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Fuyuki, Takuma, Shota Kashiyama, Kunishige Oe e Masahiro Yoshimoto. "Interface States in p-Type GaAs/GaAs1-xBixHeterostructure". Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 51, n. 11S (1 novembre 2012): 11PC02.

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Stichtenoth, D., K. Wegener, C. Gutsche, I. Regolin, F. J. Tegude, W. Prost, M. Seibt e C. Ronning. "P-type doping of GaAs nanowires". Applied Physics Letters 92, n. 16 (21 aprile 2008): 163107.

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Xie, Zhijian, e S. A. Lyon. "Ballistic transport in p-type GaAs". Applied Physics Letters 75, n. 14 (4 ottobre 1999): 2085–87.

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Nathan, M. I., W. P. Dumke, K. Wrenner, S. Tiwari, S. L. Wright e K. A. Jenkins. "Electron mobility in p‐type GaAs". Applied Physics Letters 52, n. 8 (22 febbraio 1988): 654–56.

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Moutonnet, D. "Photochemical pattern on p-type GaAs". Materials Letters 6, n. 1-2 (novembre 1987): 34–36.

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Dong, Boqun, Andrei Afanasev, Rolland Johnson e Mona Zaghloul. "Enhancement of Photoemission on p-Type GaAs Using Surface Acoustic Waves". Sensors 20, n. 8 (24 aprile 2020): 2419.

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Abstract (sommario):
We demonstrate that photoemission properties of p-type GaAs can be altered by surface acoustic waves (SAWs) generated on the GaAs surface due to dynamical piezoelectric fields of SAWs. Multiphysics simulations indicate that charge-carrier recombination is greatly reduced, and electron effective lifetime in p-doped GaAs may increase by a factor of 10× to 20×. It implies a significant increase, by a factor of 2× to 3×, of quantum efficiency (QE) for GaAs photoemission applications, like GaAs photocathodes. Conditions of different SAW wavelengths, swept SAW intensities, and varied incident photon energies were investigated. Essential steps in SAW device fabrication on a GaAs substrate are demonstrated, including deposition of an additional layer of ZnO for piezoelectric effect enhancement, measurements of current–voltage (I–V) characteristics of the SAW device, and ability to survive high-temperature annealing. Results obtained and reported in this study provide the potential and basis for future studies on building SAW-enhanced photocathodes, as well as other GaAs photoelectric applications.
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Bagraev, Nikolai T. "Metastable Surface Defects in p-Type GaAs". Materials Science Forum 143-147 (ottobre 1993): 543–48.

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Ito, Hiroshi, e Tadao Ishibashi. "Surface Recombination Velocity in p-Type GaAs". Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 33, Part 1, No.1A (15 gennaio 1994): 88–89.

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Lodha, Saurabh, e David B. Janes. "Metal/molecule/p-type GaAs heterostructure devices". Journal of Applied Physics 100, n. 2 (15 luglio 2006): 024503.

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Kidalov, V. V. "Optical properties of p-type porous GaAs". Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics and optoelectronics 8, n. 4 (15 dicembre 2005): 118–20.

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Schmitz, K. M., K. L. Jiao, R. Sharma, W. A. Anderson, G. Rajeswaran, L. R. Zheng, M. W. Cole e R. T. Lareau. "Microstructural analysis of Pd-based ohmic contacts to p-type GaAs". Journal of Materials Research 6, n. 3 (marzo 1991): 553–59.

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Abstract (sommario):
As part of the investigation of the use of Pd-based ohmic contacts to p-type GaAs, cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy, Auger electron spectroscopy, and secondary ion mass spectroscopy were used to explore the uniformity at the metal/GaAs interface and its composition profile after ohmic contact formation. Comparisons were made among Au:Be, Au:Be/Pd, and Au/Pd contacts. Regions of p+ were formed in n-type GaAs by a spin-on source which was rapid diffused at 950 °C for 6 s or by ion implantation at a dose of 3 × 1014 atoms/cm2 at 150 keV for 15 min. Metallizations were accomplished by evaporation with a base pressure of 3 × 10−6 Torr. Sintering of the metallizations was done in a furnace at 350 °C for 15 min. Cross-sectional transmission electron microscope studies revealed an absence of spiking when Be is present in the metallization scheme but a broad band diffused into GaAs. An improper metal/GaAs adhesion was observed when Pd is absent. Be assists in confining the reaction of Pd with GaAs and acts as a diffusion barrier to the p+ dopant. Electrical measurements, taken from transmission line and cross bridge Kelvin resistors, were best for the Pd/Au:Be, which yielded a contact resistance of 0.3 μΩ-cm2.
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Atomic hydrogen has been found to have a great number of useful applications in the technological field of semiconducting materials. It has been used as a reagent in the epitaxial growth processes to control the incorporation of residual impurities. Atomic hydrogen can react with GaAs thus producing Ga- and As- hydrogen volatile species in controlled conditions. The atomic hydrogen can be produced in a chemical vapor deposition chamber using a hot tungsten filament. In this work we report the results of a study on GaAs layers grown using the close space vapor deposition technique with atomic hydrogen as a reagent. The conductivity type of the grown layers is closely related to the conductivity type of the GaAs source. We have grown p-type GaAs layers with l×1018 cm-3 hole concentration using GaAs sources with the same acceptor concentration. 10 K photoluminesence measurements were nlade on the source and the epitaxial GaAs layers. The PL spectra revealed that the residual impurities in the GaAs layers were originated from the source. The mirror like appearance of the grown layers as well as their electrical and optical characteristics demonstrate they can be used in the manufacture of GaAs semiconductor devices.
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Галиев, Г. Б., Е. А. Климов, А. Н. Клочков, В. Б. Копылов e C. C. Пушкарев. "Электрофизические и фотолюминесцентные исследования сверхрешeток \LT-GaAs/GaAs : Si\, выращенных методом молекулярно-лучевой эпитаксии на подложках GaAs с ориентацией (100) и (111)А". Физика и техника полупроводников 53, n. 2 (2019): 258.

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Abstract (sommario):
AbstractThe results of studying semiconductor structures proposed for the first time and grown, which combine the properties of LT-GaAs with p -type conductivity upon doping with Si, are presented. The structures are {LT-GaAs/GaAs:Si} superlattices, in which the LT-GaAs layers are grown at a low temperature (in the range 280–350°C) and the GaAs:Si layers at a higher temperature (470°C). The p -type conductivity upon doping with Si is provided by the use of GaAs(111)A substrates and the choice of the growth temperature and the ratio between As_4 and Ga fluxes. The hole concentration steadily decreases, as the growth temperature of LT-GaAs layers is lowered from 350 to 280°C, which is attributed to an increase in the roughness of interfaces between layers and to the formation of regions depleted of charge carriers at the interfaces between the GaAs:Si and LT-GaAS layers. The evolution of the photoluminescence spectra at 77 K under variations in the growth temperature of LT-GaAs is interpreted as a result of changes in the concentration of Ga_As and V _Ga point defects and Si_Ga– V _Ga, V _As–Si_As, and Si_As–Si_Ga complexes.
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Fuyuki, Takuma, Shota Kashiyama, Kunishige Oe e Masahiro Yoshimoto. "Interface States in p-Type GaAs/GaAs$_{1-x}$Bi$_{x}$ Heterostructure". Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 51 (20 novembre 2012): 11PC02.

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Sharmin, Mehnaz, Shamima Choudhury, Nasrin Akhtar e Tahmina Begum. "Optical and Transport Properties of p-Type GaAs". Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences 36, n. 1 (17 giugno 2012): 97–107.

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Abstract (sommario):
Electrical properties such as electrical resistivity, Hall coefficient, Hall mobility, carrier concentration of p-type GaAs samples were studied at room temperature (300 K). Resistivity was found to be of the order of 5.6 × 10-3?-cm. The Hall coefficient (RH) was calculated to be 7.69 × 10-1cm3/C and Hall mobility (?H) was found to be 131cm2/V-s at room temperature from Hall effect measurements. Carrier concentration was estimated to be 8.12 × 1018/cm3 and the Fermi level was calculated directly from carrier density data which was 0.33 eV. Photoconductivity measurements were carried on by varying sample current, light intensity and temperature at constant chopping frequency 45.60 Hz in all the cases mentioned above. It was observed that within the range of sample current 0.1 - 0.25mA photoconductivity remains almost constant at room temperature 300K and it was found to be varying non-linearly with light intensity within the range 37 - 12780 lux. Photoconductivity was observed to be increasing linearly with temperature between 308 and 428 K. Absorption coefficient (?) of the samples has been studied with variation of wavelength (300 - 2500 nm). The value of optical band gap energy was calculated between 1.34 and 1.41eV for the material from the graph of (?h?)2 plotted against photon energy. The value of lattice parameter (a) was found to be 5.651 by implying X-ray diffraction method (XRD).DOI: of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, Vol. 36, No. 1, 97-107, 2012
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Jia, Y. Q., Hans Jürgen von Bardeleben, Didier Stiévenard e Christian Delerue. "Intrinsic Defects in Electron Irradiated p-Type GaAs". Materials Science Forum 83-87 (gennaio 1992): 965–70.

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Tang, R‐S, S. B. Saban, J. S. Blakemore e M. L. Gray. "Melt‐grown p‐type GaAs with iron doping". Journal of Applied Physics 73, n. 11 (giugno 1993): 7416–21.

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Aboelfotoh, M. O., M. A. Borek e J. Narayan. "Ohmic contact to p-type GaAs using Cu3Ge". Applied Physics Letters 75, n. 25 (20 dicembre 1999): 3953–55.

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As, D. J., D. Schikora, A. Greiner, M. Lübbers, J. Mimkes e K. Lischka. "p- andn-type cubic GaN epilayers on GaAs". Physical Review B 54, n. 16 (15 ottobre 1996): R11118—R11121.

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Salehzadeh, O., X. Zhang, B. D. Gates, K. L. Kavanagh e S. P. Watkins. "p-type doping of GaAs nanowires using carbon". Journal of Applied Physics 112, n. 9 (novembre 2012): 094323.

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Lin, M. E., G. Xue, G. L. Zhou, J. E. Greene e H. Morkoç. "p‐type zinc‐blende GaN on GaAs substrates". Applied Physics Letters 63, n. 7 (16 agosto 1993): 932–33.

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Jiang, H., R. G. Elliman e J. S. Williams. "P-type doping of GaAs by carbon implantation". Journal of Electronic Materials 23, n. 4 (aprile 1994): 391–96.

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Reemtsma, J. H., K. Heime, W. Schlapp e G. Weimann. "p-type ohmic contacts to AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures". Superlattices and Microstructures 4, n. 2 (gennaio 1988): 197–99.

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Li, Jingqi, Xiaofeng Chen, Gheorghe Iordache, Nini Wei e Husam N. Alshareef. "Characteristics of Vertical Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistors on p-GaAs". Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters 11, n. 9 (1 settembre 2019): 1239–46.

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Abstract (sommario):
A semiclassical method is used to simulate the characteristics of vertical carbon nanotube fieldeffect transistors on p-GaAs. The calculation results show unique transfer characteristics that depend on the sign of the drain voltage. The transistors exhibit p-type characteristics and ambipolar characteristics for a positive drain voltage and a negative drain voltage, respectively. The p-type characteristics do not change with the GaAs bandgap and doping level, because the hole current from the single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) and drain side dominates the whole current. In contrast, the ambipolar characteristics are greatly influenced by the GaAs bandgap and doping level. Only the electron current in the ambipolar characteristics increases as the GaAs bandgap decreases. Increasing the p-type doping of GaAs increases the p-branch current and decreases the electron current (n-branch) of the ambipolar characteristics. The effects of the SWCNT bandgap and doping level are different from those of GaAs, and the impact of SWCNT on the p-type characteristics is much greater than the impact on the ambipolar characteristics. The p-type current increases as the SWCNT bandgap decreases.
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Song, Yue, Xin Yan, Xia Zhang, Xiao Long Lv, Jun Shuai Li, Yong Qing Huang e Xiao Min Ren. "Growth and Characterization of Radial pn Junction Gaas Nanowire by MOCVD". Advanced Materials Research 457-458 (gennaio 2012): 165–69.

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Abstract (sommario):
Radial pn-junction GaAs nanowires were fabricated and investigated in detail. These nanowires were grown on GaAs (111)B substrate by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition via Au-catalyzed vapor-liquid-solid mechanism. Two types of nanowire p-n junctions were fabricated by growing a n(p)-doped GaAs shell outside a p(n) GaAs core. P-type doping was provided by diethyl zinc, while silane was introduced for n-type doping. The morphology, crystal structure and doping characteristics were investigated by FESEM, TEM and EDS. The results showed that both the two structures were of good morphology and both dopants were successfully incorporated into the nanowires.
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Nozaki, Shinji, Ryuji Miyake, Takumi Yamada, Makoto Konagai e Kiyoshi Takahashi. "GaAs PN Diodes with Heavily Carbon-Doped P-Type GaAs Grown by MOMBE". Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 29, Part 2, No. 10 (20 ottobre 1990): L1731—L1734.

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Gfroerer, T. H., D. G. Hampton, P. R. Simov e M. W. Wanlass. "AX-type defects in zinc-doped GaAs(1−x)P(x) on GaAs". Journal of Applied Physics 107, n. 12 (15 giugno 2010): 123719.

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Heuring, W., E. Bangert, K. Grötsch, G. Landwehr, G. Weimann, W. Schlapp, J. H. Reemtsma e K. Heime. "Influence of warping on quantum oscillations in p-type GaAs-(GaAl)As heterostructures". Surface Science 229, n. 1-3 (aprile 1990): 76–79.

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Naz, Nazir A., Umar S. Qurashi e M. Zafar Iqbal. "Deep levels in α-irradiated p-type MOCVD GaAs". Physica B: Condensed Matter 401-402 (dicembre 2007): 503–6.

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Li, Bang, Xin Yan, Xia Zhang e Xiaomin Ren. "Growth and characteristics of p-type doped GaAs nanowire". Journal of Semiconductors 39, n. 5 (18 aprile 2018): 053004.

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Kraak, W., N. Ya Minina, A. M. Savin, A. A. Ilievsky, I. V. Berman e C. B. Sorensen. "Persistent photoconductivity in p-type Al0.5Ga0.5As/GaAs/Al0.5Ga0.5As heterostructures". Nanotechnology 12, n. 4 (28 novembre 2001): 577–80.

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Majid, A., M. Zafar Iqbal, A. Dadgar e D. Bimberg. "Deep levels in rhodium-doped p-type MOCVD GaAs". Physica B: Condensed Matter 340-342 (dicembre 2003): 362–66.

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Grbić, Boris, Renaud Leturcq, Thomas Ihn, Klaus Ensslin, Dirk Reuter e Andreas D. Wieck. "Aharonov–Bohm oscillations in p-type GaAs quantum rings". Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 40, n. 5 (marzo 2008): 1273–75.

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Balkan, A. N., B. K. Ridley e I. Goodridge. "Free and bound excitons in p-type GaAs MQW". Semiconductor Science and Technology 1, n. 5 (1 novembre 1986): 338–42.

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Lu, Yicheng, T. S. Kalkur e C. A. Paz de Araujo. "Rapid Thermal Alloyed Ohmic Contacts to p‐Type GaAs". Journal of The Electrochemical Society 136, n. 10 (1 ottobre 1989): 3123–29.

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Cifuentes, N., H. Limborço, E. R. Viana, D. B. Roa, A. Abelenda, M. I. N. da Silva, M. V. B. Moreira, G. M. Ribeiro, A. G. de Oliveira e J. C. González. "Electronic transport in p-type Mg-doped GaAs nanowires". physica status solidi (b) 253, n. 10 (23 giugno 2016): 1960–64.

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Ramos, L. E., G. M. Sipahi, L. M. R. Scolfaro, R. Enderlein e J. R. Leite. "Minibands of p-type δ-doping superlattices in GaAs". Superlattices and Microstructures 22, n. 4 (dicembre 1997): 437–42.

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Grbić, Boris, Renaud Leturcq, Klaus Ensslin, Dirk Reuter e Andreas D. Wieck. "Single-hole transistor in p-type GaAs∕AlGaAs heterostructures". Applied Physics Letters 87, n. 23 (5 dicembre 2005): 232108.

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Deenapanray, Prakash N. K., V. A. Coleman e C. Jagadish. "Electrical Characterization of Impurity-Free Disordered p-Type GaAs". Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 6, n. 3 (2003): G37.

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Zhou, Y., J. H. Jiang e M. W. Wu. "Electron spin relaxation in p-type GaAs quantum wells". New Journal of Physics 11, n. 11 (20 novembre 2009): 113039.

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Wen, X. M., L. V. Dao, J. A. Davis, P. Hannaford, S. Mokkapati, H. H. Tan e C. Jagadish. "Carrier dynamics in p-type InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots". Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 18, S1 (7 aprile 2007): 363–65.

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Macháč, P., e J. Náhlík. "Preparation of p-type GaAs layers for ohmic contact". Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 6, n. 2 (aprile 1995): 115–17.

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Konagai, Makoto, Takumi Yamada, Takeshi Akatsuka, Shinji Nozaki, Ryuji Miyake, Koki Saito, Taichi Fukamachi, Eisuke Tokumitsu e Kiyoshi Takahashi. "Metallic p-type GaAs and InGaAs grown by MOMBE". Journal of Crystal Growth 105, n. 1-4 (ottobre 1990): 359–65.

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Tromans, Desmond, Gordon G. Liu e Fred Weinberg. "The pitting corrosion of p-type GaAs single crystals". Corrosion Science 35, n. 1-4 (gennaio 1993): 117–25.

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Sapriel, J., J. Chavignon, F. Alexandre, R. Azoulay, B. Sermage, K. Rao e M. Voos. "Above bandgap luminescence of p-type GaAs epitaxial layers". Solid State Communications 79, n. 6 (agosto 1991): 543–46.

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Gislason, H. P., B. H. Yang, J. Pétursson e M. Linnarsson. "Radiative recombination in n‐type and p‐type GaAs compensated with Li". Journal of Applied Physics 74, n. 12 (15 dicembre 1993): 7275–87.

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Chaqmaqchee, Faten A. "A Comparative Study of Electrical Characterization of P-Doped Distributed Bragg Reflectors Mirrors for 1300 nm Vertical Cavity Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers". ARO-THE SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF KOYA UNIVERSITY 9, n. 1 (3 giugno 2021): 89–94.

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Abstract (sommario):
This paper presents an electrical analysis of various diameters of two p-types of GaAs/Al0.9Ga0.1As and two p-types of GaAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As/Al0.9Ga0.1As distributed Bragg reflectors (DBRs) mirrors structure grown on undoped and on p-doped GaAs, which affects the characteristics of 1300 nm vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) and vertical cavity semiconductor optical amplifiers (VCSOAs). Electrical characterizations and Hall measurements of current−voltage (IV) for GaAs/Al0.9Ga0.1As linear DBRs and GaAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As/Al0.9Ga0.1 As graded DBRs were also performed at temperatures between 13 and 300 K. Consequently, p-type DBRs are designed with graded composition interfaces technique. The smaller mesa diameters are used to reduce vertical and longitudinal resistances and to limit the heating effect and improve the characteristics of VCSEL/VCSOA devices.
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Butcher, KSA, D. Alexiev e TL Tansley. "Minority Carrier Diffusion Lengths for High Purity Liquid Phase Epitaxial GaAs". Australian Journal of Physics 46, n. 2 (1993): 317.

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Abstract (sommario):
Measurements of minority carrier diffusion lengths for p-type and n-type GaAs were carried out using an electron beam induced current (EBIC) technique. The GaAs material was grown by liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) at the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation. The diffusion lengths measured for high purity p-type and n-type LPE-GaAs samples were observed to be longer than any previously reported.
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Sin, Yong Kun, e Hideaki Horikawa. "High-Power InGaAs-GaAs-InGaP Strained Quantum Well Lasers on P-Type GaAs Substrate". Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 34, Part 1, No. 5A (15 maggio 1995): 2318–23.

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Yang, Quan-kui, Ai-zhen Li e Jian-xin Chen. "Investigation of Hole Mobility in GaInP/(In)GaAs/GaAs p-Type Modulation Doped Heterostructures". Chinese Physics Letters 16, n. 1 (1 gennaio 1999): 50–52.

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