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Ribbe, Markus W., a cura di. Nitrogen Fixation. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press, 2011.
Testo completoPolsinelli, M., R. Materassi e M. Vincenzini, a cura di. Nitrogen Fixation. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1991.
Testo completoGresshoff, Peter M., L. Evans Roth, Gary Stacey e William E. Newton, a cura di. Nitrogen Fixation. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1990.
Testo completoNishibayashi, Yoshiaki, a cura di. Nitrogen Fixation. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
Testo completoZehr, Jonathan P., e Douglas G. Capone. Marine Nitrogen Fixation. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Testo completoGraham, P. H., M. J. Sadowsky e C. P. Vance, a cura di. Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1994.
Testo completode Bruijn, Frans J., a cura di. Biological Nitrogen Fixation. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2015.
Testo completoGary, Stacey, Evans Harold e Burris Robert H, a cura di. Biological nitrogen fixation. New York: Chapman and Hall, 1991.
Cerca il testo completoS, Stacey G., Burris Robert H. 1914- e Evans H. J, a cura di. Biological nitrogen fixation. New York: Chapman & Hall, 1992.
Cerca il testo completoSmith, Barry E., Raymond L. Richards e William E. Newton, a cura di. Catalysts for Nitrogen Fixation. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2004.
Testo completoEvans, H. J., P. J. Bottomley e W. E. Newton, a cura di. Nitrogen fixation research progress. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1985.
Testo completoDixon, R. O. D. Nitrogen fixation in plants. Glasgow: Blackie, 1986.
Cerca il testo completo1929-, Elkan Gerald H., a cura di. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation technology. New York: M. Dekker, 1987.
Cerca il testo completoN, Couto Guilherme, a cura di. Nitrogen fixation research progress. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2008.
Cerca il testo completoT, Wheeler C., a cura di. Nitrogen fixation in plants. Glasgow: Blackie, 1986.
Cerca il testo completo1957-, Martínez Esperanza, Hernández Georgina e North American Conference on Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation (16th : 1998 : Cancun, Mexico), a cura di. Highlights of nitrogen fixation research. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 1999.
Cerca il testo completoLeigh, G. J. Nitrogen fixation at the millennium. Amsterdam: Boston, 2002.
Cerca il testo completoInternational Symposium on Nitrogen Fixation (6th 1993 Ismailia, Egypt). Nitrogen fixation with non-legumes: The Sixth International Symposium on Nitrogen Fixation with Non-Legumes, Ismailia, Egypt, 6-10 September 1993. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, 1994.
Cerca il testo completoSkinner, F. A., e P. Uomala, a cura di. Nitrogen Fixation with Non-Legumes. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1986.
Testo completoPalacios, Rafael, Jaime Mora e William E. Newton, a cura di. New Horizons in Nitrogen Fixation. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1993.
Testo completoMalik, Kauser A., M. Sajjad Mirza e J. K. Ladha, a cura di. Nitrogen Fixation with Non-Legumes. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1998.
Testo completoTikhonovich, Igor A., Nikolai A. Provorov, Vassily I. Romanov e William E. Newton, a cura di. Nitrogen Fixation: Fundamentals and Applications. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1995.
Testo completoSkinner, F. A., R. M. Boddey e I. Fendrik, a cura di. Nitrogen Fixation with Non-Legumes. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1989.
Testo completoMartĺnez, Esperanza, e Georgina Hernández, a cura di. Highlights of Nitrogen Fixation Research. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1999.
Testo completoEmerich, David W., e Hari B. Krishnan, a cura di. Nitrogen Fixation in Crop Production. Madison, WI, USA: American Society of Agronomy and Soil Science Society of America, 2009.
Testo completoEmerich, David W. Nitrogen fixation in crop production. A cura di American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America e Soil Science Society of America. Madison, WI: American Society of Agronomy, 2009.
Cerca il testo completoLekskul, S. Abstracts on biological nitrogen fixation.. Bangkok: TISTR, 1988.
Cerca il testo completoname, No. Nitrogen fixation at the millennium. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2000.
Cerca il testo completo1938-, Werner Dietrich, e Newton William E. 1938-, a cura di. Nitrogen fixation in agriculture, forestry, ecology, and the environment. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2005.
Cerca il testo completoInternational, Congress on Nitrogen Fixation (11th 1997 Institut Pasteur Paris France). Biological nitrogen fixation for the 21st century: Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Nitrogen Fixation, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France, July 20-25, 1997. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998.
Cerca il testo completoNorth, American Conference on Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation (15th 1995 Raleigh N. C. ). Current issues in symbiotic nitrogen fixation: Proceedings of the 15th North American Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation Conference, held at North Carolina, USA, August 13-17, 1995. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997.
Cerca il testo completoInternational Congress on Nitrogen Fixation (10th 1995 Saint Petersburg, Russia). Nitrogen fixation: Fundamentals and applications : proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Nitrogen Fixation, St. Petersburg, Russia, May 28-June 3, 1995. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995.
Cerca il testo completo1944-, Kannaiyan S., a cura di. Biotechnology of biofertilizers. Boston: Kluwer Academic, 2002.
Cerca il testo completo1958-, Smith B., Richards R. L e Newton William E. 1938-, a cura di. Catalysts for nitrogen fixation: Nitrogenases, relevant chemical models, and commercial processes. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.
Cerca il testo completoG, Murrell W., e Kennedy I. R. 1938-, a cura di. Microbiology in action: Biological nitrogen fixation with general aspects of soil and food bacteriology. Letchworth, Hertfordshire, England: Research Studies Press, 1988.
Cerca il testo completoGiller, K. E., a cura di. Nitrogen fixation in tropical cropping systems. Wallingford: CABI, 2001.
Testo completoGiller, K. E. Nitrogen fixation in tropical cropping systems. Wallingford, Oxon, Uk: C.A.B. International, 1991.
Cerca il testo completoValentim, Judson Ferreira. Effect of environmental factors and management practices on nitrogen fixation of rhizoma peanut and transfer of nitrogen from the legume to an associated grass. 1987.
Cerca il testo completoNishibayashi, Yoshiaki. Nitrogen Fixation. Springer, 2018.
Cerca il testo completoNishibayashi, Yoshiaki. Nitrogen Fixation. Springer, 2017.
Cerca il testo completoCid Rigobelo, Everlon, e Ademar Pereira Serra, a cura di. Nitrogen Fixation. IntechOpen, 2020.
Testo completoNitrogen Fixation. Island Press, 1991.
Cerca il testo completoPolsinelli, M., R. Materassi e M. Vincenzini. Nitrogen Fixation. Springer, 2012.
Cerca il testo completoNitrogen fixation. 2a ed. London: E. Arnold, 1987.
Cerca il testo completoNitrogen fixation. 3a ed. Cambridge, U.K: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
Cerca il testo completoBruijn, Frans J. de. Biological Nitrogen Fixation. Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John, 2015.
Cerca il testo completoBruijn, Frans J. de. Biological Nitrogen Fixation. Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John, 2015.
Cerca il testo completoSadowsky, Michael J., e Carroll P. Vance. Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation. Island Press, 1994.
Cerca il testo completoBruijn, Frans J. de. Biological Nitrogen Fixation. Wiley & Sons, Limited, John, 2020.
Cerca il testo completoCapone, Douglas G., e Jonathan P. Zehr. Marine Nitrogen Fixation. Springer International Publishing AG, 2021.
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