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Articoli di riviste sul tema "Immersed object"


Jarlan, G. E. "MODEL STUDY OF AN ISOLATED LIGHTHOUSE PLATFORM AT SEA (PRINCE SHOAL, QUEBEC)". Coastal Engineering Proceedings 1, n. 7 (29 gennaio 2011): 43. http://dx.doi.org/10.9753/icce.v7.43.

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Abstract (sommario):
Experiments on objects subject to wave forces have been made in the past, which led to formulae where the geometrical characteristics of the object are of primary importance. Other experiments, made on immersed objects, showed that the accelerative forces caused by wave impact are of the same order of magnitude as the drag forces associated with orbital velocities. In the case of a small free body completely immersed in a fluid and subject to a system of forces, other experiments showed that the fluid surrounding the body acquires a velocity while the flow field gains kinetic energy (Bef. 1). The acceleration of the object can be deduced from the pressure distribution around the body.
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Liu, Cheng, e Changhong Hu. "An efficient immersed boundary treatment for complex moving object". Journal of Computational Physics 274 (ottobre 2014): 654–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2014.06.042.

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Jahangiri, Ali, e Mojtaba Biglari. "The stability of vapor film immersed in superfluid helium on the surface of the hot ball". Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering 230, n. 6 (3 agosto 2016): 433–39. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0954408914559571.

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Abstract (sommario):
In this article, the evolution of vapor film on the surfaces of hot objects immersed in a cryogenic superfluid helium liquid is considered. It is assumed that at the beginning of the process, a thin film of steam exists on the surface of the object that has a spherical shape. If the heat flux is greater than the critical heat flux, the growth of vapor film will continue, otherwise it will collapse. Survey and analysis of the previously mentioned problem has been done using numerical method and the main onjectives are as follows: (a) study the evolution of the vapor film immersed in superfluid helium on the surface of the hot ball and (b) the stability of vapor film immersed in superfluid helium on the surface of the hot ball.
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Chern, Ming-Jyh, Dedy Zulhidayat Noor, Ching-Biao Liao e Tzyy-Leng Horng. "Direct-Forcing Immersed Boundary Method for Mixed Heat Transfer". Communications in Computational Physics 18, n. 4 (ottobre 2015): 1072–94. http://dx.doi.org/10.4208/cicp.151214.250515s.

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AbstractA direct-forcing immersed boundary method (DFIB) with both virtual force and heat source is developed here to solve Navier-Stokes and the associated energy transport equations to study some thermal flow problems caused by a moving rigid solid object within. The key point of this novel numerical method is that the solid object, stationary or moving, is first treated as fluid governed by Navier-Stokes equations for velocity and pressure, and by energy transport equation for temperature in every time step. An additional virtual force term is then introduced on the right hand side of momentum equations in the solid object region to make it act exactly as if it were a solid rigid body immersed in the fluid. Likewise, an additional virtual heat source term is applied to the right hand side of energy equation at the solid object region to maintain the solid object at the prescribed temperature all the time. The current method was validated by some benchmark forced and natural convection problems such as a uniform flow past a heated circular cylinder, and a heated circular cylinder inside a square enclosure. We further demonstrated this method by studying a mixed convection problem involving a heated circular cylinder moving inside a square enclosure. Our current method avoids the otherwise requested dynamic grid generation in traditional method and shows great efficiency in the computation of thermal and flow fields caused by fluid-structure interaction.
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Bušík, Martin, e Ivan Cimrák. "The calibration of fluid-object interaction in immersed boundary method". EPJ Web of Conferences 143 (2017): 02013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201714302013.

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Soria-Verdugo, A., L. M. Garcia-Gutierrez, S. Sanchez-Delgado e U. Ruiz-Rivas. "Circulation of an object immersed in a bubbling fluidized bed". Chemical Engineering Science 66, n. 1 (gennaio 2011): 78–87. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ces.2010.10.006.

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Orishchenko, Svetlana S. "Things in cinema as a phenomenon of cultural reality". Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya 21, n. 3-4 (10 dicembre 2021): 73–77. http://dx.doi.org/10.17816/2072-2354.2021.21.2.73-77.

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Abstract (sommario):
The objects, items, things that are most often used in the film texts of modern Russian cinema require close attention from the film culture point of view. The material world helps to realize the value of an object and its influence on the subject. The attitude to things and objects characterizes modern society from the point of view of order-chaos. Contemporary domestic film texts are interpreted by specialists and spectators, intended for a wide audience of the audience. A person is immersed in a system of symbols, and in cinema he seeks confirmation of this or that stable element of the virtual world, which he correlates with his real experience. Things, objects and objects can tell about the main thing, so they cannot be ignored, pass by this or that symbolic object.
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Zhao, Xiang, Liming Yang, Chang Xu e Chang Shu. "An overset boundary condition-enforced immersed boundary method for incompressible flows with large moving boundary domains". Physics of Fluids 34, n. 10 (ottobre 2022): 103613. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/5.0122257.

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Abstract (sommario):
Conventional immersed boundary methods (IBMs) have greatly simplified the boundary condition treatment by interpreting boundaries as forces in the source terms of governing equations. In conventional IBMs, uniform meshes of very high resolution must be applied near the immersed boundary to treat the solid–fluid interface. However, this can induce a high computational cost for simulating flows with large moving boundary domains, where everywhere along the trajectory of the moving object must be refined isotropically. In the worst scenario, a global refinement is required when the object is moving arbitrarily in the entire computational domain. In this work, an overset boundary condition-enforced immersed boundary method (overset BC-enforced IBM) is proposed to simulate incompressible flows with large moving boundary domains efficiently. In the proposed overset BC-enforced IBM, a locally refined uniform mesh is applied and fixed on the moving object to account for the local motions, e.g., the rotation and deformation of the object, while the global motion of the object is handled by embedding the locally refined mesh in a coarser background mesh. Both the local mesh and the global background mesh can be generated automatically using the Cartesian approach to avoid the cumbersome boundary treatment. Since the mesh refinement is local, considerable computational savings can be achieved. The overset BC-enforced IBM is combined with the lattice Boltzmann flux solver to simulate various fluid–structure interaction problems with rigid and deformable boundaries.
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Szabo, Thomas L. "Imaging three dimensional objects with ultrasound". Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 152, n. 4 (ottobre 2022): A167. http://dx.doi.org/10.1121/10.0015907.

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Abstract (sommario):
The ultrasound imaging laboratory provided students with the opportunity of determining what an unknown three dimensional object was from two-dimensional images. Armed with a portable diagnostic ultrasound imaging system, and internal calipers for quantification, students were given unknown objects from the creepy crawly collection. Each object was immersed in a small tub of opaque fluid. Students could adjust the imaging system to give different cross-sections or cut planes through the object. From this information and linear calipers, they were to determine what the object was and provide a quantitative three dimensional sketch. This experience gave them a taste of the chief difficulty in diagnostic imaging of the body: deciphering and recognizing tissue structures and organs from partial views. Other imaging exercises included the use of imaging phantoms to measure spatial and temporal resolution as a function of depth and other controls.
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Magiliotou, Maria, Ye-Mon Chen e Liang-Shih Fan. "Bed-immersed object heat transfer in a three-phase fluidized bed". AIChE Journal 34, n. 6 (giugno 1988): 1043–47. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/aic.690340620.

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Tesi sul tema "Immersed object"


Ingram, Gordon Douglas. "Simultaneous coating and erosion of an object immersed in a fluidized bed /". Title page, abstract and table of contents only, 1994. http://web4.library.adelaide.edu.au/theses/09ENS/09ensi54.pdf.

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Abstract (sommario):
Thesis (M. Eng. Sc.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, 1994.
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 220-228). Experiments were performed on an electrically-heated, vertical U-tube in a bubbling fluidized bed of glass ballotini. To support the principal coating-erosion experiments, melting temperature, fluidization and heat transfer studies were conducted. The experimental results were analysed by a one-dimensional mathematical model which combines fluidized bed powder coating theory with knowledge of the erosion of tubes in a fluidized bed. This study furthers the understanding of the fouling of firetube heat transfer surfaces immersed in fluidized beds. Particularly significant is the relationship that was discovered between the fluidizing gas velocity, the bed temperature and the surface temperature that leads to deposition. The above findings were related to an important, emerging technology-the pulse-enhanced, indirectly-heated fluidized bed gasifier developed by Manufacturing and Technology Conversion International.
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Kuorelahti, J. (Juri). "On the motion of objects immersed in Fermi liquids". Doctoral thesis, Oulun yliopisto, 2019. http://urn.fi/urn:isbn:9789526223056.

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Abstract (sommario):
Abstract Interacting many-body problems are central to most fields of physics. In condensed matter physics, the systems of interest consists of a number of bodies on the order of Avogadro's constant, ~10²³. The precise modeling of such systems is usually impossible. Under certain circumstances however, even these problems can become tractable. One such circumstance is that of a Fermi liquid. At sufficiently low temperatures, in describing the dynamics of a system of interacting fermions, it is possible to forgo description of the fermions themselves, and instead concentrate on the collective excitations of the entire fermion system. These collective excitations are called quasiparticles. In this thesis we study two phenomena related to the motion of objects in a Fermi liquid. First, we study the transmission of transverse oscillations through a thin film of normal Fermi liquid. The dynamics of normal Fermi liquid are described by Landau's Fermi liquid theory. Landau's theory predicts the existence of new modes of sound under conditions where sound ordinarily would not propagate. Using the equations of motion for the Fermi liquid quasiparticles, we calculate the linear response of a Fermi liquid film to the transverse oscillations of a planar substrate under a wide range of conditions. We present the linear response in terms of the film's acoustic impedance and study the effects of quasiparticle collisions and of the Fermi liquid interactions. The second phenomenon we study is the supercritical motion of a wire in a superfluid Fermi liquid. The prevailing assumption is that if the velocity of an object moving in a superfluid Fermi liquid surpasses a characteristic critical velocity, the object experiences a sudden onset of viscous forces. This viscosity is caused by the escape of quasiparticles, produced by pair breaking on the surface of the object, into the surrounding superfluid. We study Andreev reflection of the quasiparticles by the surrounding superfluid flow field, and modifications to the flow caused by pair breaking, as possible mechanisms for low-dissipation motion above the critical velocity
Original publications The original publications are not included in the electronic version of the dissertation. Kuorelahti, J. A., Tuorila, J. A., & Thuneberg, E. V. (2016). Fermi liquid theory applied to a film on an oscillating substrate. Physical Review B, 94(18). https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevb.94.184103 Kuorelahti, J. A., & Thuneberg, E. V. (2018). Two-parameter boundary condition applied to transverse acoustic impedance of a Fermi liquid. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 969, 12010. https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/969/1/012010 http://jultika.oulu.fi/Record/nbnfi-fe2018060425173 Kuorelahti, J. A., Laine, S. M., & Thuneberg, E. V. (2018). Models for supercritical motion in a superfluid Fermi liquid. Physical Review B, 98(14). https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevb.98.144512 http://jultika.oulu.fi/Record/nbnfi-fe2018112148794
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Arava, Shivaprasad. "Influence of Immersed Conductive Objects on the Burning Behavior of Oil Soaked Sands". Digital WPI, 2016. https://digitalcommons.wpi.edu/etd-theses/1028.

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Abstract (sommario):
"The objective of this study is to characterize the flammability of oil-soaked sand towards the development of technology to clean up petroleum product spills using in situ combustion. The burning rate of a sand-oil mixture is enhanced using immersed conductive objects (copper rods) which enable rapid heat-up of the flame exposed to the upper surface of the rod and transmits heat back into the sand. Consequent conduction of heat to the porous media through the lower portion of the immersed rod significantly increases vaporization and therefore the burning rate. Bench scale experiments (10cm) were performed with increasing spill content (18% and 24%) exposed to external heat fluxes (15, 20, 25 and 30kW/m^2 ) and different rod configurations (single rod, multiple rods and cases with various heights and diameters). Flammability parameters such as ignition time, mass loss rate, and temperature profiles were investigated. Experiments show that the ignition time decreases and the burn efficiency rate increases with the addition of immersed objects. A numerical model is used to further explain the controlling parameters for enhancement in burning rate and optimization of the technique."
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Noisette, Florent. "Interactions avec la frontière pour des équations d’évolutions non-linéaires, non-locales". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024BORD0356.

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Abstract (sommario):
Ce manuscrit est découpé en deux parties et 9 chapitres. Dans la deuxième partie, j’ai mis les six résultats principaux prouvé pendant ma thèse :• Chapitre 5 : unicité des solutions d’Euler 2D avec sources et puits;• Chapitre 6 : unicité des solutions de l’équation de Camassa-Holm avec flot entrant et sortant ;• Chapitre 7 : un algorithme pour la simulation numérique de la croissance de micro-algues;• Chapitre 8 : Dérivée de forme de l’opérateur Dirichlet vers Neumann sur une variété bornée; ETcaractère bien posé d’une équation sur les protrusions céllulaires;• Chapitre 9 : régularité de l’opérateur de Dirichlet vers Neumann sur une variété Hs.Les deux premiers résultats ont été réalisés sous la tutelle de Franck Sueur au début de ma thèse, voir [ NS21 ] et [ Noi23 ] pour leur versions individuelles. Le troisième a été écrit à la suite du CEMRACS, en collaboration avec Mickaël Bestard et Léo Meyer, sous la direction de Bastien Polizzi, ainsi que Thierry Goudon et Sebastian Minjeaud, que vous trouverez aussi dans [ Ber+23 ]. Tout en étant plus éloigné du reste de mes travaux, l’algorithme sur lequel nous avons travaillé est interessant et je suis content de l’inclure ici. Les deux derniers résultats ont été écrits sous la tutelle de David Lannes, en cours de publication [ Noi24 ]. En première partie, je présente chacun des résultats, dans l’ordre. Le chapitre 1 va introduire l’équation et la littérature nécessaire pour comprendre le résultat du chapitre 5, le chapitre 2 fait de même pour le résultat du chapitre 6, et ainsi de suite jusqu’au chapitre 4, qui lui introduit à la fois les réultatats du chapitre 8 et 9
The main results of my PhD thesis are :• Uniqueness of bounded vorticity solution for the 2D euler equation with sources and sinks• Uniqueness of bounded momentum solution of the CH equation with in and out-flow• An algorythm for the simulation of growth of Micro algae• shape derivative of the Dirichlet to neumann operator on a generic bounded domain• regularity of the Dirichlet to Neumann operator on a generic H^s manifold
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De, Vanna Francesco. "A high-resolution fully compressible Navier-Stokes solver for analysis of moving objects at high Mach numbers". Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/11577/3422349.

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Abstract (sommario):
With this PhD project we developed, and we fully validated a high-resolution numerical model suitable for fluid mechanics simulations in a wide range of speeds and regimes. Nowadays, such topic - especially starting the development process from scratch - could seem in contrast with the availability of a large variety of highly- optimised and multi-platform fluid dynamics software. Among these, it is enough to mention the most famous commercial solutions like Ansys Fluent, Star-CCM+ and Comsol Multiphysics or the most employed open-source implementations like OpenFoam and NEK5000. Anyway, facing frontier engineering applications or fundamental topics in physics of fluids still represents a challenging task for all of these solutions. In particular, the aerodynamics problems in the transonic regime or the dynamics associated to the interaction between compressible flow and a moving structure require the researcher to be aware not only on the physics related to the problem but also to the numerics and the numerical implementation behind the model he is employing. This task is very far from the objectives of commercial software which aims to be as general as possible and user-friendly. Being easy to be used makes this software to be often opaque to the user and excessively conservative, implementing strongly diffusive numerical methods and highly-relaxing the numerical solution. Especially in the field of frontier applications, these methods often result in wrong predictions of the flow behaviour. Thus an ad-hoc numerical tool is required. For this reason, we developed URANOS. URANOS is a low-dissipative high-order and high-resolution numerical solver especially developed for fluid simulation in strong-compressible viscous conditions and able to deal with moving objects at high-Mach numbers.
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Houzangbe, Samory. "Impact sur l'expérience utilisateur en environnement virtuel immersif de l'utilisation d'objets connectés portés pour la rétroaction physiologique". Thesis, Paris, ENSAM, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019ENAM0011/document.

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Abstract (sommario):
Les objets connectés ont aujourd’hui pénétré les foyers et, poussés par une société tournée de plus en plus vers le bien-être, ces capteurs mesurent et proposent dorénavant une grande variété de données physiologiques. L’arrivée à maturité des technologies de la réalité virtuelle, couplée avec l’avènement des objets connectés, permet et favorise dès lors de nouvelles perspectives dans la proposition d’expériences immersives enrichies. De nombreux travaux dans le domaine de la réalité virtuelle rapportent l’exploitation des signaux physiologiques. Ceux-ci se basent principalement sur du matériel médical, qui possède des contraintes d’utilisation forte, reste souvent encombrant et limite de fait la mobilité des utilisateurs. Pour tenter de pallier ces limites, nos travaux se concentrent donc sur l’utilisation originale des wearables (objets connectés portés) comme substituts aux capteurs physiologiques traditionnels dans le cadre d’applications immersives. Ce travail de thèse se positionne à mi-chemin entre une étude de faisabilité technologique et une étude fondamentale sur l’expérience utilisateur (UX).Dans ce contexte, l’objectif de nos recherches est de contribuer à la connaissance concernant l’impact de l’utilisation des données physiologiques dans des environnements virtuels immersifs. Nous étudierons en particulier l’influence d’un biofeedback cardiaque, via des capteurs connectés grand public, sur l’engagement utilisateur et le sentiment d’agentivité. Nous avons ainsi mené deux expérimentations nous permettant d’étudier l’impact des différentes modalités de biofeedback sur l’expérience utilisateur. Notre première expérimentation met en place un biofeedback cardiaque dans un jeu d’horreur en réalité virtuelle, permettant d’augmenter le sentiment de peur. Les résultats de cette expérimentationconfortent l’intérêt de l’utilisation de capteurs connectés comme moyen de captation physiologique dans des expériences de réalité virtuelle immersive. Ils mettent également en avant l’impact positif de ce biofeedback sur la dimension d’engagement de l’expérience utilisateur. La deuxième expérience porte sur l’utilisation de l’activité cardiaque comme une mécanique d’interaction obligatoire. Elle est découpée en deux parties, la première permettant de quantifier le niveau de compétence des participants dans le contrôle de leur activité cardiaque et la seconde les plongeant dans une suite de tâches en réalité virtuelle ; le contrôle cardiaque est de fait nécessaire pour les réussir. Les résultats de cette expérience démontrent la possibilité d’utiliser la dite mécanique pour des expériences virtuelles immersives et indiquent un impact positif sur le sentiment d’agentivité, lié au niveau de compétence des participants. Sur un plan théorique, cette thèse propose une synthèse des modèles de l’expérience utilisateur en environnement virtuel et soumet par ailleurs les bases d’un modèle que nous nommons « l’immersion physiologique »
The internet of things has now entered every home and, with a society more and more focused towards wellness, these sensors measure and offer henceforth a wide variety of physiological data. Virtual reality technologies reaching maturity, coupled with the advent of the internet of things, allow consequently new opportunities to propose improved immersive experiences. If we identify nowadays many virtual reality studies reporting the usage of physiological data, they mainly use medical equipment, which poses strong usability constraints, is often cumbersome and limits mobility. In an attempt to overcome these limitations, this study therefore focuses on the original usage of smart wearables as substitutes for traditional sensors in immersive applications. Thus, this thesis is positioned halfway between a technological feasibility study and a fundamental user experience study.In this context, the objective of our study is to contribute to knowledge about the impact of the use of physiological data in immersive virtual environments. More precisely, the impact of biofeedback, via off-the-shelf smart wearables, on user engagement and the sense of agency. We have thus carried out two experiments allowing us to study the impacts of the different biofeedback modalities on user experience. Our first experiment implements a biofeedback based on heart rate in a virtual reality horror game, allowing to enhance the feeling of fear. The results of this experiment confirm the interest of using smart wearables to capture physiological data for immersive virtual reality experiences. They also highlight the positive impact of this biofeedback on user engagement. The second experiment focuses on the use of cardiac activity as a mandatory interaction mechanism. This experiment is divided into two parts, the first one quantifying the participants’ level of competency in heartrate control and the second one immersing them in a series of tasks in virtual reality ; heartrate control is necessary to complete the different steps of the experience. The results of this experiment demonstrate the possibility of using the said interaction mechanic for virtual reality experiences and indicate a positive impact on the sense of agency, linked with the level of competency of the participants. On a theoretical level, this thesis proposes a synthesis of user experience models in virtual environment and submit the foundations of a model that we call "physiological immersion"
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Jojic, Miodrag. "Modeling of steady conjugate heat transfer process on an airfoil shaped object immersed in laminar fluid flow". 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/1993/16258.

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DE, VANNA FRANCESCO. "A high-resolution fully compressible Navier-Stokes solver for analysis of moving objects at high Mach numbers". Doctoral thesis, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/11577/3316098.

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Chen, Jr-wei, e 陳智瑋. "Numerical Simulation of Two-Dimensional Uniform Flow Past Fixed or Rotational Solid Objects Using Immersed Boundary Method". Thesis, 2011. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/94053338625652856635.

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Abstract (sommario):
This thesis uses Immersed Boundary Method (IBM) to simulate the flow field of uniform flow through different solid obstacles, and to discuss conditions of the flow in each example. Numerical simulation adopts the flow passes through backward-facing step as a verification. The context begins with placing a cylinder in the expanded area of backward-facing step, and found that when the Reynolds number is less than 200, the flow field is steady. When the Reynolds number is between 250 to 300, the alternating vortex street is generated behind the cylinder. When the Reynolds number is greater than 400, the flow is affected by the cylinder and the wall, and leads the flow field into a steady state. Proceeding simulation of the flow passing a groyne, we found that if the constriction rate W/H is less than 0.3 a lower efficiency of the flip flow is observed. When the constriction rate is between 0.3 and 0.4, it creates the best efficiency of the flip flow. When the constriction rate is greater than 0.4, the flip flow is affected by the boundary of the other side, and the vortex of the flow will move back to the original boundary at lower reaches.   In the example of a rotating square cylinder, when the Reynolds number is 10, even the spinning square cylinder cannot destroy the steadiness of the flow field. When he Reynolds number reaches 41, the frequency of a spinning square cylinder will form a cycle of the flow field, and when the Reynolds number is 100, the flow field will have a natural cycle even if the square cylinder does not rotate. In the situation of slowly rotating the square cylinder, the flow filed is not steady even though the flow field cycle is leading the rotation frequency of the square cylinder. However, when the square cylinder is rotating rapidly, the rotation frequency will lose the lead of the flow field cycle.
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Chen, Chung-Yu, e 陳重昱. "Numerical Computation of a Direct-Forcing Immersed Boundary Method for Simulating the Interaction of Fluid with Moving Solid Objects". Thesis, 2016. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/n5497s.

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Abstract (sommario):
The aim of this thesis is to implement the two-stage direct-forcing immersed boundary projection method proposed by Horng et al. [11] for simulating the dynamics of fluid interacting with moving solid objects, where each immersed solid object is equipped with a prescribed velocity. This two-stage approach combines a directforcing immersed boundary projection method with a prediction-correction strategy, in which a discrete virtual force distributed on the solid object is introduced and appended to the fluid momentum equations to accommodate the no-slip boundary condition at the immersed solid boundary. Specifically, we first use the implicit Euler formula to discretize the temporal variable in the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations and apply the explicit first-order approximation to linearize the nonlinear convection term. We then employ a predicition-correction direct-forcing immersed boundary projection method to solve the time-discretized equations, where we adopt the first-order in time Chorin’s projection method in both prediction and correction stages. For spatial discretization in the projection computations, we employ the central difference scheme on the staggered grids. We give two numerical examples of multiple moving solid objects to illustrate the performance of the algorithm. From the numerical results, we find that this simple predicition-correction immersed boundary approach can achieve reasonable results for fluid-solid interaction problems.
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Libri sul tema "Immersed object"


Balaska, Maria. Anxiety and Wonder. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781350302969.

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Abstract (sommario):
At times, we find ourselves unexpectedly immersed in a mood that lacks any clear object or identifiable cause. These uncanny moments tend to be hastily dismissed as inconsequential, left without explanation. Maria Balaska examines two such cases: wonder and anxiety – what it means to prepare for them, what life may look like after experiencing them, and what insights we can take from those experiences. For Kierkegaard anxiety is a door to freedom, for Heidegger wonder is a distress that opens us to the truth of Being, and for Wittgenstein wonder and anxiety are deeply connected to the ethical. Drawing on themes from these thinkers and bringing them into dialogue, Balaska argues that in our encounters with nothing we encounter the very potential of our existence. Most importantly, we confront what is most inconspicuous and fundamental about the human condition and what makes it possible to encounter anything at all: our distinct capacity for making sense of things.
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Holt, Robin. Paris. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780199671458.003.0002.

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Abstract (sommario):
The earliest story of judgment comes in the Iliad with the Judgment of Paris and the ensuing Trojan Wars. The chapter suggests we have concealed important insights from this story, so enamoured have we become with an understanding of history configured through substantiated evidence. The Iliad resists the logic of entailment and proof, and instead delights in an ordinary world in which myth, event, character, and things cohere and contrast with little overall coherence. In such a world without much in the way of subjects and objects envisaging strategy as enacting a plan seems futile. Despite understanding ourselves differently now, as subjects in whom knowledge resides, the world of the Iliad still resonates. Perhaps in spite of our knowledge, we seem no closer to a settled condition of control than those immersed in the Trojan War.
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Tweedie, James. Caliban’s Books. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780190873875.003.0007.

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Abstract (sommario):
This chapter frames Peter Greenaway’s Prospero’s Books (1991) as an allegory of the adaptation of canonical literature to cinema, with The Tempest’s colonial concerns refigured as a confrontation between a “masterful” original and an “unfaithful” follower. The essay then situates the film’s meditation on the literary artifact and neobaroque aesthetics in opposition to the discourses of heritage circulating in Thatcherite Britain. It also traces the development of Greenaway’s career as an artist working with moving pictures but in unconventional contexts that deepen the connection between cinema and a material or architectural environment. It suggests that Greenaway’s cinematic books and paintings attempt to immerse objects and images in history and imbue them with traces of the past.
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Capitoli di libri sul tema "Immersed object"


Shapiro, Lisa. "Instrumental or Immersed Experience: Pleasure, Pain and Object Perception in Locke". In Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 265–85. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-90-481-3686-5_13.

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Jalali, Payman, e Pertti Sarkomaa. "Rough Cylindrical Object Immersed in a Granular Stream of Hard Disks". In Traffic and Granular Flow ’07, 525–33. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-77074-9_57.

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Giardina, Clara. "An Advanced Design Tool for Archiving, Mapping, and Narrating a Complex System: The ADU Packaging Innovation Observatory". In Springer Series in Design and Innovation, 649–57. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-49811-4_62.

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Abstract (sommario):
AbstractPackaging sector is a complex system: it is a phenomenon with a high degree of economic and cultural cross-sectoriality, a multi-dimensional object that involves a plurality of specific players in an interconnected value chain. Packaging is also a driver and an accelerator of the social, economic and environmental phenomena in which it is immersed. In a context consisting of several crises, the paper explores how research in Advanced Design - an articulated system of practices used to design processes, products or services in complex scenarios to outline possible futures - can help to embrace change, accelerate systemic and responsible innovation and narrate it in companies operating in complex, multidisciplinary sectors such as packaging. The hypothesis is that it could take place through an Advanced Design-led project such as an Observatory: an ecosystemic monitoring system, which collects case studies, gathers and processes knowledge and disseminates it in narratives that can be understood by all the actors in the supply chain, contributing to the creation of a network that connects the actors. After describing the methods and practices of ADU's Packaging Innovation Observatory, the applied research developed by the Observatory for Giflex is described: a work example that starts from data and interprets them with the aim of defining an identity and value profile of flexible packaging, and creating value stories to be told in the context of dissemination and promotion.
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Rodriguez-Vera, Ramon, Jesus E. Pinto, Daniel D. Aguayo, Juan A. Rayas e Fernando Mendoza-Santoyo. "Three-Dimensional Measuring of Immersed Objects in Transparent Media". In Fringe 2013, 515–18. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-36359-7_91.

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De Vanna, F., F. Picano e E. Benini. "An Immersed Boundary Method for Moving Objects in Compressible Flows". In ERCOFTAC Series, 291–96. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-42822-8_38.

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Soydan, A., W. Wang, A. Kamath e H. Bihs. "A direct forcing immersed boundary method for simulating floating objects". In Trends in Renewable Energies Offshore, 449–56. London: CRC Press, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1201/9781003360773-51.

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Kudela, László, Stefan Kollmannsberger e Ernst Rank. "An Immersed Boundary Approach for the Numerical Analysis of Objects Represented by Oriented Point Clouds". In Computational Modeling of Objects Presented in Images. Fundamentals, Methods, and Applications, 33–41. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-20805-9_4.

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Meacham, Darian. "3. The Institution of Technology". In Phenomenology and the Philosophy of Technology, 73–93. Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.11647/obp.0421.03.

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Abstract (sommario):
In the third chapter entitled “The Institution of Technology,” Darian Meacham explores if the concept of “institution” can help better articulating how phenomenology can contribute to the philosophy of technology. He analyses the development of this concept throughout Merleau-Ponty’s work and shows how it arose in response to Lukács criticism that phenomenology would be inapt to deal with political affairs and/or to articulate the totality that humans are immersed in. Roughly speaking, Meacham defines institutions as durable forms of common life, and he shows how focusing on institutions circumvents Lukács’ criticism because it account for the possibility of intersubjective relations that are shared over time as well as an account of social and technical objects that are formed and maintained in communicative and expressive actions. Meacham sketches the beginnings of a phenomenological method of studying technologies as institutions, which enables to articulate how they structure different domains of intersubjective life.
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Sobrino, Emanuel E., Robert Ipanaqué, Ricardo Velezmoro e Josel A. Mechato. "New Package in Maxima to Build Axonometric Projections from $$\mathbb {R}^{4}$$ to $$\mathbb {R}^{3}$$ and Visualize Objects Immersed in $$\mathbb {R}^{4}$$". In Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2020, 837–51. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-58820-5_60.

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Stanchina, Gabriella. "5. Self-limitation of the Moral Self as Kenosis". In The Art of Becoming Infinite, 247–300. Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, 2025. https://doi.org/10.11647/obp.0442.05.

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Abstract (sommario):
Chapter 5 is devoted to the dynamism of self-limitation (ziwo kanxian 自我坎陷) of the moral self—that is, a paradoxical dynamism of entanglement that produces an ontological bifurcation between the moral self and cognitive self. From the viewpoint of the self, the question is how knowing, limited egos, scattered through the multiplicity of our brains and intentionally related to an exterior world, can be produced by an all-embracing and inexhaustible moral self, and ultimately contribute to its full realization. Now we have reached the key point of Mou’s definition of the human being as a “finite being that can become infinite.” My methodological proposal is to take advantage of the centrality of space and spatial metaphors in Mou’s thought. In Chapter 3, we outlined the hodological nature of jingjie, that is, the mental landscape shaped by our effort to reach and move through it. The word kanxian, which is difficult to translate, is employed by Mou to designate the self-limitation of the moral self, and is etymologically related to “sinking” and “descending.” Furthermore, Mou affirms that the knowing self is characterized by a “curved” or “twisting” thought. This suggests that the difference between absolute and finite selves is not representable as an abyss, a catastrophic fall without return, but as an inflection, a dynamism of descent that, in its curvature, allows the possibility of a recollection and an ascensional return to the straight level of the infinite mind. To unravel the paradox of self-limitation, we should bear in mind that any dynamism can be seen from two spatial viewpoints: that of the finite self, characterized by fragmentation and dialectical opposition, and that of the moral self, which transcends fixed separations through a circular dynamism that intersects the finite world only to elevate it to the origin and source of life. In addition to the topological interpretation, I think that another fruitful approach to the dynamism of “self-limitation” is represented by the Western-Chinese comparative approach. The reason is that Mou himself, in developing the idea of self-limitation in his later works, such as Phenomenon and Thing-in-Itself, or Intellectual Intuition and Chinese Philosophy, is constantly operating in a comparative way. In pursuing this cross-cultural contrast, I adopt the term kenosis as a frame of reference. The relevance of this concept, originally derived from theology, lies in the fact that it can indicate any process in which a higher metaphysical substance voluntarily renounces the fullness of its width and power to manifest and act on a lower plane. The first kenotic model is presented in Hegel’s Logic and Phenomenology of the Spirit: the dialectical unfolding of the Absolute that, passing through the travail of the negative, returns progressively to itself, discovering the truth of its absoluteness concealed in the beginning. The point of maximum similarity between the Hegelian approach and that of Mou lies in their shared conception of the Absolute as subjective—that is, as an organic unfolding of life that reflexively returns to itself. Analyzing the two ways of self-limitation in Hegel, that is, alienation (Entfremdung) and exteriorization (Entäusserung), I highlight the similarities between this kenotic movement and Mou’s ziwo kanxian. In both cases, the self is not given from the beginning but realizes itself in the process of becoming. This process of self-construction requires commitment and continuous mediation with concreteness, as well as the force to transcend every partial embodiment. However, two significant differences can be observed between the Hegel and Mou groups. The first is the different consideration of horizontal finite reality, which, in Hegel, does not possess any autonomous positivity but should be continuously annihilated and conserved only in his logical truth. In Mou, finite contingences are the places of manifestation and realization of the moral mind; thus, they possess a specific ontological and metaphysical value. The separation between the cognitive ego and the world as objects of knowledge is instituted only through attachment. This temporary and illusory division in the cognitive mind must be overcome, but the concreteness of any moment should be recovered through moral action. Hegel’s dialectical self develops on a purely cognitive level, and its longing for completeness is projected toward the final stage of the Absolute Spirit. In contrast, Mou’s moral self is accomplished at every instant through concern for other beings. The vertical axis of action intersects the horizontal axis of reality. The point of intersection between the verticality of moral endeavors and the horizontality of finite things is not to be found only at the end of the process, but is a fulfillment and a truth that can take place at any instant. The second kenotic model is offered by Emmanuel Lévinas’ (1906–1995) “philosophy of the Other” and is rooted in the kabbalistic idea of tzimtzum, that is, the voluntary self-withdrawal of God in order to free a void space in which the finite creature can autonomously consist and flourish. What appealed to Lévinas was the primacy of ethics, which seems to recall the basic tenet of Mou’s moral metaphysics. According to Lévinas, in my everyday life, I am immersed in the anonymity of being, enthralled by my search for enjoyment and self-fulfillment. The only event that can draw myself out of this circle of entrapment is the appearance of the face of another fellow human being who, in his vulnerability, draws me out of my horizon and calls me to my moral responsibility. I wake up from my selfish and dream-like plenitude only when I am attracted to this new barycenter, and I experience disruption and irreducible otherness. If we recall the Mencian example of the child about to fall in a well and the alarm and urgency shaking the roots of my being, we may notice here a common vital experience that is spontaneously produced by the appearance of the other. However, if we thoroughly analyze this experience, we may perceive a noticeable difference between Lévinas and Mou, which is based on a different idea of the self. In Lévinas, the subject is structurally centripetal and immersed in its egotistic jouissance; therefore, the disruption of radical otherness is required for me to be passively and forcibly drawn outside myself in the space of ethics. In contrast, in Mou, the human being may be immersed in the mind of habit and traverse his everyday world with the distraction of a somnambulist; however, the core of one’s being is the moral mind, which is always vigilant, living, and responsive. The innate moral consciousness that operates in my luminous core is a space for ethics. Despite the attempt to elaborate on metaphysics based on moral duty, Lévinas’ ethics remain at a cognitive level, that is, bound to an insuperable exteriority and distance between the finite self and the other. Mou’s self-limitation of the moral mind does not withdraw to let finite beings exist autonomously, as in the hypothesis of tzimtzum. Mou’s moral self accepts restraining itself, cognitively penetrating the phenomenal details of the world, and subsuming them in its action. In this way, the subject is able to fulfill its authentic nature, which is an infinite dynamic responsiveness to which nothing can be external.
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Atti di convegni sul tema "Immersed object"


SU, XIAOHUI, OLE LARSEN e YONG ZHAO. "ADAPTIVE IMMERSED OBJECT METHOD FOR MOVING OBJECTS IN FLOW FIELDS". In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on APAC 2009. World Scientific Publishing Company, 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/9789814287951_0155.

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Edwards, Jack R., Jung-IL Choi, Santanu Ghosh, Daniel A. Gieseking e Jeffrey D. Eischen. "An Immersed Boundary Method for General Flow Applications". In ASME 2010 3rd Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting collocated with 8th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels. ASMEDC, 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/fedsm-icnmm2010-31097.

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Abstract (sommario):
The development of a direct-forcing immersed-boundary method for general flow applications is outlined in this paper. A cell-classification procedure based on a signed distance to the nearest surface is used to separate the computational domain into cells outside the immersed object (‘field cells’), cells outside but adjacent to the immersed object (‘band cells’), and cells within the immersed object (‘interior cells’). Interpolation methods based on laminar / turbulent boundary layer theory are used to prescribe the flow properties within the ‘band cells’. The method utilizes a decomposition of the velocity field near embedded surfaces into normal and tangential components, with the latter handled using power-law interpolations to mimic the energizing effects of turbulent boundary layers. A procedure for directly embedding sequences of stereo-lithography files as immersed objects in the computational is described, as are extensions of the methodology to compressible, turbulent flows. Described applications include human motion, moving aerodynamic surfaces, and shock / boundary layer interaction flow control.
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Gao, W. M., L. X. Kong, P. D. Hodgson e B. Wang. "Numerical Study of Conduction and Convection Between Immersed Object and Gas Fluidized Bed". In ASME 7th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis. ASMEDC, 2004. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/esda2004-58264.

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To analyze the heat transfer mechanism between fluidised beds and surfaces of an immersed object, the heat transfer and gas flow was numerically simulated for different particle systems based on a double particle-layer and porous medium model. It is fund that the conductive heat transfer occurs in the stifling regions between particle and the immersed surface, which have different temperature. The diameter of the circular conduction region, dc, is a function of particle diameter, dp, and can be given by dc/dp = 0.245dp−0.3. In other areas, the heat transfer between the dense gas-solid phase and the immersed object surface is dominated by convection from the moving gas in the tunnel formed by the first-layer particles and the immersed surfaces. The average dimensionless gas velocity, εmfU/Umf, in the tunnel is a constant of about 4.6. The virtual gas temperature at the free stream conditions can be given by the surface temperature of the first-layer particles. The heat transfer coefficient on the conductive region is about 6∼10 times of that on the convection region. The Nusselt numbers for calculating the instantaneous conductive and convective heat-transfer coefficients were theoretically analysed respectively.
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Jun-Ping Zhao. "Shape reconstruction of the object immersed in the incompressible fluid flow". In 2011 International Conference on Multimedia Technology (ICMT). IEEE, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/icmt.2011.6002437.

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Lee, Sungsu, Kyung-Soo Yang e Jong-Yeon Hwang. "An Aid to Learn Computational Fluid Dynamics: Immersed-Boundary-Based Simulation of 2D Flow". In ASME 2004 Heat Transfer/Fluids Engineering Summer Conference. ASMEDC, 2004. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/ht-fed2004-56281.

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Development of geometry-independent computational method and educational codes for simulation of 2D flows around objects of complex geometry is presented. Referred as immersed boundary method, it introduces virtual forcing to governing equations to represent the effect of physical boundaries. The present method is based on a finite-volume approach on a staggered grid with a fractional-step method to solve Navier-Stokes equation and continuity equation. Both momentum and mass forcings are introduced on and inside the object to satisfy no-slip condition and mass conservation. Since Cartesian grid lines in general do not coincide with the immersed boundaries, several interpolation schemes are employed. Several examples are simulated using the method presented in this study and the results agree well with other results. Both user-friendly preprocessor with GUI and FORTRAN-based solver are open to the public for educational purposes.
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Heydari, Ali, e V. P. Carey. "Boiling Curve Measurement of Water Containing Dissolved Carbon Dioxide Around a Heated Wire". In ASME 2001 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2001. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/imece2001/htd-24131.

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Abstract Proper thermal treatment of metals in metal processing plants is important both in terms of quality and economy of the final product. Addition of a highly soluble gas such as carbon dioxide to water has been shown to create an excellent quenching medium for metal objects in metal working processes. It causes slower rate of cooling due to the insulating effect of carbon dioxide on the surface of immersed metal objects which as a result hinders residual stress build up and warpage commonly observed in quenching metal objects in cold water. Additionally, absence of carbon dioxide-filled bubbles on the surface of quenching metal object causes cold water-like cooling of the surface, producing rapid cooling of the objects. In this study, boiling heat transfer characteristics of an electrically heated wire immersed in water mixed with different concentrations of carbon dioxide at various atmospheric and sub-atmospheric pressures are obtained and compared. The results indicate that the boiling behavior and heat transfer characteristics of carbon dioxide-water solution make it a favorable substitute to cold and hot water traditionally used as the heat transfer fluid in metal processing plants.
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Chern, Ming-Jyh, Dedy Zulhidayat Noor e Tzyy-Leng Horng. "AN IMMERSED BOUNDARY METHOD TO SOLVE FLOW AND HEAT TRANSFER PROBLEMS INVOLVING A MOVING OBJECT". In Proceedings of CHT-12. ICHMT International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer. Connecticut: Begellhouse, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1615/ichmt.2012.cht-12.240.

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D, Dantchev, Valchev G e Kostadinov K. "On the Interaction of a Micro Object with the Working Arm of a Gripper Immersed in a Nonpolar Fluid". In 7th International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture. Singapore: Research Publishing Services, 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.3850/978-981-08-6555-9_160.

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Liu, Yi, Di Yang, Xin Guo e Lian Shen. "Multi-Scale Modeling of Wind-Wave Interaction in the Presence of Offshore Structures for Renewable Energy Applications". In ASME 2010 29th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. ASMEDC, 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/omae2010-20882.

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Abstract (sommario):
We develop a multi-scale modeling capability for the simulation of wind and wave coupling dynamics, with a focus on providing environmental input for wind and wave loads on offshore structures. For the large-scale wind–wave environment, large-eddy simulation for the wind turbulence and high-order spectral simulation for the nonlinear ocean waves are dynamically coupled. For the local-scale air and water flows past the structure, we use a hybrid interface capturing and immersed boundary method. Coupled level-set/volume-of-fluid/ghost-fluid method is used to capture the wave surface. Immersed boundary method is used to represent the structure. The large-scale wind–wave simulation provides inflow boundary conditions for the local-scale air–water–structure simulation. Our simulation captures the dynamic evolution of ocean nonlinear wavefield under the wind action. The wind field is found to be strongly coupled with the surface waves and the wind load on a surface-piercing object is largely wave-phase dependent.
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Kakulia, D., e F. Shubtidze. "Estimation of rough surface influence on the low-frequency electromagnetic response from the highly conductive object immersed in magnetic soil". In 2010 International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (MMET). IEEE, 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/mmet.2010.5611384.

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Rapporti di organizzazioni sul tema "Immersed object"


Two types of lenses for deep underwater photography. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, dicembre 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1575/1912/29564.

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Abstract (sommario):
In underwater photography, the object is immersed in water while the image is usually formed in air. The most obvious, straightforward way to form an image under these circumstances with a conventional type of lens is to use a plane parallel slab of glass as a window in front of the lens to separate the water from the air space. For most types of camera lenses, this is a perfectly adequate solution; But if one looks at the problem carefully, it is evident that such a system introduces a chromatic aberration referred to as lateral color. The source of this aberration is illustrated in Fig. 1. The dispersion at the glass to air interface overcompensates for the dispersion at the water to glass interface. As a result, the direction of a ray entering the camera lens for any given ray incident on the window varies with the wavelength of light.
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