Articoli di riviste sul tema "Linguistic affordance"
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Darhower, Mark Anthony. "Role of Linguistic Affordances in Telecollaborative Chat". CALICO Journal 26, n. 1 (14 gennaio 2013): 48–69.
Testo completoGipper, Sonja. "Repeating responses as a conversational affordance for linguistic transmission". Studies in Language 44, n. 2 (10 giugno 2020): 281–326.
Testo completoMarandin, Jean-Marie. "Affordance and ability". Cognitive and Empirical Pragmatics 25 (5 dicembre 2011): 30–50.
Testo completoAllen, Heather. "Interactive Contact as Linguistic Affordance during Short-term Study Abroad: Myth or Reality?" Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad 19, n. 1 (15 novembre 2010): 1–26.
Testo completoTurolo da Silva, Andreia. "Affordances na interação online de aprendizes de inglês na modalidade Educação a Distância". Ilha do Desterro A Journal of English Language, Literatures in English and Cultural Studies 73, n. 1 (31 gennaio 2020): 183–204.
Testo completoDey-Plissonneau, Aparajita. "CHAT framework to study affordances in CALL environments". EuroCALL Review 29, n. 2 (26 novembre 2021): 11–21.
Testo completoSolmaz, Osman. "The Affordances of Digital Social Reading for EFL Learners". International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning 13, n. 2 (aprile 2021): 36–50.
Testo completoShen, Yifan. "Promoting ESL Learning Through Game-Based Design: A Case Study of Language Valley". Lecture Notes in Education Psychology and Public Media 74, n. 1 (29 novembre 2024): 9–18.
Testo completoNewgarden, Kristi, e Dongping Zheng. "Recurrent languaging activities in World of Warcraft: Skilled linguistic action meets the Common European Framework of Reference". ReCALL 28, n. 3 (29 luglio 2016): 274–304.
Testo completoRibeiro, Leandro, e Fábio Henrique Rosa Senefonte. "Beliefs in initial English Teacher Education: an interpretative study". Revista Profissão Docente 24, n. 49 (19 aprile 2024): 1–34.
Testo completoUgoala, Bibian. "GENERATION Z’S LINGOS ON TIKTOK: ANALYSIS OF EMERGING LINGUISTIC STRUCTURES". Journal of Language and Communication 11, n. 2 (30 settembre 2024): 211–24.
Testo completoGutiérrez, Kris D., Andrea C. Bien, Makenzie K. Selland e Daisy M. Pierce. "Polylingual and polycultural learning ecologies: Mediating emergent academic literacies for dual language learners". Journal of Early Childhood Literacy 11, n. 2 (giugno 2011): 232–61.
Testo completoEmmanuel Lucas Nwachukwu, Carolyn Lazarus, Chineme Asuzu, Gift Adaoma Ubani e Calvin R Wei. "Fostering Inclusive Educational Practices through Multilingual-Oriented Pedagogy". International Journal of Integrative Research 2, n. 7 (31 luglio 2024): 575–86.
Testo completoShie, Jian-Shiung. "Variations in the use of metaphor at the macro-contextual level". Pragmatics and Society 8, n. 4 (31 dicembre 2017): 498–519.
Testo completoLang, Jun. "What impacts L2 Chinese pragmatic competence in the study abroad context?" Chinese as a Second Language (漢語教學研究—美國中文教師學會學報). The journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA 54, n. 3 (31 dicembre 2019): 191–220.
Testo completoMazzuca, Claudia, Chiara Fini, Arthur Henri Michalland, Ilenia Falcinelli, Federico Da Rold, Luca Tummolini e Anna M. Borghi. "From Affordances to Abstract Words: The Flexibility of Sensorimotor Grounding". Brain Sciences 11, n. 10 (30 settembre 2021): 1304.
Testo completoChen, Bing, Yunqing Wang e Lianghui Wang. "The Effects of Virtual Reality-Assisted Language Learning: A Meta-Analysis". Sustainability 14, n. 6 (8 marzo 2022): 3147.
Testo completoLi, Li. "Effects of Text-based QQ Communication on Medical College Students English Writing". Theory and Practice in Language Studies 6, n. 10 (1 ottobre 2016): 1971.
Testo completoSinha, Chris. "Praxis, symbol and language". Interaction Studies 19, n. 1-2 (17 settembre 2018): 239–55.
Testo completoAlqarni, Ali Mohammed. "Gender Differences in Online Identity: A Linguistic Contrastive Study of Arabic and English Screen Names in the Saudi Context". World Journal of English Language 13, n. 1 (12 dicembre 2022): 212.
Testo completoToyoshima, Fumiaki, Adrien Barton e Jean-François Ethier. "Affordances and their ontological core". Applied Ontology 17, n. 2 (4 maggio 2022): 285–320.
Testo completoChiarello, Filippo, Ilenia Cirri, Nicola Melluso, Gualtiero Fantoni, Andrea Bonaccorsi e Tommaso Pavanello. "Approaches to Automatically Extract Affordances from Patents". Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design 1, n. 1 (luglio 2019): 2487–96.
Testo completoBouissac, Paul. "Semiotics as the science of memory". Sign Systems Studies 35, n. 1/2 (31 dicembre 2007): 71–88.
Testo completoWang, Huijing, e Jiaqi Xie. "Responsive strategies and self-identity construction in “Versailles Humblebragging” on Chinese social media". Cognitive Linguistic Studies 10, n. 1 (5 ottobre 2023): 199–226.
Testo completoChen, Xi, e Weihua Zhu. "Exploiting language affordances in Chinese-mediated intercultural communication". Intercultural Pragmatics 20, n. 5 (1 novembre 2023): 495–519.
Testo completoPano Alamán, Ana. "Los «hashtags» en el discurso institucional español sobre la Covid-19 en Twitter". Revista de Investigación Lingüística 24 (18 febbraio 2022): 47–71.
Testo completoShin, Donghee. "How do technological properties influence user affordance of wearable technologies?" Interaction Studies 20, n. 2 (7 ottobre 2019): 307–38.
Testo completoQin, Lili, e Ren Wei. "Investigating Affordance in Technology-Enriched Language Learning Environment Through Exploring Students’ Perezhivanija". Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics 44, n. 2 (1 giugno 2021): 187–202.
Testo completoKim, HyeYoung. "The Linguistic Ontology and Symbolic Affordances". Korean Journal of Philosophy 147 (31 maggio 2021): 55–82.
Testo completoFinardi, Kyria Rebeca, Carlos Alberto Hildeblando Junior e Felipe Furtado Guimarães. "Affordances da formação de professores de línguas na era digital (Affordances of language teacher training in the digital era)". Revista Eletrônica de Educação 14 (15 gennaio 2020): 3723011.
Testo completoVichot, Rhea. "At the Heart of the Mothercrystal: Final Fantasy XIV’s Approach to Localization and Lore as a Virtual Contact Zone". Loading 16, n. 26 (9 maggio 2024): 40–64.
Testo completoSegalowitz, Norman. "On the evolving connections between psychology and linguistics". Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 21 (gennaio 2001): 3–22.
Testo completoSun, Ya, Gongyuan Wang e Haiying Feng. "Linguistic Studies on Social Media: A Bibliometric Analysis". SAGE Open 11, n. 3 (luglio 2021): 215824402110475.
Testo completoKono, Tetsuya. "Social Affordances and the Possibility of Ecological Linguistics". Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 43, n. 4 (17 luglio 2009): 356–73.
Testo completoSantos, Vinícius Vargas Vieira dos. "COMPUTATIONAL AFFORDANCES, CONTEXT COLLAPSES AND OTHER CHALLENGES TO LINGUISTIC STUDIES". Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada 59, n. 1 (aprile 2020): 583–600.
Testo completoCushing, Ian. "Integrating Language and Literature: A Text World Theory Approach". Journal of Literary Education, n. 2 (6 dicembre 2019): 199.
Testo completoLiu, Qian, e Chin-Chi Chao. "CALL from an ecological perspective: How a teacher perceives affordance and fosters learner agency in a technology-mediated language classroom". ReCALL 30, n. 1 (8 settembre 2017): 68–87.
Testo completoZhulavska, Olha, e Alla Martynyuk. "Linguacultural isomorphism / anisomorphism and synesthetic metaphor translation procedures". International Journal of Translation and Interpreting Research 15, n. 1 (28 febbraio 2023): 275–87.
Testo completoBorchmann, Simon. "Utterances as tool-mediated specifications of affordances - ecological pragmatics". Psychology of Language and Communication 22, n. 1 (1 gennaio 2018): 124–63.
Testo completoZhang, Jiajie, e Vimla L. Patel. "Distributed cognition, representation, and affordance". Distributed Cognition 14, n. 2 (21 settembre 2006): 333–41.
Testo completoLee, Seo-Rah. "Linguistic Affordances in Small Group Work in a Videoconferencing-mediated English Class at College". Foreign Languages Education 29, n. 2 (30 giugno 2022): 121–45.
Testo completoDingemanse, Mark, Giovanni Rossi e Simeon Floyd. "Place reference in story beginnings: A cross-linguistic study of narrative and interactional affordances". Language in Society 46, n. 2 (8 febbraio 2017): 129–58.
Testo completoBiró, Enikő. "Linguistic Identities in the Digital Space". Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Philologica 11, n. 2 (1 dicembre 2019): 37–53.
Testo completoKalkan, Sinan, Nilgün Dag, Onur Yürüten, Anna M. Borghi e Erol Şahin. "Verb concepts from affordances". Interaction Studies 15, n. 1 (10 giugno 2014): 1–37.
Testo completoThompson, Arthur Lewis, Thomas Van Hoey e Youngah Do. "Articulatory features of phonemes pattern to iconic meanings: evidence from cross-linguistic ideophones". Cognitive Linguistics 32, n. 4 (25 ottobre 2021): 563–608.
Testo completoPrilutskaya, Marina. "Examining Pedagogical Translanguaging: A Systematic Review of the Literature". Languages 6, n. 4 (26 ottobre 2021): 180.
Testo completoGraf, Eva-Maria, e Frédérick Dionne. "‘Knowing that’, ‘knowing why’ and ‘knowing how’". AILA Review 34, n. 1 (9 settembre 2021): 57–78.
Testo completoZhang, Xiaodong. "Mobile-Assisted Writing Instruction: Affordances, Challenges, and Future Directions". International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM) 15, n. 10 (25 maggio 2021): 194.
Testo completoFischer, Christian, Zachary A. Pardos, Ryan Shaun Baker, Joseph Jay Williams, Padhraic Smyth, Renzhe Yu, Stefan Slater, Rachel Baker e Mark Warschauer. "Mining Big Data in Education: Affordances and Challenges". Review of Research in Education 44, n. 1 (marzo 2020): 130–60.
Testo completoHoffmann, Thomas. "The 5C Model of Linguistic Creativity: Construction Grammar as a Cognitive Theory of Verbal Creativity". Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures 8, n. 1 (28 giugno 2024): 139–54.
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