Letteratura scientifica selezionata sul tema "Intéractions bactéries"
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Tesi sul tema "Intéractions bactéries"
Leyval, Corinne. "Intéractions bactéries-mycorhizes dans la rhizosphère du pin sylvestre et du hêtre : Incidences sur l'exsudation racinaire et l'altération des minéraux". Nancy 1, 1988.
Testo completoChauvière, Gilles. "Adhésion des Escherichia coli entérovirulents et des lactobacilles sur des cellules intestinales humaines en culture : étude de leurs intéractions". Paris 11, 1993.
Testo completoBou, habib Michèle. "Développement et analyse d'un modèle dynamique d'attaque de phages lors de l'acidification du lait pour la fabrication du fromage". Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024.
Testo completoAs the demand for diverse cheeses increases, there is a growing interest in optimizing production processes. One of the earliest steps in cheese-making is milk acidification, which highly influences the final product's organoleptic properties, texture, and safety. Milk acidification involves the conversion of lactose, the sugar in milk, into lactic acid by lactic acid bacteria. However, these bacteria are susceptible to attack by viruses known as bacteriophages. This attack can lead to bacterial lysis, resulting in delayed or halted acidification, which incurs significant economic losses as milk is discarded and production facilities require extensive cleaning. This highlights the need for a deeper understanding of phage-bacteria interactions in cheese-making. Research efforts in the dairy industry have primarily focused on characterizing the phages involved and finding new strategies to mitigate phage attacks.One novel approach to studying these interactions is through dynamic mechanistic modeling. Previous models have been developed but have never been applied to the dairy industry. This study aims to fill this gap by contributing to the broader understanding of phage-bacteria interactions in milk fermentation through the establishment of a dynamic model.To achieve this, we first employed a high-throughput pH measurement method to generate acidification data under different initial conditions of bacteria and phages. This methodology proved useful in distinguishing various dynamic behaviors depending on these conditions. It allowed us to delineate three distinct outcomes depending on these conditions: for some conditions the acidification was a success; for some others, it was a failure; and for the rest, the result was neither a complete failure nor a complete success.The mechanistic model we developed consists of five ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and accounts for various phenomena, including product inhibition, lag time, phage adsorption, and cell lysis. The model yielded satisfactory results, accurately predicting experimental data and correctly identifying the acidification outcome. We further investigated the model's structure by comparing various candidate structures and performing a sensitivity analysis to reveal the dominant phenomena throughout the process. The sensitivity analysis also contributed to the design of new informative experimental setups.A theoretical analysis of the model provided insights into the intrinsic dynamics of the system, revealing three time frames of the attack. First, the contamination phase, a short initial time where phages adsorb to the bacteria. Next, the spread phase, where the dominant dynamics involve the spread of phages and the infection of susceptible bacteria. Finally, the discharge phase, where the dominant dynamics are the lysis of bacteria and the release of new phages. The switch time between the last two phases was defined as t∗ and its dependency on the initial conditions was characterized.We also identified a faster dynamic component of the system that can be separated from slower ones. Utilizing the quasi-steady state approximation, we established an analytical relationship between the initial conditions of bacteria and phages and the resulting pH. This relationship indicates that the final outcome of acidification does not solely depend on the ratio of initial conditions but is more complex. The approximation resulted in a reduced model that saved 83% of the simulation time.Finally, we developed a tool to predict the number of potential successful acidifications that can be run before cleaning is required. The results are based on easily obtainable inputs. This represents a first step toward designing a decision aid tool to help cheese makers in their production.This study enhances our understanding of the dynamics of phage attack in milk acidification and facilitates accurate predictions of these dynamics through an ODE system and a reduced model
Turon, Violette. "Coupling dark fermentation with microalgal heterotrophy : influence of fermentation metabolites mixtures, light, temperature and fermentation bacteria on microalgae growth". Thesis, Montpellier, 2015.
Testo completoGrowing microalgae in heterotrophic mode present several advantages over autotrophic mode such as a higher productivity in terms of biomass and lipids for biofuels production. Nevertheless, this process is limited by the production cost associated with the organic substrate (i.e. glucose) and fermenters sterilization costs. Dark fermentation effluents, mainly composed of acetate and butyrate, could be used as a low-cost medium to grow microalgae heterotrophically or mixotrophically. The aims of this PhD were i) to optimize microalgae growth on various mixtures of fermentations metabolites using the presence or absence light and different cultivation temperatures and ii) to assess the feasibility of using unsterilized fermentation effluents. First, a model based on mass balance was built to characterize heterotrophic growth rates and yields when Chlorella sorokiniana and Auxenochlorella protothecoides were supplemented with different mixtures of acetate and butyrate. Results showed that the acetate:butyrate ratio and the butyrate concentration per se were two key parameters for promoting heterotrophic growth. Then, further studies showed that the presence of light and the use of suboptimal temperature (30 °C) could reduce the butyrate inhibition on growth by either triggering autotrophic production of biomass or enhancing growth on acetate. Finally, it was shown that microalgae could outcompete fermentation bacteria for acetate when growing on raw dark fermentation effluents, thanks to a fast algal growth on acetate (1.75 d-1) and a drastic change of culture conditions to the detrimental of bacterial growth
Georgios, Nikitas. "Intéractions entre bactérie pathogène et barrière intestinale : l'exemple de Listeria monocytogenes". Paris 7, 2010.
Testo completoListeria monocytogenes (Lm) crosses the intestinal barrier and causes human listeriosis. The interaction between the Lm protein InlA and E-cadherin (Ecad) expressed by epithelial cells is crucial for the infection. The sites of interaction and the mechanisms of the crossing of the intestinal barrier are not known. We used in vivo two-photon microscopy to show that: i) Ecad is luminally accessible at the level of goblet cells and their adjacent enterocytes and ii) Lm crosses the intestinal barrier by transcytosis and is transferred to the underlying lamina propria by exocytosis. Using different transgenic and knock-out mouse lines we studied the contribution of dendritic cells (DCs) and M cells of the epithelium to the InlA-independent crossing of the intestinal barrier. Both DCs and M cells are important in the crossing of the epithelium. We study the intestinal immune response induced by Lm. We studied in vivo the Lm transcriptional status during the intestinal invasion. We used custom-made Lm gene chip and bacterial RNA extracted from the intestinal lumen of orally infected mice. Most of the genes expressed are involved in alternative-carbon-source utilization pathways, are associated with virulence, general stress response, cell division and changes in cell wall structure. These different approaches allow us to comprehend the intestinal physiology and the pathophysiology of listeriosis
Gervais, Marie-Laure. "Etude des intéractions protéine-protéine par double hybride bactérien : applications en agro-alimentaire et en santé". Phd thesis, Université d'Angers, 2010.
Testo completoVan, Wambeke France. "Activité et régulation de la fraction hétérotrophe du compartiment bactérien et son rôle dans les intéractions au sein du réseau trophique microplanctonique". Aix-Marseille 2, 1992.
Testo completoTomé, Catarina da Silveira. "Intéractions avec le ribosome et changements conformationnels de la GTPase bactérienne EngA, une cible potentielle pour de nouveaux antibiotiques". Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2016.
Testo completoThe development of new therapeutics against bacterial infections has aroused great interest over the last years in the context of drug resistance. The starting-point in the pursuit of new antibiotics for which bacterial resistance mechanisms do not exist is the identification of novel cellular targets. Genetics studies in the early 2000s have identified engA as a conserved bacterial gene whose product is a GTPase that could represent a potential drug target: it is conserved among bacteria, essential for cell survival, and absent in humans.Since EngA acts as an assembly factor for the bacterial ribosome, one of our aims was to develop an assay to screen inhibitors of the EngA-ribosome interactions. These interactions are modulated by EngA conformational changes that are in turn triggered by the binding of different nucleotides to the catalytic G-domain. As the interplay between all these events in bacteria is still not resolved, we have used a multi-technique approach to explore these questions in order to obtain useful information for the setting up of a robust screening assay.SAXS and limited proteolysis showed a conformational change occurring in solution upon addition of either di- or tri-phosphate nucleotides. While model validation analysis confirmed the GDP-bound conformation, the GTP-bound state does not match any known EngA structure. Binding studies have revealed modulation of interactions by different nucleotide-bound states. Furthermore, response to nucleotides occurs at high concentrations, suggesting that the role of EngA in promoting ribosome assembly could be monitored by the intracellular nucleotide concentration. Efforts on identifying the GTP-bound state 3D structure by crystallography have resulted in EngA structures in different crystal forms. Although all the obtained structures represent the GDP-bound state, packing analysis has revealed conserved crystal contacts that can potentially stabilise this conformation during nucleation. Specific mutations aiming at disrupting these contacts may help to promote crystallisation of alternative conformations. Cryo-EM investigation has been initiated in order to obtain the structure of the B. subtilis EngA:50S complex. So far, an electron density map at 6.4 Å resolution has been obtained and its interpretation is underway
Rouil, Jeff. "Évolution et dynamique du système di-symbiotique chez les pucerons du genre Cinara". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Montpellier, SupAgro, 2023.
Testo completoThe existence of multi-symbiotic systems has been demonstrated in several aphid species (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and more particularly in species of the genus Cinara. The taxonomic caracterisation of the symbionts present in about sixty species of Cinara has made it possible to determine that Serratia symbiotica is the most frequently found bacterium as an obligatory secondary symbiont. Furthermore, the reconstruction of the evolutionary history of symbiotic associations in Cinara species suggests an ancestral acquisition of Serratia symbiotica as an obligate co-symbiont, although the presence of other bacteria in some species indicates that replacement events have occurred. More recently, genome analysis of Serratia symbiotica strains associated have shown that these symbionts exhibit different genomic characteristics ranging and variations in their shape and localisation in bacteriocytes. These data seem to show a gradient of changes in the transition from a facultative life-style to obligate endosymbiont in which we observe all of the (now obligate) co-symbionts of Cinara. During this phd, using phylogenomics, we inferred the evolutionary history of Serratia symbiotica within Cinara and highlighted multiple independent acquisitions of this bacterium as a co-obligate symbiont of Cinara. These transitions from facultative to obligate life-style are associated with genome reductions and low G-C content that are more or less important depending on the lineage, revealing the relative age of the symbiotic association with Serratia. Among the inferred acquisition events, one in particular led to co-speciation over about 20 Ma of the three partners of the nutritional symbiosis (Cinara, Buchnera and Serratia). In this clade, we observed stable cellular and genomic structures with highly reduced genomes and low G-C content for both co-symbionts. Furthermore, the analysis of the substitution rates of each partner allowed us to describe for the first time a parallel evolution between the two symbionts and their host. Further analysis of the gene composition of the co-symbiotic bacteria in this clade revealed strong complementation for the production of nutrients required by the host. Furthermore, the analysis of their set of genes revealed that they are under strong purifying selection. In addition an experimental approach aimed at quantifying the symbionts during development on three Cinara species suggest that aphid species differ in their capacity to regulate the co-symbiont Serratia. This difference is observed between two Cinara species for which the Serratia originated from independent acquisitions and in which its localisation is different. Finally, a genomic comparison analysis on APSE phages (integrated bacteriophage) present in Cinara co-symbionts and providing defence against parasitoids allowed a description the diversity of APSEs and their genome evolution in aphids. This analysis also showed that mobile elements could play a role in the acquisition of new genes in the defensive toxin cassette. Altogether, this study reveals a dynamic multi-partner endosymbiosis where the new partner is recurrently replace
Ada, da Silva Grâce. "Intéractions hôte-pathogène dans l'infection par Mycobacterium tuberculosis : rôle des cellules dentritiques et des lymphocytes T doubles positifs CD4 CD8aa dans la persistance et la réactivation de la bactérie". Thesis, Nantes, 2018.
Testo completoTuberculosis (TB) represents a challenge to immunologists, as it represents a chronic infection characterized by persistence of the pathogen despite development of antigen-specific immune responses. Approximately one-third of the world's population is infected with the causative agent Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb). During my PhD research, I first characterized a subset of IL-10–producing human dendritic cells (DC) generated in vitro by DC infection with Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (DC-BCG) or Mtb (DCMtb). These DC do not produce IL-12 but induce IL- 10–producing type 1 regulatory T cells (Tr1) in a IL-10 dependent manner and present a significant fraction of cells that coexpress two major tolerogenic molecules : ILT4 and ILT-2, suggesting a new pathway that could contribute to the delay of adaptive immune responses to Mtb. The granuloma, which is a compact aggregate of immune cells, serves to contain Mtb and defined the latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI). Approximately 10% of people with LTBI will develop active TB disease in their lifetime. The reasons underlying active disease progression remain poorly understood. We characterized CD4CD8αα T lymphocytes present in granulomas development and termed DP8αBCG that exhibit helper properties and could be linked to the ability of Mtb to evade immune responses. DP8αBCG exhibited proliferation and cytokine expression (TNFα, IFNγ, IL-2 but no IL-10) in response to BCG activation and highly expresses the CD40L marker and regulatory factors (CD25, CTLA-4, GITR). These data may provide new target for diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for an efficient protective immune responses against the pathogen and its effective clearance