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Articoli di riviste sul tema "Planning"


Barrett, Mary A., Luca Gottardi e Ken Moores. "Planning in the Poncini Family Business". Wine Business Case Research Journal 1, n. 1 (16 aprile 2016): 70–78. http://dx.doi.org/10.26813/wbcrj/2016.01.01/planning.

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David, Venice Mairya. "Venture Planning". Trends in Nursing Administration & Education 09, n. 02 (30 dicembre 2020): 7–10. http://dx.doi.org/10.24321/2348.2141.202003.

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Abstract (sommario):
Venture management is a business management discipline that focuses on being both innovative and challenging in the realm of introducing what could be a completely new product or entering a promising newly emerging market. The discipline is focused on the skills, practices and technology required to manage the rapid growth of new business in highly dynamic environments. These environments are often characterized by rapid technology change.
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Jain, Vikas, e Dr G. N. Purohit Dr. G. N. Purohit. "Corporate Planning". International Journal of Scientific Research 2, n. 1 (1 giugno 2012): 118. http://dx.doi.org/10.15373/22778179/jan2013/41.

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Dr. J. K Sehgal, Dr J. K. Sehgal. "Vision and Planning". Indian Journal of Applied Research 1, n. 9 (1 ottobre 2011): 17–18. http://dx.doi.org/10.15373/2249555x/jun2012/7.

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Nelson, Daniel. "Beyond Defense Planning". Connections: The Quarterly Journal 01, n. 2 (2002): 101–11. http://dx.doi.org/10.11610/connections.01.2.08.

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Tulkinovna, Djumayeva Guli. "LANGUAGE PLANNING PROPOSAL". American Journal Of Social Sciences And Humanity Research 03, n. 03 (1 marzo 2023): 71–77. http://dx.doi.org/10.37547/ajsshr/volume03issue03-16.

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Abstract (sommario):
This article indicates some issues in increasing students' аbility to communicаte effectively in English using the lаnguаge specific to their professionаl fields by the time they graduate from university and reach B2. Also, the article demonstrates methods of the teachers as well as he aim of the curriculum. In addition, recommendations are provided in order to support students to achieve their goals.
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Phillips, June K., e James W. Tollefson. "Planning Language, Planning Inequality". Modern Language Journal 77, n. 1 (1993): 98. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/329573.

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Alexander, Ernest R. "“Planning” or e-Planning?" International Journal of E-Planning Research 3, n. 1 (gennaio 2014): 1–15. http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/ijepr.2014010101.

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Abstract (sommario):
Planning theory is hardly relevant for E-Planning, because generic “planning” does not exist for practical purposes, except as distinct planning practices. E-Planning is such a practice, with implications for E-Planning theory, education and practice. Defining planning as “what planners do” makes planning a socially recognized practice; for such practices “planning” always has a qualifyer: urban-, environmental- or strategic planning. Meaningful discussion of planning demands contingent referents not abstract generalizations. Diverse planning practices are identifyable on several dimensions: sector, level or domain, and country. With various actors and blends of usable knowledge, planning practices contribute expertise to the co-construction of knowledge. The case for E-Planning follows the prototype of spatial planning, including tools: knowledge that E-planners contribute; practice: the E-Planner's role and social purpose; and context: E-planners' workplaces and their institutional environment. Evidence of institutionalization (including the IJEPR) confirms that E-Planning is a real planning practice, with E-Planning theory in development and awaiting integration.
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McKay, Sandra Lee, e James W. Tollefson. "Planning Language, Planning Inequality". TESOL Quarterly 26, n. 1 (1992): 147. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/3587374.

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Baldauf, Richard B. "Language Planning: Corpus Planning". Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 10 (marzo 1989): 3–12. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0267190500001173.

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Abstract (sommario):
Beginning with the framework established by Haugen (1983) as a basis for this review, corpus planning can be defined as those aspects of language planning which are primarily linguistic and hence internal to language. Some of these aspects related to language are: 1) orthographic innovation, including design, harmonization, change of script, and spelling reform; 2) pronunciation; 3) changes in language structure; 4) vocabulary expansion; 5) simplification of registers; 6) style, and 7) the preparation of language material (Bamgbose 1989). Jernudd (1988) provides a more detailed discussion of these linguistic aspects of language planning. Although the creation of these language related materials often requires intense linguistic activity, the focus of this review is not on linguistic description, but rather on historical and sociolinguistic studies which illuminate corpus planning processes. These processes can be divided into two categories: those related to the establishment of norms, and those related to the extension of the linguistic functions of language. In his revised model, Haugen labels the former category, Codification or standardization procedures, and the latter, Elaboration or the functional development of language. These categories form the two major sections for this review.
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Tesi sul tema "Planning"


Allen, Christopher James. "Improving construction planning through 4D planning". Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/467.

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Abstract (sommario):
Construction Planning will increasingly play a more critical role within the realm of the Built Environment. Existing practices used to plan and communicate the construction process to be undertaken are failing to deliver the desired results for construction companies and clients alike. At a time of unprecedented growth in the industry around the world, which is leading to a general skills shortage, especially in management positions, construction planners are increasingly being asked to deal with more responsibility. As with other industries, technological improvement in the tools at their disposal is one way to address the inadequacies of the present situation. Increasingly, three dimensional design packages are being used to generate construction information which can then be used for quantities calculations, automated manufacturing processes and construction simulation. The latter forms the basis for their use in the process of planning, through new technologies being developed as virtual construction tools or 4D planning, the addition of time to the 3D model environment, but using the elements within the model as the basis for the construction programme. The benefit of using the design information to form the basis of the programme is that the interface tasks and logistical activities, as well as location related constraints, can be identified and then communicated to all levels within the construction team through a time based visual image. The purpose of this study is therefore to establish a scientifically analysed alternative method for the creation, review and delivery of construction programmes. In order to achieve the research objectives, three methodologies have been employed. Firstly, the literature review in the fields of planning including existing methodologies and previous research of 4D related techniques has been analysed. An overview of the perceived weaknesses to current practises and proposed solution will be explored and best case scenarios outlined and further investigated. Secondly, the 51 Lime Street project provides an environment in which the proposed 4D planning techniques have been implemented and the benefits of the process can, through observation / participation methodology, be validated. Thirdly, through interview questionnaires, with Lime St contractors and management, and e-mail questionnaires to a broader sample stratum, data on the ability of the tools, the techniques employed on 51 Lime Street and similar projects have been collated and statistically analysed to validate the reliability and relevance for future implementation. The result of the research will provide management teams with a practical alternative to existing planning methodologies. Construction planners will have alternative technique that can further enhance their role within the project team whilst increasing their ability to communicate the team’s vision to a wider audience, making them and the project more efficient and effective in the process. It has been proposed that clients insist on the use of 3D from the commencement of the design process so that this information can be passed downstream through the construction process and onto facilities management. Planners need to be able to communicate their requirements better and the 4D planning models provide both a more inclusive way of planning alongside a better communications medium in the form of moving images. A picture tells a thousand words.
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Vonk, Guido A. "Improving planning support : the use of planning support systems for spatial planning /". Utrecht : Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, 2006. http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/fy0802/2006436743.html.

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Boothe, Barbara. "Linking assessment, strategic planning, and budget planning". Lynchburg, Va. : Liberty University, 2002. http://digitalcommons.liberty.edu.

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Lau, Chi-ting, e 劉志庭. "Community planning: an alternative approach of planning". Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 1993. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B3125827X.

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Lau, Chi-ting. "Community planning : an alternative approach of planning /". [Hong Kong] : University of Hong Kong, 1993. http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkuto/record.jsp?B13814229.

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Ambrose, Aleta. "The integration of health planning and social planning /". [St. Lucia, Qld.], 2006. http://www.library.uq.edu.au/pdfserve.php?image=thesisabs/absthe19431.pdf.

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Liu, Yaxin. "Decision-Theoretic Planning under Risk-Sensitive Planning Objectives". Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/6959.

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Abstract (sommario):
Risk attitudes are important for human decision making, especially in scenarios where huge wins or losses are possible, as exemplified by planetary rover navigation, oilspill response, and business applications. Decision-theoretic planners therefore need to take risk aspects into account to serve their users better. However, most existing decision-theoretic planners use simplistic planning objectives that are risk-neutral. The thesis research is the first comprehensive study of how to incorporate risk attitudes into decision-theoretic planners and solve large-scale planning problems represented as Markov decision process models. The thesis consists of three parts. The first part of the thesis work studies risk-sensitive planning in case where exponential utility functions are used to model risk attitudes. I show that existing decision-theoretic planners can be transformed to take risk attitudes into account. Moreover, different versions of the transformation are needed if the transition probabilities are implicitly given, namely, temporally extended probabilities and probabilities given in a factored form. The second part of the thesis work studies risk-sensitive planning in case where general nonlinear utility functions are used to model risk attitudes. I show that a state-augmentation approach can be used to reduce a risk-sensitive planning problem to a risk-neutral planning problem with an augmented state space. I further use a functional interpretation of value functions and approximation methods to solve the planning problems efficiently with value iteration. I also show an exact method for solving risk-sensitive planning problems where one-switch utility functions are used to model risk attitudes. The third part of the thesis work studies risk sensitive planning in case where arbitrary rewards are used. I propose a spectrum of conditions that can be used to constrain the utility function and the planning problem so that the optimal expected utilities exist and are finite. I prove that the existence and finiteness properties hold for stationary plans, where the action to perform in each state does not change over time, under different sets of conditions.
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Lekanov, Alexey. "Logistics Planning Module for Microsoft AX: Demand Planning". Thesis, Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskaplige Universitet, 2012. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:no:ntnu:diva-21091.

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Abstract (sommario):
One could hardly find a person who would disagree that the information technology is essential part of any business today. In the same way it is known how a proper demand planning process can assist an organization in making correct decisions at the right time and is therefore also vital for its success. Having all this in mind, one could expect the modern IT systems to have a good support for demand planning, but this is not always the case, like it is with the ERP system Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. This ERP system has only limited support for forecasting, and Logica, a consultancy company offering among others Dynamics AX to its customers, in collaboration with Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), would like to develop this functionality seamlessly built into AX 2012.This master thesis is about making a research at the demand planning and supply chain management fields in order to identify current state-of-the-art demand planning process and requirements specification for a Demand Planning Module to support such process, and, based on this, find a way to seamlessly build Demand Planning Module’s functionality into AX 2012 with all the benefits such smooth integration provides.The research presented in this work, provides first a short presentation of ERP systems and their disability to properly support supply chain management, concluding with remarks about ERP II vision being an attempt to counter this disability. Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 and its insufficient demand planning functionality are then specifically addressed. After that the demand planning field is studied, a common demand planning framework is proposed. The framework describes the entire, what is believed, state-of-the-art demand planning process including (i) understanding of purpose, benefits and conditions of demand planning process, (ii) structuring data in a way that a quality forecasting process can be run, (iii) the forecasting process itself which uses qualitative, quantitative and collaborative approaches and (iv) critically reviewing and analyzing the demand planning process and looking for the ways to improve it. Afterwards, a short classification of forecasting methods is presented, dividing the methods into qualitative and quantitative, where the latter ones are further partitioned into naïve, time-series, causal and simulation. Some of the forecasting techniques are described in details while others are briefly presented. It is also shown that forecasts are always wrong and there is a need for error metrics to evaluate the forecasts’ performance; the most common metrics are described. This theory study, and first and foremost the common framework, results in a generic requirements specification for Demand Planning Module, which is then compared to the AX 2012 forecasting functionality. Many functional gaps are identified by this comparison and an attempt to solve them via developing user-oriented solution design and corresponding functional modifications specifications is given. The attempt, though, proved to have strong limitations in form of the author’s insufficient training and in-depth understanding of AX 2012 and its processes’ correlation to each other.
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Chang, D. Tilly (Doris Tilly). "Analysis of financial planning requirements in transportation planning". Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1995. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/65045.

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Broderick, Jane Tingle. "Divergent Planning". Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2012. https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu-works/4238.

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Libri sul tema "Planning"


Institute on Continuing Legal Education. (1989 Toronto, Ont.). Estates: Planning, planning and more planning. Toronto, Ont: Canadian Bar Association - Ontario, 1989.

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Reeve, John R. Planning for master planning. Alexandria, Va: Association of Higher Education Facilities Officers, 1995.

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Corps, United States Marine. Planning. Washington, D.C.]: U.S. Marine Corps, 1997.

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Collar, Neil A. Planning. 3a ed. Edinburgh: W. Green, 2010.

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Corps, United States Marine, a cura di. Planning. [Washington, D.C.]: U.S. Marine Corps, 1997.

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Collar, Neil A. Planning. Edinburgh: W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell, 1994.

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Corps, United States Marine, a cura di. Planning. [Washington, D.C.]: U.S. Marine Corps, 1997.

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Great Britain. Central Office of Information. Reference Services, a cura di. Planning. London: H.M.S.O., 1992.

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Great Britain. Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions., a cura di. Planning. [London]: Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, 1998.

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Institute, Royal Town Planning, a cura di. Planning. London: Royal Town Planning Institute, 1992.

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Capitoli di libri sul tema "Planning"


Newton, Nicki. "Planning, Planning, Planning". In Guided Math in Action, 89–108. 2a ed. New York: Routledge, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9780429283253-8.

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Lait, Michael. "Planning, Expropriations, Planning…". In Governance of Near-Urban Conservation Areas, 173–202. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-64440-6_9.

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Ricks, Frances, e Jennifer Charlesworth. "Planning and Planning Systems". In Emergent Practice Planning, 63–109. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2003. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4615-0203-6_5.

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Brown, Andrea M. "Planning for less planning". In Routledge Handbook of Urban Planning in Africa, 354–66. London: Routledge, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781351271844-24.

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Day, Thomas J. "Pre-Planning to Planning". In The Triumvirate Approach to Systems Engineering, Technology Management and Engineering Management, 45–73. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1201/9781003215462-4.

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Wohlin, Claes, Per Runeson, Martin Höst, Magnus C. Ohlsson, Björn Regnell e Anders Wesslén. "Planning". In Experimentation in Software Engineering, 89–116. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-29044-2_8.

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Seaford, Charles. "Planning". In Why Capitalists Need Communists, 127–45. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-98755-2_7.

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Hinsch, Martin. "Planning". In ISO 9001:2015 for Everyday Operations, 23–25. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-25550-3_6.

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Bronzite, Michael. "Planning". In System Development, 69–82. London: Springer London, 2000. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4471-0469-8_5.

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Riccard, Didier, Mohammed Saad e Steve Burrough. "Planning". In Business French, 89–108. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1992. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-349-22021-2_7.

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Atti di convegni sul tema "Planning"


Kim, Young-Kee. "Status: Resource Planning". In Status: Resource Planning. US DOE, 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/1969672.

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Rannut, Mart. "Planning Language, Planning Future". In GLOCAL Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology 2019. The GLOCAL Unit, SOAS University of London, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.47298/cala2019.17-3.

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Abstract (sommario):
Language is planned, and plans themselves arer assessed in a multitude of countries in Europe and America, and to a lesser extent in Africa and Asia. In the presentation, the overview of the process of language planning is provided, based on the experience of language planning in various countries. The very first steps include a general assessment of the current linguistic and sociolinguistic situation, sustainability of the language(-s) concerned, trends, security aspects and various threats (social, regional, virtual), vision or desirable outcome with the description of main goals and sub-goals (with measurable quantitative data), activities and sub-activities with specific indicators measuring outcome, result or activity itself. The main motor of the whole process is status planning with legal, managerial, and PR-level (language marketing). For this planning to succeed, timely input from other language planning dimensions is necessary, first of all, from the corpus planning (general orthographic and grammatical standardization, geographical, business and personal name policies, terminology development and development of the domain of translation and interpreting, subtitling and dubbing). These standards are implemented in the educational system, providing education through various monolingual or multilingual educational programmes / models. Language technology as a support dimension must be developed in the level of a minimal survival kit, securing competitiveness in this way. Finally some typical misunderstandings and mistakes, drawbacks and failures are discussed that might help future language planners and thus, foster better results.
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Amado, M. P. "The Operative Process In Sustainableurban Planning". In Sustainable Planning 2005. Southampton UK: WIT Press, 2005. http://dx.doi.org/10.2495/spd050181.

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Trigger, D., e J. Mulcock. "Native vs exotic: cultural discourses about flora, fauna and belonging in Australia". In Sustainable Planning 2005. Southampton UK: WIT Press, 2005. http://dx.doi.org/10.2495/spd051272.

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Choi, J., e E. Amir. "Combining planning and motion planning". In 2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). IEEE, 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/robot.2009.5152872.

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POSTLETHWAITE, BC. "PLANNING AND INDUSTRIAL NOISE". In Planning and Noise 1989. Institute of Acoustics, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.25144/21633.

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BIRD, PC. "PLANNING POLICY IN HOUNSLOW". In Planning and Noise 1989. Institute of Acoustics, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.25144/21638.

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Tang, Jasmine. "Planning for Acorn’s Fermilink". In Planning for Acorn’s Fermilink. US DOE, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/2426494.

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Vale de Paula, Paula, e Jorge Manuel Gonçalves. "Urban Waterfront Planning:". In International Urban Planning Research Seminar. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Grup de Recerca en Urbanisme, 2025. https://doi.org/10.5821/siiu.13010.

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Abstract (sommario):
Waterfronts hold enormous potential to drive the change that some important territories require considering the multiple challenges they face today. Their past of enormous importance to the urban economy is now matched by their centrality to the changes that need to occur in cities. They are therefore territories that have played different roles over time and whose urban planning has changed. In this context, this study aims to explore and understand scientific production about the urban planning of waterfronts. To this end, the study was conducted using bibliometric analyses. The bibliometric analyses were divided into performance analysis and scientific mapping. The performance analyses show the topicality of the subject, the predominance in terms of countries, institutions, and authors, and terms of field of study and journals. The scientific mapping carried out through co-word analysis allows us to understand the main topics covered in the literature on urban waterfront planning.
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Mehar, Sara, Sidi Mohammed Senouci e Guillaume Remy. "EV-planning: Electric vehicle itinerary planning". In 2013 International Conference on Smart Communications in Network Technologies (SaCoNeT). IEEE, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/saconet.2013.6654583.

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Rapporti di organizzazioni sul tema "Planning"


Krulak, C. C. Planning. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, luglio 1997. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada573952.

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Blum, Avrim L., e Merrick L. Furst. Fast Planning Through Planning Graph Analysis. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, dicembre 1995. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada303260.

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Orth, Kenneth D., e Charles E. Yoe. Planning Primer. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, novembre 1997. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada335237.

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Grosz, Barbara J., Candace L. Sidner e Cecile Balkanski. Collaborative Planning. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, dicembre 1989. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada216553.

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Hahnel, Robin. Participatory Planning. Mέta | Centre for Postcapitalist Civilisation, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.55405/mwp2en.

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Abstract (sommario):
The Centre for Postcapitalist Civilisation presents Professor Robin Hahnel’s mέta Working Paper entitled Participatory Planning (accessible here), part of the “Towards (a Better) Postcapitalism: A Handy How-To Guide” series under “Allocation.” mέta Working Papers’ series “Towards (a Better) Postcapitalism: A Handy How-To Guide” publishes solicited policy papers on aspects of how would a non-dystopian postcapitalism look like. The series focuses on three ‘pillars’: Production | Allocation | Decision-making i.e., how could/would postcapitalist production be like (and who would own the means of production), what shape would the allocation of goods take (and which alternatives to the market economy may be explored), and what would be the main tenets of postcapitalist democracy. In this paper, Professor Robin Hahnel addresses the second pillar, ‘allocation’, as participatory planning.
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Rao, Pooja, e Preedip Balaji. Planning Glossary. Indian Institute for Human Settlements, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.24943/pg08.2020.

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Abstract (sommario):
The planning glossary covers 93 terms in the Indian context of planning and development. Since transport and planning are interconnected, this glossary contains key terms for learners, who are trying to understand the meanings of urban planning and transportation and this list is to aid them in the learning process.
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Williams, Kristine, Tia Claridge e Alexandria Carroll. Multimodal Transportation Planning Curriculum for Urban Planning Programs. Portland State University Library, maggio 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.15760/trec.128.

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Fontaine, Richard A., e John J. Mulhern. An Application of Planning Theory to Industrial Mobilization Planning. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, dicembre 1989. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada218288.

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Fink, Eugene, e Manuela Veloso. Prodigy Planning Algorithm. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, marzo 1994. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada278900.

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McDermott, Drew, e Gregory Hager. Knowledge-Based Planning. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, settembre 1993. http://dx.doi.org/10.21236/ada279697.

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