Articoli di riviste sul tema "Iberian globalization"
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Bigelow, Allison. "Iberian Empires and the Roots of Globalization". Hispanic American Historical Review 101, n. 1 (1 febbraio 2021): 147–48.
Testo completoBentancor, Orlando. "Immediate Mediacy, Iberian Globalization and Commodity Fetishism". Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies 24, n. 3 (3 luglio 2015): 295–313.
Testo completoSisto, Sebastián Daniel. "Yun Casalilla, Bartolomé. Iberian World Empires and the Globalization of Europe 1415-1668. Palgrave-Macmillan/ Palgrave Studies in Comparative Global History, 2019, pp. 546". Trabajos y comunicaciones, n. 52 (10 luglio 2020): e127.
Testo completoYAKOVLEV, Petr. "Spain and Portugal in the Power Field of Globalization and Regionalization". Perspectives and prospects. E-journal, n. 2/3 (25/26) (2021): 100–114.
Testo completoMcManus, Stuart M. "Iberian World Empires and the Globalization of Europe 1415–1668". Hispanic American Historical Review 100, n. 3 (1 agosto 2020): 558–59.
Testo completoCastanho, Rui Alexandre, José Manuel Naranjo Gómez e Joanna Kurowska-Pysz. "How to Reach the Eurocities? A Retrospective Review of the Evolution Dynamics of Urban Planning and Management on the Iberian Peninsula Territories". Sustainability 11, n. 3 (23 gennaio 2019): 602.
Testo completoMoerbeck, Leonardo, Ana Domingos e Sandra Antunes. "Tick-Borne Rickettsioses in the Iberian Peninsula". Pathogens 11, n. 11 (18 novembre 2022): 1377.
Testo completoCoello de la Rosa, Alexandre. "Introduction: Jesuits in Asian-Pacific Borderlands". Journal of Jesuit Studies 9, n. 2 (18 gennaio 2022): 173–79.
Testo completoCabral Bernabé, Renata. "Religion in a Global Context: the reframing of the concept during early modern globalization". Revista Maracanan, n. 33 (6 settembre 2023): 29–53.
Testo completoChoi, Imogen. "Iberian Empires and the Roots of Globalization by Ivonne del Valle, Anna More, and Rachel Sarah O’Toole". Bulletin of the Comediantes 73, n. 2 (2021): 137–41.
Testo completoMoral-Pajares, Encarnación, María Zozaya-Montes e Leticia Gallego-Valero. "Globalization Versus Regionalization in Agri-Food Exports from Spain and Portugal". Agriculture 14, n. 6 (19 giugno 2024): 963.
Testo completoWasserman, Martín L. E., Sergio Serulnikov, Alejandro Pautasso, María Silvia Di Liscia e Daniel Santilli. "Reseñas". Boletín del Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani, n. 55 (1 luglio 2021): 154–68.
Testo completoRichardson, Noelle. "Ivonne del Valle, Anna More, and Rachel Sarah O’Toole (eds) (2020), Iberian Empires and the Roots of Globalization". Ler História, n. 77 (30 dicembre 2020): 226–30.
Testo completoRichardson, Noelle. "Ivone del Valle, Anna Moore, and Rachel Sarah O’Toole (eds) (2020), Iberian Empires and the Roots of Globalization". Ler História, n. 77 (30 dicembre 2020): 226–30.
Testo completoTavárez, Fidel J. "Iberian Empires and the Roots of Globalization, edited by Ivonne del Valle, Anna More, and Rachel Sarah O’Toole". Journal of Jesuit Studies 7, n. 4 (3 luglio 2020): 676–78.
Testo completoSchrank, Andrew. "Professionalization and Probity in a Patrimonial State: Labor Inspectors in the Dominican Republic". Latin American Politics and Society 51, n. 2 (2009): 91–115.
Testo completoStohlman, Sarah Michelle, Alice Szczepaniková, Ewa Ignaczak, Oane Visser, Peter Scholliers, Sjaak van der Geest, Hans Vermeulen, Tomasz Płonka, Jaap TImmer e Oscar Salemink. "Book Reviews". Focaal 2005, n. 45 (1 giugno 2005): 158–78.
Testo completoKelly, Deirdre, e Anton Pujol. "Introduction: ‘The Rise of the Far Right in Spain and Portugal’: A new chapter in Iberian politics?" International Journal of Iberian Studies 37, n. 3 (1 settembre 2024): 199–213.
Testo completoCardim, Pedro. "Bartolomé Yun-Casalilla Iberian World Empires and the Globalization of Europe, 1415-1668 Londres, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, xxvi-520 p." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 76, n. 1 (marzo 2021): 171–73.
Testo completoMartínez Shaw, Carlos, e Marina Alfonso Mola. "Los infortunios de Alonso Ramírez y el pacífico de los ibéricos = The Misfortunes of Alonso Ramírez and the Pacific of the Iberians". Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie IV, Historia Moderna, n. 33 (2 dicembre 2020): 139.
Testo completoPacheco Coelho, Manuel, Maria Rosa Borges e José Pires Manso. "Foreword". Estudios de Economía Aplicada 35, n. 3 (27 maggio 2019): 577.
Testo completoBalsas, Carlos J. L. "Global (Sustainable) Commercial Urbanism and Culture". Global Journal of Cultural Studies 2 (31 dicembre 2023): 196–204.
Testo completoGrier, Robin. "Iberian World Empires and the Globalization of Europe 1415–1668. By Bartolomé Yun Casalilla (Singapore, Palgrave-Macmillan/Palgrave Studies in Comparative Global History, 2019) 520 pp. $59.99 cloth". Journal of Interdisciplinary History 51, n. 1 (giugno 2020): 134–35.
Testo completoBoone, Rebecca. "Iberian Empires and the Roots of Globalization. Ivonne del Valle, Anna More, and Rachel Sarah O'Toole, eds. Hispanic Issues 44. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press, 2019. x + 356 pp. $34.95." Renaissance Quarterly 74, n. 4 (2021): 1353–55.
Testo completoCosta, Joana. "Internationalization Strategies at a Crossroads: Family Business Market Diffusion in the Post-COVID Era". Economies 10, n. 7 (18 luglio 2022): 170.
Testo completoGarcía-Montón, Alejandro. "Iberian Empires and the Roots of Globalization. Ed. by Ivonne del Valle, Anna More, and Rachel Sarah O'Toole. Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville (TN) 2020. x, 356 pp. Ill. $69.95. (Paper: $34.95)." International Review of Social History 66, n. 2 (22 luglio 2021): 325–27.
Testo completoArimura, Rie. "Trascendencia geográfica e institucional de los métodos de evangelización: una reconsideración acerca de las empresas apostólicas del Japón moderno temprano". Revista Grafía- Cuaderno de trabajo de los profesores de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas. Universidad Autónoma de Colombia 10, n. 1 (15 gennaio 2013): 90.
Testo completoDavids, Karel. "Helge Wendt (Editor). The Globalization of Knowledge in the Iberian Colonial World. (Max Planck Research Library for the History and Development of Knowledge: Proceedings, 10.) viii + 314 pp., figs. Berlin: Edition Open Access, 2016. €16.99 (paper)." Isis 109, n. 1 (marzo 2018): 151–52.
Testo completoVila González, Manuel. "La génesis ibérica del moderno poder naval". Revista de Estudios en Seguridad Internacional 6, n. 2 (8 dicembre 2020): 235–52.
Testo completoElliott, John. "The Oxford Handbook of Borderlands in the Iberian World, edited by Danna A. Levin Rojo and Cynthia Radding The Routledge Hispanic Studies Companion to Colonial Latin American and the Caribbean (1492–1898), edited by Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel and Santa Arias The Iberian World 1450–1820, edited by Fernando Bouza, Pedro Cardim, and Antonio Feros Iberian Empires and the Roots of Globalization, edited by Ivonne del Valle, Anna More, and Rachel Sarah O’Toole Monarquias Ibéricas em Perspectiva Comparada (Sécs. XVI–XVIII). Dinâmicas Imperiais e Circulação de Modelos Administrativos, edited by Ângela Barreto Xavier, Federico Palomo, and Roberta Stumpf". Journal of Early Modern History 26, n. 1-2 (3 marzo 2022): 154–62.
Testo completoYun-Casalilla, Bartolomé. "Early modern Iberian empires, global history and the history of early globalization". Journal of Global History, 30 maggio 2022, 1–23.
Testo completoBlack, Jeremy. "Iberian World Empires and the Globalization of Europe 1415–1668". New Global Studies, 3 agosto 2020.
Testo completoCondren, John. "Iberian World Empires and the Globalization of Europe, 1415–1668, by Bartolomé Yun-Casalilla". English Historical Review, 7 giugno 2021.
Testo completoCrailsheim, Eberhard. "Sobre Bartolomé Yun-Casalilla, Iberian World Empires and the Globalization of Europe 1415-1668". Historia Mexicana 71, n. 4 (1 aprile 2022).
Testo completoBeltramini, Enrico. "Iberian Globalization and the Rise of Catholic Theology of Religions in the XVI Century". Journal of International and Global Studies 4, n. 2 (1 maggio 2013).
Testo completoYun-Casalilla, Bartolomé. "Nota sobre los comentarios de Eberhard Crailsheim a B. Yun-Casalilla, Iberian World Empires and the Globalization of Europe 1415-1668". Historia Mexicana 72, n. 1 (22 ottobre 2020).
Testo completoPorto, Edgard, e Edmilson Carvalho. "TRAÇOS-DE-UNIÃO DAS METRÓPOLES LATINO-AMERICANAS". Caderno CRH 16, n. 38 (31 agosto 2006).
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