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WANG, C. L., e M. L. ZHAO. "BURNS TEMPERATURE AND QUANTUM TEMPERATURE SCALE". Journal of Advanced Dielectrics 01, n. 02 (aprile 2011): 163–67.

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Abstract (sommario):
In this article, two concepts of temperature, i.e., Burns temperature for relaxor ferroelectrics and quantum temperature scale for quantum paraelectrics, are reviewed briefly. Since both temperatures describe the deviation of the dielectric constant from Curie–Weiss law, their relationship is discussed. Finally the concept of quantum temperature scale is extended to demonstrate the evolution process of quantum paraelectric behavior to relaxor ferroelectric behavior.
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Coak, Matthew J., Charles R. S. Haines, Cheng Liu, Stephen E. Rowley, Gilbert G. Lonzarich e Siddharth S. Saxena. "Quantum critical phenomena in a compressible displacive ferroelectric". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117, n. 23 (26 maggio 2020): 12707–12.

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Abstract (sommario):
The dielectric and magnetic polarizations of quantum paraelectrics and paramagnetic materials have in many cases been found to initially increase with increasing thermal disorder and hence, exhibit peaks as a function of temperature. A quantitative description of these examples of “order-by-disorder” phenomena has remained elusive in nearly ferromagnetic metals and in dielectrics on the border of displacive ferroelectric transitions. Here, we present an experimental study of the evolution of the dielectric susceptibility peak as a function of pressure in the nearly ferroelectric material, strontium titanate, which reveals that the peak position collapses toward absolute zero as the ferroelectric quantum critical point is approached. We show that this behavior can be described in detail without the use of adjustable parameters in terms of the Larkin–Khmelnitskii–Shneerson–Rechester (LKSR) theory, first introduced nearly 50 y ago, of the hybridization of polar and acoustic modes in quantum paraelectrics, in contrast to alternative models that have been proposed. Our study allows us to construct a detailed temperature–pressure phase diagram of a material on the border of a ferroelectric quantum critical point comprising ferroelectric, quantum critical paraelectric, and hybridized polar-acoustic regimes. Furthermore, at the lowest temperatures, below the susceptibility maximum, we observe a regime characterized by a linear temperature dependence of the inverse susceptibility that differs sharply from the quartic temperature dependence predicted by the LKSR theory. We find that this non-LKSR low-temperature regime cannot be accounted for in terms of any detailed model reported in the literature, and its interpretation poses an empirical and conceptual challenge.
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Courtens, E., B. Hehlen, G. Coddens e B. Hennion. "New excitations in quantum paraelectrics". Physica B: Condensed Matter 219-220 (aprile 1996): 577–80.

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DelRe, Eugenio, Mario Tamburrini e Aharon J. Agranat. "Soliton electro-optic effects in paraelectrics". Optics Letters 25, n. 13 (1 luglio 2000): 963.

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Das, Nabyendu, e Suresh G. Mishra. "Fluctuations and criticality in quantum paraelectrics". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21, n. 9 (4 febbraio 2009): 095901.

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Tosatti, E., e R. Martoňák. "Rotational melting in displacive quantum paraelectrics". Solid State Communications 92, n. 1-2 (ottobre 1994): 167–80.

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Vorotiahin, I. S., Yu M. Poplavko e Y. M. Fomichov. "Features of Dielectric Nonlinearity in Paraelectrics". Ukrainian Journal of Physics 60, n. 04 (aprile 2015): 339–50.

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Kleemann, W., Y. G. Wang, P. Lehnen e J. Dec. "Phase transitions in doped quantum paraelectrics". Ferroelectrics 229, n. 1 (maggio 1999): 39–44.

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Wang, Y. G., W. Kleemann, J. Dec e W. L. Zhong. "Dielectric properties of doped quantum paraelectrics". Europhysics Letters (EPL) 42, n. 2 (15 aprile 1998): 173–78.

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Wang, Y. G., W. Kleemann, W. L. Zhong e L. Zhang. "Impurity-induced phase transition in quantum paraelectrics". Physical Review B 57, n. 21 (1 giugno 1998): 13343–46.

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Totsuji, Chieko, e Takeo Matsubara. "Stress Induced Ferroelectric Phase Transitionin Quantum-Paraelectrics". Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 60, n. 10 (15 ottobre 1991): 3549–56.

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Courtens, Eric. "Is there an unusual condensation in quantum paraelectrics?" Ferroelectrics 183, n. 1 (luglio 1996): 25–38.

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Rofiko, Husnah, Yofentina Iriani e Risa Suryana. "Pengaruh Suhu Sintering Pada Pembuatan Strontium Titanat (SrTiO3) Terhadap Konstanta Dielektrik Menggunakan Metode Co-Precipitation". INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 7, n. 1 (8 agosto 2017): 27.

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Abstract (sommario):
<p>Strontium Titanate (SrTiO<sub>3</sub>) with variation of sintering temperatures were prepared by co-precipitation methods. Sintering temperature were varied at 700<sup>o</sup>C, 800<sup>o</sup>C, and 900<sup>o</sup>C for 4 hours. SrTiO<sub>3</sub> samples were prepared by Strontium Nitrate and Titanium Tetrabutoxide. SrTiO<sub>3</sub> samples were characterized by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Resistance Capacitance Inductance (RCL) meter, and Sawyer Tower. SEM images show that the sintering temperatures could affect the grain size of SrTiO<sub>3</sub>. In addition, crystal size of SrTiO<sub>3</sub> (110) affected by sintering temperature. The highest of dielectric constant is 137 on SrTiO<sub>3</sub> at sintering temperature of 900<sup>o</sup>C. Sawyer Tower curves confirmed that SrTiO3 has paraelectric property.</p><p>Keyword: Strontium Titanate, Co-precipitation, dielectrics constant, paraelectrics</p><p> </p>
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Okamoto, Hiroshi. "Probing Charge-Lattice-Coupled Fluctuations in Organic Quantum Paraelectrics". JPSJ News and Comments 7 (12 gennaio 2010): 06.

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Prosandeev, S. A., e V. A. Trepakov. "The dielectric response of quantum paraelectrics containing dipole impurities". Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 94, n. 2 (febbraio 2002): 419–30.

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Kleemann, W., J. Dec, Y. G. Wang, P. Lehnen e S. A. Prosandeev. "Phase transitions and relaxor properties of doped quantum paraelectrics". Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 61, n. 2 (febbraio 2000): 167–76.

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Bussmann-Holder, A., H. Büttner e A. R. Bishop. "Stabilization of ferroelectricity in quantum paraelectrics by isotopic substitution". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 12, n. 6 (26 gennaio 2000): L115—L120.

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Kleemann, W., J. Dec, D. Kahabka, P. Lehnen e Y. G. Wang. "Phase transitions and precursor phenomena in doped quantum paraelectrics". Ferroelectrics 235, n. 1 (dicembre 1999): 33–46.

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Sugawara, Tadashi, Tomoyuki Mochida, Akira Miyazaki, Akira Izuoka, Naoki Sato, Yoko Sugawara, Kenzo Deguchi, Yutaka Moritomo e Yoshinori Tokura. "Organic paraelectrics resulting from tautomerization coupled with proton-transfer". Solid State Communications 83, n. 9 (settembre 1992): 665–68.

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Yokota, Hiroko, e Yoshiaki Uesu. "Current Researches of Relaxors -Steps from Quantum Paraelectrics to Relaxors-". hamon 19, n. 2 (2009): 95–100.

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Huber, W. H., L. M. Hernandez e A. M. Goldman. "Electric field dependence of the thermal conductivity of quantum paraelectrics". Physical Review B 62, n. 13 (1 ottobre 2000): 8588–91.

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Das, Nabyendu. "On the possibility of mixed phases in disordered quantum paraelectrics". Modern Physics Letters B 28, n. 21 (20 agosto 2014): 1450167.

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Abstract (sommario):
In this paper, we present a theory of phase transition in quantum critical paraelectrics in presence of quenched random-Tc disorder using replica trick. The effects of disorder induced locally ordered regions and their slow dynamics are included by breaking the replica symmetry at vector level. The occurrence of a mixed phase at any finite value of disorder strength is argued. A broad power law distribution of quantum critical points and and its finite temperature consequences are predicted. Results are interesting in the context of a certain class of disordered materials near quantum phase transition.
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Nakano, T., N. Ushio, S. Yamamoto, Y. Sakai e K. Abe. "Light Scattering by Microscopic Granular Ferroelectric Regions in SrTi18O3and Quantum Paraelectrics". Ferroelectrics 441, n. 1 (gennaio 2012): 67–74.

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Takesada, Masaki, Hiroshi Nihonmatsu, Toshirou Yagi, Akira Onodera e Yukikuni Akishige. "Ultraviolet Photoexcited Soft Mode Dynamics in Quantum Paraelectrics KTaO3Doped with Nickel". Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 48, n. 9 (24 settembre 2009): 09KF08.

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Smolyaninov, I. M. "The long-time correlations induced by defects in the quantum paraelectrics and". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 10, n. 45 (16 novembre 1998): 10333–46.

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Діденко, Юрій Вікторович, e Юрий Михайлович Поплавко. "Polarization Mechanisms in Thermal Stable Microwave BLT Ceramics Part 1: “Hard” Paraelectrics Peculiarities". Electronics and Communications 20, n. 1 (23 luglio 2015): 18.

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Ranjan, Rajeev, Anupriya Agrawal, Anatoliy Senyshyn e Hans Boysen. "Crystal structures of high temperature quantum paraelectrics Na1/2Nd1/2TiO3and Na1/2Pr1/2TiO3". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 18, n. 41 (29 settembre 2006): L515—L522.

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Yang, Yi, Chen-Sheng Lin e Wen-Dan Cheng. "Impact of biaxial compressive strain on the heterostructures of paraelectrics KTaO3 and SrTiO3". AIP Advances 5, n. 5 (maggio 2015): 057147.

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Prosandeev, S. A. "Nonlinear dielectric susceptibility of dipole impurities dissolved in the lattice of quantum paraelectrics". Physics of the Solid State 43, n. 10 (ottobre 2001): 1948–51.

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Kim, Yong Tae, Ki Hyun Yoon, Tae Heui Kim e Kyung Bong Park. "Electron emission from Pb-based ferroelectrics, antiferroelectrics, and paraelectrics by pulse electric field". Applied Physics Letters 76, n. 26 (26 giugno 2000): 3977–79.

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Geyer, Richard G., Bill Riddle, Jerzy Krupka e Lynn A. Boatner. "Microwave dielectric properties of single-crystal quantum paraelectrics KTaO3 and SrTiO3 at cryogenic temperatures". Journal of Applied Physics 97, n. 10 (15 maggio 2005): 104111.

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Konsin, P., e B. Sorkin. "Semi-microscopic Vibronic Theory of the Properties of Quantum Paraelectrics and Ferroelectrics of SrTiO3 Type". Ferroelectrics 483, n. 1 (14 luglio 2015): 20–25.

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Nakamura, Tetsuro, Yue Jin Shan, Pai-Hsuan Sun, Yoshiyuki Inaguma e Mitsuru Itoh. "Discrimination of ferroelectrics from quantum paraelectrics among perovskite titanatesATiO3AND (A′1/2A′′1/2) TiO3". Ferroelectrics 219, n. 1 (novembre 1998): 71–81.

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Grimalsky, Volodymyr, Jesus Escobedo-Alatorre, Christian Castrejon-Martinez e Yered Gomez-Badillo. "Generation of Higher Terahertz Harmonics in Nonlinear Paraelectrics under Focusing in a Wide Temperature Range". Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications 15, n. 04 (2023): 43–58.

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Abstract (sommario):
Here a recently observed weak first order transition in doped SrTiO 3 [Taniguchi, Itoh and Yagi, Phys. Rev. Lett.99, 017602 (2007)] is argued to be a consequence of the coupling between strain and order parameter fluctuations. Starting with a semi-microscopic action, and using renormalization group equations for vertices, we write the free energy of such a system. This fluctuation renormalized free energy is then used to discuss the possibility of first order transition at zero temperature as well as at finite temperature. An asymptotic analysis predicts small but a finite discontinuity in the order parameter near a mean field quantum critical point at zero temperature. In case of finite temperature transition, near quantum critical point such a possibility is found to be extremely weak. Results are in accord with some experimental findings on quantum paraelectrics such as SrTiO 3 and KTaO 3.
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Sakai, Hideaki, Koji Ikeura, Mohammad Saeed Bahramy, Naoki Ogawa, Daisuke Hashizume, Jun Fujioka, Yoshinori Tokura e Shintaro Ishiwata. "Critical enhancement of thermopower in a chemically tuned polar semimetal MoTe2". Science Advances 2, n. 11 (novembre 2016): e1601378.

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Abstract (sommario):
Ferroelectrics with spontaneous electric polarization play an essential role in today’s device engineering, such as capacitors and memories. Their physical properties are further enriched by suppressing the long-range polar order, as exemplified by quantum paraelectrics with giant piezoelectric and dielectric responses at low temperatures. Likewise in metals, a polar lattice distortion has been theoretically predicted to give rise to various unusual physical properties. However, to date, a “ferroelectric”-like transition in metals has seldom been controlled, and hence, its possible impacts on transport phenomena remain unexplored. We report the discovery of anomalous enhancement of thermopower near the critical region between the polar and nonpolar metallic phases in 1T′-Mo1−xNbxTe2with a chemically tunable polar transition. It is unveiled from the first-principles calculations and magnetotransport measurements that charge transport with a strongly energy-dependent scattering rate critically evolves toward the boundary to the nonpolar phase, resulting in large cryogenic thermopower. Such a significant influence of the structural instability on transport phenomena might arise from the fluctuating or heterogeneous polar metallic states, which would pave a novel route to improving thermoelectric efficiency.
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Akdogan, E. K., A. Hall, W. K. Simon e A. Safari. "Nonlinear dielectric properties and tunability of 0.9Pb(Mg1∕3,Nb2∕3)O3–0.1PbTiO3 and Ba(Ti0.85,Sn0.15)O3 paraelectrics". Journal of Applied Physics 101, n. 2 (15 gennaio 2007): 024104.

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Trepakov, V. A., S. A. Prosandeev, M. E. Savinov, P. Galinetto, G. Samoggia, S. E. Kapphan, L. Jastrabik e L. A. Boatner. "Low-temperature phase transformations in weakly doped quantum paraelectrics: novel features and quantum reentrant dipolar glass state in KTa0.982Nb0.018O3". Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 65, n. 7 (luglio 2004): 1317–27.

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Yin, Jia-Hang, Guo-Long Tan e Cong-Cong Duan. "Antiferroelectrics and Magnetoresistance in La0.5Sr0.5Fe12O19 Multiferroic System". Materials 16, n. 2 (4 gennaio 2023): 492.

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Abstract (sommario):
The appearance of antiferroelectrics (AFE) in the ferrimagnetism (FM) system would give birth to a new type of multiferroic candidate, which is significant to the development of novel devices for energy storage. Here we demonstrate the realization of full antiferroelectrics in a magnetic La0.5Sr0.5Fe12O19 system (AFE+FM), which also presents a strong magnetodielectric response (MD) and magnetoresistance (MR) effect. The antiferroelectric phase was achieved at room temperature by replacing 0.5 Sr2+ ions with 0.5 La2+ ions in the SrFe12O19 compound, whose phase transition temperature of ferroelectrics (FE) to antiferroelectrics was brought down from 174 °C to −141 °C, while the temperature of antiferroelectrics converting to paraelectrics (PE) shifts from 490 °C to 234 °C after the substitution. The fully separated double P-E hysteresis loops reveal the antiferroelectrics in La0.5Sr0.5Fe12O19 ceramics. The magnitude of exerting magnetic field enables us to control the generation of spin current, which induces MD and MR effects. A 1.1T magnetic field induces a large spin current of 15.6 n A in La0.5Sr0.5Fe12O19 ceramics, lifts up dielectric constants by 540%, and lowers the resistance by −89%. The magnetic performance remains as usual. The multiple functions in one single phase allow us to develop novel intelligent devices.
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Braeter, H., e W. Windsch. "On the influence of a static electric field on the lattice dynamics of ferroelectrics and quantum paraelectrics of displacive type". Ferroelectrics 100, n. 1 (dicembre 1989): 241–54.

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SOBOLEV, V. L., e V. M. ISHCHUK. "TWO-PHASE NUCLEI IN PARAELECTRIC PHASE OF Pb1-x(Li1/2La1/2)x(Zr1-yTiy)O3 SOLID SOLUTIONS". International Journal of Modern Physics B 15, n. 24n25 (10 ottobre 2001): 3366–68.

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Abstract (sommario):
The phase transition from the paraelectric phase to ordered phases in Pb1-x(Li1/2La1/2)x(Zr1-yTiy)O3 with compositions close to the ferroelectric - antiferroelectric - paraelectric triple point in the Ti-content - temperature phase diagram is studied. X-ray diffraction is used to identify two - phase (antiferroelectric and ferroelectric) nuclei embeded in a paraelectric matrix. The relation between these two-phase nuclei in paraelectric phase and the diffuseness of the phase transition is discussed.
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Lu, XiaoYan, Biao Wang, Yue Zheng e ChenLiang Li. "Adjustable ferroelectric properties in paraelectric/ferroelectric/paraelectric trilayers". Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 41, n. 3 (11 gennaio 2008): 035303.

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Loidl, A., S. Krohns, J. Hemberger e P. Lunkenheimer. "Bananas go paraelectric". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20, n. 19 (8 aprile 2008): 191001.

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Liu, Junfu, Yiqian Liu, Shun Lan, Bingbing Yang, Lvye Dou, Letao Yang, Xi Kong, Ce-Wen Nan e Yuan-Hua Lin. "Static structures and dynamic responses of polar topologies in oxide superlattices". Applied Physics Letters 121, n. 21 (21 novembre 2022): 212902.

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Polar topologies in ferroelectric/paraelectric superlattices have been an important substance to explore exotic physical properties. Although enormous efforts have been paid to this field, the universality of the formation of polar topologies in various superlattices and their electric field dynamics is still unknown. Herein, we employ a phase-field model to construct three types of ferroelectric/paraelectric superlattices with tetragonal, rhombohedral, and orthorhombic symmetries and investigate their static structures and dynamic responses as a function of epitaxial strain. It is found that all superlattices undergo a similar vortex–spiral–in-plane topology transition, which corresponds to peaked dielectric permittivity curves and ferroelectric-, antiferroelectric-, and paraelectric-like hysteresis loops. Such polarization behaviors are attributed to the triple-well free energy landscape. The flexibility of hysteresis loops generates high energy density and efficiency of ferroelectric/paraelectric superlattices. This study offers a systematic view of the generality of polar topologies in multilayered ferroelectrics.
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Malcherek, T. "Spontaneous strain in synthetic titanite, CaTiOSiO4". Mineralogical Magazine 65, n. 6 (dicembre 2001): 709–15.

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Abstract (sommario):
AbstractLattice parameters of synthetic titanite powder, CaTiOSiO4, have been determined between room temperature and 1023 K. Only the e11 and e13 components contribute significantly to the strain tensor associated with the antiferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition at Tc = 487 K. A finite strain component e13 is observed in the paraelectric phase for 487 K < T < 825 K. The disappearance of this shear strain marks the isosymmetric transition near 825 K. The temperature evolution of the volume strain and of e11 is proportional to the squared order parameter observed in single-crystal diffraction experiments. The magnitude of the volume strain is sufficiently large to relate the observed near tricritical behaviour of the antiferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition to strain coupling.
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Gentile, Francesco Silvio, Rosita Diana, Barbara Panunzi, Ugo Caruso, Alexander Platonenko, Fabien Pascale e Roberto Dovesi. "Vibrational Analysis of Paraelectric–Ferroelectric Transition of LiNbO3: An Ab-Initio Quantum Mechanical Treatment". Symmetry 13, n. 9 (7 settembre 2021): 1650.

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Abstract (sommario):
The phase transitions between paraelectric (PE) and ferroelectric (FE) isomorph phases of LiNbO3 have been investigated quantum mechanically by using a Gaussian-type basis set, the B3LYP hybrid functional and the CRYSTAL17 code. The structural, electronic and vibrational properties of the two phases are analyzed. The vibrational frequencies evaluated at the Γ point indicate that the paraelectric phase is unstable, with a complex saddle point with four negative eigenvalues. The energy scan of the A2u mode at −215 cm−1 (i215) shows a dumbbell potential with two symmetric minima. The isotopic substitution, performed on the Li and Nb atoms, allows interpretation of the nontrivial mechanism of the phase transition. The ferroelectric phase is more stable than the paraelectric one by 0.32 eV.
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Rzoska, Sylwester J., Aleksandra Drozd-Rzoska, Weronika Bulejak, Joanna Łoś, Szymon Starzonek, Mikołaj Szafran e Feng Gao. "Critical Insight into Pretransitional Behavior and Dielectric Tunability of Relaxor Ceramics". Materials 16, n. 24 (13 dicembre 2023): 7634.

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This model discussion focuses on links between the unique properties of relaxor ceramics and the basics of Critical Phenomena Physics and Glass Transition Physics. It indicates the significance of uniaxiality for the appearance of mean-field type features near the paraelectric-to-ferroelectric phase transition. Pretransitional fluctuations, that are increasing up to the size of a grain and leading to inter-grain, random, local electric fields are responsible for relaxor ceramics characteristics. Their impact yields the pseudospinodal behavior associated with “weakly discontinuous” local phase transitions. The emerging model redefines the meaning of the Burns temperature and polar nanoregions (PNRs). It offers a coherent explanation of “dielectric constant” changes with the “diffused maximum” near the paraelectric-to-ferroelectric transition, the sensitivity to moderate electric fields (tunability), and the “glassy” dynamics. These considerations are challenged by the experimental results of complex dielectric permittivity studies in a Ba0.65Sr0.35TiO3 relaxor ceramic, covering ca. 250 K, from the paraelectric to the “deep” ferroelectric phase. The distortion-sensitive and derivative-based analysis in the paraelectric phase and the surrounding paraelectric-to-ferroelectric transition reveal a preference for the exponential scaling pattern for ε(T) changes. This may suggest that Griffith-phase behavior is associated with mean-field criticality disturbed by random local impacts. The preference for the universalistic “critical & activated” evolution of the primary relaxation time is shown for dynamics. The discussion is supplemented by a coupled energy loss analysis. The electric field-related tunability studies lead to scaling relationships describing their temperature changes.
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Burns, Gerald, e F. H. Dacol. "BaTiO3as a Biased Paraelectric". Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 24, S2 (1 gennaio 1985): 649.

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Woodward, P. M., e K. Z. Baba-Kishi. "Crystal structures of the relaxor oxide Pb2(ScTa)O6in the paraelectric and ferroelectric states". Journal of Applied Crystallography 35, n. 2 (22 marzo 2002): 233–42.

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The crystal structure of the relaxor ferroelectric Pb2ScTaO6has been refined from high-resolution neutron time-of-flight powder diffraction data recorded at various temperatures from 4 to 400 K. Upon warming, Pb2ScTaO6undergoes a first-order transition at 295 K from the rhombohedral ferroelectric state into the cubic paraelectric state. At 4.2 K, in the ferroelectric state, this compound adoptsR3 space-group symmetry, witha= 8.15231 (7) Å and α = 89.8488 (3)°. At 400 K, in the paraelectric state, this compound adoptsFm\bar{3}mspace-group symmetry, witha= 8.15345 (3) Å. In the ferroelectric state, the Pb2+coordination polyhedra are quite asymmetric, clearly indicating the presence of a stereoactive electron lone pair. The Sc3+and Ta5+ions are also shifted away from the centers of their respective octahedra, each toward an octahedral face. The large displacement parameters associated with both the Pb and the O ions, in the 400 K structure reveal significant local shifts of these ions from their ideal sites in the paraelectric state. Thus, the paraelectric to ferroelectric transition is driven by long-range cooperative ordering of the cation displacements. Synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction measurements are used to estimate the domain size of the Sc3+/Ta5+ordering and the ferroelectric cation displacements as 88 nm and 10 nm, respectively.
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Nakamura, Kaoru, e Toshiharu Ohnuma. "Theoretical prediction of piezoelectric property of new LiNbO3-type compound AlTlO3". MRS Advances 4, n. 09 (2019): 531–37.

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Abstract (sommario):
ABSTRACTBy using systematic first-principles calculation, we found that AlTlO3 compound of LiNbO3 structure shows large piezoelectric constants e33 of 10.7 C/m2 and d33 of 56.7 pC/N. These piezoelectric constants are approximately six times larger than those of LiNbO3. AlTlO3 is predicted to be stabilized above 7 GPa. On the other hand, the calculated dielectric constant ε33 shows diverged behavior around 2 GPa. This result indicates that AlTlO3 can be quenchable. Decomposition of the predicted piezoelectric constant revealed that the large piezoelectricity of AlTlO3 originates from the Tl displacement in accordance with external perturbation, which drives the ferroelectric soft mode of the corresponding paraelectric phase. However, the energy difference between the ferroelectric and paraelectric phases was small, approximately 1 meV/f.u. These insights suggest that fluctuation between ferroelectric and paraelectric phases causes large piezoelectricity in AlTlO3.
Gli stili APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO e altri
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