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Sinaga, Arman Bemby. "“Interferences in Translation.” English Applied Linguistics Study Program, Postgraduate school State University of Medan, 2016". JURNAL MUTIARA PENDIDIKAN INDONESIA 3, n. 1 (1 dicembre 2018): 23–50.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
The objectives of the study are (1) to describe the types of interference which occurred in the translation of bilingual books, (2) to investigate the process of interference occurred in the translation of bilingual children reading books, and (3) to state the reason for linguistic interferences occurrence in the translation of bilingual books. This research uses qualitative research method especially the applied theory. The source of the data is the translated books “Seri HewanTer” published by Kids Bestari (2014). The data area analyzed based on Bogdan and Biglen’s stages/steps especially searching the data, arranging the data and interpreting. The validity of the is taken by applying investigator triangulation involves multiple data sources in an investigation to produce understanding. Based on the analysis, it is found that there are two kinds of interferences found they are (1) syntactical interference and (2) lexical interference. The syntactical interference consisted of omission interferences (28), misorder interferences (9) and misformation interferences (73). Then, lexical interference (45) consisted of pronominal interferences (30) and redundancy interferences (15).
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Wu, Zhixia, Shengqi Zhu, Jingwei Xu, Lan Lan, Ximin Li e Yiqun Zhang. "Frequency Increment Design Method of MR-FDA-MIMO Radar for Interference Suppression". Remote Sensing 15, n. 16 (17 agosto 2023): 4070.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
In the present complex electromagnetic environment, radar target detection is threatened by different kinds of interferences, especially mainlobe deceptive interference, which occupies the same energy distributions of targets spatially, meaning that targets and interferences cannot be discriminated. To make matters worse, the number of suppressible interferences is limited by the number of physical array elements, leading to the degradation of the suppression performance of traditional radar. In this work, we propose a frequency-increment-based interference suppression method for minimum redundancy frequency diverse array multiple-input multiple-output (MR-FDA-MIMO) radar, which effectively solves the aforementioned two problems. The interference suppression method consists of two steps: (i) in the sidelobe barrage interference suppression stage, the interference-plus-noise covariance matrix is reconstructed to overcome the influence of the true targets and mainlobe deceptive interference on the performance of the beamformer; (ii) in the mainlobe deceptive interference suppression stage, a nonadaptive beamforming method is employed to suppress mainlobe deceptive interference and overcome the impact of insufficient virtual samples on interference suppression performance. Additionally, we design a frequency-increment-based MR-FDA-MIMO radar, fully utilizing the advantages of the virtual array to enhance interference suppression performance and increase the number of interferences. Numerical experiments undertaken demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm under different scenarios.
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Azzahrah, Siti Fatimah, e Arief Fiddienika. "Interferensi Fonologi dan Morfologi Bahasa Makassar terhadap Bahasa Indonesia dalam Podcast Warung Kopi". Stilistika: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra 17, n. 2 (31 luglio 2024): 331–44.

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Abstract (sommario):
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan wujud interferensi oleh penutur bahasa Makassar terhadap bahasa Indonesia pada tataran fonologi dan morfologi yang terjadi dalam salah satu episode Podcast Warung Kopi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, dan data yang dikumpulkan merupakan kata-kata yang dicatat setelah mendengarkan Podcast Warung Kopi, bukan data yang merupakan angka. Hasil dari penelitian ditemukan bahwa penutur sering melakukan kesalahan pada tataran fonologi dan morfologi karena memasukkan unsur-unsur bahasa Makassar ke dalam bahasa Indonesia pada tururan mereka. Temuan penelitian tentang interferensi fonologi ini mencakup 22 data yang dibagi menjadi tiga kategori: pengurangan bunyi fonem, penambahan bunyi fonem, dan pergantian bunyi fonem. Interferensi morfologi dalam penelitian ini ditemukan sebanyak 5 data, yang mana interferensi morfologi tersebut terjadi pada tataran afiksasi. Kata kunci: Interferensi, fonologi, morfologi, Podcast ABSTRACT This research aims to describe the manifestation of interference by Makassar speakers towards Indonesian at the phonological and morphological levels that occurs in one episode of the Podcast Warung Kopi. This type of research is descriptive qualitative, and the data collected are words recorded after listening to the Podcast Warung Kopi, not data that is numbers. As a result of the research, it was found that speakers often made mistakes in phonology and morphology, because they incorporated elements of the Makassar language into Indonesian in their speech. The research findings on phonological interference include 22 data which are divided into three categories: reduction of phoneme sounds, addition of phoneme sounds, and replacement of phoneme sounds. In this study, there were 5 morphological interferences found, where the morphological interference occurred at the affixation level. Keyword: Interference, phonology, morphology, Podcast
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Muliansyah, Ariadi, e R. Umi Baroroh. "Interferensi Gramatika Maharah Kitabah dan Penyebabnya Pada Mahasiswa Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Kalijaga". Arabiyatuna : Jurnal Bahasa Arab 4, n. 1 (8 maggio 2020): 37.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
The purpose of this research is to find out the forms of grammatical interference that occur in graduate students of UIN Sunan Kalijaga. Interference is a language disorder that often occurs for language learners. Interference often occurs in all four language skills included in writing skills. Without realizing it, in writing scientific works students still often experience the first language interference, especially in the grammatical field. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive research type. The results found in this study indicate that the grammatical interference still occurs in the writing of graduate students of UIN Sunan Kalijaga. Researchers found 11 grammatical interference with details, 1 interference in the use of isim maushul, 5 interferences in making idahafah, 4 interferences in the use of fi’il (morphology), and 1 interference in the use of hurf.
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Roslina, Roslina, e Nurhayati Nurhayati. "The Updating Status in Facebook: The Interference of English among Users in Academic Context". Utamax : Journal of Ultimate Research and Trends in Education 2, n. 2 (22 luglio 2020): 50–56.

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Abstract (sommario):
This study investigates the interference of English use made by Facebook users in writing status on their account. The researchers formulated two research questions: 1) what types of interferences are found on Facebook status; 2) what factors cause interference on Facebook status. The purpose of this study is to find out the interferences and the factors that cause the interference. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The descriptive qualitative was used to elaborate, describe and disclose kinds of interference and also the factors of interference that Facebook users produced in updating status. The research showed that the way of the Facebook users in transferring their source language to target language tends to be negative transfer or it is called as language interference. The negative transfers made by Facebook users are semantic and grammatical interference. While, the factors that cause the interference are bilingualism background, disloyalty target language, limited vocabularies of TL mastered by a learner, prestige and style, interlingual factor, overextension of analogy, and transfer of structure.
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Triyanto, Hanif, e Endang Nurhayati. "Interferensi gramatikal bahasa Jawa dalam bahasa Indonesia pada karangan laporan peserta didik SMP". LingTera 3, n. 1 (6 maggio 2016): 23.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan (1) bentuk-bentuk interferensi morfologi bahasa Jawa dalam bahasa Indonesia, (2) bentuk-bentuk interferensi sintaksis bahasa Jawa dalam bahasa Indonesia, dan (3) faktor penyebab terjadinya interferensi morfologi dan sintaksis bahasa Jawa dalam bahasa Indonesia pada hasil karangan menulis laporan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah hasil karangan pada pembelajaran menulis laporan berbahasa Indonesia Objek yang diteliti adalah bentuk-bentuk interferensi morfologi dan sintaksis bahasa Jawa dalam bahasa Indonesia beserta faktor-faktor penyebabnya. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik baca dan catat serta pengisian angket. Data dianalisis menggunakan metode padan intralingual dengan teknik Hubung Banding Membedakan. Keabsahan data diperoleh melalui ketekunan pengamatan dan pemeriksaan sejawat. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bentuk-bentuk interferensi morfologi bahasa Jawa dalam bahasa Indonesia meliputi proses morfologis dan morfofonemis. Interferensi proses morfologis meliputi afiksasi dan reduplikasi. Interferensi proses morfofonemis berupa peluluhan fonem pada awal kata berprefiks {N-}.Interferensi sintaksis meliputi pola konstruksi frasa, penggunaan preposisi, konjungsi, dan partikel. Faktor penyebab terjadinya interferensi morfo-logi dan sintaksis bahasa Jawa dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah faktor linguistik meliputi penguasaan B1, rendahnya penguasaan B2 dan faktor kedwibahasaan. Faktor nonlinguistik meliputi kebiasaan, lingkungan, sikap bahasa, motivasi, guru, dan evaluasi pembelajaran.Kata Kunci: interferensi, morfologi, sintaksis, dan faktor penyebab The grammatical interference of Javanese language in Indonesian essay of junior secondary school students’ AbstractThis research was aimed to describe (1) Javanese morphological interference forms in Indone-sian language, (2) Javanese syntactic interference forms in Indonesian language, and (3) the factors cousing Javanese morphological and syntactic interference in Indonesian essay. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The subject of this research were the essay as learning outcomes. The objects of this research were Javanese morphological and syntactic interference forms in Indonesian language and the factors that cause the morphological and syntactic interference. The data were collected by reading and writing techniques and questionnaires. The data were analyzed using the unified intralingual method with Connecting Appeal Differentiating techniques. The validity of the data obtained from a continous observation and peer review. The results of this research find the mor-phological and syntactical interference. The morphological interference includes morphologies and morphophonemic processes. The morphologies interference process includes affixation and reduplica-tion. The morphophonemic interference process was the result of phoneme at the beginning of the word with prefix {N-}. The syntactical interference includes the pattern of phrase constructions, the use of prepositions, conjunctions, and particles. The causes of Javanese morphological and syntactic interference in Indonesian language are linguistic factors including the mastery of L1, low mastery of L2, and bilingualism factors. Nonlinguistic factors include habits, environments, language attitudes, motivations, teachers, and learning evaluations.Keywords: interference, morphological, syntactic, and causes factors
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Zhang, Duoying, Yao Zhang, Zujian Wu e Huiqin Du. "Rank-Constrained Beamforming for MIMO Cognitive Interference Channel". Mobile Information Systems 2016 (2016): 1–11.

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Abstract (sommario):
This paper considers the spectrum sharing multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) cognitive interference channel, in which multiple primary users (PUs) coexist with multiple secondary users (SUs). Interference alignment (IA) approach is introduced that guarantees that secondary users access the licensed spectrum without causing harmful interference to the PUs. A rank-constrained beamforming design is proposed where the rank of the interferences and the desired signals is concerned. The standard interferences metric for the primary link, that is,interference temperature, is investigated and redesigned. The work provides a further improvement that optimizes the dimension of the interferences in the cognitive interference channel, instead of the power of the interference leakage. Due to the nonconvexity of the rank, the developed optimization problems are further approximated as convex form and are solved via choosing the transmitter precoder and receiver subspace iteratively. Numerical results show that the proposed designs can improve the achievable degree of freedom (DoF) of the primary links and provide the considerable sum rate for both secondary and primary transmissions under the rank constraints.
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Habibi, M., Puguh Ardianto Iskandar, Chandra Chandra e Ari Suriani. "Interferensi Bahasa Mandailing dalam Pemerolehan Bahasa Indonesia". Alinea: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajaran 12, n. 2 (31 ottobre 2023): 193.

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Abstract (sommario):
This article will explain the Mandailing language interference in Indonesian that occurs among elementary school children in the South Tapanuli area, North Sumatra. The research uses a qualitative approach with a case study type of research. The results of the research show that there have been 8 cases of language interference at the phonological level, 12 cases of interference at the morphological level, 20 cases of interference at the lexicon level, and 7 cases of interference at the syntactic level. The causes of interference are bilingualism, limited vocabulary, rarely used second language vocabulary and carryover of mother tongue habits. The results of this research are useful for teachers in creating a learning environment that familiarizes themselves with the use of a second language, namely Indonesian.Keywodrs: interference; Mandaling; language acquisitionAbstrakArtikel ini akan memaparkan interferensi bahasa Mandailing dalam bahasa Indonesia yang terjadi pada anak SD di daerah Tapanuli Selatan, Sumatera Utara. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus Hasil penelitian menunjukkan telah terjadi interferensi bahasa pada tataran fonologi sebanyak 8 kasus, interferensi pada tataran morfologi sebanyak 12 kasus, interferensi pada tataran leksikon sebanyak 20 kasus, dan interferensi pada tataran sintaksis sebanyak 7 kasus. Penyebab terjadinya interferensi adalah kedwibahasaan, perbendaharaan kosakata yang masih minim, kosakata bahasa kedua jarang digunakan, dan terbawanya kebiasaan bahasa ibu. Hasil penelitian ini bermanfaat bagi guru dalam menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang membiasakan penggunaan bahasa kedua, yaitu bahasa Indonesia.Kata kunci: interferensi; Mandaling; pemerolehan bahasa
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Du, Pengyu, Lujun Wang, Hongtao Zhang e Zhe Xie. "Performance analysis of direct-sequence spread-spectrum underwater acoustic communications based on at-sea data". MATEC Web of Conferences 283 (2019): 07006.

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Abstract (sommario):
Direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) signal uses phase coherent signals where the information symbols are multiplied with a code sequence, commonly known as chips. The signals are processed at the receiver using the code sequence as a matched filter to extract the information symbols. Taking advantage of the spread processing gain derived from the matched filter, communications can be carried out at low signal levels, which is the preferred method for high quality underwater acoustic (UWA) communication and remote UWA communication. However, in practical applications, DSSS UWA communication will face lots of interferences including multipath interference, Doppler compression interference and phase fluctuation interference, which will seriously affect the performance of DSSS. This paper first analyzes the interferences that DSSS faces in practical applications based on multiple actual received data collected in different water areas. By calculating the gain of the matched filter loss, one can find that influence of phase fluctuation interference has the most serious impact on DSSS. Secondly, the corresponding receiver processing algorithms are given for these interferences, including the differential energy detector and Doppler estimation method. The performance of differential energy detector under the above interferences is analyzed, which shows that the differential energy detector is insensitive to slow phase fluctuation interference and multipath interference and the differential energy detector combined with Doppler compensation can work well based on moving at-sea data. Finally, the parameter design of DSSS system in practical application is discussed and parameter design of DSSS UWA communication system should comprehensively consider the Doppler compression interference and phase fluctuation interference.
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Guo, Ji Hong, Peng Jie Zhang, Hong Ming Ma e Hong Jing Ma. "Research on the Anti-Interference of Mine Soft-Start Controller". Applied Mechanics and Materials 329 (giugno 2013): 493–96.

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Abstract (sommario):
According to QJR-400 mine explosion-proof and intrinsically safe AC motor soft-start controllers are subject to various interference, to analyze interference source, interference factors and its consequences, and to study on the those interferences that has taken measures. In the hardware design, to use photoelectric isolation, anti-interference regulated power supply and reasonable grounding and other measures, which can effectively avoid interference. In the software design, digital filtering program can effectively eliminate the interference of random signals and pulse signals. The experimental results show that these measures can effectively inhibition of external interference.
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Wang, Haitao, Xiaoyong Lyu e Kefei Liao. "Co-Channel Interference Suppression for LTE Passive Radar Based on Spatial Feature Cognition". Sensors 22, n. 1 (24 dicembre 2021): 117.

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Abstract (sommario):
Passive radars based on long-term evolution (LTE) signals suffer from sever interferences. The interferences are not only from the base station used as the illuminator of opportunity (BS-IoO), but also from the other co-channel base stations (CCBS) working at the same frequency with the BS-IoO. Because the reference signals of the co-channel interferences are difficult to obtain, cancellation performance degrades seriously when traditional interference suppression methods are applied in LTE-based passive radar. This paper proposes a cascaded cancellation method based on the spatial spectrum cognition of interference. It consists of several cancellation loops. In each loop, the spatial spectrum of strong interferences is first recognized by using the cyclostationary characteristic of LTE signal and the compressed sensing technique. A clean reference signal of each interference is then reconstructed according to the spatial spectrum previously obtained. With the reference signal, the interferences are cancelled. At the end of each loop, the energy of the interference residual is estimated. If the interference residual is still strong, then the cancellation loop continues; otherwise it terminates. The proposed method can get good cancellation performance with a small-sized antenna array. Theoretical and simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
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Ihsanudin, Ihsanudin, e Aimmatul Muslimah. "INTERFERENSI MORFOLOGIS PUISI RUBA‘I HAMZAH FANSURI". Analisis: Jurnal Studi Keislaman 17, n. 1 (28 novembre 2017): 91.

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Abstract (sommario):
Interferensi dapat terjadi ketika seseorang menggunakan dua bahasa atau lebih, dan terjadi kontak bahasa. Lazimnya terjadi di bahasa lisan dan tulisan. Salah satu penggunaan bahasa tulis adalah puisi Rubā‘i karya Hamzah Fansuri. Ia dapat dikatakan seorang individu yang dapat memakai dua bahasa atau lebih di tengah masyarakat dan terjadi kontak bahasa sehingga terjadi interferensi bahasa. Lebih tepatnya terjadi permasalahan interferensi morfologis. Objek penelitian ini adalah kata-kata yang mengalami interferensi secara morfologis, tipe penelitian ini, kajian pustaka dan deskriptif-kualitatif. Teknik padan translasional digunakan untuk menganalisis data. Permasalahan yang ingin dijawab (1) bentuk-bentuk interferensi morfologis, dan (2) sebab-sebab terjadinya interferensi bahasa. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini. Pertama, terdapat 241 kata yang mengalami interferensi secara morfologis. Bentuk-bentuk interferensi berupa afiksasi dan bentuk kata gandaan (majemuk). Afiksasi yang terjadi berupa imbuhan prefik (awalan), sufik (akhiran), dan konfik (awalan dan akhiran). Kedua, terdapat dua sebab utama terjadinya interferensi, yaitu faktor linguistik (kebahasaan) dan faktor non linguistik (non kebahasaan). Faktor linguistik, diantaranya: tidak ada padanan kata dalam bahasa Melayu, terbawanya bahasa ibu, kosakata Arab ringkas kata luas makna. Faktor nonlinguistik, diantaranya: Hamzah Fansuri seorang multilingual, Hamzah Fansuri seorang sufi, pengaruh Islamisasi di Nusantara, puisi sebagai budaya kesusastraan awal Islam di Nusantara, berkembangnya tulisan Jawi (Melayu-Arab).Interference is used to two languages or more by person and happened language contact, usually in speaking and writing. Rubā‘i of Hamzah Fansuri it is example interference in writing. Hamzah Fansuri is individual in his community whom used to two language or more and impact this phenomena it's call by interference language. Thats exactly, problem morphological interference. This objec research is interference words in Rubā‘i, type research is library research and descriptive-qualitative. Translational tecniques used for analysis data. The purpose study to describe (1) forms morphological interference in Rubā‘i poems, (2) interference factors in Rubā‘i poems. Results this research. The first, 241 words has morphological interference. Interference forms of affixation and the form of multiple word. Affixation is form of prefixs, suffixs, and confixs. The secondly, language interference has two factors: linguistic and non linguistic. In linguistic factors, Malay doesnt have synonim word in arabic, his poems also affected by his first language, Arabic word has little forms but more means. As for non linguistic factors are: Hamzah Fansuri is multilingual, he is a sufi, factor influence of Islamization in Nusantara, poetry as an early literary culture of Islam in Nusantara, the development of Jawi (Malay-Arabic).
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Fu, Jin, Wenfeng Dong, Longhao Qiu, Chunpeng Zhao e Zherui Wang. "Self-Interference Suppression of Unmanned Underwater Vehicle with Vector Hydrophone Array Based on an Improved Autoencoder". Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 11, n. 7 (3 luglio 2023): 1358.

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Abstract (sommario):
The self-interference of an unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) weakens its ability to detect targets of interest. Due to limitations in the size of the sonar array and the complexity of the interference, the performance of existing self-interference suppression methods in practical applications is unsatisfactory. Our research focuses on analyzing the influence of near-field interferences on the sample covariance matrix (SCM) and proposes an interference suppression algorithm based on an improved autoencoder. The proposed algorithm effectively learns the feature distribution of near-field interferences within the covariance domain and reconstructs the pure signal covariance matrix through the cancellation of the near-field interference features. Moreover, the proposed algorithm can meet the requirements of real-time processing and does not require prior knowledge about the positions or propagation of interference. Simulations demonstrate that the proposed algorithm outperforms comparison methods, particularly in scenarios with low signal-to-interference ratios and a limited number of sensors. Furthermore, lake experiments provide additional evidence of the proposed algorithm’s good performance in practical applications.
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Guo, Qiang, e Liangang Qi. "Cascaded Multitype Interferences Suppression Method Using Sparse Representation and Array Processing for GNSS Receiver". International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 2017 (2017): 1–17.

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Interference suppression techniques have been intensively studied in nearly two decades due to their importance for maintaining the integrity and functionality of global navigation satellite system (GNSS). However, the interference suppression method applicable for the complex receiving environment in which there are multitype interfering signals has not been considered in most of the researches. To deal with this problem better, a cascaded multitype interferences suppression method using sparse representation and array processing is proposed. In the first stage, according to the sparsity of the narrowband and modulated wideband interference signals, a novel parallel multichannel signal interference suppression method based on matching pursuit (MP) algorithm and a design strategy for the overcomplete dictionary are proposed to mitigate the interferences with sparse features. Then, the minimum power distortionless response (MPDR) beamformer is employed in the second stage to suppress the residuary interferences (such as Gaussian noise interferences). Compared with existing algorithms, the proposed method can not only effectively suppress the interference arriving from the same direction with the desired signal and increase the Degree of Freedom (DoF) of the array antenna, but also introduce no distortion into the navigation signal. The effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated by theoretical analysis and several simulation results.
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Dai, Huan Yao, Xue Song Wang e Yong Zhen Li. "Spatial Virtual Polarization Filter Design for Radar Sensor". Advanced Materials Research 239-242 (maggio 2011): 768–72.

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Abstract (sommario):
As interferences are introduced from main-lobe direction which results in tar-get signal are masked by interference, traditional adaptive beam-forming can not suppress main-lobe interferences effectively. Polarization filtering is a main method to suppress the interference in radar and other sensor systems. Based on the spatial polarization characteristic (SPC) of antenna, a spatial virtual polarization filter (SVPF) is proposed by constructing polarization decomposition and polarization estimation of the received signal. A generalized construction method of SVPF is provided, the performance of the SVPF is given, and simulation results of the interference suppressing are illustrated. It is indicated that the proposed filter is a valid filtering technique for interference canceling. SVPF made single polarized radar own polarization information processing ability which improved radar working performance.
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Liu, Min, Hua Wei Song e Jin Feng Zhao. "Research on the Electromagnetic Compatibility of Microcomputer Protection". Applied Mechanics and Materials 325-326 (giugno 2013): 832–35.

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Abstract (sommario):
This paper analyzed the main interference sources and their influences on the operation of protection both in the smart substation and the traditional substation. The interferences could be suppressed by reducing radiation of the interference sources, blocking the coupling channel of common-mode interference, promoting the anti-electromagnetic interference ability of the sensitive circuit and designing the bleeder circuit rationally. A microcomputer protection has passed the EMC test successfully by adopting these measures.
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Day, Patrick, Sarah Erdahl, Steve Eckdahl, Joshua Bornhorst e Paul J. Jannetto. "Gadolinium-based contrast agents: A clinically significant analytical interference in inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry elemental analysis". Annals of Clinical Biochemistry: International Journal of Laboratory Medicine 56, n. 6 (10 giugno 2019): 638–45.

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Abstract (sommario):
Background Gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs) have been used in magnetic resonance imaging for the past 30 years, where they have significantly improved the effectiveness of imaging studies. However, the increased usage of gadolinium in the medical community has also resulted in unexpected interferences in other laboratory assays. This has been particularly the case in clinical elemental analysis using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Methods By conducting ICP-MS interference experiments, we describe how gadolinium interferes with elemental analysis by space charge effect, double charge effect and the creation of polyatomic interferences. Additionally, by reviewing more than a year of reference laboratory data from our laboratory information system, we determined the number of elemental tests cancelled due to gadolinium interference. Results Interference experiments show that gadolinium normally found in GBCAs can interfere with heavy metals, platinum and selenium analysis of biological fluids using ICP-MS. Within one year, our institution’s metals laboratory had to cancel 42 selenium serum tests and 19 heavy metal urine panels due to potential interference caused by gadolinium. Conclusions GBCAs will continue to be utilized in hospitals around the world. However, clinical laboratories should be wary of potential interferences caused by GBCAs. Relevant interferences include space charge effect, double charge interference, and the formation of polyatomic interferences caused by gadolinium. These interferences can negatively affect patient care by resulting in cancelled laboratory tests and causing patients to have blood redrawn and analysed at a later date leading to delays in their diagnosis/treatment.
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Ji, Yunhao, Yaobing Lu, Shan Wei e Zigeng Li. "Multiple Mainlobe Interferences Suppression Based on Eigen-Subspace and Eigen-Oblique Projection". Sensors 22, n. 21 (4 novembre 2022): 8494.

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Abstract (sommario):
When the desired signal and multiple mainlobe interferences coexist in the received data, the performance of the current mainlobe interference suppression algorithms is severely challenged. This paper proposes a multiple mainlobe interference suppression method based on eigen-subspace and eigen-oblique projection to solve this problem. First, use the spatial spectrum algorithm to calculate interference power and direction. Next, reconstruct the eigen-subspace to accurately calculate the interference eigenvector, then generate the eigen-oblique projection matrix to suppress mainlobe interference and output the desired signal without distortion. Finally, the adaptive weight vector is calculated to suppress sidelobe interference. Through the above steps, the proposed method solves the problem that the mainlobe interference eigenvector is difficult to select, caused by the desired signal and the mismatch of the mainlobe interference steering vector and its eigenvector. The simulation result proves that our method could suppress interference more successfully than the former methods.
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Abstract (sommario):
The present study deals with Madura interference in Arabic. It aims at giving a thick explanation aboutgrammatical interferencewhich especially exists in Arabic conversation member for Syu’bah al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyah. The data consist of word, phrase, clause, and sentencescontaining interference.There were 8example collected as data which were analyzed using error analysis framework and sociolinguistic perspective.The research findings show that there were four types of grammatical interference: the form of word, phrase,clause, and sentences.The study also shows that the interference was due to two factors: the bilinguality ofspeakerand the tendency of transferring old linguistic behavior in the new one (from Madura to Arabic).whichbasically due to the writers’ constrains in Arabic grammatical.Key Word: language interference, grammatical interference, causes of interference AbstrakPenelitian ini berkaitan dengan interferensi bahasa Madura dalam bahasa Arab. Tujuan penelitian ini adalahuntuk memberikan penjelasan tentang interferensi gramatikal yang ditemukan dalam percakapan bahasa Arabsantri anggota Syu’bah al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyah. Data terdiri dari kata, frasa, klausa dan kalimat yang mengandunginterferensi.Ada 8 contoh dikumpulkan sebagai data yang dianalisis menggunakan kerangka analisis kesalahanpespektif soiolinguistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada empat jenis interferensi gramatikal: yang berupa kata,frasa, klausa dan kalimat. Faktor yang berkontribusi pada interferensi gramatikal ini adalah bilingualitas seorangpenutur dan kecendrungan mentransfer perilaku linguistik yang lama pada perilaku baru (dari bahasa Madurake bahasa Arab).Pada dasarnya ini semua karena dikarenakan oleh penutur terhadap gramatikal bahasaArab.
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Dini, Putri Aryan. "INTERFERENSI FONOLOGIS BAHASA INDONESIA DALAM PELAFALAN ONSET GUGUS KONSONAN KATA BAHASA JAWA". BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra 20, n. 2 (5 luglio 2021): 183–95.

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ABSTRAK This study aims to determine the form of interference that may occur in Indonesian speakers who pronounce Javanese words with complex onset consonant clusters and to see if the interference omit the meaning of the word. This research method is to analyze the recording of the reading test by two research subjects using PRAAT software. There are two interferences produced by the research subjects, namely epenthesis schwa and deletion. The results of the perception test show that schwa epenthesis interference is unacceptable but does not omit the meaning, while deletion is unacceptable and omit the meaning. Both of these interferences are a form of adaptation of research subjects in pronouncing the complex onset consonant clusters that are not prevalent in Indonesian. Kata Kunci: phonotactics, interference, onset consonant cluster
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Liu, Wei, e Yuri S. Kivshar. "Multipolar interference effects in nanophotonics". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 375, n. 2090 (28 marzo 2017): 20160317.

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Scattering of electromagnetic waves by an arbitrary nanoscale object can be characterized by a multipole decomposition of the electromagnetic field that allows one to describe the scattering intensity and radiation pattern through interferences of dominating multipole modes excited. In modern nanophotonics, both generation and interference of multipole modes start to play an indispensable role, and they enable nanoscale manipulation of light with many related applications. Here, we review the multipolar interference effects in metallic, metal–dielectric and dielectric nanostructures, and suggest a comprehensive view on many phenomena involving the interferences of electric, magnetic and toroidal multipoles, which drive a number of recently discussed effects in nanophotonics such as unidirectional scattering, effective optical antiferromagnetism, generalized Kerker scattering with controlled angular patterns, generalized Brewster angle, and non-radiating optical anapoles. We further discuss other types of possible multipolar interference effects not yet exploited in the literature and envisage the prospect of achieving more flexible and advanced nanoscale control of light relying on the concepts of multipolar interference through full phase and amplitude engineering. This article is part of the themed issue ‘New horizons for nanophotonics’.
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Lv, Xue Lei, Guo Mei Zhang, Guo Bing Li, Gang Ming Lv e Chao Zhang. "Partial Interference Alignment Schemes for the K-User MIMO Interference Channel". Applied Mechanics and Materials 548-549 (aprile 2014): 1368–76.

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Partial interference alignment (PIA) strategies for the K-user interference channel are considered. Two schemes are proposed to align the partial interference for the downlink interference channel in the case ofK>3. In the first scheme, strong interferences are limited as much as possible by aligning the two strongest interferers into a same subspace at the receiver. While the second scheme is to design its precoding matrix (or vector) by selecting the precoder pair which maximizes the chordal distance between designed signal subspace and interference signal subspace in the set of pecoding matrices (or vectors) at each transmitter. Simulation results show that compared with the existing schemes which don’t optimize the precoder, such as Fixed-PIA, the proposed schemes can improve the sum rates significantly by selecting IA forms in multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems.
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Ma, Zhongmin, Terri G. Monk, Lawrence T. Goodnough, Adrain McClellan, Maria Gawryl, Terri Clark, Paulo Moreira, Peter E. Keipert e Mitchell G. Scott. "Effect of hemoglobin- and Perflubron-based oxygen carriers on common clinical laboratory tests". Clinical Chemistry 43, n. 9 (1 settembre 1997): 1732–37.

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Abstract Polymerized hemoglobin solutions (Hb-based oxygen carriers; HBOCs) and a second-generation perfluorocarbon (PFC) emulsion (Perflubron) are in clinical trials as temporary oxygen carriers (“blood substitutes”). Plasma and serum samples from patients receiving HBOCs look markedly red, whereas those from patients receiving PFC appear to be lipemic. Because hemolysis and lipemia are well-known interferents in many assays, we examined the effects of these substances on clinical chemistry, immunoassay, therapeutic drug, and coagulation tests. HBOC concentrations up to 50 g/L caused essentially no interference for Na, K, Cl, urea, total CO2, P, uric acid, Mg, creatinine, and glucose values determined by the Hitachi 747 or Vitros 750 analyzers (or both) or for immunoassays of lidocaine, N-acetylprocainamide, procainamide, digoxin, phenytoin, quinidine, or theophylline performed on the Abbott AxSym or TDx. Gentamycin and vancomycin assays on the AxSym exhibited a significant positive and negative interference, respectively. Immunoassays for TSH on the Abbott IMx and for troponin I on the Dade Stratus were unaffected by HBOC at this concentration. Tests for total protein, albumin, LDH, AST, ALT, GGT, amylase, lipase, and cholesterol were significantly affected to various extents at different HBOC concentrations on the Hitachi 747 and Vitros 750. The CK-MB assay on the Stratus exhibited a negative interference at 5 g/L HBOC. HBOC interference in coagulation tests was method-dependent—fibrometer-based methods on the BBL Fibro System were free from interference, but optical-based methods on the MLA 1000C exhibited interferences at 20 g/L HBOC. A 1:20 dilution of the PFC-based oxygen carrier (600 g/L) caused no interference on any of these chemistry or immunoassay tests except for amylase and ammonia on the Vitros 750 and plasma iron on the Hitachi 747.
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Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis interferensi fonologi, morfologi, leksikal, sintaksis, dan faktor penyebab interferensi bahasa Jawa ke dalam bahasa Indonesia pada keterampilan berbicara sis-wa SMA Negeri 1 Pleret. Subjek penelitian adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Pleret. Objek penelitian adalah interferensi bahasa Jawa ke dalam bahasa Indonesia pada keterampilan berbicara. Human instrument, yaitu peneliti sebagai instrumen utama. Data diperoleh dengan teknik SBLC, rekam, dan catat. Selain itu, wawancara dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi faktor penyebab inter-ferensi. Keabsahan data diperoleh dengan tiangulasi dan expert judgement. Analisis dilakukan dengan intralingual error analysis. Teknik metode padan intralingual yang digunakan adalah teknik HBB. Hasil penelitian yaitu, pertama, interferensi fonologi terjadi karena terdapat prenasalisasi berupa suara hidung yang mendahului fonem /b/, /d/, /j/, dan /g/. Kedua, interferensi morfologi terjadi karena terda-pat afiksasi yang dipengaruhi sistem afiksasi bahasa Jawa, yaitu (a) prefiks n-, ke-, ny-, ng-, m-, (b) sufiks -e, (c) konfiks ke – an yang mengacu ke - en, dan (d) penggunaan akhiran –nya yang merujuk pada panambang –e. Ketiga, interferensi leksikal terjadi karena terdapat penggunaan leksikal pada dan tak yang merupakan leksikal bahasa Jawa. Penggunaan leksikal tersebut menyebabkan kesalahan keba-hasaan serta semantis. Keempat, interferensi sintaksis terjadi karena (a) penggunaan pola frasa “adverbia pada + verba” dan “adjektiva + sendiri”, (b) penggunaan pola klausa “pronomina posesif (tak) + verba”. Kelima, faktor linguistik penyebab interferensi, yaitu kontak bahasa, transfer negatif bahasa, dan sistem bahasa yang berdekatan. Faktor nonlinguistik penyebab interferensi, yaitu kebiasa-an, dominasi penguasaan bahasa Jawa, dan sikap berbahasa. Kata Kunci: interferensi, analisis kesalahan, keterampilan berbicara THE INTERFERENCE OF JAVANESSE LANGUAGE IN INDONESIAN IN THE SPEAKING SKILL OF THE STUDENTS OF SMA NEGERI 1 PLERET, BANTUL Abstract The aims of this research are to analyze the form of phonological, morphologycal, lexical, syntactic interference, and the factors causing interference of Javanesse language in Indonesian in the speaking skill. The subjects of this study were all eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Pleret. The object of this study was the interference of Javanesse language in Indonesian in the speaking skill. The research instrument was the human instrument. The data of this study were collected through SBLC, record, and noted techniques. The validity of the data was obtained through the triangulation technique and expert judgment. The intralingual error analysis was used for the data analysis. The results of this study show that: (1) phonological interference occurs because of nasal sound at the beginning of the phonemes /b/, /d /, / j/, and /g/; (2) morphological interference occurs because affixa-tion system is influenced by the Javanesse language, including (a) the prefix n-, ke-, ny-, ng-, m-, (b) the suffix -e, (c) the confix ke – an refering to ke - en, and (d) suffix -nya refering to the suffix –e; (3) lexical interference occurs because there are Javanesse lexical items causing the linguistic and semantic errors; (4) syntactic interference occurs because of (a) the use of the Javanesse language phrase patterns “adverbia pada + verba” and “adjektiva + sendiri”, (b) the use of the Javanesse language clause patterns “pronomina posesif (tak) + verba”, and (5) the linguistic factors which cause interference, include language contact, negative transfer, and proximity language system. The non-linguistic factor causing interference include domination of Javanesse language skill, speaking habits, and language attitude. Keywords: interference, error analysis, speaking skill
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Peklaj, Cirila, e Melita Puklek. "Spoprijemanje s stresom in kognitivna interferenca pri študentih kot pomembna dejavnika vpliva na njihove dosežke". Psihološka obzorja 10, n. 2 (1 giugno 2001): 7–19.

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Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti povezanost med strategijami spoprijemanja s stresnimi situacijami, kognitivno interferenco in uspešnostjo verbalne predstavitve seminarskega dela študentov bodočih učiteljev. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 135 študentov pedagoških smeri. Na začetku semestra so študentje izpolnjevali vprašalnik spoprijemanja s stresom (Ways of Coping Questionnaire; Folkman in Lazarus, 1988). Uporabili smo verzijo, ki ugotavlja posameznikovo običajno odzivanje na stresne situacije. Po predstavitvi seminarske teme so študentje poročali o kognitivni interferenci med nastopanjem (o prisotnosti motečih dejavnikov in vsiljivih misli). Prav tako je profesor po nastopu ocenil uspešnost nastopa posameznega študenta po vnaprej znanih kriterijih. Analiza rezultatov je pokazala pomembno povezanost med določenimi načini spoprijemanja s stresom, vidiki kognitivne interference in uspešnostjo predstavitve. Nadaljne statistične analize so pokazale pomembne razlike v različnih vidikih kognitivne interference med skupinami zelo, srednje in manj uspešnih študentov. V zaključku avtorici razpravljata o pomembnosti uspešnih načinov spoprijemanja s situacijo nastopanja in povežeta rezultate raziskave z izobraževanjem študentov bodočih učiteljev.
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Subject and Purpose. A new method for detecting narrow band interferences is discussed, with the use of an example record of Jovi- an Io-C decametric radio storm as obtained with the UTR-2 array on April 10, 2020. We aimed at developing an efficient and simple algorithm based on a detailed analysis of the effect the radio interference environment and the frequency response of the telescope may have on the efficiency of the interference mitigation procedure. Methods and Methodology. The ‘orthogonal detection’ method proposed for identifying linear interference patterns in dynamic spectra of powerful radio sources has been adapted for application to narrow band interferences of various spectral widths and variable brightness, which often happen to be located close to (or intersect with) the signal of interest. In order to minimize the impact of the telescope’s frequency response, a discretized frequency-scanning technique is used, which permits a steady approximation of the averaged spectrum by low order polynomials, as well as removal of the frequency trend which hinders distinguishing between the low-level interference signals and those coming from the source. Results. An efficient approach to the problem of detecting long lasting, narrowband interferences in dynamical spectra (con- ditionally stationary interferences) is proposed. The algorithm has been tested on the example of a powerful storm of Jovian radio emission. The proposed technique can be especially useful in situations where the signal of interest overlaps with the interference in the time-frequency domain. Conclusions. The new approach to the problem of interference mitigation, based on the development of combined algorithms of signal separation in the time-frequency domain, has been shown to offer an effective method of signal processing. In contrast to the previously used methods based on calculation of statistical moments for amplitudes, the new approach allows avoiding use of the same statistical indicators for both interference detection and subsequent steps of data analysis intended for building physical models and interpreting the observational data.
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Beigh, Aamir Nazir, e Er Prabhjot Kaur. "Inter-Cell Interference". International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Volume-2, Issue-6 (31 ottobre 2018): 43–46.

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Pokharna, Vinay, Manisha Kumawat e Suresh Bhati. "Reduction of Interference". International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Volume-3, Issue-3 (30 aprile 2019): 1005–7.

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Xu, Zhengguang, e Shanyong Wei. "FMCW Radar System Interference Mitigation Based on Time-Domain Signal Reconstruction". Sensors 23, n. 16 (11 agosto 2023): 7113.

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In this study, an interference detection and mitigation method is proposed for frequency-modulated continuous-wave radar systems based on time-domain signal reconstruction. The interference detection method uses the difference in one-dimensional fast Fourier transform (1D-FFT) results between targets and interferences. In the 1D-FFT results, the target appears as a peak at the same frequency point for all chirps within one frame, whereas the interference appears as the absence of target peaks within the first or last few chirps within one frame or as a shift in the target peak position in different chirps. Then, the interference mitigation method reconstructs the interference signal in the time domain by the estimated parameter from the 1D-FFT results, so the interference signal can be removed from the time domain without affecting the target signal. The simulation results show that the proposed interference mitigation algorithm can reduce the amplitude of interference by about 25 dB. The experimental results show that the amplitude of interference is reduced by 20–25 dB, proving the effectiveness of the simulation results.
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Giyatmi, Giyatmi, Purwani Indri Astuti, Ratih Wijayava e Sihindun Arumi. "Indonesian Interference toward English Used on Outdoor Advertisement Boards and Banner in Sukoharjo, Central Java". Lingual: Journal of Language and Culture 6, n. 2 (11 gennaio 2019): 43.

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Abstract (sommario):
Interference is a common phenomenon in second language learning. However, the researchers are interested in analyzing interference from another point of view. This research aims at finding the types of Indonesian interference toward English found in outdoor advertisement boards and banners in Sukoharjo. The researchers use some theories dealing with interference such as the definition of interference and type of interference. This research belongs to a descriptive qualitative research. Data of this research are English words, phrases, and sentences consisting of Indonesian interference toward English used in outdoor advertisement boards and banner. The data are taken from outdoor advertisement boards and banners in Sukoharjo. The technique of data collection used is observation then followed by writing technique. English words, phrases, and sentences with no interference are reduced. Then the data found are encoded with No data/Data/Kinds of Interference. The researchers use theory triangulation during this research. The researchers found 74 data of Indonesian interference toward English in outdoor advertisement boards and banners in Sukoharjo. After analyzing the data, the researchers found that there are 6 types of Indonesian interference toward English; (1) syntactic interference in the formation of phrase and sentence (2) Lexical interference in the case of borrowing words adapted into Indonesian spelling (3) Phonological interference in vowel sounds, consonant sounds, and semivowel sounds (4) Morphological interference in the process of affixation (5) Graphic interference in the spelling principle (6) Translation interference which happens because of direct translation. Keywords: advertisement, language interference, kinds of interferences.
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ZHANG, Jiangong, Zheyuan GAN, Jun ZHAO e ying Lu. "Analysis of active interference on radio station from AC UHV power". E3S Web of Conferences 64 (2018): 05003.

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The problems of Electromagnetic Interference in Airborne Intelligence Radar Stations near the AC UHV Transmission Lines are researched in this paper, which is mainly active interference. The calculation method for the interferences is analysed, and then the proper protection distances of the AC UHV transmission line to the radar station are given. The paper analyzed the active interference of AC UHV transmission lines, and focuses on the active interference caused by the line corona on the active radar of nearby airborne intelligence when the transmission line is under normal operation. In the end, this paper proposes the recommended values of active interference protection distance for 1000kV AC UHV transmission lines and airborne intelligence radar stations.
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Abstract (sommario):
Abstract This study aims 1) to describe the morphological interference events, and 2) to describe the lexical interference events; Indonesian in the Bakumpai language in a story entitled Mang Raja Haji with his daughter's Keuju. The method used in this research is data provision, data processing, and data analysis. Provision of data using the technique of engaging free listening proficiently and technique of note taking. Data processing is done by using the triangulation technique with the help of dictionaries and native speakers of Bakumpai language informants. Data analysis was carried out by classifying data based on word categories and types of interference found. The findings are 1) morphological interference occurs in verbal words and phrases, 2) lexical interference occurs in types of words or phrases: verbal, adjective, adverbial, conjunction, and noun. Key Word, interferensi, trianggulasi, frasa AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan 1) mendskripsikan peristiwa interferensi morfologi, dan 2) mendeskripsikan peristiwa interferensi leksikal; bahasa Indonesia dalam bahasa Bakumpai dalam cerita yang berjudul Mang Raja Haji dengan Keuju Putrinya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penyediaan data, pengolahan data, dan penganalisasisan data. Penyediaan data dengan menggunakan teknik simak bebas libat cakap dan teknik catat, Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan mengunakan teknik trianggulasi dengan bantuan kamus dan informan penutur asli Bahasa Bakumpai. Penganalisisan data dilakukan dengan mengklasifikasikan data berdasarkan kategori kata, dan jenis interferensi yang ditemukan. Hasil temuannya adalah 1) interenferesi morfologi tejadi pada kata dan frasa verbal, 2) interferensi leksikal terjadi pada jenis kata atau frase: verbal, adjektiva, adverbial, konjungsi, dan nomina, Key Word, interferensi, trianggulasi, frasa
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Wang, Yuan, e Zhongpei Zhang. "Interference Alignment Algorithm over Partially connected MIMO Interference Broadcast Channels Network". International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking 6, n. 6 (31 dicembre 2013): 193–204.

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Fernández Campo, Betty Nayibe, Lesly Alejandra González Camacho e Claudia Milena Hernández Bonilla. "IMPACTO DEL REUSO DE FRECUENCIA FRACCIONAL EN LA REDUCCIÓN DE INTERFERENCIA INTERCELDA EN LTE." Revista de Investigaciones Universidad del Quindío 25, n. 1 (31 maggio 2014): 28–39.

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Abstract (sommario):
La Interferencia Inter-Celda (ICI, Inter-Cell Interference) es un problema que desafía el desempeño de las redes Evolución a Largo Término (LTE, Long Term Evolution), sin embargo existen técnicas de Coordinación de Interferencia Inter-Celda (ICIC, Inter-Cell Interference Coordination) como el Reuso de Frecuencia Fraccional (FFR, Fractional Frequency Reuse) que permiten mitigar dicha interferencia y mejorar el desempeño de los Equipos de Usuario (UE, User Equipment), especialmente aquellos terminales situados en el borde de la celda. Este artículo analiza el desempeño de la técnica Reuso de Frecuencia Fraccional (FFR) en LTE, en función de dos parámetros de configuración: Umbral de Relación Señal a Ruido más Interferencia (SINR, Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio) y partición de Ancho de Banda (BW, Band Width). Se evalúa la capacidad e interferencia mediante diagramas de dispersión, curvas de Función de Probabilidad Acumulada Empírica (ECDF, Empirical Cumulative Density Function) y cálculos estadísticos.
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Jalil Aklo, Nabil. "Design FIR Band Pass Filter With Centered At 50 Hz For Medical Application". University of Thi-Qar Journal for Engineering Sciences 8, n. 3 (1 dicembre 2017): 55–65.

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Digital signal processing techniques used widely to cancel undesired parts of the signals, like that interference with other frequency range. Electromagnetic signals can be interference with human body signals such as Electrocardio signal Electroencephalogram and Electromyography. These interferences can be affect on the diagnosis signal during the examination and when these happen with different frequencies,such as (EMG) noise, devices that have high vibration which give fault data or effect the final result. Filtering of signals interference is very useful in the diagnosis of biomedical cases, as instant as the ECG signal that represent weak signal. This work treat problems of all kinds of interference with ECG signal and reduce it based on the development of digital Finite Impulse Response (FIR)filter for ECG signal which has the frequency between (5Hz to 100 Hz)using fdtool by MATLAB instead of classical filters that often unaccurate. It is hard to get pure signal from human body without any interferences specially with that range of frequencies. In this paper the ECG signal has been presented from human body with its frequency spectrums before filtering then filtered from unwanted frequencies and show the elimination of the disturbance interference from this signal
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Stepanov, N. A., M. V. Aleshkin e Yu S. Popkov. "PROCESSING OF ACOUSTIC IMAGES OF THE BOTTOM DURING ENGINEERING– GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS IN THE AQUATIC AREAS". Engineering survey 12, n. 9-10 (4 aprile 2019): 74–83.

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Abstract (sommario):
During engineering surveys in water areas, the side-scan sonar method (SSS) plays an important role in detecting hazards located on the surface of the seabed. At the same time, the SSS recording is often complicated by several interference associated with the surveying conditions (thermocline); with the joint surveying of several methods(the spikes from the transponder-responder); with weather conditions (strips in the records due to irregular movement of the vessel and twitching of the towing cable) and others. The solution of description, analysis and removal these interferences without losses quantity and quality of useful information is shown. The description of the results of interference removal from the sonar recording is important not only for data improvement, but also for understanding in which cases interference can be removed, and in which cases it is necessary to re-pass profile or change the surveying conditions. An analysis of the interferences, usually present on sonar recordings, and methods of dealing with some of them to increase the effectiveness of the sonar data processing during engineering surveys are presented. Herewith, the analysis of interferences is performed for the possibility of their localization, separation from useful record and removal. The study shows that with the approach chosen by the authors, the data on potential hazards are not lost, while the signal-to-interference ratio significantly increases. As a result of the work, conclusions were obtained that some types of interference can be completely eliminated by processing methods, some can only be partially removed, and certain cannot yet be removed by processing methods and it is necessary to eliminate such interference methodologically.
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Wang, Yu, Qingquan Liu, Zhenpeng Jiang, Di Zheng e Ronghua Shi. "Research on network interference problems in intelligent manufacturing". Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2921, n. 1 (1 dicembre 2024): 012015.

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Abstract (sommario):
Abstract As the smart manufacturing industry continues to grow, ensuring high-quality data transmission has become especially critical. In wireless communication networks, numerous sources of interference exist, especially significant in restricted space environments such as factories. These areas are subject to signal interference from same-frequency devices and interference from multipath propagation due to signal reflection in buildings. In order to guarantee the communication quality of smart manufacturing systems, reducing network interference in such spaces is a prerequisite; therefore, it becomes crucial to reduce various network interferences. In this study, a scheme combining orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) techniques is proposed to cope with the interference problem of the network in the smart manufacturing process.
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Brkan, Maja. "The Concept of Essence of Fundamental Rights in the EU Legal Order: Peeling the Onion to its Core". European Constitutional Law Review 14, n. 2 (17 maggio 2018): 332–68.

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Abstract (sommario):
Essence of fundamental rights – Article 52(1) of the Charter – Multi-level protection of fundamental rights in Europe – Sources of essence – European Court of Justice case law on ‘very substance’ of fundamental rights – Constitutional traditions common to the Member States – European Court of Human Rights – Court of Justice of the EU – Schrems – Principle of proportionality – Absolute theory – Relative theory – Classification of interferences with essence – Objective interference – Subjective interference – Absolute rights – EU methodology for determination of interference with essence
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Astantiya Sabarani, Farida Nugrahani e Dewi Kusumaningsih. "Indonesian Interference in Javanese and Conversely to the Dialogue of the Main Character in the Film Yowis Ben 1". Aksis : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia 4, n. 2 (31 dicembre 2020): 443–56.

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Abstract (sommario):
Interferensi merupakan salah satu fenomena kontak bahasa. Interferensi dapat terjadi dalam segala tataran kehidupan, termasuk di dalam dialog oleh tokoh utama dalam sebuah film. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan interferensi bahasa Indonesia ke dalam bahasa Jawa dan sebaliknya pada dialog tokoh utama dalam film “Yowis Ben 1” dan implementasinya sebagai alternatif materi ajar bahasa Indonesia di SMA. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Interference is one of the phenomena of language contact. Interference can occur at all levels of life, including in dialogue by the main character in a film. The aims of this research are to describe the interference of Bahasa into Javanese and vice versa, based on the dialogue of the main character in "Yowis Ben 1" film and its implementation to become the teaching material alternative in SMA (Senior High School).This research belongs to qualitative. The technique of collection data is documentation. Test the data validity is using triangulation sources. Data analysis is selecting the data which have been gathered through the records, notes and transcription then describing the results of the research on language interference in “Yowis Ben 1” movie. The analysis result shows the use of Indonesian language in a movie called “Yowis Ben 1” interference on the phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics level.The factors causing the interference in the use of Indonesian by the main character in the film "Yowis Ben 1" are bilingualism, low loyalty in the recipient's language user, and the habit of using the mother tongue.
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Chance, Jeffrey J., Edward J. Norris e Martin H. Kroll. "Mechanism of Interference of a Polymerized Hemoglobin Blood Substitute in an Alkaline Phosphatase Method". Clinical Chemistry 46, n. 9 (1 settembre 2000): 1331–37.

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Abstract Background: Hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers can cause profound interferences in many analytical procedures. We determined the mechanism of interference in the assay of alkaline phosphatase activity and identified approaches that might be used to correct for this interference. Methods: Interference of a polymerized hemoglobin blood substitute with the assay of alkaline phosphatase was examined with a Hitachi 917 analyzer and ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry. Results: Hemoglobin-based oxygen carrier solutions had substantial absorbance at 415 nm, the wavelength of analysis used to measure the formation of 4-nitrophenol. In addition to offsetting the initial absorbance at the analytical wavelength, polymerized hemoglobin gave rise to a strong negative interference plot because of alkali denaturation of the substitute. The same interference mechanism was also observed for native hemoglobin (hemolysate), indicating that the interference was not derived from the polymerization process. The interference can be corrected by implementing a rate-correction procedure, or the interference can be avoided by measurement at 450 nm. Conclusions: The interference of polymerized hemoglobin in the alkaline phosphatase assay is a result of an absorbance offset caused by alkali denaturation of hemoglobin. The interference can be corrected or avoided by modifying the calculation or the analytical wavelength. The correction strategy may also be applicable to improving the hemolysis index for this method.
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Raymondra, Kirana Anjastya Prima, e Herri Akhmad Bukhori. "Interferensi Sintaksis Bahasa Indonesia terhadap bahasa Jerman pada Schriftlicher Ausdruck dalam Matakuliah B1-Prüfüngsvorbereitung". JoLLA: Journal of Language, Literature, and Arts 1, n. 1 (30 gennaio 2021): 25–36.

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Abstract: Interference is a language error in the mixing of first language elements into the second language. One of the error types is composing a second language sentence using the structure of the first language. This phenomenon is discussed in syntax. Syntax is the linguistic branch that refers to the rules for arranging words and phrases to make a well-formed sentence. The purpose of this study is to identify Indonesian syntactic interference toward German on the texts Schriftlicher Ausdruck taken from the B1-Prüfungsvorbereitung-course. The total number of texts was 21. Sentences containing Indonesian syntactic interference were recorded in the documentation table and analyzed using the language error theory by James and Corder. The results showed that there are one hundred and ten-sentence data containing Indonesian syntactic interference. The data are grouped into error and mistake categories. The data that include errors are interference of word order in a sentence, omission of sentence elements (subject, reflexive pronoun, verbs, conjunction), the addition of sentence elements (preposition), and use of sentence element (conjugation). The data that include mistakes are interference of the use of sentence elements (verb according to the context of the sentence, conjunction, preposition, adverb, and word). Keywords: interference, syntax, schriftlicher ausdruck Abstrak: Interferensi adalah kesalahan berbahasa berupa bercampurnya unsur bahasa pertama ke dalam bahasa kedua. Salah satu kesalahan tersebut seperti menulis kalimat bahasa kedua menggunakan aturan pembentukan kalimat bahasa pertama. Fenomena ini dibahas dalam sintaksis. Sintaksis merupakan cabang linguistik yang khusus membahas aturan penyusunan kata dan frasa untuk membentuk kalimat dengan susunan yang tepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi interferensi sintaksis bahasa Indonesia terhadap bahasa Jerman pada teks karangan schriftlicher Ausdruck yang diambil dari mata kuliah B1-Prüfungsvorbereitung. Keseluruhan karangan yang diteliti berjumlah 21. Kalimat yang mengandung interferensi sintaksis bahasa Indonesia di data pada tabel dokumentasi dan dianalisis menggunakan teori kesalahan berbahasa oleh James dan Corder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat seratus sepuluh data kalimat yang mengandung interferensi sintaksis bahasa Indonesia. Data tersebut dikelompokkan ke dalam error dan mistake. Data yang termasuk error yaitu interferensi urutan kata dalam kalimat, penanggalan unsur kalimat (subjek, pronomina refleksif, verba, konjungsi), penambahan unsur kalimat (preposisi), dan penggunaan unsur kalimat (konjungsi). Data yang termasuk mistake adalah interferensi penggunaan unsur kalimat (verba sesuai konteks kalimat, konjungsi, preposisi, adverbia, dan kata). Kata kunci: interferensi, sintaksis, schriftlicher ausdruck
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Jara-Aguirre, Jose C., Nikola A. Baumann, Darci R. Block e Alicia Algeciras-Schimnich. "Human chorionic gonadotropin suspected heterophile interference investigations in immunoassays: a recommended approach". Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM) 57, n. 8 (26 luglio 2019): 1192–96.

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Abstract Background Heterophile antibody (HAb) interferences in immunoassays can cause falsely elevated hCG concentrations leading to incorrect diagnosis and treatments options. When results are not consistent with the clinical findings, hCG HAb interference investigation may be requested by the physician. A retrospective evaluation of the frequency of HAb interference was performed among cases of physician-requested investigations and the effectiveness of commercially available blocking reagents to detect HAb interference in two immunoassay systems was evaluated. Methods One hundred and thirteen physician requests for hCG HAb investigation from 2008 to 2017 were reviewed. The primary method used to measure hCG was the Beckman Coulter Access Total βhCG (2008–2010) and the Roche Elecsys HCG+β (2014–2017). HAb investigation included measurement by two immunoassays before and after treatment of samples with heterophile blocking reagents and serial dilution studies. Results Five cases of HAb and HAb-like interference were identified. The interference frequency was 6.7% for the Beckman assay and 2.9% for the Roche assay. The presence of HAb was detected using heterophile blocking reagents and an alternative method in three cases. The other two cases were detected due to discrepant results with an alternative method and non-linear serial dilutions (HAb-like). Conclusions HAb interference was observed in the Beckman and the Roche assays. The heterophile blocking reagents failed to detect 40% of interference cases. Blocking reagents should not solely be used for these investigations. Multiple strategies including the use of serial dilutions and using an alternative platform are critical when troubleshooting interferences in hCG immunoassays.
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Wang, Yizhen, Qi Han, Dechen Zhan e Qiong Li. "A Data-Driven OBE Magnetic Interference Compensation Method". Sensors 22, n. 20 (12 ottobre 2022): 7732.

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Aeromagnetic compensation is a technology used to reduce aircraft magnetic interference, which plays an important role in aeromagnetic surveys. In addition to maneuvering interferences, the onboard electronic (OBE) interference has been proven to be a significant part of aircraft interference, which must be reduced before further interpretation of aeromagnetic data. In the past, most researchers have focused on establishing linear models to compensate for OBE magnetic interference. However, such methods can only work using accurate reference sensors. In this paper, we propose a data-driven OBE interference compensation method, which can reduce OBE interference without relying on any other reference sensor. This network-based method can integrally detect and repair the OBE magnetic interference. The proposed method builds a prediction model by combining wavelet decomposition with a long short-term memory (LSTM) network to detect and predict OBE interference, and then estimates the local variation of the magnetic field to remove the drift of the interference. In our tests, we construct 10 semi-real datasets to quantitatively evaluate the performance of the proposed method. The F1 score of the proposed method for OBE interference detection is over 0.79, and the RMSE of the compensated signal is less than 0.009 nT. Moreover, we also test our method on real signals, and the results show that our method can detect all interference and significantly reduce the standard deviation of the magnetic field.
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Jovanović, Slobodan, e Klara Birinji. "The Proposal for Solution of Interference Problems Caused By Drugs". Journal of Medical Biochemistry 26, n. 4 (1 dicembre 2007): 314–18.

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The Proposal for Solution of Interference Problems Caused By DrugsFor long years the laboratories have the problem of endogenous and axogenous interferences. Drugs are responsable for more than 90% of exogenous interference. The aim of the investigation was to find a rather simple and economic way in solution of every day existing problem in clinical biochemistry. Using the appropriate literature the possible existing of interference is determined. Such approach could be interesting for many of laboratories in every day practice.
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It is a common phenomenon that many rural populations work in Malaysia well known as Indonesian Labors (TKI). Even, some of them have been working for 5 years without passport. Their long period serving as Malaysian TKI affects to the ungrammatical and interference usage of Indonesian language. This study focuses on the causes and interferences form of Malayan language towards the TKI’s Indonesian language performance in Sub-district of Sikur. This is descriptive and qualitative study. The data is collected by using recording and interview technique. Then, the recording data is transcribed into written form and is analyzed by using interactive analysis with the following steps: data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion. Based on the data analysis, it is concluded that the interferences occurred among the Malaysian TKI populations are caused by interaction, habitual use of Malayan language for communication and their long period serving as TKI. In addition, forms of language interferences of the Malaysian TKI are phonological interference which occurs through shift of vowel phoneme, shift of consonant phoneme, and articulation of vowel and consonant phoneme. Beside that, morphological interference also occurs through prefix di-, clitics –nya, preposition di, full reduplication and partial reduplication. Finally, syntactic interference occurs in term of function, category and role.
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During the guidance of the aircraft on the final part of the flight, it is affected, along with other external factors, by interferences of various (artificial or natural) origins. These interferences have various effects on the receiving elements of the antenna array of the radar sensor of external information. Due to the variability and rapidity of the complex interference situation, adaptive interference protection systems are the most effective in combating these interferences. It is known that the use of adaptive processing systems allows for overcoming the practically inevitable a priori uncertainty of statistical characteristics of signals and interference of various origins. At present, due to the development of digital technology, new methods and devices for adaptive signal processing against the back- ground of interference have appeared. Thus, the arsenal of methods of adaptation to Gaussian disturbances has been supplemented by methods involving the inversion (direct or recurrent) of the most plausible estimates of correlation matrices of disturbances or their regularized varieties. Wide possibilities of adaptation are opened up in modern radar stations with multi-element phased antenna ar- rays, which provide for digital information processing. Due to the very high speed of the aircraft during the operation of its correlation- extreme guidance system, as well as due to the dynamic and non-stationary interference environment, an important requirement for adaptive anti-jamming systems is their speed. The effectiveness of adaptive processing of signals against the background of interference can be significantly increased by using reliable a priori information. The paper considers a method of increasing the speed of adaptive protection systems against radar interference of various origins by taking into account a priori information about the central symmetry of the receiving channels of radar sensors of external information of correlation-extreme aircraft navigation systems. It is shown that taking into account such a priori information as the central symmetry of the receiving channels of radar sensors of external informa- tion leads to a corresponding change in the structure of devices for adaptive signal processing in the conditions of interference in these sensors and as a consequence, to an increase in their speed.
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<p align="center">ABSTRAK</p><p align="center"> </p><p>Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendeskripsikan terjadinya interferensi morfologi dan sintaksis bahasa Sunda terhadap bahasa Indonesian dalam karangan deskripsi siswa, tataran ketatabahasaan yang paling banyak dipengaruhi, dan faktor-faktor penyebab terjadinya interferensi morfologi dan sintaksis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan objek penelitian berupa karangan deskripsi siswa yang memiliki bahasa kesatu bahasa Sunda. Dari hasil analisis data, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa terjadi interferensi bahasa Sunda terhadap bahasa Indonesia dalam karangan deskripsi siswa. Aspek-aspek kebahasaan yang paling banyak dipengaruhi adalah aspek morfologi. Secara keseluruhan karangan deskripsi siswa kelas VII SMPN 1 Nanggung, Kabupaten Bogor kurang mengandung interferensi. Faktor-faktor penyebab terjadinya interferensi karena pemakaian bahasa Sunda yang dominan dan kemiripan serta ketiadaan padanan dalam bahasa Sunda dengan bahasa Indonesia atau sebaliknya.</p><p><strong>Kata Kunci: interferensi morfologi,interferensi sintaksis, bahasa Sunda </strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p align="center">ABSTRACT</p><p><em>The aim of the research is to describe the occurance of morphology interference and the syntax of sundanesse language toward Indonesian in student’s writing, the gramatical aspect that mostly influenced, and the factors that causes. This research uses descriptive method with the object of the research in student’s writing which has the first language Sundanesse. From the results of data analysis, researcher concludes that the interference occurs in Sundanesse toward Indonesian in their writings. The aspect of language that mostly influenced is the morphology. As the whole descriptive writings of the students of class VII SMPN 1 Nanggung have less of interference. The factors that causes the interference is the use of Sundanesse dominately and the similarities and no subtitude in Sundanesse language to Indonesian. </em><em></em></p><p><strong><em>Keyword : morfology interference, syntax interference, Sundaness language. </em></strong><strong><em></em></strong></p>
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Jahan, Nusrat, Ashikur Rahman Khan, Main Uddin e Mahamudul Hasan Rana. "Challenges and Solutions on Interference Management in D2D System of Cellular Network". WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS 19 (13 gennaio 2021): 215–22.

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A single bidirectional link is used to allow communication between two devices in the device-todevice (D2D) communication system. D2D technology has to implement with the current cellular system. As both users D2D and cellular use the same licensed spectrum for transmission the chances of interferences increases. It is challenging for researchers to find out the proper mechanism to decrease interference and maximize performances. In this paper, we try to survey the challenges and their solutions to enable D2D communication in the cellular network with low interference. Here we describe the peer discover, mode selection process and interference management with power control and resource allocation. Finally, we can say that with proper power control, spectrum slicing and resource allocation we can mitigate co-tier and cross-tier interferences.
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Deng, Chao, Chunjun Chen, Qi Sun, Dongwei Wang e Zhiying He. "Interference Elimination of Wall Fluctuation Pressure Test Signal of High-Speed Train Based on Phase Space Reconstruction and Vibration Interference Model". Fluctuation and Noise Letters 19, n. 02 (12 febbraio 2020): 2050020.

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Because of the complexity of high-speed train operation, the measured wall pressure of high-speed train will be affected by many factors, such as train vibration and environmental changes, which make the test signal inaccurate. The main interferences are the electromagnetic interference caused by the complicated electromagnetic environment and the sensor output interference caused by the train body vibration. In this paper, ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) combined with singular value decomposition (SVD) and the local projection de-noise algorithm with better effect on non-linear time series noise reduction are used to eliminate electromagnetic interference in test signal. Because of the frequency band aliasing of test signal and interference cause by vibration, it is difficult to eliminate vibration interference by the signal processing method. In this paper, a vibration interference model is established by model-train experiment and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software to eliminate the vibration interference in the test signal. Moreover, the theoretical guidance for accurately extracting the wall pressure of high-speed train has been put forward.
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He, Mengmin, Gaofeng Cui, Weidong Wang, Xinzhou Cheng e Lexi Xu. "Interference Situational Aware Beam Pointing Optimization for Dense LEO Satellite Communication System". Electronics 13, n. 6 (16 marzo 2024): 1096.

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Recently, the low earth orbit (LEO) mega-constellation faces serious time-varying interferences due to spectrum sharing, dense deployment, and high mobility. Therefore, it is important to study the interference avoidance techniques for the dense LEO satellite system. In this paper, the interference situational aware beam pointing optimization technique is proposed. Firstly, the angle of departure (AoD) and angle of arrival (AoA) of the interfering links are obtained to represent the time-varying interference. Then, the interference avoidance problem for dense LEO satellite systems is modeled as a non-convex optimization problem, and a particle swarm optimization (PSO) based method is proposed to obtain the optimal beam pointing of the user terminal (UT). Simulations show that the relative error of the mean signal-to-interference plus noise ratio (SINR) obtained by the proposed method is 0.51%, so the co-channel interference can be effectively mitigated for the dense LEO satellite communication system.
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