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Dubois, Janique, e Kelly Saunders. "“Just Do It!”: Carving Out a Space for the Métis in Canadian Federalism". Canadian Journal of Political Science 46, n. 1 (marzo 2013): 187–214.

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Abstract (sommario):
Abstract.Disagreement over how and between whom power should be shared has led to competing conceptions of federalism in Canada. The model of federalism adopted in theConstitution Act 1867divides power between the provinces and the federal government to the exclusion of Aboriginal peoples. However, pre-Confederation documents such as the Royal Proclamation of 1763 and the early treaties suggest that federalism is founded on the coexistence of self-governing nations. This paper presents a case study of how one Aboriginal people, the Métis, are reviving the pre-Confederation vision of federalism founded on mutual recognition by carving out a space for themselves in Canada's political and institutional landscape. We argue that by delivering an expanded array of programs and services to their citizens, creating innovative governance structures, adopting legislation in key areas of Métis interest and fostering economic self-sufficiency, the Métis are reshaping federalism from the bottom up.Résumé.Deux visions antagoniques du fédéralisme canadien existent en raison de conceptions divergentes de la séparation des pouvoirs. Le modèle de fédéralisme adopté par la Loi constitutionnelle de 1867 divise les pouvoirs entre les provinces et le gouvernement fédéral, en dépit des peuples autochtones. Or, la Proclamation royale de 1763 et les premiers traités proposent une vision du fédéralisme fondée sur la coexistence de nations autonomes. Cet article présente une étude de cas qui démontre comment un peuple autochtone, les Métis, fait renaitre la vision originale du fédéralisme fondée sur la reconnaissance mutuelle en se taillant une place au sein du paysage politique et institutionnel canadien. Les Métis prennent une approche ascendante pour façonner le fédéralisme canadien à cette image par le biais du développement de programmes et services, la création de structures de gouvernance innovatrices, l'adoption de politiques dans des domaines clés et la poursuite de l'autosuffisance économique.
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Riggs, Rebecca, James Langston, Chris Margules, Agni Boedhihartono, Han Lim, Dwi Sari, Yazid Sururi e Jeffrey Sayer. "Governance Challenges in an Eastern Indonesian Forest Landscape". Sustainability 10, n. 1 (11 gennaio 2018): 169.

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Integrated approaches to natural resource management are often undermined by fundamental governance weaknesses. We studied governance of a forest landscape in East Lombok, Indonesia. Forest Management Units (Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan or KPH) are an institutional mechanism used in Indonesia for coordinating the management of competing sectors in forest landscapes, balancing the interests of government, business, and civil society. Previous reviews of KPHs indicate they are not delivering their potential benefits due to an uncertain legal mandate and inadequate resources. We utilized participatory methods with a broad range of stakeholders in East Lombok to examine how KPHs might improve institutional arrangements to better meet forest landscape goals. We find that KPHs are primarily limited by insufficient integration with other actors in the landscape. Thus, strengthened engagement with other institutions, as well as civil society, is required. Although new governance arrangements that allow for institutional collaboration and community engagement are needed in the long term, there are steps that the East Lombok KPH can take now. Coordinating institutional commitments and engaging civil society to reconcile power asymmetries and build consensus can help promote sustainable outcomes. Our study concludes that improved multi-level, polycentric governance arrangements between government, NGOs, the private sector, and civil society are required to achieve sustainable landscapes in Lombok. The lessons from Lombok can inform forest landscape governance improvements throughout Indonesia and the tropics.
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Vermunt, Dorith A., Pita A. Verweij e René W. Verburg. "What Hampers Implementation of Integrated Landscape Approaches in Rural Landscapes?" Current Landscape Ecology Reports 5, n. 4 (10 giugno 2020): 99–115.

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Abstract (sommario):
Abstract Purpose of Review In rural areas, frameworks of integrated landscape approaches are increasingly being used to reconcile conflicting objectives of stakeholders and sectors, such as agriculture and conservation. In accommodating multiple land uses, social, economic, and environmental trade-offs need to be balanced. Different social processes underly integrated landscape approaches. The aim of this review is to provide an overview of the barriers described in peer-reviewed case studies to better understand what hampers the implementation of integrated landscape approaches. To this purpose, we conducted a systematic literature study. We clustered the barriers into the following barriers groups: (1) participation problems, (2) interaction problems, (3) resource problems, and (4) institutional problems, and analyzed how these barriers hindered implementation of the following key landscape processes: planning and visioning, developing and implementing practices, establishing good governance, and monitoring and evaluation. Recent Findings We analyzed barriers described in 56 peer-reviewed papers that document 76 cases of integrated landscape approaches in 35 countries worldwide. Main stakeholder problems were related to absence of specific stakeholder groups, varying levels of engagement, or lack of stakeholder experience and skills. Interaction problems included a lack of communication, collaboration, or coordination, a lack of agreement due to different stakeholder visions, and power relations. Institutional problems were related to incompatible (national) policies and institutional structures hindering integration, and resource problems included limited availability of financial resources and a lack of data. These barriers hampered the implementation of the key processes needed to transition towards integrated landscape approaches in different ways. This paper provides an overview of the main barriers found for each landscape process. Summary Rural landscapes are often characterized by a variety of stakeholders and land use sectors, such as agriculture and natural resource conservation. Landscape approaches aim to integrate different goals such as conservation, production, and livelihoods simultaneously, but their implementation appears to be challenging. In this study, we take stock of the barriers described in the literature and analyze how different types of challenges related to stakeholder engagement, interaction between stakeholders, resources, and institutions hinder implementation of landscape approaches. According to this analysis, we demonstrate why particular problems pose challenges to the implementation of specific elements of landscape approaches. Few barriers were related to testing and implementing sustainable business practices since business stakeholders were often not involved. Most approaches were still in an early stage of development. The continuity of approaches is mostly not secured and calls for better institutionalization of landscape approaches. The set of identified barriers and their relations to key processes can be used as a diagnostic tool to enhance learning and improve the performance of landscape approaches in the transition towards integrated landscape management.
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Zayachka, Plamena. "Institutional and Normative Aspects, Challenges and Perspectives in the Identification and Protection of Cultural Landscapes". Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization 10, n. 2 (30 dicembre 2024): 76–87.

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As a result of the changes in the concept of cultural heritage, whose content, territorial scope, boundaries and social functions are expanding, today places of memory go beyond an individual monument, memorial, ensemble – they include culinary traditions and routes, heritage cities, intangible values and cultural landscapes. This article reviews and analyzes the development of cultural landscapes as part of cultural heritage and traces the affirmation of the concept of cultural landscape in legislative practices and international documents. Emphasis is placed on the case of Bulgaria, the attempts and challenges to identify remarkable Bulgarian cultural landscapes.
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Raupp, Michael, John Holmes, Clifford Sadof, Paula Shrewsbury e John Davidson. "Effects of Cover Sprays and Residual Pesticides on Scale Insects and Natural Enemies in Urban Forests". Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 27, n. 4 (1 luglio 2001): 203–14.

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Cover sprays and residual insecticides are tactics used by landscapers and arborists to control arthropod pests on trees and shrubs in urban settings. Trees in residential landscapes that received three cover sprays annually for at least 4 years harbored a greater diversity of scale insect pests and were much more likely to be infested with scales than trees in landscapes treated with cover sprays for shorter periods of time. Oak (Quercus palustris) trees in an institutional landscape treated with residual insecticides harbored significantly lower numbers of beneficial arthropods than trees treated with a pesticide that lacked residual activity. The suppressive effect of the residual insecticides on natural enemies was pronounced on the community of parasitic wasps that attack the obscure scale (Melanaspis obscura), a common scale insect pest of oak. The effect of residual insecticides on individual wasp species persisted 4 weeks after the pesticides were applied. By reducing the use of cover sprays and residual insecticides, arborists may be able to conserve communities of natural enemies in managed landscapes. This will enhance the biological diversity of beneficial insects found in urban forests and thereby aid in increasing their sustainability.
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Kolobov1,, Roman, Yaroslavа Ditsevich e Elena Davydova. "International Legal Protection of Landscapes of the Central Ecological Zone of the Baikal Natural Territory". Academic Law Journal 22, n. 4 (27 dicembre 2021): 326–34.

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The article discusses the content of international legal instruments on landscape protection, such as the European Landscape Convention, 2000. It also analyzes the legal incorporation of the concept and legal regime of landscapes into the legislation of the Russian Federation. The study examines foreign legislation, especially, law of some European countries and gives examples of legal mechanisms for landscape protection that are enshrined in the legislation of such states. Also, the article describes some of the legal and institutional mechanisms that exist in European associations, in particular in the Council of Europe, and aimed at coordinating cooperation among States in the area of landscape protection in the use of natural resources. Also as a result of a retrospective analysis of domestic legislation, legal mechanisms that have contributed to integrated landscape conservation, such as Territorial Integrated Nature Conservation Schemes, have been identified and described. The article contains some proposals for improving and supplementing domestic legislation with legal norms on landscape conservation, the adoption of which, in the authors› view, could improve the legal mechanism for landscape conservation and protection in Russia, in particular within the Central Ecological Zone of the Baikal Natural Territory. The authors conclude that there is no systematic legal mechanism in the Russian Federation for the protection of natural landscapes, in particular the landscapes of the Central Ecological Zone of the Baikal Natural Territory. There is also a need to develop a legal framework for the protection of natural landscapes, including on the basis of positive foreign experience.
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Frasson, Elisa. "We Are Born in Springtime: The Roles of Institutions and Non-Institutional Organizations in the Italian Dance and Performance Scene in the Era of the Crisis. The Veneto Region: An Italian Case Study". Congress on Research in Dance Conference Proceedings 2016 (2016): 165–73.

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This paper investigates the roles and situation of the institutional and non-institutional organizations within Italian contemporary dance and performance scene (focused on the Veneto Region), by looking at structures, collectives, self-organized movements, and socio-political landscapes from the beginning of the financial crisis (2009). To what extent are the influences of institutions evident in the Italian contemporary dance scene in the era of crisis? How does the lack of institutional support affect the inter-relationship between artists and the socio-political landscape? Which desires and necessities are bringing the emerging non-institutional groups?
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Şahin, Ş., e D. Doğan. "A proposal for the structural and technological framework of landscape observatories: A case study from Türkiye". E3S Web of Conferences 585 (2024): 08004.

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In the current dynamic global landscape, human activities are increasingly posing threats and pressures on landscapes. In response to this pressing issue, different regions around the world exhibit varying levels of community awareness and institutional practices regarding landscape protection, planning, and management. Thus, there arises a critical need for a strategic tool termed as a ‘landscape observatory’ to facilitate continuous monitoring of landscapes across time and space, enabling rapid information exchange. This paper, which drew insights from the Landscape Observatories of leading European countries following the European Landscape Convention and European collaborative efforts, laid the groundwork for this study. The study involves examining advancements in landscape observatories across Europe and Türkiye and developing a structural and technological framework for an ideal observatory. It also explores the necessary CyberGIS infrastructure for integrating relevant digital data infrastructures. The proposed landscape observatory platform aims to facilitate governance through multi-stakeholder coordination, formulate recommendations for improved landscape protection, planning, and management within the framework of sustainable development, foster continuous public awareness, and manage data through a Landscape Information System (LIS) compatible with national spatial planning scales. The outcomes of this study are anticipated to contribute to the establishment of observatories operating at regional, sub-regional, and local scales, both globally and in Türkiye.
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Wyborn, Carina. "Landscape Scale Ecological Connectivity: Australian Survey and Rehearsals". Pacific Conservation Biology 17, n. 2 (2011): 121.

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Landscape scale ecological restoration and connectivity initiatives are gaining momentum in Australia and globally to protect and restore native vegetation and biodiversity. While these initiatives originated in response to habitat fragmentation and land use intensification they are increasingly framed within the discourses of climate change adaptation and ecological resilience. With a focus on initiatives over large landscape scales, this article directs attention to the social and institutional implications of this emerging, and poorly understood phenomenon. These initiatives represent a paradigm shift in conservation management in two ways: firstly, connectivity represents a move from a focus on “sites and species” to landscapes and processes; secondly, connectivity signifies a reconstruction of the role of government and non government organizations in conservation. While these initiatives show promise for integrated conservation management across multiple tenures, they face challenges of collaboration and communication across vast, diverse landscapes, communities and agendas. This article overviews emerging landscape scale initiatives in Australia and introduces a conceptual framework for thinking about social and institutional connectivity. While there is much debate concerning the science of connectivity, there is a distinct gap in our understanding of the requisite conditions for implementation. There is, however, existing research and practice on the social dimensions of natural resource management and conservation that could inform the implementation of connectivity initiatives.
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Kuerbis, Brenden, e Farzaneh Badiei. "Mapping the cybersecurity institutional landscape". Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance 19, n. 6 (11 settembre 2017): 466–92.

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Abstract (sommario):
Purpose There is growing contestation between states and private actors over cybersecurity responsibilities, and its governance is ever more susceptible to nationalization. The authors believe these developments are based on an incomplete picture of how cybersecurity is actually governed in practice and theory. Given this disconnect, this paper aims to attempt to provide a cohesive understanding of the cybersecurity institutional landscape. Design/methodology/approach Drawing from institutional economics and using extensive desk research, the authors develop a conceptual model and broadly sketch the activities and contributions of market, networked and hierarchical governance structures and analyze how they interact to produce and govern cybersecurity. Findings Analysis shows a robust market and networked governance structures and a more limited role for hierarchical structures. Ex ante efforts to produce cybersecurity using purely hierarchical governance structures, even buttressed with support from networked governance structures, struggle without market demand like in the case of secure internet identifiers. To the contrary, ex post efforts like botnet mitigation, route monitoring and other activities involving information sharing seem to work under a variety of combinations of governance structures. Originality/value The authors’ conceptual framework and observations offer a useful starting point for unpacking how cybersecurity is produced and governed; ultimately, we need to understand if and how these governance structure arrangements actually impact variation in observed levels of cybersecurity.
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Grøn, Lone, e Else Ladekjær. "The Institutional Aging Process. Ethnographic Explorations of Aging Processes and Dimensions in Danish Schools and Eldercare Institutions". Anthropology & Aging 38, n. 1 (6 giugno 2017): 1–16.

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In this paper, we will present an analysis of the institutional aging process in childhood and old age in contemporary Denmark. We will take as our point of departure Jennifer Johnson-Hanks’s observation that aging should be seen both as an experiential and an institutional process, and we will apply Ingold’s topographical phenomenology and his notions of maps, landscapes and wayfaring to our ethnographic data. Drawing on field work in Danish schools and elder care institutions, we explore aging processes through their spatial organizations and progressions. We sum up by reflecting on the similarities and differences between aging processes in early and late life. We argue that even if the institutional aging process can be seen as a map of the aging landscape – which acts as a powerful construct in experiences and practices of aging – wayfaring through that same landscape takes place between several poles: chronological, biological, social and phenomenological age – and involves considerable creativity and ongoing work and negotiation from both children and elderly.
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Fields, Gary. "LANDSCAPING PALESTINE: REFLECTIONS OF ENCLOSURE IN A HISTORICAL MIRROR". International Journal of Middle East Studies 42, n. 1 (14 gennaio 2010): 82a.

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This article examines the origins of the walled and fragmented Palestinian landscape by situating it within a context of recurrent encounters between dominant groups with territorial ambitions and less powerful subalterns focusing on the interplay of power and territorial space. The argument is that the Palestinian landscape is part of a long-standing narrative in which groups coveting territory transform the economy, demography, and culture of territorial space through the time-honored practice of enclosure. Enclosure is the exercise of force upon space by groups with territorial ambitions resulting in the remaking of landscapes. Mobilizing the institutional power of property law and the material power of the built environment, these groups reorder land ownership, use, and circulation on the landscape in an effort to consolidate systems of control over subalterns and reorganize socioeconomic life and demography in a place. This article argues that the project of state building launched by Zionists in Israel or Palestine is fundamentally an exercise of power on space similar to the making of enclosure landscapes from the past, notably, the enclosure landscape of early modern England. By exploring the contours of this pattern, this article seeks to uncover a more general meaning in the landscape of Palestine today.
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COLAVITTI, Anna Maria, e Sergio SERRA. "Regional Landscape Planning and Local Planning. Insights from the Italian Context". Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning SI, n. 7 (29 maggio 2021): 81–91.

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Landscape has acquired great importance in the urban and territorial policies of European countries after the European Landscape Convention. Italy has a long tradition in the protection of landscape and cultural heritage, characterised by a particular attention to the history and the identity culture of the communities. The main rule in this field, the Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape of 2004 (Urbani Code), refers to a mix of environmental, cultural, and social factors belonging to different types of natural and urban landscapes that Regional Landscape Plans have to identify, sharing with local communities. The most important innovation concerns the attempt to overcome the binding and regulatory approach, only focused on protection constraints, in order to generate high awareness about the identity value of landscape and to encourage a more democratic community participation in the landscape policies. The ineffectiveness of landscape policies is often due to the lack of sharing of the landscape vision and planning approaches established at regional level, with local authorities and settled communities. This paper reflects on the topic of inter-institutional collaboration between national, regional, and local authorities, by focusing on the process of adaptation of urban local plans to the regional landscape plans and comparing different regional contexts. The article highlights a strong delay in the approval of regional landscape plans and a relevant inter-institutional conflict in the co-planning phase with the national authority, leading to the ineffectiveness of landscape plans in the transfer of regional landscape planning guidelines to the local landscape scale, with relevant consequences on territorial government, between conservative measures and transformation drivers.
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Højlund, Susanne. "Social Identities of Children in different Institutional Contexts". Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 3, n. 2 (23 novembre 2001): 49–60.

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Based on an ethnographic fieldwork the article analyses the experiences of 8-10 year old children in three different institutions. It is shown how the children create and maintain different social landscapes in each setting. This means that children's experiences are related to the position they have in the landscape. The notion social identity is used to discuss and explain these findings. With this notion identity is explained as an interplay between internal and external factors: between group-identification and categorisation. Children's different identities in different settings are not created by children themselves, but must bee seen in relation to the categorisation used by the adults to classify children. The professional categorisations of children are a central part of the social space in relation to which children act, talk, and play.
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Jeon, Jong Han. "Implications of the UNESCO’ Historic Urban Landscape Approach to ‘Eupchi’ Landscape in Korea - Case of Gongju Eupchi in Joseon Dynasty -". Association of Korean Cultural and Historical Geographers 35, n. 1 (30 aprile 2023): 34–48.

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Today, the ‘landscape’ concept of geography is an important part of the UNESCO’s approach to evaluating, inscribing, and managing World Heritages. Recently the UNESCO’s ‘Historic Urban Landscape (HUL)’ approach contributes to a comprehensive coverage by maintaining a holistic view based on the landscape concept of geography, relating the historic districts within the city to ecological, social, and cultural dimensions, daily life of citizens, promotion of current happiness, and sustainable development. The UNESCO’s HUL approach should be taken seriously when our designing plans for re-recognition and management of the heritage values of eupchi (county seat) landscapes of the Joseon Dynasty scattered throughout the Korean Peninsula today. From this point of view, the author took Gongju Eupchi as a case, drew values as the traditional cityscape of Korea, reflected on the existing understanding of the Eupchi landscape from academic, civil society, and institutional aspects, and presented future development tasks.
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Salpina, Dana. "The Role of Local Governing Bodies in the Management of Heritage Agricultural Landscapes: Italian Perspective". Journal of Heritage Management 6, n. 1 (20 aprile 2021): 9–24.

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The increasing interest in the protection of the agricultural landscape as a category of heritage can be observed both in the growing number of globally recognized agricultural landscapes and in the development of new legal and institutional tools for their protection. The multifunctionality of agriculture, involving the multiplicity of interests and actors, engenders the questions of how and who manages the heritage agricultural landscapes at the local level? The research aims to provide an empirical model for the identification and evaluation of the local governance models used in the management of multifunctional agricultural landscapes. It focuses on two heritage agricultural landscapes in Italy and bases on field observations, semi-structured in-depth interviews with the local stakeholders and comparative analysis of the case studies. The research draws the map of interaction between the local stakeholders. It outlines the crucial role played by the local governing bodies in the management of heritage agricultural landscapes, involving several administrative and sociocultural units.
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Heiland, Stefan, Silke Spielmans e Bernd Demuth. "Demographic Change: Impacts on Rural Landscapes". Nature and Culture 4, n. 3 (1 dicembre 2009): 255–74.

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The article examines the relevance of demographic change for the development of rural landscapes, especially in Germany's shrinking regions. To date, no empirical investigations have undertaken the matter. Thus, the article is mainly based on literature analysis and the findings of expert workshops. The research indicates that demographic change does not have as strong impact on landscapes as other factors such as agricultural policy, climate change, and the promotion of renewable energies. Nonetheless, from the perspective of nature conservation, there might be some indirect effects caused by structural and institutional changes of administrations, which could lead to a decline in importance of landscape-related concerns. In addition, changes in environmental consciousness due to rising cultural diversity could lead to a different societal attitude toward landscapes and their values.
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Bayala, Eric Rega Christophe, Kwabena Owusu Asubonteng, Mirjam Ros-Tonen, Houria Djoudi, Freddie Sayi Siangulube, James Reed e Terry Sunderland. "Using Scenario Building and Participatory Mapping to Negotiate Conservation-Development Trade-Offs in Northern Ghana". Land 12, n. 3 (28 febbraio 2023): 580.

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In multifunctional landscapes, expanding economic activities jeopardise the integrity of biodiverse ecosystems, generating conservation-development trade-offs that require multi-stakeholder dialogue and tools to negotiate conflicting objectives. Despite the rich literature on participatory mapping and other tools to reveal different stakeholder perspectives, there is limited evidence on the application of such tools in landscape-scale negotiations. This paper addresses this gap by analysing a participatory mapping process in Ghana’s Western Wildlife Corridor, where a community-based landscape governance system called the community resource management area (CREMA) exists. Data from three participatory mapping workshops and focus group discussions with community and institutional actors reveal that increasing demand for food and natural resources and climate change impacts are drivers of landscape degradation, resulting in declining faunal and floral biodiversity and reduced ecosystem services. Meanwhile, community actors prioritise the expansion of farming land, while institutional actors prioritise forest conservation. However, scenario building and participatory mapping helped communicate each other’s aims and reach a negotiated consensus. Finally, power relations, cultural and traditional rules, and differences in knowledge affected deliberations and decision-making. We conclude that scenario building and participatory mapping can contribute to an inclusive landscape approach, provided that well-functioning multi-stakeholder platforms are in place and facilitators adequately navigate power imbalances and recognise different kinds and degrees of knowledge.
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Wade, Gary L., Joan E. Marsh e Mark Banta. "EXTENSION/INDUSTRY PARTNERSHIP RESULTS IN EMPLOYEE TRAINING VIDEOS FOR LANDSCAPERS". HortScience 26, n. 5 (maggio 1991): 491c—491.

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In June, 1988, an Extension advisory committee of landscape professionals met in Atlanta to discuss educational needs of the industry. Representatives from commercial, municipal, Institutional, recreational and private landscape operations present unanimously Identified the need for employee training materials as a top priority. A sub-committee composed of Extension agents, Extension Specialists and landscapes then spent months examining training aids from other states and concluded most were not pertinent to the southeastern U.S. As a result, a series of locally produced employee training videos were proposed. With funding from various landscape firms and the landscape division of the Georgia Green Industry Association, an Atlanta based videographer was hired. Scripts are written and edited by a team of Extension Agents, Extension Specialists and landscape professionals. Extension agents then direct the filming and help edit and produce the final product. To date, two videos have been released and four more are in production. Each video is packaged with an instructor's manual, multiple choice exam and evaluation form. A great deal of support and enthusiasm from both the landscape industry and Extension administration has resulted from this team approach to Extension programming.
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Wit, Richard A., Garald L. Horst, Donald H. Steinegger e Blaine L. Blad. "EVALUATION OF RESIDENTIAL WATER UTILIZATION UNDER AN EDUCATION AND CONSERVATION PROGRAM". HortScience 27, n. 6 (giugno 1992): 640e—640.

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Depletion and contamination of traditional water supplies and population pressures are straining the water resources of the United States. This has placed increased emphasis on the need for water conservation through all phases of the use cycle. Objectives of this research were to: 1) Determine water use in residential, commercial, and institutional landscapes; 2) Evaluate landscape irrigation system performance; and 3) Evaluate feasibility of landscape irrigation scheduling. Beginning in 1991, water meters on 18 test sites in Lincoln, NE were read on a weekly basis. Water meter readings during the winter were used to develop a baseline on non-landscape water use. The “can test” method was used to evaluate landscape irrigation system precipitation rate and distribution efficiency. Four recording weather stations were used to estimate daily potential evapotranspiration (ETp). Lysimeters (20 cm dia. × 31 cm deep) were installed in two Kentucky bluegrass and one tall fescue landscape to estimate water use coefficients for calculating landscape evapotranspiration. Irrigation system Christiansen coefficients of uniformity ranged from .43 to .87 with scheduling coefficients ranging from 1.31 to over 15.14. Poor irrigation system performance characteristics made it difficult to schedule irrigation on estimated water use.
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Whitchurch, Celia. "The landscapes of institutional life". Higher Education Quarterly 71, n. 4 (ottobre 2017): 300–301.

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Turunbaevich, Mirakmalov Mirali. "LANDSCAPES DYNAMICS OF NORTH-EASTERN UZBEKISTAN IN THE CONTEXT OF CLIMATE AND LAND USE CHANGES". Oriental Journal of Social Sciences 04, n. 09 (1 settembre 2024): 1–375.

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The article examines the causes and results of the dynamics of the Western Tien Shan landscapes in the context of climatic and institutional changes. Based on field studies, analysis of multi temporal satellite images over 30 years and sociological surveys of the local people, changes in the landcover and land use of the region were identified. That includes degradation of glacial and subnival landscapes, an increase in the area and change in the structure of agricultural lands, expansion of recreational infrastructure and growth of recreational load, etc. The results obtained can contribute to the development of recommendations for landscape planning of the region and the resolution of conflicts in environmental management, taking into account the interests and needs of the local people.
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Cullum, Carola, Kevin H. Rogers, Gary Brierley e Ed T. F. Witkowski. "Ecological classification and mapping for landscape management and science". Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment 40, n. 1 (27 ottobre 2015): 38–65.

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There is growing demand for biogeographical landscape classifications and ecological maps that describe patterns of spatially co-varying biotic and abiotic ecosystem components. This demand is fuelled by increasing data availability and processing capacity, by institutional practices of land and water resource management and planning and by the growth of transdisciplinary science that requires the development of a shared conceptual framework through which to view landscape character and behaviour. Despite the widespread use of ecological maps, and the extent to which they have become embedded in institutional practice, policy and law, no standard approach to ecosystem mapping has emerged, such that there are many valid ways of mapping the same landscape. Consensus is possible only when there is agreement on the spatial entities to be mapped. We propose a way of defining such entities and identifying them in any given landscape. Landscapes are conceived in terms of a conceptual biophysical template that constrains a wide range of ecological processes at various hierarchical levels. The template is conceived as comprising co-evolved associations of soils, vegetation, topography and hydrology that form a dynamic mosaic characteristic of a particular topographic, climatic and geological context that is continually being shaped by many perturbations. We synthesise themes from vegetation, soil and river sciences, using hierarchy theory to frame a perspective that facilitates the definition of mappable landscape entities at three hierarchical levels of organisation. These entities are conceived as archetypal structural-functional units, with form and process linked in conceptual models that underpin each archetype. We describe how our approach has been used to map ecological entities in Kruger National Park, South Africa, showing how the proposed framework integrates key system components, providing transparent foundations for transdisciplinary approaches to landscape management and science.
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Raynard, Mia, e Fangmei Lu. "Institutional Sedimentation: Navigating China’s Shifting Political Landscape". Academy of Management Proceedings 2017, n. 1 (agosto 2017): 15177.

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Topor, Alain, Gunnel Andersson, Per Bülow, Claes-Göran Stefansson e Anne Denhov. "After the Asylum? The New Institutional Landscape". Community Mental Health Journal 52, n. 6 (30 agosto 2015): 731–37.

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Gemma, Ituze. "Energy Landscape of Rwanda and Institutional Framework". Science Research 5, n. 3 (2017): 16.

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Reichard, Christoph. "Trend towards a more diversified institutional landscape". Public Management Review 10, n. 5 (settembre 2008): 569–71.

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Martinez, Francia, e Maya Kabbash. "Physical and Virtual Linguistic Landscapes in Dearborn, Michigan: Exploring the Function of the Arabic Language". Journal of Islamic and Muslim Studies 9, n. 1 (maggio 2024): 1–29.

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Abstract (sommario):
Abstract: Using 440 images and a mixed methods approach, this study analyzed the physical linguistic landscape (PLL) and the virtual linguistic landscape (VLL) of Dearborn, Michigan, which is the largest concentration of Arab Americans in the U.S. Findings revealed that in addition to its PLL, Dearborn possesses a comprehensive VLL. Arabic is the dominant minority language represented in both linguistic landscapes (LLs), but its presence serves distinct functions in each. Whereas the PLL primarily displays commercial content, Dearborn’s VLL is more oriented toward community events as well as advocacy regarding political, cultural, religious, health, and other social issues. Arabization, Muslimization, and Islamization are palpable across both linguistic landscapes (LLs) and at times have triggered xenophobic incidents. Our findings suggest that data from the PLL alone were insufficient to assess the linguistic landscape of Dearborn’s Arab community objectively and holistically. The inclusion of VLL data facilitated a more complete and precise assessment. This is critical because Dearborn’s VLL is used as a safe space to denounce and confront those who seek to silence or marginalize Arab American narratives and perspectives. The VLL also functions as a multilingual avenue to combat bigotry and institutional racism, as well as to build strong relationships and coalitions among Arab and non-Arab residents within Dearborn. Finally, the VLL serves as a tool to propagate the Muslim faith, maintain Islamic religious traditions, and preserve the Arabic language for future generations.
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Sutherland, Colin R. "Encountering the burn: Prescribed burns as contact zones". Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 2, n. 4 (10 settembre 2019): 781–98.

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Encounters with fire and landscapes that burn have the potential to be both disastrous and life-giving events. In Canadian national parks, where a century of fire suppression has ruled human encounters with fire adapted landscapes, fire managers and ecologists are eagerly returning fire to diverse ecosystems in the hopes of building healthier ecosystems and reducing the risk of larger wildfire events. Ongoing changes to park policy have made new relationships with fire possible on these federal lands. Prescribed burns, whereby fire is applied to the landscape by park managers, is one such emerging encounter made possible by these policy changes. By reconceptualizing the burn as a process constituted by encounters, in what Mary Louise Pratt would call a contact zone, we gain insight into how thinking and working with fire requires an attention to how humans and more-than-humans encounter one another and the institutional settings which narrate and often constrain these encounters. In the case of Parks Canada’s fire program, this tool of active management, and an alternative to full-suppression, illustrates how thinking and working with fire consists of a set of encounters which take place at both an institutional and embodied scale.
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Mooren, Sander. "Infrastructuurmodellering in een institutioneel gefragmenteerd landschap". Bestuurskunde 32, n. 4 (dicembre 2023): 53–57.

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Blue, Stanley. "Institutional rhythms: Combining practice theory and rhythmanalysis to conceptualise processes of institutionalisation". Time & Society 28, n. 3 (7 aprile 2017): 922–50.

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The practice turn in social theory has renewed interest in conceptualising the temporal organisation of social life as a way of explaining contemporary patterns of living and consuming. As a result, the interest to develop analyses of time in both practice theories and practice theory-based empirical research is increasing. Practice theorists draw on theories of time and ideas about temporal rhythms to explain how practices are organised in everyday life. To date, they have studied how temporal experiences matter for the coordination of daily life, how temporal landscapes matter for issues of societal synchronisation, and how timespace/s matter for the organisation of human activity. While several studies refer to, draw on, and position themselves in relation to ideas about temporal rhythms, those working with theories of practice have yet to fully utilise the potential of Lefebvre’s rhythmanalysis for explaining the constitution of, and more specifically, changes within, social life. I argue that rhythmanalysis can be effectively combined with practice theory to better articulate the ways in which practices become connected through what I describe as processes of institutionalisation. I argue that this combination requires repositioning the role of time in theories of practice as neither experience, nor as landscape, but, building on Schatzki’s work on The Timespace of Human Activity, as practice itself. Drawing on Lefebvre’s concepts of arrhythmia and eurhythmia, and developing Parkes and Thrift’s notion of entrainment, I illustrate how institutional rhythms, as self-organising, open, spatiotemporal practices emerge, endure, and evolve in ways that matter for both socio-temporal landscapes and temporal experiences.
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McCann, Eugene J. "Where Do You Draw the Line? Landscape, Texts, and the Politics of Planning". Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 15, n. 6 (dicembre 1997): 641–61.

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The paper is an attempt to contribute to studies of landscape production in cultural geography and investigations of the role of texts and discourses in critical planning studies. The main argument is that detailed study of contemporary planning processes overcomes the cruder terms of recent debates over idealism and realism or materialism in cultural geography and permits planning studies to loosen the notion of what texts are important in shaping planning decisions. A detailed case study of a prolonged planning dispute over the production of new landscapes around Lexington, Kentucky provides an empirical basis for the three interrelated theoretical arguments that conclude the paper. These are: (1) to understand landscape and the fundamental role the state plays in it, there must be a recognition of the interwoven nature of discourse and materiality; (2) the fact that state institutions are where different landscape interpretations are articulated allows them to overcome crises of legitimacy and accumulation through the rhetoric of liberal planning; (3) the institutional sites of the state, such as the planning commission, are vitally important spaces in any process of landscape production because their procedures tend to create two ‘sides' in any contest and thus legitimate certain discourses while closing off possibilities for other views to be included in state-sponsored policy documents.
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de Vries, Jasper R., Eva van der Zee, Raoul Beunen, Rianne Kat e Peter H. Feindt. "Trusting the People and the System. The Interrelation Between Interpersonal and Institutional Trust in Collective Action for Agri-Environmental Management". Sustainability 11, n. 24 (9 dicembre 2019): 7022.

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Agri-environmental schemes have been introduced in numerous countries to combat biodiversity loss in agrarian landscapes that are important for both food production and biodiversity. The successful operation of such schemes depends strongly upon trust between actors involved, as well as trust in institutions that govern these schemes. However, the interplay between interpersonal and institutional trust in the context of collective action for agri-environmental management is not well understood. To address this question, we explore the case of agri-environmental management in the province of Drenthe (in The Netherlands), where a new policy model was implemented. This case shows how both institutional design and institutional performance critically influence trust dynamics. Under the old policy model, farmers struggled with auditing and control, which fostered mistrust and hampered collective action. Under the new model, a landscape approach, more responsibilities were delegated to farmers, and more room was created for interaction, which fostered trust both between actors and in institutions. Based on our findings, we conclude that institutional designs that reflect trust in the actors can foster interpersonal and institutional trust that, in turn, facilitates collective action. However, old arrangements can also create path dependencies that limit trust development and impede collective action for agri-environmental management.
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Colucci, Angela. "Resilience Practices Contribution Enabling European Landscape Policy Innovation and Implementation". Land 12, n. 3 (8 marzo 2023): 637.

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The paper is rooted in the results of the Resilience Practices Observatory (RPO) project, which engaged more than one hundred community-led practices to improve local resilience capacities and about fifty applied research and institutional-led initiatives. The article in retracing the complex and articulated RPO research-action project aims to stimulate the disciplinary debate on the contribution and role of resilience practices in a renewed landscape planning framework process. In particular, the paper focuses on the resilience practices acting on ecological landscape enhancement, assuming nature-based solutions as an umbrella concept under numerous approaches, models, and theoretical frameworks supporting the integration of ecological values in the territorial and urban transformation towards their conservation and improvement. The selected cases are placed in the Milano metropolitan area, aiming to safeguard, improve, and valorize urban and periurban landscapes. The cases are used to explore three emerging phenomena: (1) the alliances and the role of community in orienting landscape planning; (2) the role of practices in solution co-design and planning implementation; (3) the role of community in micro-intervention for urban biodiversity and landscape functionality. The final section emphasizes the potential role of community-led initiatives in implementing the NBS European policy and landscape planning guidelines. In the meantime, final remarks underline perspectives in overcoming the existing criticalities towards renovated and adaptive governance process, enabling a more collaborative arena supporting the engagement of differentiated actors along the whole process, from decision making to the implementation and management of landscape planning.
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Vasilјevic, Nevena, e Boris Radic. "The cultural landscape: From conservation to planning concept". Bulletin of the Faculty of Forestry, n. 114 (2016): 257–78.

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The interpretation of the concept of cultural landscape, as well as the interpretation of the general concept of landscape, depends on the context in which the process takes place. As an antithesis to natural landscape, and as notion of spatial and temporal interaction of man and nature, the cultural landscape is conceptualized in terms of scientific approach. The experiences prove that the traditional dichotomy in defining the landscape value (natural vs. cultural), as well as the aspect of its protection, evolving into a holistic approach, which is promoted in European Landscape Convention, at the beginning of XXI century. In the modern theory and practice of spatial planning and nature protection, the concept of cultural landscape appears as a holistic, multidimensional and multifunctional entity, which, in times of globalization, should be preserved and developed in accordance with its regional and local identity (character). The question is: what kind of methodological approach should be applied in determining the landscape value in the spatial planning and nature conservation? The aim of the research is to explain the evolution of landscape approach form reductionism to holistic problem-oriented transdisciplinary research that allows appropriate evaluation of the cultural landscape potential and its application in the spatial planning concept. At the same time, the aim is to explain the conceptualization of the cultural landscape in terms of the institutional protection of natural and cultural heritage and spatial planning in Serbia. The purpose of this paper is to point to legal instruments of the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia which defining the obligations of determining the landscape character in the planning concept in spatial and urban plans, as well as the re-evaluation of existing values of cultural landscapes. The subject of the paper is theoretical concept of cultural landscape and the character of the cultural landscape Trsic-Tronosa. The value of the landscape character is interpreted and metrically expressed for the purposes of the Study of protection of the landscape of exceptional features Trsic-Tronosa - cultural landscape. At the end, the finding of the presented research confirming the applicability of the methods of landscape characterization in the spatial planning concept.
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Rutherford, Sarah. "Victorian and Edwardian Institutional Landscapes in England". Landscapes 5, n. 2 (ottobre 2004): 25–41.

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Plott, Charles R. "Market architectures, institutional landscapes and testbed experiments". Economic Theory 4, n. 1 (gennaio 1994): 3–10.

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Hamka. "Sustainable Landscape Criteria in Design Concept of Taman Merah Kampung Pelangi, Malang City". International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism 5, n. 1 (31 marzo 2021): 100–113.

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Taman Merah is one of the thematic parks planned by the residents of Kampung Pelangi to provide a forum for activities and meet the needs of green open space for the environment by utilizing the empty land in Kampung Pelangi environment. This activity is a service program communities that aims to help residents plan and design the Red Park according to their needs. The method that used is the landscape architecture design method with a sustainable landscape approach, starting from site surveys, identifying people's needs and activities, studying literature related to sustainable landscape criteria to be applied to the Taman Merah design concept, compiling programming and design concepts. The results of the study obtained are the criteria for sustainable landscapes that are applied in the design concept including environmental, economic, socio-cultural, aesthetic, and institutional aspects. The five criteria were identified to be used as the basis for the Taman Merah design concept. The sustainability of these five aspects aims to improve the quality of the environment, improve the residents' economy, a forum for the actualization of socio-cultural activities, provide interesting place experiences, and foster collaboration between residents and community groups in Kampung Pelangi RW 9 Joyogrand Housing, Merjosari Village, Malang City.
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Alhazmi, Albatool Ahmad. "The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic Linguistic Landscapes on Lifestyle, Health Awareness and Behavior". World Journal of English Language 14, n. 3 (22 marzo 2024): 359.

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The recent COVID-19 pandemic created a plethora of new challenges for the world and affected all aspects of human life. This research aimed to look further into the sociolinguistic aspects of the COVID-19 Linguistic Landscape (LL) and assess the extent to which public signs affected people’s behaviors and lifestyles during the COVID-19 outbreak in the Saudi context. A semi-structured questionnaire was developed to collect data related to the study. A total of 215 participants from different regions of Saudi Arabia participated in the survey. The study results provide evidence of language as a critical element in reflecting the social realities of the Saudis. The data confirmed that the COVID-19 Linguistic Landscape (CLL) served several functions at both individual and institutional levels in Saudi Arabia. Key findings emerged about the role of the linguistic landscapes set up in public spaces in changing people’s thoughts and behavior as well as how they reacted to urgent and exceptional conditions such as COVID-19. In sum, the pandemic-associated signs led to remarkable positive changes in the daily routine of people.
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Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen, e André Steenbuch Marandon. "Local Weather Events: Stories of Pedagogical Practice as Possible Cultures of Exploration". ECNU Review of Education 2, n. 4 (dicembre 2019): 421–40.

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Purpose: This article aims to describe and discuss what local weather landscapes mean to children and how weather implies exploring bodily sensations and capabilities. It does so by following the work of a community artist, working as a kindergarten teacher, over 1 year. Design/Approach/Methods: Through a narrative inquiry approach, which also includes studies of archival data and field notes, we analyze how local and personally experienced weather events imply what we call “cultures of exploration” in institutional practices. The epistemologies cross the specter of cultural–historical, pragmatic, and deep ecological philosophy. Findings: Through this study, we exemplify how experiencing weather is intertwined into pedagogical practices like habituating the body to cope with cold and wet weather, learning about danger in a wild natural landscape, and valuing species as a powerful practice. The descriptions exemplify “cultures of exploration” as a pedagogical approach. Originality/Value: In this time of an increasing climate crisis on our planet, the value of our findings is to foreground new insights, awareness, and knowledge relevant to children; to early-childhood education; and to life and societies at large. We can thus develop methods to better care for, protect, and educate children. This article has the potential to show how weather events are intertwined with everyday institutional practices—as well as how children, through exploration, learn to cope with seasonal weather landscapes and local cultural adaptations.
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Булавіна, Наталія. "The institutional landscape of contemporary visual art of Ukraine". Contemporary Art, n. 13 (12 dicembre 2017): 51–58.

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Bergdoll, Barry, e Alice Thomine. "Teaching Architectural History in France: A Shifting Institutional Landscape". Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 61, n. 4 (1 dicembre 2002): 509–18.

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Briggs, By Sue V. "Linking ecological scales and institutional frameworks for landscape rehabilitation". Ecological Management and Restoration 2, n. 1 (aprile 2001): 28–35.

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Mcmaster, Irene. "Czech regional development agencies in a shifting institutional landscape". Europe-Asia Studies 58, n. 3 (maggio 2006): 347–70.

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Serrano-Vicente, R., R. Melero e E. Abadal. "Open Access Awareness and Perceptions in an Institutional Landscape". Journal of Academic Librarianship 42, n. 5 (settembre 2016): 595–603.

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Söderqvist, Tore, William J. Mitsch e R. Kerry Turner. "Valuation of wetlands in a landscape and institutional perspective". Ecological Economics 35, n. 1 (ottobre 2000): 1–6.

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Gottfried, Robert, David Wear e Robert Lee. "Institutional solutions to market failure on the landscape scale". Ecological Economics 18, n. 2 (agosto 1996): 133–40.

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Naous, Rana. "Characterizing the Molecular Landscape of Fibrosarcoma: An Institutional Experience". American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research 19, n. 6 (24 agosto 2023): 770–75.

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Ahasan, Rakibul, Md Nazmul Hoda, Md Shaharier Alam, Yead Rahman Nirzhar e Ahsanul Kabir. "Changing institutional landscape and transportation development in Dhaka, Bangladesh". Heliyon 9, n. 7 (luglio 2023): e17887.

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Jansen, Louisa J. M., e Patrick P. Kalas. "Customised Methodology to Assess and Measure Effectiveness of Integrated Landscape Management Relevant Multi-Stakeholder Transformative Governance, Incorporating Rights-Based Planning and Tenure Aspects, Applied in Kenya, Nigeria, and Viet Nam". Sustainability 16, n. 21 (26 ottobre 2024): 9312.

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Different thinking and strategies are needed to transform our food systems at different scales. Food systems can be changed towards a more sustainable path through multi-stakeholder transformative governance at the landscape level because that is where national-level visions, objectives, and policies meet with local practice, priorities, and actions. Concrete and practical guidance on how to effectively put a multi-stakeholder transformative governance process into practice is missing. Through the Global Environment Facility (GEF) funded ‘Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration Impact Programme’, led by the World Bank, countries are supported in integrated landscape management (ILM) to ensure that production systems are embedded within wider landscapes to safeguard the natural capital and ecosystem services on which they depend. A customised methodology to assess and measure the effectiveness of ILM-relevant multi-stakeholder transformative governance, incorporating rights-based planning and tenure aspects, has been developed that makes governance explicit in the ILM process. This methodology aims to improve landscape-level institutional coordination, coherence, and collaboration through enhanced horizontal and vertical coordination and network dynamics. The conceptual framework of the customised methodology and how to operationalise it are explained and illustrated with the application in the country projects in Kenya, Nigeria, and Viet Nam. Making transformative governance explicit within the ILM process at the landscape level will require investments in time and capabilities, but allows governance to act as a catalyst towards more sustainable pathways.
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