Articoli di riviste sul tema "Idumée"
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Medler, John T. "The types of Flatidae (Homoptera) in the Stockholm Museum described by Stat, Melichar, Jacobi and Walker". Insect Systematics & Evolution 17, n. 3 (1986): 323–37.
Testo completoSutrop, Urmas. "Livonian landscapes in the historical geography of Livonia and the division of Livonian tribes". Eesti ja soome-ugri keeleteaduse ajakiri. Journal of Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics 5, n. 1 (1 luglio 2014): 27–36.
Testo completoMarciak, Michał. "Hellenistic-Roman Idumea in the Light of Greek and Latin Non-Jewish Authors". Klio 100, n. 3 (19 dicembre 2018): 877–910.
Testo completoMarciak, Michal. "From Edom to Idumea Septuagint References to Edom and Idumea". Palamedes 12 (10 dicembre 2019): 5–35.
Testo completoLevin, Yigal. "The Religion of Idumea and Its Relationship to Early Judaism". Religions 11, n. 10 (24 settembre 2020): 487.
Testo completoIfire, Bonface Wanjala, Simon Gisege Omare e Stephen Njure. "The Christian Contested Socio-Religious and Cultural Aspects of Idumi Ritual: A Catholic Perspective among Tirikis of Hamisi Sub-County". Eastern African Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 3, n. 2 (8 agosto 2024): 84–93.
Testo completoScholten, Clemens. "Zum Herkunftsort des Simon Magus". Vigiliae Christianae 69, n. 5 (28 ottobre 2015): 534–41.
Testo completoObradović, Nadežda, e Ana Šomlo. "Iduće godine u Jerusalimu". World Literature Today 75, n. 1 (2001): 174.
Testo completoHowlett, David. "Insular Latin idama, iduma". Peritia 9 (gennaio 1995): 72–80.
Testo completoBrix, Michel. "«Je t’apporte l’enfant d’une nuit d’Idumée». Mallarmé et l’utopie hermaphrodite". Studi Francesi 202 (LXVIII | I) (2024): 154–58.
Testo completoIfire, Boniface Wanjala, Simon Omare e Stephen Njure. "The Moral and Normative Foundation of Idumi Circumcision Ritual among the Tiriki of Hamisi Sub-County". Research Journal of Education, Teaching and Curriculum Studies 2, n. 2 (6 agosto 2024): 1–9.
Testo completoDobreva-Yatseva, B., F. Nikolov, R. Raycheva, I. Manolov, P. Nikolov, N. Ivanova, D. Iovanovska, I. Kuchmov e M. Tokmakova. "Characteristics of infective endocarditis according to the mode of acquisition – a single-center, retrospective analysis". Bulgarian Cardiology 29, n. 2 (19 luglio 2023): 24–35.
Testo completoLopukhova, Yulia, Elena Makeeva e Kseniya Kuzovenkova. "INTERNALIZATION OF TEACHER EDUCATION AS A PART OF A UNIVERSITY INTERNALIZATION STRATEGY". SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference 1 (20 maggio 2020): 510.
Testo completoMarciak, Michał. "Idumea and Idumeans in the Light of the Pseudepigrapha". Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 27, n. 3 (marzo 2018): 163–203.
Testo completoMotta, G., E. Ordentlich, I. Ramirez, G. Seroussi e M. J. Weinberger. "The iDUDE Framework for Grayscale Image Denoising". IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 20, n. 1 (gennaio 2011): 1–21.
Testo completoNotarius, Tania. "The Syntax of Clan Names in Aramaic Ostraca from Idumea". Maarav 22, n. 1-2 (1 gennaio 2018): 21–43.
Testo completoKLONER, Amos. "Water Cisterns in Idumea, Judaea and Nabatea in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods". ARAM Periodical 14 (1 gennaio 2002): 461–85.
Testo completoAppelbaum, Alan. "“The Idumaeans” in Josephus' The Jewish War". Journal for the Study of Judaism 40, n. 1 (2009): 1–22.
Testo completoDobbs-Allsopp, F. W. "Aramaic Ostraca of the Fourth Century B. C. from Idumaea. Israel Ephʾal and Joseph Naveh." Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 312 (novembre 1998): 84–86.
Testo completoKLONER Almos. ""Water cisterns and reservoirs in Idumea, Judaea and Nabatea during the Hellenistic and Roman periods"". ARAM Periodical 13, n. 1 (14 aprile 2005): 461–85.
Testo completoAḥituv, Shmuel, e Ada Yardeni. "Seventeen Aramaic Texts on Ostraca from Idumea: The Late Persian to the Early Hellenistic Periods". Maarav 11, n. 1 (1 gennaio 2004): 7–23.
Testo completoPolak, Frank H. "Ancient Versions and Enigmatic Valleys". Textus 31, n. 1-2 (14 settembre 2022): 136–58.
Testo completoKasper, Katherine, Iswarya Manoharan, Dresden Glockler-Lauf, Laura Ball, Brian Hallam, Sharon Koivu, John McCormick e Michael Silverman. "1023. A Controlled-Release Prescription Oral Opioid Can Prolong S. aureus Survival in Injection Drug Preparation Equipment and Potentially Increase Bacteremia Risk". Open Forum Infectious Diseases 5, suppl_1 (novembre 2018): S305.
Testo completoHasibuan, Abdi Satria, e Mustapa Khamal Rokan. "Analisis Strategi Bank dalam Menangani Restrukturisasi Pembiayaan PT Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Medan Pulo Brayan". El-Mal: Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi & Bisnis Islam 4, n. 1 (25 aprile 2022): 72–80.
Testo completoMilković, Kristina. "The Basic Law of the Military Frontier from 1807 in the Light of Existing Studies and Research Perspectives". Povijesni prilozi 42, n. 65 (20 dicembre 2023): 137–62.
Testo completoWinedt, Marlon. "A omissão de Séforis: uma estratégia de resistência contra o poder e a honra da Dinastia Herodiana". Ribla 78, n. 2 (28 giugno 2018): 91.
Testo completoNekić, Antun. "„Iustos ab iniustis fidelesque ab infidelibus sequestrare et manifeste propallare“". Miscellanea Hadriatica et Mediterranea 8 (24 marzo 2022): 65–96.
Testo completoNotarius, Tania. "Bezalel Porten and Ada Yardeni, Textbook of Aramaic Ostraca from Idumea, Vol. 1: Dossiers 1–10: 401 Commodity Chits". Journal of Semitic Studies 62, n. 1 (2017): 263–65.
Testo completoBarač, Željko, Ivan Plaščak, Mladen Jurišić, Goran Heffer, Ivan Vidaković, Monika Marković e Domagoj Zimmer. "Utjecaj vibracija na trup rukovatelja pri agrotehničkim operacijama". Glasnik zaštite bilja 40, n. 4 (2017): 8–14.
Testo completoDuyrat, Frédérique. "Money in Southern Transeuphratene during the Fourth Century B.C.E." Phoenix 76, n. 1 (2022): 228–49.
Testo completoStewart, Danielle. "Review: The Metropolis in Latin America, 1830–1930: Cityscapes, Photographs, Debates, edited by Idurre Alonso and Maristella Casciato". Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture 5, n. 1 (1 gennaio 2023): 88–89.
Testo completoJoseph Umuerhi, Friday, e Lucky Oghenetega Urhiewhu. "Jumping the Gun: Relevance of Past Questions Paper". Library Progress (International) 43, n. 1 (21 giugno 2023): 39–45.
Testo completoPardee, Dennis. "Aramaic Ostraca of the Fourth Century BC from Idumaea. Israel Ephʿal , Joseph NavehNouvelles inscriptions araméennes d'Idumée au Musée d'Israël. A. Lemaire". Journal of Near Eastern Studies 59, n. 2 (aprile 2000): 128–30.
Testo completoNotarius, Tania. "?q(n) 'wood' in the Aramaic Ostraca from Idumea: A Note on the Reflex of Proto-Semitic/*s/in Imperial Aramaic". Aramaic Studies 4, n. 1 (1 marzo 2006): 101–9.
Testo completoĆorić, Domagoj. "Financijske krize i uloga MMF-a – pouke slučaja Južne Koreje 1997. – 2000." Acta economica et turistica 10, n. 1 (14 giugno 2024): 75–92.
Testo completoBukharin, Mikhail D. "Looking for Arabia Nova". Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. History 66, n. 2 (2021): 438–50.
Testo completoSmolej, Tone. "Van Tieghem, Hergešić i Ocvirk". Umjetnost riječi 68, n. 2 (2024): 211–25.
Testo completoKopanski, Ataullah Bogdan. "The Nazarean Legacy". American Journal of Islam and Society 15, n. 2 (1 luglio 1998): 1–24.
Testo completoHorvat, Dijana, Helena Tomić-Obrtalj, Marina Palfi, Ivana Koprivnjak e Iva Rojnica. "Utjecaj uvjeta skladištenja na klijavost sjemena povrtnih vrsta". Sjemenarstvo 31, n. 1-2 (30 gennaio 2021): 29–40.
Testo completoSabol, Marija, Zrinka Matana Kaštelan, Tiana Grubešić, Nikša Petrović e Damir Miletić. "Koštica trešnje kao uzrok ileusa kod stenozirajućeg karcinoma kolona - prikaz slučaja". Medicina Fluminensis 60, n. 1 (1 marzo 2024): 121–25.
Testo completoŠević, Ana, Dragan Javoran, Felina Anić e Srđan Novak. "Hipertrofični pahimeningitis i aortitis kao manifestacije bolesti povezane s imunoglobulinom G4 i uspješno liječene rituksimabom". Medicina Fluminensis 57, n. 3 (1 settembre 2021): 315–21.
Testo completoEgbadju, Lawrence. "Corporate Governance Characteristics and Earnings Management of Quoted Non-Financial Firms in Nigeria". FUDMA Journal of Accounting and Finance Research [FUJAFR] 1, n. 3 (31 dicembre 2023): 100–114.
Testo completoMašić, Amina. "Žene u šumarstvu u Bosni i Hercegovini". Šumarski list 144, n. 11-12 (26 dicembre 2020): 572.
Testo completoHawik, Hawik Ervina Indiworo. "ANALISIS KINERJA KARYAWAN PERUSAHAAN TEXTILE PADA MASA PANDEMI". Kompak :Jurnal Ilmiah Komputerisasi Akuntansi 14, n. 2 (15 dicembre 2021): 428–34.
Testo completoEgbadju, Lawrence. "Corporate Governance and Accounting Conservatism of Quoted Non-Financial Firms in Nigeria". FUDMA Journal of Accounting and Finance Research [FUJAFR] 2, n. 1 (6 febbraio 2024): 1–15.
Testo completoJacobs, Sandra. "Textbook of Aramaic Ostraca from Idumea, vol. 1: Dossiers 1-10: 401 Commodity Chits, edited by Bezalel Porten and Ada Yardeni and with the assistance of Matt Kletzing and Eugen Han". Vetus Testamentum 70, n. 3 (5 agosto 2020): 504–5.
Testo completoDíez-Gutiérrez, Enrique-Javier, e Mauro-Rafael Jarquín-Ramírez. "Políticas educativas comparadas de la extrema derecha en Europa". Revista Española de Educación Comparada, n. 46 (28 dicembre 2024): 326–42.
Testo completoGross, Andrew D. "Textbook of Aramaic Ostraca from Idumea, Vol. 1: Dossiers 1–10: 401 Commodity Chits, by Bezalel Porten and Ada Yardeni. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2014. liv + 472 pp., figures, tables, CD-ROM. Hardcover. $149.50." Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 379 (maggio 2018): 251–52.
Testo completoIdumah, Gideon, Lin Li, Haider Mahdi e Ying Ni. "Abstract 7036: Integrative biomarker profiling for predicting immunotherapy outcomes in gynecologic cancers". Cancer Research 84, n. 6_Supplement (22 marzo 2024): 7036.
Testo completoPERKINS, PHILIP D. "Taxonomy of water beetles in the genus Hydrochus Leach, 1817, from Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay (Coleoptera: Hydrochidae)". Zootaxa 4994, n. 1 (28 giugno 2021): 1–93.
Testo completo