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Articoli di riviste sul tema "Presse et politique – France – 18e siècle"
Bundalo, Anja. "L’ACADÉMIE AU 18E SIÈCLE : UN DES VECTEURS MAJEURS DE TRANSFERTS CULTURELS". Годишњак Филозофског факултета у Новом Саду 46, n. 3 (11 gennaio 2022): 203–15.
Testo completoMollier, Jean-Yves. "Littérature et presse du trottoir à la Belle Époque". Études françaises 36, n. 3 (16 dicembre 2004): 81–94.
Testo completoKaës, Emmanuelle, e Ilaria Vidotto. "Du journal à la revue : étude comparée du discours sur le style au XIX e siècle". Romantisme 204, n. 2 (29 maggio 2024): 107–44.
Testo completoQuincy-Lefebvre, Pascale. "Émotion et opinion dans la justice des mineurs en France durant l’entre-deux-guerres". Revue d’histoire de l’enfance « irrégulière » N° 17, n. 1 (1 gennaio 2015): 149–67.
Testo completoMaillard, Michel. "L'évolution des modèles propositionnels dans la grammaire portugaise de 1536 à 1936". Cahiers du Centre de Linguistique et des Sciences du Langage, n. 25 (9 aprile 2022): 201–16.
Testo completoPinson, Guillaume. "L’impossible panorama". Études françaises 44, n. 3 (9 dicembre 2008): 109–19.
Testo completoΝΥΣΤΑΖΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ-ΠΕΛΕΚΙΔΟΥ, ΜΑΡΙΑ. "ΤΑ ΠΛΑΣΤΑ ΕΓΓΡΑΦΑ ΣΤΟΥΣ ΜΕΣΟΥΣ ΧΡΟΝΟΥΣ ΣΤΟ ΒΥΖΑΝΤΙΟ ΚΑΙ ΣΤΑ ΒΑΛΚΑΝΙΑ: Κριτήρια πλαστότητας, στόχοι και τεχνικές". Eoa kai Esperia 7 (1 gennaio 2007): 25.
Testo completoPujante González, Domingo. "Apertura: No hay palabras..." HYBRIDA, n. 5(12/2022) (27 dicembre 2022): 3.
Testo completoGiordano, Christian. "Nation". Anthropen, 2017.
Testo completoSantiago Gómez, Arnulfo Uriel de. "La presse francophone au Mexique: signes de globalisation". História (São Paulo) 38 (2019).
Testo completoTesi sul tema "Presse et politique – France – 18e siècle"
Pösch, Nina. "Presse et pouvoir politique sous la Convention nationale (1792-1795)". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Mulhouse, 2024.
Testo completoThe French Revolution marked an important step in the development of the periodical press. This increase in the importance of the press provoked deep changes within society and allowed for better access to information. The Revolution changed the legal status of the press by ending the system of censorship and privileges of the Old Regime, while at the same time imposing new limits on the transmission of information and opinions. These rapid developments led to new problems for the authorities. The government and its institutions had to position themselves in relation to the press, interact with it, and learn how to utilize it for their own purposes. There were two fields of action in the relations between political actors and the press: firstly, the deliberate distribution of information and propaganda, and secondly, repression and the interruption of the circuit of information. The ways in which information and propaganda were distributed varied: new newspapers were founded, and existing papers received financial aid. Mass subscriptions to newspapers were particularly common. Censorship was never reintroduced during the Revolution, but ‘unofficial’ measures were taken to suppress information. These included the banning of newspapers, the imprisonment of journalists, printers, or booksellers, the interception of newspapers sent by post, repression against street vendors of prints, or legal proceedings against journalists, editors, booksellers, or printers
Lejeune, Thierry. "La justice politique : l'exemple du département du Nord (1811-1914)". Lille 2, 1996.
Testo completoThe subject of the thesis is approached from a regional point of view, by studying the judicial practise of common law courts - the assizes and police courts - as well as exceptional judicial practice - special courts, provost courts or joint committee - in the North department whose case-law can be derived from the archives. The result of this analysis shows the autonomy of the judicial practice in comparison with the text governing it. This analysis offers a new contribution to the political history of that period, revealing the behaviour of the people living in that region. In the North department, during the 1811-1851 period, ordinary political justice was moderate as regards both criminal and police courts. But besides this justice, the authorities appealed to exceptional judicial practice whenever serious political crises occurred. Under the Monarchie de Juillet, a liberal political justice developed; in political and press-cases as well, not-guilty verdicts grew in number and eventually led to a certain impunity of political criminality. The liberal spirits was brought to and end by the coup d'État which took place on December 2nd, 1851. The Second Empire, without hesitating appealed to exceptional judicial practices and police courts as well, so as to eliminate any opposition. The liberalism of the Third Republic was particularly ambiguous. Greater public freedom was acknowledged by the Republic. But considering the monarchist, socialist and anarchistic perils, the opportunist republicans occasionally did not hesitate to vote in further laws, so as to defend and strengthen the regime. Consequently, the 1852-1914 period was marked by the decline of a liberal justice
Gobert, Jean-Marie. "L'itinéraire intellectuel et politique de "La Revue des deux mondes", 1848-1893". Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 1985.
Testo completoEscarpit, David. "L'écrit politique en occitan en Gironde (1860-1914)". Thesis, Bordeaux 3, 2016.
Testo completoOccitan and political paper in Gironde ( 1860-1914 ) The project of thesis consists of an analysis of the non-literary practices of the Occitan in Gironde between 1860 and 1914, essentially in and around the press. The project is served by the existence of an impressive already skinned, referenced and listed corpus, articles, bills, songs and poems in langue d'oc, appeared during this period within diverse Girondist organs of press. We are talking about an Occitan of complicity used for political purposes: it is a question of touching the masses of voters stemming from rural circles, which do not still master, for the majority, French. This study allowed to highlight an almost unexplored piece of the publishing of Bordeaux world of the XIXth century : the political paper in Occitan. Or under the shape of printed pamphlets, without using the new vector of distribution of the information and the opinion that is the press, this paper gave rise to real large-scale productions. Becoming integrated into previous Occitan linguistic practices peculiar to Bordeaux, it knew how to be renewed until join the margins of the Occitan rebirth movement, besides quasi-non-existent in the country at that time. Revealing the interest for the political circles to use the minority idiom to the urban area of Bordeaux and around, this paper allows us of touch of the finger a still badly known sociolinguistic reality, in which one conscientizacion of the masses in the republican project (or to oppose it) needs the occitan language
Darriulat, Philippe. "Albert Laponneraye : journaliste et militant socialiste du premier XIXe siècle". Paris 10, 1989.
Testo completoAlbert Laponneraye, (1808-1849), whose father was an emigrant, was, as a new-born infant, abandoned at the orphans' hospital in tours by his parents who recognised him eight years later ; he twice proved himself an innovator within the republican left at the beginning of the "monarchie de juillet", first by publishing the first openly robespierrist history of the french revolution, in his printed lessons for the public history classes which he started on november 6th 1831. Thanks to his relationship with Robespierre’s younger sister charlotte and with his publication (the first ever made) of the complete works of the leader of the jacobins, he become the major spokesman of Robespierre’s thoughts, within a republican panty which had found a model in the "montagne". He then innovated when he published "l'intelligence" (1837-1840) the first newspaper whose publication did not stop and which was considered to be communist or at least to prefigurate the communist movement which developed after 1840. He was a typical representative of the young generation of radical republicans born in the first years of the century, and he was sentenced to five years imprisonment for his writings from 1832 to 1837 and spent half of that time in the prison of sainte-pelagie, the other half in hospital for heart treatment. After the failure of his newspaper "l'intelligence" he became one of cabet's collaborators but their relationship soon came to an end. .
Mollier, Jean-Yves. "Histoire politique et histoire culturelle au coeur du XIXe siècle français". Paris 1, 1986.
Testo completoBoumbé, Ndirimian. "La politique dans "La Revue blanche" : analyse des contenus". Orléans, 2000.
Testo completoPrimi, Alice. ""Être fille de son siècle" : l’engagement politique des femmes dans l’espace public en France et en Allemagne de 1848 à 1870". Paris 8, 2006.
Testo completoThe period which begins with the « Spring of Nations » and ends with the Franco-Prussian war of 1870 is characterized by a number of profound transformations within French and German society. An increasing proportion of the population intends to contribute directly to the definition of “progress” and takes action to effect social change through revolution, representational voting, associations… Despite the diverse obstacles facing them, some women do participate in public debates. They wish to assert their modernity and their ability to act in a free and autonomous manner for the common good and in the sense of “progress”. They are thus in contradiction with the “feminine” identity which is assigned to them, and which is mandatory to their social recognition. Furthermore German women who want to contribute to the building of their nation must affect a gendered national identity, which adds to the heavy constraints already imposed on them. This confrontational situation brings these politicised women to criticise ideas of their contemporaries – liberals, democrats, socialists – who intend to continue along the route of “progress” without them. The relations of power brought to light by the interaction of these women with their male counterparts emphasise the limitations of the social and political restructuring projects whose unspoken objective is not to weaken the social order based on the patriarchal family
Hallade, Sébastien. "« A la recherche de la meilleure des républiques ». Les romanciers-feuilletonistes engagés sous la Deuxième République française. Littérature, presse, politique et morales". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024.
Testo completoThe title of my thesis partly takes up the title of a satirical novel written by Louis Reybaud, a novelist, columnist and representative of the people, elected to the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences in 1850: Jérôme Paturot à la recherche de la meilleure des Républiques, offered in serials, by extracts, in the spring and summer of 1848. From August 1, 1850, under article 14 of the law on the press passed on July 16, 1850, any serial novel was taxed - until the repeal of this article, after 19 months of existence, by article 36 of the organic decree on the press of February 17, 1852, which took effect on March 1, 1852. Why did the majority of the National Legislative Assembly decide in the summer of 1850, about 29 months after the birth of the Second Republic, to tax serial novels? This PhD is based on the census of 155 authors of committed serial novels and of 952 serial novels published in the press of the departments of the Seine and of the Seine-et-Oise - particularly targeted by the Riancey stamp (after the name of the representative of the people who was behind article 14) - and on a prosopographic approach, in order to retrace the literary and political career and the reception of the authors of serial novels studied. At the crossroads of a political, literary, and religious history, this thesis intends, above all, to question the object of the serial novel and the figure of the 1848 novelist-journalist in light of the moral question under the Second Republic as well as the relevance of the caesura of 1850 as a literary, aesthetic and ethical break
Baudouin, Patricia. "Balzac, journaliste et penseur du politique, 1830-1850". Paris 8, 2006.
Testo completoWriter, journalist and political thinker : those three activities are closely linked in Balzac’s life between 1830 and 1848. His work and his life show an author led by politics, in a unitary way that includes social, religious and economical questions. In a time of post-revolutionary discord, Balzac, beside his contemporaries, tries to avert the bursting and to rebuild a lasting order by rethinking politics, which means not only the power – its forms, means and stakes – but also the society where politics exercise. During the July Monarchy, Balzac plays a major role in the city, as an actor and as a critical witness of his time; he was in shift, or even in dissidence with regard to the dominant way of thinking. His texts and commitments express the affirmation and paradoxes of the public space during the July Monarchy. As a man and a writer of discomfort, Balzac writes both about and against his century. His refusal to accept the restraints of a party or to rally men and ideas of his century brings him to try a synthesis from the various trends of thinking, the present ones as the past ones. In this way, he proposes a system that defies classifications and maintains the opposites in a permanent tension. The balzacian vision of politics asks questions about politics but do not impose any answer. It suspends certitudes and keeps its actuality
Libri sul tema "Presse et politique – France – 18e siècle"
Jean-François, Jacouty, a cura di. Mélanges en l'honneur du président Roland Andréani: Presse, politique, culture et société du XVIIIe au XXe siècle (France-Languedoc). Montpellier: Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée, 2007.
Cerca il testo completoG, Kammen Michael, e Rawlings Elizabeth, a cura di. Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville ; translated by Elizabeth Trapnell Rawlings ; abridged with an introduction by. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2008.
Cerca il testo completoEduardo, Nolla, a cura di. De la démocratie en Amérique. Paris: J. Vrin, 1990.
Cerca il testo completoTocqueville, Alexis de. Demokratia Amerikaši: Democracy in America = De la démocratie en Amérique. Tʻbilisi: Grigol Robakʻiżis saxelobis universitetis gamomcʻemloba, 2011.
Cerca il testo completoTocqueville, Alexis de. La democracia en América, 2. Buenos Aires: Alianza Editorial, 2005.
Cerca il testo completoTocqueville, Alexis de. Alexis de Tocqueville: Over de democratie in Amerika. Leuven: Acco, 1993.
Cerca il testo completoTocqueville, Alexis de. De la démocratie en Amérique. Paris: Gallimard, 1991.
Cerca il testo completoThe Notables and the Nation: The Political Schooling of the French, 17871788 (Harvard Historical Studies). Harvard University Press, 2008.
Cerca il testo completoGruder, Vivian R. Notables and the Nation: The Political Schooling of the French, 1787-1788. Harvard University Press, 2008.
Cerca il testo completoEntre scatologie et fantasmes sexuels, le cul et son imaginaire. Paris: A. Colin, 2010.
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