Articoli di riviste sul tema "People with low literacy"
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Koppel, Ilka, e Sandra Langer. "BASIC DIGITAL LITERACY – REQUIREMENTS AND ELEMENTS". Práxis Educacional 16, n. 42 (1 ottobre 2020): 326–47.
Testo completoMohiuddin, Abdul Kader. "Low Health Literacy (LHL) Facts". Current Research in Medical Sciences 2, n. 2 (giugno 2023): 11–15.
Testo completoBrown, Lisa, e Lindsay Peterson. "Disaster Literacy". Innovation in Aging 4, Supplement_1 (1 dicembre 2020): 694.
Testo completoShan, Yi, Meng Ji, Zhaoquan Xing e Zhaogang Dong. "Factors Associated With Limited Cancer Health Literacy Among Chinese People: Cross-sectional Survey Study". JMIR Formative Research 7 (24 maggio 2023): e42666.
Testo completoAlmeida, Kaoana Maria Vieira de, Christine Toye, Liciana Vaz de Arruda Silveira, Susan Slatyer, Keith Hill e Alessandro Ferrari Jacinto. "Assessment of functional health literacy in Brazilian carers of older people". Dementia & Neuropsychologia 13, n. 2 (giugno 2019): 180–86.
Testo completoFaruqi, Nighat, Jane Lloyd, Raghib Ahmad, Lin-Lee Yeong e Mark Harris. "Feasibility of an intervention to enhance preventive care for people with low health literacy in primary health care". Australian Journal of Primary Health 21, n. 3 (2015): 321.
Testo completoReed, Debra B. "Literacy and health literacy - why they matter to health professionals". Southwest Respiratory and Critical Care Chronicles 4, n. 16 (12 ottobre 2016): 71.
Testo completoFriis, Karina, Marie Hauge Pedersen, Anna Aaby, Mathias Lasgaard e Helle Terkildsen Maindal. "Impact of low health literacy on healthcare utilization in individuals with cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes and mental disorders. A Danish population-based 4-year follow-up study". European Journal of Public Health 30, n. 5 (25 aprile 2020): 866–72.
Testo completoSamsuddin, Samsul Farid, Hayrol Azril Mohamed Shaffril, Nor Aini Mohamed e Jusang Bolong. "Into the unknown: Do people in low literacy rate areas practise digital reading?" Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science 26, n. 2 (30 agosto 2021): 23–36.
Testo completoSentell, Tetine, Joy Agner, Ruth Pitt, James Davis, Mary Guo e Elizabeth McFarlane. "Considering Health Literacy, Health Decision Making, and Health Communication in the Social Networks of Vulnerable New Mothers in Hawai‘i: A Pilot Feasibility Study". International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17, n. 7 (31 marzo 2020): 2356.
Testo completoTrifiletti, Lara B., Wendy C. Shields, Eileen M. McDonald, Allen R. Walker e Andrea C. Gielen. "Development of injury prevention materials for people with low literacy skills". Patient Education and Counseling 64, n. 1-3 (dicembre 2006): 119–27.
Testo completoDUPUY, PHILIPPE. "Finance literacy and sustainable finance literacy". Bankers, Markets & Investors 178, n. 3 (1 dicembre 2024): 0031.
Testo completoFazeli, Pariya L., Steven Paul Woods, Crystal Chapman Lambert, Drenna Waldrop-Valverde e David E. Vance. "Neurocognitive Functioning is Associated with Self-Reported and Performance-Based Treatment Management Abilities in People Living with HIV with Low Health Literacy". Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 35, n. 5 (22 febbraio 2020): 517–27.
Testo completoGurung, Madan, e Khem Prasad Gautam. "Financial Well-being and Financial Literacy in Bhutan: Evidence from Bongo Gewog". Universal Journal of Financial Economics 2, n. 1 (20 giugno 2023): 1–18.
Testo completoOkorokova, M. P., e D. N. Nikiforova. "Problems of forming political literacy of youth". Vestnik of North-Eastern Federal University. Social science, n. 4 (7 gennaio 2025): 76–80.
Testo completoBuslón, Nataly, Regina Gairal, Susana León, Maria Padrós e Emanuela Reale. "The Scientific Self-Literacy of Ordinary People: Scientific Dialogic Gatherings". Qualitative Inquiry 26, n. 8-9 (30 luglio 2020): 977–82.
Testo completoHalleina Rejeki Putri Hartono, Yopie Diondy Kurniawan e La Ode Abdullah. "Financial Literacy. A Case Study in Madiun". Indonesian Journal of Business Analytics 3, n. 3 (29 giugno 2023): 665–72.
Testo completoLi, Jing. "Application of Augmented Reality Technology in the Teaching of Literacy at Low Learning Stage". Advances in Multimedia 2023 (18 aprile 2023): 1–10.
Testo completoCintiati, Seni, Syifa Nur Afifah, Ulfah Nurul Muthmainnah e Yani Nurul Hodijah. "Exploring Halal Science Literacy in Society: Are People Ready to Choose Halal Products Smartly?" Jurnal Kajian Peradaban Islam 8, n. 1 (1 gennaio 2025): 46–50.
Testo completoMohiuddin, Abdul Kader. "Study Title: Low Health Literacy (LHL): A Devious Enemy of Patient Treatment Adherence". Middle East Research Journal of Nursing 2, n. 01 (27 dicembre 2022): 1–10.
Testo completoRatcliffe, Ruth, e Bob Boughton. "The Relationship Between Low Adult Literacy Levels and Aboriginal Family and Community Engagement in Educational Decision Making". Australian and International Journal of Rural Education 29, n. 1 (20 aprile 2022): 1–16.
Testo completoNur Siyami, Hesti Respatiningsih e Rizki Dewantara. "How To Improve Financial Performance For Disable People Organizer?" INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL ADVANCE TOURISM, MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY 1, n. 1 (31 dicembre 2023): 118–25.
Testo completoBurnaby, Barbara. "Adult Literacy Issues in Canada". Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 12 (marzo 1991): 156–71.
Testo completoZuhri, Maisarah Muaazarah, Adnan Adnan e Saparuddin Saparuddin. "Analisis Kemampuan Literasi Sains Peserta Didik SMA Kelas X IPA di Kota Makassar dalam Menyelesaikan Soal PISA". Bioscientist : Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi 11, n. 2 (30 dicembre 2023): 1892.
Testo completoTarigan, Bahagia, e Rudy Sofyan. "Building literacy awareness through a community library". ABDIMAS TALENTA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 4, n. 2 (18 dicembre 2019): 295–301.
Testo completoWaluya, Atep Hendang. "Persepsi masyarakat tentang hukum syariah menabung di Bank dan tingkat literasi keuangan syariah". Al-Urban: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah dan Filantropi Islam 2, n. 2 (5 gennaio 2019): 135–45.
Testo completoPoojar, Basavaraj, Ashok Shenoy K, Ashwin Kamath, John Ramapuram, Sathish B. Rao e Sheetal Dinkar Ullal. "Health Literacy in People Living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection: A Narrative Review". Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal 16, n. 3 (30 settembre 2023): 1483–90.
Testo completoVan Pelt, Patricia. "A community health literacy Hub". International Journal of Integrated Care 23, S1 (28 dicembre 2023): 759.
Testo completoLee, HaEun, e Jody R. Lori. "Scoping Review: Valid and Reliable Health Literacy Assessment Tools Used in Low- and Middle-Income Countries". Journal of Nursing Measurement 28, n. 1 (16 marzo 2020): 5–22.
Testo completoAbdul Kader Mohiuddin. "Low Health Literacy (LHL): A Conniving Opponent of Patient Treatment Compliance". SIASAT 8, n. 1 (23 gennaio 2023): 33–39.
Testo completoLucaci, Ancuța, e Carmen Năstase. "FINANCIAL LITERACY AND EMPLOYMENT: AN OVERVIEW AND BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS". Journal of Financial Studies 8, Special (28 settembre 2023): 129–50.
Testo completoWinceslaus, J., e A. Furnham. "FC24-02 - Psychiatric literacy and the personality disorders". European Psychiatry 26, S2 (marzo 2011): 1947.
Testo completoALMENBERG, JOHAN, e JENNY SÄVE-SÖDERBERGH. "Financial literacy and retirement planning in Sweden". Journal of Pension Economics and Finance 10, n. 4 (ottobre 2011): 585–98.
Testo completoErari, Anita, Kurniawan Patma e Ramasoyan Arung Lamba. "FINANCIAL LITERACY ON SMALL AND MICRO BUSINESS OF THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLE OF PAPUA IN JAYAPURA CITY". Modern Management Review 26, n. 4 (26 dicembre 2021): 37–46.
Testo completoCosta, Victor Roberto Santos, Polyana D’arc Rezende Costa, Eduardo Yoshio Nakano, Daniel Apolinário e Alfredo Nicodemos Cruz Santana. "Functional health literacy in hypertensive elders at primary health care". Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem 72, suppl 2 (2019): 266–73.
Testo completode Silva, Andrea M., Jacqueline M. Martin-Kerry, Kelly Van, Shalika Hegde e Adina Heilbrunn-Lang. "Developing a practical readability tool for assessing written oral health promotion material for people with low literacy". Health Education Journal 76, n. 7 (24 giugno 2017): 809–17.
Testo completoThornton, Arland, e Linda Young-DeMarco. "Literacy among American Indians: Levels and Trends from 1900 to 1930 and across Birth Cohorts from 1830 to 1920". Ethnohistory 71, n. 3 (1 luglio 2024): 379–408.
Testo completoKislitsyn, D. V. "Financial literacy training programs and financial behaviour: Why people do not become “financially literate”?" Voprosy Ekonomiki, n. 9 (5 settembre 2020): 80–93.
Testo completoAlwiyasa, Rahmatul Khalik, Tanti Nurfauziah e Wulan Aftilasyah. "LITERASI LEMBAGA KEUANGAN LEASING DI KOTA TASIKMALAYA". Transekonomika: Akuntansi, Bisnis dan Keuangan 2, n. 5 (16 giugno 2022): 11–20.
Testo completoWati, Setyo. "Menumbuhkan Budaya Literasi Bahasa Inggris Melalui Extensive Reading di Taman Baca Masyarakat (TBM) Kota Tasikmalaya". LOYALITAS, Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 3, n. 1 (26 giugno 2020): 46.
Testo completoMeppelink, Corine S., Julia C. M. van Weert, Anna Brosius e Edith G. Smit. "Dutch health websites and their ability to inform people with low health literacy". Patient Education and Counseling 100, n. 11 (novembre 2017): 2012–19.
Testo completoSIRISAKDAKUL, Tatiyaporn, e Butsakorn KHORNJAMNONG. "Financial Literacy and Retirement Planning of Working-Age People". GATR Journal of Finance and Banking Review VOL. 5 (3) OCT-DEC. 2020 5, n. 3 (22 dicembre 2020): 99–107.
Testo completoAmaneddine, Sarah, Tyler Heise, Jill Zheng, William Wong, Shuonan Pei e Carrie Demmans Epp. "A Reading Tutor for Low-Literacy Adults". Alberta Academic Review 2, n. 2 (10 settembre 2019): 5–6.
Testo completoCzech, Katarzyna, Luiza Ochnio, Michał Wielechowski e Serhiy Zabolotnyy. "Financial Literacy: Identification of the Challenges, Needs, and Difficulties among Adults Living in Rural Areas". Agriculture 14, n. 10 (28 settembre 2024): 1705.
Testo completoNiedorys, Barbara, Agnieszka Chrzan-Rodak e Barbara Ślusarska. "Health Literacy – a review of research using the European Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLS-EU-Q16) in 2010-2018". Pielegniarstwo XXI wieku / Nursing in the 21st Century 19, n. 1 (1 marzo 2020): 29–41.
Testo completoRadovanović, Danica, Christine Holst, Sarbani Banerjee Belur, Ritu Srivastava, Georges Vivien Houngbonon, Erwan Le Quentrec, Josephine Miliza, Andrea S. Winkler e Josef Noll. "Digital Literacy Key Performance Indicators for Sustainable Development". Social Inclusion 8, n. 2 (14 maggio 2020): 151–67.
Testo completoMulyaningsih, Tri, Rutiana Wahyunengseh e Sri Hastjarjo. "Poverty and Digital Divide: A Study in Urban Poor Neighborhoods". Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik 24, n. 2 (26 marzo 2021): 189.
Testo completoMuhamad Zamani, Nur Fadzilah. "High English Literacy among Students from Low Socioeconomic Backgrounds: Exploring the Challenges". IIUM Journal of Educational Studies 5, n. 2 (31 dicembre 2018): 4–19.
Testo completoHe, Lingnan, Yue Chen, Xiling Xiong, Xiqian Zou e Kaisheng Lai. "Does Science Literacy Guarantee Resistance to Health Rumors? The Moderating Effect of Self-Efficacy of Science Literacy in the Relationship between Science Literacy and Rumor Belief". International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, n. 5 (24 febbraio 2021): 2243.
Testo completoAshari Lubis, Lia Putri, Ahmad Sopiyan, Juwita Rahayu Manurung e Novia Asri Nasution. "Implementasi Pondok Baca Dalam Peningkatan Minat Membaca Siswa SDN 105322 Desa Mesjid, Kecamatan Batangkuis". Reslaj : Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal 5, n. 3 (23 ottobre 2022): 935–41.
Testo completo