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Articoli di riviste sul tema "Population aging – economic aspects – great britain"


Li, Dijin. "Research on the Causes and Countermeasures of Population Aging Development in China". Academic Journal of Management and Social Sciences 1, n. 1 (10 gennaio 2023): 19–21. http://dx.doi.org/10.54097/ajmss.v1i1.4756.

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Abstract (sommario):
The aging population is an inevitable problem in society’s development, and it impacts all aspects of society. In China, there is great pressure on the elderly. The working-age force is decreasing day by day, and the social and economic pattern is changing, which makes the research on the aging problem of China have important practical significance. Addressing the issue of aging is a significant pressure and challenge for developing countries. However, the pressure can be turned into motivation, and there are opportunities in the challenges. The rapidly growing aging population brings much room for the development of the senior industry. Therefore, it is essential for China to pay attention to population aging and to conduct relevant economic policy research.
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Balina, T. A., A. A. Balina, S. E. Gasumova e T. D. Popkova. "FEATURES OF SOCIAL PROBLEMS OF YOUNG PEOPLE IN RUSSIA, GREAT BRITAIN AND CHINA". Bulletin of Udmurt University. Series Biology. Earth Sciences 30, n. 2 (30 luglio 2020): 231–43. http://dx.doi.org/10.35634/2412-9518-2020-30-2-231-243.

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Abstract (sommario):
The state youth policy requires deep study and justification by representatives of social sciences, including sociology and socio-economic geography, which allows us to synthesize various methods of studying society and its well-being. Social geography, having a spatial approach, allows us to determine the territorial features of the course of social phenomena, to identify cause-and-effect relationships between them, to study the general and specific features of the development of territorial communities and population strata. Using the example of Great Britain, China and Russia, the current social problems of young people in countries with different types of socio-economic development are revealed through a comparative analysis of socio-demographic processes. In the context of concepts of well-being, the article considers various aspects of social dependency as a new and little-studied phenomenon. It is revealed that the UK, which implements the liberal principle of public welfare policy, has extensive experience in social work with young people, and the pioneering research of NEET-youth is of international significance. In China social dependency has acquired specific forms, which is largely determined by the principle of egalitarianism, the consequences of demographic policy and traditional mentality. The analysis of modern problems of Russian youth has shown that the rejection of the paternalistic model of social protection of the population had a negative impact on the situation of young people. The article analyzes the results of statistical, sociological research, expert evaluation, included interviews, etc., which revealed the social problems of Russian, British and Chinese youth, including the phenomenon of dependency. It was revealed that the study of dependency in the framework of youth policy and social work will help to activate the younger generation, accelerate its inclusion in society, and improve technologies for solving social problems.
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Runtić, Katarina, Milivoj Višacki e Marija Milovanović. "Cognitive impairment problem as unrecognized in urban population: Andragogical aspects". Research in Pedagogy 14, n. 1 (2024): 74–89. http://dx.doi.org/10.5937/istrped2401074r.

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Abstract (sommario):
The issue of aging and old age is becoming a significant social phenomenon that captures the attention of numerous scientific disciplines. Cognitive changes in the elderly population are a field of great interest to the scientific and professional community. Given the tendency of the world's elderly population to increase, this topic is becoming increasingly important for both individuals and society as a whole, considering the health, legal, social, and economic aspects. The subject of this research is the cognitive functioning of healthy older urban populations and the importance of promoting active aging programs to preserve cognitive capacities in old age. The problem addressed in this research is to determine the extent to which unrecognized cognitive impairment is present in the older population, where respondents do not spontaneously report cognitive functioning difficulties. The aim of this research is to determine the degree, frequency, and modalities of cognitive impairment in terms of specific cognitive functions (orientation, attention and calculation, recall, writing, visuospatial construction) and to assess the importance of recommendations for preserving cognitive capacities in old age through the promotion of active/healthy aging. The method used was systematic nonexperimental observation. The sample was convenient and consisted of 60 volunteers, aged 60 years or older, who had never consulted a doctor for cognitive or psychiatric problems. The Mini Mental Status Examination test (MMSE) was used in the study. The results obtained show that dementia of mild degree was diagnosed in 3.3% of the respondents, and of moderate to severe degree in 3.3% of the respondents, which is an interesting finding considering that the surveyed sample consisted of individuals who did not complain of cognitive impairments. Additionally, the results regarding the prevalence of impairments in specific cognitive functions show that impairments in recall of previously presented verbal material were most prevalent (66.7% of respondents), while impairments in orientation were least prevalent (8.3% of respondents). The results indicate a statistically significant correlation between age and degree of cognitive impairment, age and cognitive function of attention, and age and cognitive function of recall. Furthermore, there is a statistically significant correlation between years of formal education and degree of cognitive impairment, years of formal education and the following cognitive functions: orientation, recall, and sentence writing. The results highlight the need for more detailed diagnostics and monitoring of cognitive abilities in the elderly, as well as the need for promoting and implementing prevention programs for the elderly population at risk of dementia.
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Ružić, Natasha K., Katica Jurčević, Ozana Ramljak e María Florencia Luchetti. "Ključni čimbenici iseljavanja iz Hrvatske i ostanka u iseljeništvu prema percepciji iseljenika". Migracijske i etničke teme / Migration and Ethnic Themes 39, n. 1 (2023): 81–104. http://dx.doi.org/10.11567/met.39.1.4.

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Abstract (sommario):
Croatia has been facing a population decline, mainly due to a low birth rate and the emigration of young and qualified workers. Considering the historical and dynamic aspects of emigration (Draženović, Kunovac and Pripužić, 2018), leading to depopulation, it is necessary to investigate all contributing factors in Croatia and explore potential models and measures to mitigate these unfavourable processes. Apart from Germany, Croatian citizens have emigrated mostly to Ireland and Austria since the country acceded to the EU (Pokos, 2017). Research confirms that the number of Croatian citizens who immigrated to Germany, Ireland and Austria in 2016 was, on average, 62% higher than the official data reported by the Republic of Croatia (Jerić, 2019). The increasingly intensive emigration of the young and able-bodied population additionally contributes to a rapidly ageing population, exerting strong pressure on the sustainability of the pension system (Družić, Beg and Raguž Krištić, 2016) and underscores the importance of investigating the reasons for emigration and the factors essential for return. Migration is also an important area of interest for the European Union due to its exceptional impact on all aspects of society. Increased opportunities for mobility, advances in technology that provide access to information sources, and societal changes strongly suggest the need for policymakers to examine the micro, meso, and macro drivers that influence migration or potentially influence a person's decision not to migrate or remigrate. Governments require migration analysis to create informed migration policies, including citizen participation in the policy development process. The perspectives of migrants and their behaviour should be taken into account when creating policies to better understand the key success factors needed for the desired outcomes of migrants (European Commission, 2020). According to Fargues (2017), migration is a complex process that is constantly changing as a result of various local, international, and global situations, highlighting the need for con¬tinual investigation and repeated surveying of the population. Within the current demographic climate, the World Youth Alliance Croatia (SSMH) launched the project “Network 2050 – Demography, From Challenges to Answers”, co-financed by the European Social Fund. The project is based on intersectoral cooperation, identified as necessary for improving collaborative efforts to address the effects of negative demographic trends on the social and economic development of Croatia and develop measures for demographic revitalisation. This paper will present the data and analysis of the empirical results of the research conducted by the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies. The study focuses on emigrants' opinions and perspectives regarding the factors that influenced their decision to migrate. This includes their own perceptions of the situation in Croatia, as well as abroad in their host country, which played a role in their decision-making process and continues to potentially impact them. Additionally, the paper explores the emigrants’ perception of their current life circumstances. The target group comprised Croats currently living as expatriates in European countries. A total of 497 respondents, Croats currently living abroad, most of whom left Croatia between 2016 and 2021, took part in the survey. Three main research questions guided the investigation: 1) What are the key drivers of migration at the micro, meso, and macro levels that influence the decision to emigrate or stay, according to the perception of emigrants from Croatia?; 2) What factors influence the decision of Croats to stay abroad?; and, 3) What are the key factors that influence the decision to return to Croatia? For the purposes of this paper, the general results related to research questions 1 and 2 will be presented. The instrument used for data collection was an online questionnaire that respondents filled out independently. The questionnaire consisted of 62 questions, mostly closed-ended, with only a few open-ended questions to accommodate additional information if participants chose to elaborate on their perceptions. Including this option also allowed for the possibility of results that were not expected by the research team. The questions were divided into five thematic chapters: sociodemographic data, migration status, socioeconomic status, returnee motivational status, and identity and value system. The questionnaire was administered with special attention to the time of completion, clarity, and appropriateness of the questions. The data collection process included advertising the research project and posting calls for participation on various social media networks across platforms managed by members of various Croatian dias¬pora groups. Additionally, advertising was conducted through social groups and institutions, as well as using the snowball method. Data was collected during the period from July to October 2021. At the beginning, the purpose of the questionnaire was explained, and respondents were informed that their participation was voluntary with the possibility to withdraw at any time. Consistency in the questionnaire administration was achieved by exclusively offering it online. A total of 500 responses were received, of which 497 were valid, while three questionnaires were partially filled. Only key socio-demographic information was collected and, together with the respondents' personal perceptions, it was examined in relation to the key drivers of emigration. Their perception is the key feedback that can help state authorities and policymakers in designing measures aimed at retaining the population and attract¬ing potential returnees. Their perception was viewed as potentially showing indica¬tors of migration drivers, push and pull factors, as well as demonstrating public perception around key issues and policies, and the type of information (including its accuracy) used to inform migration. Respecting the perception of the general public when creating policies is in line with the concepts promoted by the EU Parliament (2020), which encourages the participation of citizens in decision-making. According to the obtained sociodemographic data, 208 respondents (41.9%) were female, and 289 respondents (58.1%) were male. The most represented age category (39%) was 30–39 years old. Additionally, 24% of respondents were between 40 and 49 years old, 22% were between 18 and 29 years old 9.5 % were between 50 and 59 years old, 3.2% were 60–69 years old and 2% were between 70 and 81 years old. This indicates that the majority of respondents who leave are younger than 40, i.e. in the reproductive age group. The results obtained support the relevance of the research by Družić, Beg and Raguž Krištić (2016), who warn about the loss of the young population in Croatia, which results in population ageing. The majority (78.3%) were born in Croatia, and the next significant group (13.1%) was born in Bosnia and Herzego¬vina. The largest group of respondents, at the time of the questionnaire, lived in Germany, followed by the numerically significant groups in Great Britain, Ireland and Sweden. The trend shown by the majority of respondents coming from Germany is in line with the large wave of migration to Germany since 2013 when Croatia entered the EU, and since July 2015 when the labour market in Germany was opened to Croatia. Jurić (2022) and Pokos (2017) describe Germany as still the most desirable country for Croatian emigration. The results showed that macro-level factors related to working conditions and employment rates influence micro-level factors, such as socioeconomic status. Work opportunities and the working environment were perceived as somewhat important because respondents believe that these aspects affect their personal quality of life. An interesting result is that the number of respondents who stated that they were married or in a partnership doubled after moving. It is worth mentioning that Jang, Cast¬erline and Snyder (2014) warn that the longer the time spent abroad, the stronger the ties made, potentially leading to the establishment of family life connected to the host country. This could negatively affect the potential decision to return. The influence of this factor at the micro level requires further research to show the possible impact of marriages abroad on the mobility of new families and their possible return to Croatia, especially if Croatia's goal is to encourage the return of its emigrants. The results of this study, as well as the recommendations of researchers such as Kis, Ozdemir and Ward (2015) on the importance of improving working conditions and wages as a means of improving living conditions, are useful for formulating strategies for population retention. Additionally, certain political restrictions can negatively affect the achievement of the country's migration goals (Boswell, 2002), which, in the case of Croatia, involves return migration and population retention.
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Sánchez Quintero, Carlos Alberto. "Cien años de vida: ¿Qué hacer para vivirlos exitosamente?" Anales de la Academia de Medicina de Medellín 20, n. 1 (30 marzo 2024): 28–36. http://dx.doi.org/10.56684/ammd/2024.1.04.

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Abstract (sommario):
One of the greatest challenges of the twenty-first century in most countries is the aging of the population and especially for developed countries. In Latin America and specifically in Colombia this phenomenon has been happening in an accelerated manner and in deficit economic conditions that make the phenomenon more special and can become a public health problem of great magnitude. Demographically the population groups over 50 years of age increase significantly, with those over 80 years of age being the group with the highest growth rate of the entire population. Between 2021 and 2030 The United Nations declared the Decade of Healthy Aging; a strategy that seeks to add the possible efforts in all areas of development, to improve the quality of life of the elderly and in general seek the sustainability of the entire population. In the case of human beings, the aging process must be considered differently from each individual and is related to the effects of their entire life history. “Knowing how to grow old is the masterpiece of wisdom” (Old age and life). This document brings together the most relevant aspects of how people from their young ages could make responsible actions for that older person that we all carry inside, adopting a diet with the necessary nutrients, but eating thoroughly, and identifying the main benefits of physical activity indicated by a professional, periodic and safe, establishing and strengthening family and social support networks, seeking in a programmed way their economic stability, formulating a meaningful life project that energizes existence until the end of days, exercising their mind even with the daily activities of day to day.
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Li, Xuyang, Tongping Li, Hui Li, Junmei Qi e Linjie Hu. "Research on the Online Consumption Effect of China’s Urbanization under Population Aging Background". Sustainability 11, n. 16 (12 agosto 2019): 4349. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su11164349.

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With the development of e-commerce, online consumption—a new sustainable consumption mode—has rapidly developed. Online shopping has become an important consumption method for Chinese residents, and the era of online consumption has arrived. Urbanization is an important foundation for the development of online consumption, and its impact on online consumption is becoming increasingly important. In addition, with the decline of fertility in China, the proportion of the elderly population is increasing. As the macro background of the current economic operation of China, population aging has long been a concern of the government. However, the existing research on urbanization, population aging and online consumption is insufficient. In this context, this study is of great significance to promote the sustainable development of the online consumption mode and enrich the theory of resident consumption in the era of the network economy. In this paper, by adopting the system generalized method of moments (GMM), we conducted an empirical analysis of the relationship between urbanization, population aging, and online consumption, based on panel data from 31 provinces in China from 2007 to 2017. Furthermore, we examined the regional heterogeneity of urbanization’s online consumption effect. The results reveal that, first, urbanization has a positive relationship with online consumption. Second, urbanization’s online consumption effect has regional differences, with the largest positive effect being in the western area of China, the second in the eastern area of China and the smallest in the central area of China. Third, aging inhibits the development of online consumption. Specifically, it mainly includes two aspects. On the one hand, aging has a direct negative impact on online consumption. On the other hand, aging has a moderating effect on urbanization’s online consumption effect, which weakens the impact of urbanization. The rising of urban residents’ income has significant explanatory power to the change of online consumption in the eastern and western regions. Therefore, the policy implications are as follows: promoting the strategic transformation of urbanization, giving full play to the online consumption effect of urbanization; adjusting and improving population policy to cope with the population aging; constantly raising people’s income level and enhancing consumption potential.
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Kozin, S. V. "Society in the period of COVID–19. Review of the collective monograph “Pandemic COVID-19: challenges, consequences, counteraction” (edited by A.V. Torkunov, S.V. Ryazantsev, V.K. Levashov)". Moscow State University Bulletin. Series 18. Sociology and Political Science 28, n. 3 (14 settembre 2022): 306–19. http://dx.doi.org/10.24290/1029-3736-2022-28-3-306-319.

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Abstract (sommario):
The article presents the author's views on the new collective monograph “The COVID-19 pandemic: challenges, consequences, counteraction” (Moscow: “Aspect Press”, 2021), which claims to provide almost comprehensive coverage and generalization of foreign and domestic theoretical and practical thought, information devoted to the study of the emergence and further development of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in the world. A comparative analysis of sociological studies (for example: Great Britain, Italy, Russia, USA) devoted to measuring the social opinion of the population regarding the consequences of COVID-19 is extremely valuable. In general, the collective monograph published will tell the reader on its pages about the genesis of the development of world pandemics that have left their bright mark, about the prevailing socio-political and economic aspects during COVID-19, about existing measures of state assistance to the population and much more. Within the framework of this review, the content of all five chapters of the collective monograph was briefly highlighted, in addition, the author of the article selectively highlighted and supplemented the most controversial and even overlooked by the authors of the work significant aspects. In conclusion, it is concluded that this scientific academic work is aimed at a wide range of readers.
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Ryazantsev, Sergey V., Svetlana V. Rusu e Viktoriya A. Medved. "FACTORS OF MIGRATION IN THE EUROPEAN UNION COUNTRIES DURING THE 2015-2016 CRISIS". Scientific Review. Series 1. Economics and Law, n. 4 (2020): 19–28. http://dx.doi.org/10.26653/2076-4650-2020-4-02.

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The article examines the key socio-economic aspects of the migration crisis and highlights the main causes of mass migration to the European Union from Africa, the Middle East and Eastern Europe. The main characteristic of the economic situation in these countries is given and the significant problems faced by the donor States of migrants in the last few years are studied. Among the problems highlighted: high population growth rates, pressure on the environment by residents of Africa and the Middle East, limited access to resources, food and fresh water; the problem of unemployment; the problem of poverty and social inequality; high competition in the labor market; low salaries; difficult economic situation and problems in the financial sector. It is noted that these problem were the main cause of mass migration to Europe. Based on a detailed study of official statistics, special attention is paid to the level of unemployment and poverty, GDP level, the population growth rate, as well as the level of wages in Africa, the Middle East and Eastern Europe. These indicators are compared to indicators in the countries of Eastern Europe. Their analysis shows that the standards of living in these regions is below average, that is why residents are forced to leave these countries for the European Union in search of a better life for themselves and their relatives. Among the countries that are of the greatest interest to migrants are: Germany, Great Britain, Ireland and so on.
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Drobyazko, Svetlana, Yurii Malakhovskyi, Ruslana Zhovnovach e Mohamed Mohamed. "The concept of the mechanism of managing the intellectual resources of the innovative active enterprises’ employees (experience of Great Britain)". Economics. Ecology. Socium 4, n. 1 (16 marzo 2020): 24–32. http://dx.doi.org/10.31520/2616-7107/2020.4.1-3.

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Introduction. Management of competencies of innovative workers in specific conditions of functioning of innovatively active enterprises as producing ecosystems is considered as the dominant direction of managing the process of production of new knowledge, localized within a specific organization, which can increase the consumer value of final consumption goods/services in the process of global value chains’ formation. Aim and tasks. The purpose of the publication is to summarize United Kingdom practices in the management of intellectual resources of innovatively active enterprises. Results. The purpose of the United Kingdom science and innovation policy is to develop the professional skills of the population, to organize world-class research and education, to apply knowledge and skills to develop a competitive economy. The established network of science and innovative policy management entities is in line with the open innovation demand model, which implies the establishment of effective cooperation between universities, business organizations, suppliers, consumers. The generalized model of organizational and economic mechanism of regulation of intellectual resources of innovatively active enterprises personnel as knowledge-intensive sociocentric networks is presented in the form of a structured system focused on the behavioral aspects of the activity of subjects of production of new knowledge of means of regulatory and indicative influence on the configuration of regulatory objects that are subordinated to the sub-system in the conditions of global competition. Conclusions. To fully meet the requirements of innovating the organizational and economic mechanism regulation of intellectual capital’ innovatively active enterprises corresponds to the incorporation into the toolkit of realization of the purpose and tasks of development of the means of forecasting the future state, structure, prospects of increasing the value of its elements. This trend of modernization provides an opportunity to increase intellectual capital through the introduction of Foresight procedures for analysing the impact on it of scientific and technological innovations, formulating and modernizing the mission of forecasting inclusive social capital, comprehensive specification of the regulatory sector, taking into account economic macro and mesoscenarios. At the same time, the proposed means increase the degree of scientific substantiation of the processes of regulation of enterprise development by implementing the analysis of alternative scenarios of intellectual capital growth of innovatively active ecosystems of microeconomic level, open the possibility of developing technological roadmaps for the implementation of targeted programs for long-term research, long-term research development of themes and programs for the implementation of applied social technologies at the request of stakeholders.
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Capriotti, Alessandro, Valeria Patregnani e Ario Federici. "Home-fitness and active ageing". Scientific Journal of Sport and Performance 1, n. 3 (22 settembre 2022): 167–78. http://dx.doi.org/10.55860/iius3216.

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Abstract (sommario):
The global aging of the population will lead to an increase in social and economic demands, so keeping the elderly active has become a priority. According to the WHO Guidelines, regular physical activity is essential for staying active and healthy and often the best opportunity to do this is at home. Strength activities are frequently set aside because they are considered useless or even risky, but on the contrary have great importance for maintaining of the physical well-being Home-Fitness is an excellent effective and accessible tool for everyone because it brings benefits on a physical and cognitive level, while staying at home. The objective to deepen all aspects related to physical exercise at home in ageing, through a systematic review of the scientific literature, investigating what are the evidence of greatest interest. The evidence determines in depth the relationship between physical activity at home and the elderly, concluding that, those who exercise regularly have a higher quality of life compared to less active subjects. The current COVID-19 pandemic should serve as an impetus for progress in this field.
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Libri sul tema "Population aging – economic aspects – great britain"


Family fictions and family facts: Harriet Martineau, Adolphe Quetelet, and the population question in England, 1798-1859. London: Routledge, 2007.

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Going grey: The mediation of politics in an ageing society. Farnham: Ashgate, 2012.

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Ken, Bartley, a cura di. England on the eve of the Black Death: An atlas of lay lordship, land and wealth, 1300-49. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2006.

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C, Millington A., e Townshend John, a cura di. Biomass assessment. London: Earthscan, 2009.

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Nuclear juggernaut: The transport of radioactive materials. London: Earthscan, 2009.

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Population, Welfare and Economic Change in Britain, 1290-1834. Boydell & Brewer, Incorporated, 2014.

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Thompson, S. J., Chris Briggs e P. M. Kitson. Population, Welfare and Economic Change in Britain, 1290-1834. Boydell & Brewer, Incorporated, 2014.

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Thompson, S. J., Chris Briggs e P. M. Kitson. Population, Welfare and Economic Change in Britain, 1290-1834. Boydell & Brewer, Incorporated, 2014.

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Thompson, S. J., Chris Briggs e P. M. Kitson. Population, Welfare and Economic Change in Britain, 1290-1834. Boydell & Brewer, Incorporated, 2014.

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Cooper, Brian. Family Fictions and Family Facts: Harriet Martineau, Adolphe Quetelet and the Population Question in England 1798-1859. Taylor & Francis Group, 2007.

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