Libri sul tema "Institutionnel Landscape"
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1950-, Blommestein H. J., Funke Norbert e Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development., a cura di. Institutional investors in the new financial landscape. Paris, France: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1998.
Cerca il testo completoJean-David, Gerber, a cura di. Institutionelle Landschaftsregime: Lösungsansatz für Landschaftskonflikte = Institutional landscape regimes : an approach to the resolution of landscape conflicts. Zürich: Vdf, Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, 2008.
Cerca il testo completoGailing, Ludger. Kulturlandschaftspolitik: Die gesellschaftliche Konstituierung von Kulturlandschaft durch Institutionen und Governance. Detmold: Rohn, 2014.
Cerca il testo completoJohnson, Susan. Financial landscapes revisited: An institutional approach to roots and branches. [Nairobi]: Institute for Development Studies, University of Nairobi, 2001.
Cerca il testo completoGraaf, Maurits van der. The European repository landscape 2008: Inventory of digital respositories for research output in the EU. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2009.
Cerca il testo completo1974-, Hoefer Natascha N., e Ananieva Anna 1975-, a cura di. Der andere Garten: Erinnern und Erfinden in Gärten von Institutionen. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2005.
Cerca il testo completoGraaf, Maurits van der. The European repository landscape: Inventory study into the present type and level of OAI-compliant digital respository activities in the EU. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2008.
Cerca il testo completoSchelokov, Denis. Social management of institutional changes in Russian society: sociological analysis of transformational processes. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2020.
Testo completoReddy, M. Gopinath. Obstructed access to forest justice: The implementation of institutional reform (FRA-2006) in Andhra Pradesh forested landscapes. Hyderabad: Centre for Economic and Social Studies, 2010.
Cerca il testo completoRaina, Dhruv. Nationalism, institutional science and the politics of knowledge: Ancient Indian astronomy and mathematics in the landscape of French enlightenment historiography. Göteborg: Institutionen för vetenskapsteori, Göteborgs Universitet, 1999.
Cerca il testo completoRaina, Dhruv. Nationalism, institutional science and the politics of knowledge: Ancient Indian astronomy and mathematics in the landscape of French Enlightenment historiography. Göteborg: Inst. för Vetenskapsteori Göteborgs Universitet, 1999.
Cerca il testo completoDear, M. J. Landscapes of despair: From deinstitutionalization to homelessness. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, 1987.
Cerca il testo completoParker, Ben. Roles and responsibilities, institutional landscapes and curriculum mindscapes: A partial view of teacher education policy in South Africa, 1990-2000. Brighton: Centre for International Education, University of Sussex, 2002.
Cerca il testo completoKürti, Emese, e Zsuzsa László, a cura di. What Will Be Already Exists. Bielefeld, Germany: transcript Verlag, 2021.
Testo completoStrecker, Amy. Institutional Framework for Landscape Protection. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Testo completoChanging Institutional Landscape of Planning. Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.
Cerca il testo completoChanging Institutional Landscape of Planning. Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.
Cerca il testo completoAlbrechts, L., Jeremy Alden e Artur da Rosa Pires. Changing Institutional Landscape of Planning. Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.
Cerca il testo completoChanging Institutional Landscape of Planning. Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.
Cerca il testo completoChanging Institutional Landscape of Planning. Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.
Cerca il testo completoStrecker, Amy. Landscape Protection in International Law. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Testo completoSylvia, Breukers. Changing Institutional Landscapes (UvA Dissertations). Amsterdam University Press, 2007.
Cerca il testo completoInstitutional Landscape Regimes: An Approach to the Resolution of Landscape Conflicts. vdf Hochschulverlag ETH Zurich, 2008.
Cerca il testo completoThe Landscape for Institutional Investing in 2018. World Bank, Washington, DC, 2018.
Testo completoInstitutional Investors in the New Financial Landscape. OECD, 1998.
Testo completoAlbrechts, Louis. Revival: The Changing Institutional Landscape of Planning (2001). Routledge, 2017.
Testo completoHerrmann, Steffen, e Matthias Flatscher, a cura di. Institutionen des Politischen. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2020.
Testo completoGatzweiler, Franz, a cura di. Institutional and Livelihood Changes in East African Forest Landscapes. Peter Lang D, 2014.
Testo completoStrecker, Amy. The European Landscape Convention. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Testo completoDear, Michael J., e Jennifer R. Wolch. Landscapes of Despair: From Deinstitutionalization to Homelessness. Princeton University Press, 2014.
Cerca il testo completoDear, Michael J., e Jennifer R. Wolch. Landscapes of Despair: From Deinstitutionalization to Homelessness. Princeton University Press, 2014.
Cerca il testo completoDear, Michael J., e Jennifer R. Wolch. Landscapes of Despair: From Deinstitutionalization to Homelessness. Princeton University Press, 2014.
Cerca il testo completoJha, Himanshu. Capturing Institutional Change. A cura di Rahul Mukherjee, Subrata K. Mitra e Raghbendra Jha. Oxford University Press, 2020.
Testo completo(Editor), Louis Albrechts, Jeremy Alden (Editor), Artur Da Rosa Pires (Editor) e Artur Da Rosa Pires (Editor), a cura di. The Changing Institutional Landscape of Planning (Urban and Regional Planning and Development). Ashgate Pub Ltd, 2001.
Cerca il testo completoBarrera-Gonzalez, Andres. Socio-Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology in Europe: An Intricate Institutional and Intellectual Landscape. Lit Verlag, 2008.
Cerca il testo completoAuthoritarian Landscapes: Popular Mobilization and the Institutional Sources of Resilience in Nondemocracies. Springer London, Limited, 2013.
Cerca il testo completoAuthoritarian Landscapes: Popular Mobilization and the Institutional Sources of Resilience in Nondemocracies. Springer, 2015.
Cerca il testo completoAuthoritarian Landscapes Popular Mobilization And The Institutional Sources Of Resilience In Nondemocracies. Springer-Verlag New York Inc., 2013.
Cerca il testo completoHoebink, P. Verschuivende vensters: Veranderingen in het institutionele landschap van de Nederlandse ontwikkelingssamenwerking - 40. WRR, 2010.
Cerca il testo completoSylvia, Breukers. Changing Institutional Landscapes for Implementing Wind Power : a Geographical Comparison of Institutional Capacity Building: The Netherlands, England and North Rhine-Westphalia. Amsterdam University Press, 2010.
Cerca il testo completoSylvia, Breukers. Changing Institutional Landscapes for Implementing Wind Power: A Geographical Comparison of Institutional Capacity Building - The Netherlands, England and North Rhine-Westphalia. Amsterdam University Press, 2006.
Cerca il testo completoZubieta, Carlos Heredia. Geopolitical Landscapes of Donald Trump: International Politics and Institutional Characteristics of Mexico-Guatemala Relations. Taylor & Francis Group, 2022.
Cerca il testo completoFitzgerald, Hiram E., Cathy Burack e Sarena D. Seifer. Handbook of Engaged Scholarship Vol. 1 : Contemporary Landscapes, Future Directions : Volume 1: Institutional Change. Michigan State University Press, 2012.
Cerca il testo completoHeredia-Zubieta, Carlos. Geopolitical Landscapes of Donald Trump: International Politics and Institutional Characteristics of Mexico-Guatemala Relations. Taylor & Francis Group, 2022.
Cerca il testo completoHeredia-Zubieta, Carlos. Geopolitical Landscapes of Donald Trump: International Politics and Institutional Characteristics of Mexico-Guatemala Relations. Taylor & Francis Group, 2022.
Cerca il testo completoZubieta, Carlos Heredia. Geopolitical Landscapes of Donald Trump: International Politics and Institutional Characteristics of Mexico-Guatemala Relations. Routledge, 2022.
Cerca il testo completoGraaf, Maurits van der, e Kwame van Eijndhoven. European Repository Landscape: Inventory Study into Present Type and Level of OAI Compliant Digital Repository Activities in the EU. Amsterdam University Press, 2008.
Cerca il testo completoGatzweiler, Franz. Institutional and Livelihood Changes in East African Forest Landscapes: Decentralization and Institutional Change for Sustainable Forest Management in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Ethiopia. Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, Peter, 2013.
Cerca il testo completoGatzweiler, Franz. Institutional and Livelihood Changes in East African Forest Landscapes: Decentralization and Institutional Change for Sustainable Forest Management in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Ethiopia. Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, Peter, 2013.
Cerca il testo completoGatzweiler, Franz W. Institutional and Livelihood Changes in East African Forest Landscapes: Decentralization and Institutional Change for Sustainable Forest Management in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Ethiopia. Lang Publishing, Incorporated, Peter, 2013.
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