Articoli di riviste sul tema "Montée en charge"
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Mikou, Myriam, Julie Solard e Romain Roussel. "La montée en charge des risques sociaux depuis 1945". Vie sociale 10, n. 2 (2015): 109.
Testo completoMahieu, Ronan. "La PAJE après 18 mois de montée en charge". Recherches et Prévisions 82, n. 1 (2005): 75–80.
Testo completoDonné, Stéphane. "La montée en charge du revenu de solidarité active". Politiques sociales et familiales 104, n. 1 (2011): 84–90.
Testo completoAmougou, Gérard. "Le sujet individuel comme un nouvel objet de la discipline sociologique ?" Cahiers de recherche sociologique, n. 59-60 (15 giugno 2016): 47–60.
Testo completoTorre-Schaub, Marta. "L’affirmation d’une justice climatique au prétoire (quelques propos sur le jugement de la Cour du district de La Haye du 24 juin 2015)". Note et commentaire 29, n. 1 (30 aprile 2018): 161–83.
Testo completoPrezioso, Stéfanie. "Les deux âmes du Républicanisme (1911-1919) : de l’usage du Parlement pour un parti d’action". Parlement[s], Revue d'histoire politique N° HS 13, n. 3 (29 gennaio 2019): 95–114.
Testo completoChauvière, Bernard. "Durée exacte de montée en charge des systèmes temps-réel par une politique à priorités fixes. Périodiques ordonnancés en multiprocesseur". Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés 42, n. 9 (19 novembre 2008): 1161–90.
Testo completoLhuilier, Dominique. "L’invisibilité du travail réel et l’opacité des liens santé-travail". Sciences sociales et santé 28, n. 2 (2010): 31–63.
Testo completoThomé, Cécile. "Après la pilule. Le choix contraceptif des jeunes femmes à l’épreuve du rejet des hormones". Santé Publique 36, n. 1 (5 aprile 2024): 87–96.
Testo completoCaminiti, Lanfranco, Chicco Galmozzi e Brunello Mantelli. "L’Europe ou rien". Multitudes 93, n. 4 (14 dicembre 2023): 138–42.
Testo completoMannessiez, Fabrice, Pierre-Yves Valantin e Yann Laborda. "Prise en compte des capacités de prévision des crues dans les plans de gestion de crise – exemple du plan de gestion de crise inondation de l'hôpital d'Avignon". La Houille Blanche, n. 3-4 (ottobre 2019): 67–73.
Testo completoMartin, Jacqueline. "Politique familiale et travail des mères de famille : perspective historique 1942-1982". Population Vol. 53, n. 6 (1 giugno 1998): 1119–53.
Testo completoHaegele, Vincent. "Le général Clarke au ministère de la Guerre". Revue Historique des Armées 251, n. 2 (1 aprile 2008): 94–103.
Testo completoMorin, Marc. "Évolution du stress au travail et des régulations macro-économiques". Management & Sciences Sociales N° 16, n. 1 (1 gennaio 2014): 14–31.
Testo completoBERTHELOT, P., e X. GOCKO. "Voyage en bibliométrie". EXERCER 34, n. 193 (1 maggio 2023): 195.
Testo completoSonnet, Adrien, Ludovic Lestrelin e Marina Honta. "La fabrique des territoires du « bien vieillir » : recompositions du thermalisme et gouvernement municipal en France. Le cas de Bagnoles de l’Orne (Normandie)". Les territoires de l’action publique, n. 79 (1 novembre 2017): 53–72.
Testo completo楊子瑩, 楊子瑩, 羅敏輝 Tzu-Ying Yang e 鄭兆尊 Min-Hui Lo. "氣候變遷對棲蘭雲霧森林地表通量特性的影響". 大氣科學 49, n. 2 (dicembre 2021): 111–52.
Testo completoFournier, Marcel. "Un intellectuel à la rencontre de deux mondes : Jean-Charles Falardeau et le développement de la sociologie universitaire au Québec". Recherches sociographiques 23, n. 3 (12 aprile 2005): 361–85.
Testo completoBohinc, Klemen. "Interactions between charged surfaces mediated by molecules with spatially distributed charges". Pure and Applied Chemistry 85, n. 1 (13 dicembre 2012): 15–26.
Testo completoBudrin, K. S., Yu D. Panov, A. S. Moskvin e A. A. Chikov. "Unconventional phase separation in the model 2D spin-pseudospin system". EPJ Web of Conferences 185 (2018): 11006.
Testo completoYang, Kun-Lin, Sotira Yiacoumi e Costas Tsouris. "Canonical Monte Carlo simulations of the fluctuating-charge molecular water between charged surfaces". Journal of Chemical Physics 117, n. 1 (luglio 2002): 337–45.
Testo completoDong, Shuai, Han Zhu e Jun-ming Liu. "Colossal resistivity change associated with the charge ordered/disordered transition: Monte Carlo study". Frontiers of Physics in China 1, n. 3 (settembre 2006): 362–67.
Testo completoShymanska, Alla V., e Vitali A. Babakov. "Fast Monte Carlo Method in Stochastic Modelling of Charged Particle Multiplication". International Journal of Applied Physics and Mathematics 5, n. 3 (2015): 218–26.
Testo completoWallin, Torsten, e Per Linse. "Monte Carlo Simulations of Polyelectrolytes at Charged Micelles. 2. Effects of Linear Charge Density". Journal of Physical Chemistry 100, n. 45 (gennaio 1996): 17873–80.
Testo completoPatra, Chandra N. "Structure of fully asymmetric mixed electrolytes around a charged nanoparticle: a density functional and simulation investigation". RSC Advances 5, n. 32 (2015): 25006–13.
Testo completoAndrenacci, Natascia, Federico Karagulian e Antonino Genovese. "Modelling charge profiles of electric vehicles based on charges data". Open Research Europe 1 (25 maggio 2022): 156.
Testo completoAndrenacci, Natascia, Federico Karagulian e Antonino Genovese. "Modelling charge profiles of electric vehicles based on charges data". Open Research Europe 1 (14 febbraio 2022): 156.
Testo completoAndrenacci, Natascia, Federico Karagulian e Antonino Genovese. "Modelling charge profiles of electric vehicles based on charges data". Open Research Europe 1 (23 dicembre 2021): 156.
Testo completoEland, J. H. D. "Dynamics of Fragmentation Reactions From Peak Shapes in Multiparticle Coincidence Experiments". Laser Chemistry 11, n. 3-4 (1 gennaio 1991): 259–63.
Testo completoLefèvre, F., C. Lefondeur, A. Vezain e M. Claudon. "Solutions ouvertes : une montee en charge facilitee". Journal de Radiologie 89, n. 10 (ottobre 2008): 1392.
Testo completoWang, Zhi-Yong, Pengli Zhang e Zengwei Ma. "On the physics of both surface overcharging and charge reversal at heterophase interfaces". Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20, n. 6 (2018): 4118–28.
Testo completoCaetano, Daniel L. Z., Sidney J. de Carvalho, Ralf Metzler e Andrey G. Cherstvy. "Critical adsorption of multiple polyelectrolytes onto a nanosphere: splitting the adsorption–desorption transition boundary". Journal of The Royal Society Interface 17, n. 167 (giugno 2020): 20200199.
Testo completoOtranto, S., R. E. Olson e P. Beiersdorfer. "Cometary X-ray emission: theoretical cross sections following charge exchange by multiply charged ions of astrophysical interest". Canadian Journal of Physics 86, n. 1 (1 gennaio 2008): 171–74.
Testo completoFayolle, Jacky, e Françoise Milewski. "Un compromis monétaire favorable à l'Europe". Revue de l'OFCE 61, n. 2 (1 giugno 1997): 5–92.
Testo completoWang, Xidi, e George A. Baker. "Monte carlo calculations of the conformal charge". Journal of Statistical Physics 69, n. 5-6 (dicembre 1992): 1069–95.
Testo completoBridwell, LB, HJ Hay, LF Pender, CJ Sofield e PB Treacy. "Excitation of Swift Heavy Ions in Foil Targets. IV. Preequilibrium Energy Losses and Mean Charge States". Australian Journal of Physics 41, n. 5 (1988): 681.
Testo completoDemers, Hendrix, e Raynald Gauvin. "X-ray Microanalysis of a Coated Nonconductive Specimen: Monte Carlo Simulation". Microscopy and Microanalysis 10, n. 6 (dicembre 2004): 776–82.
Testo completoZeghichi, Leyla, Leïla Mokhnache e Mebarek Djebabra. "Monte Carlo Simulation for an Electrical Discharge in O2". Advanced Materials Research 227 (aprile 2011): 211–14.
Testo completoЯсинская, Д. Н., В. А. Улитко e Ю. Д. Панов. "Особенности фазовых состояний двумерного разбавленного магнетика с фрустрацией". Физика твердого тела 62, n. 9 (2020): 1543.
Testo completoNhumaio, Geraldo C. S., e A. Paul Watkins. "Predictions of Charge Drift in a Concept Electrosprayed DISI Engine". Journal of Fluids Engineering 128, n. 5 (31 gennaio 2006): 903–12.
Testo completoYin, Jun, Kadali Chaitanya e Xue-Hai Ju. "Theoretical design of benzo[1,2-b:3,4-b′:5,6-b′′]tristhianaphthene and its derivatives as high performance organic semiconductors". Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry 14, n. 07 (novembre 2015): 1550058.
Testo completoWang, Zhi-yong, e Yu-qiang Ma. "Impact of Head Group Charges, Ionic Sizes, and Dielectric Images on Charge Inversion: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study". Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114, n. 42 (28 ottobre 2010): 13386–92.
Testo completoMeyer, S., e A. Delville. "(N,V,T) Monte Carlo Study of the Electrostatic Forces between Charged Lamellae: Influence of Surface Charge Localization". Langmuir 17, n. 23 (novembre 2001): 7433–38.
Testo completoKim, J. S., C. Liu, D. H. Edgell e R. Pardo. "Monte Carlo beam capture and charge breeding simulation". Review of Scientific Instruments 77, n. 3 (marzo 2006): 03B106.
Testo completoAkeyoshi, Tomoyuki, Koichi Maezawa, Masaaki Tomizawa e Takashi Mizutani. "Monte Carlo Study of Charge Injection Transistors (CHINTs)". Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 32, Part 1, No. 1A (15 gennaio 1993): 26–30.
Testo completoYonghong Yan, Yonghong Yan, Lai Wei Lai Wei, Xianlun Wen Xianlun Wen, Yuchi Wu Yuchi Wu, Zongqing Zhao Zongqing Zhao, Bo Zhang Bo Zhang, Bin Zhu Bin Zhu et al. "Calibration and Monte Carlo simulation of a single-photon counting charge-coupled device for single-shot X-ray spectrum measurements". Chinese Optics Letters 11, n. 11 (2013): 110401–4.
Testo completoCampanale, Françoise. "De l’évaluation de la compétence à enseigner à l’évaluation des compétences, dans les IUFM". Les dossiers des sciences de l'éducation 22, n. 1 (2009): 71–85.
Testo completoПанов, Ю. Д., А. С. Москвин, В. А. Улитко e А. А. Чиков. "Приближение Бете для двумерной спин-псевдоспиновой системы". Физика твердого тела 61, n. 9 (2019): 1676.
Testo completoQuyen, Vu Van, Vu Thi Hai Yen e Nguyen The Toan. "Screening of a Small Spherical Macroion by Oppositely Charged Flexible Polyelectrolyte". Communications in Physics 26, n. 3 (10 gennaio 2017): 287.
Testo completoLabbez, C., Bo Jönsson, Cliff Woodward, A. Nonat e M. Delhorme. "The growth of charged platelets". Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16, n. 43 (2014): 23800–23808.
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