Articoli di riviste sul tema "Institutionnel Landscape"
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Dubois, Janique, e Kelly Saunders. "“Just Do It!”: Carving Out a Space for the Métis in Canadian Federalism". Canadian Journal of Political Science 46, n. 1 (marzo 2013): 187–214.
Testo completoRiggs, Rebecca, James Langston, Chris Margules, Agni Boedhihartono, Han Lim, Dwi Sari, Yazid Sururi e Jeffrey Sayer. "Governance Challenges in an Eastern Indonesian Forest Landscape". Sustainability 10, n. 1 (11 gennaio 2018): 169.
Testo completoVermunt, Dorith A., Pita A. Verweij e René W. Verburg. "What Hampers Implementation of Integrated Landscape Approaches in Rural Landscapes?" Current Landscape Ecology Reports 5, n. 4 (10 giugno 2020): 99–115.
Testo completoZayachka, Plamena. "Institutional and Normative Aspects, Challenges and Perspectives in the Identification and Protection of Cultural Landscapes". Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization 10, n. 2 (30 dicembre 2024): 76–87.
Testo completoRaupp, Michael, John Holmes, Clifford Sadof, Paula Shrewsbury e John Davidson. "Effects of Cover Sprays and Residual Pesticides on Scale Insects and Natural Enemies in Urban Forests". Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 27, n. 4 (1 luglio 2001): 203–14.
Testo completoKolobov1,, Roman, Yaroslavа Ditsevich e Elena Davydova. "International Legal Protection of Landscapes of the Central Ecological Zone of the Baikal Natural Territory". Academic Law Journal 22, n. 4 (27 dicembre 2021): 326–34.
Testo completoFrasson, Elisa. "We Are Born in Springtime: The Roles of Institutions and Non-Institutional Organizations in the Italian Dance and Performance Scene in the Era of the Crisis. The Veneto Region: An Italian Case Study". Congress on Research in Dance Conference Proceedings 2016 (2016): 165–73.
Testo completoŞahin, Ş., e D. Doğan. "A proposal for the structural and technological framework of landscape observatories: A case study from Türkiye". E3S Web of Conferences 585 (2024): 08004.
Testo completoWyborn, Carina. "Landscape Scale Ecological Connectivity: Australian Survey and Rehearsals". Pacific Conservation Biology 17, n. 2 (2011): 121.
Testo completoKuerbis, Brenden, e Farzaneh Badiei. "Mapping the cybersecurity institutional landscape". Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance 19, n. 6 (11 settembre 2017): 466–92.
Testo completoGrøn, Lone, e Else Ladekjær. "The Institutional Aging Process. Ethnographic Explorations of Aging Processes and Dimensions in Danish Schools and Eldercare Institutions". Anthropology & Aging 38, n. 1 (6 giugno 2017): 1–16.
Testo completoFields, Gary. "LANDSCAPING PALESTINE: REFLECTIONS OF ENCLOSURE IN A HISTORICAL MIRROR". International Journal of Middle East Studies 42, n. 1 (14 gennaio 2010): 82a.
Testo completoCOLAVITTI, Anna Maria, e Sergio SERRA. "Regional Landscape Planning and Local Planning. Insights from the Italian Context". Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning SI, n. 7 (29 maggio 2021): 81–91.
Testo completoHøjlund, Susanne. "Social Identities of Children in different Institutional Contexts". Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 3, n. 2 (23 novembre 2001): 49–60.
Testo completoJeon, Jong Han. "Implications of the UNESCO’ Historic Urban Landscape Approach to ‘Eupchi’ Landscape in Korea - Case of Gongju Eupchi in Joseon Dynasty -". Association of Korean Cultural and Historical Geographers 35, n. 1 (30 aprile 2023): 34–48.
Testo completoSalpina, Dana. "The Role of Local Governing Bodies in the Management of Heritage Agricultural Landscapes: Italian Perspective". Journal of Heritage Management 6, n. 1 (20 aprile 2021): 9–24.
Testo completoHeiland, Stefan, Silke Spielmans e Bernd Demuth. "Demographic Change: Impacts on Rural Landscapes". Nature and Culture 4, n. 3 (1 dicembre 2009): 255–74.
Testo completoBayala, Eric Rega Christophe, Kwabena Owusu Asubonteng, Mirjam Ros-Tonen, Houria Djoudi, Freddie Sayi Siangulube, James Reed e Terry Sunderland. "Using Scenario Building and Participatory Mapping to Negotiate Conservation-Development Trade-Offs in Northern Ghana". Land 12, n. 3 (28 febbraio 2023): 580.
Testo completoWade, Gary L., Joan E. Marsh e Mark Banta. "EXTENSION/INDUSTRY PARTNERSHIP RESULTS IN EMPLOYEE TRAINING VIDEOS FOR LANDSCAPERS". HortScience 26, n. 5 (maggio 1991): 491c—491.
Testo completoWit, Richard A., Garald L. Horst, Donald H. Steinegger e Blaine L. Blad. "EVALUATION OF RESIDENTIAL WATER UTILIZATION UNDER AN EDUCATION AND CONSERVATION PROGRAM". HortScience 27, n. 6 (giugno 1992): 640e—640.
Testo completoWhitchurch, Celia. "The landscapes of institutional life". Higher Education Quarterly 71, n. 4 (ottobre 2017): 300–301.
Testo completoTurunbaevich, Mirakmalov Mirali. "LANDSCAPES DYNAMICS OF NORTH-EASTERN UZBEKISTAN IN THE CONTEXT OF CLIMATE AND LAND USE CHANGES". Oriental Journal of Social Sciences 04, n. 09 (1 settembre 2024): 1–375.
Testo completoCullum, Carola, Kevin H. Rogers, Gary Brierley e Ed T. F. Witkowski. "Ecological classification and mapping for landscape management and science". Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment 40, n. 1 (27 ottobre 2015): 38–65.
Testo completoRaynard, Mia, e Fangmei Lu. "Institutional Sedimentation: Navigating China’s Shifting Political Landscape". Academy of Management Proceedings 2017, n. 1 (agosto 2017): 15177.
Testo completoTopor, Alain, Gunnel Andersson, Per Bülow, Claes-Göran Stefansson e Anne Denhov. "After the Asylum? The New Institutional Landscape". Community Mental Health Journal 52, n. 6 (30 agosto 2015): 731–37.
Testo completoGemma, Ituze. "Energy Landscape of Rwanda and Institutional Framework". Science Research 5, n. 3 (2017): 16.
Testo completoReichard, Christoph. "Trend towards a more diversified institutional landscape". Public Management Review 10, n. 5 (settembre 2008): 569–71.
Testo completoMartinez, Francia, e Maya Kabbash. "Physical and Virtual Linguistic Landscapes in Dearborn, Michigan: Exploring the Function of the Arabic Language". Journal of Islamic and Muslim Studies 9, n. 1 (maggio 2024): 1–29.
Testo completoSutherland, Colin R. "Encountering the burn: Prescribed burns as contact zones". Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 2, n. 4 (10 settembre 2019): 781–98.
Testo completoMooren, Sander. "Infrastructuurmodellering in een institutioneel gefragmenteerd landschap". Bestuurskunde 32, n. 4 (dicembre 2023): 53–57.
Testo completoBlue, Stanley. "Institutional rhythms: Combining practice theory and rhythmanalysis to conceptualise processes of institutionalisation". Time & Society 28, n. 3 (7 aprile 2017): 922–50.
Testo completoMcCann, Eugene J. "Where Do You Draw the Line? Landscape, Texts, and the Politics of Planning". Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 15, n. 6 (dicembre 1997): 641–61.
Testo completode Vries, Jasper R., Eva van der Zee, Raoul Beunen, Rianne Kat e Peter H. Feindt. "Trusting the People and the System. The Interrelation Between Interpersonal and Institutional Trust in Collective Action for Agri-Environmental Management". Sustainability 11, n. 24 (9 dicembre 2019): 7022.
Testo completoColucci, Angela. "Resilience Practices Contribution Enabling European Landscape Policy Innovation and Implementation". Land 12, n. 3 (8 marzo 2023): 637.
Testo completoVasilјevic, Nevena, e Boris Radic. "The cultural landscape: From conservation to planning concept". Bulletin of the Faculty of Forestry, n. 114 (2016): 257–78.
Testo completoRutherford, Sarah. "Victorian and Edwardian Institutional Landscapes in England". Landscapes 5, n. 2 (ottobre 2004): 25–41.
Testo completoPlott, Charles R. "Market architectures, institutional landscapes and testbed experiments". Economic Theory 4, n. 1 (gennaio 1994): 3–10.
Testo completoHamka. "Sustainable Landscape Criteria in Design Concept of Taman Merah Kampung Pelangi, Malang City". International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism 5, n. 1 (31 marzo 2021): 100–113.
Testo completoAlhazmi, Albatool Ahmad. "The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic Linguistic Landscapes on Lifestyle, Health Awareness and Behavior". World Journal of English Language 14, n. 3 (22 marzo 2024): 359.
Testo completoØdegaard, Elin Eriksen, e André Steenbuch Marandon. "Local Weather Events: Stories of Pedagogical Practice as Possible Cultures of Exploration". ECNU Review of Education 2, n. 4 (dicembre 2019): 421–40.
Testo completoБулавіна, Наталія. "The institutional landscape of contemporary visual art of Ukraine". Contemporary Art, n. 13 (12 dicembre 2017): 51–58.
Testo completoBergdoll, Barry, e Alice Thomine. "Teaching Architectural History in France: A Shifting Institutional Landscape". Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 61, n. 4 (1 dicembre 2002): 509–18.
Testo completoBriggs, By Sue V. "Linking ecological scales and institutional frameworks for landscape rehabilitation". Ecological Management and Restoration 2, n. 1 (aprile 2001): 28–35.
Testo completoMcmaster, Irene. "Czech regional development agencies in a shifting institutional landscape". Europe-Asia Studies 58, n. 3 (maggio 2006): 347–70.
Testo completoSerrano-Vicente, R., R. Melero e E. Abadal. "Open Access Awareness and Perceptions in an Institutional Landscape". Journal of Academic Librarianship 42, n. 5 (settembre 2016): 595–603.
Testo completoSöderqvist, Tore, William J. Mitsch e R. Kerry Turner. "Valuation of wetlands in a landscape and institutional perspective". Ecological Economics 35, n. 1 (ottobre 2000): 1–6.
Testo completoGottfried, Robert, David Wear e Robert Lee. "Institutional solutions to market failure on the landscape scale". Ecological Economics 18, n. 2 (agosto 1996): 133–40.
Testo completoNaous, Rana. "Characterizing the Molecular Landscape of Fibrosarcoma: An Institutional Experience". American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research 19, n. 6 (24 agosto 2023): 770–75.
Testo completoAhasan, Rakibul, Md Nazmul Hoda, Md Shaharier Alam, Yead Rahman Nirzhar e Ahsanul Kabir. "Changing institutional landscape and transportation development in Dhaka, Bangladesh". Heliyon 9, n. 7 (luglio 2023): e17887.
Testo completoJansen, Louisa J. M., e Patrick P. Kalas. "Customised Methodology to Assess and Measure Effectiveness of Integrated Landscape Management Relevant Multi-Stakeholder Transformative Governance, Incorporating Rights-Based Planning and Tenure Aspects, Applied in Kenya, Nigeria, and Viet Nam". Sustainability 16, n. 21 (26 ottobre 2024): 9312.
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