Letteratura scientifica selezionata sul tema "Le Grand Mort"

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Articoli di riviste sul tema "Le Grand Mort"


Eslin, Jean-Claude. "Le grand Pan est mort !" Esprit Novmbr, n. 11 (2018): 71. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/espri.1811.0071.

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Havard, Gilles. "Le Grand Soleil et la mort". Recherches amérindiennes au Québec 50, n. 2 (29 settembre 2021): 71–91. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/1082100ar.

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Abstract (sommario):
Le 28 novembre 1729, les Natchez tuent par surprise plus de 200 colons français, leurs voisins et partenaires depuis plusieurs années, dans un poste situé à 250 km au nord de La Nouvelle-Orléans, en Louisiane. Cet article s’interroge, dans une perspective anthropologique, sur les raisons d’un tel massacre. Pourquoi la présence française a-t-elle suscité une action aussi brutale, en forme de meurtre collectif ? L’article remet en question la thèse de la résistance au joug colonial, en s’interrogeant sur la façon dont les Natchez ont classé les colons au sein de leur société. Il met ainsi en valeur le sacrifice, tel qu’il prévaut comme rituel domestique parmi les Natchez, et le caractère contagieux de la mort dans cette société, tout en replaçant l’attaque de 1729 à l’intérieur d’une histoire amérindienne faite, dans la basse vallée du Mississippi, de cohabitations ethniques avortées, qui se terminent dans le sang. L’alliance franco-natchez, marquée par la contiguïté spatiale et des interactions quotidiennes, a pu relever d’un dispositif autochtone d’intégration dualiste qui s’est finalement enrayé.
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Perret, Jacques. "La mort de mon grand frère. 1916". Roman 20-50 56, n. 2 (2013): 119. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/r2050.056.0119.

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Talpin, Jean-Marc. "La mort au grand âge : entre rêve et angoisse". Études sur la mort 160, n. 2 (6 febbraio 2024): 107–19. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/eslm.160.0107.

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Abstract (sommario):
À partir de deux situations, nous rappellerons l’inscription sociale et les modèles théoriques de la mort propre dans la vie psychique. La vieillesse et la mort se situent entre deux positions sociales et psychiques extrêmes. Le déni ou l’évitement de la mort par la société, la famille, et le sujet âgé lui-même conduisent à un fantasme d’immortalité. D’autre part l’écrasement de la vieillesse sur ou par la mort se traduit par la réduction du vieux à un mort en puissance. Rien d’autre pour lui ne serait pensable, dicible et partageable. Il en résulte un isolement constant des aînés à moins d’entamer un deuil de ce que l’on a été, qui semble irretrouvable et de ce que l’on est devenu qui va être désinvesti pour tolérer sa propre perte et ce qui en perdurera chez autrui.
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C., J. C., e Michel Godet. "Le grand mensonge. L'emploi est mort, vive l'activité!" Population (French Edition) 50, n. 2 (marzo 1995): 515. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/1534214.

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Chavagnat, Jean Jacques. "La solitude, le grand âge et la mort". Etudes sur la mort 135, n. 1 (2009): 23. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/eslm.135.0023.

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Richardson, Jacques. "Le grand mensonge: L'emploi est mort. Vive I'activitè". Futures 27, n. 5 (giugno 1995): 579–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0016-3287(95)90083-7.

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Huetz de Lemps, Christian. "Vie et mort d'un grand domaine à la Jamaïque". Cahiers d'outre-mer 52, n. 205 (1999): 95–96. http://dx.doi.org/10.3406/caoum.1999.3718.

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Balard, Frédéric, Pierre Moulin e Cherry Schrecker. "Finir sa vie, hâter la mort au grand âge". Gérontologie et société 42/n°163, n. 3 (2020): 9. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/gs1.163.0009.

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Monnier, Alain, e Sophie Pennec. "Le grand âge et le vécu de la mort". Gérontologie et société 24 / n° 98, n. 3 (2001): 129. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/gs.098.0129.

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Tesi sul tema "Le Grand Mort"


Bortoli, Régine de. "L'anthropologue et la condition du grand âge". Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013LORR0045.

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Abstract (sommario):
La vieillesse est une réalité qui nous touche tous. Plus on avance dans la vie, plus elle s'impose à notre conscience, malgré le fait qu'on cherche à l'éviter. Ce qui importe pour les personnes d'un très grand âge, plus que l'allongement de l'espérance de vie, c'est l'espérance de vie sans incapacité. Les pathologies de la vieillesse engendrent bien souvent une vulnérabilité accrue tant sur le plan physique que psychique. Toutefois, la résistance de nombre de personnes âgées peut surprendre et ce, dans le seul but de valoriser le sens de leur vie. Et bien que notre société fasse état d'une double négation envers la vieillesse - avancée en âge et mort - la vieillesse reste un état d'esprit
The old age is a reality which affects us all. More we move forward in life, more it imposes upon ours consciousness, in spite of the fact that we try to avoid it. What matters for the persons of one very old age, more than the extension of the life expectancy, it is the life expectancy without incapacity. The pathologies of the old age engender very often greater vulnerability both on the plan physical and psychic. However, the resistance of number of elderly can be a surprise and it is true in the only purpose to value the sense of their life. And although our society make state of a double negation to the old age - moved forward in age and death - the old age remains a state of mind
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Jugie, Pierre. "Le Sacré Collège des cardinaux de la mort de Benoît XII à la mort de Grégoire XI (1342-1378)". Paris 1, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA010714.

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Par une étude prosopographique (origines géographiques, sociales, cursus intellectue1 et dans l'Eglise ou des Etats laïques), sont présentés les 94 cardinaux du Sacré collège de 1342 à 1378 (notices biographiques). Sur fond de débats entre canonistes et théologiens, ils cherchent à accroître leurs pouvoirs de décision, valides seulement sede vacante, et à changer leur rôle de conseil en un contrôle du pape. Leurs prétentions oligarchiques, freinées par les papes, ne cessent de croître jusqu' au Grand Schisme. Le fonctionnement institutionnel du collège est décrit: les trois ordres (évêques, prêtres et diacres); les promotions et transferts et leur impact sur le collège. Les cardinaux avaient de gros revenus, dont l' essentiel provenait de leurs bénéfices ecclésiastiques et aidaient le pape, par des prêts, à financer ses opérations militaires. Assistés par une familia (30 a 50 personnes), à leur charge, noyau stable de leurs réseaux d'influence, ils pratiquaient népotisme et clientélisme, selon l'usage du temps, mais avec abus. Les plus ambitieux usaient de leurs réseaux dans leurs propres intérêts et ceux de leur parentèle, jusqu'à risquer un schisme
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Fofana, Habibou. "Mort tragique d'un grand journaliste : l'affaire Norbert Zongo comme analyseur d'une révolte populaire au Burkina Faso". Paris, EHESS, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016EHES0002.

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Abstract (sommario):
Cette thèse porte sur « l'événement » que constitua la « mort suspecte » d'un journaliste burkinabé le 13 décembre 1998, l'émotion collective suscitée par cette brutale disparition, ainsi que le vaste mouvement d'indignation et de protestation sociale porté par divers acteurs exigeant « vérité et justice ». L'argument central est que le vaste mouvement de protestation qui se déclenche excède la seule revendication de justice pour ce journaliste et sert, plus globalement, d'occasion d'une discussion sur l'ordre moral de la communauté étatique burkinabé. Le projet analytique poursuivi est alors de faire de cet « événement », devenu « l'affaire Norbert Zongo », un analyseur de la révolte populaire engendrée par cette « mort tragique ». La thèse est articulée autour de trois grandes parties. La première est à la fois une mise en perspective de l'objet « événement », par un ensemble de questionnements théoriques et épistémologiques, et une description des figures que dessine l'événement dans l'espace local. Dans la seconde, le parcours individuel de Zongo et la dynamique sociale de la communauté s'éclairent mutuellement, et éclairent le contexte historique, social et politique de l'événement, ainsi que les préoccupations qui le configurent. Enfin, « le moment zongo », la troisième partie, poursuit l'analyse de la mise en forme et en sens de l'événement entamée dans la première partie. Elle consiste en l'observation de trois principales arènes qui, tout en ayant une relative autonomie, s'interpénétrent dans le cours d'une dynamique de revendication de la justice qui prendra le nom du mouvement Trop c'est trop
This thesis focuses on the "event" that constituted the "death suspicious" of a journalist from Burkina Faso December 13, 1998, the collective emotions aroused by the sudden disappearance and the vast movement of indignation and social protest worn by various players demanding "truth and justice". The central argument is that the vast protest movement that triggers exceeds the only claim justice for the journalist and is more generally used by a discussion of the moral order of the Burkinabe state community. The continued analytical project is then to make this "event", became "the Norbert Zongo affair", an analyzer of the popular revolt caused by the "tragic death". The thesis is organized around three main parts. The first is both a perspective layout of the object "event", a set of theoretical and epistemological questions, and a description of figures that draws the event in the local space. In the second, the individual path of Zongo and the social dynamics of the community illuminate each other and illuminate the historical, social and political events, as well as concerns that configure. Finally, "the time zongo", the third part, continues the analysis of the layout and meaning of the event began in the first part. It consists in observing three main arenas, while having relative autonomy, interpenetrating in the course of a dynamic claim of justice, which will take the name of the movement Enough is enough
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Claudel, Paul-André. "Dans l’angle mort de l’histoire : Agostino J. Sinadino (Le Caire, 1876 - Milan, 1956) ou le Grand Livre égaré entre les langues". Paris 4, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA040136.

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Abstract (sommario):
Partagée entre les pays et les langues, l’œuvre d’Agostino J. Sinadino, composée de huit livres publiés entre 1898 et 1934 à des tirages très limités, a totalement sombré dans l’oubli. Pourtant, le parcours de ce poète ne saurait être réduit à celui d’un mineur. Par sa conception très exigeante de l’activité poétique, héritée de Mallarmé, ce poète bilingue, écrivant à la fois en italien et en français, parcourt les souterrains de la modernité : entre Alexandrie, Milan et Paris, son chemin croise les figures les plus influentes de sa génération, de Lucini à Marinetti, de Gide à Valéry. Autour de ce singulier éclaireur, resté à l’écart de la mémoire collective, s’est construite une analyse en trois temps : à une première reconstitution documentaire succède une interprétation interne, qui amène à un élargissement critique, portant sur les catégories de la valorisation et les possibilités d’une réintégration. En montrant comment ce vétéran du symbolisme traverse son époque pour devenir un précurseur de l’hermétisme et de la poésie pure, il s’agit de pointer, à travers un phénomène marginal, le rôle essentiel de l’anachronisme et du contretemps dans les dynamiques de l’histoire littéraire
Divided between countries as well as languages, Agostino J. Sinadino’s work comprises 8 books, published in very limited editions between 1898 and 1934. Despite their significance, these works fell into complete oblivion. Agostino J. Sinadino, a very versatile poet who wrote in French as well as Italian, had a highly demanding conception of poetry-making, inherited from Mallarmé. From Alexandria to Paris and Milan he explored Modernity’s subterraneans and met some of the most influential figures of his generation, including Lucini, Marinetti, Gide and Valéry. Our analysis focuses on three aspects, with a first part on documents, leading to a critical interpretation concerned with the possibility of reintegrating Agostino J. Sinadino’s work in literary history. The purpose of this work is to try and better understand the inner workings of literary history’s dialectics, with an emphasis on the notions of anachronism and historicity, by showing how Agostino J. Sinadino, one of Mallarmé’s first followers, became a forerunner of hermetism and pure poetry
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Marre, Sébastien. "Phylétika : divisions et subdivisions civiques en Ionie, en Carie, à Rhodes et dans les îles proches du continent de la mort d'Alexandre le Grand à l'arrivée des Romains". Thesis, Bordeaux 3, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018BOR30029/document.

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Abstract (sommario):
La recherche doit d’abord étudier les divisions et subdivisions civiques en Ionie, en Carie, à Rhodes et dans les îles proches du continent à l’époque hellénistique et montrer les évolutions entre la période antérieure à Alexandre et les débuts de la domination romaine. Dans le monde grec, les citoyens étaient répartis en grands groupes héréditaires : les tribus (phylai) et les phratries (phratriai). Ces institutions représentaient le fondement de l’organisation politique. La recherche doit montrer ensuite si la parenté joue encore un rôle dans la répartition des divisions et subdivisions civiques dans les cités d’Asie Mineure de l’époque hellénistique puisque le principe d’affiliation héréditaire semble avoir été la règle, l’affiliation en fonction de la résidence étant semble-t-il un phénomène assez tardif. Les membres de ces tribus considèrent qu’ils descendent d’un ancêtre commun, le plus souvent mythique. Leurs subdivisions sont souvent des phratries qui sont des associations qui regroupent plusieurs familles considérées par ses membres comme apparentées. Il s’agit enfin de montrer les ressemblances et les différences en ce qui concerne les divisions et les subdivisions civiques dans les différentes cités d’Asie Mineure occidentale à l’époque hellénistique. On peut étudier ainsi comment fonctionne le statut de citoyenneté en fonction de l’appartenance aux corps civiques. On peut également se demander comment se fait l’exercice des droits de citoyen, probablement différent d’une cité à l’autre et qui doit même évoluer au cours de la période considérée. Cette étude doit faire la part entre ce qui relève du rôle des divisions et subdivisions civiques dans le fonctionnement des cités et ce qui concerne uniquement l’organisation interne de ces institutions en tant que structures politiques
Research has first to study civil divisions and subdivisions in Western Asian Minor cities at Hellenistic times and then show the changes between the pre-Alexander time and the birth of Roman domination. In the Greek world, citizens were divided into large groups: the tribes (phylai) and the phratries (phratriai). Those institutions were the basis of political organization. Then research has to show if kinship plays any role in the repartition of civil divisions and subdivisions in Western Asian Minor cities at Hellenistic times, since the principle of hereditary kinship seems to have been the norm; residential affiliation being, so it seems, a late phenomenon. Those tribe members consider they are descended from a common ancestor, most often a mythic character. Their subdivisions are often phratries which are associations that gather together several Families whose members consider they are kins. Last we have to show the similitudes and differences as to civil divisions and subdivisions in the different Western Asian Minor cities at Hellenistic Times. Thus we can study how citizenship status works in accordance to civil bodies. We may also wonder how citizens could exercise their rights, rights which were probably different from one city to the other and that surely developed in the said period. This study has to make allowances for what is from the role of civil divisions and subdivisions in the way cities are run and for what only concerns the inner organization of those institutions in matters of political structures
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Grézaud, Romain. "Commande de composants grand gap dans un convertisseur de puisance synchrone sans diodes". Thesis, Grenoble, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014GRENT107/document.

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Les composants de puissance grand gap présentent d'ores et déjà des caractéristiques statiques et dynamiques supérieures à leurs homologues en silicium. Mais ces composants d'un nouvel ordre s'accompagnent de différences susceptibles de modifier le fonctionnement de la cellule de commutation. Les travaux qui furent menés au cours de cette thèse se sont intéressés aux composants grand gap et à leur commande au sein d'un convertisseur de puissance synchrone robuste, haut rendement et haute densité de puissance. En particulier deux points critiques ont été identifiés et étudiés. Le premier est la grande sensibilité des composants grand gap aux composants parasites. Le second est l'absence de diode parasite interne entre le drain et la source de nombreux transistors grand gap. Pour répondre aux exigences de ces nouveaux composants et en tirer le meilleur profit, nous proposons des solutions innovantes, robustes, efficaces et directement intégrables aux circuits de commande. Des circuits de commande entièrement intégrés ont ainsi été conçus spécifiquement pour les composants grand gap. Ceux-ci permettent entre autres le contrôle précis des formes de commutation par l'adaptation de l'impédance de grille, et l'amélioration de l'efficacité énergétique et de la robustesse d'un convertisseur de puissance à base de composants grand sans diodes par une gestion dynamique et locale de temps morts très courts
Wide band gap devices already demonstrate static and dynamic performances better than silicon transistors. Compared to conventional silicon devices these new wide band gap transistors have some different characteristics that may affect power converter operations. The work presented in this PhD manuscript deals with a specific gate drive circuit for a robust, high power density and high efficiency wide band gap devices-based power converter. Two critical points have been especially studied. The first point is the higher sensitivity of wide band gap transistors to parasitic components. The second point is the lack of parasitic body diode between drain and source of HEMT GaN and JFET SiC. In order to drive these new power devices in the best way we propose innovative, robust and efficient solutions. Fully integrated gate drive circuits have been specifically developed for wide band gap devices. An adaptive output impedance gate driver provides an accurate control of wide band gap device switching waveforms directly on its gate side. Another gate drive circuit improves efficiency and reliability of diode-less wide band gap devices-based power converters thanks to an auto-adaptive and local dead-time management
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Flamment, Emerik. "Les voyages officiels et les déplacements des personnages publics en Orient de la mort d'Alexandre Le Grand au début de l'Empire romain (323-30 AV. J.C) : entre cérémonial politique et pratique culturelle". Thesis, Paris Est, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PEST0089/document.

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Abstract (sommario):
A travers l’analyse des déplacements des souverains hellénistiques et des imperatores romains en Orient, ce travail entend éclairer le concept moderne de voyage officiel et démontrer la validité de cette catégorie pour caractériser les voyages de ces personnalités politiques antiques. Au-delà du critère du statut du voyageur, les sources mettent en lumière le rôle discriminant de l’infrastructure du voyage, ainsi que l’importance des procédures d’accueil public dans la reconnaissance collective de l’officiel. L’enquête conduit à souligner la dimension à la fois protocolaire et populaire de ce type de déplacement dont le caractère spectaculaire contribuait à assurer le retentissement exceptionnel pour en faire un [événement] local de grande ampleur. Manifestation de souveraineté, le voyage officiel s’inscrivait dans un processus de légitimation du pouvoir et constituait le cadre privilégié de la mise en scène de la personnalité politique : l’apparat et la théâtralisation du voyage autant que ses enjeux politiques majeurs peuvent être considérés comme des caractéristiques déterminantes du déplacement officiel. Cette réflexion pose également le problème de la pertinence de la dichotomie public/privé. Celle-ci n’est opératoire qu’à Rome où le concept de voyage fonctionnel est attesté, mais où l’on peut néanmoins observer une confusion entre la sphère de l’officium et celle de l’otium dans le cadre des déplacements des imperatores qui étaient l’occasion de démarches touristiques, culturelles ou religieuses révélatrices de la curiosité intellectuelle de ces personnages dont les séjours d’études puis les voyages officiels en Orient permettaient de satisfaire le philhellénisme
Through the analysis of the travels of the hellenistic kings and the roman imperatores in the East, this work intends to throw light on the modern concept of official trip and to demonstrate the validity of this category to characterize the travels of these ancient political personalities. Beyond the criterion of the status of the traveller, sources bring to light the discriminating role of the infrastructure of the trip, as well as the importance of public reception in the collective recognition of the official. The inquiry leads to underline the formal and the popular dimension of this kind of trip whose spectacular character contributed to ensure his exceptional impact and turn it into a large-scale local event. As a demonstration of [sovereignty], the official trip was part of a process of legitimization of power and provided the privileged framework for the staging of the political personality : the pageantry and dramatization of the journey as much as [its] major political stakes can be considered as distinctive characteristics of the official trip. This study also raises the problem of the relevance of the public/private dichotomy. The latter is only effective in Rome where the concept of functional trip is attested, but where a confusion of the sphere of the officium and the otium can nevertheless be observed within the travels of the imperatores which were the opportunity of touristic, cultural and religious initiatives revealing the intellectual curiosity of these characters whose study tours and official trips in the East made it possible to satisfy their philhellenism
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Soares, Miguel Augusto Pinto. "Representações da morte: fotografia e memória". Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/10923/3939.

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Made available in DSpace on 2013-08-07T18:59:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 000394308-Texto+Completo-0.pdf: 3225295 bytes, checksum: 903a9531f49730018e9b09c23a4cebd2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007
The following dissertation analyses the relationship between photography with death through mortuary portraits produced in the south within the period of 1890 and 1963, and also of cemeterial portraits from Porto Alegre´s São Miguel e Almas cemetery. Such pictures take on important roles in the visual culture of western societies as they constitute artifacts different collectivities make in order to handle the inexorability of death. Its uses and functions bring several elements related to issues of image and of individual and collective memory, which are approached by some authors that devote themselves to such studies. The sixty eight images presented have been subject to historical investigation and their memory imbrications, besides their form, structure, materiality and function. The importance of photography as a cemeterial element and an invaluable tool of visual memory competing with sculpture and high relief among other funerary signs is also the subject of this study. Thus, the aim has been to build an analysis of the cultural and social issues that have culminated in these images.
A presente dissertação analisa a relação da fotografia com a morte através do estudo de retratos mortuários produzidos em território gaúcho, no período de 1890 a 1963, e também de retratos cemiteriais, do cemitério São Miguel e Almas da cidade de Porto Alegre. Essas fotografias fazem parte de uma cultura visual que desempenha importante papel nas sociedades ocidentais, constituindo-se em artefatos confeccionados para atender aos anseios de diferentes coletividades diante do inexorável fato da morte. Seus usos e funções trazem diversos elementos relacionados às questões da imagem e da memória, tanto individual como coletiva, que são abordados a partir de autores que se dedicam ao estudo desses temas. São apresentadas 68 imagens, investigando-se seu caráter histórico e suas imbricações com a memória, além de sua forma, estrutura, materialidade e função. Estuda-se também como a fotografia passou a ser um importante elemento cemiterial e uma inestimável ferramenta da memória visual, disputando espaço com esculturas, relevos e demais signos funerários. Assim, busca-se com esse trabalho construir uma análise a partir das importantes questões culturais e sociais que culminaram nessas imagens.
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Dall'Olmo-Pichet, Véronique. "Hannah More : une femme d'ombres et de lumières". Bordeaux 3, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008BOR30039.

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Abstract (sommario):
Hannah More (1745-1833), a marqué son époque et l'a influencée dans des domaines aussi variés que la littérature, la politique, l'abolitionnisme, le philanthropisme ou encore l'éducation. More s'est engagée très jeune dans une carrière littéraire dont les succès lui ont permis d'être membre du cercle des Bluestockings et de figurer, en 1777, sur le célèbre tableau du peintre Richard Samuel, 'The Nine Living Muses of Great Britain', exposé à la Royal Academy, puis aujourd'hui à la National Portrait Gallery à Londres. Dans les années 1780, More a entamé un long cheminement religieux qui allai aboutir à sa conversion et transformer la femme de lettres en évangéliste militante. Dès lors, More a vécu pour et par sa religion. Ainsi, Hannah More a trouvé justification à tous ses engagements, toutes ses réalisations et toutes ses prises de position, en s'appuyant sur l'application en contexte de ses principes évangélistes. Les événements qui ont agité la France avec la Révolution et la Terreur, puis l'Angleterre et plus généralement l'Europe avec les guerres Napoléoniennes ont marqué l'entrée en politique de More, qui pourtant novice en la matière, s'est révélée une fervente conservatrice, anti-révolutionnaire et farouchement opposée aux réformateurs, les Radicals. Son engagement politique s'est principalement traduit par l'écriture de pamphlets conservateurs et par les Cheap Repository Tracts, forme de littérature populaire dans laquelle More a excellé. Les débats, soulevés au sein de la population anglaise, tels que l'abolition de la traite des esclaves puis de l'esclavage, de l'assistance aux pauvres ou encore de l'éducation, ont permis à l'évangéliste Hannah More d'être perçue par ses contemporains comme une abolitionniste, une philanthrope et une pédagogue de renom. Pourtant, les engagements de More, qui ont été provoqués par son entourage, à l'exception de son implication pédagogique pour les femmes de l'élite, n'ont eu d'autres buts que de lui permettre de propager son message évangéliste et de réaliser sa mission qui tendait à proposer une réforme de la morale au sein de la société britannique. En adoptant une attitude dogmatique, qui reflétait a part d'ombres et lui faisait obéir , volontairement et sans retenue à ses conceptions religieuses et politiques, Hannah More est pourtant devenue un personnage marquant de son époque et a pu se mettre en lumière pendant prés de quatre décennies. Pour y parvenir, l'évangéliste Hannah More a fait preuve d'une cohérence religieuse stricte et rigoureuse, qui l'a éloignée des réalités mais qui, contre toute attente, lui a permis avec plus ou moins de succès de concrétiser ses projets
Hannah More (745-1833), was one of the most influential figures of her time and got involved in spheres as varied as literature, politics, slavery abolition, philanthropy or education. More started with a successful playwright career, she was welcomed by the women of the literary circle, called the Bluestockings'. In 1777, she was represented in the guise of the ninth muse by the painter Richard Samuel in his famous painting, exhibited at the Royal Academy and today at the National Portrait Gallery, in London, 'The Nine Living Muses of Great Britain'. In the 1780's, More committed herself to doing a long religious progression which ended with her conversion and transformed the literary woman into an active and fervent Evangelical. From then, More lived for and thanks to her religion. Thus, Hannah More's involvements, educative and political stances were all deeply rooted in her Evangelical creed. The French Revolution, the Terreur, and the Napoleonic wars marked Hannah More's political commitment. In this new role, and though she was inexperienced, More proved, a staunch conservative, an anti-revolutionary and a fierce opponent to the Radicals. Her political involvements, were mainly conveyed through the writings of conservative pamphlets and through a series of Cheap Repository Tracts, a form of popular literature which More excelled in. The debates which stirred British society, like the abolition of the slave trade, the fight against poverty, or, the debate on education allowed, the Evangelist Hannah More, to be understood by her contemporaries as an abolitionist, a philanthropist and a well-known educationalist. However, Hannah More's involvements, which were mainly induced by her friends' demands, with the exception of her commitment to the education of women of the elite, had the one and only goal to propagate her Evangelical message and to achieve her mission which aimed at proposing a moral reform in British society. In adopting a dogmatic attitude, which always lurked in the background, and made her consciously obey her religious and political conceptions, Hannah More could become a figure of her time and put herself in the foreground during around four decades. To reach this goal, Hannah More, the evangelical activist woman, showed her rigid and strict religious consistency. Though, this form of evangelical coherence took More away from reality, it allowed her, contrary to all expectations, to do something worthwhile and to accomplish her work with more or less success
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Alsina, Dominique. "Louyse Moillon (Paris, vers 1610-1696) : la nature morte au Grand Siècle : catalogue raisonné". Toulouse 2, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010TOU20066.

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Libri sul tema "Le Grand Mort"


Ann, De Bode, a cura di. Grand-père est mort. Montréal: Éditions École active, 1997.

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Stylianou, Petros. Le grand Pan n'est pas mort. Besançon: Praxandre, 1997.

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Daniel, Maja, a cura di. Ce matin, mon grand-père est mort. [Voisins-le-Bretonneux, France]: Rue du monde, 2003.

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Régine, Monti, a cura di. Le grand mensonge: L'emploi est mort, vive l'activité! Paris: Fixot, 1994.

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Tankei, Hiroshi. Idainaru pan wa shinda =: Le grand pan est mort. Ōsaka-shi: Kansai Shoin, 1997.

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Assouline, Pierre. Albert Londres: Vie et mort d'un grand reporter, 1884-1932. Paris: Balland, 1989.

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Assouline, Pierre. Albert Londres: Vie et mort d'un grand reporter, 1884-1932. Paris: Balland, 1988.

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Michel, Hanus, a cura di. Le grand livre de la mort à l'usage des vivants. Paris: Albin Michel, 2007.

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Bray, Florence. La télévision haute définition: Naissance et mort d'un grand projet européen. Paris: Harmattan, 2000.

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ill, Cote Geneviève, a cura di. Christophe au grand coeur. Saint-Lambert, Québec: Dominique et compagnie, 2000.

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Capitoli di libri sul tema "Le Grand Mort"


Walker, Kevin D. "More Is Never Enough". In The Grand Food Bargain, 41–59. Washington, DC: Island Press/Center for Resource Economics, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.5822/978-1-61091-948-7_3.

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Walker, Kevin D. "Expecting More, Committing Less". In The Grand Food Bargain, 83–100. Washington, DC: Island Press/Center for Resource Economics, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.5822/978-1-61091-948-7_5.

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Sturm, Roland. "A Fresh Start or More of the Same?" In Germany after the Grand Coalition, 165–78. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/9780230115415_10.

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Robinson, Richard M. "The “Most Polluted River”: The Grand Calumet". In Environmental Advocacy and Local Restorations, 187–207. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-28439-7_6.

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Lange, Lene, Jane W. Agger e Anne S. Meyer. "Fungal Biotechnology: Unlocking the Full Potential of Fungi for a More Sustainable World". In Grand Challenges in Fungal Biotechnology, 3–32. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-29541-7_1.

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Lim, Kevjn. "More Looming Threats, 1991–1997". In Power, Perception, and Politics in the Making of Iranian Grand Strategy, 129–65. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-04390-1_6.

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Sabatier, Gérard, e Mark Hengerer. "Le grand théâtre de la mort". In Les funérailles princières en Europe, XVIe - XVIIIe siècle. Volume 1, 7–13. Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.4000/books.editionsmsh.17594.

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"Pourquoi les sociétés occidentales ne peuvent plus accepter la mort". In Le grand confinement, 59–84. Presses de l'Université Laval, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv2j6xpx6.7.

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"Pourquoi les sociétés occidentales ne peuvent plus accepter la mort". In Le grand confinement, 59–83. Les Presses de l’Université de Laval, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/9782763758879-005.

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Lemieux, Cyril. "Jacques Martin : la mort d’un « grand » homme ?" In La sociologie sur le vif, 241–43. Presses des Mines, 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.4000/books.pressesmines.869.

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Atti di convegni sul tema "Le Grand Mort"


Terribilini, Josefa. "Quand Don Juan finit sur grand écran. Sganarelle hors champ (Bluwal 1965 – Weber 1998)". In Crime et châtiment : la mort de Don Juan (Molière et Mozart, 1965-2019). Fabula, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.58282/colloques.8000.

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Aragon, A., e E. Romero. "The Mora Land Grant". In 66th Annual Fall Field Conference. New Mexico Geological Society, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.56577/ffc-.91.

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Shen, Lianghao, Yusong Tan, Pian Tao, Pan Dong e Jun Ma. "Extending Take-Grant Model for More Flexible Privilege Propagation". In CSSE 2022: 2022 5th International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3569966.3570088.

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Saitoh, Takeo S., Daigo Ando e Kazuyoshi Kurata. "A Grand Design of Future Electric Vehicle with Fuel Economy More than 100 Km/Liter". In 34th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, United States: SAE International, 1999. http://dx.doi.org/10.4271/1999-01-2711.

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Semken, Steven, Geoffrey Bruce, Thomas Ruberto, Chris Mead, Sanlyn Buxner, Ariel D. Anbar, Laura J. Crossey e Karl E. Karlstrom. "THE FUTURE OF GEOSCIENCE EDUCATION AT GRAND CANYON: MORE—AND MORE DIVERSE—LEARNERS WILL EXPERIENCE IT BY PLACE-BASED AND DIGITAL MEANS". In GSA Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, USA - 2019. Geological Society of America, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1130/abs/2019am-336857.

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Molyneux, David, e Nicholas Boyd. "Scheduling of Offshore Support Vessels on the Grand Banks". In ASME 2016 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/omae2016-54544.

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The Grand Banks off the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador present a challenging environment for the offshore oil industry. There are currently three oil producing developments, with an average distance offshore of approximately 185 nautical miles. The environment is characterized in winter by strong winds, high waves and the presence of pack ice. In the summer the area is prone to heavy fog and low visibility. Offshore support vessels are a key element of any marine based drilling and production system and they must function effectively in this environment. Their key role is to provide a timely delivery of supplies (and if necessary personnel) to and from the offshore platform. The main challenge for the existing vessels operating on the Grand Banks is that there is a high level of seasonal variation in the weather conditions between winter and summer. The research results presented in this paper were a preliminary attempt to understand the relationships between the distance offshore of the production or drilling platform, the number of supply vessels serving a platform, vessel speed, weather conditions and the required slack in the vessel schedule to provide a reliable service. This analysis was undertaken as there is significant potential for offshore development within the Flemish Pass Basin, which is even further offshore (270 nautical miles) and in a more severe winter wave regime. The results show that although the current Offshore Support Vessel fleet is satisfactory for 185 nautical miles offshore, there will need to be some changes in order to provide effective service when developments move further offshore. This may include a combination of more ships to service an offshore platform, faster ship speeds, reduced frequency of delivery, or increasing the limiting wave height for lifting operations.
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Mihaylov, Dimitar, e Iliya Petkov. "MOST USED TAEKWONDO KICKING TECHNIQUES". In INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONGRESS “APPLIED SPORTS SCIENCES”. Scientific Publishing House NSA Press, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.37393/icass2022/42.

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ABSTRACT In the recent years, taekwondo has become a global sport, gaining international reputation and prestige, establishing itself amongst the official sports of the Olympic Games. With the globalization of taekwondo worldwide, the increasingly demanding requirements for practicing athletes, coaches and judges are inevitable. The aim of our study is to determine the types of kicking techniques used in a taekwondo match, as well as their quantitative dimensions. Based on the videos from the Sofia Grand Prix 2019 in taekwondo, we established the number (3939) and the types (29) of kicks used in the matches of the -68 kg category for men. The preferred kicks of the competitors were identified, as well as the individual style of play of the winner of the category. The point efficiency of the surveyed athletes for all their matches was calculated (22.63%). The number of blows inflicted on average per match was determined (140.67), as well as the coefficient of intensity of inflicting kicks in each round (2.55). We used observation, video analysis, expert evaluation, and statistical processing. The results showed that the competitors mainly used their front leg to strike. This has a serious impact on the training methodology. The number of kicks executed in a match and respectively in a taekwondo championship can have significant impact on the training methodology, as well.
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Lerma, Miguel, e Mirtha Lucas. "Grad-CAM++ is Equivalent to Grad-CAM With Positive Gradients". In 24th Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference. Irish Pattern Recognition and Classification Society, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.56541/awjv6348.

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The Grad-CAM algorithm provides a way to identify what parts of an image contribute most to the output of a classifier deep network. The algorithm is simple and widely used for localization of objects in an image, although some researchers have point out its limitations, and proposed various alternatives. One of them is Grad-CAM++, that according to its authors can provide better visual explanations for network predictions, and does a better job at locating objects even for occurrences of multiple object instances in a single image. Here we show that Grad-CAM++ is practically equivalent to a very simple variation of Grad-CAM in which gradients are replaced with positive gradients.
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Goff, Fraser, e Jamie N. Gardner. "Second-day road log, Los Alamos to Valle Grande, southern caldera moat, resurgent dome, northern caldera moat, and barbeque at Old Baca Ranch Headquarters". In 58th Annual Fall Field Conference. New Mexico Geological Society, 2007. http://dx.doi.org/10.56577/ffc-58.53.

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Rosen, Bruce S., e Joseph P. Laiosa. "SPLASH Nonlinear and Unsteady Free-Surface Analysis Code for Grand Prix Yacht Design". In SNAME 13th Chesapeake Sailing Yacht Symposium. SNAME, 1997. http://dx.doi.org/10.5957/csys-1997-014.

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The SPLASH free-surface potential flow panel code computer program is presented. The 3D flow theory and its numerical implementation are discussed. Some more conventional applications are reviewed, for steady flow past solid bodies, and for classical linearized free-surface flow. New free-surface capabilities are also described, notably, steady nonlinear solutions, and novel unsteady partially­nonlinear solutions in the frequency domain. The inviscid flow method treats both free-surface waves and lifting surfaces. The calculations yield predictions for complex interactions at heel and yaw such as wave drag due to lift, the effect of the free­surface on lift and lift-induced drag, and unsteady motions and forces in oblique or following seas. These are in addition to the usual predictions for the simpler effects considered separately, for example double-body lift and induced drag, and upright steady wave resistance or added resistance in head seas. For prediction of total resistance, the use of computed variable wetted areas and wetted lengths in a standard semi-empirical, handbook-type "viscous stripping" algorithm provides a more accurate estimation of viscous drag than is possible otherwise. Results from a variety of IACC and IMS yacht design studies, including comparisons with experimental data, support the conclusion that the free­surface panel code can be used for reliable and accurate prediction of sailboat performance.
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Rapporti di organizzazioni sul tema "Le Grand Mort"


Knowlton, Nancy, Emily Corcoran, Thomas Felis, Sebastian Ferse, Jasper de Goeij, Andréa Grottoli, Simon Harding et al. Rebuilding Coral Reefs: A Decadal Grand Challenge. International Coral Reef Society and Future Earth Coasts, luglio 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.53642/nrky9386.

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This document is the work of a team assembled by the International Coral Reef Society (ICRS). The mission of ICRS is to promote the acquisition and dissemination of scientific knowledge to secure the future of coral reefs, including via relevant policy frameworks and decision-making processes. This document seeks to highlight the urgency of taking action to conserve and restore reefs through protection and management measures, to provide a summary of the most relevant and recent natural and social science that provides guidance on these tasks, and to highlight implications of these findings for the numerous discussions and negotiations taking place at the global level.
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Strynatka, S. Groundwater resource management in the Grand River Watershed: community engagement and making the most of our water budget tools. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.4095/306575.

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Karlstrom, Karl, Laura Crossey, Allyson Matthis e Carl Bowman. Telling time at Grand Canyon National Park: 2020 update. National Park Service, aprile 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.36967/nrr-2285173.

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Grand Canyon National Park is all about time and timescales. Time is the currency of our daily life, of history, and of biological evolution. Grand Canyon’s beauty has inspired explorers, artists, and poets. Behind it all, Grand Canyon’s geology and sense of timelessness are among its most prominent and important resources. Grand Canyon has an exceptionally complete and well-exposed rock record of Earth’s history. It is an ideal place to gain a sense of geologic (or deep) time. A visit to the South or North rims, a hike into the canyon of any length, or a trip through the 277-mile (446-km) length of Grand Canyon are awe-inspiring experiences for many reasons, and they often motivate us to look deeper to understand how our human timescales of hundreds and thousands of years overlap with Earth’s many timescales reaching back millions and billions of years. This report summarizes how geologists tell time at Grand Canyon, and the resultant “best” numeric ages for the canyon’s strata based on recent scientific research. By best, we mean the most accurate and precise ages available, given the dating techniques used, geologic constraints, the availability of datable material, and the fossil record of Grand Canyon rock units. This paper updates a previously-published compilation of best numeric ages (Mathis and Bowman 2005a; 2005b; 2007) to incorporate recent revisions in the canyon’s stratigraphic nomenclature and additional numeric age determinations published in the scientific literature. From bottom to top, Grand Canyon’s rocks can be ordered into three “sets” (or primary packages), each with an overarching story. The Vishnu Basement Rocks were once tens of miles deep as North America’s crust formed via collisions of volcanic island chains with the pre-existing continent between 1,840 and 1,375 million years ago. The Grand Canyon Supergroup contains evidence for early single-celled life and represents basins that record the assembly and breakup of an early supercontinent between 729 and 1,255 million years ago. The Layered Paleozoic Rocks encode stories, layer by layer, of dramatic geologic changes and the evolution of animal life during the Paleozoic Era (period of ancient life) between 270 and 530 million years ago. In addition to characterizing the ages and geology of the three sets of rocks, we provide numeric ages for all the groups and formations within each set. Nine tables list the best ages along with information on each unit’s tectonic or depositional environment, and specific information explaining why revisions were made to previously published numeric ages. Photographs, line drawings, and diagrams of the different rock formations are included, as well as an extensive glossary of geologic terms to help define important scientific concepts. The three sets of rocks are separated by rock contacts called unconformities formed during long periods of erosion. This report unravels the Great Unconformity, named by John Wesley Powell 150 years ago, and shows that it is made up of several distinct erosion surfaces. The Great Nonconformity is between the Vishnu Basement Rocks and the Grand Canyon Supergroup. The Great Angular Unconformity is between the Grand Canyon Supergroup and the Layered Paleozoic Rocks. Powell’s term, the Great Unconformity, is used for contacts where the Vishnu Basement Rocks are directly overlain by the Layered Paleozoic Rocks. The time missing at these and other unconformities within the sets is also summarized in this paper—a topic that can be as interesting as the time recorded. Our goal is to provide a single up-to-date reference that summarizes the main facets of when the rocks exposed in the canyon’s walls were formed and their geologic history. This authoritative and readable summary of the age of Grand Canyon rocks will hopefully be helpful to National Park Service staff including resource managers and park interpreters at many levels of geologic understandings...
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Peterson, Bian, J. Hutchinson, Bijan Gurung, Adam Beeco, Ashley Pipkin, Sharolyn Anderson e Damon Joyce. Exploring spatial patterns of overflights at Grand Canyon National Park. National Park Service, luglio 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.36967/2299660.

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This study explored spatial patterns of overflights at Grand Canyon National Park (GRCA). Overflights were analyzed from February 5th, 2020 to January 9th, 2023 (975 days of data; 95 days of missing data) using Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) data. The first phase of analysis focused on all overflights and found a high concentration of overflights above GRCA and definitive travel patterns across the park. The second phase of analysis focused on low-level overflights that fly below 10,000 ft mean sea level (MSL) and fly within 10-miles of the GRCA boundary. Phase 2 figures display yearly overflights segmented by aircraft type and show a concentration of flights between 7,000 – 10,000 ft MSL near the southeast boundary of GRCA. The third phase of analysis removed all overflights known to not be air tours. Kernel density analysis was conducted using waypoints segmented into 500 ft above ground level (AGL) altitude intervals. The altitude interval with the highest density of overflights was ‘3,001 – 3,500 ft AGL’. This information can be used for planning and management purposes and this study serves as a resource for future research that intends to use more advanced analytics.
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Tweet, Justin, Holley Flora, Summer Weeks, Eathan McIntyre e Vincent Santucci. Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument: Paleontological resource inventory (public version). National Park Service, dicembre 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.36967/nrr-2289972.

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Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument (PARA) in northwestern Arizona has significant paleontological resources, which are recognized in the establishing presidential proclamation. Because of the challenges of working in this remote area, there has been little documentation of these resources over the years. PARA also has an unusual management situation which complicates resource management. The majority of PARA is administered by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM; this land is described here as PARA-BLM), while about 20% of the monument is administered by the National Park Service (NPS; this land is described here as PARA-NPS) in conjunction with Lake Mead National Recreation Area (LAKE). Parcels of state and private land are scattered throughout the monument. Reports of fossils within what is now PARA go back to at least 1914. Geologic and paleontologic reports have been sporadic over the past century. Much of what was known of the paleontology before the 2020 field inventory was documented by geologists focused on nearby Grand Canyon National Park (GRCA) and LAKE, or by students working on graduate projects; in either case, paleontology was a secondary topic of interest. The historical record of fossil discoveries in PARA is dominated by Edwin McKee, who reported fossils from localities in PARA-NPS and PARA-BLM as part of larger regional projects published from the 1930s to the 1980s. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has mapped the geology of PARA in a series of publications since the early 1980s. Unpublished reports by researchers from regional institutions have documented paleontological resources in Quaternary caves and rock shelters. From September to December 2020, a field inventory was conducted to better understand the scope and distribution of paleontological resources at PARA. Thirty-eight localities distributed across the monument and throughout its numerous geologic units were documented extensively, including more than 420 GPS points and 1,300 photos, and a small number of fossil specimens were collected and catalogued under 38 numbers. In addition, interviews were conducted with staff to document the status of paleontology at PARA, and potential directions for future management, research, protection, and interpretation. In geologic terms, PARA is located on the boundary of the Colorado Plateau and the Basin and Range provinces. Before the uplift of the Colorado Plateau near the end of the Cretaceous 66 million years ago, this area was much lower in elevation and subject to flooding by shallow continental seas. This led to prolonged episodes of marine deposition as well as complex stratigraphic intervals of alternating terrestrial and marine strata. Most of the rock formations that are exposed in the monument belong to the Paleozoic part of the Grand Canyon section, deposited between approximately 510 and 270 million years ago in mostly shallow marine settings. These rocks have abundant fossils of marine invertebrates such as sponges, corals, bryozoans, brachiopods, bivalves, gastropods, crinoids, and echinoids. The Cambrian–Devonian portion of the Grand Canyon Paleozoic section is represented in only a few areas of PARA. The bulk of the Paleozoic rocks at PARA are Mississippian to Permian in age, approximately 360 to 270 million years old, and belong to the Redwall Limestone through the Kaibab Formation. While the Grand Canyon section has only small remnants of younger Mesozoic rocks, several Mesozoic formations are exposed within PARA, mostly ranging in age from the Early Triassic to the Early Jurassic (approximately 252 to 175 million years ago), as well as some middle Cretaceous rocks deposited approximately 100 million years ago. Mesozoic fossils in PARA include marine fossils in the Moenkopi Formation and petrified wood and invertebrate trace fossils in the Chinle Formation and undivided Moenave and Kayenta Formations.
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Gidron, Yotam, Freddie Carver e Elizabeth Deng. More Local is Possible: Recommendations for enhancing local humanitarian leadership and refugee participation in the Gambella refugee response. Oxfam, dicembre 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.21201/2021.8267.

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The Gambella region of western Ethiopia hosts over 300,000 South Sudanese refugees in seven camps. The refugee response is dominated by UN agencies and international NGOs and staffed mostly by Ethiopians from outside of Gambella, creating a gap between humanitarian actors and the people they seek to assist. In order to realize commitments to localization and refugee participation made in the Charter for Change, the Grand Bargain and the Global Compact for Refugees, it is critical for refugees and local populations to be more involved in shaping and leading the delivery of aid. This could be achieved through increasing the role played by Gambella-based NGOs, engaging with faith-based actors, facilitating diaspora initiatives and supporting the development of refugee-led organizations.
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Fencl, Amanda, Jenny Rempel, Georgia Klein, Allyson Yao, Mo Kyn e Ryder Mitchell. Follow the Money: Are Historic Infrastructure Investments Going to California Communities that Need Them Most? Union of Concerned Scientists, giugno 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.47923/2024.15488.

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A Union of Concerned Scientists analysis, using environmental justice screening tools, suggests that federal infrastructure investments in California may fall short of Justice40 Initiative goals. Those goals seek to ensure that investments benefit communities that are historically underserved, underinvested in, and overburdened by pollution. The analysis is based on grant awards in California during the first two years of federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law spending. With three years of this funding remaining, more federal investments must reach the communities that need them most. The United States needs a transparent, unified Justice40 tracking system that includes decisions about critical state- agency allocations to ensure equitable federal spending.
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Shanks, Rachel, e Nneoma Dike. School clothing grant and school uniform policies in Aberdeen. University of Aberdeen, aprile 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.57064/2164/23369.

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Abstract (sommario):
In this short report we provide results from Aberdeen City schools and the local authority, covering the level of school clothing grant, eligibility criteria, automatic payment, rollover, application process, information provided to families about school clothing grant and more.
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Martinez-Carrasco, José, Otavio Conceição e Ana Lúcia Dezolt. More Information, Lower Price? Access Market-based Reference Prices and Gains in Public Procurement Efficiency. Inter-American Development Bank, marzo 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.18235/0004794.

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Abstract (sommario):
The paper examines the impact of providing market-based reference prices on public procurement efficiency in Brazil. Specifically, the study focuses on the State Secretariat of Health (SES) in Rio Grande do Sul and the algorithm developed by the local tax administration to calculate representative reference prices for pharmaceutical products. Unlike previous studies, reference prices are calculated based on the universe of local business-to-business transactions. The study finds that SES procurement officers access to this information caused a significant reduction in purchase unit prices, particularly for products characterized by a higher ex-ante unit price, a smaller number of suppliers, and purchased by a smaller number of public institutions. The gains in efficiency are attributed to the use of up-to-date market information, which is particularly useful for products where information asymmetry is more likely to exist between procurement officers and private providers.
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Lawrence, David, Mike Tercek, Amber Runyon e Jeneva Wright. Historical and projected climate change for Grand Canyon National Park and surrounding areas. National Park Service, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.36967/2301726.

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Abstract (sommario):
Globally, anthropogenic climate change is one of the greatest threats to resources in protected areas. This report examines historical and projected climate change across the Greater Grand Canyon Landscape (GGCL), including Grand Canyon National Park. Grand Canyon National Park warmed significantly from 1895-2020 (annual mean increase of 1.89? F/century), with temperatures increasing at a faster rate from 1970-2020 (6.31? F/century). Warming occurred at all elevations and seasons across the GGCL, but rates differed spatially. Average annual total precipitation within Grand Canyon National Park did not change significantly over either period examined (1895-2020; 1970-2020). A variety of changes in the region of Grand Canyon National Park have been detected and attributed, at least in part, to anthropogenic climate change, including reduced soil moisture (and associated drought), reduced Colorado River flow, doubling of the area burned by wildfire across the western United States, reduced regeneration of low-elevation ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir as well as pinyon pine and juniper populations, northward shifts in many bird species distributions and declines of bird species occupancy in the Mojave Desert, and reduced bumble bee species richness and abundance (key pollinators). To help managers understand and plan around a range of plausible future climates, we present two plausible but contrasting climate futures for the Greater Grand Canyon Landscape, characterized at mid-century (2040-2069) and late-century (2070-2099). Examining multiple plausible futures avoids over-optimizing management strategies for a single projected future that may not occur. Overarching patterns that emerged from both climate futures include additional warming (average, as well as extreme temperatures), seasonal increases in extreme precipitation events, fewer freezing days and days with snow, and higher moisture deficit (a correlate with landscape dryness, conditions conducive to fire, and vegetation stress). The selected climate futures differed in terms of 1) the degree of warming, 2) whether winter precipitation increases or decreases, 3) whether annual precipitation increases or stays similar, 4) whether drought conditions increase or decrease, and 5) whether runoff increases or decreases. Runoff is projected to occur earlier under both climate futures and is projected to exhibit a more episodic pattern. Based on a literature review, projected changes to the physical, ecological, and cultural resource domains of the region resulting from anthropogenic climate change include: ? Increasing drought risk and aridification ? Reduced Colorado River flow ? Reduced groundwater infiltration ? Decreasing runoff (from snow or rain) in the spring, summer, and fall, and increasing runoff in the winter ? Increasing occurrence of large fires ? Increasing invasive grasses in the Mojave Desert ecosystems west of the park, providing more fuel for wildfire ? Exacerbated post-fire erosion and sediment in Grand Canyon watersheds ? Increased episodes of drought-induced tree mortality ? Upslope shifts of the elevational zones of pinyon-juniper woodland, ponderosa pine forest, and spruce-fir forest, as well as increases in non-forest areas and aboveground biomass declines ? Reduced abundance of riparian vegetation that tolerates water inundation ? Increasing invasive plant distribution and abundance, favoring their establishment and productivity ? Colonization of the GGCL by some bird species and extirpation of others ? Increasing non-native fish populations relative to native fishes ? Declining butterfly populations ? Increasing temperatures will increase visitation, especially during winter and shoulder seasons ? Exacerbation of existing threats to archeological resources, cultural landscapes, and historic structures, as well as emergent vulnerabilities related to climate change One goal of this work is to support the Resource Stewardship Strategy (RSS) process that Grand Canyon National Park plans to undertake. We anticipate that connecting the climate changes described here to the climate sensitivities of resources within the park will play a critical role in setting goals and strategies during development of the RSS, as well as proactively adapting to anticipated changes.
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