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ABIS, ALESSANDRA. "I REATI RELIGIOSAMENTE MOTIVATI". Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2020.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
In una prospettiva pluralista e post-secolare, un terreno fertile su cui riflettere a proposito di conflitti tra norma secolare e norma religiosa è rappresentato da quella particolare nicchia di fatti criminosi costituita dai cosiddetti reati religiosamente motivati. Si tratta di reati la cui realizzazione è consistita in un comportamento percepito dall’agente come religiosamente doveroso o, quanto meno, meritorio, pur configurandosi come illecito penale. Il presente lavoro si propone di indagare questo fenomeno criminoso, mettendo in luce lo spazio che l’ordinamento intende riservare al fattore religioso, ogniqualvolta quest’ultimo abbia ingenerato nell’individuo un conflitto tale da indurlo a infrangere la legge dello Stato. Esso consisterà, per buona parte, in una ricerca giurisprudenziale volta ad analizzare i percorsi argomentativi con cui i giudici hanno trattato il movente religioso nella commissione di reati, evidenziando le problematiche di tipo tecnico-operativo al fine di trovare spunti proficui per la creazione di un lessico giuridico positivo che sia rispettoso dei principi di uguaglianza, laicità e libertà religiosa.
In a pluralistic and post-secular perspective, fertile ground on which to reflect on conflicts between secular norm and religious norm is represented by the so-called religiously motivated crimes. These are crimes whose realization consisted of behavior perceived by the agent as religiously dutiful or, at least meritorious, even though it is considered a criminal offense. This work aims to investigate this criminal phenomenon, highlighting the space that the system intends to reserve for the religious factor, whenever the latter has engendered a conflict in the individual such as to induce him to break state law. It will consist, for the most part, in a jurisprudential research aimed at analyzing the argumentative paths with which the judges have treated the religious motive in the commission of crimes, highlighting the technical-operational problems in order to find fruitful ideas for the creation of a positive legal lexicon that is respectful of the principles of equality, secularism and religious freedom.
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Mazlan, Mohammad Nur Azhar. "Students’ perception of motivation to learn : does an avatar motivate?" Thesis, Durham University, 2012.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Context: This research investigates students’ perception of motivation to learn among students at one of the public university in Malaysia. Students were provided with an avatar as well as an avatar environment called the Avatar Hall. The Avatar Hall was developed in order for the student to access their avatar. Although other studies have been carried out when an avatar is constantly displayed on the screen, while students having their learning with Computer-based Learning (CBL) environment, where learning is conducted fully on the CBL, this research is primarily focused on the context of having an avatar when it is not displayed constantly to the students when students is having their learning in conventional learning environment (attending lecture). Aim: The aim of the research is to investigate the effect of having an avatar alongside learning activities. Method: This research is an empirical research where students have been given access to the Avatar Hall alongside their learning activities. There were two experiments conducted in this research, Experiment 1 and Experiment 2. A total number of 71 first year students from the Department of Cognitive Science and 45 first year students from the Department of Human Resource Development were selected to participate in this research. These students were further grouped into three: human character avatar (treatment 1), text avatar (treatment 2) and non-avatar (control group). As the name implied, students who were in treatment 1 will be offered a human-type avatar character, whereas students in treatment 2 had a text as their avatar. Students in the control group did not get any of avatar character or avatar name. The Avatar Hall was developed and categorised into two: attribute-based environment (AbE) and ranking-based environment (RbE). The AbE environment was designed for treatment 1 whereas the RbE environment was designed for treatment 2. In the AbE environment, students were offered an opportunity to view and personalise their human avatar character. Students who were in the RbE environment, on the other hand, were presented of a ranking board where their text avatar was placed. The research instrument used in this research was a motivation inventory, designed and developed by Ryan and Deci (2008). This inventory was modified according to the needs of the research. It was used to measure students' perceptions of motivation to learn. The inventory was consisted of Likert-type statements, each with five choices of response from "strongly disagree" to "strongly agree". Results: The results from the statistical analysis indicate that students in Experiment 2 were more motivated than students in Experiment 1, specifically from the human character avatar group. In addition, students who used the text avatar in Experiment 1 were accessing the Avatar Hall more often than students who used the text avatar in Experiment 2. Conclusions: This research has shown that having a human character avatar, in comparison with a text avatar and non-avatar, in their learning environment does give an opportunity to offer an alternative factor to motivate students to learn, even though the existence of an avatar and the Avatar Hall environments was applied in the conventional learning environment.
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Ingnäs, Gustav, e Kasper Heikkilä. "Motivating Millennials : A study on generation Y motivation". Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Företagsekonomiska institutionen, 2015.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
This thesis explores generation Y motivators. They are a growing group of young people among the general workforce, and they have different behavior and motivators at work. This paper explores effective motivating factors for this group of employees by studying a company, LinkedIn, which successfully motivates generation Y employees. Data is gathered through several interviews done with LinkedIn employees working at their Dublin office. The data is analyzed with the help of a motivational theory called self-determination theory and its main concepts autonomy, relatedness and competence. Other insights from earlier studies done on generation Y motivation are used to support the analysis as well. The results and analysis are consistent with theory and earlier studies, and can even show some interesting factors generation Y employees value, such as high value for manager flexibility and sharing similar values with the company they work for.
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Ugail, Hassan, Rokas Mackevicius, Maryann L. Hardy, A. Hill, Maria Horne, T. Murrells, J. Holliday e R. Chinnadorai. "MotiVar: Motivating Weight Loss Through A Personalised Avatar". IEEE, 2019.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
This work aims to develop a personalised avatar based virtual environment for motivating weight loss and weight management. Obesity is a worldwide epidemic which has not only enormous resource impact for the healthcare systems but also has substantial health as well as a psychological effect among the individuals who are affected. We propose to tackle this issue via the development of a personalised avatar, the form of which can be adjusted to show the present and the future self of the individual. For the avatar design and development phase, we utilise a parametric based mathematical formulation derived from the solutions of a chosen elliptic partial differential equation. This method not only enables us to generate a parameterised avatar model, but it also allows us to quickly and efficiently create various avatar shapes corresponding to different body weights and even to different body postures.
This research was funded by the NIHR Research for Patient Benefit Programme (project reference PB-PG-1215-20016).
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Balliett, Timothy R. Stevens Robert J. "Motivated by grace? exploring achievement motivation in catholic secondary schools /". [University Park, Pa.] : Pennsylvania State University, 2008.

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Hána, Michal. "Analýza motivace studentů FM ve vztahu k volbě oboru a fakulty". Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2008.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
The theoretical part describes the basic knowledge of management, positions and operations of manager, motivation, and motivation to learn. At the same time it sets up the foundation for practical section. In the practical part are mentioned the objectives of work, research questions, research data and data processing procedures. In the practical part analyzes the motivation of students through a questionnaire survey.
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Čunderlíková, Petra. "Motivace zaměstnanců mezinárodní společnosti". Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2010.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Employee motivation is phenomen of these days. It should be responsibility of each employer. Each emlpoyer should pay enough attantion to this area, if they would like to have emlployees who are loyal, enthusiastic, empolyees who would like to build up company. Particular attention should be paid to the following areas: manager, team work, content of the work and evaluation of emlpoyees. Motivace zaměstnanců je aktuálním tématem dnešní doby. Každý zaměstnavatel by měl věnovat dostatečnou pozornost této oblasti, pokud chce získat zaměstnancce loajální, plné elánu, zaměstnace, kteří budou chtít vytvářet hodnoty pro svou společnost. Zvláštní pozornost by se měla věnovat zvláště následujícím oblastem: vedoucí pracovník, spolupráce v týmu, obsah vykonávané práce a hodnocení zaměstnanců.
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Scholten, Lotte. "Motivation matters motivated information processing in group and individual decision-making /". [S.l. : Amsterdam : s.n.] ; Universiteit van Amsterdam [Host], 2007.

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Charvátová, Soňa. "Motivace pracovníků v malém podniku". Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2010.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
This thesis is concerned with motivation and satisfaction of employees of one company in Prague. The theory is mainly focused on the explanation of motivation and stimulation, labour motivation and employee benefits. The point of the practical part is an analysis of the motivation system and employee satisfaction in the company. The resulting information is explicated. For the parts with the worst findings, some recommendations for improving the present motivation system are suggested.
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Jansson, Lina, e Majken Sørensen. "Motivation factors within non-profit projects : How project leaders can motivate their project group". Thesis, Högskolan Väst, Avd för företagsekonomi, 2015.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Projects as a work model are becoming more and more popular and also within non-profit organizations. The non-profit organization however, cannot offer monetary rewards as compensation for the time people put in when working within non-profit organizations. They need to find other ways to motivate people to join the non-profit projects but also to remain within these projects. The purpose of this study was to investigate which motivation factors were considered important within two student unions when joining a non-profit project. The purpose was also to investigate how project leaders should act in order to keep their project group motivated within these non-profit projects. To fulfill these purposes we investigated these problems qualitatively, through interviews and quantitatively, through a survey. 16 interviews were performed, seven with project leaders and nine with project workers and the survey resulted in 64 respondents. In the theoretical part, the following motivation theories were used; Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Herzberg’s two-factor theory, Vroom’s expectancy theory, Hackman and Oldham’s theory of motivation and McClelland’s need theory. In addition to these theories, theories about non-profit motivation, leadership, and leadership within non-profit organizations were presented along with McGregor’s theory X & Y. These theories formed the basis on which the empirical results were collected along with the interpretations of the results, which showed that some of the theories were more applicable than others. The conclusions of the study showed that the most motivating factors were personal development, new experiences, social belonging as well as gaining merits to put on the résumé. A project leader who was motivating was also someone who was respondent, engaged, positive and who gave feedback, which were all very important for the volunteers’ motivation.
Projekt som arbetsmodell blir alltmer populär även inom den ideella verksamheten. Ideella organisationer har dock inte möjlighet att erbjuda lön som kompensation till människor som engagerar sin tid i den ideella organisationen utan behöver finna andra sätt att motivera människor att dels ansluta sig till de ideella projekten och dels att stanna inom dessa projekt. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka motivationsfaktorer som ideellt engagerade inom två studentkårer ansåg vara viktiga för att gå med i ett ideellt projekt. Syftet var också att undersöka hur projektledare kan gå tillväga för att hålla sin projektgrupp motiverad inom dessa ideella projekt. För att uppnå syftet undersökte vi dessa problem kvalitativt, genom intervjuer samt kvantitativt, genom enkäter. Det genomfördes 16 intervjuer, sju med projektledare och nio med projektarbetare och enkäten resulterade i 64 svar. I teoridelen användes motivationsteorierna Maslows behovshierarki, Herzbergs tvåfaktorteori, Vrooms förväntansteori, Hackman och Oldhams motivationsteori samt McClellands behovsteori. Utöver det presenterades även teorier om ideell motivation, teorier om ledarskap, McGregors teori X & Y samt teorier om ledarskap inom ideell verksamhet. Dessa teorier utgjorde grunden för insamlingen av empirin samt för tolkningen av resultatet, som visade att vissa av teorierna var mer applicerbara än andra. Resultatet av studien visade att de faktorer som var mest motiverande var personlig utveckling, nya erfarenheter, social tillhörighet samt meriter att sätta på sitt CV. En projektledare som var motiverande var även någon som var lyhörd, engagerad, positiv och som gav feedback vilket var viktigt för volontärernas motivation.
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Jakupovic, Benjamin, Marcus Karlsson e Peter Westberg. "Inside the Head of an Insider : Motivation for those who are Hired to Motivate". Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för marknadsföring (MF), 2020.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
The purpose of this thesis is to increase the understanding of how senior management executives experience insider ownership. An additional aim is to investigate if there is a difference of the experiences of senior management executives with a Swedish cultural background in comparison to the experiences of senior management executives with other cultural backgrounds, with regards to insider ownership. By distribution of a questionnaire, partly through telephone interviews and in part via email, empirical primary data is gathered. The empirical findings indicate that insider ownership has a broad area of use and that senior management executives experience insider ownership as a source of motivation. Further, the study indicates that insider ownership is experienced as a motivational source regardless of cultural background since the study sees tendencies of that personal characteristics outweigh the cultural permeation. The findings of this study imply tendencies that show many different positive effects of insider ownership. For example, insider ownership could be a motivational source, a governance tool for creating trust among employees and other interlinked stakeholders. This could in turn mean that insider ownership contributes to a more cooperative working environment. Also, insider ownership has been portrayed as a possible catalyst for increased motivation. Thus, insider ownership could be a source for increased individual performance, and thus, company performance. Additionally, one of the major findings of this study is the tendencies that could prove to be of interest for future research, for example; that the feeling of fear might be superior to the feeling of greed
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Bergqvist, Groth Adam, e Jacob Wåhlin. "Partnerskap, en motivator för Generation Y? : En studie om motivation i revisionsbranschen". Thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, Institutionen för ekonomi, teknik och samhälle, 2018.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
It is important for audit firms to use the right tools to attract and retain the most talented employees. The audit industry is characterized by high education costs and long education periods. It is therefore important for organizations to retain employees and preserve their expertise within the organization. How organizations manage and control individuals is therefore essential. Partnership has previously been considered an effective way of motivating individuals. Generation Y differs from previous generations, and it becomes crucial to investigate whether same motivating factors used to motivate previous generations, such as partnerships, work to attract, retain and motivate Generation Y. The qualitative study aims to provide answers to whether partnerships, within audit firms, act as an effective tool of control to attract Generation Y, or if there are other more efficient way of attracting the generation. The study's conclusion shows that partnerships were not considered as a motivating factor to attract Generation Y. Hence, it worked as a way to keep Generation Y working for the organization when they already are employed. Individuals belonging to Generation Y raise other factors such as work life and leisure balance, flexibility, a rich development path and meaningful work as more important motivating factors for choosing to work in the audit industry.
Det är viktigt för revisionsbyråer att använda rätt styrmedel för att attrahera och behålla de mest talangfulla medarbetarna. Branschen karakteriseras av höga utbildningskostnader och långa utbildningsperioder. Det är därför viktigt för organisationer att få den anställde att vilja stanna kvar hos dem och bevara kompetensen de besitter inom organisationen. Hur organisationen väljer att använda sina styrmedel blir därför direkt avgörande. Partnerskap har tidigare ansetts vara ett effektivt styrmedel i revisionsbranschen. Generation Y skiljer sig från tidigare generationer och det blir därför centralt att undersöka om tidigare styrmedel, så som partnerskap, fungerar för att attrahera och behålla Generation Y. Den kvalitativa studien ämnade ge svar på om partnerskap inom revisionsbyråer fungerar som ett effektivt styrmedel för att attrahera och motivera Generation Y, eller om det finns andra mer effektivare styrmedel. Studiens slutsats visar att partnerskap inte ansågs motiverande för att attrahera Generation Y. Däremot fungerar partnerskap som ett sätt att motivera och behålla Generation Y inom organisationen. Studien visar att individer tillhörande Generation Y lyfter andra faktorer som balans mellan arbetsliv och fritid, flexibilitet, tydlig utvecklingstrappa och ett meningsfullt första arbete som mer motiverande faktorer till att söka sig till revisionsbranschen än partnerskapet.
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Dvořáková, Pavla. "Analýza motivace ve vybrané firmě". Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2008.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
The diploma paper is devided into the theoretical and practical part. Theoretical part is describing the motivation and motivation of work. In the practical part there is a analysis of the motivation of employees in the company I chose. The outcome of this diploma is the motivation program for this company.
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Janošík, Martin. "Motivace a stimulace podnikatele". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská, 2010.

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Abstract (sommario):
The object of my diploma thesis deals with motivation and stimulation of entrepreneurs and influences upon their job performance. The theoretical part focuses on the explanation of terminology, such as motivation, stimulation, sources of motivation but also on different stimulating means which help to increase motivation. The practical part concentrates on a research among entrepreneurs where the data are collected by personal interviews. Furthermore, the data are analyzed and the observed results offer recommendations to the entrepreneurs who will most probably increase the level of their motivation as well as stimulation as a consequence.
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Ryšánková, Martina. "Motivace pracovníků ve vybrané firmě". Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2009.

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Abstract (sommario):
This work is about manager motivation. It is based on the theory from literature and questionnaire filled in by employees who work in selected company. The work contains explanation of single motivation concepts, evolution stages and single motivation theories. It observes how important is motivation not only for top managers but also for all the other workers. The aim of this work is to evaluate manager motivation on single levels of management and to find factors that stimulate managers to higher and better performance.
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Hanssen, Sarah, e Alvarez Ayelen Rojas. "LEADERSHIP'S ROLE IN MOTIVATING MILLENNIALS : A study of how organizational leaders motivate millennials in the workplace". Thesis, Mälardalens högskola, Akademin för ekonomi, samhälle och teknik, 2021.

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Abstract (sommario):
The authors of this bachelor thesis have concluded that along with previous studies, organizational leaders focus on extrinsic motivation strategies to motivate employees and do not take into consideration each individual's internal motivation. It was also discovered that organizational leaders focus on fulfilling the lower level and higher level needs of the employees, known as the hygiene factors and motivators. Furthermore, it finds that leaders do not differentiate between younger and older employees in their motivational strategies. Together, these findings mean that perhaps the correct strategies or techniques to motivate particular groups of employees are not being realized in practice by leaders, motivating the need for further studies, especially from the millennials’ perspective.
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Midbeck, Susanne, e Zebastian Nylund. "Motivating non-core employees : What affects motivation for employees working in a non-core unit?" Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för ekonomisk och industriell utveckling, 2011.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Background: The topical business subject, motivation, is claimed to have a positive correlation with performance, making the subject highly relevant and important for contemporary companies around the world. As capital goods industries are today changing strategies into integrated solution customer offerings, motivation at all units of the value chain is a matter of increasing importance. Being part of an integrated solution strategy, non-core units are contributing to the overall package offered to customers, but typically in less organizational focus and with lack of stability due to e.g. outsourcing trends. As their importance might at times be overlooked, what affects their motivation?Aim: The main focus of this thesis is on motivation within a non-core unit. The studied single case is an Ericsson non-core unit, SITE. The aim of this study is to contribute to an understanding of what affects motivation for employees working in a non-core unit. More closely, the authors will consider factors that can influence motivation and what ultimately affects these factors. Completion and results: With the contribution on the subject of motivating non-core employees, it is the authors understanding that employees of a non-core unit are affected by several motivational factors. Adding up the motivational factors, there are two ultimate features affecting motivation i.e. meaning and recognition. As a part of an integrated solution, and the knowledge of previously outsourced non-core units, employees need to feel that they are employed with a meaning. Further, the feature of recognition affects non-core employee motivation, and it is crucial that colleagues, other units and the organization recognize them.
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Krotká, Lenka. "Školská motivácia rómskych žiakov". Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2010.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
The aim of the thesis was to analyze and to confirm or to contradict short-term orientation of the Gypsies and through realized research to offer the representation of school motivation of the Gypsy learners. The thesis is divided to four chapters. It contains 2 pictures, 1 map, 2 charts, 30 graphs and 3 supplements. The first chapter contains clarification of theoretical basics of the motivation. In the second chapter the perspective orientation is characterized; its theoretical starting points, characteristics and components. The third chapter deals with Gypsy ethnic-group society and represents the basic view about its history, Gypsy family, education development and about actual level of education. The last chapter, containing research, presents the results of the research and interpretation of obtained indications. This chapter refers clearly a short-term orientation in some issues but also manifestation of perspective orientation of a segment of the respondents in the other issues. It contradicts the hypothesis that Gypsy learners are not interested to study at the University.
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Raugevičius, Vytenis. "Darbuotojų motyvavimo sistemos gerinimas UAB Pastata". Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2009.

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Abstract (sommario):
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjama personalo motyvavimo svarba, analizuojami personalo motyvavimo ypatumai pasirinktoje įmonėje. Apibrėžiama motyvacija, motyvacijos teorijos, išdėstomos motyvavimo priemonės, susipažįstama su motyvavimo tyrimais. Pristatoma įmonės veikla. Parengiama motyvavimo tyrimo metodika. Atliekamas motyvavimo tyrimas įmonėje ir pateikiami pasiūlymai jai patobulinti. Išnagrinėjus teorinius ir praktinius personalo motyvavimo aspektus, pateikiamos baigiamojo darbo išvados ir siūlymai. Darbą sudaro: įvadas, personalo motyvavimo teoriniai aspektai, įmonės pristatymas, tyrimas, projektiniai sprendimai įmonės motyvavimo sistemai tobulinti, išvados ir rekomendacijos, literatūros sąrašas, priedai.
The importance of personal motivation as well as personal motivation peculiarity in the company are analysed in this bachelor work. Motivation, motivation theories, means are the determinated the research of motivation is introduced. Presented companies services. Chosen motivation research methods. Carried out motivational research in company and gived suggestion to inprovements. After studied theory and practical personal motivation aspects are represented conclusions and suggestions. Structure: introdustion, personal motivation theorical aspects, presentation of company, analysis, suggestions for motivation system improvements in company, conclusions and suggestions, references.
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Ivanov, Tomáš. "Motivace a stimulace podnikatele". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská, 2011.

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Abstract (sommario):
The goal of the graduation thesis: “Motivation and stimulation of enterpriser” is to examine motivation of enterprisers program in a concrete company and to create a suggestion that will improve it. The thesis is divided into two parts. First of them is concentrated on determination of elementary terms, development of a motivation theories and influence of a motivation on a job performance. The second part describes, examines and analyses e situation in a concrete company. The inquiry is realized through the use of questionnaire. There are given suggestions to improve motivation of enterprisers in the last part.
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Cheng, Wing-yu, e 鄭穎瑜. "Motivating language learners: effects of motivational strategies on student motivation in Chinese foreignlanguage classroom". Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2011.

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Abstract (sommario):
The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of teacher motivational strategies on student motivational behavior in Chinese Foreign Language classroom. Specifically, the study attempted to explore the relationship between motivational strategies and student actual classroom behavior and students preference on motivational strategies in enhancing student motivational behavior. The participants were three Chinese foreign language teachers and their Year 8 classes (78 pupils) of the two lowest levels class of Chinese in the school. The study was conducted during the second and third term of the 2010-2011 academic year in an international school in Hong Kong. Using a MOLT observation scheme, a check list of motivated practices, five classes of each teacher were observed to gather data on their motivated behaviors in their classroom. Post lesson interview was also conducted with the students after the observed lessons. It is revealed that teacher motivated practice is associated with student motivational behavior and that Activity-Design-related practices are more prominent factors. On the other hand, it is also discovered that effective motivated practice are varied according to teachers i.e. how teachers employ the strategies in class and the learning environment they provided for students. In short, the findings of the study might provide teacher insights on effective practices that enhance student motivated behavior and implications on classroom practice other that motivational strategies.
Master of Education
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Karlsson, Malin, e Åsa Martinsson. "How can the Relationship be a Motivator? : A qualitative study of Motivation towards Crowdsourcing". Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för marknadsföring (MF), 2014.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Background: Successful crowdsourcing cannot be accomplished without a motivated community of participants. Hence, organisations need to use incentives that motivate the crowd to participate in crowdsourcing processes. Further, maintaining a working relationship between the organisation and the crowd throughout the duration of a project is a challenge with crowdsourcing. Thus, it creates difficulties in monitoring the quality of the outcome, which is the motivator for the organisation. However, previous studies have not covered the area of how the relationship between the organisation and the crowd influence their motivation. Purpose: Describe how motivation is influenced by the relationship between an organisation and the crowd in a crowdsourcing process.  Research questions: RQ1: How do an organisation and a crowd describe the relationship during the crowdsourcing process? RQ2: How do an organisation and a crowd describe their motivation during the crowdsourcing process? RQ3: How do the relationship between an organisation and a crowd influence motivation during the crowdsourcing process? Methodology: A single embedded case study, semi-structured interviews Conclusion: It is highly important that a company and a crowd have a good relationship in crowdsourcing, because it goes hand in hand with having a high motivation. It ought to be hard to state which term that influences the other, if it is the relationship that influences the motivation or if it is the motivation that influences the relationship. Thus, the result of this thesis explains that the relation between them is dynamic.
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Johnson, Kiana, e Peter Scal. "Let’s Get Motivated: Identifying what Facilitates Youth’s Motivation for Learning about Health Self-Management". Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2015.

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Guilloteaux, Marie-Jose. "Motivating language learners : a classroom-orientated investigation of teachers' motivational practices and students' motivation". Thesis, University of Nottingham, 2007.

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Abstract (sommario):
The teachers' use of motivational strategies is generally believed to enhance student motivation, yet there is scant empirical evidence to support this claim. This classroom-oriented investigation focused on how the motivational practices of EFL teachers in South Korea related to students' L2 motivation and motivated classroom behavior. In a first phase, the motivation of over 1,300 students was measured by a self-report questionnaire, and the use of motivational strategies by 27 teachers in 20 different schools was examined with a classroom observation instrument specifically developed for this investigation, the Motivation Orientation of Language Teaching (MOLT). The MOLT scheme, along with a post hoc rating scale completed by the observer, was used to assess the teachers' use of motivational strategies. The MOLT follows the real-time coding principle of Spada and Frohlich's (1995) Communication Orientation of Language Teaching (COLT) scheme but uses categories of observable teacher behaviors derived from Dornyei's (2001) motivational strategies framework for foreign language classrooms. The results indicate that the language teachers' motivational practice is directly linked to increased levels of the learners' motivated learning behavior and their motivational state. In a second phase, three high- and three low-motivation learner groups (selected from the initial sample) were compared in order to uncover the students' interpretations and understandings of the quality of their L2 instructional contexts in relation to their motivation and motivated classroom behavior. Results based on quantitative and qualitative data (which were obtained using three new instruments specifically designed for this study) indicated that the motivational practices coexisting with different levels of motivation were woven into the contents and processes of L2 instruction and instruction in general. These contents and processes seemed to stem from teachers' and students' beliefs about what counts as learning in the L2 classroom and what is the best way to learn an L2.
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Hands, Africa S. "LIS doctoral student motivation: An exploratory study of motivating factors for earning the PhD". Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2018.

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Abstract (sommario):
This mixed methods research examined motivating factors for earning a doctoral degree using a sample of library and information science (LIS) doctoral students from the United States and Canada. The study revealed five motivating factors: previous academic experience, appeal of the scholarly environment, preparation for the future, encouragement from others, and research-related reasons. Results of the Academic Motivation Scale indicate students represent intrinsic motivation types as well as identified and introjected regulation. This research extends current knowledge of LIS doctoral student motivation presenting viewpoints and recommendations valuable to program administrators, faculty, and prospective doctoral students.
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Molnárová, Anikó. "Návrh motivačního systému společnosti". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská, 2014.

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Abstract (sommario):
This diploma thesis is focused on suggesting a motivation system for a chosen company. The work´s theoretical part is processed according to the specialized literature. Analytical part contains general characteristics of the company and the current motivation system. Results from internal sources and the questionnaires form a base to a development of a motivation system, which ensures lower fluctuation of employees.
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Mucková, Krystyna. "Zhodnocení motivačního programu firmy s.r.o. a návrhy na jeho zlepšení". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská, 2013.

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Abstract (sommario):
This thesis deals with the problem of work motivation. It focuses on improving the motivation system of s.r.o. The current motivation system is analyzed using a questionnaire research and internal resources. The output of work is to design new motivation program leading to improved employee performance and satisfaction in the company.
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Štrausová, Nikola. "Stimulace pracovníků". Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2010.

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Abstract (sommario):
This thesis focuses on motivation and stimulation of employees. The aim is to define the main theoretical approaches to motivation of employees and to apply newly gained knowledge into practice. Practical part is represented by research based on questionnaire completed by employees of a concrete company.
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Dvořáková, Michaela. "Motivace a spokojenost zaměstnanců společnosti Tech-Data, s.r.o". Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2011.

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Abstract (sommario):
This thesis deals with an analysis of motivation and satisfaction of employees in the international company Tech Data and it is mainly based on the results of annual questionnaire survey the aim of which is to find out how its employees are satisfied in four areas. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and practical part describing theoretical bases for motivation and satisfaction at work, remuneration and education of employees. The sources of motivation and satisfaction provided by the company Tech Data, including the analysis of results of staff survey not only in the Czech republic but in the whole Europe, are then summed up. Finally the thesis consists of an evaluation of the current situation in the company Tech Data along with some proposed measures to improve staff motivation and satisfaction.
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Havlíčková, Klára. "Analýza spokojenosti zaměstnanců ve vybraném podniku". Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2009.

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Abstract (sommario):
The thesis is concerned with problems of employee satisfaction in a small company regarding the system of remuneration, motivation, the possibility of career growth and human relations. In theoretical part there are summed up particular terms related to working satisfaction, motivation and output. There are briefly defined fundamental theories of working behavior motivation and the most important factors which have influence on working satisfaction. The subject of practical part is a concrete company where the analysis of employee satisfaction took place. Correctional measures are proposed at the base of the outcomes of the research.
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Novotná, Jana. "Motivace a spokojenost pracovníků organizace". Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2015.

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Abstract (sommario):
The master thesis theme is motivation and satisfaction of employees in organization. Theoretical part focuses especially on motivation in relation to work motivation and performance. Its task is to define the theories and tools of motivation and factors that influence it. In the practical part there is summary and analysis of survey that has been done on the premises of specific company in Prague. This parts task is to find out whether employees are satisfied with the selected motivational factors and how are these factors important to them.
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Jelenová, Lucie. "Analýza podmínek pracovní spokojenosti v PIKE Electronic, spol.s r.o se zaměřením na motivaci pracovníků". Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2008.

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Abstract (sommario):
This diploma thesis consists of theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part reviews some theories of motivation as well as theories of work motivation. Secondly, it describes the relationship between motivation, job satisfaction and performance. Thirdly, there is a description of job satisfaction factors. In the practical part, job satisfaction was analysed in the particular company and a few recommendations to the company management were made. The company situation was revised after ten months and other recommendations to the management were made.
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Němečková, Monika. "Motivační systém vybraného hotelu". Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2010.

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Abstract (sommario):
The subject of this dissertation is "Employee motivation structure of a chosen hotel". It is an employee work satisfaction study done at hotel Palace in Prague, which belongs to the Vienna International Hotels & Resorts. Analysis of the current situation as well as recommendations for improvement are included. The paper consists of two parts. The first theoretical part focuses on various concepts in the area of motivation, development of motivational theories, impact of employee motivation on performance and the characteristics of factors affecting work satisfaction. The second part analyses employee work satisfaction and describes the current state of the hotel's motivational structure. The conclusion focuses on suggestions for improvement based on the analysis presented in this paper.
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Rýznarová, Pavla. "Analýza motivačního programu ve společnosti AdFinance, s.r.o". Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2013.

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Abstract (sommario):
All companies are looking for unordinary competitive advantages in order to be distinguished from the others and to succeed. That is really tough task. Fortunately, people are unique and that's why each person can be considered as a competitive advantage if you are able to handle him and treat him properly. We can influence our employees through their motivation considering their desires, wishes and fears. Motivation is the spark that sets the fire. It gets things started. Highly motivated individuals have willingness to get the job done efficiently and effectively, resulting in higher productivity, increased revenue, cost savings and satisfied employees. The key tool for handling and treating people at work is possession of motivation program which will enable to identify desired behaviors, determine achievable goals, define what constitutes achievement, create a clear plan, communicate the plane and continue to monitor and share results.
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Šmejkalová, Zlata. "Problematika motivace dobrovolníků demonstrovaná na příkladu členek sborů dobrovolných hasičů Podlipanské ligy". Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2014.

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Abstract (sommario):
This diploma thesis describes term volunteering work in czech legal framework and also characterizes motivation for this volunteer work. Widespread organization in Czech Republic is association of volunteer firefighter departments. This thesis describes irreablaceable leading role of these departments in local culture and their benefit for society. Predefined theoretical findings are shown on a case of female members of voluntary firefighter deparments involved in civic association called Podlipanská liga.
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Vaverka, Jan. "Návrh rozvoje motivačního programu". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská, 2008.

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Abstract (sommario):
This work is pointed on development of motivation program of Unistav a.s. The analysis of extablished motivation program is based on questionnaire surveys, interviews and research on corporate materials. On the basis of found deficiencies are suggested improvements, this brings desirable development of motivation program and improves labour efficiency and satisfaction of employees.
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Dahlgren, Sara, Amelie Johnson e Caroline Liljenberg. "Online Reviews - What Motivates You? : A qualitative study of Customers' Motivation to Write Online Reviews". Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för marknadsföring (MF), 2015.

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Abstract (sommario):
Background: To understand the consumers’ motivation to write online reviews is of importance, especially for companies since a large number of reviews have a positive influence on sales. Previous research has been done regarding what motivate consumers to provide user generated content, online word of mouth and also, to some extent, online reviews. However, these studies have primarily been adopted in a quantitative manner. To explore, from customers’ own perspective, the motivation to write online reviews is therefore valuable to add depth to the existing literature. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore customers’ motivation to write online reviews. Research question: What factors motivate customers to write online reviews? Methodology: The design of the research is a case study where the data collection method was conducted by semi-structured interviews. Conclusion: The result of this study shows that customers’ motivation to write online reviews is due to a variety of situations. The customers are motivated to write to enhance their selfimage, helping both customers and companies, and in some situations to even harm companies. Also, customers were motivated to write to obtain economical incentives. The features of the platform are important, where easiness and the opportunity to be anonymous were preferred.
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Lavery, Ann. "Adult learners and their motivation : a comparison of the instrumentally driven with the personally motivated". Thesis, University of Sheffield, 2000.

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Abstract (sommario):
The aim of this study is to investigate individuals' reasons for educational re-entry, by comparing the instrumentally driven with the personally motivated. This exploration of the relationship between motives and past and present educational participation is in the context of the current agenda for lifelong learning. This aim is pursued by examining the stated participation reasons, perceptions of educational experiences, and views, of mature students. Two student groups were selected from two city-based FE colleges. They were on a vocational and a non-vocational course, traditionally defined as oppositional strands in the educational discourse. The research strategy was grounded in the major implications arising from the literature review and especially a key influential work. This entailed an evolving consideration of the central issues surrounding the portrayal of participants and representation of voice. A multi-layered approach incorporated the essential element of biographical methods. The qualitative perspective, based on interview and observation, included some quantitative methods. A narrative form of questionnaire and use of visual imagery were introduced, to enable an exploration of subjective motives. The analysis of the emerging themes led to the development of a typology of the adult learner. The findings indicate no distinction between those with career and noninstrumental goals, but a uniform pattern of enrolment in pursuit of change. The subsidiary commitment to study was accompanied by enjoyment of new learning, although expecting work or domestic conflict, and significantly, all nonvocational participants anticipated alienation. The significantly intangible, though recognisable difference in self perceived as a result suggests learning to be more transformational than compensatory, particularly considering the non-vocational sample's previous high level of certification. This has implications for the compensatory model of lifelong learning, and suggests that further exploration of the perceptions of all adult learners, regardless of course destination, might be valuable for the promotion of lifelong learning.
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Utterheim, Linnea, e Emma Sundberg. "Motivating Drivers to Use Coaching Services : Using Service Design and Gamification to Increase User Motivation". Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Interaktiva och kognitiva system, 2019.

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Abstract (sommario):
How can coaching services encourage user engagement? The objective of this thesis has been to conduct research with a service design approach of what changes can be made to a service to further engage and motivate users. The already existing service provided by Scania called Driver Coaching is used as a case study. The thesis contributes to research by exploring how coaching services can implement gamification aspects in its customer journey. Using said case study as an example, user studies were conducted and resulted in an extensive list of insights and user needs. A gamification framework called Octalysis was used to locate what aspects of the service that could be changed in order to increase user motivation. The user needs and the lacking core drives in the current Octalysis were connected during the ideation phase. Connecting the gamification theory with the service design case study, a design proposal took form. In this case study, the design proposal is a modular concept with five different components that can be implemented in the service on their own or all together. Even though this design proposal is specific to the case study, the process of using the gamification theory and methods could be applied to other cases.
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Winblad, Mikael, e Mats Altebo. "Läraren som motivatör : Motivationsskapande ur ett lärarperspektiv". Thesis, Mälardalen University, School of Education, Culture and Communication, 2009.

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Abstract (sommario):

Syftet med undersökningen är att belysa motivationsskapande ur ett lärarperspektiv och hur läraren kan agera för att motivera eleverna. Undersökningen är ett försök att komma åt den tysta kunskap som många lärare besitter inom detta område. Forskningsstrategin är kvalitativ. Datainsamlingen skedde genom personliga, semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet visar att läraren måste besitta en mängd egenskaper för att kunna vara en bra motivatör. Bland dessa märks framförallt förmågan att gå in med en positiv inställning för att sprida god stämning samt en social kompetens som gör att man kan skapa förtroendefulla relationer med eleverna. Oavsett lärarrens personliga egenskaper finns det ett antal metoder man kan använda sig av. Elevernas motivation kan höjas om de får vara delaktiga i utformandet och valet av de strategier de skall använda sig av för att nå kursplanens mål. Struktur och förtydligande av elevens prestation i förhållande till betygskriterierna är andra viktiga aspekter. Slutsatserna är att det krävs en mängd olika egenskaper av läraren för att vara en bra motivatör, men att det ändå går att förbättra sig genom att öka sin kunskap inom området. Ett utökat samarbete och utbyte mellan lärarna på skolorna kring detta ämne samt ett större fokus på dessa frågor inom lärarutbildningen vore önskvärt då dagens lärarroll ställer stora krav på denna kompetens.

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Kylli, Caroline, e Maria Olofsson. "Hur påverkar ledarskap motivationen hos kvinnliga medarbetare i banker?" Thesis, Högskolan Kristianstad, Sektionen för hälsa och samhälle, 2012.

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Abstract (sommario):
Syftet med denna studie är att få en ökad förståelse för hur kvinnliga medarbetares motivation påverkas av ledarskap, samt att få en ökad förståelse för vad motivation är och vad ledarskap är. Har ledarskap med manligt och kvinnligt att göra eller bara med personligheten? Syftet med studien är också att undersöka hur mycket en ledare kan påverka motivationen hos sina medarbetare och vilka metoder som en ledare använder sig av och vilka personliga egenskaper hos en ledare som uppfattas som positivt för ökande av motivationen. Vi har valt att göra en kvalitativ undersökning med hjälp av öppna och riktade intervjuer. Vi började gå igenom studier i form av vetenskapliga artiklar och sen gick vi ut på fältet och samlade in empiriskt material och sedan tillbaka till teorierna för att hitta kopplingar vilket innebär abduktiv ansats. Eftersom vi önskade unika svar och sedan kunna analysera svaren om hur motivationen påverkas, så kan man säga att vi var influerade av ett hermeneutiskt synsätt då vi ville nå förståelse och få individuella svar från varje respondent.Forskning visar att varje individ har en egen uppfattning om vad ledarskap är för något och detta beror på utbildning och erfarenheter. I litteraturen finns många aspekter på ledarskap, av vilka vi har utgått från två olika. Den ena bygger på att man lär under hela livet och då utvecklas ledarskapet parallellt med livserfarenheten. Den andra synen är att man är född till ledare och är därför inget man kan lära sig. Motivation är ofta en viktig faktor som driver en person framåt och vad som motiverar en enskild person är individuellt. En del forskning menar att det finns en skillnad mellan kvinnligt och manligt ledarskap och därmed skulle det föreligga en könsskillnad. Annan forskning pekar mot att sättet att bedriva ledarskap på är helt beroende på ledarens personlighet och den sociala miljö som ledaren är uppväxt i.Resultatet av vår studie visar att vissa medarbetare vill ha en ledare som fokuserar på uppgiften medan andra vill ha en som fokuserar på relationen. Det optimala hade varit en ledare som klarar av att fokusera på båda delarna beroende på vilken medarbetare som är i centrum för tillfället. Inom motivationen har vi kommit fram till att det inte går att på ett sätt motivera alla kvinnliga medarbetare utan motivationsfaktorerna är individuella. Inte helt förvånande har vi funnit att lönen är den viktigaste motivationsfaktorn för alla respondenter. Andra faktorer är kundnöjdhet och feedback från chefer, kunder samt trevliga kollegor. Detta visar på att alla är mycket väl medvetna om vad som motiverar och hur de vill att en ledare ska agera. Även angående manligt och kvinnligt ledarskap har våra kvinnliga respondenter svarat olika så vi kan inte dra slutsatser om att kvinnliga ledare agerar och motiverar på ett annorlunda sätt än manliga. Vår huvudslutsats av detta är att både motivation och gott ledarskap är individuellt för alla personer och bör individanpassas för att kunna fungera optimalt för alla medarbetare.
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Novotná, Monika. "Analýza motivace zaměstnanců pobočky McDonald´s". Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2009.

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Musilová, Kristýna. "Analýza současného stavu motivace a stimulace pracovníků". Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2011.

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Abstract (sommario):
The main subject of the diploma thesis is focused on motivation and stimulation of employees. The techniques and methods used in the practical research are described in the first part of the thesis. The following section introduces the theory connected with motivation and stimulation. It explains basic terms and theories regarding motivation, factors of stimulation and at the same time points out current motivational factors based on the given research. The third part describes Elephant Orchestra Company and some of the stimulation factors applied by the company management today. The last section of the thesis is dedicated to analysis of current status of motivation, stimulation and satisfaction which was based mainly on the questionnaire results, but also on the theoretical background. The analyzed results and improvement recommendation for the company management are suggested at the end of the thesis and they form a base for future decisions and activities of the company.
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Popelka, Martin. "Využití informací manažerského účetnictví pro motivaci a ohodnocení zaměstnanců". Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2010.

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Abstract (sommario):
This thesis deals with the usage of management accounting information for motivation and evaluation of employees. The first part is theoretical and it intorduces the basic approaches to motivation, and follow-up evaluation system. The various motivation theories and their potential application in practice are discussed. The practical part describes the motivation system in a particular company. First the Glasswork company is introduced and afterwards its motivation system is described. The motivation system in the Glasswork consists of indicators, which are used to calculate bonusses. Considerable attention is therefore devoted to these indicators in this thesis. At the end of the practical part is assessing if the indicators and the related algorithms to calculate the bonusses are set appropriately and that the motivation system works effectively. Finally the changes to improve the current situation are designed.
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Prajzlerová, Lucie. "Motivace a stabilizace zaměstnanců v TüV". Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2010.

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Abstract (sommario):
The aim of this thesis is to identify and follow-up the analysis of job satisfaction, motivation and incentive structure of the staff at TÜV SÜD with empirical research and subsequent evaluation of the current situation and propose possible actions. The paper describes a style of personal work, especially those areas that contribute to the motivation of employees and subsequent stabilization. The next step is an analysis of satisfaction and motivation of employees using a questionnaire, the survey results are then evaluated there are given possible solutions for improvement.
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Gorčicová, Jana. "Motivační faktory podnikání na venkově". Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2009.

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Abstract (sommario):
The aim of the dissertation work is to analyze motivation factors and to propose system of additional motivation factors for development of business in the country, specifically in country locality Českokrumlovsko. Further, to evaluate the whole complex and the reality of use in practice of motivation factors in this locality.
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Kopecká, Adéla. "Podnikání při studiu". Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2015.

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Abstract (sommario):
This thesis is written about factors, which leads people doing business while studiing. It is more actual then ever and it is more and more popular between people. This thesis tries to find out which factors are important, that student starts his/her own business. This thesis is devided to two parts. the first one is teoretical and second one is practical. Teoretical part is about business and motivation. The aim of second part is to identifie and examine factors of motivation doing business, analysis of current situation in Czech republic and analysis of business support also in Czech republic and abroad.
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Ocelíková, Klára. "Motivace a evaluace zaměstnanců". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská, 2015.

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Abstract (sommario):
The theoretical part of the master thesis focuses on a detailed description of all issues related to the given subject. The practical part shows an analysis of the current situation in the field of employee motivation and appraisal at Zebra Technologies. The aim of the thesis is to propose appropriate changes based on the theoretical knowledge and the survey results. These changes shall lead to increasing employee motivation and shall help improve non-financial employee appraisal system. The thesis was processed for the local HR department and will be used as a groundwork for possible changes at the branch in the Czech Republic.
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Lišková, Petra. "Motivace a spokojenost pracovníků v organizaci". Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2009.

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Abstract (sommario):
This dissertation is focused on the problematic of content and motivation of employees in a concrete firm and the problem of high fluctuation connected with it. In the theoretical part there are summarized basic knowledge from the sphere of motivation and work motivation, demonstrated the best known theories of motivation and leading styles; and summarized knowledge of The work life quality research which is related to value orientation of employees in the Czech Republic. In the practical part I have analyzed recent situation in workmen's content and motivation using a questionnaire enquiry among employees. The employees were asked about a importance of single aspects of content with work -- wage, supervisor behaviour, processing atmosphere, access to information, job stability, appreciation of attained results, service conditions, scope of employment, employee benefits and financial bonuses. From gained information I have summarized conclusions and recommendation for leading an organization.
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Šrámková, Jana. "Analýza motivace a spokojenosti zaměstnanců". Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2016.

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Abstract (sommario):
The aim of this Master's thesis is to analyse current state of work motivation and satisfaction of employees in a selected company and then propose measures to improve the situation. First, theoretical part introduces the basic concepts - motivation, selected theories of work motivation, stimulation, motivational programs and job satisfaction. Practical part includes introduction of the company in which the research was conducted and analysis of the research. Chosen methods for the research were questionnaire survey amongst all employees and individual interview with management of the company and selected sample of employees. Finally, the thesis consists of suggested recommendations for improving staff motivation and satisfaction.
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