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HT, Hidayat. "GLOBALISASI DAN DAKWAH ISLAM KONTEMPORER". Yonetim: Jurnal Manajemen Dakwah 4, n. 1 (7 luglio 2021): 79–105.

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Abstract (sommario):
Globalization is recognized as consciously carrying two sides of values ​​for human life, namely good values ​​and bad values. These two sides of value penetrate into all aspects of the order of life. Consequently, globalization raises many problems that plague the inhabitants of planet earth today. Among the impacts of globalization are the emergence of contemporary issues related to religion as well as challenges for Islamic da'wah, such as: religious pluralism, liberal Islam (religious liberalism), radicalism-terrorism and so on. Islam and its people who are in a global vortex and are related to several contemporary issues should come to the surface with contemporary Islamic ideas or thoughts to answer the challenge of da'wah while positioning Islam as a universal religion. Contemporary Islamic thought is thought that is able to bridge between the two poles, namely between tradition and modernity (al-turats wa al-hadatsah), so that it raises new awareness in giving birth to ideas that can respond to contemporary problems. Preaching contemporary Islamic thought like this is essentially continuing the missionary task that Allah and His Messenger ordered. Keywords: Globalization, Da'wah, Contemporary Islam
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Syahraini, Syahraini, Mai Simahatie, Prof Shabri Abdul Majid, Dr Rita Handayani e Dr Marliyah Marliyah. "REGULATORY ISSUES AND CHALLENGES: GLOBAL NORMS AND RELIGIOUS CONSTRAINTS". International Journal of Economic, Business, Accounting, Agriculture Management and Sharia Administration (IJEBAS) 2, n. 1 (24 gennaio 2022): 13–18.

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Abstract (sommario):
Regulation is a balancing act. Different, often contradictory, goals – flexibility and consistency, freedom and strict controls, innovation and crisis-avoidance, consolidation and conflicts of interest, efficiency and consumer protection, openness and protection of national firms – must be applied in proper dosages by people familiar with the political and cultural environment. The audit systems and incentive structures must be flexible yet strict enough to allow innovation but prevent rogue operations. Before the disruptions of the 1970s, regulators performed a mostly technical task outside of the political limelight. In recent years however, virtually every country – including those with well-established regulatory authorities and traditions – has been rocked by banking crises. By October 1998, regulators worldwide were committed to the implementation of the 'Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision' issued in 1997 by the Basle Committee. Similarly, as of March 1999, the 102 signatories of the December 1997 Free Trade in Financial Services Agreement (under the aegis of the World Trade Organization) were expected to liberalize their markets which is directed at literature research. In this case, The author takes two problems based on the description on the background problem. The formulation of the problem is How the Value of Islam in Islam The Era of Globalization and How Globalization Affects Religious Values Islam. The research methods include: the type of research Library Research is research through literature review or literature. The data sources in this study are primary data, namely books that directly discuss on the Effect of Globalization on Islamic Religious Values. Data analysis techniques used to get the conclusion is descriptive qualitative by drawing conclusions deductively, namely how to draw conclusions from the general to the specific. The author draws conclusions and suggestions that: the influence of globalization covers many aspects of life. However, that doesn't t mean we cannot provide an understanding of globalization that includes all symptoms the. Looking at the aspects of globalization above, we can conclude that globalization is nothing but the application of rational and scientific knowledge to all activities in all areas of life or to all aspects Public.
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Asrori, Achmad. "PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DALAM TANTANGAN GLOBAL". ALQALAM 26, n. 2 (31 agosto 2009): 269.

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Abstract (sommario):
Globalization era is the reality that we ought to face it. The on going changes and some problems of education as the impact of globalization must be faced and solved as well as possible both on discourse and conmte or action polity phases. Inevitably, the islamic education will be involved and insisted to be able to give a significant contribution. This paper describes urgenry of the islamic education to reconstruct its self before, both in the institutional management, programs and learning aspects, and we must realize that the religious education has the important role in the national education system as "core of education". What must be reconstructed, wiry and how to reconstruct the islamic education? This paper answers those questions.
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Mahrus, Mahrus. "Desain Pengembangan Kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam". Jurnal Pendidikan Islam 7, n. 1 (1 marzo 2021): 81–100.

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Abstract (sommario):
Design can be formulated as a deliberate process of thinking, planning and selecting the parts, techniques, and procedures that set a goal. Challenges to Islamic religious education include a moral crisis and a personality crisis. Therefore, Islamic religious education is required to be able to equip students with the moral, personality, quality and maturity of life to live a multi-cultural nation life, which is currently hit by an economic crisis in order to livepeacefully in the world community.In an effort to develop an Islamic education curriculum to overcome various challenges and problems, it is necessary to pay attention to several aspects including strategies, methods, materials, Islamic religious teacher resources, facilities, teaching media and supporting instruments.Taking into account the demands of the globalization era of Islamic religious education in madrasas and public schools, it is necessary to implement several strategies, including: First, perfecting the religious education curriculum so that the subject matter reaches a proportional and functional composition but does not burden students. Second, combining religious material with character education materials such as PPKn or other related subjects can also erode thedichotomy of knowledge. Third, creating a religious condition in the school environment
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Harahap, Syahrin. "Southeast Asian Muslim Washathyyah in the Global Era". Heritage of Nusantara: International Journal of Religious Literature and Heritage 4, n. 1 (8 luglio 2015): 137–54.

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Abstract (sommario):
Globalization in the world has given the huge impact on the people, as the new condition of the world has brought the world to the globalism- a consciousness and understanding that the world is one. Globalization has also unified the people in a global village that covers all aspects of life such as economic, political, cultural, religious aspects. This paper will explore the concept of wa¡a¯iyyah which stresses on the moderation and accommodative way and its implementation in Southeast Asia. The main idea of the wa¡a¯iyyah or moderation in religious life is that it offers the importance of realizing the concept of Islamic blessing for all the Universe (Islam; Ra¥matan lil ±lam³n). Therefore, the main offer of the Muslim wa¡a¯iyyah movement is to focus on developing civilization, freedom, justice, prosperity and better future for all the people. It is the main capital of the Wa¡a¯iyyah in Southeast Asia to give the significant contribution to the globalization of the world.
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Suyudi, M. "Rekonstruksi Pendidikan Islam Sebagai Upaya Dalam Membangun Peradaban Dunia". Tarbawi Ngabar: Jurnal of Education 1, n. 02 (23 agosto 2020): 209–19.

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Abstract (sommario):
AbstractThe benchmark of progress or not a human civilization is education. An advanced and developing education will produce an advanced and developing society, both in technology and in science. Therefore, the paradigm regarding the dichotomy between religious science and general science should be dismantled and focused on a clear vision of Muslims. How to prepare future generations who are ready to face global challenges. Related to this, Islamic education which combines learning from moral, spiritual and intellectual aspects is an important part of the educational process in building world civilization. Keyword: Islamic Education, Globalization, Civilization
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Kisovskaya, N. "Christian-Islamic Dialogue in Western Europe". World Economy and International Relations, n. 7 (2010): 55–64.

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Abstract (sommario):
The meaning of an inter-religious dialogue has increased in the context of globalization, which has put different ethnicities and religions face-to-face within the fledging "planetary community". Furthermore, it encouraged a remarkably emerging role of religion, in particular in politics. The dialogue became of key importance in Western Europe due to the Muslims turning into the largest diaspora of the region, and Islam – into the second religion after Christianity. The author dedicated this work to investigation of this dialogue's aspects, since the unceasing growth of the Muslim migration and terroristic threats cause the expansion of islamophobia and ethnic tension that have become a destabilizing factor in the region.
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Suharnis, Suharnis. "DAMPAK PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM TERHADAP PERUBAHAN TINGKAH LAKU ANAK". Musawa: Journal for Gender Studies 10, n. 2 (24 marzo 2020): 219–66.

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The results obtained in this study show that the role of Islamic education on moral formation in the Tinoka community shows that its role is very important in the formation of three aspects in the child namely: moral educator, morality as an effort to instill good human character based on the Qur'an an and as-Sunnah and instill individual education in the community and the efforts made by Islamic religious leaders in moral formation include by instilling the values ​​of Islamic teachings and motivating the community. The implication of this study is to face the globalization and free trade conditions, so quality and quantity are the main supporting things in an effort to increase the community's faith, therefore it is recommended to the government or religious leaders to intensify their formation or moral formation especially with Islamic teachings in society.
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-, Muhammad Abdul Halim Sani, Ilham. "GLOBALISASI PEMIKIRAN KEAGAMAAN MUHAMMADIYAH". Ibtida'iy : Jurnal Prodi PGMI 6, n. 1 (26 novembre 2021): 54.

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Abstract (sommario):
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami globalisasi sebagai media pemikiran keagamaanMuhammadiyah dan untuk menggambarkan bentuk pemikiran keagamaan Muhammadiyah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan ubjek penelitian organisasi persyarikatan Muhammadiyah, menggunakan Intrumen dokumen dan wawancara. Metode analisis data menggunakan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data bahwa agama merupakan rahmat dan meliputi seluruh aspek kehidupan dan Globalisasi sebagai realitas sosial semakin berkembang pesat didukung dengan teknologi informasi khususnya internet sehingga batas Negara dan waktu terasa pudar. Masyarakat Indonesia sebagai penduduk muslim mayoritas memiliki peranan sosial yang dalam memberikan pandangan baru terhadap tatanan keislaman dunia. Hal ini dikarenakan keislaman Indonesia menarik yakni moderat, dan demokratis yang diwakili oleh ormas keagamaan Muhammadiyah dan NU. Artikel ini ingin mengkaji konsep internalisasi pemikiran keagamaan Muhammadiyah dengan bersinergi dengan globalisasi sebagai wakil ormas yang moderat, respon terhadap wajah islam dunia mainstream di Timur Tengah. dan peengenalaan keislaman kepada dunia The purpose of this study was aim to understand globalization as a medium of Muhammadiyah religious thought and to describe the form of Muhammadiyah religious thought. This research used descriptive qualitative with subject the Muhammadiyah organization and use instruments were documents and interviews. Data analysis methods used data collection, data reduction, presentation, and drawing conclusions. Based on the results of data analysis, religion is a blessing and covers all aspects of life and globalization as a social reality is growing rapidly, supported by information technology, especially the internet, so that the boundaries of the state and time were felt to be faded. Indonesian society, as the majority Muslim population, indirectly has a social role in providing a new perspective on the world Islamic order. This is because Indonesian Islam is attractive, namely moderate and democratic, represented by the religious mass organizations Muhammadiyah and NU. The writing of this article aims to examine the concept of internalizing Muhammadiyah religious thought by synergizing with globalization as a representative of moderate mass organizations, as a response to the face of Islam in the mainstream world in the Middle East and recognition Islam to the world.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami globalisasi sebagai media pemikiran keagamaanMuhammadiyah dan untuk menggambarkan bentuk pemikiran keagamaan Muhammadiyah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan ubjek penelitian organisasi persyarikatan Muhammadiyah, menggunakan Intrumen dokumen dan wawancara. Metode analisis data menggunakan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data bahwa agama merupakan rahmat dan meliputi seluruh aspek kehidupan dan Globalisasi sebagai realitas sosial semakin berkembang pesat didukung dengan teknologi informasi khususnya internet sehingga batas Negara dan waktu terasa pudar. Masyarakat Indonesia sebagai penduduk muslim mayoritas memiliki peranan sosial yang dalam memberikan pandangan baru terhadap tatanan keislaman dunia. Hal ini dikarenakan keislaman Indonesia menarik yakni moderat, dan demokratis yang diwakili oleh ormas keagamaan Muhammadiyah dan NU. Artikel ini ingin mengkaji konsep internalisasi pemikiran keagamaan Muhammadiyah dengan bersinergi dengan globalisasi sebagai wakil ormas yang moderat, respon terhadap wajah islam dunia mainstream di Timur Tengah. dan peengenalaan keislaman kepada dunia Abstract: The purpose of this study was aim to understand globalization as a medium of Muhammadiyah religious thought and to describe the form of Muhammadiyah religious thought. This research used descriptive qualitative with subject the Muhammadiyah organization and use instruments were documents and interviews. Data analysis methods used data collection, data reduction, presentation, and drawing conclusions. Based on the results of data analysis, religion is a blessing and covers all aspects of life and globalization as a social reality is growing rapidly, supported by information technology, especially the internet, so that the boundaries of the state and time were felt to be faded. Indonesian society, as the majority Muslim population, indirectly has a social role in providing a new perspective on the world Islamic order. This is because Indonesian Islam is attractive, namely moderate and democratic, represented by the religious mass organizations Muhammadiyah and NU. The writing of this article aims to examine the concept of internalizing Muhammadiyah religious thought by synergizing with globalization as a representative of moderate mass organizations, as a response to the face of Islam in the mainstream world in the Middle East and recognition Islam to the world.
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Hasan, Hamsah. "HUBUNGAN ISLAM DAN NEGARA: Merespons Wacana Politik Islam Kontemporer di Indonesia". Al-Ahkam 1, n. 25 (25 aprile 2015): 19.

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Abstract (sommario):
This article aims to discuss the issues of the relationship between Islam and state in the Islamic political perspective in Indonesia. This study was motivated by the desire to criticize the development and “up and down” relationship between Islam and state that is very dynamic coloring political situation in “Islamic majority country” Indonesia. This article concluded that understanding the relationship between religion and state with Islamic political approach is not meant to establish a religious state or an Islamic state of Indonesia, but more on filling spaces are functionally religion in order society, nation and state. The relationship between Islam and state can be integrated in a functional relationship equally aspire to nobility. Even integralistic, symbiotic, and secularistic relations, each should be viewed as a form of complementary. Facing the development of modernization, the relationship between Islam and state should be articulated as an effort to always adapt to the development of society in its various aspects, such as: the globalization of the world political economy, science and technology, the development issues of democracy, gender, human rights, pluralism, both nationally and internationally.
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SM Abdul Quddus. "Islam, Globalization and Public Sector Governance (Islam, Globalisasi dan Pentadbiran Sektor Awam)". Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN: 2289-8077) 16, n. 2 (30 giugno 2019): 194–216.

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Abstract (sommario):
Globalization started sometime ago and is an ongoing process. It is a diverse phenomenon, which has had tremendous impact on all aspects of human life. The spread of the culture of globalization can predominantly be attributed to the usage of modern electronic media such as the internet. As Islam is a global phenomenon, it becomes apparent that its principles should be held in the esteem befitting its status and not disregarded as irrelevant. Religious people of all age categories must agree to adapt their traditions to deal with the challenges of modernity. The end goal of globalization is thus to assess and integrate common ground into the world views of Islamic versus Western values rather than provoke bi-polarization and discord. As globalization in its current iteration predominantly stems from the influences of the West, it is paramount to scrutinize the differences in the Muslim interpretation of globalization in relation to its modern incarnation, to explore its differing definitions, the fluctuating goals of the educational systems, the sidelining of local traditions and languages, factors derived from the advent of “brain-drain” from certain nations, appropriate Muslim actions in response to globalization, and finally onto the question, how public sector management should be reformed in line with the reality of globalization and Islamic philosophy of government and administration in the contemporary era? However, following the example of the Western capitalist models and excluding religious public sector reform has produced varied reactions in MMCs. Such reactions include widespread social alienation and accelerated unhappiness and promotion of restless competition rather than cooperation. All these realities raise some unavoidable questions and debates that need to be properly addressed both from theoretical and practical perspectives. A refocused attention at the philosophy of public sector governance in light of the role of religion on the globalized and technology-driven world is an important endeavor to undertake. Thus the main objective of this paper is to explore an administrative model for public sector governance that will fulfil the socio-economic, technological and spiritual needs of a society. Data for this paper is collected mainly from secondary sources i.e. content analysis. ‘Islamic administrative model’ as suggested by Al-Buraey are used as the theoretical underpinning for this study. Keywords: Globalization, Heartware and software, Islam, New Public management, Islamic administrative model. Abstrak Globalisasi telah berlaku sejak dahulu lagi dan ia adalah proses yang berlaku secara berterusan. Ia adalah fenomena yang pelbagai, yang memberi kesan besar kepada manusia dari pelbagai aspek. Penyebaran globalisasi budaya di dominasi besar oleh penggunaan media elektronik moden seperti Internet. Oleh kerana Islam adalah fenomena global, jelaslah bahawa prinsipnya harus dipegang dengan harga yang sesuai dengan statusnya dan tidak sepatutnya dianggap sebagai tidak relevan. Orang yang beragama dari setiap lapisan umur mesti mengekalkan adat mereka walaupun mendepani arus kemodenan yang mencabar. Matlamat terulung globalisasi adalah untuk menilai dan mengintegrasikan titik persamaan tentang pandangan dunia pada nilai murni Islam atau nilai murni barat dan bukannya mencetuskan polarisasi dan perpecahan. Oleh kerana globalisasi pada hari ini didominasi sepenuhnya dari pengaruh Barat, adalah sangat penting untuk meneliti perbezaan dari sudut tafsiran Muslim juga tentang globalisasi berhubung dengan penjelmaan modennya, untuk meneroka definisi yang berbeza, matlamat yang berubah-ubah dalam sistem pendidikan, mengetepikan tradisi dan bahasa tempatan, faktor-faktor yang diperoleh daripada kemunculan "keberanian otak" dari negara-negara tertentu, tindakan Islam yang sesuai sebagai tindak balas kepada globalisasi, dan akhirnya kepada persoalan, bagaimana pengurusan sektor awam perlu diperbaharui selaras dengan realiti globalisasi dan falsafah Islam kerajaan dan pentadbiran dalam era kontemporari? Walaubagaimanapun, menuruti contoh model kapitalis barat dan meminggirkan sektor awam agama telah menghasilkan pelbagai tindak balas dalam MMCs. Reaksi sedemikian merangkumi pengasingan sosial yang meluas dan meningkatkan jurang ketidakpuasan dan menggalakkan persaingan yang tidak sihat berbanding untuk kerjasama. Kesemua realiti ini menimbulkan beberapa persoalan dan perdebatan yang tidak dapat dielakkan yang perlu ditangani dengan baik dari perspektif teori dan praktikal. Penelitian semula pada falsafah tadbir urus sektor awam yang dibantu oleh peranan agama terhadap dunia global yang serba berasaskan teknologi merupakan usaha penting untuk dilaksanakan. Oleh itu objektif utama penulisan ini adalah untuk meneroka model pentadbiran untuk tadbir urus sektor awam yang akan memenuhi sosioekonomi, teknologi dan keperluan rohani daripada masyarakat. Data dari kertas ini dah dikumpulkan terutamanya dari sumber kedua iaitu analisis kandungan. ‘Model pentadbiran Islam’ seperti yang dicadangkan ole Al-Buraey dah digunakan sebagai asas teori bagi kajian ini. Kata Kunci: Globalisasi, perkakasan dan perisian, Islam, Pengurusan Awam Baru, Model Pentadbiran Islam.
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Sagitova, Lilia V. "Problems of the Methodology for Studying the Religious Tradition in the Context of post-Soviet reIslamization". Minbar. Islamic Studies 11, n. 1 (30 giugno 2018): 145–56.

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Abstract (sommario):
Abstract: the article examines the sociological aspects of Islam in post-Soviet Russia and one of its regions – Tatarstan. The author draws attention to a number of influential factors, without which it is impossible to adequately study the processes of post-Soviet reIslamization. The most significant are: regional differentiation of Muslim communities; the influence of Soviet modernization and state ideology of atheism on the state of Islamic theology and the transmission of religious norms and practice; the impact of globalization trends and glocalization on the identification and practices of Muslims. The combination in one sociocultural space of the local religious tradition and the patterns of Islamic globalization in close proximity to the secular community forms the situation of competition of identification projects, normative and ideological conflicts, both among spiritual leaders and inside the ummah itself. The new challenges of the post-secular world require a revision of the methodology for studying Muslim communities; rethinking the concept of “tradition” in the contexts of the local history of the Tatars in conditions of a multi-confessional Russian society and a global Islamic tradition. The research potential of constructivist approaches in sociology and identity theories in the study of Islam and Muslim communities is shown.
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Yusuf, Ahmad. "Konseptualisasi Model Pendidikan Islam Integratif di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Indonesia". DAYAH: Journal of Islamic Education 4, n. 2 (27 agosto 2021): 233.

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Abstract (sommario):
Islamic education always places the Qur'an and the Sunnah as its source, method, and goal. Efforts to define the meaning of education become the main issue and become the basis for implementing Islamic education. This article aims to uncover and describe and at the same time reconstruct the model of Islamic education, especially in Madrasah Ibtidaiyyah (MI). Using a descriptive analysis approach from relevant literature sources will provide a complete description of the Islamic model in Madrasah Ibtidaiyyah. In this study, it can be argued that Islamic education has unique characteristics compared to the concept of education in general. Besides having a transcendental aspect, it is also very considerate of kawniyyah aspects (ṭabī’ah al-insān and ṭabī’ah al-ḥayāh). Based on the findings of this article, it can give implications for the model of Islamic Education in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, which should not only develop religious material but also pay attention to available material, both of which must be integrated so that there is no dichotomy of knowledge that creates inequality for the output of Madrasah Ibtidaiyyah itself in the era of globalization.
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Dendha Syouqina, Radhita. "Fungsi Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Pembentukan Karakter Anak di Era Globalisasi". Andragogi: Jurnal Diklat Teknis Pendidikan dan Keagamaan 10, n. 2 (28 dicembre 2022): 225–32.

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Abstract (sommario):
Times are developing, improving the quality of science and technology has also contributed to all aspects of human life with the aim of advancing intelligent society and creating the value of efficiency and effectiveness in all things. However, the development of modern technology in the era of globalization also has many negative impacts such as changes in children's mindsets, lifestyles, perspectives on things, open-mindedness, to things that are not in accordance with the values and norms of applicable regulations, even far from religious teachings. In the midst of these concerns, character education is very much needed in building children's character from an early age to strengthen the foundation they have before meeting new information out there. Islamic religious education becomes a strong pillar in character building by implementing the values contained in it in teaching and learning activities both formally and informally. This study aims to determine how big the role of Islamic religious education in the process of forming children's character in the modern era by using literature research methods. From this study, it was found that Islamic religious education is a strategic effort in realizing the ideal national character starting from the family, institutional institutions and community learning groups which are the main capital for the formation of the nation's character.
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Petrov, Petr Andreevich. "Sociocultural aspect of "unifying" and "traditional" value systems in the context of globalization." Философская мысль, n. 9 (settembre 2022): 11–17.

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The article analyzes the conflict between global and local socio-cultural systems on the example of the confrontation between fundamentalism and traditionalism in Islam. Religious fundamentalism in the form of Islamism inevitably accompanies the processes of globalization (A. I. Fursov, I. V. Fedyai, A. A. Kuznetsov). The conceptual interpretations of Islamic fundamentalism are investigated as a reaction to the pressure of global forces, when radicalism is considered as a response to Western neoliberalism (S. A. Batchikov), and as a form of modernization of Islamic fundamentalism capable of opposing traditional structures. Based on these interpretations, the conflict between fundamentalism and traditionalism in Islam is analyzed. Questions are raised about whether Islamism is a tool of "globalizers" and a form of mobilization of Muslims to destroy traditional systems, or fundamentalism should be understood as a means of preserving Muslim identity under global pressure. Conclusions of the study: 1. The conflict between traditionalism and fundamentalism in Islam is an example of a worldwide conflict between "global" and "local" systems. 2. The assessment of the role of Islamism in the modern globalizing world is ambiguous: on the one hand, fundamentalism has really become a response to the global processes of Westernization and unification, on the other hand, its role as a mechanism for ensuring the cultural identity of Muslims and an alternative to the Western civilizational model does not correspond to reality. 3. Fundamentalism in its opposition to traditional Islam is aimed at destroying its cultural and historical heritage and ultimately leads to destabilization in the Muslim world, to the destruction of historical Muslim statehood and culture. 4. Fundamentalism is transformed into anti-traditionalism, which carries the ideas of religious postmodernism, but in reality it has an archaic content and is used in this way by supranational structures to implement the project of a controlled universalist world order.
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Bukhari, As’ad. "Islam dan Pembangunan Manusia Di Era Globalisasi". TRANSFORMATIF 2, n. 1 (20 settembre 2018): 289.

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Abstract (sommario):
<p>In the globalization era, people are increasingly competitive and increasing their ability to become productive human beings. Human development is the main thing in doing change and progress in life. In the discussion Human development in the era of globalization which is a world program through the unity of nations is inseparable from the study of Islam. So that Islam as a religion can enter to become a very important discussion in development issues of course. National development becomes the main task of the government from the regional level to the province, thus providing human resources as a form of mover and its managers. Policies on human resource development always experience dynamics and perkembangnnya in terms of sociology, anthropology and culture. Islam as the majority religion in Indonesia becomes a determinant and has a major influence on development issues nationally. Islam and human development in the era of globalization becomes the most important thing to build Indonesia into a culture, character and progress. Thus the development process becomes the main part to reconstruct the infrastructure, human, network and every aspect. Construction in religious thought that is the study of Islamic thought in the development process becomes the goal for tercipatanya development in the era of globalization. It is also a form of advancing the society and mindset of a digitally literate man and aware of science, technology, development and life in the era of globalization in the form of international relations.</p><p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Construction Of Islamic, Human Development</em><strong></strong></p>
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Iswanto, Agus. "Keraton Yogyakarta dan Praktik Literasi Budaya Keagamaan Melalui Media Digital". Jurnal Lektur Keagamaan 17, n. 2 (20 febbraio 2020): 321–48.

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Cultural literacy is important because of the diversity of Indonesian culture, and the challenges of globalization and the digital revolution. Cultural literacy can be done through various media and institutions, but there are not many institutions and media care to this cultural literacy. Yogyakarta Palace is one of the traditional institutions that practice cultural literacy through digital media. This article aims to identify the types of digital media that are used as a vehicle for literacy practices in Islamic religious culture, describe the Islamic religious culture that is displayed and interpret aspects of Islamic religious teachings of the religious culture. In addition, this article discusses the negotiation and adaptation of the Yogyakarta Palace in the practice of literacy through digital media. This study found that, in addition to education about the treasures of Islamic religious culture, the practice of literacy of Islamic religious culture through digital media carried out by the Yogyakarta Palace also showed negotiations and adaptations. Negotiations and adaptations arise in two ways. The first is negotiation and adaptation of tradition with digital technology, namely the Yogyakarta Palace presenting traditional culture (including religious culture) in digital space. Second, negotiation and adaptation of Javanese Islamic identity to the understanding of Islam that does not accept cultural elements in practicing Islamic teachings.Keywords: Literacy practice, religious cultural literacy, digital media, Yogyakarta Palace Literasi budaya penting karena keragaman budaya Indonesia serta tantangan globalisasi dan revolusi digital. Literasi budaya dapat dilakukan melalui berbagai media dan institusi, tetapi tidak banyak institusi dan media yang memperhatikan literasi budaya ini. Keraton Yogyakarta adalah salah satu institusi tradisional yang mempraktikkan literasi budaya melalui media digital. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis media digital yang digunakan sebagai wahana praktik literasi dalam budaya agama Islam, menggambarkan budaya agama Islam yang ditampilkan dan menafsirkan aspek-aspek ajaran agama Islam dari budaya agama. Selain itu, artikel ini membahas negosiasi dan adaptasi Keraton Yogyakarta dalam praktik literasi melalui media digital. Studi ini menemukan bahwa, selain pendidikan tentang khazanah budaya agama Islam, praktik literasi budaya agama Islam melalui media digital yang dilakukan oleh Istana Yogyakarta juga menunjukkan negosiasi dan adaptasi. Negosiasi dan adaptasi muncul dalam dua cara. Pertama adalah negosiasi dan adaptasi tradisi dengan teknologi digital, yaitu Keraton Yogyakarta menghadirkan budaya tradisional (termasuk budaya agama) di ruang digital. Kedua, nego­siasi dan adaptasi identitas Islam Jawa dengan pemahaman Islam yang tidak menerima unsur budaya dalam mempraktikkan ajaran Islam.Kata Kunci: Praktik literasi, literasi budaya keagamaan, media digital, Keraton Yogyakarta
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Ismunandar, Ismunandar. "PENGEMBANGAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM BERKEMAJUAN PERSPEKTIF MUHAMMADIYAH". EDUSOSHUM: Journal of Islamic Education and Social Humanities 1, n. 1 (2 luglio 2021): 55–66.

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This paper discuses the development of advanced Islamic education in the perspective of Muhammadiyah. The concept of advanced Islam is an opportunity for the challenges of the times to strengthen the strength of Islamic education itself. Muhammadiyah is one of the Islamic socio-religious organizations in Indonesia that has the spirit of Islamic reform, including part of the modernist Islamic organization in Indonesia. Muhammadiyah brings progressing Islam which carries the mission of building an advanced society in various aspects of life, both in social, social, economic, educational, cultural and political life. Therefore, Muhammadiyah continues to make serious efforts and endeavors tirelessly to create a true Islamic society. This study aims to identify and develop the current advanced Islamic education patterns. This type of research is using the library research method (library research) with data sources in the form of scientific articles, books, policy documents and circulars, journals, and other sources that are library in nature. The data collected was then analyzed in depth with content analysis techniques (Content Analysis) and presented descriptively. The results of the study indicate that advanced Islamic education is needed to be applied in Indonesia. Because the challenges of globalization require expertise on all fronts in responding to the problems of life today. Advancing Islamic education in the perspective of Muhammadiyah is Islamic education that integrates science with Islam. Education that integrates religion in the life of a holistic blend formed between faith and modernity.
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Handaru, Bara Izzat Wiwah. "Tantangan Agama di Era Globalisasi: Analisis Strategi Komunikasi, Karakteristik dan Materi Dakwah". El Madani : Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Islam 2, n. 01 (30 giugno 2021): 1–24.

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The revolution in technology and communication media in this era of globalization has made the phenomenon of Islamic da'wah experience significant progress globally. This can be seen when the da'wah style has used advances in information technology so that the da'wah message is more widespread that is able to touch international aspects. But in reality, this change in pattern gave birth to new problems in the world of da'wah. This article tries to answer the main problems formulated in the major questions, namely; What are the challenges of religion in the era of globalization, using an analysis of communication strategies, characteristics and material for da'wah? According to Gill Branston and Roy Stafford (2010), there are several points explained about globalization. First, approaches to globalized media. Explain how to approach da'wah in the use of global media. Second, global–local flows. Explain how far the development of the flow of da'wah ideas that have reached the global world. Third, global futures? Explain how changes will occur in the world of da'wah in the future global era. In the end, the research provides insight into the topic of the problem in this paper. First, practically the da'wah movement in information technology and media in the era of globalization is based on Islam rahmatan lil 'alamin. Even though on the other hand, the impact of the globalization process related to religious life is the increasingly diminishing space for human religiosity itself. Second, the orientation in spreading da'wah globally is ukhuwah basyariyah which always fosters brotherhood among human beings. The attitude of humanism regardless of religious background, skin color and race. Third, have hope in the waiting period for the day to come (Al-Muntazhar). A principle that gives good news about a bright future and the implementation of all social justice for all mankind.
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Menhas, Rashid, Shumaila Umer, Saira Akhtar e Ghulam Shabbir. "Impact Of Modernization On Religious Institution: A Case Study Of Khyber Pakhtun Khwa, Pakistan". European Review Of Applied Sociology 8, n. 10 (1 giugno 2015): 23–28.

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AbstractReligion is a unified system of sacred norms, values, beliefs and objects. In any society religion plays an important role in the shaping of the people’s lives, behaviour and interactions. In every aspect of life people consult with their religion and act according to the teachings of religion. At present modernization, globalization and social change are creating very drastic changes in every sphere of life. These changes have both negative and positive impacts on the society. Modernisation is also creating very serious changes in the social institution of religion. In Pakistan, modernization have very severe impact on religion and many sub-sects have been created under the religion of Islam. Each and every sect is claiming that their teachings are true. This phenomenon is crating sectarian violence in Pakistani society. Present study was conducted in the province of “Khyber Pakhtun Khwa, Pakistan”. Pakhtun people follow religion strictly in every segment of life. They sacrifices their lives on the name of Islam. But at present due to modernization, this phenomenon has been changed. Main objective of this study was to analyze the major impacts of modernisation on the religion of Islam in “Pakhtun” culture and society.
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Taranovska, A. O. "THE FUNDAMENTAL ASPECTS FOR UNDERSTANDING CONCEPT OF THE RELIGIOUS LEGAL SYSTEM". Actual problems of native jurisprudence 1, n. 1 (5 marzo 2021): 27–30.

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The author considers a number of issues concerning the content component of such a fundamental category of legal science as the legal system, and the variety of its classifications offered within the subject of comparative jurisprudence (legal comparative studies). The article argues that the legal system is a multifaceted phenomenon belonging to the social plane; it is the embodiment of the legal evolution of society; namely, the result of the civilization development of mankind, which is characterized by a dynamic and objective nature. The conclusions of prominent foreign and domestic legal scholars on the content of the concept of “legal system” are considered. In addition, the author explores the general principles of the interaction of law and religion in today’s globalization. Particular attention is paid to the disclosure of the regulatory nature of law and religion, common and distinctive features of legal and religious norms. The article also discusses the main goals of law – the regulation of human relations and practical conflicts, and religion – the provision of guidelines for the functioning of society. The unique place of religious and legal systems on the legal map of the world is determined. In addition, on the example of the current Islamic religious and legal system, the characteristic features of a legal system with a religious dominant are noted: the undeniable divine nature of legal sources and their conservatism, the will of the Almighty is an undoubted authority for the believer; in addition to the above, there is an impossibility of a full-fledged settlement of modern social relations exclusively within religious norms, without resorting to analogies, interpretations, etc. The lively interest in the Islamic religious and legal system (or, as it is sometimes noted in the scientific literature, “Muslim law”) is due primarily to the powerful influence that Islam has on the social life of the faithful and the demographic growth of the Muslim population. The author emphasizes the relevance of the research topic today, as social processes in the socio-cultural space of Europe and the world are rapidly evolving and changing, and it is religion and law that play a decisive role in such reforms.
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Makin, Al. "REVISITING THE SPIRIT OF RELIGIOUS NATIONALISM IN THE ERA OF PLURALISM AND GLOBALIZATION: Reading the Text of NDP of HMI". Walisongo: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan 24, n. 2 (15 dicembre 2016): 285.

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This article is a reflection of the text of NDP (Nilai Dasar Perjuangan/Basic Principles of Struggle) text held by HMI (Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam/Muslim Student Association) as a basis of their activism struggle in Indonesia. The text consists of eight sections covering many aspects, such as theology, anthropology, sociology, and epistemology. By critical thinking, the NDP text of HMI should be transformed continuously toward an era of global diversity and plurality. In Indonesian context, there has been a fundamental change along with the democratization that brings out an openness and multi-party political system. This is important regarding that the NDP of HMI has been drafted in 1960 and 1970 when Nurcholis Madjid era faced the context of socio-political thought. The study found that the NDP of HMI is required to be changed in the context of new world order. It is not a sacred text, so the change is a necessity. *** Artikel ini merupakan refleksi dari teks NDP (Nilai Dasar Perjuangan) yang dimiliki HMI (Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam) sebagai dasar untuk perjuangan aktivisme mereka di Indonesia. Teks terdiri dari delapan bagian yang meliputi banyak aspek, mulai dari teologi, antropologi, sosiologi, hingga epistemologi. Dengan pembacaan secara kritis terhadap teks NDP HMI di tengah perubahan dunia global yang terus mengalami transformasi menuju era keragaman dan kemajemukan global. Pada konteks lokal Indonesia, juga telah terjadi perubahan yang mendasar seiring dengan gelombang demokratisasi yang memunculkan era keterbukaan dan sistem politik multipartai. Hal ini penting, mengingat NDP HMI disusun dalam kurun waktu antara tahun 1960 hingga 1970-an di mana era Nurcholis Madjid menghadapi konteks pemikiran dan sosial-politik pada waktu itu. Studi ini menemukan bahwa NDP HMI sudah sewajarnya memerlukan perubahan di tengah konteks dan tatanan dunia yang baru. NDP HMI bukanlah teks yang suci, sehingga perubahan adalah sebuah keniscayaan.
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Тверсков, М. Ю. "РЕЛИГИОЗНЫЙ АСПЕКТ В ПОЛИТИЧЕСКИХ КОНФЛИКТАХ". Konfliktologia 17, n. 4 (5 febbraio 2023): 59–69.

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Relevance of the political conflict topic on the background of religious component is related to religious revival that started in Russia in the first half of the 90-ties of the last century, which has been caused by deep social, political, economic, and cultural changes in our society. During those years, religiosity level of the country increased, this enriched the spiritual life but at the same time gave rise to multiple problems. They are expressed in the conflicts among different religionists aggravated by the actively pursued migration policy, development of the global Islam politicization tendency, intensive spread of the new extremist religious movements in the Russian confessional community. Religious disputes, frequently coming with manifestation of aggression, violence and intolerance, often aggravate the social and political tension in the modern society. In such an environment, exploration of the integrating and disintegrating effect of the religion is of high practical importance. Interaction of politics and religion, their priority in shaping public opinion, mutual penetration and confrontation expressed in various life aspects, including personal self-identification, extent of integration into society, civil position and world perception as a whole — all these problems become ever more topical in the context of ever-greater importance of the world religions influence on the present-day inter-ethnic, international, and inter-state relations. The necessity to explore the religious component of the political conflict is explained by the complexity and variety of this phenomenon, availability of multiple internal and external factors affecting intra-confessional and inter-confessional relations. To this end, it is extremely important to analyze consistently the reasons, manifestation forms and ways for prevention of conflicts with religious component, especially in geopolitical context. In view of the foregoing, the articles dwells upon the issues of interaction between politics and religion in the environment of globalization of the modern society with due consideration for the conflict potential in the political sphere related to religious factors.
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Sibawaihi. "Managing Multiculturalism in Islamic Higher Education: A Case Study at UIN Sunan Kalijaga". MANAGERIA: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam 5, n. 2 (26 novembre 2020): 201–22.

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Multiculturalism has been a behaviour practiced in higher education in the effort to face and adapt to globalization. To identify how extent does a higher education institution manage multiculturalism, then ideologies adopted in promoting equality among different groups and strategies applied in paying more attention to underrepresented are identified. The study aims at investigating how multiculturalism has been managed at UIN Sunan Kalijaga by highlighting these two aspects. This is a qualitative study using case study methods. Descriptive analysis was used to seek comprehensive multiculturalism-related knowledge at the university. This research concludes that in promoting equality among different groups, the university adopts Islam, Pancasila, and humanism as its ideologies. As for the strategies applied in paying more attention to underrepresented, they are emphasizing professionalism and proportionality in leadership; realizing the university’s strategic position by opening centres for studies on multiculturalism including by pioneering the establishment of a centre for disabilities and redefining the religious texts dealing with marginal groups; and redesigning curriculum by incorporating the values of multiculturalism in lectures and making multiculturalism a course subject.
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Wiradani, Fajar Bangun. "Analysis of Local Wisdom Values in The Ghofilinan Tradition in Katimoho Village, Gresik Regency". Jurnal Inovasi Ilmu Sosial dan Politik (JISoP) 4, n. 1 (2 giugno 2022): 71.

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The research departed from the phenomenon of the elimination of elements of local culture in society. One of the causes was the current modernization and globalization of all aspects of life, including traditions and culture. The formation of noble values that were able to pattern the behavior of the Indonesian people was due to the decisive role of customs, which became a culture in people's lives. Although the customs and culture of each region were different, in general, they had the same essential values. Traditional and cultural philosophies that have developed in various parts of the Indonesian nation, on average, instill good and positive moral attitudes and behaviors. This research objective was to find the local wisdom values and the Ghofilinan tradition in the Katimoho Village community. This research was a qualitative method. Data were collected from primary and secondary sources. Primary sources were carried out by direct observation (natural observation). For in-depth review, interviews were carried out. Secondary data was obtained through literature study and village documentation. The research results concluded that the Ghofilin tradition had religious, social, historical, and economic values that coexisted with Islamic values. Islam is a religion with a set of values that have influenced the cultural patterns and traditions of the Katimoho Village community. The meeting of Islamic values with the local wisdom values in the Dzikrul Ghofilin tradition was a process of cultural acculturation. It made the socio-cultural aspects of the local community not necessarily eroded by Islamic teachings.
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The Covid-19 pandemic has plagued all over the world. Many aspects of the social order have changed including da'wah activities. The development and existence of technology and restrictions on various religious activities during the Covid-19 pandemic are challenges and opportunities in da'wah activities. Research conducted is literature research that is by collecting data from various sources of references that already exist. The result of this research indicates that the speaker is required to have mastery in the field of technology and continuously to upgrade soft skills to preach in this era. The method that must be modern and practical dawah material becomes a bargaining value that is in demand by the community. This provides an opportunity for dai to document all forms of activities that are da'wah and can also publish muslims and the dynamics of their developing lives. Dai's role must be able to adapt and compete with the globalization of information technology that is already rapidly evolving and liberally controlled by the west, so as to build a new civilization of the face of Islam in the Islamic preaching activities.Keywords: Digitization of Da'wah, Covid-19 Pandemic, Islamic Civilization.Abstrak Pandemi Covid-19 telah mewabah dunia. Banyak aspek tatanan kehidupan sosial mengalami perubahan termasuk dalam kegiatan dakwah. Adanya perkembangan dan keberadaan teknologi serta pembatasan berbagai kegiatan keagamaan di masa pandemi Covid-19 menjadi tantangan dan peluang dalam kegiatan dakwah. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan berbasis data kepustakaan yaitu dengan mengumpulkan data dari berbagai sumber referensi yang sudah ada. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dai atau penceramah dituntut untuk memiliki penguasaan dibidang teknologi dan terus menerus untuk mengupgrade soft skill guna mampu berdakwah di era sekarang ini. Metode yang harus dimodernisasi dan materi dakwah yang praktis menjadi nilai tawar yang diminati oleh masyarakat. Hal ini memberikan peluang bagi para dai untuk mendokumentasikan segala bentuk kegiatan yang bersifat dakwah dan juga dapat mempublikasikan umat islam beserta dinamika kehidupannya yang sedang berkembang. Peran dai harus mampu beradaptasi dan bersaing dengan globalisasi teknologi informasi yang dikuasai yang sudah secara pesat berkembang dan dikuasai secara liberal oleh barat, sehingga mampu membangun peradaban baru wajah Islam dalam berdakwah.Kata kunci: Digitalisasi Dakwah, Pandemi Covid-19, Peradaban Islam.
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Tan, Rohana, e Norhasni Zainal Abiddin. "Tinjauan Permasalahan Akhlak Belia di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi". MIMBAR PENDIDIKAN 1, n. 2 (30 settembre 2016): 161.

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ABSTRAKSI: Belia adalah aset bernilai kepada negara dan menjadi harapan nusa bangsa untuk merealisasikan hasrat menjadi negara maju. Namun, dengan arus globalisasi yang melanda dunia, apa yang berlaku pada hari ini ialah penglibatan belia, termasuklah belia di institusi pengajian tinggi, dalam permasalahan akhlak yang menyimpang daripada nilai-nilai ke-Timur-an dan prinsip Islam, walaupun hakikatnya mereka telah melalui proses pendidikan agama secara formal di sekolah. Ini menimbulkan persoalan: Apakah permasalahan akhlak belia di institusi pengajian tinggi? Penglibatan mereka dalam tingkah-laku yang berisiko seolah-olah memberi petunjuk bahawa pendidikan di sekolah sahaja belum mencukupi untuk membentuk akhlak belia, dan menjadikan Islam sebagai satu cara hidup dalam kehidupan mereka pada hari ini. Justeru itu, artikel ini mengupas tentang konsep belia dan akhlak Islam, permasalahan akhlak belia di institusi pengajian tinggi, dan cara mengatasinya. Dalam konteks negara Malaysia, pembentukan akhlak belia untuk menjadi insan kamil yang cemerlang dan seimbang dari segi intelek dan spiritual adalah proses pendidikan sepanjang hayat dan perlu diberi penekanan selaras dengan pembangunan dan kemajuan negara-bangsa.KATA KUNCI: Belia; Akhlak; Institusi Pengajian Tinggi; Globalisasi; Pendidikan Tidak Formal.ABSTRACT: “Exploring the Issues of Morality among Youths in Higher Education Institution”. Youth is a valuable asset to the nation to realize the objective of becoming a developed nation. However, what is happening in the globalization era nowadays is the involvement of youths, including those in higher educations, in the behaviors that deviate from Eastern values and principles of Islam, despite the fact that they have been through the process of formal religious education in schools. This begs the question: What are the moral problems of youths in institutions of higher education? Their risky behaviors seem to indicate that school education alone is not sufficient to to form good morals in youths, and Islam can alternatively be made a way of life. Therefore, this article explores the concept of youths and Islamic morality, moral problems of youths in institutions of higher education, and how to overcome them. In the context of Malaysia as a nation-state, the development of youths’ moral to be a perfect human and who can maintain a balanced in the intellectual and spiritual aspects is a lifelong process in education and should be addressed in line with the development and progress of the nation-state. KEY WORD: Youths; Morality; Higher Education Institution; Globalization; Informal Education. About the Authors: Rohana Tan ialah Pelajar Master Sains Pendidikan Pengembangan di Jabatan Pemajuan Profesional dan Pendidikan Lanjutan, Fakulti Pengajian Pendidikan UPM (Universiti Putra Malaysia). Prof. Madya Dato’ Dr. Norhasni Zainal Abiddin ialah Pensyarah di Jabatan Pemajuan Profesional dan Pendidikan Lanjutan, Fakulti Pengajian Pendidikan UPM Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Alamat emel: dan nonieza99@gmail.comHow to cite this article? Tan, Rohana & Norhasni Zainal Abiddin. (2016). “Tinjauan Permasalahan Akhlak Belia di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi” in MIMBAR PENDIDIKAN: Jurnal Indonesia untuk Kajian Pendidikan, Vol.1(2) September, pp.161-178. Bandung, Indonesia: UPI [Indonesia University of Education] Press, ISSN 2527-3868 (print) and 2503-457X (online). Chronicle of the article: Accepted (February 19, 2016); Revised (May 20, 2016); and Published (September 30, 2016).
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Mustafa@Busu, Zanirah, Noraını Junoh, Nurul Hidayah Awang @ Ab Rahman, Nurul Izzah Noor Zainan, Mohd Khairul Anuar Ismail, Nor Asmira Mat Jusoh, Norazmila Yusuf, Nik Muniyati Nik Din e Intan Nurul ‘Ain Mohd Firdaus Kozako. "ANALYSIS OF WORK PRACTICES IN ORGANIZATIONS BASED ON ISLAMIC DOCTRINAL STANDARDS REACHES THE WAY FORWARD". Journal of Islamic, Social, Economics and Development 7, n. 43 (15 marzo 2022): 13–28.

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Organizations or government agencies are constantly faced with various forms of threats either from within or outside the environment and these threats can affect the performance, productivity and future of an organization. Today, the average threat to an organization stems from individuals within the organization itself and in turn involves other members who damage the identity of the government organization. Typically, these threats are closely linked to issues of ethics and integrity. Neglect of these two principles can open up opportunities for malpractice, corruption, misconduct and abuse of power in an organization. This article explains the practice of excellent work culture in an organization as stipulated by Islam and applied in the current days. The article exemplifies how Islam stresses on the application of excellent work culture and moral values to be practiced in strengthening an organization. The main purpose of this writing is to identify the elements of work culture in Islam and the characteristics of excellent work culture that every Muslim should know. Apart from that, this writing also aims to describe the challenges in implementing Islamic work culture. In the era of globalization, portraying good work ethics among Muslims is essential. Good work ethics are not only about being a diligent, persistent and loyal workforce, but it is also about being a workforce who integrates Islamic values into their daily life, which do not derail from the values as prescribed in the Qur'an and As-Sunnah. This article also explains how the concepts, conditions, ethics and characteristics of work culture in Islam remain relevant and practicable in today’s society. The basis of work culture for Muslim is to seek the pleasure of Allah SWT. The individual’s connection with God shapes their ethical work culture to be extra careful and diligent in their work practices. They will strive to do their best to obtain the pleasure of God and foster good relationships among their colleagues within the organization. This article also highlights the need for every Muslim to embrace Shariahcompliant practices in all aspects of their work. This writing instrumented the qualitative research as its methodology by conducting a library study of the sources of the Quran and hadith as well as scientific materials such as journal articles, reference books from religious scholars related to the scope of the study topic. The results of this writing can be used as a reference and guidance to increase the level of awareness, open the minds of every Muslim as well as remind each party to fulfill their rights and responsibilities towards every job entrusted to them. Work in the Islamic concept is often associated to the term charity which has a wider scope than simply working for profit or wages. It is hoped that this writing can be used as a guideline or standard for all employees and organizations to work in line with Islamic requirements.
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Puzanov, Daniil V. "The “Abrahamic Metacivilization” of the 8th –13th Centuries". Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, n. 464 (2021): 143–52.

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The article substantiates the expediency of considering the system of Christian and Islamic medieval civilizations as a single Abrahamic metacivilization. Heuristic possibilities of the term are revealed on the basis of research works on sociology, philosophy, world and domestic history. The features of the perception of civilizations and religions are analyzed from the point of view of the world-system perspective and global history. The definition of local civilization is being clarified. The definition of metacivilization is given. It is noted that, since the 8th century, on the territory of Asia Minor, North Africa and Europe, a system was forming whose unity was based on a combination of two universal cultures: the Hellenistic (science and law) one and the system of teachings of the Abrahamic religions. The expediency of designating this system as “Abrahamic metacivilization” is substantiated. It could not have arisen before the 7th–8th centuries. Along with the Arab conquests, the importance of religions in communications in the designated territories was growing, and the zone of influence of the Abrahamic religions was seriously expanding. The author proposes to leave open the question of the upper chronological framework of the phenomenon. The Abrahamic metacivilization disappears either in the 13th century (when its Hellenistic component begins to erode) or in the 15th century (with the formation of the capitalist worldsystem). Like world-systems, the Abrahamic civilization had a hierarchical structure, which depended on the degree of political power centralization and the completeness of the state ideology formation. The metacivilization center was represented by Byzantium and the empires of Islam. It seems promising to use the term to study some aspects of the legal, cultural, social and economic history of medieval states with an official Abrahamic religion, including the study of interfaith transactions. It seems promising to study from such positions the early history of Eastern Europe, whose many regions still preserved the tribal structure. The possibility of using the term “Abrahamic metacivilization” in historical ethnography (for example, based on some provisions of R. Redfield’s theory, in which the mechanisms of globalization and global processes were for the first time considered from the standpoint of social anthropology) is also substantiated. An advantage of the term is its specific territorial-chronological reference. It is noted that the term “Abrahamic metacivilization” can be used in studies with different methodological bases.
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Buchma, Oleg Vasyliovych. "Islam in the context of globalization". Ukrainian Religious Studies, n. 31-32 (9 novembre 2004): 23–28.

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The globalization metamorphoses of the modern current world determine the change of ideas about religious (ethno-religious) systems, which are being reborn on a qualitatively new basis into religious-civilizational formations. The beginning of the new millennium was marked by a new outline of a new religious model - civilization. National and ethnic and cultural components of the social life are gradually coming to the background. Under the influence of these processes, the internationalized reproductive cycles of the religious component are qualitatively transformed, which under these conditions demonstrates a new level of its functionality, merging with the economy and politics. Therefore, the world is on the verge of forming modified organizational and functional structures with a distinct religious character.
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Zahroh, Aminatuz. "Pengembangan Daya Saing Syar’iy: Sebuah Reformulasi Kepemimpinan Pesantren". JIEMAN: Journal of Islamic Educational Management 1, n. 1 (27 dicembre 2019): 41–57.

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Abstrak Dalam decade terakhir ini, proses globalisasi dan berbagai inovasi baru telah terjadi di berbagai bidang kehidupan. Salah satu imbas dari globalisasi ini adalah pesantren sebagai tempat menggali ilmu dan menghasilkan pengetahuan agama perlu bersaing untuk kelangsungan hidup. Persaingan tersebut meliputi mutu, harga, layanan, prestasi santri dan outputnya. Pemenang dari persaingan itu adalah pesantren yang memiliki SDM yang berkualitas dalam iman, taqwa, kemampuan, ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi dan keterampilan. Salah satu cara untuk memenangkan persaingan tersebut adalah dengan melakukan upaya reformulasi kepemimpinan pesantren. Kepemimpinan pesantren merupakan aspek kehidupan yang menjadi perhatian banyak orang sejak puluhan tahun yang lalu. Kepemimpinan pesantren merupakan sebuah posisi sekaligus karya luhur yang memang dibutuhkan sebagai kodrat sejarah dan fitrah peradaban pesantren. Kepimimpinan dibutuhkan untuk terkelolanya pesantren, dengan arahan yang jelas, serta keadilan yang merata. Kepemimpinan pesantren memiliki ciri khas yang tidak dimiliki oleh kepemimpinan dalam organisasi dan lembaga pendidikan lainnya. Hal ini terindikasi dari eksistensi pesantren yang semakin menguat dari hari ke hari. Yang menjadi pertanyaan besar adalah bagaimana kepemimpinan pesantren dalam menghadapi perubahan sosial? Adakah terobosan-terobosan penting untuk mengembangkan daya saing syar’iy? Kata Kunci: pengembangan daya saing syar’iy, kepemimpinan pesantren Abstract In the last decade, the process of globalization and various new innovations have occurred in various fields of life. One of the effects of globalization is that pesantren as a place to explore and produce religious knowledge need to compete for survival. The competition includes quality, price, service, santri achievements and output. The winners of the competition are pesantren that have quality human resources in faith, piety, ability, science, technology and skills. One way to win the competition is to make efforts to reformulate pesantren leadership. Pesantren leadership is an aspect of life that has been a concern for many people since decades ago. Pesantren leadership is a position as well as noble work that is indeed needed as a historical nature and nature of pesantren civilization. Leadership is needed for the management of pesantren, with clear direction, and equitable justice. Pesantren leadership has a characteristic that is not possessed by leadership in other organizations and educational institutions. This is indicated by the existence of pesantren which are getting stronger gradually. In its objective conditions many pesantren cannot formulate their leadership well so they cannot develop their competitiveness based syar'iat of Islam. The most in important question is how is the leadership of the pesantren in facing social change? Are there important breakthroughs to develop syar’iy competitiveness? Key Words: developing syar’iy competitiveness, pesantren leadership
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Nasiri, Nasiri. "Urgensi Pendidikan Agama Islam di Era Globalisasi". Jurnal Keislaman 3, n. 1 (16 giugno 2020): 54–71.

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Abstract (sommario):
Abstract: This research is a library research with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques in this study are using documentary techniques, while the method used is content analysis and interpretation. This study aims to determine the urgency of Islamic religious education in the era of globalization, and as a result of this research is the importance of Islamic religious education in the era of globalization is as a foundation to minimize moral degradation and create human resources that have moral values, Islamic religious education solutions to moral degradation because Islamic religious education aims to shape people who have morality and prepare competent human beings by mastering religious knowledge and knowledge. Keywords: Urgency, Islamic Religious Education, Globalization
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Hyangsewu, Pandu. "Tantangan dan Antisipasi Pendidikan Agama Islam di Tengah Arus Globalisasi". Jurnal Kajian Peradaban Islam 2, n. 2 (8 luglio 2019): 1–5.

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Abstract (sommario):
Perkembangan zaman yang begitu cepat tidak dapat dipungkiri lagi akan mempengaruhi kehidupan manusia. Globalisasi yang terjadi sudah mengubah pola kehidupan manusia, dimana dampaknya bukan hanya efek positif melainkan dapat menghadirkan efek negatif pula. Pengaruh globalisasi saat ini sudah melarutkan nilai-nilai Pendidikan Agama Islam mulai dari tatanan kebudayaan, adat istiadat dan nilai-nilai luhur ajaran Islam. Padahal Pendidikan Agama Islam mempunyai peranan yang penting dalam kehidupan manusia sebagai pendidikan yang bersifat mutlak, Pendidikan Agama Islam perlu dioptimlkan sebagai usaha pengembangan potensi diri agar tidak mudah terjerumus dalam gelapnya kehidupan di era globalisasi. Untuk itu, perlu diketahui berbagai macam tantangan dan antisipasi yang dapat dilakukan melalui Pendidikan Agama Islam di tengah arus globalisasi. Tujuan artikel ini untuk menjelaskan permasalahan Pendidikan Agama Islam saat ini dan bagaimana cara mengantisipasinya dalam menghadapi era globalisasi. Data dalam tulisan ini menggunakan studi literatur yang dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa globalisasi dapat menjadi peluang sekaligus tantangan bagi Pendidikan Agama Islam. Arus globalisasi bukan sebagai kawan ataupun lawan bagi Pendidikan Agama Islam, melainkan sebagai dinamisator. Ketika Pendidikan Agama Islam tidak mengikuti arus globalisasi maka akan mengalami hambatan intelektual. Sebaliknya, ketika Pendidikan Agama Islam mengikuti arus globalisasi tanpa berlandaskan pada keislaman maka akan terlindas dan tidak tahu arah. Oleh karena itu, Pendidikan Agama Islam harus memposisikan diri di tengah arus globalisasi dalam arti yang sesuai dengan pedoman dan ajaran nilai-nilai Islam agar dapat diadopsi dan dikembangkan pada kehidupan manusia The development of the era is so fast undeniably it will affect human life, Globalization has changed the pattern of human life, where the impact is not only a positive effect but can also bring adverse consequences. The influence of globalization now has dissolved the values ​​of Islamic religious education, starting from the social order, customs, and ethical values ​​of Islamic teachings. Even though Islamic education has an essential role in human life, as a comprehensive education, Islamic religious education needs to be optimized as an effort to develop self-potential, so as not to fall prey to the darkness of life in the era of globalization. For this reason, we need to know various kinds of challenges and anticipation that can be done, through Islamic religious education amid globalization. The purpose of this article is to explain the current issue of Islamic religious education and how to anticipate it in the face of the era of globalization. The data in this paper uses literature studies which are analyzed descriptively. The results of the survey show that globalization can be an opportunity as well as a challenge for Islamic religious education. The current of globalization is neither a friend nor an opponent for Islamic religious education but as a dynamism. When Islamic religious education does not follow the flow of globalization, it will experience mental obstacles. Conversely, when Islamic religious education follows the flow of globalization without being, based on Islam. It will get run over and don't know the direction. Therefore, Islamic religious education must position itself in the midst of globalization. in a sense that is by the guidelines and teachings of Islamic values ​​so that they can be adopted and developed in human life
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Mazrui, Ali A. "Globalization, Islam, and the West". American Journal of Islam and Society 15, n. 3 (1 ottobre 1998): 1–13.

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Let us begin with the challenge of a definition. What is globulizution?It consists of processes that lead toward global interdependence and theincreasing rapidity of exchange across vast distances. The word globulizutionis itself quite new, but the actual processes toward global interdependenceand exchange started centuries ago.Four forces have been major engines of globalization across time:religion, technology, economy, and empire. These have not necessarilyacted separately, but often have reinforced each other. For example, theglobalization of Christianity started with the conversion of EmperorConstantine I of Rome in 3 13. The religious conversion of an emperorstarted the process under which Christianity became the dominant religionnot only of Europe but also of many other societies thousands ofmiles distant from where the religion started. The globalization of Islambegan not with converting a ready-made empire, but with building anempire almost from scratch. The Umayyads and Abbasids put togetherbits of other people’s empires (e.g., former Byzantine Egypt and formerZoroastrian Persia) and created a whole new civilization.Voyages of exploration were another major stage in the process ofglobalization. Vasco da Gama and Christopher Columbus opened up a ...
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Muttaqin, Tsalis. "ISLAM DI TENGAH PUSARAN ARUS GLOBALISASI". Al-A'raf : Jurnal Pemikiran Islam dan Filsafat 11, n. 1 (30 giugno 2014): 69.

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Globalization, is not only offering something new about theconcept, but also the revolution. Globalization with its expectations,has the real effect in our lives as individuals, communities andcountries, as well as the world community. Global phenomenoncontinues with higher acceleration along with the development ofscience and technology. Ironically, this phenomenon occurs due to thechaos of inter-state relations, terrorism, and new model of colonialism.Regarding with the condition, religious teachings should not blame onthe conditions. Religion as a patron of morality should be able to faceon the globalization happening in the world. Religion should notbecome the victim of globalization itself. Religion should also be ableto direct the globalization that tends to be destructive intoenlightening.
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Sobry, M. "Reaktualisasi Strategi Pendidikan Islam: Ikhtiar Mengimbangi Pendidikan Global". Ulumuna 18, n. 1 (8 novembre 2017): 81–102.

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Abstract (sommario):
Globalization is inevitable phenomenon that may cause anxiety amongst countries, such as Indonesia, that still preserve their culture, ethics and religious values because it always introduces new things that are not easily adjusted to regional or local contexts. Globalization as it is reflected in rapid change and transformation in technology has affected most of human’s life, including education. Globalized education is the one that is characterized by global and transnational elements in its basic structure, for example, the use of information technologies and digital media that have both positive and negative impacts. However, for Indonesia, whose majority population is Islam, globalization is not a threat, which should be evaded. What needs to do is to integrate Islamic concepts and values in it. Globalization and its type of education that looks contrary to religious norms will no longer become a menace if it is strengthened with religious values.
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Salamah Eka Susanti. "Islam Dan Tantangan Globalisasi". HUMANISTIKA : Jurnal Keislaman 5, n. 2 (15 giugno 2019): 163–77.

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Abstract (sommario):
The progress of information, communication and transportation technology has had a wide influence on daily life, and even overhauled the social system. It is difficult to put the process of social, cultural and political change nowadays apart from the development of global dynamics. The process of globalization has a huge influence on the development of religious values. Religion as a view that consists of various doctrines and values has a great influence on society. They recognize the importance of the role of religion in social life - the politics of the world community. plays an important role in the process of globalization. Because of the importance of the role of religion in people's lives, it is necessary to understand the extent of religion in responding to various social problems. Religion is reduced to provide rules of life and as an instrument for understanding the world that will bring happiness to human life. In line with these changes, finally emerged three forms of fundamental paradigms that developed among Muslims in the face of globalization, namely: conservative, liberal and alternative paradigms. Keywords: Paradigm, Islamic, Globalization.
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Char, Abdelmajid. "Islam: the test of globalization". Philosophy & Social Criticism 36, n. 3-4 (marzo 2010): 295–307.

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Globalization has consequences for the religious sphere, but it does not constitute a break with the previous situation. It constitutes rather an acceleration of a process begun with the birth of nation-states. The impact of the values of modernity is general, since even those in power, whatever their tendency, invoke values of democracy, progress, freedom and justice, whereas submission is what was required of subjects. Nevertheless, people today look to religion for fixed reference points, because of the brutal transition from the Middle Ages to the 20th and 21st centuries, and because modernity is not a endogenous phenomenon. Islam then is playing the role of bulwark against western hegemony. It is also instrumentalized both by the powers that be and by the oppositions, all of whom give themselves over to displays of one-upmanship over fidelity to Islam. Does Islam then maintain its relevance in the context of globalization? The fact is that the bases on which social relations are now founded no longer permit discrimination on the ground of sex or religion, and that there is a loosening of the grip of traditional ritualism and that more and more Muslims are looking for an understanding of the faith that is freed from old-fashioned dogmas. These new givens are being demonstrated particularly when it comes to the exercise of power and the condition of women. As a result, traditional conceptions are destined to evolve, particularly concerning the status of the Koran, the growing awareness of the historical process that made the Koran into a juridical code, the archetype that has been stuck to the person of the Prophet, and the alienation that consists in the sacralization of every human act.
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Daven, Mathias. "ARUS BALIK: GERAKAN FUNDAMENTALIS DALAM ISLAM". Jurnal Ledalero 13, n. 2 (3 settembre 2017): 263.

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There is a strong link between religious fundamentalist movements and the globalization (economic) project. In the context of Western civilization, fundamentalist movements are closely linked to the “critical discussion” on the antinomy of modernity. These movements reached a new phase in the second half of the 20 century, namely a “confrontation” between Western civilization and the East (Islam). On the one hand, the Western civilization model of the globalization project grows due to a certain form of fundamentalism within itself, namely an economic fundamentalism. On the other hand fundamentalist movements within Islam which turn religion into ideology, put forward a programme for the “universalisation” of Islam as the basis of a world order. The world order which is presently dominated by the Western civilization model, characterized by the capitalistic and the secular, has to end and be replaced by a world order based on Islamic law. This movement works on a principle of compulsion. The “rivalry” between the two has no connection at all with a “clash of civilizations” but rather with the fact that globalization in its present form is only possible for a rich elite minority. A middle way must be worked out, not the globalization of the economic or political system, nor the globalization of a particular ideology, whether secular or religious, but rather the globalization of Aufklärung (enlightenment) and of solidarity. <b>Kata-kata kunci:</b> Globalisasi, modernitas, gerakan fundamentalis, islamisme, ideologi, Aufklärung, “imperialisme budaya”, sekularisasi.
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Wajdi, Firdaus. "Literacy Culture in the Islamic Religious Education and the Development of Islam in Indonesia". Hayula: Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Islamic Studies 4, n. 2 (29 luglio 2020): 171–88.

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Globalization has enabled the development of Islam in one localized region with the help of global movements. What we do not much understand is how Turkish Ulama have contributed to develop Islamic literacy culture to enhance the development of Islam in Indonesia. This paper identified Jamaat Nur Movement who have utilized globalization to establish literacy culture among Indonesian Muslims and introduced the works of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi. Through careful study of this global movement, this study seeks to understand how a global Muslim organization took advantage from globalization and what are the local Muslims responses to it. This is a qualitative research with observation, interview, as well as library research as tools of data collection. The research keen to understand how globalization has become a tool for development of Islamic organization in Indonesia.
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Ramsey, C. M. "Journey into Islam: The Crisis of Globalization". Journal of Church and State 52, n. 2 (1 marzo 2010): 353–54.

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Hanif, Muhammad. "STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN PROGRAM STUDI PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM DI PERGURUAN TINGGI ISLAM". Andragogi : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Agama Islam 1, n. 2 (7 novembre 2019): 30.

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AbstractThe current of globalization has affected many sectors including tertiary institutions. This scientific work reveals the strategy of study programs in higher education in order to develop continuously to improve management development in accordance with the needs and challenges that come. In this article, two important aspects that need to be considered are human resources and curriculum that are relevant to the conditions of globalization. While researchers obtain data based on literature research that has been done. Keyword: Strategy, Development, PAI Study Program AbstrakArus globalisasi telah mempengaruhi banyak sektor termasuk lembaga pendidikan tinggi. Karya ilmiah ini mengungkap strategi program studi pada pendidikan tinggi agar dapat berkembang secara terus menerus melakukan improvisasi pengembangan manajemen sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan tantangan yang dating. Pada artikel ini diungkap tentang dua aspek penting yang perlu diperhatikan yakni sumber daya manusia dan kurikulum yang relevan dengan kondisi globalisasi. Sementara peneliti memperoleh data berdasarkan penelitian literature yang telah dilakukan. Kata Kunci: Strategi, Pengembangan, Program Studi PAI
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Muslimin, Erwin, Deden Heri e Mohamad Erihardiana. "Kesiapan Merespon terhadap Aspek Negatif dan Positif Dampak Globalisasi Dalam Pendidikan Islam". As-Syar'i: Jurnal Bimbingan & Konseling Keluarga 4, n. 1 (13 agosto 2021): 28–36.

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Abstract (sommario):
The purpose of this research is to find out the ability of the Indonesian nation to respond to globalization: readiness to respond to the negative and positive aspects of the impact of globalization. This type of research is Library Research, namely research through literature or literature studies. Sources of data in this study are primary data, namely books that directly discuss the ability of the Indonesian nation to respond to globalization. The data analysis technique used to obtain conclusions is descriptive qualitative by emphasizing deductive conclusions, namely how to draw conclusions from general to specific things. The conclusion of this paper is that the final conclusion in this study is that the Indonesian nation in responding to the negative and positive aspects of the impact of globalization, should be addressed proportionally because this is a good attitude as a reflection of moderate Islam. Meanwhile, the hard efforts to face the era of globalization must be that the Indonesian nation must be able to produce quality human resources, and have the ability that includes behavior, hard work, discipline, trustworthy responsibility and the like guided by the teachings of AI-Qur'an and Hadith
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Muslimin, Erwin, Deden Heri e Mohamad Erihadiana. "Kesiapan Merespon terhadap Aspek Negatif dan Positif Dampak Globalisasi Dalam Pendidikan Islam". Jurnal Dirosah Islamiyah 3, n. 3 (26 luglio 2021): 342–49.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
The purpose of this research is to find out the ability of the Indonesian nation to respond to globalization: readiness to respond to the negative and positive aspects of the impact of globalization. This type of research is Library Research, namely research through literature or literature studies. Sources of data in this study are primary data, namely books that directly discuss the ability of the Indonesian nation to respond to globalization. The data analysis technique used to obtain conclusions is descriptive qualitative by emphasizing deductive conclusions, namely how to draw conclusions from general to specific things. The conclusion of this paper is that the final conclusion in this study is that the Indonesian nation in responding to the negative and positive aspects of the impact of globalization, should be addressed proportionally because this is a good attitude as a reflection of moderate Islam. Meanwhile, the hard efforts to face the era of globalization must be that the Indonesian nation must be able to produce quality human resources, and have the ability that includes behavior, hard work, discipline, trustworthy responsibility and the like guided by the teachings of AI-Qur'an and Hadith
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Muslimin, Erwin, Deden Heri e Mohamad Erihadiana. "Kesiapan Merespon terhadap Aspek Negatif dan Positif Dampak Globalisasi Dalam Pendidikan Islam". Mimbar Kampus: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Agama Islam 20, n. 1 (3 agosto 2021): 80–87.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
The purpose of this research is to find out the ability of the Indonesian nation to respond to globalization: readiness to respond to the negative and positive aspects of the impact of globalization. This type of research is Library Research, namely research through literature or literature studies. Sources of data in this study are primary data, namely books that directly discuss the ability of the Indonesian nation to respond to globalization. The data analysis technique used to obtain conclusions is descriptive qualitative by emphasizing deductive conclusions, namely how to draw conclusions from general to specific things. The conclusion of this paper is that the final conclusion in this study is that the Indonesian nation in responding to the negative and positive aspects of the impact of globalization, should be addressed proportionally because this is a good attitude as a reflection of moderate Islam. Meanwhile, the hard efforts to face the era of globalization must be that the Indonesian nation must be able to produce quality human resources, and have the ability that includes behavior, hard work, discipline, trustworthy responsibility and the like guided by the teachings of AI-Qur'an and Hadith
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Muslimin, Erwin, Deden Heri e Mohamad Erihadiana. "Kesiapan Merespon terhadap Aspek Negatif dan Positif Dampak Globalisasi Dalam Pendidikan Islam". Jurnal Dirosah Islamiyah 3, n. 3 (26 luglio 2021): 342–49.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
The purpose of this research is to find out the ability of the Indonesian nation to respond to globalization: readiness to respond to the negative and positive aspects of the impact of globalization. This type of research is Library Research, namely research through literature or literature studies. Sources of data in this study are primary data, namely books that directly discuss the ability of the Indonesian nation to respond to globalization. The data analysis technique used to obtain conclusions is descriptive qualitative by emphasizing deductive conclusions, namely how to draw conclusions from general to specific things. The conclusion of this paper is that the final conclusion in this study is that the Indonesian nation in responding to the negative and positive aspects of the impact of globalization, should be addressed proportionally because this is a good attitude as a reflection of moderate Islam. Meanwhile, the hard efforts to face the era of globalization must be that the Indonesian nation must be able to produce quality human resources, and have the ability that includes behavior, hard work, discipline, trustworthy responsibility and the like guided by the teachings of AI-Qur'an and Hadith
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Muslimin, Erwin, Deden Heri e Mohamad Erihardiana. "Kesiapan Merespon terhadap Aspek Negatif dan Positif Dampak Globalisasi Dalam Pendidikan Islam". As-Syar'i: Jurnal Bimbingan & Konseling Keluarga 4, n. 1 (13 agosto 2021): 28–36.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
The purpose of this research is to find out the ability of the Indonesian nation to respond to globalization: readiness to respond to the negative and positive aspects of the impact of globalization. This type of research is Library Research, namely research through literature or literature studies. Sources of data in this study are primary data, namely books that directly discuss the ability of the Indonesian nation to respond to globalization. The data analysis technique used to obtain conclusions is descriptive qualitative by emphasizing deductive conclusions, namely how to draw conclusions from general to specific things. The conclusion of this paper is that the final conclusion in this study is that the Indonesian nation in responding to the negative and positive aspects of the impact of globalization, should be addressed proportionally because this is a good attitude as a reflection of moderate Islam. Meanwhile, the hard efforts to face the era of globalization must be that the Indonesian nation must be able to produce quality human resources, and have the ability that includes behavior, hard work, discipline, trustworthy responsibility and the like guided by the teachings of AI-Qur'an and Hadith
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Indana, Nurul, Noor Fatikah e Nady Nady. "NILAI-NILAI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM". Ilmuna: Jurnal Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam 2, n. 2 (24 ottobre 2020): 172–96.

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Abstract (sommario):
Along with development of globalization, literary works also makes an important contribution to education. One of the novels that included Islamic values ??especially in moral messages is the novel "Kasidah-Kasidah Cinta" written Muhammad Muhyidin which is full of knowledge, especially about religious knowledge, so that it feels more alive and real. The Islamic education value is the value of Islam that supports education implementation and even becomes a series or system such values as the value of faith, knowledge, worship morals, and the value of struggle. Meanwhile the value of education in the Kasidah-Kasidah Cinta novel is about faith, worship and morals education.Along with development of globalization, literary works also makes an important contribution to education. One of the novels that included Islamic values ??especially in moral messages is the novel "Kasidah-Kasidah Cinta" written Muhammad Muhyidin which is full of knowledge, especially about religious knowledge, so that it feels more alive and real. The Islamic education value is the value of Islam that supports education implementation and even becomes a series or system such values as the value of faith, knowledge, worship morals, and the value of struggle. Meanwhile the value of education in the Kasidah-Kasidah Cinta novel is about faith, worship and morals education.
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Malisi, Ali Sibram. "Tantangan dan Peluang Pendidikan Islam di Era Mea". TRANSFORMATIF 1, n. 1 (13 dicembre 2017): 1.

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Abstract (sommario):
<p>Globalization is a process of integration of the national economies of Nations into a global economic system. Globalization also a cultural process which is characterized by the existence of a tendency of the regions in the world, both geographically as well as physically, being uniform in format of social, cultural, economic, and political. In social life, global process has created a culture of egalitarianism, in triggering the emergence of internationalization of culture, creating economic interdependence in the process of production and marketing, and in the field of political liberalization creates. Although globalization campaigned as the era of the future, a promising era of ' economic growth will bring globally and global prosperity for all. The challenge of national education is growing. Because in the era of the MEA challenge is one of the free flow of skilled workforce ASEAN cross country. If a resource teacher in Indonesia still covered a variety of flaws at both aspects of the competency, qualification, productivity, and well-being, then they can be marginalized in regional and global competition. To that end, the efforts of professional development teachers need to touch up the most fundamental aspects in a change of their competencies</p>
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Wardhani, Nia. "IMPLIKASI GLOBALISASI TERHADAP PERKEMBANGAN DUNIA PENDIDIKAN ISLAM KONTEMPORER". Islamijah: Journal of Islamic Social Sciences 3, n. 1 (31 gennaio 2022): 19.

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Abstract (sommario):
<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> This article examines the implications of globalization on contemporary Islamic education, using a literature study. The data was obtained through literature in the form of reading books and online sources. The method used is descriptive analysis, where the method is considered appropriate to determine the ongoing phenomenon. The results of the study show that education cannot be separated from the social, economic and cultural aspects. Thinking education as something that stands alone without anything to do with the social aspects that surround it will result in real alienation. The existence of globalization has an impact on the education system and function in the form of challenges and opportunities. The challenge is how existing education can be influenced from various sectors, like the economic, social and cultural sectors. Meanwhile, opportunities can be seen how current education can create a more comprehensive and flexible education system. The world of education must organize itself to be accepted by the demands of the times, but in structuring the education system it must pay attention to the Qur'an and Sunnah as the basis for the legacy of Islamic education thought.</p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong> globalization, Islamic education, opportunities, challenges</p>
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