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Hui, Stanley Sai Chuen, e James R. Morrow. "Level of Participation and Knowledge of Physical Activity in Hong Kong Chinese Adults and Their Association with Age". Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 9, n. 4 (ottobre 2001): 372–85.
Testo completoHammoumi, Dalila, Chakib El Bekkali, Mohammed Karim, Mohammed Taoussi, Najib El Ouanjli e Badre Bossoufi. "Direct controls for wind turbine with PMSG used on the real wind profile of Essaouira-Morocco city". Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 16, n. 3 (1 dicembre 2019): 1229.
Testo completoMoufid, Ismail, Soukaina Naciri, Hassan EL Moussaoui, Tijani Lamhamdi e Hassane El Markhi. "Power Loss Minimization Using The Integration of DGs And Reconfiguration of Distribution System: Applied on Real Distribution Feeder of Urbain Areas of Kenitra City in Morroco". Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal 5, n. 5 (2020): 74–79.
Testo completoManirakiza, Evariste, Jean Paul Ngoboka, Jean Paul Roger Rurangangabo, Vedaste Ndizera, Jean Bosco Kinanira Harerimana e Eric Rwasamanzi. "Promoting Shared Responsibilities in Developing Children’s Early Literacy and Reading Culture in Rwanda". African Journal of Empirical Research 5, n. 3 (26 luglio 2024): 393–407.
Testo completoHeurkens, Erwin, Tom Daamen e Alexandra den Heijer. "City Tour Delft: The Making of a Knowledge City". disP - The Planning Review 51, n. 2 (3 aprile 2015): 6–15.
Testo completoVAN WINDEN, WILLEM. "KNOWLEDGE AND THE EUROPEAN CITY". Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie 101, n. 1 (febbraio 2010): 100–106.
Testo completoWhite, Gwendolen B. "Let Knowledge Serve the City". Sustainability: The Journal of Record 10, n. 4 (agosto 2017): 253–55.
Testo completoMonnavarian, Abbas, Mohammad Mosakhani e Mahdie Akbari. "Is Tehran a knowledge city?" Journal of Place Management and Development 5, n. 2 (20 luglio 2012): 158–73.
Testo completoYigitcanlar, Tan. "Moving Towards a Knowledge City?" International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations 1, n. 3 (luglio 2011): 22–38.
Testo completoSimmie, James, e William F. Lever. "Introduction: The Knowledge-based City". Urban Studies 39, n. 5-6 (maggio 2002): 855–57.
Testo completoO'Connor, Justin. "‘A Special Kind of City Knowledge’: Innovative Clusters, Tacit Knowledge and the ‘Creative City’". Media International Australia 112, n. 1 (agosto 2004): 131–49.
Testo completoNewell, K. David, W. Lynn Watney, Don W. Steeples, Ralph W. Knapp e Stephen W. L. Cheng. "Suitability of high-resolution seismic method to identifying petroleum reservoirs in Kansas--a geological perspective". Bulletin (Kansas Geological Survey), n. 226 (16 aprile 2024): 9–29.
Testo completoLopez-Cantero, Pilar, e Catherine M. Robb. "How to Know a City: The Epistemic Value of City Tours". Philosophy of the City Journal 1, n. 1 (2 ottobre 2023): 31–41.
Testo completoHall, Peter. "Creativity, Culture, Knowledge and the City". Built Environment 30, n. 3 (1 settembre 2004): 256–58.
Testo completoD’Aniello, Giuseppe, Matteo Gaeta, Francesco Orciuoli, Giuseppe Sansonetti e Francesca Sorgente. "Knowledge-Based Smart City Service System". Electronics 9, n. 6 (9 giugno 2020): 965.
Testo completoMuirhead, Robbie. "THE OFFER OF A KNOWLEDGE CITY". Regions Magazine 269, n. 1 (marzo 2008): 22.
Testo completoHuston, Simon, e Clive Warren. "Knowledge city and urban economic resilience". Journal of Property Investment & Finance 31, n. 1 (febbraio 2013): 78–88.
Testo completoMartini, Lenny. "Knowledge Sharing in a Creative City". Procedia Computer Science 99 (2016): 79–90.
Testo completoYigitcanlar, Tan. "Empirical approaches in knowledge city research". Expert Systems with Applications 41, n. 12 (settembre 2014): 5547–48.
Testo completoMCFARLANE, COLIN. "The Comparative City: Knowledge, Learning, Urbanism". International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 34, n. 4 (dicembre 2010): 725–42.
Testo completoPechlát, Jakub. "Prague as a Knowledge City-Region". Teorie vědy / Theory of Science 31, n. 2 (11 novembre 2009): 243–62.
Testo completoMoon, Tae Heon, e Sun Young Heo. "Public knowledge based online participation system for ubiquitous-city (U-city)". International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development 4, n. 2 (2013): 126.
Testo completoConstantinescu, Teodora Iulia, Oswald Devisch e Georgi Kostov. "City Makers". International Journal of E-Planning Research 6, n. 4 (ottobre 2017): 32–57.
Testo completoCywiński, Marcin. "„SMART CITY” CONCEPT IN CITY DEVELOPMENT". Globalization, the State and the Individual 22, n. 2 (15 giugno 2019): 17–28.
Testo completoIlgen, Silvana, Frans Sengers e Arjan Wardekker. "City-To-City Learning for Urban Resilience: The Case of Water Squares in Rotterdam and Mexico City". Water 11, n. 5 (10 maggio 2019): 983.
Testo completoLee, Yangwon (Agustin). "Seoul: World Class Convention City". Revista Digital Mundo Asia Pacífico 2, n. 2 (15 gennaio 2013): 18–31.
Testo completoFerreira, Cássia De Castro Martins, Franciele De Oliveira Pimentel e Yan Carlos Gomes Vianna. "Proposta Metodológica Aplicada ao Estudo de Clima Urbano". Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física 12, n. 6 (16 dicembre 2019): 2023.
Testo completoAditama, Refry Amanah. "Management Rubbish in Bengkulu City". Journal of Social Science 4, n. 5 (3 novembre 2023): 2231–41.
Testo completoBontje, Marco, Sako Musterd, Zoltan Kovács e Alan Murie. "Pathways Toward European Creative-Knowledge City-Regions". Urban Geography 32, n. 1 (gennaio 2011): 80–104.
Testo completoEbrahimian, Mojtaba. "City of Knowledge in Twentieth Century Iran". American Journal of Islam and Society 31, n. 1 (1 gennaio 2014): 107–10.
Testo completoZeidan, Muna Abdul Kadhum, e Shatha Ahmed. "Rubella knowledge among students in Baghdad city". Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 13, n. 10 (2020): 4791.
Testo completoStreib, Greg, e Mark Rivera. "Assessing the Ethical Knowledge of City Managers". Public Integrity 12, n. 1 (1 dicembre 2009): 9–24.
Testo completoScheel, Carlos, e Nathalíe Galeano. "Assembling Industrial Ecosystems for a Knowledge City". International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development 4, n. 3 (luglio 2012): 38–51.
Testo completoPopov, Evgeniy Vasil'evich, e Maxim Vladislavovich Vlasov. "TYPOLOGY OF SMART CITY KNOWLEDGE GENERATION INSTITUTES". Вестник Пермского университета Серия «Экономика» = Perm University Herald ECONOMY 14, n. 2 (2019): 218–31.
Testo completoMorris, R. J., Graeme Morton e Trevor Griffiths. "Power, Knowledge, and Society in the City". Journal of Urban History 32, n. 1 (novembre 2005): 3–7.
Testo completoLubman, I. "The Safety City Program: knowledge is power". Injury Prevention 5, n. 3 (1 settembre 1999): 226–30.
Testo completoEmmerich, Mike, John Holden e Rupert Greenhalgh. "BUSINESS AND THE KNOWLEDGE-BASED CITY REGION". Regions Magazine 269, n. 1 (marzo 2008): 20–22.
Testo completoGunn, Simon. "Knowledge, power and the city since 1700". Social History 27, n. 1 (gennaio 2002): 59–63.
Testo completoRydin, Yvonne. "Joined-up Knowledge for the Sustainable City?" Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 38, n. 6 (giugno 2006): 1005–7.
Testo completoGribat, Nina. "Learning the City: Knowledge and Translocal Assemblage". International Planning Studies 17, n. 4 (novembre 2012): 425–27.
Testo completoVeltz, Pierre. "City and university in the knowledge age". European Journal of Engineering Education 26, n. 1 (marzo 2001): 53–62.
Testo completoHealey, Patsy. "Learning the city: Knowledge and translocal assemblage". Planning Theory & Practice 14, n. 2 (giugno 2013): 283–85.
Testo completoSadikin, Pipin Noviati, e Erie Hermawan Atmawidjaya. "TOURISM KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT IN BOGOR SMART CITY". Bogor Hospitality Journal 7, n. 2 (29 dicembre 2023): 125–40.
Testo completoGonzalez, Martín Alberto. ""Let Knowledge Serve the City": *Restrictions Apply". American Studies 62, n. 1-2 (marzo 2023): 105–9.
Testo completoPrzysucha, Łukasz. "Knowledge Management processes in Smart City - Electronic Tools Supporting the Exchange of Information and Knowledge among City Residents". International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology 10, n. 4 (2019): 155–60.
Testo completoEspinoza-Arias, Paola, María Jesús Fernández-Ruiz, Victor Morlán-Plo, Rubén Notivol-Bezares e Oscar Corcho. "The Zaragoza’s Knowledge Graph: Open Data to Harness the City Knowledge". Information 11, n. 3 (26 febbraio 2020): 129.
Testo completoMetaxiotis, Kostas, e Kostas Ergazakis. "Exploring stakeholder knowledge partnerships in a knowledge city: a conceptual model". Journal of Knowledge Management 12, n. 5 (12 settembre 2008): 137–50.
Testo completoLimaye, Tejas Y., Sonali S. Wagle, Kalyanaraman Kumaran, Charudatta V. Joglekar, Arun Nanivadekar e Chittaranjan S. Yajnik. "Lack of knowledge about diabetes in Pune—the city of knowledge!" International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries 36, n. 3 (6 giugno 2015): 263–70.
Testo completoProvotar, Nataliia, Khrystyna Shchuryk e Kostyantyn Mezentsev. "Knowledge-based urban development: opportunities for Lviv as a knowledge city". Visnyk of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, series Geology. Geography. Ecology, n. 61 (1 dicembre 2024): 242–58.
Testo completoAlfaray, Ricky Indra, Lionardy Yodianto, Astri Dewayani, Kartika Afrida Fauzia, Dwiki Noni Armyta, Yudith Annisa Ayu Rezkitha, Reny I'tishom e Muhammad Miftahussurur. "CORRELATION BETWEEN KNOWLEDGE OF CITY OF RESIDENCE AND COVID19 IN SURABAYA YOUTH GENERATION". Jurnal Layanan Masyarakat (Journal of Public Services) 5, n. 1 (31 maggio 2021): 116.
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