Articoli di riviste sul tema "Laevius"
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Kwapisz, Jan. "An Unnoticed Fragment of Laevius?" Philologus 162, n. 1 (1 giugno 2018): 178–80.
Testo completoKwapisz, Jan. "An Odd Latin Word and the Date ofanon.155 FGE". Trends in Classics 12, n. 2 (24 novembre 2020): 359–61.
Testo completoVardi, Amiel D. "An anthology of early Latin epigrams? A ghost reconsidered". Classical Quarterly 50, n. 1 (maggio 2000): 147–58.
Testo completoIkihimioya, I., M. I. Okoruwa e U. I. Ikhatua. "Nutrient intake and digestibility of West African dwarf goats fed graded levels of and as supplements to Afzelia africana Newbouldia laevis Panicum maximum". Nigerian Journal of Animal Production 44, n. 4 (27 dicembre 2020): 297–306.
Testo completoRisley, Michael S., e Ronald A. Eckhardt. "Protamine polymorphism inXenopus laevis laevis". Journal of Experimental Zoology 242, n. 3 (giugno 1987): 373–77.
Testo completoAnderson, David, Olivia Cervantez, Gary M. Bucciarelli, Max R. Lambert e Megan R. Friesen. "Feral frogs, native newts, and chemical cues: identifying threats from and management opportunities for invasive African Clawed Frogs in Washington state". PeerJ 12 (10 maggio 2024): e17307.
Testo completoHadji-Azimi, I., V. Coosemans e C. Canicatti. "Atlas of adult Xenopus laevis laevis hematology". Developmental & Comparative Immunology 11, n. 4 (settembre 1987): 807–74.
Testo completoVan den Eynde, H., A. Mazabraud e H. Denis. "Biochemical research on oogenesis. RNA accumulation in the oocytes of the newt Pleurodeles waltl". Development 106, n. 1 (1 maggio 1989): 11–16.
Testo completoThach, Nguyen. "Amphidromus chrisabbasi, a new species (Gastropoda: Camaenidae) from Indonesia". Festivus 49, n. 3 (1 agosto 2017): 206–9.
Testo completoThach, Nguyen. "Two new subspecies of Amphidromus from Indonesia (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Camaenidae)". Festivus 51, n. 3 (1 agosto 2019): 231–36.
Testo completoUshie, O. A., B. D. Longbap, D. I. Ugwuja, S. I. Iyen, T. I. Azuaga e M. Uba. "Preliminary Phytochemical Screening and Proximate Analyses of Leaf Extracts of Newbouldia laevis (Boundary Tree)". Dutse Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 7, n. 3b (27 gennaio 2022): 191–98.
Testo completoSimons, F. H., G. J. Pruijn e W. J. van Venrooij. "Analysis of the intracellular localization and assembly of Ro ribonucleoprotein particles by microinjection into Xenopus laevis oocytes." Journal of Cell Biology 125, n. 5 (1 giugno 1994): 981–88.
Testo completoLim, Wayland, Eric S. Neff e J. David Furlow. "The mouse muscle creatine kinase promoter faithfully drives reporter gene expression in transgenicXenopus laevis". Physiological Genomics 18, n. 1 (17 giugno 2004): 79–86.
Testo completoRahman Khan, Tanwirur, e Ian R Duce. "Expression of Tick Receptor Protein in Xenopus laevis Oocyte". International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) 10, n. 8 (27 agosto 2021): 424–26.
Testo completoKing, M. W., J. M. Roberts e R. N. Eisenman. "Expression of the c-myc proto-oncogene during development of Xenopus laevis". Molecular and Cellular Biology 6, n. 12 (dicembre 1986): 4499–508.
Testo completoSain, Melody P., Julia Norrell-Tober, Katherine Barthel, Megan Seawright, Alyssa Blanton, Kate L. Hertweck, John S. Placyk, Jr. et al. "Multiple complementary studies clarify which co-occurring congener presents the greatest hybridization threat to a rare Texas endemic wildflower (Hibiscus dasycalyx: Malvaceae)". Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 15, n. 1 (23 luglio 2021): 283–308.
Testo completoKing, M. W., J. M. Roberts e R. N. Eisenman. "Expression of the c-myc proto-oncogene during development of Xenopus laevis." Molecular and Cellular Biology 6, n. 12 (dicembre 1986): 4499–508.
Testo completoZaytseva, I. A., V. P. Bessonova e V. V. Tkach. "СТРУКТУРА ЦЕНОПОПУЛЯЦІЙ ULMUS CARPINIFOLIA RUPP. EX SUCKOW І U. LAEVIS PALL. ОСТРОВА ХОРТИЦЯ". Scientific Bulletin of UNFU 25, n. 9 (25 novembre 2015): 50–57.
Testo completoBautista-Medina, Yadira Blanca, e José Iannacone. "TOXICIDAD DEL LODO DE PERFORACIÓN MINERA EN EL BIOINDICADOR PORCELLIO LAEVIS (LATREILLE, 1804) (CRUSTACEA: ISOPODA)". Paideia XXI 10, n. 1 (16 maggio 2020): 95–119.
Testo completoPascal, Olounladé Abiodoun, Attakpa Yatchégnon Eloi, Azando Erick Virgile Bertrand, Hounzangbé –. Adoté Mawulé Sylvie e Hoste Hervé. "Effet In Vivo De Newbouldia laevis (Bignoniaceae) Sur Des Strongles Gastro-Intestinaux Des Moutons". European Scientific Journal, ESJ 13, n. 12 (30 aprile 2017): 335.
Testo completoRen, Zhaoyu, Wei Zhang, Mengke Wang, Haifeng Gao, Huimin Shen, Chunping Wang, Taiguo Liu, Wanquan Chen e Li Gao. "Characteristics of the Infection of Tilletia laevis Kühn (syn. Tilletia foetida (Wallr.) Liro.) in Compatible Wheat". Plant Pathology Journal 37, n. 5 (1 ottobre 2021): 437–45.
Testo completoUmeyor, Chukwuebuka, Emmanuel Anaka, Franklin Kenechukwu, Chinazom Agbo e Anthony Attama. "Development, in vitro and in vivo evaluations of novel lipid drug delivery system of Newbouldia laevis (P. Beauv.)". Nanobiomedicine 3 (1 gennaio 2016): 184954351667344.
Testo completoChang, W. Y., F. KhosrowShahian, M. Wolanski, R. Marshall, W. McCormick, S. Perry e M. J. Crawford. "Conservation of Pitx1 expression during amphibian limb morphogenesis". Biochemistry and Cell Biology 84, n. 2 (1 aprile 2006): 257–62.
Testo completoRoco, Álvaro S., Thomas Liehr, Adrián Ruiz-García, Kateryna Guzmán e Mónica Bullejos. "Comparative Distribution of Repetitive Sequences in the Karyotypes of Xenopus tropicalis and Xenopus laevis (Anura, Pipidae)". Genes 12, n. 5 (21 aprile 2021): 617.
Testo completoWozniak, Katherine L., Wesley A. Phelps, Maiwase Tembo, Miler T. Lee e Anne E. Carlson. "The TMEM16A channel mediates the fast polyspermy block in Xenopus laevis". Journal of General Physiology 150, n. 9 (16 luglio 2018): 1249–59.
Testo completoSato, K., M. F. Flajnik, L. Du Pasquier, M. Katagiri e M. Kasahara. "Evolution of the MHC: isolation of class II beta-chain cDNA clones from the amphibian Xenopus laevis." Journal of Immunology 150, n. 7 (1 aprile 1993): 2831–43.
Testo completoCottet, Agustina C., e María Inés Messuti. "Identificación del tipo morfológico de micorriza arbuscular en Phaeoceros laevis (Anthocerotophyta)." Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica 52, n. 2 (7 luglio 2017): 291–93.
Testo completoJara, Carlos G. "A checklist of the Chilean species of the genus Aegla (Decapoda, Anomura, Aeglidae)". Crustaceana 86, n. 12 (2013): 1433–40.
Testo completoYusuf, A. O., O. S. Sowande, O. M. Sogunle, V. A. Akinbami, O. O. Oyebanji, O. A. Yusuf, D. A. Ekunseitan, K. A. Adeleye e A. B. J. Aina. "Accessing the nutritional composition and phytochemical screening of Panicum maximum and Newbouldia laevis leaves". Nigerian Journal of Animal Production 40, n. 1 (28 dicembre 2020): 161–67.
Testo completoLogbo, Jhonn, Paul Yedomonhan, Brice Tente e Akpovi Akoegninou. "Distribution et habitats de Newbouldia laevis (P.Beauv.) Seemann ex Bureau et de Dracaena arborea (Willd.) Link dans les zones bioclimatiques du Bénin". International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 14, n. 8 (9 dicembre 2020): 2903–27.
Testo completoSharma, Pooja, Richa Shri, Fidele Ntie-Kang e Suresh Kumar. "Phytochemical and Ethnopharmacological Perspectives of Ehretia laevis". Molecules 26, n. 12 (8 giugno 2021): 3489.
Testo completoGeibel, Gretchen, Yuthana Kongprachaya e Pierette Appasamy. "TCR gene expression in lymphoid and mucosal tissues of Xenopus laevis (VET1P.1122)". Journal of Immunology 194, n. 1_Supplement (1 maggio 2015): 146.10.
Testo completoCampbell, Christopher S., Wesley A. Wright, Thomas F. Vining e William A. Halteman. "Morphological variation in sexual and agamospermous Amelanchier (Rosaceae)". Canadian Journal of Botany 75, n. 7 (1 luglio 1997): 1166–73.
Testo completoMarkovich, D., e R. R. Regeer. "Expression of membrane transporters in cane toad Bufo marinus oocytes". Journal of Experimental Biology 202, n. 16 (15 agosto 1999): 2217–23.
Testo completoBrandão, LPM, T. Fajardo, E. Eskinazi-Sant'Anna, S. Brito e P. Maia-Barbosa. "Fluctuations of the population of Daphnia laevis Birge 1878: a six-year study in a tropical lake". Brazilian Journal of Biology 72, n. 3 (agosto 2012): 479–87.
Testo completoMaraia, R., M. Zasloff, P. Plotz e S. Adeniyi-Jones. "Pathway of B1-Alu expression in microinjected oocytes: Xenopus laevis proteins associated with nuclear precursor and processed cytoplasmic RNAs". Molecular and Cellular Biology 8, n. 10 (ottobre 1988): 4433–40.
Testo completoMatsuda, Yoichi, Yoshinobu Uno, Mariko Kondo, Michael J. Gilchrist, Aaron M. Zorn, Daniel S. Rokhsar, Michael Schmid e Masanori Taira. "A New Nomenclature of Xenopus laevis Chromosomes Based on the Phylogenetic Relationship to Silurana/Xenopus tropicalis". Cytogenetic and Genome Research 145, n. 3-4 (2015): 187–91.
Testo completoMaraia, R., M. Zasloff, P. Plotz e S. Adeniyi-Jones. "Pathway of B1-Alu expression in microinjected oocytes: Xenopus laevis proteins associated with nuclear precursor and processed cytoplasmic RNAs." Molecular and Cellular Biology 8, n. 10 (ottobre 1988): 4433–40.
Testo completoCarotenuto, Rosa, Maria Michela Pallotta, Margherita Tussellino e Chiara Fogliano. "Xenopus laevis (Daudin, 1802) as a Model Organism for Bioscience: A Historic Review and Perspective". Biology 12, n. 6 (20 giugno 2023): 890.
Testo completoDüşen, S., e M. Oǧuz. "Occurence of Pomphorhynchus laevis (Acanthocephala) in the Marsh Frog (Rana ridibunda Pallas, 1771), from Turkey". Helminthologia 45, n. 3 (1 settembre 2008): 154–56.
Testo completoSive, H. L., R. M. Grainger e R. M. Harland. "Xenopus laevis Einstecks". Cold Spring Harbor Protocols 2007, n. 12 (1 giugno 2007): pdb.prot4750.
Testo completoJabran, Muhammad, Delai Chen, Ghulam Muhae-Ud-Din, Taiguo Liu, Wanquan Chen, Changzhong Liu e Li Gao. "Metabolomic Analysis of Wheat Grains after Tilletia laevis Kühn Infection by Using Ultrahigh-Performance Liquid Chromatography–Q-Exactive Mass Spectrometry". Metabolites 12, n. 9 (28 agosto 2022): 805.
Testo completoBAUER, ALEXANDRE, e THIERRY RIGAUD. "Identifying a key host in an acanthocephalan-amphipod system". Parasitology 142, n. 13 (25 agosto 2015): 1588–94.
Testo completoVogt, Solveig, F. André de Villiers, Flora Ihlow, Dennis Rödder e John Measey. "Competition and feeding ecology in two sympatric Xenopus species (Anura: Pipidae)". PeerJ 5 (19 aprile 2017): e3130.
Testo completoCEZILLY, F., A. GREGOIRE e A. BERTIN. "Conflict between co-occurring manipulative parasites? An experimental study of the joint influence of two acanthocephalan parasites on the behaviour of Gammarus pulex". Parasitology 120, n. 6 (giugno 2000): 625–30.
Testo completoKennedy, C. R. "Colonization and establishment of Pomphorhynchus laevis (Acanthocephala) in an isolated English river". Journal of Helminthology 70, n. 1 (marzo 1996): 27–31.
Testo completoGUERARDEL, Yann, Ossarath KOL, Emmanuel MAES, Tony LEFEBVRE, Bénoni BOILLY, Monique DAVRIL e Gérard STRECKER. "O-glycan variability of egg-jelly mucins from Xenopus laevis: characterization of four phenotypes that differ by the terminal glycosylation of their mucins". Biochemical Journal 352, n. 2 (24 novembre 2000): 449–63.
Testo completoSegil, N., A. Shrutkowski, M. B. Dworkin e E. Dworkin-Rastl. "Enolase isoenzymes in adult and developing Xenopus laevis and characterization of a cloned enolase sequence". Biochemical Journal 251, n. 1 (1 aprile 1988): 31–39.
Testo completoAude Périne MINYEM NGOMBI-AFUH, NNANGA NGA e Joseph NGOUPAYO. "The pharmacological activities of Albizia ferruginea and Newbouldia laevis on Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Epidermophyton species". GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences 23, n. 2 (30 maggio 2023): 133–41.
Testo completo