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Kearney, Fióna. "Moderna Museet/Modern Museum". Circa, n. 97 (2001): 44.

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Rizvonkulovich, Bakhriev Dilshod. "MODERN MODELS OF MODERNIZATION OF INSURANCE COMPANIES". European International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Management Studies 4, n. 12 (1 dicembre 2024): 59–64.

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Abstract (sommario):
In this article, the influence of the management model of the company, which is one of the leaders in the insurance market, on the management of the company, their interdependence, the impact on the investment potential of the company, the financial activity of insurance companies organize to find sources, of the company reserves, their mechanism of formation, analysis of the main financial and economic indicators of the insurance company, participation of the insurance company in the insurance market, approaches and views of foreign scientists in this regard, investment policy of insurance companies, insurance market problem analysis, development prospects are described in detail. Scientific proposals and practical recommendations have been developed for the further development and improvement of their financial and economic competence, while modern management models are widely applied to insurance companies in Uzbekistan.
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Grenet, Mathieu. "Early Modern History – Histoire Moderne". European Review of History: Revue européenne d'histoire 16, n. 4 (agosto 2009): 597–98.

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Harvey, Katherine. "Early Modern History – Histoire Moderne". European Review of History: Revue europeenne d'histoire 16, n. 6 (dicembre 2009): 917–18.

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Frias, Aníbal. "Fernando Pessoa as modern and anti-modern: greatness and «decadence» of modern times". Revista Estudos do Século XX, n. 10 (2010): 279–96.

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Milfull, John. "Pre‐modern, post‐modern, counter‐modern?" Debatte: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe 4, n. 1 (gennaio 1996): 41–48.

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Bachmann, Peter, Simon Ammann, Beat Kunz e Alfred Rupf. "Moderne forstbetriebliche Planung | Modern forest management planning". Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Forstwesen 153, n. 5 (1 maggio 2002): 184–89.

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Abstract (sommario):
With the inception of a two-step forestry plan, forest management planning takes on a new, more important, meaning. The new plan aims to optimise production performance in forestry enterprises and is strongly oriented towards economic considerations. In the medium term the emphasis is on strategic planning and operative planning takes place within the annual plan. The content of modern forest management planning is very different to prevailing management plans and calls for new solutions. The examples of forest enterprises of the City of Winterthur(2000 ha) and the Exchequer of Württemberg (5200 ha) serve to show how – apart from traditional policies – a business plan in accordance with modern management doctrine becomes the main steering instrument. In smaller forest enterprises it probably makes good sense to convert the business plan into a strategic planning instrument with a strong economic orientation which, in addition to sovereign considerations, strongly builds on the goals of ownership. Strategic planning will be an important task for the manager. The influence of the state is limited to those aspects which concern binding regulations in the public interest. The supply of information needs to be partially re-regulated with regard to survey levels, accuracy, repartition of coasts and responsibilities.
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Korab, M. G., M. V. Yurzhenko, V. L. Demchenko e Ye P. Mamunya. "Modern models of formation of polymer welded joints materials (Review)". Paton Welding Journal 2023, n. 1 (28 gennaio 2023): 39–46.

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Abstract (sommario):
Бул макалада заманбап маалымат коомунун медиа мейкиндигин уюштуруунун, айрыкча журналистика жана адабият жаатындагы өзгөчөлүктөрү каралат. Медиа маданиятынын аныктамасынан баштап, анын негизги милдетимаалыматты берүү, тилдин көйгөйлүү зоналары жана байланыш лидерлеринин маалыматты жеткирүү ыкмасы. Ар кайсы доордогу журналисттик дискурстар идеологиялык мамилелер, стилистикалык тоналдык, автордук типтеги, адресаттын түрү жана коммуникативдик стереотиптер менен айырмаланат. Дискурстун үч түрү бар: поли идеологиялык, идеологиялык эмес жана тоталитардык, акыркы экөө монидеологиялык башка пикирдин болушуна жол бергендиги менен айырмаланат. Мындан сырткары модерн жана постмодернисттик маданияттын негизги мүнөздүү өзгөчөлүктөрү адамдын жашоосунун өзгөрүшү жана анын социалдык-маданий идентификациясынын мүмкүнчүлүктөрү менен байланышта талдоого алынат. Медианын постмодернизмдин инсандыгына жана коомуна тийгизген таасири байкалат, постмодернизмдин виртуалдык мейкиндигиндеги симулятивдик мамилелерге карата заманбаптыктын чыныгы социалдык мамилелеринин түп-тамырынан бери өзгөргөн мүнөзү байкалат. В статье рассматривается особенность организации медийного пространства современного информационногосоциума, в частности, в области журналистики и литературы. Исходя из определения медиакультуры как знаковой системы, главной задачей которой является трансляция информации, формулируются проблемные зоны языка и методов подачи информациикоммуникационными проводниками.Журналистские дискурсы разных эр отличаются идейными установками, стилистической тональностью, типом авторства, типом адресата и коммуникативными стереотипами. Можно выделить три типа дискурсов: полиидеологический, моноидеологический и тоталитарный, где два последних различаются тем, чтомоноидеологический допускает существованиеиного суждения. Кроме того, анализируются основные характерные черты культуры модерна и постмодерна во связи с изменением жизнедеятельности человека и перспектив его социокультурной идентификации.Прослеживаетсявоздействиемассмедиаособаисообществопостмодерна, подчеркивается решительно изменившийсяхарактерреальныхобщественных взаимосвязеймодерна в сторону симулятивныхвзаимоотношений в виртуальном пространстве постмодерна. The article deals with the peculiarities of the organization of the media space of the modern information society, especially in the field of journalism and literature. Proceeding from the definition of media culture as an iconic system, the main task of which is to transmit information, the problem zones of the language and the way the communication leaders deliver information are formulated.Mediadiscourse reflects the certain epoch in a life of society through the type of the sender, the addressee, a stylistic tonality and communicative stereotypes. One may mark out 3 types of discourse: monoideological, polyideological and totalitarian. The discourse of modern media is monoideological and we can't say that it is totalitarian, because we can find the other opinion in it. The main characteristic features of Art Nouveau and Postmodern culture are analyzed in connection with the change of human life and the possibilities of its socio-cultural identification. The influence of the media on the personality and society of postmodernism is traced, the radically changed character of the real social relations of modernity towards simulative relations in the virtual space of postmodernism is observed.
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Eksteins, Modris, e Peter Conrad. "Modern Times, Modern Places". American Historical Review 104, n. 5 (dicembre 1999): 1641.

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Ahmad, Zubair. "Modern religion, modern race". Ethnic and Racial Studies 41, n. 13 (15 gennaio 2018): 2348–50.

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Heschel, Susannah. "Modern Religion, Modern Race". Body and Religion 2, n. 1 (14 giugno 2018): 137–40.

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Bravesmith, Anna. "Tate Modern: Jung modern". Psychodynamic Counselling 7, n. 1 (gennaio 2001): 103–7.

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Hutton, Louisa. "Modern Color/Modern Architecture". Architectural Research Quarterly 7, n. 1 (marzo 2003): 92–93.

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Abstract (sommario):
William Braham writes that this book has been conceived as a genealogy of modern architectural colour, explaining that he uses the term ‘genealogy’ in the (Deleuzean) sense of it automatically bringing one to an understanding of the distance travelled since the particular origins under research. Such an analysis is useful to Braham who wants to bring to the practising architect an informed view of the use of colour in architecture by investigating the discussions that have surrounded it since the 1830s.
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Slifkin, Meredith. "Modern Women, Modern Egypt". Feminist Media Histories 3, n. 1 (1 gennaio 2017): 5–24.

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Abstract (sommario):
This article places existing discourses on Egyptian cinema, revolution, and global feminism in conversation with theories of film melodrama. The text examines the tradition of Egyptian melodrama as a site for analogizing women's liberation with national modernization in the wake of the 1952 Revolution—an analogy facilitated by the careful manipulation of melodramatic vernaculars of emotionality, and the endurance of affective cultural memory. In this context melodrama functions as a specific critical tool for understanding how popular film culture then and now organizes people politically and affectively, on- and offscreen. The article further investigates the “method of contradictions” that seems necessary to think critically about comparative melodrama at three levels of discourse: melodrama in general; the Egyptian melodramatic tradition specifically; and within melodramatic scholarship that tends to resemble its object of study.
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Gillette, C. S. "MODERN SEARCHLIGHTS. MODERN SEARCHLIGHTS." Journal of the American Society for Naval Engineers 34, n. 4 (18 marzo 2009): 527–63.

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Líbal, Patrik. "František Troníček, Co-Creator of the Prague City : Modern Builder and Modernist Architect". Staletá Praha 36, n. 1 (15 giugno 2020): 2–25.

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EPPS, BRAD. "“MODERN” AND “MODERNO”: MODERNIST STUDIES, 1898, AND SPAIN". Catalan Review 14, n. 1-2 (1 gennaio 2000): 75–116.

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Neto, Jarbas de Mesquita. "FISIOLOGIA MODERNA E VITALISMO / MODERN PHYSIOLOGY AND VITALISM". Brazilian Journal of Development 7, n. 2 (2021): 20663–71.

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Knoblauch, Hubert. "Eingebaute Kritik oder: wie modern ist die Moderne?" Soziologische Revue 43, n. 2 (5 giugno 2020): 145–52.

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Creton, D. "La chirurgie moderne des varices « Modern open surgery »". Journal des Maladies Vasculaires 40, n. 5 (settembre 2015): 289.

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Jung, Soojin. "The Modern and Post-modern of Modern Cultural Heritage". ASIAN COMPARATIVE FOLKLORE 72 (31 ottobre 2020): 129–60.

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Berman, Marshall. "Marx in China: Modern Art, Modern Conflicts, Modern Workers". Dissent 53, n. 2 (2006): 18–21.

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Gazdar, Haris. "Pre-modern, Modern and Post-modern Famine in Iraq". IDS Bulletin 33, n. 4 (ottobre 2002): 63–69.

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Nicolau, Marcos Fábio Alexandre. "MODERNIDADE E RELIGIÃO". PARALELLUS Revista de Estudos de Religião - UNICAP 10, n. 25 (15 aprile 2020): 385.

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Abstract (sommario):
Como demarcar a crítica moderna frente a questão religiosa? Eis o que nosso texto vem analisar, objetivando avaliar se houve realmente a exaustão dessa perspectiva religiosa e seu ultrapassar por um novo paradigma a partir dessa crítica moderna. O estudo expôs o discurso, autodenominado moderno, que impõe limite ao religioso ao reconhecer-se dentro do contexto de uma nova construção de realidade. MODERNITY AND RELIGIONAbstractHow can we demarcate the modern criticism before the religious issue? This is exactly what our text analyses, aiming to evaluate if there was a depletion of this religious perspective and its surpass by a new paradigm from that modern criticism. The study exposed the discourse, so-called modern, which imposes limits to religious when acknowledges itself within the context of a new construction of reality.Keywords: Philosophy of Religion. Religious discourse. Natural Religion.
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Erlmann, Veit. "Modern, neo-modern oder postmodern?" Historische Anthropologie 2, n. 1 (aprile 1994): 131–41.

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Mácêl, Otakar. "Modern Architecture and Modern Furniture". Designing Modern Life, n. 46 (2012): 14–19.

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Modern architecture and Modern furniture originated almost during the same period of time. Modern architects needed furniture compatible with their architecture and because it was not available on the market, architects had to design it themselves. This does not only apply for the period between 1920 and 1940, as other ambitious architectures had tried before to present their buildings as a unit both on the inside and on the outside. For example one can think of projects by Berlage, Gaudí, Mackintosh or Horta or the architectures of Czech Cubism and the Amsterdam School. This phenomenon originated in the 19th century and the furniture designs were usually developed for the architect’s own building designs and later offered to the broader consumer market, sometimes through specialized companies. This is the reason for which an agreement between the architect and the commissioner was needed, something which was not always taken for granted.
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KOHTOH, Yousuke. "Hybrid-modern and Post-modern". Japanese Sociological Review 48, n. 4 (1998): 391–406.

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Kwon, Sang-Woo. "Modern, Post-modern and Confucianism". Jonrnal of Social Thoughts and Culture 14 (30 novembre 2006): 83.

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Rolfe, Bari, e Thomas Leabhart. "Modern and Post-Modern Mime". Theatre Journal 43, n. 2 (maggio 1991): 267.

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Barry, Brian. "Modern Knowledge and Modern Politics". Government and Opposition 24, n. 4 (1 ottobre 1989): 387–90.

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Abstract (sommario):
THIS THOUGHT-PROVOKING SYMPOSIUM ORIGINATED IN A small conference organized at the London School of Economics by Government and Opposition and the papers printed here have been revised — in many cases extensively — by their authors in the light of the discussion there. With a single exception (Sir Arthur Knight) all the contributors are members of the Editorial Board or the Advisory Board of Government and Opposition, and the idea for the symposium was first put forward by one of the Editors, Professor Isabel de Madariaga.The central issue addressed in the symposium is the adequacy or otherwise of the sciences, natural and social, in providing the information required by people in various capacities — as citizens, business leaders, politicians, judges, and so on — if they are to act intelligently.
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Gonzalez, Nancie L. "The Modern Caribbean:The Modern Caribbean." Latin American Anthropology Review 3, n. 2 (dicembre 1991): 78.

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Fosdick, Bailey K., e G. Brooke Anderson. "Modern Statistics for Modern Biology". American Statistician 74, n. 3 (2 luglio 2020): 309–11.

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Beck, Ulrich. "How Modern is Modern Society?" Theory, Culture & Society 9, n. 2 (maggio 1992): 163–69.

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Poulsen, M., J. Forrest e R. Johnston. "From Modern to Post-modern?" Cities 19, n. 3 (giugno 2002): 161–72.

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Knowles, Ric. "The Modern in Modern Times". Canadian Theatre Review 139 (luglio 2009): 63–68.

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Abstract (sommario):
“Modern Times” is, perhaps, a strange name for a theatre company that, in its early years, was dedicated to staging adaptations of ancient Persian fables, and whose current mandate focuses on the blending of Middle-Eastern and western theatrical forms.1 But the name is appropriate: central to the company’s activity is the rethinking of modernism itself. Indeed, Modern Times Stage Company can be understood to be working, in its modest way, towards the completion of what Jurgen Habermas in 1980 famously (and controversially) called “the unfinished project of modernity” – the extension of the larger humanist project of Enlightenment through the creation of a rational and democratic public sphere, one that includes the arts as well as science and morality. According to Habermas, modernism held “the extravagant expectation that the arts and sciences would not merely promote the control of the forces of nature but also the understanding of self and world, moral progress, justice in social institutions, and even human happiness” (45). Habermas is sceptical about the project’s potential success, citing “Three Conservatisms”–antimodernism, pre-modernism, and postmodernism – that work against it (53). Modern Times is more optimistic, and, circumventing many of the critiques levelled at Habermas’s gender blindness and his Eurocentric defence of the Enlightenment and its ravages, extends this extravagant expectation to all of the world’s peoples, whatever their genders, sexualities, races or ethnicities.
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Dutkowski, Marek. "The Pre-Modern, Modern, and Post-Modern Metaphors of Nature". EUROPEAN RESEARCH STUDIES JOURNAL XXVI, Issue 4 (1 ottobre 2023): 462–71.

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Bassett, Shirley E. "Modern garden delphiniums". Collectanea Botanica 19 (30 dicembre 1990): 153–60.

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Nazarov, Ilkhom. "Modern Educational Technologies". Revista Gestão Inovação e Tecnologias 11, n. 3 (30 giugno 2021): 245–52.

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KUCHERENKO, Yuliya. "MODERN COATING TECHNOLOGIES". Herald of Khmelnytskyi National University. Technical sciences 309, n. 3 (26 maggio 2022): 89–91.

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Abstract (sommario):
The development of the country is determined by the efficiency of enterprises and organizations, which should simply survive in difficult conditions, and pursue an active strategy of transformation. Innovations in the technology of protective and decorative metal coatings create the necessary level of competition in the domestic paint and varnish coating. Innovative development of the country’s economy is one of the highest priorities of state policy. The strategy of modernization is determined by the consistent transition of the economy to an innovative model of development to solve the problem of strategic support for sustainable and long-term dynamics of innovation processes. However, today there is no necessary level of competition in the domestic innovation market and entrepreneurs are aware of the importance of innovation in creating competitive advantages, as well as an adequate legal framework governing relations in the field of innovation. In addition, the generation of knowledge takes place in the public sphere, the application of this knowledge or the implementation of the obtained scientific and technical results is in the commercial industry. Metal has been and remains the main structural material of the industry – from means of production to consumer products, and the primary consumer properties of the product include its appearance and durability. Rust can kill these qualities in a matter of months and days, so perhaps more important is the quality of the product itself, and the quality of its coating. In this paper, an analysis of modern coating technologies is carried out, the strengths and weaknesses of different coating technologies are identified.
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Rewald, Sabine, Jane Adlin, Wolfram Koeppe, Harold Koda, Jared Goss, Anne L. Strauss, Magdalena Dubrowski et al. "Modern". Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 61, n. 2 (2003): 41.

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Ives, Colta, Gary Tinterow, Sabine Rewald, Harold Koda, H. Barbara Weinberg, Anne L. Strauss, J. Stewart Johnson et al. "Modern". Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 59, n. 2 (2001): 56.

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Fineman, Mia, Sabine Rewald, Lisa M. Messinger, J. Stewart Johnson, Jared Goss, Jeff L. Rosenheim, Anne L. Strauss et al. "Modern". Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 60, n. 2 (2002): 39.

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Rao, B. Surendra. "The 'Modern' in Modern Indian History". Social Scientist 29, n. 5/6 (maggio 2001): 3.

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Larrington, Carolyne, e Fay Hield. "Making ‘Modern Fairies’: Making Fairies Modern". Folklore 132, n. 1 (2 gennaio 2021): 72–96.

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ENACHE, Maria Cristina. "Modern Learning for Modern Learners: Microlearning". Annals of Dunarea de Jos University of Galati. Fascicle I. Economics and Applied Informatics 28, n. 1 (30 aprile 2022): 135–39.

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Burns, Christy L., e Margaret A. Rose. "Parody: Ancient, Modern, and Post-Modern." MLN 109, n. 5 (dicembre 1994): 986.

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Malanima, Paolo. "Past growths: pre-modern and modern". Journal of Global History 16, n. 2 (23 giugno 2021): 301–8.

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Maltsev, S. V., e G. S. Mansurova. "VITAMIN D: MODERN TIMES, MODERN VIEW". Pediatria. Journal named after G.N. Speransky 99, n. 4 (17 agosto 2020): 195–200.

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Campbell, Jim, Ailsa Mckay e Emily Thomson. "How ‘Modern’ is the Modern Apprenticeship?" Local Economy: The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit 20, n. 3 (agosto 2005): 294–304.

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Abstract (sommario):
Despite the fact that some sectors of industry are facing major skills shortages, the Scottish labour market continues to be characterised by occupational segregation and a large disparity between the wages of women and men. The concentration of individuals in occupations and training based on their gender effectively restricts the pool of potential recruits to industry and is unlikely to make the best use of human capital. Moreover, it obstructs the pursuit of gender equality by reinforcing the gender pay gap and restricting individual career choices. This paper reports on the government's flagship training policy, the Modern Apprenticeship programme, from a gender perspective. It concludes that, ten years on from its introduction, the scheme represents something of a ‘missed opportunity’ to tackle occupational segregation and its deleterious effects in the wider economy and in society at large. It is recommended that the government and organisations involved in the development and delivery of Modern Apprenticeships adopt a more conscious and cohesive approach to promoting non-traditional choices at the vocational level.
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