Letteratura scientifica selezionata sul tema "Perireceptor events"

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Articoli di riviste sul tema "Perireceptor events"


Pelosi, Paolo. "Perireceptor events in olfaction". Journal of Neurobiology 30, n. 1 (maggio 1996): 3–19. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/(sici)1097-4695(199605)30:1<3::aid-neu2>3.0.co;2-a.

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Leal, W. S., H. Wojtasek, Jean-Francois Picimbon, S. Kuwaharat, H. Saito e M. Hasegawa. "Perireceptor Events in Pheromone Perception in Scarab Beetles". Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 1, n. 1 (marzo 1998): 1–8. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s1226-8615(08)60001-1.

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Carr, William E. S., Richard A. Gleeson e Henry G. Trapido-Rosenthal. "The role of perireceptor events in chemosensory processes". Trends in Neurosciences 13, n. 6 (giugno 1990): 212–15. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0166-2236(90)90162-4.

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Pelosi, P. "The role of perireceptor events in vertebrate olfaction". Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 58, n. 4 (aprile 2001): 503–9. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/pl00000875.

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Menco, Bert Ph M. "Ultrastructural aspects of olfactory transduction and perireceptor events". Seminars in Cell Biology 5, n. 1 (febbraio 1994): 11–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/scel.1994.1003.

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Kaissling, K. E. "Olfactory Perireceptor and Receptor Events in Moths: A Kinetic Model". Chemical Senses 26, n. 2 (1 febbraio 2001): 125–50. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/chemse/26.2.125.

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Kaissling, Karl-Ernst. "Olfactory perireceptor and receptor events in moths: a kinetic model revised". Journal of Comparative Physiology A 195, n. 10 (21 agosto 2009): 895–922. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00359-009-0461-4.

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Heydel, Jean-Marie, Alexandra Coelho, Nicolas Thiebaud, Arièle Legendre, Anne-Marie Le Bon, Philippe Faure, Fabrice Neiers, Yves Artur, Jérôme Golebiowski e Loïc Briand. "Odorant-Binding Proteins and Xenobiotic Metabolizing Enzymes: Implications in Olfactory Perireceptor Events". Anatomical Record 296, n. 9 (31 luglio 2013): 1333–45. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ar.22735.

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Derby, C. D., H. S. Cate e L. R. Gentilcore. "Perireception in olfaction: molecular mass sieving by aesthetasc sensillar cuticle determines odorant access to receptor sites in the Caribbean spiny lobster Panulirus argus." Journal of Experimental Biology 200, n. 15 (1 agosto 1997): 2073–81. http://dx.doi.org/10.1242/jeb.200.15.2073.

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Abstract (sommario):
The responsiveness of chemoreceptor neurons depends on a combination of perireceptor and receptor events. Olfactory neurons of crustaceans are packaged into distinctive cuticular sensilla called aesthetascs. The cuticle of aesthetascs is thin and permeable, even though it does not contain any obvious surface pores or pore tubules. This suggests that this 'spongy' aesthetasc cuticle may act as a molecular sieve that restricts large odorant molecules from entering the sensilla and binding to the olfactory neurons. We examined whether this is so for the aesthetasc cuticle of the Caribbean spiny lobster Panulirus argus. We used a chromatographic column packed with aesthetasc cuticle and connected to a flow-through ultraviolet spectrophotometer to measure the elution times of ultraviolet-absorbent molecular mass markers between 165 and 2 x 10(6) Da. Molecules larger than approximately 8.5 kDa had similar elution times, indicating that they did not penetrate the cuticle. Molecules smaller than 8.5 kDa had longer elution times that were directly and inversely proportional to their molecular mass. These results suggest that aesthetasc cuticle excludes molecules larger than 8.5 kDa from having access to the olfactory receptor neurons. We conclude that the molecular sieving capacity of the aesthetasc cuticle of P. argus is a perireceptor mechanism that is a critical determinant of the types of molecules capable of stimulating its olfactory receptors.
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Getchell, Thomas V., e William E. S. Carr. "Perireceptor events: chemical reception involves more than just receptors, G-proteins and second messengers". Chemical Senses 15, n. 2 (1990): 179. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/chemse/15.2.179.

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Tesi sul tema "Perireceptor events"


Hjeij, Marie-Sabelle. "Perception olfactive néonatale : exploration des mécanismes périrécepteurs enzymatiques sous-tendant la perception de la phéromone mammaire et influence de l'apprentissage phéromone-induit sur la perception chez le lapereau". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Lyon 1, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024LYO10222.

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Abstract (sommario):
La thèse explore, via une approche volontairement pluridisciplinaire, les mécanismes sous-jacents à la perception olfactive et à l’apprentissage des odeurs chez le lapin nouveau-né. Elle se concentre sur le traitement néonatal de la phéromone mammaire (PM), émise par les lapines allaitantes dans leur lait et détectée par les lapereaux lors du seul allaitement journalier ayant lieu chez cette espèce, en tant que ce signal déclencheur du comportement vital de recherche-prise en bouche de la mamelle chez le nouveau-né. La thèse étudie également une deuxième fonction possédée par la PM, le fait d’agir comme agent renforçateur permettant aux jeunes lapins d'apprendre extrêmement rapidement (1 seul essai) de nouvelles odeurs par association directe avec elle (conditionnement pavlovien). Les travaux conduits lors de la thèse sont ici présentés en deux études principales, et une étude finale (en cours) visant à illustrer le lien effectif entre les deux premières. L’étude I se consacre à la caractérisation moléculaire et cellulaire de certaines enzymes du métabolisme des xénobiotiques, les glutathion transférases (GSTs), dans le tissu olfactif des lapereaux, ces enzymes étant connues pour être impliquées dans le métabolisme de la PM et dans sa perception. Cette étude indique que les trois classes de GST, alpha, mu et pi métabolisent la PM, que la localisation cellulaire diffère selon la classe de GSTs, et que diffère aussi leur régulation en fonction de l’âge des animaux ou suite à une exposition à la PM. L’étude II évalue l’impact de la concentration et de la volatilité des odorants appris par association avec la PM sur la gamme de perception de ces odorants par les lapereaux post-conditionnement. Elle montre que ces deux paramètres influencent notablement la sensibilité olfactive des nouveau-nés, mais que, quelle que soit la volatilité des odorants, les lapereaux sont aptes à y répondre à des concentrations extraordinairement basses. L’étude III explore l'influence de la compétition enzymatique sur la perception des odeurs apprises, mettant en évidence que cette compétition module la réactivité olfactive des nouveau-nés à ces odeurs. Les résultats obtenus contribuent à éclairer la compréhension de l’olfaction néonatale chez les mammifères, en mettant en lumière les interactions complexes qui existent entre métabolisme des odorants, perception sensorielle et comportement. Ils nourrissent des questions actuelles en éthologie et neurobiologie, et peuvent présenter des intérêts appliqués dans les secteurs de l’élevage cunicole et de la biotechnologie
The thesis explores, through a deliberately multidisciplinary approach, the mechanisms underlying olfactory perception and odor learning in newborn rabbits. It focuses on the neonatal processing of the mammary pheromone (MP), emitted by lactating does in their milk and detected by the pups during the single daily nursing session characteristic of this species. This signal triggers the vital nipple-searching and suckling behavior in the newborn. The thesis also examines a second function of the MP, which acts as a reinforcing agent, allowing young rabbits to learn new odors extremely quickly (in just one trial) through direct association with it (Pavlovian conditioning). The work presented in the thesis is divided into two main studies, with a final ongoing study aimed at illustrating the connection between the first two. Study I focuses on the molecular and cellular characterization of certain enzymes involved in xenobiotic metabolism, the glutathione transferases (GSTs), in the pups' olfactory tissue. These enzymes are known to be involved in the metabolism and perception of the MP. This study indicates that the three classes of GSTs—alpha, mu, and pi—metabolize the MP, with differing cellular localization for each class, and their regulation varies depending on the age of the animals or following exposure to the MP. Study II assesses the impact of the concentration and volatility of odorants learned through association with the MP on the pups' perception range post-conditioning. It shows that both parameters significantly affect the olfactory sensitivity of the newborns, but regardless of the odorants' volatility, the pups are able to respond to extraordinarily low concentrations. Study III explores the influence of enzymatic competition on the perception of learned odors, revealing that this competition modulates the olfactory reactivity of the newborns to these odors. The results obtained contribute to a deeper understanding of neonatal olfaction in mammals, highlighting the complex interactions between odorant metabolism, sensory perception, and behavior. These findings raise important questions in ethology and neurobiology and could have practical applications in rabbit farming and biotechnology
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Capitoli di libri sul tema "Perireceptor events"


Schmale, H., C. Ahlers, M. Bläker, K. Kock e A. I. Spielman. "Perireceptor Events in Taste". In Ciba Foundation Symposium 179 - The Molecular Basis of Smell and Taste Transduction, 167–85. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2007. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/9780470514511.ch11.

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Stengl, Monika, Gunde Ziegelberger, Ingrid Boekhoff e Jürgen Krieger. "Perireceptor Events and Transduction Mechanisms in Insect Olfaction". In Insect Olfaction, 49–66. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1999. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-07911-9_3.

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"Perireceptor Events". In Encyclopedia of Pain, 2858. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-28753-4_101744.

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