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Articoli di riviste sul tema "Matthew 27:25"


Sullivan, Desmond. "New Insights into Matthew 27: 24?25". New Blackfriars 73, n. 863 (settembre 1992): 453–57. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1741-2005.1992.tb07264.x.

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Simonetti, Manlio. "Su Origene, Commento a Matteo 17, 1-3; 25-28". Augustinianum 54, n. 2 (2014): 401–15. http://dx.doi.org/10.5840/agstm201454228.

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Abstract (sommario):
This comment concerns above all the existing relationship between the Greek text that has reached us and the ancient Latin translation of Origen’s Commentary on Matthew, analyzing two passages from the XVII book; that is, the interpretations of Mt. 21,23-27 and Mt. 22, 15-22. The Greek and Latin texts are not always consistent with one another: in most cases the Latin version abbreviates or omits some passages from the Greek, but at times it reveals typical exegetical minutiae from the origenian ratio interpretandi and absent from the incomplete Greek text available to us today, as the Author clearly points out in this study.
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Paddison, Angus. "9th November: Proper 27 Joshua 24:1—3a, 14—25; Psalm 78:1—7; 1 Thessalonians 4:13—18; Matthew 25:1—13". Expository Times 120, n. 1 (ottobre 2008): 29–31. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0014524608096270.

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Zhilina, Natalia, e Anastasya Kulakova. "Christian Motifs and Images in the Short Story by V. G. Korolenko “In a Bad Society”". Проблемы исторической поэтики 22, n. 1 (luglio 2024): 195–208. http://dx.doi.org/10.15393/j9.art.2024.13322.

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Abstract (sommario):
The article analyzes Christian motifs and images, evangelical quotations and reminiscences that make up an important semantic layer of the work.In the center of the events is the fate of a six-year-old boy (the hero-narrator), who, after the death of his mother, experienced the “horror of loneliness” and is looking for a “soul mate.” It is established that such evangelical reminiscences as “separating sheep from goats” (Matthew 25:32), “helping others” (Matthew 25:33‒46), make it possible to identify the axiological coordinates of the inhabitants of the Ukrainian town where the protagonist’s family lives. It is shown that the behavior of the townspeople explicates such a phenomenon of religious life as Pharisaism, recalling the conversion of Christ to the Pharisees (Matthew 25:27‒28). The text includes an allusion to the biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen. 13:13) and parallels the situation to that in the small town in western Ukraine which exists only by virtue of three righteous people living there, one of whom is the narrator’s father. Also, the mention of the biblical prophet Jeremiah doesn’t seem accidental: he had to convert the people who had departed from the faith, knowing well that his calls to repentance would remain fruitless (Jer. 20:8). The events of the short story show that the boy’s personality is formed under the influence of beggars and vagabonds, as opposed to ordinary people who seek to observe the moral law. It has been determined that an important place in the plot structure is occupied by the good/evil, life/death and heart/stone oppositions, which outline the main differences in the characters’ ethical systems. According to the conclusions, in the imagined world of the short story, the inhabitants of Princetown, whose hearts have hardened, are the antithesis of the boy Vasya and his friends from the dungeon with merciful and sympathetic hearts. Their very existence seems to remind readers of the well-known words of the Savior: “…unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the Kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3).
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Randolph, J. "COMMENT: THE UTILITY OF «CELEBRITY»". Вестник Пермского университета. История, n. 4(55) (2021): 25–27. http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/2219-3111-2021-4-25-27.

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Replying to the two contributions in this special issue, this commentary considers the work “celebrity” can do as a concept and topic of inquiry for historians of Russia. The author compares and contrasts “celebrity” (as an angle of vision) with investigations the formation of “public” and “private” life in 19th century Russia. He underlines two uses of the concept: 1) as a reminder of continuities and instabilities that link modern forms of fame with pre-modern systems of reputation; and 2) as a marker of global forces that were pushing beyond nationalized, institutionalized frames of public and private life. The author returns to some earlier work he has done on Russian intellectual history, to consider how discussions of “celebrity” reframe what an older literature might describe as the “making of intelligentsia traditions.” He also highlights several important conceptual contributions made by Konstantin Shneyder’s historiographical analysis, and considers what conclusions can be drawn from Matthew Klopfenstein’s reconstruction of the “operatic” death of Angiolina Bosio.
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Tönsing, J. Gertrud. "Scolding the "Wicked, Lazy" Servant; Is the Master God?: A Redaction-Critical Study of Matthew 25:14–30 and Luke 19:11–27". Neotestamentica 53, n. 1 (2019): 123–47. http://dx.doi.org/10.1353/neo.2019.0013.

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Maclean, Jennifer K. Berenson. "Barabbas, the Scapegoat Ritual, and the Development of the Passion Narrative". Harvard Theological Review 100, n. 3 (luglio 2007): 309–34. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0017816007001605.

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The story of Barabbas's release by Pilate appears in all four canonical gospels (Mark 15:6–15; Matt 27:15–26; Luke 23:18–25; John 18:39–40). Although the accounts differ in some details, a fairly consistent plot line emerges: The crowd before Pilate, allowed to choose one prisoner for release, demands the release of Barabbas and the crucifixion of Jesus. There are, however, a number of puzzling aspects to this deceptively simple story, the most significant of which is the contention of the authors that there existed a custom of the governor releasing a prisoner at the Passover festival. According to Mark and Matthew, this was a Roman custom (Mark 15:6; Matt 27:15); according to John, a Jewish custom (John 18:39). Yet, no evidence for such a custom in Judea has been found. Even more tellingly, Luke's omission of such a custom, as well as his statement in Acts 25:16, shows that he thought such a custom unbelievable. This custom is also considered by some to be at odds with the portrait of Pilate gathered from Jewish literature. Roger Aus states the case most strongly: “[Pilate] never would have allowed himself to be subject to the whims of a crowd, especially an uncontrollable one which bordered on a riot.” For these reasons many scholars have concluded that while a Barabbas may have been released by Pilate, the story as we have it in the gospels is a literary creation.
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Jones, Christopher F. "Matthew T. Huber, Lifeblood: oil, freedom, and the forces of capital (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2013. Pp. xxi+253. 27 illus. ISBN 9780816677856 Pbk. £25)". Economic History Review 68, n. 2 (1 aprile 2015): 762–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/ehr.12119_32.

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Garber, Zev. "The New Testament in Jewish-Christian Dialogues". Socio-Historical Examination of Religion and Ministry 3, n. 2 (10 dicembre 2021): 201–12. http://dx.doi.org/10.33929/sherm.2021.vol3.no2.01.

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Abstract (sommario):
The Christian biblical canon consists of the Old Testament (referenced as the Hebrew Bible by Jews), New Testament, and Apocrypha for some denominations (e.g., the Roman Catholic Church). The name “New Testament” is associated with, but misapplied with the Berit Ḥadasha/“New Covenant” which the Lord was to make with the Houses of Israel and Judah, not with Nations (Jer 31:30). A more accurate association/understanding is “new covenant in my (Jesus) blood” (Luke 22:20; 1 Cor 11:25); “new covenant not of the letter but of the Spirit” (2 Cor 3:6); “the veil remains when the old covenant (Torah) is read” (2 Cor 3:14); and so on. The New Testament embraces 27 separate books of different size, composition, and focus. They include the Four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John), the Acts of the Apostles, 13 Epistles by Paul, the Epistle to the Hebrews, Epistles by Peter, James, John, and Jude, and John’s Revelation (the Apocalypse). This article discusses the teachings and person of Jesus, as well as events in first-century Christianity (primarily spelled out in the Gospels and Pauline literature), evaluated from the perspective of Jewish-Christian polemics, apologetics, and respectful co-existential dialogue.
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Samosir, Bofry Wahyu, e Bernadus Dirgaprimawan. "PEREMPUAN KANAAN DAN DAYA JUANGNYA: SEBUAH TINJAUAN NARATIF ATAS MATIUS 15:21-28 DAN RELEVANSI TEOLOGISNYA BAGI PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER KRISTIANI". JPAK: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Katolik 23, n. 2 (11 ottobre 2023): 144–64. http://dx.doi.org/10.34150/jpak.v23i2.498.

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Abstract (sommario):
This article aims at examining a fighting spirit that characterizes the Canaanite woman in Matthew 15:21-28 as a source of inspiration for Christian education addressed to the youth. It focuses on her choice of actions and of words, especially shown in verses 25 and 27. In order to do so, it employs a narrative method that takes seriously every detail related to her performance. It tries to understand how her struggle emerges and why Jesus says that she has a great faith. After discussing the subject matter in several points, this article comes to a conclusion that the element of faith first of all lies on the human side, namely a fighting spirit, a spiritual entrance to receive God's mercy. Pope Francis states that a fighting spirit is visible when Christian believers, especially young people "always try to find their true identity, be themselves, and be creative in pursuing holiness in living life in the world. (CV, art. 161)”. The second theological message is that God understands and cares for everyone, especially those who ask for His help. The third theological message is that God's grace gives changing for everyone. It means that God's grace makes our identity in life more pleasing to Him
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Tesi sul tema "Matthew 27:25"


Baker, Todd Damon. "Matthew 27:25 : "His blood be upon us" Are the Jews racially condemned for the death of Christ? /". Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1997. http://www.tren.com.

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Canilha, Cauã Borges. "Uma análise mecânica sobre os 25 Etudes Mélodiques et Progressivas Op.60 para violão, de Matteo Carcassi". Universidade de São Paulo, 2017. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/27/27158/tde-31102017-145029/.

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Abstract (sommario):
Este trabalho propõe uma análise sistemática das demandas mecânicas instrumentais básicas do violão, visando, assim, uma aquisição consciente de determinadas movimentações. A base teórica foi composta por autores que abordam questões essencialmente práticas do fazer instrumental do violão, destacando-se Abel Carlevaro e Eduardo Fernandez; este último diferencia claramente os termos mecânica e técnica, aspecto fundamental neste trabalho. As movimentações de cada mão são divididas entre horizontais (no sentido das cordas) e verticais (entre as cordas) e entre os aspectos mecânicos relacionados à localização das mãos no instrumento (chamados por nós de parâmetros e suas expansões) e os relacionados às referências ou movimentações auxiliares na mudança entre duas localizações (chamados de recursos). A partir da ordenação proposta e das notações desenvolvidas, concebemos uma sistemática de estudo, visando à aquisição de tais movimentos, aplicada nos 25 Etudes Mélodiques et Progressives Op.60, de Matteo Carcassi. Foram realizadas propostas de caráter vocabular e elementos pouco ou não debatidos foram tratados, fornecendo material para discussões futuras dentro do amplo campo temático da mecânica instrumental. A organização sistemática dos elementos mecânicos proposta, aplicados na obra de Carcassi, procurou uma maior eficiência no processo de aprendizagem, buscando melhorias em relação à efetividade técnica e à maior consciência das demandas instrumentais.
This project proposes a systematic analysis of the basic mechanical demands of the guitar to assist a conscious development of certain gestures. The theoretical basis in this work is compound mainly by the ideas of authors that dealt with practical issues of the instrumental making of the guitar, such as Abel Carlevaro and Eduardo Fernandez; the last one clearly differentiates the terms mechanical and technical, fundamental aspects in this work. The gestures of each hand are divided between horizontal (in the direction of the strings) and vertical (between the strings) and between the mechanical aspects related to the location of the hands in the instrument (called by us of parameters and their expansions) and those related to the reference or auxiliary gestures in the change between two locations (called resources). From the proposed ordering and the developed notations, we designed a systematic study aimed at the developing of such gestures, applied in the 25 Etudes Mélodiques et Progressives Op.60, by Matteo Carcassi. The proposal of a vocabulary was made and often ignored elements were approached, providing content for future discussions within the wide topic of instrumental mechanics. The systematic organization of the mechanical elements proposed, applied in Carcassi\'s music, sought greater efficiency in the learning process, seeking improvements in relation to the technical effectiveness and awareness of the instrumental demands.
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Libri sul tema "Matthew 27:25"


Cook, Jean Thor. Jesus calms the storm: Matthew 8:23-27, Mark 4:35-41, Luke 8:22-25 for children. St. Louis: Concordia Pub. House, 1994.

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A, Alam, a cura di. Positron studies of condensed matter: Selected papers from the International Positron Workshop, München, 25-27 August 1988. Bristol: Adam Hilger, 1989.

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1955-, Rivasseau Vincent, a cura di. Constructive physics: Results in field theory, statistical mechanics and condensed matter physics : proceedings of the conference held at Palaiseau, France 25-27 July 1994. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1995.

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Rottmann, Erik. Barabbas Goes Free: The Story of the Release of Barabbas Matthew 27:15-26, Mark 15:6-15, Luke 23:13-25, and John 18:20 for Children. Arch Books, 2003.

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Le refus d'Israël: Matthieu 27, 25. Paris: Editions du Cerf, 1986.

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Capitoli di libri sul tema "Matthew 27:25"


Michelini, Giulio. "The Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of John: Intertextual Connections in three Case Studies (Matt 27:49 // John 19:34; Matt 27:55-56 // John 19:25-27; Matt 5:32 // John 7:53-8:11)". In JAOC Judaïsme antique et origines du christianisme, 247–67. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1484/m.jaoc-eb.5.111706.

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Kaplan, Lindsay. "Servitus Judaeorum". In Figuring Racism in Medieval Christianity, 19–56. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780190678241.003.0002.

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This chapter focuses on a status of hereditary inferiority that emerges out of typological interpretations of Jews as slaves to Christians. Paul’s reading of the servility of Esau and Hagar as figuring a lesser spiritual status shapes Augustine’s formulation, which adds Cain and Ham, to identify these types as Jews punished with enslavement to Christians for the (alleged) crucifixion of Jesus. This curse continues to affect contemporary Jews in their subjection to the Christian Roman Empire. Medieval exegetes draw on Matthew 27:25 to reformulate the servitus Judaeorum into perpetual slavery. In emphasizing the generational consequences of this condition, these texts develop a racial idea of hereditary inferiority. The figures of Cain and Hagar/Ishmael also enter into canon law directives to justify the legal subordination of Jews. The racist status of perpetual enslavement defines Jews as ontologically inferior to Christians and facilitates the realization of their degradation in discriminatory laws.
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"Back Matter". In Francisci de Marchia Q13-27, 315–19. Leuven University Press, 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/j.ctt9qf0wx.25.

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Taber, Douglass F. "Functionalization and Homologation of Alkenes". In Organic Synthesis. Oxford University Press, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780199965724.003.0029.

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Masahito Ochiai developed (Org. Highlights, March 24, 2008) the iodosobenzene-mediated cleavage of alkenes to keto aldehydes. Thottumkara K. Vinod of Western Illinois University described (Org. Lett. 2010, 12, 5640) a modified protocol that delivered the keto acid 2. Chi-Ming Che of the University of Hong Kong established (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 13229) a method for the preparative scale Fe-catalyzed cis dihydroxylation of an alkene 3. Ilhyong Ryu of Osaka Prefecture University devised (Synlett 2010, 2014) a practical procedure for the free radical addition of HBr to an alkene 5. Tetsuo Ohta of Doshisha University showed (Tetrahedron Lett. 2010, 51, 2806) that a Ru catalyst could add an aromatic acid to the internal carbon of a terminal alkene 7. Noriki Kutsumura and Takao Saito of the Tokyo University of Science found (Org. Lett. 2010, 12, 3316) conditions for bromination/dehydrobromination to convert 10 to 11. Tsuyoshi Taniguchi of Kanazawa University oxidized (J. Org. Chem. 2010, 75, 8126) the alkene 12 to the nitro alkene 13. Professor Taniguchi added (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 10154) methyl carbazate to 14 to give the β-hydroxy ester 15. Philippe Renaud of the University of Bern effected (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 17511) the free radical homologation of 16 to the azide 18. Daniel P. Becker of Loyola University described (Tetrahedron Lett. 2010, 51, 3514) the elegant diastereoselective Pd-catalyzed bis-methoxycarbonylation of 19 to the diester 20. Matthew S. Sigman of the University of Utah established (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 13981) the oxidative Heck arylation of 21 to 23. F. Dean Toste of the University of California, Berkeley, found (Org. Lett. 2010, 12, 4728) that the intermediate in the gold-catalyzed alkoxylation of 24 could couple to an aryl silane 25 to give 26. Chun-Yu Ho of the Chinese University of Hong Kong used (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 9182) a Ni catalyst to add styrene 27 to the alkene 24. Masahiro Miura of Osaka University effected (J. Org. Chem. 2010, 75, 5421) the oxidative coupling of 29 with styrene 27 to give the linear product 30.
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Taber, Douglass F. "C–H Functionalization: The Maimone Synthesis of Podophyllotoxin". In Organic Synthesis. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780190646165.003.0021.

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Matthias Beller of the Universität Rostock developed (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 6477) a Rh catalyst for the acceptorless dehydrogenation of an alkane 1 to the alkene 2. Bhisma K. Patel of the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati effected (Org. Lett. 2014, 16, 3086) oxidation of cyclohexane 3 and 4 to form the allylic benzoate 5. Justin Du Bois of Stanford University devised (Chem. Sci. 2014, 5, 656) an organocatalyst that mediated the hydroxylation of 6 to 7. Vladimir Gevorgyan of the University of Illinois, Chicago hydrosilylated (Nature Chem. 2014, 6, 122) 8 to give an intermediate that, after Ir-catalyzed intramolecular C–H functionalization followed by oxidation, was converted to the diacetate 9. Sukbok Chang of KAIST used (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 4141) the methoxime of 10 to direct selective amination of the adjacent methyl group, leading to 11. John F. Hartwig of the University of California, Berkeley effected (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 2555) diastereoselective Cu-catalyzed amination of 12 with 13 to make 14. David W. C. MacMillan of Princeton University accomplished (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 6858) β-alkylation of the aldehyde 15 with acrylonitrile 16 to give 17. Yunyang Wei of the Nanjing University of Science and Technology alkenylated (Chem. Sci. 2014, 5, 2379) cyclohexane 3 with the styrene 18, leading to 19. Bin Wu of the Kunming Institute of Botany described (Org. Lett. 2014, 16, 480) the Pd-mediated cyclization of 20 to 21. Similar results using Cu catalysis were reported (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 3496, 3706) by Yoichiro Kuninobu and Motomu Kanai of the University of Tokyo and by Haibo Ge of IUPUI. Jin-Quan Yu of Scripps La Jolla constructed (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 5267) the lactam 24 by γ-alkenyl­ation of the amide 22 with 23, followed by cyclization. Philippe Dauban of CNRS Gif-sur-Yvette prepared (Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2014, 66) the useful crystalline chiron 27 by asymmetric amination of the enol triflate 26 with 25. Matthew J. Gaunt of the University of Cambridge showed (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 8851) that the phenylative cyclization of 28 with 29 to 30 proceeded with near-perfect retention of absolute configuration.
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Seibel, Zara M., e Tristan H. Lambert. "Construction of Alkylated Stereocenters". In Organic Synthesis. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780190646165.003.0035.

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Hirohisa Ohmiya and Masaya Sawamura at Hokkaido University reported (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 5350) the copper-catalyzed, γ-selective allylation of terminal alkyne 1 to produce the chiral skipped enyne 3 with high ee. A method to synthe­size asymmetric skipped diene 6 via copper-catalyzed allylic allylation of diene 4 was developed (Chem. Commun. 2013, 49, 3309) by Ben L. Feringa at the University of Groningen. Prof. Feringa also disclosed (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 2140) the regi­oselective and enantioselective allyl–allyl coupling of bromide 7 with allyl Grignard under Cu catalysis in the presence of phosphoramidite 8. James P. Morken of Boston College reported (Org. Lett. 2013, 15, 1432) the cross-coupling of allylboronate 11 with a mixture of alkenes 10a,b under palladium catalysis to produce diene 13 with high ee. Jian Liao at the Chengdu Institute of Biology Chinese Academy of Sciences and the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences reported (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 4207) the palladium-catalyzed allylic alkylation of indole using the chi­ral bis(sulfoxide) phosphine ligand 15. Yi-Xia Jia at the Zhejiang University of Technology reported (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 2983) the enantioselective alkyl­ation of indole to produce the trifluoromethyl adduct 19 using nickel catalysis in the presence of bisoxazoline ligand 18. Sarah E. Reisman at the California Institute of Technology disclosed (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 7442) the reductive cross-coupling of acid chloride 20 and benzyl chloride 21 using a nickel complex with bisoxazoline ligand 22 and manganese(0) as reductant. Ilan Marek at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology reported (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 5333) a method for the construction of all-carbon quaternary stereocenters, such as the one present in aldehyde 25, using a diastereoselective car­bometallation of cyclopropene 24 followed by oxidation and ring opening. Switching from methyl Grignard and copper iodide to MeCuCNLi reverses the diastereoselec­tivity of the carbometallation and allows access to the opposite enantiomer. Matthew S. Sigman at the University of Utah reported (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 6830) the redox–relay oxidative Heck arylation of alkenyl alcohol 27 with boronic acid 26 using a palladium catalyst and pyridine oxazole ligand 28 to produce the γ-substituted aldehyde 29.
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Schweninger, John Hope, e Loren Franklin. "Profile of a Runaway". In Runaway Slaves, 209–33. Oxford University PressNew York, NY, 1999. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780195084498.003.0009.

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Abstract (sommario):
Abstract On 25 october 1816, william w. bell, a North Carolina farmer, placed a notice in the North Carolina Minerva and Raleigh Advertiser about his runaway slave. Explaining that he had purchased Frank from John Patterson of Matthews County, Virginia, Bell wrote: Runaway, from the Subscriber, on Friday Evening last, Near Enfield Court House, a Negro man, named Frank, pretty stout, one strait scar on his cheek passing from the under part of the ear towards the corner of the mouth, of a common dark color, something of a flat nose, a short, round chin, and a down look, about 26 or 27 years of age. Had on, brown yarn homespun Pantaloons, striped homespun waistcoat, and a white yarn roundabout. Twenty-five dollars reward will be given for lodging said runaway in any gaol in this state or Twenty dollars if in any gaol out of the state.
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Zalasiewicz, Jan. "Stardust". In The Planet in a Pebble. Oxford University Press, 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780199569700.003.0007.

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What is a pebble? It is a wave-smoothed piece of rock, and a complex mineral framework, and a tiny part of a beach, and a capsule of history too. All these guises have their own stories, and these we shall come to. But from yet another viewpoint the pebble is a collection of atoms of different kinds—of many, many atoms—and that might be the best way to start. Considering it at this level, it is a little like taking the equivalent of a large sack of mixed sweets and separating them out into their different types. How big a sack, though? Or, to put it another way, how many atoms in our pebble? There is a simple formula for estimating the number of atoms in a piece of anything. The basic idea was first glimpsed by Amadeo Avogadro, Count of Quereta and Cerreto in Piedmont, now Italy: scholar, savant and teacher (though his teaching was briefly interrupted because of his revolutionary and republican leanings—a little impolitic when the king lives nearby). Avogadro was interested in how the particles (atoms, molecules) in matter are related to the volume and mass of that matter. Years later, his early studies were refined by other scientists and the upshot, a century or so later, came to be called Avogadro’s constant. Thus, in what is called the mole of any element there are a little over 600,000 million million million—or, to put it more briefly, 623—atoms. A mole here is not a small furry burrowing quadruped, or a minor skin blemish, but the atomic weight of any element expressed in grams. For oxygen a mole would therefore be 16 grams, as 16 is its atomic weight, an oxygen atom having a total of 16 protons and neutrons in its nucleus. The kitchen scales tell us that our pebble weighs some 50 grams. About half of it is made up of oxygen, and much of the rest is silicon (atomic weight 28) and aluminium (atomic weight 27) with a scattering of other elements, most somewhat heavier. A judiciously averaged atomic weight might therefore reasonably be something like 25.
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Taber, Douglass F. "C–N Ring Construction: The Harrity Synthesis of Quinolizidine (–)-217A". In Organic Synthesis. Oxford University Press, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780190200794.003.0054.

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Abstract (sommario):
David M. Jenkins of the University of Tennessee devised (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 19342) an iron catalyst for the aziridination of an alkene 1 with an aryl azide 2. Yoshiji Takemoto of Kyoto University cyclized (Org. Lett. 2011, 13, 6374) the prochiral oxime derivative 4 to the azirine 5 in high ee. Organometallics added to 5 syn to the pendant ester. Hyeung-geun Park of Seoul National University used (Adv. Synth. Catal. 2011, 353, 3313) a chiral phase transfer catalyst to effect the enantioselective alkylation of 6 to 7. Yian Shi of Colorado State University showed (Org. Lett. 2011, 13, 6350) that a chiral Brønsted acid mediated the enantioselective cyclization of 8 to 9. Mattie S.M. Timmer of Victoria University of Wellington and Bridget L. Stocker of Malaghan Institute of Medical Research effected (J. Org. Chem. 2011, 76, 9611) the oxidative cyclization of 10 to 11. They also showed (Tetrahedron Lett. 2011, 52, 4803, not illustrated) that the same cyclization worked well to construct piperidine derivatives. Jose L. Vicario of the Universidad del País Vasco extended (Adv. Synth. Catal. 2011, 353, 3307) organocatalysis to the condensation of 12 with 13 to give the pyrrolidine 14. Jinxing Ye of the East China University of Science and Technology used (Adv. Synth. Catal. 2011, 353, 343) the same Hayashi catalyst to condense 15 with 16 to give 17. André B. Charette of the Université de Montreal expanded (Org. Lett. 2011, 13, 3830) 18, prepared by Petasis-Mannich coupling followed by ring-closing metathesis, to the piperidine 20. Marco Bella of the “Sapienza” University of Roma effected (Org. Lett. 2011, 13, 4546) enantioselective addition of 22 to the prochiral 21 to give 23. Ying-Chun Chen of Sichuan University and Chun-An Fan of Lanzhou University cyclized (Adv. Synth. Catal. 2011, 353, 2721) 24 to 25 in high ee. Andreas Schmid of TU Dortmund showed (Adv. Synth. Catal. 2011, 353, 2501) that ω-laurolactam hydrolases could be used to cyclize the ester 26, but not the free acid, to the macrolactam 27.
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"REFERENCES HONEY, L.F. and J.B. McQUITTY (1976). Dust in the animal environment. Research Bulletin 76-2, 1-66. (2 ACKEMANN, H.H. (1980). Quantitative Untersuchungen liber den bakteri-ellen Keimgehalt des Absetzstaubes in zwei Schweinemaststallen. Dtsch Tierarztl. Wschr. 87, 335-338. (3 LANGE, A., G. MEHLMRN, W. METHLING and V. NEUPARTH (1983). Dynamik der bakteriellen Kontamination des Staubes in Abferkelstallen. In: 5. Int. Leipziger Tierhyg. Symp., Leipzig, Sammelbd. d. Vortr. S. 137-142. (4 HILLIGER, H.G. (1984). Zur Bilanzierung der Bakterienflora in der Stalluft. Zbl. Vet. Med. B,31, 493-504. (5 MARTIN, H. and R.A. WILLOUGHBY (1972). Organic dust, sulfur dioxide, and the respiratory tract of swine. Arch. Environ. Health 25, 158-165. — (6 OWEN, J.E. (1982a). Dust - the problem and possibilities. Farm Bldg. Progress 67, 3-6. (7 CURTIS, ETC. (1983). Environmental management in animal agriculture. Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa. (8 PEPYS, I., P.A. IEMKINS, G.M. FESTENSTEIN, P.H. GREGORY, M.E. LASEY and F.A. SKINNER (1963). Farmer's lung: Thermophilic actinomycetes as a source of "farmer's lung hay" antigen. Lancet, 607-611. (9 BUTIKOFFER, E. and A.L. de WECK (1969).Huhnerzuchterlunge. Dtsch. med. Wochenschr. 94, 2627-2631. KOSTERS, J. (198177 Stallstaub kann gefahrlich werden. DGS 33, 292-293. DAY, D.L., W.L. HENSEN and S. ANDERSON (1965). Gases and odors in confinement buildings. Trans. ASAE 8, 118-121. (12 BURNETT, W.E. (1969). Odor transport by particulate matter in high density poultry houses. Poultry Sci. 48, 182-185. (13 WEURMAN, C. (1975). Vergleich zweier Methoden fur die Messung von Ge-riichen. VDI-Bericht 226, 135-139. VDI-Verlag GmbH Dlisseldorf. (14 VAN GEELEN, M. (1983). Stankproblemen bij siachtkuikenhok zijn even-tueel op te lossen. Pluimveehouderij 13, 12-13. (15 CURTIS, S.E., J.G. DRUMMOND, D.J. GRUNLOH, P.B. LYNCH and A.H. JENSEN (1975). Relative and quantitative aspects of aerial bacteria and dust in swine houses. J. Animal Sci. 41, 1512-1520. (16 BRESK, B. and J. STOLPE (1975). "Der EinfluB des Staubes in industrie-maBigen Schweineproduktionsanlagen auf die Lei stung und Gesundheit der Tiere. Monatsh. Veterinarmed. 30, 572-576. (17 HONEY, L.F. and J.B. McQUITTY (1979T. Some physical factors affect­ ing dust concentrations in a pig facility. Can. Agric. Engineering 21, 9-13. (18 MHO , C.A. et al. (1969). Dust production of poultry litter materi­ als. Auburn Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta. Circ. 169. (19 MATTHES, H. (1979). Art und Zusammensetzung der Luftverunreinigungen in der Nutztierhaltung und ihre Wirkung in der Stallumgebung. Dtsch. Tierarztl. Wochenschr. 86, 262-265. MAN, C.,L. CERNEA and T. BUHATEL (1971). Examenal calitativ pulberi-lor din aerul adapsturilor pentru pasari. Lucrari stiintifice, seria medicina veterinara 27^ , 321-329." In Odour Prevention and Control of Organic Sludge and Livestock Farming, 339. CRC Press, 1986. http://dx.doi.org/10.1201/9781482286311-133.

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Atti di convegni sul tema "Matthew 27:25"


Stepanova, Galina. "ALFALFA VARIETIES FOR THE NORTH OF THE NON-CHERNOZEM ZONE OF RUSSIA". In Multifunctional adaptive fodder production 31 (79). ru: Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology, 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.33814/mak-2023-31-79-60-68.

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Abstract (sommario):
The V. R. Williams Federal Research Center "VIC" has created varieties of alfalfa of variable Lucy, Agnia VIC, Taisia for cultivation in the northern regions of the Non-Chernozem zone, which are characterized by sod-podzolic waterlogged soils with reduced biological activity and increased acidity. The new varieties have a higher resistance to cultivation conditions in the Non-Chernozem zone compared to the Vega 87 variety: the safety of the herbage in the fourth year of use was at the level of 92–98% against 70% of the Vega 87 variety. On average, over the four years of cultivation, the yield of new varieties was 58.1–64.7 t/ha of green mass, 16.6–17.8 t/ha of dry matter, which is 14–27 and 16–25% higher than the yield of Vega 87. The average seed harvest for four years of use reached 474–525 kg/ha, the yield of the Vega 87 variety was 376 kg/ha.
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Hodges, Nichola, Laura De Rooy e Chisaraokwu Nwachukwu. "6344 What matters to parents? A qualitative study looking at the experiences and issues that matter most to parents of babies admitted to a tertiary neonatal unit". In Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, Abstracts of the RCPCH Conference, Birmingham, 25 March 2024 – 27 March 2024. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/archdischild-2024-rcpch.208.

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Thakare, Ketan, Laura Jerpseth, Hongmin Qin e Zhijian Pei. "Experimental Investigation of Effects of Needle Diameter on Algae Cell Growth in Green Bioprinting". In ASME 2020 15th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/msec2020-8480.

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Abstract (sommario):
Abstract Bioprinting can fabricate structures based on layer-by-layer deposition of biomaterials. Bioprinting of animal cells shows great promise for tissue regeneration and tissue research. Plant cells can also be used when synthesizing bioink. Bioprinting with bioink that has been synthesized with plant cells instead of animal cells is called green bioprinting. Green bioprinting offers greater spatial control over the growth of plant matter by immobilizing cells. It is known that certain variables affect the growth and propagation (cellular reproduction) of cells in green bioprinted constructs post bioprinting. These variables include accessibility to components required for photosynthesis, such as nutrients, moisture and light. However, multiple parameters can also vary during the extrusion of bioink in the bioprinting process, including extrusion pressure, extrusion temperature, needle diameter, and printing speed. This paper reports a study to examine the effects of needle diameter during bioprinting on the growth of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii algae cells in green bioprinted constructs. Growth of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii algae cells was quantified by measuring cell count. The constructs were bioprinted with needle diameters of 22 gauge, 25 gauge, and 27 gauge. It was found that decreasing needle diameter was correlated with decreased cell count on the second and fifth days post bioprinting. Furthermore, the magnitude of cell count increase between the second and the fifth days post bioprinting decreased with decreasing needle diameter. Future research is needed to examine the effects of other printing parameters on cell growth.
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Lyu, Xidi, Kexi Liao, Zihan Zou, Guoxi He e Shitao Liu. "Effects of Flow Velocity on Biofilm formation and corrosion behavior of L245 steel in the presence of sulfate reducing bacteria". In International Petroleum Technology Conference. IPTC, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.2523/iptc-24640-ms.

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Abstract (sommario):
Shale gas is a type of unconventional natural gas that is found primarily within reservoir rock sequences dominated by organic-rich shale, and is usually exploited by hydraulic fracturing technology, which typically requires a large amount of water to be injected into the gas well, and when the fracturing process is completed, a portion of the injected water immediately flows back. The fracturing flow-back fluid contains a large number of microorganisms when it enters the surface gathering and transportation system, resulting severe internal corrosion of the pipelines, especially those built during the early exploitation process, using carbon steel like L245 steel[1]. The anoxic environment and large amount of fluid accumulation in the pipeline provide appropriate conditions for the growth and reproduction of microorganisms, which increased the risk of Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC). MIC is a prevalent form of corrosion instigated by the bioactivity of diverse microorganisms. Representing a substantial challenge in the oil and gas sector, it is estimated that MIC accounts for approximately 40% of all incidents of internal pipeline corrosion[2]. SRB are typically considered the primary culprits in causing MIC, mainly because SRB are often found at the sites of corrosion believed to be associated with MIC[3]. SRB is a general term for a group of bacteria that are widely distributed in anaerobic environments, such as soil, seawater, river water, underground pipes and oil & gas wells where are rich in organic matter and sulfate[4-6]. The presence of SRB will lead to the corrosion of metal pipelines and equipment, moreover, its corrosion products FeS and Fe(OH)2 and the bacteria themselves will cause the blockage of pipelines and formation, and affect the subsequent gas production and development. SRB can use sulfides with valence states above -2 as electron acceptors, including HSO3, S2O32- and element S, to reduce S to a stable -2 valence. SRB is a strict anaerobe, its growth and reproduction are inhibited when exposed to oxygen, but it can survive for a period of time[7]. The theories related to SRB-induced corrosion include cathode depolarization theory[8, 9], metabolite corrosion theory[10-12], concentration difference cell theory[13], Extracellular Electron Transfer (EET) theory[14, 15] and Biocatalytic Cathodic Sulfate Reduction (BCSR) theory[16]. According to the researches of many scholars, factors such as biofilm structure[17, 18], ambient temperature[19], pH level[20], Cl−[21], CO2[22], H2S[23], cathodic protection potential[24, 25] and magnetic field[26] all can affect the corrosion behavior of SRB. In oil and natural gas pipeline, the flow of medium is complicated, and the influence of flow conditions on corrosion behavior of SRB cannot be ignored. The change of flow regime and flow velocity can affect the mass transfer in the pipeline, and thus affect the biochemical reaction process[27]. Furthermore, the change of shear stress can affect the formation, breakage, detachment and spalling of the biofilm attached to the pipeline and lead to the change of the state of the pipe wall and the corrosion state and potential, shear stress can even affect the transport, transfer and reaction rates of materials under the biofilm[28]. It is generally believed that the flow of the medium is not conducive to the adhesion of microbial cells on the pipelines’ surface and the formation of biofilm. On the one hand, polarization agents such as H and H2O in the fluid can rapidly diffuse to the electrode surface and improve the reaction rate of cathode. On the other hand, higher flow velocity can make the anodized ions leave the metal surface quickly, improve the anodic dissolution rate, and also affect the formation of the corrosion product film or destroy the product film that has been generated[29]. Some scholars have also found that under low Reynolds number, the biofilm formed on the inner wall of pipeline has a high content of active bacteria, while under high Reynolds number, the biofilm has a high content of extracellular polymeric substance (EPS)[30]. Scholars have made a lot of contributions to the study of SRB-induced corrosion and MIC, but there are few researches focus on the influence of hydraulic conditions on SRB corrosion. In particular, the variation of metal surface and SRB corrosion rate at different flow velocities, the influence of fluid flow on corrosion characteristics and the underlying corrosion mechanism have not been reported.
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Rapporti di organizzazioni sul tema "Matthew 27:25"


Ayala, David, Ashley Graves, Colton Lauer, Henrik Strand, Chad Taylor, Kyle Weldon e Ryan Wood. Flooding Events Post Hurricane Harvey: Potential Liability for Dam and Reservoir Operators and Recommendations Moving Forward. A cura di Gabriel Eckstein. Texas A&M University School of Law Program in Natural Resources Systems, settembre 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.37419/eenrs.floodingpostharvey.

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Abstract (sommario):
When Hurricane Harvey hit the Texas coast as a category 4 hurricane on August 25, 2017, it resulted in $125 billion in damage, rivaling only Hurricane Katrina in the amount of damage caused. It also resulted in the deaths of 88 people and destroyed or damaged 135,000 homes. Much of that devastation was the result of flooding. The storm dumped over 27 trillion gallons of rain over Texas in a matter of days. Some parts of Houston received over 50 inches of rainfall. The potential liability that dam and reservoir operators may face for decisions they make during storm and flooding events has now become a major concern for Texas citizens and its elected officials. Law suits have now been instituted against the federal government for its operation of two flood control reservoirs, as well as against the San Jacinto River Authority for its operation of a water supply reservoir. Moreover, the issues and concerns have been placed on the agenda of a number of committees preparing for the 2019 Texas legislative session. This report reviews current dam and reservoir operations in Texas and examines the potential liability that such operators may face for actions and decisions taken in response to storm and flooding events. In Section III, the report reviews dam gate operations and differentiates between water supply reservoirs and flood control reservoirs. It also considers pre-release options and explains why such actions are disfavored and not recommended. In Section IV, the report evaluates liabilities and defenses applicable to dam and reservoir operators. It explains how governmental immunity can limit the exposure of state and federally-run facilities to claims seeking monetary damages. It also discusses how such entities could be subject to claims of inverse condemnation, which generally are not subject to governmental immunity, under Texas law as well as under the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. In addition, the Section discusses negligence and nuisance claims and concludes that plaintiffs asserting either or both of these claims will have difficulty presenting successful arguments for flooding-related damage and harm against operators who act reasonably in the face of storm-related precipitation. Finally, Section V offers recommendations that dam and reservoir operators might pursue in order to engage and educate the public and thereby reduce the potential for disputes and litigation. Specifically, the report highlights the need for expanded community outreach efforts to engage with municipalities, private land owners, and the business community in flood-prone neighborhoods both below and above a dam. It also recommends implementation of proactive flood notification procedures as a way of reaching and alerting as many people as possible of potential and imminent flooding events. Finally, the report proposes implementation of a dispute prevention and minimization mechanism and offers recommendations for the design and execution of such a program.
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