Articoli di riviste sul tema "Kinetic modelling"
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Provis, J. L., e J. S. J. van Deventer. "Geopolymerisation kinetics. 2. Reaction kinetic modelling". Chemical Engineering Science 62, n. 9 (maggio 2007): 2318–29.
Testo completoL Salami, DO Olumuyiwa, EA Alfred e OS Olakanmi. "Kinetic modelling of dumpsite leachate treatment using Musa sapientum peels as bio-sorbent". Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances 9, n. 2 (30 novembre 2021): 024–31.
Testo completoChalyy, K. O., I. P. Kryvenko e M. D. Andriychuk. "KINETIC MODELLING OF BIOCHEMICAL REACTIONS USING MATHСAD ANALYTICAL TOOLKIT". Medical Science of Ukraine (MSU) 20, n. 2 (30 giugno 2024): 68–78.
Testo completoGunn, Roger, V. Schmid, B. Whitcher e V. Cunningham. "Bayesian kinetic modelling". NeuroImage 31 (gennaio 2006): T71.
Testo completoGotch, F. A. "Urea kinetic modelling". Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 10, n. 12 (dicembre 1995): 2378–79.
Testo completoRossetti, Ilenia, Francesco Conte e Gianguido Ramis. "Kinetic Modelling of Biodegradability Data of Commercial Polymers Obtained under Aerobic Composting Conditions". Eng 2, n. 1 (20 febbraio 2021): 54–68.
Testo completoZalazar, C. S., M. D. Labas, M. E. Lovato, R. J. Brandi e A. E. Cassano. "Modelling the kinetics of UV/H2O2 oxidation of dichloroacetic acid". Water Science and Technology 55, n. 12 (1 giugno 2007): 31–35.
Testo completoSymak, Dmytro, Vira Sabadash, Jaroslaw Gumnitsky e Zoriana Hnativ. "Kinetic Regularities and Mathematical Modelling of Potassium Chloride Dissolution". Chemistry & Chemical Technology 15, n. 1 (15 febbraio 2021): 148–52.
Testo completoFrontistis, Z., M. Papadaki e D. Mantzavinos. "Modelling of sonochemical processes in water treatment". Water Science and Technology 55, n. 12 (1 giugno 2007): 47–52.
Testo completoWentzel, M. C., G. A. Ekama e G. v. R. Marais. "Processes and Modelling of Nitrification Denitrification Biological Excess Phosphorus Removal Systems – A Review". Water Science and Technology 25, n. 6 (1 marzo 1992): 59–82.
Testo completoTrninić, Marta. "Mathematical modelling of primary and secondary pyrolysis: State of the art". FME Transactions 48, n. 4 (2020): 733–44.
Testo completoLo Schiavo, M. "Kinetic modelling andelectoral competition". Mathematical and Computer Modelling 42, n. 13 (dicembre 2005): 1463–86.
Testo completoDhir, S., R. Uppaluri e M. K. Purkait. "Oxidative desulfurization: Kinetic modelling". Journal of Hazardous Materials 161, n. 2-3 (gennaio 2009): 1360–68.
Testo completoKönig, Matthias. "cy3sabiork: A Cytoscape app for visualizing kinetic data from SABIO-RK". F1000Research 5 (18 luglio 2016): 1736.
Testo completoBakar, Siti Asmah, Hussein Saed Geedi, Mohd Hairul Khamidun, Radin Maya Saphira Radin Mohamed, Mohammad Faizal Che Daud e Umi Fazara Md Ali. "Evaluation lead removal kinetics modelling of adsorption by using composite of Chitosan and Ceramic waste". IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1205, n. 1 (1 giugno 2023): 012010.
Testo completoGiménez, Jaime, David Curcó e Pilar Marco. "Reactor modelling in the photocatalytic oxidation of wastewater". Water Science and Technology 35, n. 4 (1 febbraio 1997): 207–13.
Testo completoMACKAY, F., R. MARCHAND, K. KABIN e J. Y. LU. "Test kinetic modelling of collisionless perpendicular shocks". Journal of Plasma Physics 74, n. 3 (giugno 2008): 301–18.
Testo completoSantabarbara, Stefano, e Giuseppe Zucchelli. "Comparative kinetic and energetic modelling of phyllosemiquinone oxidation in Photosystem I". Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18, n. 14 (2016): 9687–701.
Testo completoSciazko, M., B. Mertas e L. Stepien. "Kinetic modelling of coking coal fluidity development". Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 142, n. 2 (10 marzo 2020): 977–90.
Testo completoTĂNASE, DOBRE, OANA CRISTINA PÂRVULESCU e CRISTIAN RĂDUCANU. "Stochastic modelling of polysaccharide hydrolysis". Journal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation 3, n. 1 (10 gennaio 2018): 25–38.
Testo completoBuekers, Joren, Jan Theunis, Alberto Peña Fernández, Emiel F. M. Wouters, Martijn A. Spruit, Patrick De Boever e Jean-Marie Aerts. "Box-Jenkins Transfer Function Modelling for Reliable Determination of VO2 Kinetics in Patients with COPD". Applied Sciences 9, n. 9 (1 maggio 2019): 1822.
Testo completoGarrote, Gil, Herminia Domı́nguez e Juan Carlos Parajó. "Kinetic modelling of corncob autohydrolysis". Process Biochemistry 36, n. 6 (gennaio 2001): 571–78.
Testo completoUngerer, Philippe, Francoise Behar, Marlène Villalba, Odd Ragmar Heum e Annie Audibert. "Kinetic modelling of oil cracking". Organic Geochemistry 13, n. 4-6 (gennaio 1988): 857–68.
Testo completoMatyash, K., R. Schneider e H. Kersten. "Kinetic modelling of dusty plasmas". Journal of Physics: Conference Series 11 (1 gennaio 2005): 248–53.
Testo completoOlsson, Louise, e Bengt Andersson. "Kinetic Modelling in Automotive Catalysis". Topics in Catalysis 28, n. 1-4 (aprile 2004): 89–98.
Testo completoArlotti, L., N. Bellomo e M. Lachowicz. "Kinetic equations modelling population dynamics". Transport Theory and Statistical Physics 29, n. 1-2 (gennaio 2000): 125–39.
Testo completoKorla, Kalyani, e Chanchal K. Mitra. "Kinetic modelling of mitochondrial translation". Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 32, n. 10 (13 settembre 2013): 1634–50.
Testo completoMatyash, K., e R. Schneider. "Kinetic modelling of dusty plasmas". Contributions to Plasma Physics 44, n. 13 (aprile 2004): 157–61.
Testo completoKhan, Ahmed Faraz, Philip John Roberts e Alexey A. Burluka. "Modelling of Self-Ignition in Spark-Ignition Engine Using Reduced Chemical Kinetics for Gasoline Surrogates". Fluids 4, n. 3 (17 agosto 2019): 157.
Testo completoJunker, Björn H., Dirk Koschützki e Falk Schreiber. "Kinetic Modelling with the Systems Biology Modelling Environment SyBME". Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics 3, n. 1 (1 giugno 2006): 11–20.
Testo completoKomasi, Milad, Shohreh Fatemi e Seyed Hesam Mousavi. "Kinetic Modelling of Propane Dehydrogenation over a Pt–Sn/hierarchical SAPO-34 Zeolite Catalyst, Including Catalyst Deactivation". Progress in Reaction Kinetics and Mechanism 42, n. 4 (dicembre 2017): 344–60.
Testo completoAl-Ayed, Omar. "Approaches to Biomass Kinetic Modelling: Thermochemical Biomass Conversion Processes". 1 4, Vol4 (1 aprile 2021): 1–13.
Testo completoBellobono, Ignazio Renato, Roberto Scotti, Massimiliano D'Arienzo, Franca Morazzoni, Riccardo Bianchi, Rodica Stanescu, Cristina Costache et al. "Nonlinear Modelling of Kinetic Data Obtained from Photocatalytic Mineralisation of 2,4-Dichlorophenol on a Titanium Dioxide Membrane". International Journal of Photoenergy 2009 (2009): 1–10.
Testo completoKrebs, Olga, Martin Golebiewski, Renate Kania, Saqib Mir, Jasmin Saric, Andreas Weidemann, Ulrike Wittig e Isabel Rojas. "SABIO-RK: A data warehouse for biochemical reactions and their kinetics". Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics 4, n. 1 (1 marzo 2007): 22–30.
Testo completoMarugán, Javier, Rafael van Grieken, Alberto E. Cassano e Orlando M. Alfano. "Kinetic modelling of the photocatalytic inactivation of bacteria". Water Science and Technology 61, n. 6 (1 marzo 2010): 1547–53.
Testo completoBonomo, L., G. Pastorelli e E. Quinto. "Simplified and Monod kinetics in one-dimensional biofilm reactor modelling: a comparison". Water Science and Technology 43, n. 1 (1 gennaio 2001): 295–302.
Testo completoKamara, A., O. Bernard, A. Genovesi, D. Dochain, A. Benhammou e J. P. Steyer. "Hybrid modelling of anaerobic wastewater treatment processes". Water Science and Technology 43, n. 1 (1 gennaio 2001): 43–50.
Testo completogarfinkle, Moishe. "The thermodynamic natural path in chemical reaction kinetics". Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 4, n. 2 (2000): 145–64.
Testo completoRohwer, Johann M. "Kinetic modelling of plant metabolic pathways". Journal of Experimental Botany 63, n. 6 (marzo 2012): 2275–92.
Testo completoBaulch, D. L., C. J. Cobos, R. A. Cox, C. Esser, P. Frank, Th Just, J. A. Kerr et al. "Evaluated Kinetic Data for Combustion Modelling". Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 21, n. 3 (maggio 1992): 411–734.
Testo completoMihajlovic, Ivan, Nada Strbac e Zivan Zivkovic. "Kinetic modelling of chalcocite particle oxidation". Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy 33, n. 6 (dicembre 2004): 316–21.
Testo completoVerdu, J., J. Rychly e L. Audouin. "Synergism between polymer antioxidants—kinetic modelling". Polymer Degradation and Stability 79, n. 3 (marzo 2003): 503–9.
Testo completoLINDSTEDT, R. P., e L. Q. MAURICE. "Detailed Kinetic Modelling of Toluene Combustion". Combustion Science and Technology 120, n. 1-6 (novembre 1996): 119–67.
Testo completoDabrowski, François, Serge Bourbigot, René Delobel e Michel Le Bras. "Kinetic modelling of the thermal degradation". European Polymer Journal 36, n. 2 (febbraio 2000): 273–84.
Testo completoAszódi, A., e P. Friedrich. "Molecular kinetic modelling of associative learning". Neuroscience 22, n. 1 (luglio 1987): 37–48.
Testo completoHofmeyr, Jan-Hendrik S. "Kinetic modelling of compartmentalised reaction networks". Biosystems 197 (novembre 2020): 104203.
Testo completoStamatakis, Michail. "Kinetic modelling of heterogeneous catalytic systems". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27, n. 1 (13 novembre 2014): 013001.
Testo completoMignon, Denis, Thomas Manth e Hans Offermann. "Kinetic modelling of batch precipitation reactions". Chemical Engineering Science 51, n. 11 (giugno 1996): 2565–70.
Testo completoKubička, David, Tapio Salmi, Marja Tiitta e Dmitry Yu Murzin. "Ring-opening of decalin – Kinetic modelling". Fuel 88, n. 2 (febbraio 2009): 366–73.
Testo completoForchheim, Daniel, Ursel Hornung, Andrea Kruse e Tatjana Sutter. "Kinetic Modelling of Hydrothermal Lignin Depolymerisation". Waste and Biomass Valorization 5, n. 6 (30 aprile 2014): 985–94.
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