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G, Doak Leonard, e Root Jane H, a cura di. Teaching patients with low literacy skills. Philadelphia, Pa: Lippincott, 1985.

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Doak, Cecilia Conrath. Teaching patients with low literacy skills. 2a ed. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1996.

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Purcell-Gates, Victoria. Other people's words: The cycle of low literacy. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1995.

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Canadian Public Health Association. National Literacy and Health Program., a cura di. Working with low-literacy seniors: Practical strategies for health providers. Ottawa: National Literacy and Health Program, Canadian Public Health Association, 1998.

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United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Planning. How to engage low-literacy and limited-English-proficiency populations in transportation decisionmaking. Washington, D.C: Federal Highway Administration Office of Planning, 2006.

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Ayres, DaMaris. Let my people learn: The biography of Dr. Wil Lou Gray. Greenwood, SC: Attic Press, 1988.

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Śarmā, Amitā. Bringing the people back in: From Lok Sampark Abhiyan to education guarantee scheme in Madhya Pradesh. [Bhopal: Rajiv Gandhi Siksha Mission, 1997.

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Rochester, Jack B. Computers for people. 2a ed. Burr Ridge, Ill: Irwin, 1994.

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Balkin, Steven. Self-employment for low-income people. New York: Praeger, 1989.

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Green, Simon. Scaffolding Academic Literacy with Low-Proficiency Users of English. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Rochester, Jack B. Computers for people: Concepts andapplications. Homewood, Ill: Irwin, 1991.

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Lampropoulos, Patricia. Beat the street: Literacy for street people. Ottawa: National Library of Canada, 1990.

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Rochester, Jack B. Computers for people: Concepts and applications. Homewood, IL: Irwin, 1991.

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Don, Pinnock, Polacsek Margit, Rhodes University. Dept. of Journalism & Media Studies. e Rhodes University. Media Research and Training Unit., a cura di. Rural media: Communicating electoral process to a low-literacy audience. Grahamstown: Dept. of Journalism & Media Studies, Rhodes University, 1992.

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Ruggiero, Greg. Microradio & democracy: (low) power to the people. New York: Seven Stories Press, 1999.

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Lipszyc, Carol. People express: Readings and chants for literacy/ESL. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press, 1996.

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Lobo, Lancy. How people vote: Civic literacy and political participation. Jaipur: Rawat Publications, 2019.

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W, Zubrow Ezra B., e Canadian Abilities Foundation, a cura di. Landscape of literacy and disability. Toronto: Canadian Abilities Foundation, 2009.

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W, Zubrow Ezra B., e Canadian Abilities Foundation, a cura di. Landscape of literacy and disability. Toronto: Canadian Abilities Foundation, 2009.

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Neal, Helen. Low vision. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1987.

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Michael, Bach, e G. Allan Roeher Institute, a cura di. Literacy and labels: A look at literacy policy and people with a mental handicap. Downsview, Ont: G. Allan Roeher Institute, 1990.

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Rāwiri, Āneta Hinemihi. Embedding adult literacy in a sense of community: Literacy and employment within Whanganui Iwi. Whanganui, N.Z: Te Puna Matauranga o Whanganui, 2008.

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VAUGHN, STECK. People. Austin, Tex: Harcourt Achieve, 2006.

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American Bar Association. Young Lawyers Division., a cura di. Effective adult community education for low income people. [Chicago: American Bar Association, Young Lawyers Division, 1992.

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J, Lipson Debra, a cura di. Health policy for low-income people in Michigan. Washington, DC: Urban Institute, 1997.

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Stephen, Zuckerman, a cura di. Health policy for low-income people in California. Washington, DC: Urban Institute, 1998.

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A, Coughlin Teresa, Assessing the New Federalism (Program) e Urban Institute, a cura di. Health policy for low-income people in Minnesota. Washington, D.C: Urban Institute, Assessing the New Federalism, 1997.

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M, Nichols Len, a cura di. Health policy for low-income people in Washington. Washington, DC: Urban Institute, 1997.

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A, Coughlin Teresa, a cura di. Health policy for low-income people in Minnesota. Washington, DC: Urban Institute, 1997.

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A, Coughlin Teresa, e Urban Institute, a cura di. Health policy for low-income people in Wisconsin. Washington, DC: Urban Institute, 1998.

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Sparer, Michael S. Health policy for low-income people in Arizona. Washington, DC: Urban Institute, 1999.

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M, Nichols Len, e Assessing the New Federalism (Program), a cura di. Health policy for low-income people in Washington. Washington, D.C: Urban Institute, Assessing the New Federalism, 1997.

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J, Lipson Debra, Assessing the New Federalism (Program) e Urban Institute, a cura di. Health policy for low-income people in Michigan. Washington, D.C: Urban Institute, Assessing the New Federalism, 1997.

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Marilyn, Moon, a cura di. Health policy for low-income people in Colorado. Washington, DC: Urban Institute, 1998.

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Sparer, Michael S. Health policy for low-income people in Arizona. Washington, DC: Urban Institute, 1999.

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Lipson, Debra J. Health policy for low-income people in Florida. Washington, D.C: Urban Institute, Assessing the New Federalism, 1997.

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Lipson, Debra J. Health policy for low-income people in Florida. Washington, DC: Urban Institute, 1997.

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Leighton, Ku, a cura di. Health policy for low-income people in Mississippi. Washington, DC: Urban Institute, 1998.

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Multiple Action Research Group (New Delhi, India) e UNIFEM South Asia Regional Office, New Delhi., a cura di. Legal literacy handbook for people living with HIV/AIDS. New Delhi: United Nations Development Fund for Women, 2006.

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Purcell-Gates, Victoria. Other People's Words: The Cycle of Low Literacy. Harvard University Press, 2012.

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(Editor), Frances Mary D'Andrea, e Carol Farrenkopf (Editor), a cura di. Looking to Learn: Promoting Literacy for Students With Low Vision. Amer Foundation for the Blind, 2000.

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Other People's Words: The Cycle of Low Literacy. Harvard University Press, 1997.

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Other people's words: The cycle of low literacy. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1995.

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High/low handbook: Encouraging literacy in the 1990s. 3a ed. New York: Bowker, 1990.

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Bleidt, Barry A., Carmita A. Coleman, Silvia E. Rabionet e Ardis Hanson. Pharmacists’ Roles in the Increase of Health Literacy Among Patients. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Abstract (sommario):
Many of the challenges people face in today’s society have their origins in the early years and experiences of life, including problems with words, numeracy, and problem-solving. Layer onto these problems the need to successfully navigate today’s complex health care setting, and patients who have low health literacy and numeracy experience significant problems affecting their utilization of health care services. This chapter frames health literacy as a major public health problem, particularly its impact on patient care and its effects on health promotion and disease prevention efforts. It also addresses the roles of pharmacists, from identifying low health literacy patients and providing interventions to recommending individualized tools to assist in the everyday care of these patients.
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Siddiqi, Asiya. Bombay's People, 1860-98. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Abstract (sommario):
Caught in the web of global economic fluctuations, Bombay experienced a cataclysmic financial crisis in the 1860s. Before the crash the city’s economy was heavily dependent on the trade in cotton. By 1865, with the end of the American Civil War, the price of cotton plummeted, and with it the fortunes of Bombay’s people. Even people not directly involved in the cotton trade were affected. Thousands declared themselves insolvent and sought the protection of the Bombay High Court. Drawing on almost twenty thousand petitions of insolvents, Asiya Siddiqi explores a crucial phase of transformations in Indian economy and society. Situating her study in the early colonial period of constant negotiations between local, colonial, and global relationships, Siddiqi maps patterns of income, literacy levels, and connections between religion and occupation. She not only analyses the finances of the wealthy and the powerful but also of working people. Among the people who made an appearance in the insolvency petitions were artisans, traders, courtesans and dancing girls, managers, homemakers, domestic servants, and labourers. The documents tell us about types of professions, modes of self-identification, kinds and degrees of literacy, and income levels. The study also illuminates certain features of colonial law. People whose conduct was grounded in customary codes of practice that were relatively flexible and informal had to negotiate the streamlining and codification of practices that the colonial government undertook. From this scrutiny is revealed the workings of the complex and dynamic economic and social relationships among Bombay’s people in the late nineteenth century.
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Fitzgerald, F. Scott. Great Gatsby: Giant Print Book for Low Vision Readers. Independently Published, 2021.

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Press, New Readers. Citizenship: Passing the Test - Literacy - Low Beginning. New Readers Pr, 2008.

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Weintraub, Lynne. Citizenship: Passing the Test Literacy - Low Beginning. New Readers Pr, 2001.

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Windows on Literacy Language, Literacy & Vocabulary Early: Where People Live. National Geographic School Pub, 2007.

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