Articoli di riviste sul tema "Planning"
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Barrett, Mary A., Luca Gottardi e Ken Moores. "Planning in the Poncini Family Business". Wine Business Case Research Journal 1, n. 1 (16 aprile 2016): 70–78.
Testo completoDavid, Venice Mairya. "Venture Planning". Trends in Nursing Administration & Education 09, n. 02 (30 dicembre 2020): 7–10.
Testo completoJain, Vikas, e Dr G. N. Purohit Dr. G. N. Purohit. "Corporate Planning". International Journal of Scientific Research 2, n. 1 (1 giugno 2012): 118.
Testo completoDr. J. K Sehgal, Dr J. K. Sehgal. "Vision and Planning". Indian Journal of Applied Research 1, n. 9 (1 ottobre 2011): 17–18.
Testo completoNelson, Daniel. "Beyond Defense Planning". Connections: The Quarterly Journal 01, n. 2 (2002): 101–11.
Testo completoTulkinovna, Djumayeva Guli. "LANGUAGE PLANNING PROPOSAL". American Journal Of Social Sciences And Humanity Research 03, n. 03 (1 marzo 2023): 71–77.
Testo completoPhillips, June K., e James W. Tollefson. "Planning Language, Planning Inequality". Modern Language Journal 77, n. 1 (1993): 98.
Testo completoAlexander, Ernest R. "“Planning” or e-Planning?" International Journal of E-Planning Research 3, n. 1 (gennaio 2014): 1–15.
Testo completoMcKay, Sandra Lee, e James W. Tollefson. "Planning Language, Planning Inequality". TESOL Quarterly 26, n. 1 (1992): 147.
Testo completoBaldauf, Richard B. "Language Planning: Corpus Planning". Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 10 (marzo 1989): 3–12.
Testo completoNayar, P. B. "Planning language, planning inequality". Journal of Pragmatics 20, n. 5 (novembre 1993): 505–10.
Testo completoFriend, John. "Planning concepts, planning contexts". Systems Practice 3, n. 2 (aprile 1990): 195–206.
Testo completoJurković, Željka, e Danijela Lovoković. "Corridor Planning–Sustainable Planning?" Sustainability 15, n. 21 (31 ottobre 2023): 15502.
Testo completoGrooms, Wes, e Emmanuel Frimpong Boamah. "Toward a Political Urban Planning: Learning from Growth Machine and Advocacy Planning to “Plannitize” Urban Politics". Planning Theory 17, n. 2 (9 febbraio 2017): 213–33.
Testo completoChristenson, Chris, e Helen Bart. "INTERNATIONAL PLANNING AS LOCALIZED PLANNING". International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings 1997, n. 1 (1 aprile 1997): 593–94.
Testo completoBloom, Michael J., e Mary K. Menefee. "Scenario Planning and Contingency Planning". Public Productivity & Management Review 17, n. 3 (1994): 223.
Testo completoLatimer, Hugh. "Project Planning and Macro Planning". IDS Bulletin 10, n. 1 (22 maggio 2009): 7–10.
Testo completoGleye, Paul H. "City Planning versus Urban Planning". Journal of Planning Literature 30, n. 1 (15 ottobre 2014): 3–17.
Testo completoLinn, Mott. "Planning strategically and strategic planning". Bottom Line 21, n. 1 (30 maggio 2008): 20–23.
Testo completoLoh, Carolyn G., e Richard K. Norton. "Planning Consultants and Local Planning". Journal of the American Planning Association 79, n. 2 (3 aprile 2013): 138–47.
Testo completoRosensweig, Michael, e Rande Lazar. "Tax Planning Strategies: Estate Planning". Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery 112, n. 5 (maggio 1995): P94—P95.
Testo completoFoster, Diana G., M. Antonia Biggs, Lauren J. Ralph, Abigail Arons e Claire D. Brindis. "Family Planning and Life Planning". Women's Health Issues 18, n. 5 (settembre 2008): 351–59.
Testo completoRowan-Robinson, Jeremy, e Roger Durman. "Planning policy and planning agreements". Land Use Policy 10, n. 3 (luglio 1993): 197–204.
Testo completoHeikkila, Eric J., e Mark Griffin. "Confucian Planning or Planning Confusion?" Journal of Planning Education and Research 14, n. 4 (luglio 1995): 269–79.
Testo completoSimmie, James. "Planning theory and planning practice". Cities 4, n. 4 (novembre 1987): 304–24.
Testo completoBishop, Peter. "London – Planning Integrated Communities." Astrágalo. Cultura de la Arquitectura y la Ciudad, n. 29 (2021): 247–58.
Testo completoS, Robin, Saranya J e Anudevi J. "Planning Aspects for Business". Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems 11, n. 09-SPECIAL ISSUE (25 settembre 2019): 74–80.
Testo completoCampbell, Heather, e John Henneberry. "Planning obligations, the market orientation of planning and planning professionalism". Journal of Property Research 22, n. 1 (gennaio 2005): 37–59.
Testo completoFurukawa, Masashi, Daisuke Kobayashi, Michiko Watanabe, Masahiro Kinoshita, Takashi Kawakami, Norihiko Takatori, Katsumi Hama e Keitaro Naruse. "Vehicle Path Planning by Use of SOM(Autonomous Path Planning,Session: MP1-A)". Abstracts of the international conference on advanced mechatronics : toward evolutionary fusion of IT and mechatronics : ICAM 2004.4 (2004): 26.
Testo completoPendleton, Stella. "Planning". Nursing Standard 6, n. 1 (25 settembre 1991): 21.
Testo completoGeorgeff, M. P. "Planning". Annual Review of Computer Science 2, n. 1 (giugno 1987): 359–400.
Testo completoSpake, Ellen. "Planning". Pediatric Physical Therapy 6, n. 2 (1994): 77.
Testo completoSpake, Ellen. "Planning". Pediatric Physical Therapy 6, n. 2 (1994): 77.
Testo completoClancy, Thomas R. "Planning". JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration 37, n. 10 (ottobre 2007): 436–39.
Testo completoLEVENSTEIN, AARON. "Planning". Nursing Management (Springhouse) 16, n. 9 (settembre 1985): 54???55.
Testo completoEhrman, Richard. "Planning". Public Money & Management 9, n. 2 (giugno 1989): 6–7.
Testo completoYesawich, Peter C. "Planning". Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly 28, n. 4 (febbraio 1988): 71–81.
Testo completoSartore, Richard L. "PLANNING". Journal of Employment Counseling 23, n. 1 (marzo 1986): 8.
Testo completoHaslum, P. "Narrative Planning: Compilations to Classical Planning". Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 44 (30 giugno 2012): 383–95.
Testo completoVelikikh, K. "STRATEGIC MARKETING PLANNING AND PLANNING ALGORITHM". Series: Economic science 5, n. 172 (17 ottobre 2022): 22–25.
Testo completoMetz, Philip D. "Integrating Technology Planning With Business Planning". Research-Technology Management 39, n. 3 (maggio 1996): 19–22.
Testo completoGianakis, Jerry A., Michael A. Cusumano, Constantinos C. Markides, Per Jenster, David Hussey, Tiha von Ghyczy, Bolko von Oetinger e Christopher Bassford. "Planning for Strategic Planning: What's Next?" Public Performance & Management Review 25, n. 4 (giugno 2002): 435.
Testo completoGianakis, Jerry A. "Planning for Strategic Planning: What’s Next?" Public Performance & Management Review 25, n. 4 (giugno 2002): 435–39.
Testo completoAllen, Chris, e John Smallwood. "Improving construction planning through 4D planning". Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology 6, n. 1 (28 marzo 2008): 7–20.
Testo completoCampbell, Heather. "‘Planning ethics’and rediscovering theidea of planning". Planning Theory 11, n. 4 (17 aprile 2012): 379–99.
Testo completoStone, Martin Jay. "Planning Positivism and Planning Natural Law". Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence 25, n. 1 (gennaio 2012): 219–35.
Testo completoSpath, D., e A. Agostini. "Flexible planning logic for technology planning". Journal of Materials Processing Technology 76, n. 1-3 (aprile 1998): 76–81.
Testo completoBlum, Avrim L., e Merrick L. Furst. "Fast planning through planning graph analysis". Artificial Intelligence 90, n. 1-2 (febbraio 1997): 281–300.
Testo completoKhakee, Abdul. "From master planning to structural planning". Cities 2, n. 4 (novembre 1985): 318–30.
Testo completoT S, Ramachandran. "Financial Planning - Planning for the Future". Ushus - Journal of Business Management 4, n. 1 (10 gennaio 2005): 69–72.
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