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Bemis/Flaherty Collection of Gay Poetry, a cura di. All the heat we could carry: Poems. Charlotte, North Carolina: Main Street Rag Publishing Company, 2013.

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Børretzen, Odd. Helt all right: De beste tekstene i utvalg. 4a ed. Oslo: Juritzen forlag, 2012.

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Javier, Valenzuela, Sixsmith Herbert e United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., a cura di. All-metal compact, heat exchanger for space cryocoolers. Hanover, NH: Creare Inc., 1990.

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A, Valenzuela Javier, Sixsmith Herbert e United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., a cura di. All-metal compact, heat exchanger for space cryocoolers. Hanover, NH: Creare Inc., 1990.

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Alba, Juanita. Calor: A story of warmth for all ages. Waco, Tex: WRS Pub., 1995.

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Office, Energy Efficiency. All electric, air-conditioned office uses heat pump technology. London: Department of the Environment, 1994.

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Aẍale, Rostem. Hemû rêgakan deçinewe Kurdistan: All roads lead to Kurdistan. Hewlêr, Herêmî Kurdistanî ʻÊraq: Dezgay Çap u Biławkirdinewey Aras, 2011.

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Karen, Hunter, a cura di. Wendy's got the heat: [the queen of radio bares all]. New York: Pocket Books, 2004.

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Giebels, Ludy. Jacob Israël de Haan in het Palestijnse labyrint, 1919-1924. Nieuwe Prinsengracht 89 1018 VR Amsterdam Nederland: Amsterdam University Press, 2024.

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Abstract (sommario):
Jacob Israël de Haan was romanschrijver, dichter en jurist. In Nederland was hij bekend als schrijver van Pijpelijntjes (1904), een roman waarin openlijk homoseksualiteit werd beschreven. Hij bekeerde zich tot het zionisme en emigreerde in 1919 naar Palestina als correspondent voor het Algemeen Handelsblad. Zijn feuilletons schetsen een levendig beeld van de politieke situatie en het leven van alledag in het nieuwe Joods Nationaal Tehuis, dat zich dankzij de Balfour Declaratie in Palestina ontwikkelde. In Jeruzalem sloot hij zich echter al snel aan bij de anti- zionistische ultraorthodoxe gemeenschap van rabbijn Chaim Sonnenfeld en bij de Agoedat Israël, de internationale organisatie van orthodoxe Joden. Hij werd hun juridisch adviseur en politiek woordvoerder in hun conflict met de zionistische organisatie. De Haan leverde onder andere kritiek op deze organisatie omdat zij bij de verwezenlijking van het Joods Nationaal Tehuis te weinig rekening hield met de Palestijnse Arabieren, die negentig procent van de bevolking uitmaakten. In juni 1924 werd hij door een zionistische commando vermoord.
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Kraaijeveld, Jacques. Wat scheelt er aan?: Wat u altijd al over uw huisarts hebt willen weten, maar nooit hebt durven vragen. Amersfoort: Novella, 1996.

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Jackson, John A. Big beat heat: Alan Freed and the early years of rock & roll. New York: Schirmer Books, 1991.

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Borschevskiy, Andrey. Physical Chemistry: energy, work, heat. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2024.

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Abstract (sommario):
The textbook attempts to present in a concentrated manner all aspects of the concepts of energy, work and heat in relation to a wide range of physical and physico-chemical phenomena using a uniform approach. At the same time, special attention is paid to a detailed explanation of the physical meaning and physical roots of mathematical relations concerning these concepts. The material of the textbook will help students, postgraduates and researchers who may encounter difficulties when reading textbooks, monographs and scientific articles. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. It is intended for students of specialty and master's degree programs.
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Maxwell, James Clerk. Maxwell on heat and statistical mechanics: On "avoiding all personal enquiries" of molecules. Bethlehem: Lehigh University Press, 1995.

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Man, Herman de. U hebt mij den weg gewezen: Brieven van Herman de Man aan Stijn Streuvels. Amsterdam: Anthos, 1996.

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Vsesoi͡uznoe soveshchanie po zharostoĭkim pokrytii͡am (6th 1973 Leningrad, R.S.F.S.R.). Inorganic and organosilicate coatings: Proceedings of the Sixth All-Union Conference on Heat-resistant Coatings, Leningrad, March 20-23, 1973. A cura di Shulʹt͡s M. M. New Delhi: Oxonian Press, 1986.

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Ponzanesi, Sandra, Kathrin Thiele, Eva Midden, Domitilla Olivieri e Trude Oorschot. Transities in kunst, cultuur en politiek. Nieuwe Prinsengracht 89 1018 VR Amsterdam Nederland: Amsterdam University Press, 2023.

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Abstract (sommario):
In deze bundel staat de rol van kunst, cultuur en politiek bij transities en de strijd voor sociale rechtvaardigheid centraal. Soms zijn deze transities traumatische en gewelddadige processen zoals in het geval van Zuid-Afrika na de apartheid. In andere gevallen, zoals in Europa, gaat het om langdurige geschiedenissen die verband hebben met kolonialisme, de holocaust en totalitarisme. De auteurs verkennen intersectionele vraagstukken van transitie en sociale verandering in samenhang met bredere debatten over de rol van democratie, burgerschap en mensenrechten. Ze gaan daarbij een dialoog aan met het werk van feministische wetenschapper Rosemarie Buikema.
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Velberg, Joey. Weg met mannelijkheid. Nieuwe Prinsengracht 89 1018 VR Amsterdam Nederland: Amsterdam University Press, 2024.

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Abstract (sommario):
Mannelijkheid is aan verandering toe. Academisch werk over de maatschappelijke noodzaak hiervan is in toenemende mate aanwezig. Maar hoe zit het met ervaringsverhalen van mannen die zichzelf en hun man-zijn vernieuwen? Welke uitdagingen komen zij tegen? En hoe hebben zij een nieuwe vorm van man- zijn omarmd? Weg met mannelijkheid vertelt het persoonlijke verhaal van deze transformatie. Joey Velberg neemt je mee naar momenten die bepalend zijn geweest voor zijn ontwikkeling en laat zien hoe thema’s als identiteit, seksualiteit, werk en familie hierbij een rol hebben gespeeld. Ga mee op reis in dit openhartige boek en vind, net als Joey, hoe je als man meer mens kan zijn. Zodat jij je plek kan innemen in de maatschappij van nu.
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Trumbauer, Lisa. All about Heat. Tandem Library, 2004.

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Heat All Arount. Houghton Mifflin, 2006.

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Snopkowski, Uwe. Hest All Hürt? Books on Demand GmbH, 2012.

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Hadwen, Jonathan. All That Wasted Heat. Vine Leaves Press, 2017.

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Coleman, Ted. Miami Heat All-Time Greats. Press Room Editions LLC, 2023.

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Coleman, Ted. Miami Heat All-Time Greats. Press Room Editions LLC, 2023.

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Coleman, Ted. Miami Heat All-Time Greats. Press Room Editions LLC, 2023.

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In the Heat of It All. Independently Published, 2021.

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All about Heat Waves and Droughts. Scholastic Library Publishing, 2021.

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Tomecek, Steve. All About Heat Waves and Droughts. Children's Press, 2021.

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Trumbauer, Lisa. All About Heat (Rookie Read-About Science). Children's Press (CT), 2004.

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Trumbauer, Lisa. All About Heat (Rookie Read-About Science). Children's Press (CT), 2004.

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Quantum Leap : Heat Wave. Berkley, 1997.

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James, Nick. Heat. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2025.

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Abstract (sommario):
Robert de Niro and Al Pacino have acted opposite each other only once, inHeat, Michael Mann's operatic 1995 heist thriller. De Niro is Neil McCauley, a skilled professional thief at the centre of a tight-knit criminal team; Pacino is Vincent Hanna, the haunted, driven cop determined to hunt him down. Boasting a series of meticulously orchestrated setpieces that underline Mann's sense of scale and architecture,Heatalso presents a rhapsody to Los Angeles, as Hanna closes in on his prey. For Nick James, the pleasures and virtues ofHeatare mixed and complex. Its precise compositions and minimalist style are entangled with a particular kind of extravagant bombast. And while its vision of male teamwork is richly compelling it comes close to glorifying machismo. But these complexities only add to the interest of this hugely ambitious and accomplished film, which confirmed Mann's place in the front rank of American film-makers. In his afterword to this new edition, published to coincide with the film's 30th anniversary, Nick James reflects upon its lasting impact and on Michael Mann's subsequent film-making career.
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All-metal compact, heat exchanger for space cryocoolers. Hanover, NH: Creare Inc., 1990.

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Libbey, Elizabeth. All That Heat in a Cold Sky: Poems. Carnegie-Mellon University Press, 1998.

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National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Staff. All-Metal, Compact Heat Exchanger for Space Cryocoolers. Independently Published, 2018.

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All That Heat in a Cold Sky: Poems. Carnegie Mellon Univ Pr, 1992.

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Wilmoore, Aaron. Making of Hemp Oil: All You Need to Know about the Making of Hemp Oil. Independently Published, 2019.

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Alba, Juanita. Calor: A Story of Warmth for All Ages. WRS Group, 1994.

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Burtom, Jaci. A Storm for All Seasons: Summer Heat (Book 1). Ellora's Cave, 2004.

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Why Does Water Evaporate?: All about Heat and Temperature. Rosen Publishing Group, 2010.

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Why does water evaporate?: All about heat and temperature. New York, NY: PowerKids Press, 2010.

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Clarke, Andrew. Energy and heat. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Abstract (sommario):
Energy is the capacity to do work and heat is the spontaneous flow of energy from one body or system to another through the random movement of atoms or molecules. The entropy of a system determines how much of its internal energy is unavailable for work under isothermal conditions, and the Gibbs energy is the energy available for work under isothermal conditions and constant pressure. The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that for any reaction to proceed spontaneously the total entropy (system plus surroundings) must increase, which is why metabolic processes release heat. All organisms are thermodynamically open systems, exchanging both energy and matter with their surroundings. They can decrease their entropy in growth and development by ensuring a greater increase in the entropy of the environment. For an ideal gas in thermal equilibrium the distribution of energy across the component atoms or molecules is described by the Maxwell-Boltzmann equation. This distribution is fixed by the temperature of the system.
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Does it stay warm?: All about heat insulators and conductors. London: Franklin Watts, 2009.

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Wilde, Lori. Rocky Mountain Heat: Reprint of 'All of Me' from 2009. 4a ed. Grand Central, 2019.

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Klein, Amanda H., e Matthias Ringkamp. Peripheral neural mechanisms of cutaneous heat hyperalgesia and heat pain. A cura di Paul Farquhar-Smith, Pierre Beaulieu e Sian Jagger. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Abstract (sommario):
In the landmark paper discussed in this chapter, published in 1982, LaMotte et al. investigated the contribution of different cutaneous nerve fibres to heat pain and heat hyperalgesia in both psychophysical (humans) and electrophysiological studies (human and primates), using identical thermal test and conditioning stimuli; the findings from the two sets of experiments were then correlated. In non-human primates, neuronal activity was recorded from mechanoheat-sensitive A- and C-fibres (AMHs and CMHs, respectively) and warm and cold fibres, whereas, in conscious human volunteers, activity from CMHs was recorded. The authors found that pain is mediated by activity in CMHs and that sensitization of CMHs after a mild burn injury accounts for the increased heat pain after such injury. The combination of psychophysical experiments in human and correlative electrophysiological studies in non-human primates provides an important experimental approach for unravelling the contribution of different classes of afferents to pain.
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Wise, Matt, e Paul Frost. Hyperthermia. A cura di Patrick Davey e David Sprigings. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Abstract (sommario):
An elevation in core body temperature due to thermoregulatory failure with a normal thermoregulatory set point is called hyperthermia. Globally, the most common heat illnesses are heat exhaustion and heat stroke, and these are major causes of morbidity and mortality. These illnesses represent a continuum of disease ranging from mild (heat exhaustion) to total (heat stroke) failure of thermoregulation. Heat exhaustion is characterized by sweating, muscle cramps, fatigue, vomiting, headaches, dizziness, and fainting. These symptoms may also occur in heat stroke but, in addition, neurological signs such as confusion, seizures, and coma predominate. While the diagnosis of these conditions may be straightforward, hyperthermia may complicate a variety of rarer illnesses, including neuroleptic malignant syndrome and drug-induced hyperthermia.
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Sherwood, Dennis, e Paul Dalby. Temperature and heat. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Abstract (sommario):
Concepts of temperature, temperature scales and temperature measurement. The ideal gas law, Dalton’s law of partial pressure. Assumptions underlying the ideal gas, and distinction between ideal and real gases. Introduction to equations-of-state such as the van der Waals, Dieterici, Berthelot and virial equations, which describe real gases. Concept of heat, and distinction between heat and temperature. Experiments of Rumford and Joule, and the principle of the conservation of energy. Units of measurement for heat. Heat as a path function. Flow of heat down a temperature gradient as an irreversible and unidirectional process. ‘Zeroth’ Law of Thermodynamics. Definitions of isolated, closed and open systems, and of isothermal, adiabatic, isobaric and isothermal changes in state. Connection between work and heat, as illustrated by the steam engine. The molecular interpretation of heat, energy and temperature. The Boltzmann distribution. Meaning of negative temperatures.
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Wingard, John R. A Heat Wave. Oxford University Press, 2016.

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Abstract (sommario):
These case studies illustrate infections encountered in hospitals among patients with compromised immune systems. As a result of immunocompromise, the patients are vulnerable to common and uncommon infections. These cases are carefully chosen to reflect the most frequently encountered infections in the patient population, with an emphasis on illustrations and lucid presentations to explain state-of-the-art approaches in diagnosis and treatment. Common and uncommon presentations of infections are presented while the rare ones are not emphasized. The cases are written and edited by clinicians and experts in the field. Each case highlights the immune dysfunction that uniquely predisposed the patient to the specific infection, and the cases deal with infections in the cancer patient, infections in the solid organ transplant recipient, infections in the stem cell recipient, infections in patients receiving immunosuppressive drugs, and infections in patients with immunocompromise that is caused by miscellaneous conditions.
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van der Helm, Peer. Leefklimaat! Voor jeugd en volwassenen. 2a ed. Uitgeverij SWP, 2022.

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Abstract (sommario):
‘Wat werkt’ voor de jeugdzorg, de maatschappelijke opvang, ggz, gezinshuizen, de forensische psychiatrie, gehandicaptenzorg, het speciaal (passend) onderwijs en gemeenten. Nederland is een welvarend land en onze kinderen behoren zelfs tot de meest gelukkige ter wereld. Toch geldt dat niet voor iedereen. Sommige kinderen en volwassenen hebben een biologische, psychologische en sociale kwetsbaarheid en een mindere weerbaarheid. Leefklimaat! geeft concreet werkende handvatten voor het verbeteren van de zorg aan deze groep. Het zijn geen magische toverstokjes, maar we weten inmiddels wel wat echt werkt. Deze kinderen en volwassenen hebben negatieve jeugdervaringen meegemaakt waarvan de effecten stapelen en soms leiden tot ervaringen die de grond onder hun voeten doet wegvallen, de zogenaamde ‘contrastervaringen’. Het gevolg is veel pijn, een verstoorde ontwikkeling en probleemgedrag, crimineel gedrag of ‘verward gedrag’. Hoe buig je dit om naar verbetering en herstel en creëer je een positief leef-, leer – en/of werkklimaat? De afwijzing van de maatschappij leidt tot verdere frustratie van psychologische basisbehoeften zoals verbondenheid, competentie of zingeving en autonomie. Het boek laat zien hoe je aan de hand van deze zgn. zelfdeterminatietheorie weer aan deze basisbehoeften kunt voldoen. Verder gaat het boek in op tal van belangrijke onderwerpen als: separeren, suicide, DIS, eetproblemen, LHBT, LVB, crisisplaatsingen, teamcoaching etc. Daarnaast is het zorglandschap de afgelopen jaren ingrijpend gewijzigd. Dit heeft ertoe geleid dat in toenemende mate kinderen en volwassenen met zeer ernstige problematiek in instellingen, scholen en gezinshuizen terecht komen, waar veel professionals nog weinig ervaring mee hebben. Leefklimaat! biedt alle (aanstaande) professionals die deze zorg willen verbeteren belangrijke kennis en tools. Peer van der Helm is bijzonder hoogleraar, Onderwijs en Zorg vanuit het gespecialiseerd onderwijs (GO-Raad) en al vele jaren onderzoeker en lector residentiële (jeugd)zorg. De tweede druk van dit boek kent enkele nieuwe hoofdstukken die dieper ingaan op trauma, met name de gevolgen van microtrauma. Verder volgen we de ontwikkelingen als het gaat over het verminderen van repressie in de zorg.
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Ik heet Olivia en daar kan ik ook niks aan doen. Rotterdam: Lemniscaat, 2011.

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