Letteratura scientifica selezionata sul tema "Légumineuses à graines"
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Articoli di riviste sul tema "Légumineuses à graines"
Danthu, Pascal, Alexandre Ickowicz, Dominique Friot, D. Manga e Amadou Sarr. "Effet du passage par le tractus digestif des ruminants domestiques sur la germination des graines de légumineuses ligneuses des zones tropicales sèches". Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 49, n. 3 (1 marzo 1996): 235–41.
Testo completoJolaosho, A. O., J. O. Akinola, O. A. Okukenu, R. T. Binuomote e J. A. Odedire. "Sowing density of herbage and seed production from two Jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC) cultivars". Nigerian Journal of Animal Production 48, n. 6 (18 gennaio 2022): 304–11.
Testo completoHuyghe, C. "Les cultures in vitro chez les légumineuses à grosses graines". Agronomie 10, n. 1 (1990): 29–49.
Testo completoMAURY, Y., J. M. BOSSENNEC e G. BOUDAZIN. "Virus transmis par les graines de légumineuses: méthode d'évaluation rapide du taux de transmission d'un lot de graines". EPPO Bulletin 17, n. 1 (marzo 1987): 149–55.
Testo completoNana, Rasmata, Saïdou Bonkoungou, N’golo Diakalia Coulibaly, Amos Miningou, Bepio Hervé Bama e Hawa Sohoro. "Evaluation agro-morphologique de sept écotypes de lentille de terre (Macrotyloma geocarpum) cultivés au Burkina Faso". International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 14, n. 3 (19 giugno 2020): 835–47.
Testo completoEmmanuel, Par Mumbere Ndianabo, Paluku Ndina Philemon, Kambale Thawithe Patrick e Muhindo Manusi Josué Et Kambale Kalume. "Etude De L’influence De La Gestion Integree De La Fertilisation Du Sol Sur Le Rendement De Soja (Glycine Max) A Oicha". IOSR Journal of Business and Management 26, n. 12 (dicembre 2024): 01–08.
Testo completoANANI, Richie L. B., Pierre G. TOVIHOUDJI, Rodrigue V. C. DIOGO e Tobias GODAU. "Efficacités agronomique et économique des amendements de Tithonia diversifolia pour la production de Macrotyloma geocarpum (Harms) Marechal & Baudet à Parakou au Nord Bénin". Annales de l’Université de Parakou - Série Sciences Naturelles et Agronomie 10, n. 1 (30 giugno 2020): 27–32.
Testo completoARCHIMEDE, Harry, Denis BASTIANELLI, Audrey FANCHONE, Jean-Luc GOURDINE e Louis FAHRASMANE. "Aliments protéiques dans les systèmes mixtes intégrés polyculture-élevage en régions tropicales". INRA Productions Animales 31, n. 3 (18 gennaio 2019): 221–36.
Testo completoBoughdad, A., Y. Gillon e C. Gagnepain. "Valeur trophique des acides aminés dans les graines de légumineuses et développement larvaire de Callosobruchus maculatus". Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 15, n. 4 (luglio 1987): 427–32.
Testo completoMagrini, Marie-Benoît, Marc Anton, Célia Cholez, Gérard Duc, Guenaelle Hellou, Marie-Hélène Jeuffroy, Jean-Marc Meynard, Élise Pelzer, Anne-Sophie Voisin e Stéphane Walrand. "Transition vers des systèmes agricole et agroalimentaire durables : quelle place et qualification pour les légumineuses à graines ?" Revue Française de Socio-Économie 18, n. 1 (2017): 53.
Testo completoTesi sul tema "Légumineuses à graines"
Guinet, Maé. "Quantification des flux d’azote induits par les cultures de légumineuses et étude de leurs déterminants : comparaison de 10 espèces de légumineuses à graines". Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2019.
Testo completoIn the context of agroecological transition, the reintroduction of legume crops should play a key role in cropping system sustainability by allowing a reduction of nitrogen (N) inputs. But few references are available concerning the agronomical and ecological services provided by a wide range of legume crops, particularly within crops succession scale. Thus, the main objective of our study is to quantify the N fluxes during and after the legume crops taking into account 10 legume crops (peas, lupin, faba bean, soybean...). Our experiment consists in i) quantifying symbiotic N fixation depending on the amount of soil inorganic N, the mineralisation of N present in legume crop residues after soil incorporation and N losses outside of the soil-plant system (leaching, emission of nitrous oxide), ii) identifying plant biological traits associated to N fluxes. Thus, different N fluxes were quantified during a two-year field experiment, i.e. the first year (2014) legume crops were implanted and followed by wheat the second year (14-15) after incorportation of legume residues. This experiment was repeated in 2016-2017.In parallel, plant root traits were characterised during greenhouse hydroponic experiments
Louis, Sandrine. "Diversité structurale et d'activité biologique des Albumines entomotoxiques de type 1b des graines de Légumineuses". Phd thesis, INSA de Lyon, 2004.
Testo completoAfin de mieux connaître la nouvelle famille peptidique de PA1b, sa variabilité tant structurale que d'activité biologique a été étudiée au sein des Légumineuses. Après avoir validé notre approche sur 4 espèces végétales "test", nous avons caractérisé 24 gènes homologues chez 18 espèces de Papilionoideae. De plus, l'activité insecticide d'extraits de graines de 60 espèces des trois sous-familles de Légumineuses a été déterminée sur charançons de souche sensible et résistante à PA1b. Afin de relier variations de structure et d'activité, une approche par mutagenèse dirigée a été envisagée. Un système d'expression bactérienne et de purification de PA1b a été mis au point. Bien que de masse conforme (cystéines oxydées), le peptide recombinant ne présente pas d'activité biologique.
Rossi, Rubiana. "Contribution à la compréhension de l'effet de maturation des graines sur leur qualité physiologique chez les légumineuses". Thesis, Rennes, Agrocampus Ouest, 2016.
Testo completoDuring seed maturation, germination, desiccation tolerance and longevity are acquired sequentially. Seed maturation is terminated by a desiccation phase that brings the embryo to a quiescent state. Seed maturity at harvest in¿ uences seed longevity and crop establishment. After harvest, seeds are usually dried to water content compatible with long term storage and post-harvest treatments. However, there is a lack of understanding of how seed longevity is acquired during seed maturation and how premature drying impacts longevity and resumption of cellular activities during imbibition. This was addressed here by comparing transcriptome changes associated with maturation drying and imbibition of seeds of soybean and Medicago truncatula, harvested at an immature stage and mature dry stage.The immature stage corresponded to end of seed ¿ lling when longevity was not acquired while other vigor traits were acquired. Transcriptome characterization in soybean revealed that enforced drying was not similar to maturation drying in planta, which stimulated degradation of chlorophyll and synthesis of protective chaperones. Eighty-nine % of the differentially expressed genes during a 18h-imbibition period showed a similar pattern between immature and mature seeds, consistent with a comparable germination between stages. An analysis of the 147 transcripts that increased during imbibition of mature seeds but not in immature seeds suggested an activation of processes associated with shoot meristem development and DNA repair. These data were compared with imbibing immature and mature seeds
Cernay, Charles. "Identifier des légumineuses à graines productives en Europe par synthèses quantitatives de données à large échelle". Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2016.
Testo completoSeveral studies have stressed the importance of increasing grain legume production in Europe. To date, no quantitative data syntheses have been conducted to compare the productive (and environmental) performances of different grain legumes in this region. The objective of the PhD thesis was to identify grain legume species displaying high productivity levels in Europe. Three data sources were used on a large scale: statistical data, experimental data across Europe and other world regions, and food and feed composition data for grain legumes. In total, 29 species were compared on the basis of their productivity levels, and on their effects on the yields of the subsequent cereals. We estimated the interannual variability in grain legume yields across Europe and the Americas. Results show that grain legume yields are significantly more variable than non-legume yields in Europe. These differences are smaller in the Americas. We built a global experimental dataset including 173 published articles, 41 countries, and 8,581 crop observations. A first meta-analysis was conducted using this experimental dataset. Results show that soybean (Glycine max), narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius), and faba bean (Vicia faba), display, in general, similar productivity levels, and sometimes higher, compared with those of pea (Pisum sativum) in Europe. Based on the results of this meta-analysis, we estimated that a replacement of 25% of the area currently under pea (Pisum sativum) with faba bean (Vicia faba), narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius), and soybean (Glycine max), would increase protein production by +3%, +4%, and +28%, in Europe, respectively. A second meta-analysis was conducted using the same experimental dataset. Results show that the yields of cereals cultivated after grain legumes are, on average, +29% significantly higher than the yields of cereals cultivated after cereals; this positive effect is significant for 13 of 16 grain legume species. The effect of preceding grain legume cultivation decreases as a function of the nitrogen (N) fertilization rate applied to subsequent cereals, and becomes negligible when the mean nitrogen fertilization rate exceeds 150 kg N ha-1. Based on the results of this meta-analysis, we estimated that the expected relative decrease in cereal production, resulting from an increase in the proportion of a grain legume in a cereal monoculture, is partially mitigated by the positive effect of the grain legume on the yield of the subsequent cereal under low nitrogen input conditions. Globally, the PhD thesis identifies faba bean (Vicia faba) as an interesting candidate species in Europe, followed by pea (Pisum sativum), soybean (Glycine max), and lupins (Lupinus spp.). Lentil (Lens culinaris), chickpea (Cicer arietinum), and kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), display low productivity levels. However, these species are often promoted for their nutritional benefits for the human diet. Based on comparative insight gained from experiments in North America and Oceania, we suggest assessing the productivity levels of several vetches and lupins (i.e., Lathyrus, Lupinus, and Vicia species excluding Vicia faba), in future field experiments in Europe
ESNAULT, BLANCHARD MARIE-ANDREE. "Les protéines de réserve des graines de lupin jaune (lupinus luteus l. Légumineuses) : purification, composition et biosynthèse". Rennes 1, 1994.
Testo completoZinsmeister, Julia. "Étude fonctionnelle de trois facteurs de transcription intervenant dans la regulation de la qualité germinative des graines chez les légumineuses : ABI4, ABI5 et HSFA9". Thesis, Rennes, Agrocampus Ouest, 2016.
Testo completoSeed maturation is characterized by the acquisition ofthe various components that collectively constitute thephysiological quality or vigor of the seed: desiccation tolerance(DT, i.e. the capacity to survive complete drying), seedstorability or longevity (the capacity to remain alive duringstorage), dormancy, as well as fast and uniform germinationand seedling emergence under stressful conditions. Thesetraits are pivotal to ensure rapid and homogenous seedlingestablishment required for stable yield and are a majoreconomic challenge for the seed industry. Despite theiragronomic importance, the mechanisms regulating theiracquisition, including longevity, are still poorly understood. InMedicago truncatula, a gene co-expression network inferredthat transcription factors such asMtABL (ABA INSENSITIVE4-LIKE), MtABI5 (ABA INSENSITIVE5) and MtHSFA2.2 (HEATSHOCK FACTOR A2.2) are putative regulators of seedlongevity. The aim of this thesis was to characterize theirroles in Medicago truncatula and Pisum sativum using Tnt1insertion and EMS mutants. ABL and ABI5 are positiveregulators of longevity while defects in hsfa2.2 do not affectit. Transcriptomic and biochemical analyses show that ABLand ABI5 are involved in the regulation of photosynthesisassociated genes, chlorophyll loss and accumulation ofraffi nose family oligosaccharides (RFO). ABI5 is also involvedin the accumulation of stress proteins such as LEA proteins.By establishing a link between degreening, RFO contents andlongevity, our work offers new opportunities to tackle a
Bau, Richard Hwei-Ming. "Les constituants biochimiques de quelques graines d'oleagineux et de légumineuses : Étude des propriétés physico-chimiques fonctionnelles et nutritionnelles. Traitements d'amélioration par voies chimique, enzymatique et biologique". Nancy 1, 1987.
Testo completoCros, Paul. "Effets de la cuisson-extrusion sur la digestion des protéines des graines de soja, de lupin et de féverole : étude in situ chez la vache laitière". Toulouse, INPT, 1992.
Testo completoTurc, Olivier. "Élaboration du nombre de graines chez le pois protéagineux (Pisum sativum L. ) (cv Frisson, Finale et leurs homologues afila) : influence du rayonnement intercepté et application au diagnostic cultural". Montpellier 2, 1988.
Testo completoRamis, Catalina. "La Concanavaline A : acquisition de l'activité lectine et implication dans la toxicité des graines de Canavalia ensiformis en alimentation animale". Rouen, 2000.
Testo completoLibri sul tema "Légumineuses à graines"
Nasraoui, Bouzid. Principales maladies fongiques des céréales et des légumineuses alimentaires en Tunisie: Ahamm al-amrāḍ al-fiṭrīyah lil-ḥubūb wa-al-buqūlīyāt fī Tūnis = Main fungal diseases of cereals and legumes in Tunisia. Tunis, Tunisie: Centre de publication universitaire, 2009.
Cerca il testo completoHuignard, Jacques, Isabelle Glitho, Jean-Paul Monge e Catherine Régnault-Roger. Insectes ravageurs des graines de légumineuses. éditions Quae, 2011.
Testo completoInsectes ravageurs des graines de légumineuses. éditions Quae, 2011.
Cerca il testo completoLégumineuses: Des graines pour un avenir durable. FAO, 2016.
Testo completoGraines, céréales et légumineuses: Les meilleures recettes. Hachette Pratique, 2015.
Cerca il testo completoMuzquiz, M., G. D. Hill, C. Cuadrado e M. M. Pedrosa. Recent Advances Of Research In Antinutritional Factors In Legume Seeds And Oilseeds: Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Antinutritional (EAAP Scientific). Purdue University Press, 2004.
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