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Cell, Bangladesh Climate Change. Economic modeling of climate change adaptation needs for physical infrastructures in Bangladesh. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Climate Change Cell, Dept. of Environment, Ministry of Environment and Forests, 2009.

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Bitner-Gregersen, Elzbieta Maria. Ship and Offshore Structure Design in Climate Change Perspective. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

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Lucien, Duckstein, Parent E. 1957- e NATO Advanced Study Institute on "Engineering Risk in Natural Resources Management with Special References to Hydrosystems under Changes of Physical and Climatic Environment" (1993 : Deauville, France), a cura di. Engineering risk in natural resources management: With special references to hydrosystems under changes of physical or climatic environment. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994.

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Sene, Kevin. Flash Floods: Forecasting and Warning. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2013.

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Sene, Kevin. Flash floods: Forecasting and warning. Dordrecht: Springer, 2013.

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Double Trouble? Assessing Climate Physical and Transition Risks for the Moroccan Banking Sector. Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024.

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Reynolds, Jesse L. Solar Climate Engineering, Law, and Regulation. A cura di Roger Brownsword, Eloise Scotford e Karen Yeung. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Abstract (sommario):
Solar climate engineering—intentional modification of the planet’s reflectivity—is coming under increasing consideration as a means to counter climate change. At present, it offers the possibility of greatly reducing climate risks, but would pose physical and social risks of its own. This chapter offers an introduction to solar climate engineering, and explores its potential, risks, and legal and regulatory challenges. It also contextualizes these proposals with respect to other emerging technologies and the broader socio-political milieu. The chapter discusses the contours of existing and potential regulation, particularly at the international level. These aspects include regulatory rationales, diverse characteristics of proposed regulatory regimes, difficulties in defining the regulatory target, and the management of uncertainty through precaution. The chapter closes with suggested future research directions in the law and regulation of solar climate engineering.
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Climate Change Impact: Communities at Risk. ReferencePoint Press, Incorporated, 2024.

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Georgiadis, Teodoro. Urban Climate and Risk. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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This work reports on the main physical processes that arise in the environment of the megacity from the “urban metabolism”—the complex interactions of the climate with the activities performed in the city and its built structure and texture—as well as on associated large-scale processes that generate hazards for the megacity’s inhabitants. It is estimated that in a few decades most of the world’s population will live in urban centers. Both the growth of megacities and climate change will increase the vulnerability of huge sectors of the population to climatic consequences of the urban metabolism. These include urban heat islands, pollution, and extreme weather events such as heat waves and floods. Developing policies to mitigate these threats will require integrating scientific knowledge with management skills, communication among cities about effective approaches, and taking into account residents’ needs for health and the capacity to live safely.
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Georgiadis, Teodoro. Urban Climate and Risk. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Abstract (sommario):
This work reports on the main physical processes that arise in the environment of the megacity from the “urban metabolism”—the complex interactions of the climate with the activities performed in the city and its built structure and texture—as well as on associated large-scale processes that generate hazards for the megacity’s inhabitants. It is estimated that in a few decades most of the world’s population will live in urban centers. Both the growth of megacities and climate change will increase the vulnerability of huge sectors of the population to climatic consequences of the urban metabolism. These include urban heat islands, pollution, and extreme weather events such as heat waves and floods. Developing policies to mitigate these threats will require integrating scientific knowledge with management skills, communication among cities about effective approaches, and taking into account residents’ needs for health and the capacity to live safely.
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Conway, Declan, e Katharine Vincent. Climate Risk in Africa: Adaptation and Resilience. Springer International Publishing AG, 2021.

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Dash, Jan W. World Scientific Encyclopedia of Climate Change: Case Studies of Climate Risk, Action, and Opportunity. World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd, 2020.

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Chircop, Aldo, Claudio Aporta, Floris Goerlandt e Ronald Pelot. Governance of Arctic Shipping: Rethinking Risk, Human Impacts and Regulation. Springer International Publishing AG, 2020.

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Chircop, Aldo, Claudio Aporta, Floris Goerlandt e Ronald Pelot. Governance of Arctic Shipping: Rethinking Risk, Human Impacts and Regulation. Springer International Publishing AG, 2020.

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Chircop, Aldo. Governance of Arctic Shipping: Rethinking Risk, Human Impacts and Regulation. Springer Nature, 2020.

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Parker, Cindy Lou, e Steven M. Shapiro. Climate Chaos. Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc., 2008.

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Abstract (sommario):
Why should we care about climate chaos and global warming? Because, among other risky outcomes, they may seriously harm our health! Scientists around the world are in agreement that global warming, more aptly named climate change, is occurring and human activity is the primary cause. The debate now is in the scientific and policy worlds about just how harmful climate change will be and what are the best ways to stop it. One of those scientists is author Cindy Parker, who believes climate change is the most health-damaging problem humanity has ever faced. Parker has thus immersed herself during the past ten years in educating the public and health professionals about how climate change will affect our well-being. Here, she and husband, Steve Shapiro, a psychologist and former journalist, describe what we can expect if climate change continues unabated. The authors explain our possible physical and mental responses to such climate change factors as heat stress, poor air quality, insufficient water resources, and the rise of infectious diseases fueled by even minor increases in temperature. They also show how other changes that may result from climate change-including sea level rise, extreme weather events, and altered food supplies can harm human health. Parker and Shapiro have found, however, that just talking about the problem is not enough. Actions that can prevent or reduce climate change's harm are presented in each chapter. To illustrate how much global warming will affect our lives, Parker and Shapiro begin their book with a chapter showing the worst-case scenario if climate change continues without intervention, and end the book with the best case scenario if we act now. Their eye-opening work will appeal to everyone who wants to remain healthy as we challenge this world-altering problem of our own making . While written for a lay audience in a manner that limits technical terminology, the book will also appeal to students and professionals of public health, medicine, environmental psychology, and science who will find the focus on health and the extensive referencing useful.
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Duckstein, L., e E. Parent. Engineering Risk in Natural Resources Management: With Special References to Hydrosystems Under Changes of Physical or Climatic Environment. Springer, 2010.

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Duckstein, L., e E. Parent. Engineering Risk in Natural Resources Management: With Special References to Hydrosystems under Changes of Physical or Climatic Environment. Springer, 2013.

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Beer, Tom. Geophysical Hazards: Minimizing Risk, Maximizing Awareness. Springer, 2012.

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van den Bosch, Matilda, e William Bird, a cura di. Oxford Textbook of Nature and Public Health. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Abstract (sommario):
Much literature on environmental health has described threats from the environment. The Oxford Textbook of Nature and Public Health: The Role of Nature in Improving the Health of a Population focuses on the role of nature for our health and well-being by demonstrating how we can gain multiple health benefits from nature, and how much we risk losing by destroying our surrounding natural environment. Providing a broad and inclusive picture of the multifaceted relation between human health and natural environments, the books covers all aspects of this relationship ranging from disease prevention; through physical activity in green spaces, to ecosystem services like climate change adaptation by urban trees preventing heat stress in hot climates. Nature’s potential hazardous consequences are also discussed including natural disasters, vector-borne pathogens, and allergies.
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Ghaleigh, Navraj Singh. Science and Climate Change Law—The Role of the IPCC in International Decision-Making. A cura di Kevin R. Gray, Richard Tarasofsky e Cinnamon Carlarne. Oxford University Press, 2016.

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Abstract (sommario):
This chapter describes the contributions of the scientific community in the development of international climate change law, highlighting in particular the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC’s) assessment and research of the scientific, technical, and socio-economic information relevant for the understanding of the risk of climate change. Since the Panel’s establishment under the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 1988, it has released several scientific papers that provide a clear scientific view on the current state of knowledge in climate change. The chapter examines the core of the IPCC’s assessment reports, which are divided into three working groups that deal respectively with the ‘Physical Science Basis of Climate Change’, ‘Climate Change Impact, Adaptation and Vulnerability’, and ‘Mitigation of Climate Change’. The IPCC also addresses specific areas, such as renewable energy, disaster management, and climate engineering.
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Zaitchik, Benjamin F. Climate and Health across Africa. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Abstract (sommario):
Humans have understood the importance of climate to human health since ancient times. In some cases, the connections appear to be obvious: a flood can cause drownings, a drought can lead to crop failure and hunger, and temperature extremes pose a risk of exposure. In other cases, the connections are veiled by complex or unobserved processes, such that the influence of climate on a disease epidemic or a conflict can be difficult to diagnose. In reality, however, all climate impacts on health are mediated by some combination of natural and human dynamics that cause individuals or populations to be vulnerable to the effects of a variable or changing climate.Understanding and managing negative health impacts of climate is a global challenge. The challenge is greater in regions with high poverty and weak institutions, however, and Africa is a continent where the health burden of climate is particularly acute. Observed climate variability in the modern era has been associated with widespread food insecurity, significant epidemics of infectious disease, and loss of life and livelihoods to climate extremes. Anthropogenic climate change is a further stress that has the potential to increase malnutrition, alter the distribution of diseases, and bring more frequent hydrological and temperature extremes to many regions across the continent.Skillful early warning systems and informed climate change adaptation strategies have the potential to enhance resilience to short-term climate variability and to buffer against negative impacts of climate change. But effective warnings and projections require both scientific and institutional capacity to address complex processes that are mediated by physical, ecological, and societal systems. Here the state of understanding climate impacts on health in Africa is summarized through a selective review that focuses on food security, infectious disease, and extreme events. The potential to apply scientific understanding to early warning and climate change projection is also considered.
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Événements climatiques extrêmes: Réduire les vulnérabilités des systèmes écologiques et sociaux. Les Ulis: EDP sciences, 2010.

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Elliott, Kevin C., e Ted Richards, a cura di. Exploring Inductive Risk. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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According to the argument from inductive risk, scientists have responsibilities to consider the consequences of error when they set evidential standards for making decisions such as accepting or rejecting hypotheses. This argument has received a great deal of scholarly attention in recent years. Exploring Inductive Risk brings together a set of concrete case studies with the goals of illustrating the pervasiveness of inductive risk, assisting scientists and policymakers in responding to it, and moving theoretical discussions of this phenomenon forward. The book contains eleven case studies ranging over a wide range of scientific contexts and fields: the drug approval process, high energy particle physics, dual-use research, climate science, research on gender disparities, clinical trials, and toxicology. The chapters are divided into four parts: (1) weighing inductive risk; (2) evading inductive risk; (3) the breadth of inductive risk; and (4) exploring the limits of inductive risk. It includes an introduction that provides a historical overview of the argument from inductive risk and a conclusion that highlights three major topic areas that merit future research. These include the nature of inductive risk and the argument from inductive risk (AIR), the extent to which the AIR can be evaded by defenders of the value-free ideal, and the strategies that the scientific community can employ to handle inductive risk in a responsible fashion.
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Sanderson, Benjamin Mark. Uncertainty Quantification in Multi-Model Ensembles. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Abstract (sommario):
Long-term planning for many sectors of society—including infrastructure, human health, agriculture, food security, water supply, insurance, conflict, and migration—requires an assessment of the range of possible futures which the planet might experience. Unlike short-term forecasts for which validation data exists for comparing forecast to observation, long-term forecasts have almost no validation data. As a result, researchers must rely on supporting evidence to make their projections. A review of methods for quantifying the uncertainty of climate predictions is given. The primary tool for quantifying these uncertainties are climate models, which attempt to model all the relevant processes that are important in climate change. However, neither the construction nor calibration of climate models is perfect, and therefore the uncertainties due to model errors must also be taken into account in the uncertainty quantification.Typically, prediction uncertainty is quantified by generating ensembles of solutions from climate models to span possible futures. For instance, initial condition uncertainty is quantified by generating an ensemble of initial states that are consistent with available observations and then integrating the climate model starting from each initial condition. A climate model is itself subject to uncertain choices in modeling certain physical processes. Some of these choices can be sampled using so-called perturbed physics ensembles, whereby uncertain parameters or structural switches are perturbed within a single climate model framework. For a variety of reasons, there is a strong reliance on so-called ensembles of opportunity, which are multi-model ensembles (MMEs) formed by collecting predictions from different climate modeling centers, each using a potentially different framework to represent relevant processes for climate change. The most extensive collection of these MMEs is associated with the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP). However, the component models have biases, simplifications, and interdependencies that must be taken into account when making formal risk assessments. Techniques and concepts for integrating model projections in MMEs are reviewed, including differing paradigms of ensembles and how they relate to observations and reality. Aspects of these conceptual issues then inform the more practical matters of how to combine and weight model projections to best represent the uncertainties associated with projected climate change.
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Engineering Risk in Natural Resources Management: With Special References to Hydrosystems Under Changes of Physical or Climatic Environment (NATO Science Series E:). Springer, 1994.

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Newton, David E. Science and Political Controversy. ABC-CLIO, LLC, 2014.

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A shrewd and compelling examination of how political figures throughout history have used scientific findings to achieve their objectives—just as scientists have often put political forces to work to achieve their own goals. The U.S. government has historically been the engine of American scientific achievement, from the birth of nuclear technology to the “space race.” However, at times, our government has also misrepresented scientific evidence to advance a political agenda. Science and Political Controversy: A Reference Handbook examines how the government has facilitated research for the public good and the ways in which politicians have manipulated data to serve political ends around a broad array of controversies, from stem cell research to energy development, chemical health risks, and climate change. Written specifically for high school students and general readers without specialized background knowledge on the subject, the work presents perspective essays authored by representatives from governmental agencies, politicians, political scientists, experts in the physical and life sciences, and other stakeholders concerned with the intersection of politics and science. The first section of the book provides background information on the topic that overviews the current problems and issues related to the interaction of science and politics. The second section supplies resources that readers can use for their own research, such as an annotated bibliography, profiles of important individuals and organizations, a chronology of important events, and a glossary of key terms.
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Larson, Rhett B. Just Add Water. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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Scientists have long been searching for a unified field theory—one answer to all of the questions about the physical universe. In Just Add Water: Solving the World’s Problems Using Its Most Precious Resource, I take a similar approach to social policy questions. What if we could find a unified social policy theory—the answer to every question, from how to prevent war to how to promote gender equality? Nearly all of our most serious global challenges are complex, multifaceted “wicked problems.” But perhaps the first step in solving wicked problems as seemingly distinct as racism and disease epidemics is the same: reform our laws, policies, and priorities to achieve global water security. Global water security means reasonable access for all people to water of acceptable quantity and quality with acceptable costs and risks. Just as the essential element to all life is water, so water is the essential element to solving life’s challenges. Virtually every major social challenge—including gender inequality, racial discrimination, terrorism, space exploration, global disease epidemics, mass migrations, and climate change—has a significant and underappreciated water component. Each chapter of this book takes one of these wicked problems, illustrates the role water plays in that problem, and proposes reforms to address the water aspect of that problem, with the aim of achieving global water security. My goal in this book is to convince the reader that the answer, or at least one part of the answer, to our most serious problems is the oft-repeated late-night infomercial exhortation: “Just add water.”
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Sobieraj, Sarah. Credible Threat. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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This book argues that the rampant hate-filled attacks against women online are best understood as patterned resistance to women’s political voice and visibility. This abuse and harassment coalesces into an often-unrecognized form of gender inequality that constrains women’s use of digital public spaces, much as the pervasive threat of sexual intimidation and violence constrain women’s freedom and comfort in physical public spaces. What’s more, the abuse exacerbates inequality among women, those from racial, ethnic, religious, and/or other minority groups, are disproportionately targeted. Drawing on in-depth interviews with women who have been on the receiving end of digital hate, Credible Threat shows that the onslaught of epithets and stereotypes, rape threats, and unsolicited commentary about their physical appearance and sexual desirability come at great professional, personal, and psychological costs for the women targeted—and also with underexplored societal level costs that demand attention. When effective, identity-based attacks undermine women’s contributions to public discourse, create a climate of self-censorship, and at times, push women out of digital publics altogether. Given the uneven distribution of toxicity, those women whose voices are already most underrepresented (e.g., women in male-dominated fields, those from historically undervalued groups) are particularly at risk. In the end, identity-based attacks online erode civil liberties, diminish public discourse, limit the knowledge we have to inform policy and electoral decision making, and teach all women that activism and public service are unappealing, high-risk endeavors to be avoided.
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Sene, Kevin. Flash Floods: Forecasting and Warning. Springer Netherlands, 2015.

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Dajko, Nathalie. French on Shifting Ground. University Press of Mississippi, 2020.

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French on Shifting Ground introduces readers to the lower Lafourche Basin, Louisiana, where the land, a language, and a way of life are at risk due to climate change, environmental disaster, and coastal erosion. Louisiana French is endangered all around the state, but in the lower Lafourche Basin the shift to English is accompanied by the equally rapid disappearance of the land on which its speakers live. The book outlines the development of French in the region, highlighting the features that make it unique in the world, and including the first published description of the way it is spoken by the American Indian population. It then weaves together evidence from multiple lines of linguistic research, years of extensive participant observation, and personal narratives from the residents themselves to illustrate the ways in which language–in this case French–is as fundamental to the creation of place as is the physical landscape. It is a story at once scholarly and personal: the loss of the land and the concomitant loss of the language have implications for the scientific community as well as for the people whose cultures–and identities–are literally at stake.
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Louchet, Francois. Snow Avalanches. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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This work is a critical update of the most recent and innovative developments of the avalanche science. It aims at re-founding it on clear scientific bases, from field observations and experiments up to strong mathematical and physical analysis and modeling. It points out snow peculiarities, regarding both static mechanical properties and flow dynamics, that may strongly differ from those of compact solids for the former, and of Newtonian fluids for the latter. It analyzes the general processes involved in avalanche release, in terms of brittle fracture and ductile plasticity, specific friction laws, flow of healable granular materials, percolation concepts, cellular automata, scale invariance, criticality, theory of dynamical systems, bifurcations, etc. As a result, slab triggering (including remote triggering) can be summarized by the “slab avalanche release in 4 steps” concept, based on weak layer local collapse and subsequent propagation driven by slab weight. The frequent abortion of many incipient avalanches is easily explained in terms of snow grain dynamical healing. Sluffs and full-depth avalanches are also analyzed. Such advances pave the way for significant progress in risk evaluation procedures. In the present context of a speeding-up climate warming, possible evolutions of snow cover extent and stability are also tentatively discussed. We show how, in mountainous areas, the present analysis can be extended to other gravitational failures (rock-falls, landslides) that are likely to take over from avalanches in such circumstances. The text is supported by on-line links to field experiments and lectures on triggering mechanisms, risk management, and decision making.
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Rode, Andris, e Roy J. Shephard. The Health Consequences of 'Modernisation': Evidence from Circumpolar Peoples (Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology). Cambridge University Press, 1996.

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Levy, Barry S. From Horror to Hope. Oxford University Press, 2022.

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From Horror to Hope: Recognizing and Preventing the Health Impacts of War presents how war causes illness, injury, and death and what can be done to prevent these health impacts. Written by a public health physician who has studied these issues for 40 years, it describes injuries and assaults, malnutrition, communicable diseases, mental disorders, adverse impacts on reproductive health, and noncommunicable diseases. The book focuses on the impacts of war on the health and human rights of civilians, especially women, children, displaced persons, and other vulnerable populations. It also covers the impact of war on military personnel. The book explores human rights, ethics, and international humanitarian law. It examines the international arms trade, types of weapons, and international treaties and conventions. It documents the impacts of war on the environment. It reviews challenges in documenting health impacts of war. It describes the roles of health professionals and others in preventing war and promoting peace. Each chapter is followed by a profile of an inspiring health professional who has addressed the health impacts of war. From Horror to Hope is especially timely because of the heightened risks for war: the rise of nationalism, increased availability of weapons, massive displacement of people, and climate change. It is also timely because of heightened reasons for hope: more disputes being settled nonviolently, increased recognition of gender-based violence, progress in addressing war-related mental disorders, new treaties restricting the arms trade and nuclear weapons, and the imperative that civilians must be protected during war.
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