Articoli di riviste sul tema "Matthew 27:25"
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Sullivan, Desmond. "New Insights into Matthew 27: 24?25". New Blackfriars 73, n. 863 (settembre 1992): 453–57.
Testo completoSimonetti, Manlio. "Su Origene, Commento a Matteo 17, 1-3; 25-28". Augustinianum 54, n. 2 (2014): 401–15.
Testo completoPaddison, Angus. "9th November: Proper 27 Joshua 24:1—3a, 14—25; Psalm 78:1—7; 1 Thessalonians 4:13—18; Matthew 25:1—13". Expository Times 120, n. 1 (ottobre 2008): 29–31.
Testo completoZhilina, Natalia, e Anastasya Kulakova. "Christian Motifs and Images in the Short Story by V. G. Korolenko “In a Bad Society”". Проблемы исторической поэтики 22, n. 1 (luglio 2024): 195–208.
Testo completoRandolph, J. "COMMENT: THE UTILITY OF «CELEBRITY»". Вестник Пермского университета. История, n. 4(55) (2021): 25–27.
Testo completoTönsing, J. Gertrud. "Scolding the "Wicked, Lazy" Servant; Is the Master God?: A Redaction-Critical Study of Matthew 25:14–30 and Luke 19:11–27". Neotestamentica 53, n. 1 (2019): 123–47.
Testo completoMaclean, Jennifer K. Berenson. "Barabbas, the Scapegoat Ritual, and the Development of the Passion Narrative". Harvard Theological Review 100, n. 3 (luglio 2007): 309–34.
Testo completoJones, Christopher F. "Matthew T. Huber, Lifeblood: oil, freedom, and the forces of capital (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2013. Pp. xxi+253. 27 illus. ISBN 9780816677856 Pbk. £25)". Economic History Review 68, n. 2 (1 aprile 2015): 762–63.
Testo completoGarber, Zev. "The New Testament in Jewish-Christian Dialogues". Socio-Historical Examination of Religion and Ministry 3, n. 2 (10 dicembre 2021): 201–12.
Testo completoSamosir, Bofry Wahyu, e Bernadus Dirgaprimawan. "PEREMPUAN KANAAN DAN DAYA JUANGNYA: SEBUAH TINJAUAN NARATIF ATAS MATIUS 15:21-28 DAN RELEVANSI TEOLOGISNYA BAGI PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER KRISTIANI". JPAK: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Katolik 23, n. 2 (11 ottobre 2023): 144–64.
Testo completoDempster, Marcus, Matthew Wright, Daniela Cocco, Ayat Elsherif, Stephanie A. Valente, Hong Li e Megan L. Kruse. "Abstract P1-08-13: Comparison of gene expression profiling results and clinical outcomes among patients with pleomorphic ILC and classic ILC". Cancer Research 82, n. 4_Supplement (15 febbraio 2022): P1–08–13—P1–08–13.
Testo completoTorres, Mylin, Jolinta Lin, Sarah Friend, Canhua Xiao, Yichun Cao, Shannon Kahn, Karen Godette et al. "Abstract PO4-27-08: A Phase II Multi-Institutional Study of Concurrent Radiotherapy, Palbociclib, and HormoneTherapy for Treatment of Bone Metastasis in Breast Cancer Patients". Cancer Research 84, n. 9_Supplement (2 maggio 2024): PO4–27–08—PO4–27–08.
Testo completoGonzalez, Pedro, Urania Rappo, Jennifer McGregor, Lisa DiPompo-Day e Matthew W. McCarthy. "279. Dalbavancin for Bloodstream Infections and Endocarditis: Real-World Outcomes From the DRIVE Registry". Open Forum Infectious Diseases 7, Supplement_1 (1 ottobre 2020): S140.
Testo completoCargal, Timothy B. "‘His Blood be Upon Us and Upon our Children’: A Matthean Double Entendre?" New Testament Studies 37, n. 1 (gennaio 1991): 101–12.
Testo completoWang, Baiyan, Jie Liu, Wan-Hong Zhao, Yin-Xia Chen, Xing-Mei Cao, Yun Yang, Yi-Lin Zhang et al. "Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cell Therapy in the Relapsed or Refractory Multiple Myeloma with Extramedullary Disease--a Single Institution Observation in China". Blood 136, Supplement 1 (5 novembre 2020): 6.
Testo completoMortimer, Joanne, Sharla Moore, Niki Patel, Mina Sedrak, Daphne Stewart, Yuan Yuan, James Waisman et al. "Abstract P4-11-13: Prevalence of treatment-related symptoms in patients with breast cancer undergoing (neo)adjuvant endocrine therapy with or without chemotherapy for early stage breast cancer". Cancer Research 82, n. 4_Supplement (15 febbraio 2022): P4–11–13—P4–11–13.
Testo completoVillatoro Villar, M., D. A. Wetter, C. S. Crowson, K. J. Warrington e M. Koster. "SAT0277 HEAD AND NECK INVOLVEMENT OF IGA VASCULITIS: A CASE-CONTROL STUDY". Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79, Suppl 1 (giugno 2020): 1082.2–1083.
Testo completoBo, Zhu, Yi-Zhi Li, Xiao-Feng Lu e Guo-Yuan Lu. "Crystal structure of 25, 27-dioctyloxy-26, 28-dihydroxy calix[4]arene". Journal of Chemical Crystallography 35, n. 4 (aprile 2005): 281–84.
Testo completoBugdayli, K., P. Ungprasert, K. J. Warrington e M. Koster. "POS0800 VISUAL ISCHEMIA DURING RELAPSE AND FOLLOW-UP OF GIANT CELL ARTERITIS: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW". Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 80, Suppl 1 (19 maggio 2021): 652.2–652.
Testo completoForrest, Suzanne J., Hersh Gupta, Abigail Ward, Yvonne Li, Duong Doan, Alyaa Al-Ibraheemi, Sanda Alexandrescu et al. "Abstract 3890: Sequencing of 888 pediatric solid tumors informs precision oncology trial design and data sharing initiatives in pediatric cancer". Cancer Research 82, n. 12_Supplement (15 giugno 2022): 3890.
Testo completoVanstraelen, Stijn, Allison Reiner, Brooke H. Mastrogiacomo, Kay See Tan, Joseph Dycoco, Bernard J. Park, Prasad S. Adusumilli, Matthew J. Bott, David R. Jones e Gaetano Rocco. "Abstract 5211: Somatic copy number variation as prognostic marker for recurrence in never-smokers with early-stage lung adenocarcinoma". Cancer Research 84, n. 6_Supplement (22 marzo 2024): 5211.
Testo completoPradana, Muhammad Erza. "What Drives Nuclear-Aspiring States? The Cases of Iran and North Korea". Jurnal Sentris 4, n. 1 (16 giugno 2023): 61–72.
Testo completoSari, Desi Ambar, Yuni Andriani e Medi Andriani. "Resistensi Antibiotika Pada Penyakit Appendiks Akut Dan Peritonitis Di Bangsal Bedah Rsud Raden Mattaher Jambi Periode Januari 2016 - Desember 2018". Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Mulawarman (JKMM) 2, n. 1 (1 luglio 2020): 49.
Testo completoSawley, M. L., e M. Q. Tran. "Plasma Physics (Report on the 1984 International Conference, Lausanne, 27 June—3 July 1984)". Nuclear Fusion 25, n. 1 (1 gennaio 1985): 109–15.
Testo completoHaddad, Tufia C., Vera Suman, Karthik V. Giridhar, Alvaro Moreno-Aspitia, Donald Northfelt, Brenda Ernst, Kostandinos Sideras et al. "Abstract OT1-04-02: Anastrozole dose escalation for optimal estrogen suppression in postmenopausal early stage breast cancer: A prospective trial". Cancer Research 83, n. 5_Supplement (1 marzo 2023): OT1–04–02—OT1–04–02.
Testo completoGabara, Rachel. "Africa First: Volume Two. Focus World. 2012. Available for free viewing at Includes the following five short films: - Rungano Nyoni, director. Mwansa the Great.23 minutes. Bemba, with English subtitles. Zambia. - Matthew Jankes, director. Umkhungo.31 minutes. Zulu, with English subtitles. South Africa. - Daouda Coulibaly, director. Tinye So.25 minutes. Bambara, with English subtitles. Mali. - Stephen Abbott, director. Dirty Laundry.17 minutes. Zulu and English, with English subtitles). South Africa. - Matt Bishanga, director. A Good Catholic Girl.27 minutes. English. Uganda." African Studies Review 57, n. 3 (dicembre 2014): 254–58.
Testo completoMa, Weibin, Jinfei Chai, Zifeng Zhu, Zili Han, Chaofeng Ma, Yuanjun Li, Zhenyu Zhu et al. "Research on Vibration Law of Railway Tunnel Substructure under Different Axle Loads and Health Conditions". Shock and Vibration 2021 (28 giugno 2021): 1–14.
Testo completoChumikov, A. E., V. S. Cheptsov, P. Wurz, D. Lasi, J. Jost e N. G. Managadze. "Design, characteristics and scientific tasks of the LASMA-LR laser ionization mass spectrometer onboard Luna-25 and Luna-27 space missions". International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 469 (novembre 2021): 116676.
Testo completoFakharpour, Mahsa, e Jalal Hajihoseini. "Optimal removal of iron impurities from kaolin by combination of Aspergillus niger & Bacillus subtilis". International Journal of Materials Research 112, n. 6 (1 maggio 2021): 498–504.
Testo completoZdyb, R., e E. Bauer. "Spin-resolved inelastic mean free path of slow electrons in Fe". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25, n. 27 (14 giugno 2013): 272201.
Testo completoBechstedt, Friedhelm, e Abderrezak Belabbes. "Structure, energetics, and electronic states of III–V compound polytypes". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25, n. 27 (19 giugno 2013): 273201.
Testo completoBilić, A., e S. Sanvito. "Tailoring highly conductive graphene nanoribbons from small polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: a computational study". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25, n. 27 (14 giugno 2013): 275301.
Testo completoGürel, H. Hakan, e S. Ciraci. "Effects of charging and electric field on graphene functionalized with titanium". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25, n. 27 (18 giugno 2013): 275302.
Testo completoWehinger, Björn, Alexeï Bosak, Aleksandr Chumakov, Alessandro Mirone, Björn Winkler, Leonid Dubrovinsky, Natalia Dubrovinskaia, Vadim Brazhkin, Tatiana Dyuzheva e Michael Krisch. "Lattice dynamics of coesite". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25, n. 27 (17 giugno 2013): 275401.
Testo completoBonville, P., S. Petit, I. Mirebeau, J. Robert, E. Lhotel e C. Paulsen. "Magnetization process in Er2Ti2O7at very low temperature". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25, n. 27 (14 giugno 2013): 275601.
Testo completoVolkoff, T. J., e K. B. Whaley. "Quantum dynamics of local phase differences between reservoirs of driven interacting bosons separated by simple aperture arrays". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25, n. 27 (14 giugno 2013): 275602.
Testo completoNaka, T., K. Sato, M. Taguchi, N. Shirakawa, T. Nakane, F. Ishikawa, Yuh Yamada, Y. Takaesu, T. Nakama e A. Matsushita. "Characteristics of a granular electronic system in Heusler-type Fe2+xV1−xAl". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25, n. 27 (17 giugno 2013): 275603.
Testo completoZhou, Tingting, Xiaolong Chen, Jiangang Guo, Shifeng Jin, Gang Wang, Xiaofang Lai, Tianping Ying et al. "Effects of Co and Mn doping in K0.8Fe2−ySe2revisited". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25, n. 27 (18 giugno 2013): 275701.
Testo completoKhan, R. U. A., B. L. Cann, P. M. Martineau, J. Samartseva, J. J. P. Freeth, S. J. Sibley, C. B. Hartland, M. E. Newton, H. K. Dhillon e D. J. Twitchen. "Colour-causing defects and their related optoelectronic transitions in single crystal CVD diamond". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25, n. 27 (17 giugno 2013): 275801.
Testo completoVenero, D. Alba, L. Fernández Barquín, J. Alonso, M. L. Fdez-Gubieda, L. Rodríguez Fernández, R. Boada e J. Chaboy. "Magnetic disorder in diluted FexM100−xgranular thin films (M=Au, Ag, Cu;x< 10 at.%)". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25, n. 27 (14 giugno 2013): 276001.
Testo completoSantos, B., E. Loginova, A. Mascaraque, A. K. Schmid, K. F. McCarty e J. de la Figuera. "Corrigendum: Structure and magnetism in ultrathin iron oxides characterized by low energy electron microscopy". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25, n. 27 (18 giugno 2013): 279501.
Testo completoGor'kov, L. P. "Antiferromagnetism of two-dimensional electronic gas on light-irradiated SrTiO3and at LaAlO3/SrTiO3interfaces". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27, n. 25 (28 maggio 2015): 252001.
Testo completoPersichetti, L., A. Sgarlata, M. Fanfoni e A. Balzarotti. "Heteroepitaxy of Ge on singular and vicinal Si surfaces: elastic field symmetry and nanostructure growth". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27, n. 25 (28 maggio 2015): 253001.
Testo completoHoussa, M., A. Dimoulas e A. Molle. "Silicene: a review of recent experimental and theoretical investigations". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27, n. 25 (5 giugno 2015): 253002.
Testo completoYu, T., e M. W. Wu. "Hot-electron effect in spin relaxation of electrically injected electrons in intrinsic Germanium". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27, n. 25 (28 maggio 2015): 255001.
Testo completoHan, Seungju, Llorenç Serra e Mahn-Soo Choi. "Negative tunneling magneto-resistance in quantum wires with strong spin–orbit coupling". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27, n. 25 (28 maggio 2015): 255002.
Testo completoCao, Shi, Ning Wu, William Echtenkamp, Valeria Lauter, Haile Ambaye, Takashi Komesu, Christian Binek e Peter A. Dowben. "The surface stability of Cr2O3(0 0 0 1)". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27, n. 25 (28 maggio 2015): 255003.
Testo completoKalabukhov, A., Yu A. Boikov, I. T. Serenkov, V. I. Sakharov, T. Claeson e D. Winkler. "Cation stoichiometry and electrical transport properties of the NdGaO3/(0 0 1)SrTiO3interface". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27, n. 25 (28 maggio 2015): 255004.
Testo completoGrazianetti, C., D. Chiappe, E. Cinquanta, M. Fanciulli e A. Molle. "Nucleation and temperature-driven phase transitions of silicene superstructures on Ag(1 1 1)". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27, n. 25 (28 maggio 2015): 255005.
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