Tesi sul tema "P-type GaAs"
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Klochan, Oleh V. Physics Faculty of Science UNSW. "Ballistic transport in one-dimensional p-type GaAs devices". Awarded by:University of New South Wales, 2007. http://handle.unsw.edu.au/1959.4/35186.
Testo completoGrbić, Boris. "Hole transport and spin-orbit coupling in p-type GaAs nanostructures". kostenfrei, 2007. http://e-collection.ethbib.ethz.ch/view/eth:29710.
Testo completoClarke, Warrick Robin Physics Faculty of Science UNSW. "Quantum interaction phenomena in p-GaAs microelectronic devices". Awarded by:University of New South Wales. School of Physics, 2006. http://handle.unsw.edu.au/1959.4/32259.
Testo completoSaha, Uttam Kumar. "Photoluminescence and kinetic of MOCVD grown P-type GaAs:Nd and Nd-implanted semi-insulating GaAs". Ohio University / OhioLINK, 1996. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ohiou1178044230.
Testo completoLiu, Gordon Gang. "Electrochemical behaviour of gallium arsenide". Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1991. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/30080.
Testo completoApplied Science, Faculty of
Materials Engineering, Department of
Rahbi, Rania. "Etude de la diffusion de l'hydrogène et des interactions hydrogène accepteur dans gaas de type p". Paris 7, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991PA077075.
Testo completoJOURDAN, NICOLAS. "Etude des dopants de type p pour l'epitaxie par jets moleculaires de transistors bipolaires a heterostructure gaas/gaa1as". Paris 7, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991PA077047.
Testo completoBenarfa, Houria. "Proprietes de photoluminescence de gaas : contribution a l'etude de gaas heteroepitaxie sur (ca,sr)f2 par la technique des jets moleculaires". Toulouse, INSA, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986ISAT0019.
Testo completoPant, Bharat Raj. "A Comparative Study on P-type Nickel Oxide and N-type Zinc Oxide for Gas Sensor Applications". University of Toledo / OhioLINK, 2018. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=toledo1525473245395728.
Testo completoMadhavi, S. "Carrier Mobility And High Field Transport in Modulation Doped p-Type Ge/Si1-xGex And n-Type Si/Si1-xGex Heterostructures". Thesis, Indian Institute of Science, 2000. http://hdl.handle.net/2005/294.
Testo completoMaake, Popoti Jacqueline. "Photovoltaic and gas sensing applications of transitional metal nanocomposites of poly(3-hexylthiophene)-titanium dioxide". University of Western Cape, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/11394/8240.
Testo completoThis thesis starts with the reviewing of studies on the loading of noble metals and nanostructured metal oxides into bulk heterojunction organic solar cell device architectures. The reviews focused on the innovative developments in the use of various fullerene derivatives as electron acceptors in organic solar cells. It additionally reflected on the effect of metallic nanoparticles (NPs), such as gold (Au) and silver (Ag), on the performance of organic solar cells. Besides the metallic NPs, the effect of metal oxide nanoparticle loading, e.g. CuO, ZnO and TiO2, on the organic solar cell performance, and the use of noble metals doped TiO2 on the gas sensing application were reviewed.
El, Younsi Imane. "Elaboration et caractérisation de nouvelles couches sensibles pour la réalisation de capteurs de CO2". Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015TOU30344/document.
Testo completoThe measure of the rate of CO2 is a recent need. The works on the use of new materials for the conception of gas sensors based semiconductor oxides, effective and not expensive; arouse a huge interest in our society. The objective of this thesis is the elaboration and the characterization of new sensitive layers obtained by RF sputtering for the realization of the sensors of CO2. Thin films were deposited using two targets: CuFeO2 and CuO, under three conditions by varying argon pressure and RF power. First of all, the structure and the microstructure were studied for the as-deposited samples. Surface investigations carried out by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, BET measurements and MEB-FEG images have shown a strong influence of deposition technique parameters on film surface topography and morphology. In a second step, the thin films were annealed in air in order to oxidize the phase. For the composite CuO/CuFe2O4, Glow discharge optical emission spectrometry technique showed a structure in two layers stacked on top of each other for the thinner films. For the cupric films, no changes on both structure and microstructure have been revealed. Our films have then been evaluated for CO2 detection. The sensitive layers with different thicknesses were sensitive to 5000 ppm of CO2. The deposition parameters are optimized to obtain microstructure features which can enhance the sensitivity of the thin films as gas sensors. Best response was obtained for a cupric sample deposited in P2 30W conditions and was close to 50% at T = 250°C. We have demonstrates that cupric oxide alone can detect the CO2 gas and that the growth conditions determine the film surface characteristics. The gas sensing characteristics of these films are strongly influenced by both surface morphology and microstructure
Theys, Bertrand. "Photoelectrochimie du seleniure d'indium". Paris 7, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987PA077165.
Testo completoArnoult, Alexandre. "Dopage par modulation d'hétérostructures de semiconducteurs II-VI semimagnétiques en épitaxie par jets moléculaires". Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998GRE10237.
Testo completoWu, Chen-Ju, e 吳珍汝. "Growth of p-type ZnO on GaAs Sbstrate Using Rapid Thermal Annealing". Thesis, 2011. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/m8xkzw.
Testo completo國立虎尾科技大學
Zinc oxide (ZnO) is one of II-VI compound semiconductor with a wide band gap of 3.37 eV at room temperature and a large excition binding energy of 60meV, which makes it be an attractive material recently, especially in the application of blue and ultraviolet light-emitting diodes and laser. In this thesis, the ZnO film growth on gallium arsine (GaAs) substrate was prepared by double plasma-enhanced metal-organic chemical vapor deposition system (DPEMOCVD). Then, the as-grown ZnO film was treated with rapid thermal process by rapid thermal annealing. With the thermal energy, the arsenic atoms can diffuse into the ZnO film as a p-type dopant. Two subjects were investigated in this thesis, including annealing in oxygen and nitrogen ambient. The effects of annealing temperature and time related to the optoelectronic characteristics of ZnO film and surface structure were investigated in this thesis in oxygen and nitrogen. The experiment results indicated that under the condition of grows substrates temperature at annealing temperature of 425℃ and annealing time of 1 minute in nitrogen ambient, the hole concentration, carrier mobility, and resistivity is 2.38 × 1020 cm-3, 6.88 × 10-4 Ωcm, and 12.7 cm2/Vs, respectively. In other word, under the condition of grows substrates temperature at annealing temperature of 450℃ and annealing time of 1 minute in oxygen ambient, the hole concentration, carrier mobility, and resistivity is 3.07 × 1020 cm-3, 7.31 × 10-4 Ωcm , and 24.1 cm2/Vs, respectively.
Lee, Xin-Zhang, e 李信璋. "Investigation of Characterization of Carbon-Doped p-Type GaAs Grown by MOCVD using CBr4". Thesis, 2006. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/27344421864272141898.
Testo completo義守大學
Carbon doping in GaAs epilayers grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) using CBr4 was successfully obtained . The growth rate decreased as CBr4 increased due to the etching effect of HBr caused by Br radicals. The growth rate increased while V/III ratio and TMGa flow rate increased. In addition, the growth rate increased with increasing the growth pressure and eventually saturated above 100 mbar. In the growth temperature rage of 500 to 650 °C, the growth rate decreased with increasing growth temperature. Carbon incorporation efficiency dependence on growth parameters was also investigated. The hole concentration was increasing with increasing CBr4 flow rate and eventually saturated at high flow rate. The hole concentration was also increasing with decreasing V/Ш ratio. This is because more carbon atoms can occupy As site on the growth surface under lower AsH3 flow rate. In addition, low growth temperature and high growth pressure can increase the carbon incorporation efficiency. Finally, we found the hole mobility decreased with increasing hole concentration due to the increasing of impurity scattering. The lattice mismatch of carbon-doped GaAs epilayers dependence on hole concentration was also described in detail. With increasing the hole concentration, the lattice mismatch of carbon-doped GaAs layers became large and all samples had the negative values. This is probably due to the covalent radius of C atoms is smaller than As atoms. While carbon atoms incorporate in the GaAs, the As sites will be occupied by carbon atoms on the growth surface and results in the decrease of the lattice constant.
Lin, Chih-Yuan, e 林致遠. "Study of multi-layer copper-contained ohmic contact structure on p-type GaAs and its application". Thesis, 2007. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/13214098156689836064.
Testo completo中原大學
In this dissertation, we discussed the effects of the thickness of the Cu on the Ni/Pt/Cu/Au contact and of the individual Ni, Pt and Cu on the Ni/Pt/Cu/Ni/Au contact to p-GaAs in the beginning. Then, we sought for the optimum thickness of the Ni, Pt and Cu layers and the suitable annealing temperature and time for the lowest specific contact resistance ρc by transmission line method (TLM). As increasing the thickness of the Ni, Pt and Cu layers to 50nm, 50nm and 160nm, respectively, the lowest value (ρc �� 2.22×10-6 Ω-cm2) of specific contact resistance could be attained. Sequentially, we applied the optimum metallurgical structure of Ni (50nm) / Pt (50nm) / Cu (160nm) / Ni (40nm) / Au (50nm) layers as the positive electrode of the dual-junction (DJ) solar cells. Then, we measured these solar cells efficiency and compared the results with those of DJ solar cells having Ni (50nm) / Pt (80nm) / Au (200nm) p-type ohmic contact but without the copper metallurgical structure. We obtained the conversion efficiency about 17.19% for DJ solar cell with Ni (50nm) / Pt (50nm) / Cu (160nm) / Ni (40nm) / Au (50nm) and 17.39% for that with Ni (50nm) / Pt (80nm) / Au (200nm). In addition, we studied the thermal stability of these contact metals on the bulk GaAs and DJ solar cells. The ρc of Ni (50nm)/Pt (50nm)/Cu (160nm)/Ni (40nm)/Au (50nm) metallurgical structure is increased from 2.22×10-6 Ω-cm2 to 2.26×10-5 Ω-cm2 and the efficiency of DJ solar cell is decreased from 17.19% to 15.89% after annealing for 12 hours when held annealing temperature at 200oC in H2 ambient environment.
Wang, Jui-Wei, e 王瑞葦. "Study of Multi-layer Silver-contained Ohmic Contact Structure on P-type GaAs and Its Application to Solar Cell". Thesis, 2008. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/81774804041746253566.
Testo completo中原大學
In this dissertation, we discussed the effects of the thickness of the Ni and Pt on the Ni/Pt/Ag/Au ohmic contact metallurgical structure on p-GaAs in the beginning. We sought for the optimum thickness of the Ni and Pt layers and the suitable annealing temperature and time for the lowest specific contact resistance ρc by transmission line model method (TLM).We found out that the optimum metallurgical structure is Ni(25nm)/Pt(50nm)/Ag(300nm)/Au(20nm) which annealed at 300℃ for one minute. The lowest value (ρc=1.76×10-6 Ω-cm2) of specific contact resistance could be attained. And then, we used the same method to seek for the optimum thickness of the Ni layer and the suitable annealing temperature and time for the lowest specific contact resistance ρc. We found out that the optimum metallurgical structure is Ni(25nm)/ Ag(300nm)/Au(20nm). The lowest specific contact resistance value (ρc=1.2×10-6 Ω-cm2) could be attained. The sample annealed at 300℃ for one minute. In addition, we studied the thermal stability of these ohmic contact metallurgical structures on the bulk GaAs. The ρc of these ohmic contact metallurgical structures were increased five to ten times after annealing for 4 to 60 hours when held annealing temperature at 200℃ in H2 ambient environment. Sequentially, we applied the optimum ohmic contact metallurgical structure Ni (25nm) / Ag (300nm) / Au (20nm) as the positive electrode of the dual-junction (DJ) solar cells. Then, we measured the efficiency (Eff), fill factor (FF), open circuit voltage (Voc) and short circuit current (Isc) of solar cells. As the result of the optimum ohmic contact condition, all the parameters of solar cell had the best performance at the optimum ohmic contact condition.
Yang, Chih-Chao, e 楊智超. "Study of Pd/Au Ohmic Contact on P-Type Ge and Its Application to GaAs/Ge Dual-Junction Solar Cells". Thesis, 2011. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/30881542969581694603.
Testo completo中原大學
Abstract In this dissertation, we discussed the effects of thickness Pd on the Pd / Au and Pd / Ag / Au ohmic contact metallurgical structure deposited on P-Ge material. At first ,we studied the optimum thickness of the Pd layer and the suitable annealing temperature and time for obtaining the lowest specific contact resistance ρc on P-Ge by transmission line model method (TLM).We found out that the optimum metallurgical structure is Pd (30 nm) / Au (60 nm) after annealed at 350 ℃ for 2 minutes. The lowest value ρc=6×10-6 Ω-cm2 of specific contact resistance could be attained. Then, we used the same method to study the optimum thickness of the Pd、Ag and Au layers and the suitable annealing temperature and time for the lowest specific contact resistance ρc. We found out that the optimum metallurgical structure is Pd (20 nm) / Ag (60 nm) / Au (20 nm), in which the lowest specific contact resistance value ρc=3.9×10-5 Ω-cm2 could be attained when the sample is annealed at 350℃ for 2 minutes. Then, we applied the optimum ohmic contact metallurgical structure Pd (30 nm) /Au (60 nm) and Pd (20 nm) / Ag (60 nm) / Au (20nm), respectively, as the p-type ohmic contact of dual-junction (DJ) solar cells. After that, we measured the efficiency (Eff), fill factor (FF), open circuit voltage (Voc) and short circuit current (Isc) of solar cells. The measured results indicate that solar cells had the best performance when having the ohmic contact fabricated at the optimum conditions.
LIN, CHING-FEN, e 林靜芬. "Characteristics of High Quality p-type ZnO Thin Films on GaAs Substrates and Cd1-xMnxTe Thin Films on Silicon Substrates". Thesis, 2018. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/tjmq2t.
Testo completo國立臺南大學
This study is divided into two parts. The first part is the study of the effect of furnace annealing and rapid thermal annealing (RTA) temperature on the structure and optical properties of arsenic-doped zinc oxide (ZnO:As) film on GaAs substrates. The results show that the samples with both furnace annealing and rapid thermal annealing have better film quality including reduction of the residual stress of the film and the formation of high p-type conductivity. Although the hole concentration of the sample with RTA 600 oC is as high as 1019 cm-3, the defects such as AsZn-2VZn complex are formed leading to relatively higher roughness and poor optical emission. Furnace annealing 500 oC and rapid thermal annealing 550 oC are superior condition for better quality of p-type ZnO: As thin film. The second part is the study of the effect of crystal growth time and manganese precursor temperature on the cadmium manganese telluride (Cd1-xMnxTe) film grown on silicon (Si) substrates. The results show that higher doping concentration of manganese (Mn) is achieved in Cd1-xMnxTe for crystal growth time 6-hours. Manganese doping can help to reduce defects of Te-Te bond of the Cd1-xMnxTe film. Better crystalline structure, lower surface roughness and larger blue shifts of luminescence wavelength are realized when the precursor temperature of Mn is raised. For the precursor temperature of Mn at 820 °C, the luminescence wavelength can shift to 629 nm and has relatively low defect density of Te-Te bond. Cd1-xMnxTe is a suitable material as an intermediate energy gap material in the applications of Si-based solar cell.
Ravichandran, Ram. "Fabrication and characterization of p-type CuO / n-type ZnO heterostructure gas sensors prepared by sol-gel processing techniques". Thesis, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/13528.
Testo completoGraduation date: 2010