacher, improving student behavior, improving the quality of basic education with an emphasis on access, permanence and learning and contributing to the promotion of society’s family, civic and patriotic end moral values.
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