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Sosa, Madison Renee. "Gender Pay Gap Analysis". University of Toledo Honors Theses / OhioLINK, 2018.

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Lewis, Ellen D. "Gendered systemic analysis : systems thinking and gender equality in international development". Thesis, University of Hull, 2016.

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Abstract (sommario):
Systemic intervention (Midgley, 2000) and Feminist Systems Thinking (Stephens, 2013a), both branches of Critical Systems Thinking, have been used widely to improve social and organisational systems. According to Midgley (2000), a systemic intervention can be defined as a “…purposeful action by an agent to create change” (113, emphasis original). Building on Midgley’s work, Stephens (2013a) created a non-hierarchical “… framework for feminist systems thinking, as a set of five principles that provide common sense guidelines for applied research and social action…” (8, emaphsis added). Presently, the small amount of gendered systemic research is troubling in a world where no country has achieved gender equality. The purpose of this research is to conduct a participatory systemic intervention working in partnership with a U.S. non-governmental agency in Washington D.C. in the United States, and Nicaragua in Central America, I conducted a feminist systemic intervention in an international development organisation. This study found that a more structured systemic intervention method, currently named Gendered Systemic Analysis, was needed to support stakeholders in identifying potential improvements in their businesses: previous work on Feminist Systems Thinking left too much of a gap between theory and practice. In this research, I follow Midgley’s (2011:11-12) use of ‘method’ as: “as a set of techniques operated in a sequence (or sometimes iteratively) to achieve a given purpose. GSA uses a boundary critique process, which concentrates attention on gender, nature and voices from the margin as a means to create social change. The contribution of this research deepened the understanding of how to empower individuals and groups to engage with systemic thinking and contextualise its theoretical and methodological underpinnings into a local knowledge generating systems leading to more sustainable change.
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Krušinskaitė, Aistė. "Gender and Sport: An Analysis of Gender Specific Language in Basketball Commentaries". Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2014.

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Abstract (sommario):
Summary. The aim of present paper is to compare the language used in men and women basketball commentaries, and to discuss the main influential factors for these differences to occur. Firstly, two basketball matches (women and men gold final games in London Olympics 2012) are chosen for the analysis. The first quarter of men’s game and the first quarter of women’s game are transcribed, and the data is analyzed in several aspects, which are presented below. Secondly, the discussion is referred to books and articles presenting researches on language, gender, and sports. In the theoretical part, the discussion is carried out along the topics on women involvement in sports, comparison of men and women physical bodies, gender-based occupational distribution, genders specific language in televised sports and basketball commentaries, the coverage of women’s sport in mass media, and gender specific language used by media channels. This part also argues the stereotypical point of view that still prevails in the society for acceptable and unacceptable behaviors determined by gender. In the practical part, the transcribed data is presented for the analysis in three categories: the use of statistics, the interpretation of physical contact, and gender specific descriptions and references. The discussion contains graphics, tables with finding, and relevant examples from the men and women basketball matches. The findings are discussed referring to researches carried out by scholars... [to full text]
Santrauka. Šio magistrinio darbo tikslas yra nustatyti kalbos vartojamos komentuojant vyrų ir moterų krepšinio rungtynes skirtumus ir suprasti pagrindinius įtakos veiksnius šiems skirtumams atsirasti. Pirmiausia, dvejos krepšinio rungtynės buvo pasirinktos analizei, t.y. pirmi moterų ir vyrų rungtynių dėl pirmos vietos Londono olimpinėse žaidynėse kėliniai, kuriuos transkribavus, gauta informacija panaudota analizei keliais aspektais, kurie pristatyti žemiau. Teorinė darbo apžvalga remiasi tyrimų išvadomis, kurios yra pateiktos knygose ir straipsniuose kalbos, lyčių raiškos ir sporto temomis. Teorinėje dalyje pristatomos šios temos: moterų dalyvavimas ir reikšmė sporte, vyrų ir moterų kūno sandaros skirtumai, lyčių nelygybė darbo rinkoje, krepšinio komentaruose vartojama kalba atsižvelgiant į komentuojamų sporto atstovų lytį, ir kalba vartojama televizijoje lyginant vyrų ir moterų krepšinio varžybų komentarų pateikimą. Šioje dalyje taip pat išryškinamas visuomenės stereotipinis požiūris į asmens lyties nulemtą priimtiną ir nepriimtiną elgesį. Praktinėje dalyje transkribuota medžiaga yra analizuojama šiais aspektais: statistikos pateikimas, fizinio kontakto interpretavimas, lyginant vyrų ir moterų žaidimą ir skirtingi apibūdinimai, kreipiniai, bei naudojami palyginimai atsižvelgiant į sportininkų lytį. Šioje dalyje taip pat pateikiamos lentelės ir grafikai su tyrimo duomenimis, bei tiksliniai pavyzdžiai iš vyrų ir moterų krepšinio rungtynių. Šio darbo pabaigoje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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Matias, Jo Zalea Burac. "Facing gender : a historiographical analysis of gender construction in Iron Age Britain". Thesis, Durham University, 2015.

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Abstract (sommario):
The aim of this thesis is to understand the ways that gender is continually constructed, perceived and presented in Iron Age Britain. A historiographic analysis uses both classical literature and Iron Age social models to provide the theoretical basis for understanding gender. The use of literature and mortuary data examines the current limits of gendered analysis for Iron Age Britain amd an examination of archaeological reconstructions discusses the actual presentation of gender for the period. Their purpose is to create a well-rounded view of all the influences that drive views of gender, one that is informed by the archaeological material, theory and classical literature, as well as other factors. Though gender bias is present in discussions of gender for Iron Age Britain, gender as a topic is largely absent. Iron Age peoples are mostly discussed as monolithic entities – a group or culture rather than individuals. When gender does present itself, it manifests in male and female binaries, though not necessarily male warriors and female domestics. There is little discussion of gender as it relates to other aspects of identity, such as age and class, except in some recent studies. The male/female binary is largely static over time in British Iron Age literature, as is the presentation of society’s identity, rather than people’s identities. Iron Age Britain is faceless, populated by stock images rather than fully fleshed individuals. The analyses here demonstrate the need to keep examining gender and other identities so that Iron Age society is discussed on both a societal level and a personal level.
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Lilliefeldt, Emelie. "European Party Politics and Gender : Configuring Gender-Balanced Parliamentary Presence". Doctoral thesis, Stockholms universitet, Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, 2011.

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Abstract (sommario):
In the late 20th century, the proportions of women and men elected into European national parliaments became increasingly equal. Political parties shape these outcomes by selecting and fielding candidates in elections. Scholars recognise that parties' actions do not occur in isolation; yet there is little systematically comparative research about the configurations of conditions in which these actions occur. Previous research also often relies on studies of West European parties. This doctoral thesis investigates how conditions inside and outside parties combine to create gender-equal parliamentary presence. The thesis examines the extent to which Western European experiences apply to Central and East European parties, and explores the conditions that stand in the way of progress towards gender balance. It presents three empirical studies. The first is a qualitative comparative analysis of 57 West European parties during the late 1980s, a period in which the trend towards equality accelerated. The second study applies the knowledge produced in the first analysis to cases in Central and Eastern Europe. It uses an original dataset covering six parties in four EU member states in a structured focused comparison. Finally, the thesis presents an in-depth case study of an unexpectedly gender-balanced Latvian party. The analyses show that gender-equal parliamentary presence is achieved when conditions inside and outside parties combine, and that no condition is necessary or singularly sufficient. The absence of gender-equal parliaments is sustained by combinations other than the absence of those that lead to gender-balance. Operationalisations from Western Europe turn out to be largely applicable to cases in Central and Eastern Europe. These latter cases also demonstrate that organisational instability need not impede women’s presence in elected office.
Under sent 1900-tal har andelen kvinnor och män i nationella demokratiska parlament i Europa blivit alltmer jämstora. Politiska partier formar politisk representation genom att välja egna kandidater till val. Forskare har visat att partiers beteende på den punkten inte sker i isolering, men det finns ändå en brist på systematiskt jämförande studier om vilka kombinationer av villkor som leder till jämn könsrepresentation i nationella parlament. Dessutom vilar tidigare studier ofta på kunskap om situationen i Västeuropa. Den här doktorsavhandlingen undersöker hur villkor i och utanför politiska partier kombineras för att uppnå jämställd parlamentarisk representation. Den utforskar i vilken grad de västeuropeiska erfarenheterna är användbara i Öst- och Centraleuropa, och studerar villkoren som upprätthåller manlig dominans i parlamentariska partier. Den presenterar tre empiriska studier. Den första är en kvalitativt jämförande studie (fsQCA) av 57 Västeuropeiska partier under sent 1980-tal, en period då andelen kvinnor i nationella parlament ökade. Den andra studien tillämpar kunskapen från den första studien på fall i Öst- och Centraleuropa. Studien bygger på ett unikt dataset med sex partier från fyra EU-stater, i en strukturerad fokuserad jämförelse. Slutligen presenteras en fallstudie av ett ovanligt jämställt parti i Lettland. Analyserna visar att lika andelar kvinnor och män i nationella parlament åstadkoms när villkor i och utanför partier kombineras, och att inget villkor är nödvändigt eller ensamt tillräckligt. Frånvaro av jämn representation upprätthålls av andra kombinationer än de som leder till jämn representation. Operationaliseringarna som utvecklades för Västeuropa är applicerbara i Öst- och Centraleuropa. De senare fallen visar också att organisatorisk instabilitet inte behöver hindra en jämställd parlamentarisk närvaro.
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De, Kretser Kara. "Gender Parity, Gender Equality, and Intersectionality : Public Perceptions of a ‘50:50’ Workforce". Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för tema, 2020.

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Abstract (sommario):
Gender parity. Gender equality. Diversity and intersectionality. Are they understood to be one and the same thing? Whilst there is much public data and opinion on economic benefits to having gender parity within organisations and how it can help support women’s empowerment and inclusion in male dominated professional sectors, public perception on the topic may paint a different picture. In this thesis, the social media platform Twitter is used to collect data to conduct a content analysis in order to understand public sentiments in response to one company’s perceived success in their organisational gender parity initiative. That company is American tech organisation, Duolingo. In 2018, Duolingo posted via Twitter that they had achieved a 50:50 male:female ratio in their recruitment of new engineering hires. The response on Twitter reveals that whilst many Twitter users agreed with Duolingo that this was a success, many did not. The Tweets are classified and analysed according to sentiment and coded according to the core topic in their communication – gender parity, gender equality, and diversity and intersectionality - to gain an in-depth understanding into how the public understands and reacts to these concepts. By analysing 275 Tweets through textual and visual analysis, this thesis supports an investigation via case study as to whether or not gender parity is publicly perceived and understood as a positive organisational strategy towards gender equality. Or whether it is seen to be exacerbating gender inequalities and perpetuating gender and intersectional stereotyping, biases and norms.
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Jeanis, Michelle N. "Chronic Runaway Youth: A Gender-Based Analysis". Scholar Commons, 2017.

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Abstract (sommario):
Runaway youth often face a multitude of negative experiences during their childhood, which often leads to trajectories of psychological disorder/distress, victimization, and offending. This propensity for negative life trajectories may be exacerbated by repetitive runaway behavior. Additionally, these negatives experiences may be further shaped by the gender of the youth, thus creating distinct gendered pathways to chronic runaway behavior, victimization, and offending. This study utilized a sample of youth runaways in the state of Florida (N=295) to build upon the classification/typology research on juvenile runaways by assessing the presence of latent groups of youth based on runaway frequency. In addition, this study utilized classical and modern criminology theories to influence the assessment of the relationship between known runaway risk factors and chronic runaway status. Group-based trajectory modeling was performed and two distinct groups of youth runaways were identified for both full and gender-exclusive models. Chronic runaway analyses indicated both unique and similar gender-based relationships between chronic runaway status and relevant risk factors, suggesting partial support for a gender specific theoretical perspective. Results provide additional insight into youth runaway behavior while also suggesting the need for further exploration of chronic runaway status within the youth runaway population.
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Cooke-O'Connor, Laura. "The construction of gender : a discourse analysis /". Title page, contents and abstract only, 2000.

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Åkerfelt, Nicolina. "Gender in LittleBigPlanet : Analysis of LittleBigPlanet's Costumes". Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för speldesign, 2016.

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Abstract (sommario):
In this study, ninety costumes from the LittleBigPlanet (Media Molecule, 2008, 2011; Sumo Digital 2014) franchise were analyzed in order to answer the question on how the LittleBigPlanet series have represented diversity of different genders through the available costumes to a seemingly gender neutral character. This is done by dividing the costumes into three categories: feminine, masculine and neutral. The costumes are categorized according to set criteria, and in the results it is revealed that there are mostly feminine costumes, even though the difference is minor. The study also analyses how different gender-coded costumes in the LittleBigPlanet series are portrayed, and several traits are found to be reoccurring. Finally, it is discussed whether having portrayed stereotypical body images were suitable for the age of their audience, and it is also stated that the costumes of the LittleBigPlanet franchise are generally diversified.
I denna undersökning analyserades nittio kostymer från LittleBigPlanet-serien (Media Molecule, 2008, 2011; Sumo Digital 2014). Syftet är att besvara frågan om hur LittleBigPlanet serien har representerad mångfald av kön genom de tillgängliga kostymerna för en till synes könsneutral karaktär. Detta görs genom att dela upp kostymerna i tre kategorier: feminina, maskulina och neutrala. Kostymerna är kategoriserade enligt satta kriterier, och resultaten avslöjar att det är huvudsakligen feminina kostymer, även om skillnaden inte är särskilt stor. Studien analyserar även hur olika könskodade kostymer i LittleBigPlanet-serien är porträtterande, och flera egenskaper visar sig upprepas. Slutligen diskuteras om det är lämpligt för kostymerna att porträttera stereotypiska kroppsbilder i spelen med tanke på deras spelares ålder, och det påstås även att kostymerna i LittleBigPlanet-serien är någorlunda mångsidiga.
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Macleod, Catriona. "Gender differences in mathematics: A discourse analysis". SAGE Publications Ltd, 1995.

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Abstract (sommario):
Perspectives dealing with the study of gender and mathematics have failed generally to move beyond the individual/society divide. The contradictory nature of subjectivity and the operation and interpenetration of power and knowledge have not been taken into account. This article is based on the post-structuralist framework. The work of Walkerdine, which highlights the processes within the classroom which allow girls to succeed in mathematics but never actually be successful, is of interest. The methodology used is that of discourse analysis which makes clear both the positionings available to the participants as well as the power relations formed. The sample was drawn from a top-achieving Std 8 Higher Grade class in an affluent Model C school. This represents a theoretically salient sample as the literature points to ‘gender differences’ being most pronounced in the upper levels of mathematics education. The analysis clearly highlights the double-bind within which girls find themselves in the mathematics classroom. The apparent equality of opportunity and non-sexism is counteracted by the positioning of girls as hard working but without natural flair in mathematics. The characteristics that make it possible to achieve in mathematics are ascribed to males. The resistance to this powerful ‘disciplinary technology’ is the invoking of the feminist discourse.
This article is affiliated to the Educational Psychology Department at the University of Cape Town and WITS Rural Facility
Full text available on publisher website:
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Cavaghan, Rosalind. "Gender mainstreaming as a knowledge process : towards an understanding of perpetuation and change in gender blindness and gender bias". Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2012.

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This thesis locates itself in wider developments in gender theory and examinations of the state’s production of gender inequality. It responds to two research problems in existing literature. Firstly, scholars have developed increasingly complex theorisations of the social construction of gender and the state’s role in it. This body of research has shown how gender blindness and gender bias in state policies produce inequality and how gender structures priorities, hierarchies and roles within state organisations. Fully operationalising these insights has, however, thus far proved difficult. Secondly, whilst existing research provides a nuanced picture of these multiple dynamics involved in the state’s reproduction of gender inequality, we cannot yet fully account for the processes through which these dynamics are maintained. As a result, our explanations of how change could be achieved are also under-developed. This thesis uses gender mainstreaming (GM) implementation as a model to explore these research problems, examining the processes underlying the ‘disappointing’ policy outcomes which existing analyses of GM implementation have documented (Bretherton 2001, Daly 2005, Mazey 2000). Whilst these existing studies provide an essential starting point, this thesis argues that many have applied an implicitly rigid or rationalistic approach to policy analysis, highlighting the disparity between the intended and actual outcomes of GM. This kind of approach fails to operationalise our understanding of the construction of gender as a process and a constantly renegotiated phenomenon. It also fails to exploit the research opportunities which GM implementation provides. To enable such an analysis, this thesis draws together literatures from policy studies, particularly interpretative policy analysis (Colebatch 2009, Pressman and Wildavsky 1984, Yanow 1993) and science and technology studies/the sociology of knowledge (STS/SK) (Latour and Callon 1981, Law 1986) to apply an understanding of policy implementation as a process of negotiation, where we analyse how policy is interpreted, understood and enacted, on the ground. This perspective emphasises how local responses to strategic policy demands emerge through collective processes of interpretation, which are heavily affected by pre-existing policy assumptions, activities and practices (Wagenaar 2004, Wagenaar et al 2003). These concepts are used to operationalise the concept of gender knowledge (Andresen and Doelling 2002, Caglar 2010, Cavaghan 2010, 2012, Doelling 2005) to investigate how shared (non)perceptions of gender inequality are institutionalised and perpetuated, whilst competing notions are marginalised. Thus developed, the gender knowledge concept enables us to grasp and analyse (non)perceptions of the gender inequality issue; the evidence or ways of thinking which underpin them; and the processes, materials and persons involved in institutionalising them to the exclusion of competing perceptions. This approach therefore operationalises the notion that gender and gendering is a process and connects the ‘genderedness of organisations’ (Benschop and Verloo 2006, Rees 2002) to gendered policy outputs. Examining ‘what is happening’ when GM is implemented in this manner provides an opportunity to identify mechanisms of resistance, i.e. the processes through which the production of gender inequality is maintained. By corollary, examining ‘successful’ incidences of GM implementation provides empirical examples of how change has occurred. The project thus aims to produce theoretical insights which can be extrapolated to a wider understanding of the perpetuation of the state production of gender inequality.
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Bush, Tiffany. "An Analysis of the Effects of Bodies, Rurality, and Social Capital on Physical Bullying". Ohio University / OhioLINK, 2021.

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Moore, Donna Klinefelter. "The development of the MMPI-a gender communality-male and gender communality-female scales : factor analysis and gender differentiation methods /". Connect to this resource. (Authorized users only), 1993.

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Jenkins, Sara Anne. "Gendered hierarchies and world order: A critical analysis of the instrumentalization of gender within the UN discourse on gender vulnerability to AIDS". Thesis, University of Ottawa (Canada), 2009.

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Abstract (sommario):
This thesis is primarily concerned with the concept of gender. It is interested in gender both insofar as it shapes vulnerability, as well as the degree to which particular understandings of gender are instrumental to the functioning of the current world order. This thesis argues that the UN discourse on gender vulnerability to AIDS is an example of the manner in which gender is instrumentalized and made to support a neoliberal globalized model of development and thus of a neoliberal world order. This argument is based upon a discourse analysis of key UN documents on the topic of gender vulnerability to AIDS which is guided by a critical gendered theoretical framework. While it is clear that no established counter-hegemonic or transformative discourse which would appreciably threaten the status quo is present, the existence of spaces for critique points to the potential for the emergence of sites of resistance within the UN.
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Hayibor, Bernice Anne. "Analysis of gender bias in home economics textbooks". Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1990.

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Three Canadian home economics textbooks currently used in teaching human relationships were examined to explore the ways in which they are or are not contributing to gender equity. The research posed three questions: To whom is the textbook addressed? What are the characteristics of learners assumed by the textbook? and In what way does the textbook deal with gender bias? In each textbook the preface, index, table of contents, photographs, highlighted sections, and content were examined in detail. The texts were compared to determine commonalities. The methodology was adapted from earlier textbook analyses of sex equity which were based on the study of intentions outlined in the preface, photographs, and language. Recent feminist work suggests that studies of bias must consider not only the biological concept of sex but also the social construction of gender which relates to those characteristics, activities, and roles traditionally associated with one sex. The feminist concepts of gender sensitivity and gender balance were used in this textbook analysis. The textbooks were found to contribute to gender equity in five Ways. The first approach, including males, is not adequate because it involves the risk of males and a male perspective becoming dominant. The second approach, using inclusive language, is also inadequate because it involves the risk of masking the differences existing between females and males and the problems arising from gender. Exposing differences and addressing social issues relating to gender are two approaches which may hold promise in contributing to gender equity but in the texts examined were inadequate because the issues were presented as neutral or unproblematic. Encouraging critical thinking was the final approach used in only one textbook and its contribution to gender equity was minimal because critical thinking was applied inconsistently and rarely applied specifically to problems of gender. Gender sensitivity and gender balance require the appropriate use of inclusive and sex specific language, the balanced inclusion of females and males, and detailed, sensitive, and critical discussion of issues related to gender. The findings of this study raise concerns about the analysis of textbooks. Home economics textbooks have the unique challenge of including males without allowing males and a male perspective to become dominant. Overcoming the problems of gender requires sensitivity in exposing gender differences. Neutralizing knowledge and presenting knowledge as factual rather than problematic masks differences and problems arising from them. The findings of this research suggest analysis of textbooks for gender bias should not be restricted to surface features such as explicit intentions stated in prefaces, photographs, and language. Elimination of gender bias requires substantive changes in textbook content.
Education, Faculty of
Curriculum and Pedagogy (EDCP), Department of
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Hennebury, Christine C. "Gender and spatial analysis : an Eastern Thule example". Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999.

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Abbas-Nejad-Konjin, Anahita. "A gender analysis of Iranian middle school textbooks". Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2012.

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This study examines gender inequity in three Iranian middle school textbooks, and explores the efforts that Iranian women make to adopt, negotiate and resist the sexist indoctrinations of the textbooks. This thesis consists of two phases. The first phase contains a content analysis of the grade 6 Farsi Language Arts, grade 7 English as a Foreign Language, and grade 8 Natural Sciences textbooks taught in the academic year 2011-2012 in Iran. The second phase of the thesis analyzes the oral history interviews conducted with three female engineers regarding their K-12 and university education in Iran. The findings of the content analysis reveal that sexist indications permeate Iranian textbooks. Compared to men, women have a pale presence in the books. Women and girls are depicted, for the most part, in the domestic sphere, and their role as mothers and nurturers are stressed in stories, poems, and illustrations. An analysis of the women’s interviews and archival documents; however, indicate that despite the sexist instructions of the textbooks, Iranian women are endeavouring to destabilise the cultural and political structures that curtail their rights. Today Iranian women are actively present in the public sphere; some of them are stepping into territories that have been long regarded as male-only grounds. By so doing, these women are gradually dismantling patriarchal systems of power.
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Kartawan, I. Made. "Tuning in Gender Wayang : voices, concepts, and analysis". Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2013.

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Abstract (sommario):
This thesis brings light to gender wayang’s (metallophone ensemble) unique and complex tuning system, which has yet to be explored thoroughly in academic circles. In the thesis I examine the tuning of gender wayang instruments through cultural and scientific analysis of the four Balinese tuning concepts ulu suara (pitch), sruti (interval), angkep- angkepan (octave), and ombak (waves). The cultural analysis focuses on the ways that pande gong (metalsmiths), tukang laras (gamelan tuners), juru gender (gender wayang musicians), and dalang (puppeteers) conceptualize the tuning of gender wayang instruments. I juxtapose their perspectives against measurements of nine sets of gender wayang instruments that are spread throughout four of Bali’s nine regencies—Gianyar (Central Bali), Tabanan (West Bali), Badung (South Bali), and Buleleng (North Bali)—and then analyze the measurements with particular attention focused on the four concepts. Following the discussion of these concepts, and informed by them, I investigate tuning levels and their connection to dalang. The thesis also describes gender wayang instrument construction in detail. This provides the reader with suitable background information about the relationship between tukang laras and pande gong.
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Wirz, Monica. "The practices within leadership selection : a gender analysis". Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2015.

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De, Swardt Cobus. "A sociological analysis of gender in Marxist theory". Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 1988.

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In this study I argue that Marxism has payed far too little attention to the influence of the gender division of labour on social structure. Consequently, Marxism has been unable to place women's exploitation within a general framework of exploitation, objectification and domination. In an attempt to overcome this shortcoming, I critically analyse the interaction of "labour" and "gender" within the structural framework of a contemporary capitalist patriarchal industrial society. My analysis is carried out within a materialist research tradition. I focus on the domestic mode of reproduction and production and analyse the gender division of labour in this mode. For this purpose I assess different theories of gender creation and the influence of mother-monopolized childrearing on gender creation and on the social structure in general. In working with the interaction of "labour" and "gender" I address the possibility of a gender-class analysis. For this purpose I reformulate the Marxist interpretation of the interaction between labour power, surplus value, exchange value and use value. I also assess the contribution of the wages-for-housework debate to a gender-class analysis. Finally I argue that "gender" makes a fundamental contribution to a possible understanding of the interrelation of exploitation, objectification and domination in a contemporary capitalist patriarchal industrial society.
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Hazelwood, Lisa L. "Gender differences in a prototypical analysis of psychopathy". Thesis, University of North Texas, 2006.

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Psychopathy research has focused primarily on characteristics of male offenders. With little empirical knowledge on psychopathy in women, gender differences within psychopathy are not well understood. To gain a better understanding of these differences, the current study used prototypical analysis to compare ratings of 242 forensic experts when considering their most representative case of male or female psychopathy. The present study investigated gender differences for psychopathic traits and Cluster B personality disorder criteria. Most aspects of psychopathy were less prototypical of female psychopaths than males. In particular, the antisocial behavior facet does not appear to apply to males and females equally. The distinction between Cluster B disorders and psychopathy was more ambiguous in females than males; however, the affective deficits facet differentiated psychopathy from Cluster B disorders across genders. Current research also raises the question of potential diagnostic gender bias in the assessment of psychopathy.
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Francis, Becky Jane. "Children's constructions of gender, power, and adult occupation". Thesis, London Metropolitan University, 1996.

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Dumas, Jennifer. "Gender Inequality and Terrorism: An Analysis of the Effects of Socioeconomic Gender Inequality on Terrorism". ScholarWorks@UNO, 2010.

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Abstract (sommario):
Studies of terrorism have explored a number of factors thought to drive the phenomenon. Authors often tie socioeconomic development to reducing terrorism. Among structural explanations of terrorism, however, authors generally neglect the effect of gender inequality, though studies show that gender inequality increases the risk of international and civil conflict. Therefore I explore the impact of gender inequality in important socioeconomic issues on terrorism for 143 countries from 1998-2009. I argue that socioeconomic gender inequality reflects poor state capacity, resulting in grievances that contribute to domestic non-suicide and suicide terrorism. I study gender inequality in the areas of education, labor participation, and life expectancy. Results indicate that education and life expectancy inequality increase the risk of terrorism, while labor inequality is unrelated. While the time frame and data used in this study limit generalizability, results indicate that states should provide socioeconomic gender parity to reduce the risk of domestic terrorism.
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Hira, Tamanna Chandrakant. "Constructing gender : postgraduate psychology students’ gendered accounts of their future profession". Diss., University of Pretoria, 2012.

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In this qualitative study I explored how postgraduate psychology students treat gender in their accounts of their future profession, using a social constructionist framework. I considered how this group of future psychologists drew upon gendered accounts in three different settings in which they found themselves within the profession. These included exploring how participants constructed their own gendered identities in their narratives of how they came to be pursuing professional training in psychology; how gender featured in their accounts of therapeutic processes and interactions with clients; and finally, their reflections on gendered participation in the broader field of psychology. Interview data from two semi-structured focus group discussions with 12 postgraduate psychology students was analysed using social constructionist thematic analysis. Three main themes were identified that related to participants’ gendered accounts according to their personal, professional and more general constructions of gender, namely: 1) psychology as a profession of choice; 2) setting the scene within psychology in terms of gender, which was divided into: a) a construction of gender from the psychologists’ perspective, and b) psychologists’ construction of gender from their clients’ perspectives. The third and last main theme was 3) Increased competition for females as a consequence of women’s empowerment. This study intended to contribute to the expansion of existing literature by addressing the issue of gender and its related aspects in the field of psychology in a South African context, given the dearth of extended research conducted in developing countries so far. The findings supported those of previous studies to an extent, but mainly redressed the perspective of gender through the identification of new themes. By looking into postgraduate psychology students’ constructions of their own gendered accounts it appeared that upcoming psychologists viewed gender in complex ways, instead of typically reported notions of difference, inequality and inferiority or superiority. In this way, the benefit of understanding professional development within the field of psychology served as a valuable point of departure in understanding debates around how gender was implicated in the clientele psychologists serve.
Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2012.
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Fish, Jody. "Gende(r) in the Boston Accent: A linguistic analysis of Boston (r) from a gender perspective". Thesis, Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), 2018.

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The Boston accent is one of the most famous accents in the United States and is known for its non-rhoticity, which essentially means that Bostonians do not normally pronounce their r’s after vowels. While most Boston locals would tell you to ‘pahk the cah ova hea’ when you arrive in the city, not every Bostonian has the same level of non-rhoticity; this variation is due to a number of different factors, but arguably one of the most interesting factors, which this paper focuses on, is gender. This study looks into how Boston non-rhoticity differs between males and females, as well the theories that explain these potential differences. This is done by collecting and analyzing the speech of Boston locals, following two previous studies on the same topic. In addition to gender, types of speech and other social factors are also analyzed. The biggest finding of this study is that there is a statistically significant difference in non-rhoticity between males and females, with females pronouncing more r’s, which supports one previous study and opposes another, and also supports the linguistic theory that women tend to exhibit more standardized speech than men.
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Horley, Nicola Joanne. "Journeys towards an acceptable gender expression : narratives of people living with gender variance". Thesis, University of Hertfordshire, 2013.

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Background: Gender Variance (GV) is an experience that the gender assigned at birth is different to one’s preferred gender identity. It includes the possibility of a preferred gender identity being different to either male or female. It is reported that around 4000 people per year access care from the NHS in relation to GV (Gender Identity Research and Education Society (GIRES), 2009) and both the physical and psychological elements of these experiences is well documented. However, little research specifically explores how Gender Variant (GVt) people make sense of their experiences and construct meaningful expression of their preferred identity. The aim of this study is to further the understanding of GV with a view to considering the implications for service provision to this population. Methodology: The study employed a qualitative method that explored the narratives of the participants. A purposive sample of seven participants self identified as GVt was recruited for a single interview. The interviews used a topic guide to elicit the narratives that these people tell about their experiences. All interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed, and analysed using a narrative approach to explore what the participants said and the way they said it. This was then situated within the local and broader social contexts within which the narratives exist. Analysis and findings: The findings are presented through a global impression of each of the individual narratives and then through discussion of the similarities and differences in relation to the collective storylines. Particular attention is paid to the identity construction and the emotional experiences that take place during the interviews. These two elements are told within and through each of the storylines. The local and wider narratives available to the participants are used to contextualise the analysis and findings, and so are reported within the analysis. The analysis offers the following findings: i) their first experiences of understanding GV was important, leading them to find others who felt the same to gain a sense of hope of a normal life ii) sharing their experiences with others was an anxiety provoking time and was part of a decision making process about treatment and establishing an acceptable gender expression iii) relationships with family, friends, peers and members of their social context influence sense making and identity constructions of GVt people and typify the challenges faced within their GVt experiences. Some of these challenges were reported as ongoing and illustrated throughout the stories of the day to day lives of the participants iv) for these participants distressing emotional challenges were often situated in the past and participants spoke of ‘overcoming’ challenges. This offered a counter to the more dominant isolation and loneliness narratives within the literature on GVt experiences The findings of the study are discussed in relation to its clinical implications, the strengths and limitations of the methodology, and directions for future research.
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Essig, Lee Whitney. "A Content-Analytic Meta-Analysis of Gender Stereotyping in Screen Media". BYU ScholarsArchive, 2018.

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Thousands of studies have investigated the gendered portrayals in various forms of media. Researchers believe that considering gendered media content is important, as gender stereotypes have been found to influence development, often with adverse outcomes. Although a vast body of research on gender stereotypes has accumulated, little effort has been made to synthesize this literature. The purpose of this paper is to collect and analyze the results of content-analytic studies of gender portrayals across several forms of media including television, television commercials, movies, video games, music videos, and various forms of print media into a comprehensive paper on gender stereotypes in the media. Results of the analyses indicated that gender stereotypes and roles are still reinforced in the media, particularly in American and Middle-Eastern media. Additionally, while gendered roles are still reinforced, there is evidence of some decrease in gender stereotyping over time. Implications of these findings and future directions are discussed.
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Lewis, Meredith. "Gender Role Socialization: An Intergenerational Analysis of Role Predictors". Thesis, Växjö University, School of Social Sciences, 2006.

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Brunskill, John Robinson. "A critical analysis of Christian theologies of gender complementarity". Thesis, Oxford Brookes University, 2006.

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Tam, Pui-kam, e 譚珮琴. "Empirical analysis of the gender earnings gap in Macau". Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 1995.

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Lombardo, Emanuela. "The Europeanisation of Spanish gender policy : a feminist analysis". Thesis, University of Reading, 2001.

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Heberling, Ulrike, Rainer Koch, Matthias Hübler, Gustavo B. Baretton, Oliver W. Hakenberg, Michael Froehner e Manfred P. Wirth. "Gender and Mortality after Radical Cystectomy: Competing Risk Analysis". Karger, 2018.

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Abstract (sommario):
Background: Data on the impact of gender on mortality after radical cystectomy is conflicting. We investigated a large single center sample with long-term follow-up in order to determine the relationship between gender and outcome. Patients and Methods: A total of 1,184 consecutive patients who underwent radical cystectomy for high risk superficial or muscle-invasive urothelial or undifferentiated bladder cancer between 1993 and 2015 were stratified by gender. Demographic data was compared using Mann-Whitney U test, chi-square test, or Fisher exact test. Cox proportional hazard models were used for the analysis of competing risks and logit models were used for the prediction of the receipt of adjuvant cisplatin-based chemotherapy. Results: Female patients were older, healthier, less frequently current smokers and had more extravesical tumors. In the multivariate analyses, female gender was an independent predictor of (lower) non-bladder cancer (competing) mortality (hazards ratio [HR] 0.68, 95% CI 0.49–0.95, p = 0.0248) but no predictor of bladder cancer-specific mortality (HR in the full model 1.20, 95% CI 0.94–1.54, p = 0.15). Gender was no predictor of the receipt of adjuvant cisplatin-based chemotherapy. Conclusions: Female gender was associated with an increased risk of extravesical disease but was no independent predictor of bladder cancer-specific mortality. Anatomical differences might be a plausible explanation for these observations.
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Benson, Kristen Edith. "Gender Identity and the Family Story: A Critical Analysis". Diss., Virginia Tech, 2008.

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This research explored how transgender people and their partners experience the process of disclosing their gender identity, experiences of mental health, and how couple and family therapists can be helpful to relationships involving transgender people. The purpose of this study was to better understand transgender relationships to prepare couple and family therapists to work with this population. Participants were seven self-identified transgender people and three of their partners. In-depth interviews were used to explore experiences of transgender peopleâ s relationships. Nine themes were identified: decision to disclose, the road to acceptance, perceptions of sexual orientation, change, delineating between purposes for seeking mental health services, belief that therapists are not well-informed about transgender issues, value of well-informed therapists, couple and family therapists should be well-informed, and loved ones understanding of gender identity. This study provides insight into transgender peopleâ s relational issues relevant to couple and family therapy. Phenomenological, narrative and feminist lenses provide frameworks to view these findings. Implications for future research and clinical practice are discussed.
Ph. D.
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Maloney, Kelly. "Analysis of Gender Discourses in Neo-Charismatic Leadership Theories". University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2018.

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Tam, Pui-kam. "Empirical analysis of the gender earnings gap in Macau". Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 1995.

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Pinnuck, Francine. "Penetrating the fences : a gender analysis of the prison /". Title page, table of contents and abstract only, 1999.

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Majola, Nontuthuzelo Angelina. "Gender stereotypes versus gender equality: a critical analysis of some characters in Swaartbooi's "UMandisa" and Saule's "Idinga"". Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2006.

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The focus of this study will be on gender stereotypes versus gender equality in Swaartbooi's novel “UMandisa” and in Saule's novel “Idinga”. CHAPTER ONE will be the introductory chapter where the aim of the study, methodology, motivation and definition of terms will be given, as well as the biographical outline of Ncedile Saule and that of V.N.M. Swaartbooi. CHAPTER TWO will focus on developing the theoretical framework of the study. Theories are used to advocate a change of approach in the teaching and reading of literature. The theory to be employed in this study will be based on aspects of the female gender and feminism. CHAPTER THREE will explore the issues of gender stereotypes as portrayed in Swaartbooi's “UMANDISA” CHAPTER FOUR will focus on gender equality as portrayed in “IDINGA” by Saule and “UMANDISA” by Swaartbooi. The two novels raised the question of equality between women and men. CHAPTER FIVE will serve as the concluding chapter where the evaluation of the study will be made.
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Ahmed, Nilufer Raihan. "Geographies of gender and generation : a qualitative, longitudinal analysis of the intersectionality of gender, age and place". Thesis, Swansea University, 2013.

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Gandal, Christine. "Military Masculinities and Gender Training : A qualitative analysis of The Nordic Centre of Gender in Military Operations". Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, 2021.

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This thesis investigates the notions of military masculinities in the gender training of the Nordic Centre of Gender in Military Operations (NCGM). Military masculinities are argued to create problematic gender norms that value men and devalue women. Therefore, there is a need to see if NCGM does reinforce or construct these gender norms into their training. The masculine norms are constructed as a dichotomy to the female norms, giving traits such as men being protectors and women the protected, and men being perpetrators and women being victims. The study is carried out through a qualitative text analysis of publications found on NCGM’s website. The analysis examines the extent of military masculine traits in their publications, and how these traits are depicted. The results show that NCGM is aware of the gender stereotypes of military masculinities, but they still do depict men and women in stereotypical feminine and masculine roles.
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Okiriguo, Wendy. "Discourse Analysis of Nigerian Feminism". Thesis, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, 2016.

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This study interprets the public perceptions of feminism and gender equality in Nigeria as reflected in the media. In recent times, the issue of gender equality has been subject to numerous debates in Nigeria. My interest in this issue stems from the increased awareness of feminism and a growing feminist movement in the country. This thesis details the popular opinions on feminism found on Nigerian blogs, online newspaper columns, social media and the likes. The purpose of this research was to (1) analyze feminism as a discourse in the Nigerian society (2) identify the existing gender issues (3) contribute to the growing body of transnational feminism. The findings reveal the dynamic interplay of gender and culture. The main discourses are centered on the relevance/irrelevance of feminism and the advocacy for the girl child rights. These findings have implications for the larger discourse regarding the correlation between culture and gender equality. Furthermore, findings indicate that issues concerning gender inequality is mostly linked with the cultural expectations of the particular society.

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Hodge, Jessica P. "Proving grounds the gender quandary of hate crime law /". Access to citation, abstract and download form provided by ProQuest Information and Learning Company; downloadable PDF file, 309 p, 2008.

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Foley, Virginia P. "Gender and Graduation Demographics for EdD Students". Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2011.

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Cutler, Scott V. "The Relationship of Depression, Gender, and Sex Roles". DigitalCommons@USU, 1992.

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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between gender and depression as a function of sex roles. Four hundred twenty subjects were recruited from two introductory psychology courses at Utah State University. Subjects completed the Bem Sex-Role Inventory (BSRI) and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). A difference was found in the rate of depression between females and males that exceeds the generally accepted 2:1 ratio. There was a female to male ratio of approximately 4:1 in the group of subjects who indicated a high level of depression on the Beck Depression Inventory. Multiple Regression Analysis was computed to examine the relationship between the dependent variable (BDI scores) and the independent variables (BSRI Masculinity scale, Femininity scale, and four factors of the BSRI). Factors indicating nurturing, independence, and activity were negatively correlated with depression. The Masculinity scale was positively correlated with depression. These findings contradict the theory that being feminine contributes to the higher incidence of depression among females. The results suggest that people with more active, independent, and nurturing personality traits are less inclined to be depressed.
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Azarmehr, Ramin. "Real-time Embedded Age and Gender Classification in Unconstrained Video". Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2015.

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Recently, automatic demographic classification has found its way into embedded applications such as targeted advertising in mobile devices, and in-car warning systems for elderly drivers. In this thesis, we present a complete framework for video-based gender classification and age estimation which can perform accurately on embedded systems in real-time and under unconstrained conditions. We propose a segmental dimensionality reduction technique utilizing Enhanced Discriminant Analysis (EDA) to minimize the memory and computational requirements, and enable the implementation of these classifiers for resource-limited embedded systems which otherwise is not achievable using existing resource-intensive approaches. On a multi-resolution feature vector we have achieved up to 99.5% compression ratio for training data storage, and a maximum performance of 20 frames per second on an embedded Android platform. Also, we introduce several novel improvements such as face alignment using the nose, and an illumination normalization method for unconstrained environments using bilateral filtering. These improvements could help to suppress the textural noise, normalize the skin color, and rectify the face localization errors. A non-linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier along with a discriminative demography-based classification strategy is exploited to improve both accuracy and performance of classification. We have performed several cross-database evaluations on different controlled and uncontrolled databases to assess the generalization capability of the classifiers. Our experiments demonstrated competitive accuracies compared to the resource-demanding state-of-the-art approaches.
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Lyttleton-Smith, Jennifer. "Becoming gendered bodies : a posthuman analysis of how gender is produced in an early childhood classroom". Thesis, Cardiff University, 2015.

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In this thesis I explore how gender features in the experiences of nursery age children in South Wales, using a new feminist materialist theoretical framework to inform an analysis that moves away from the binary separation of the social and material spheres. Drawing on a year of ethnographic data produced through participant observation in a state school nursery located in a deprived suburban area, I examine small ‘moments of emergence’ where gender is produced within the spaces and relationships of the nursery. I take a posthumanist stance to these emergences, where I do not locate the children themselves as agential producers of gender, but instead trace how human and non-human bodies and discourses work through space and time to delineate subjects and objects in gendering ways. Through doing so I shift focus from a purely social understanding of how gender roles are transferred to young children and instead encourage a holistic view of how environments, matter, and temporality combine with discourse through multiple and complex pathways to create continuous and flexible (re)iterations of gender emergence. I argue that it is only when we appreciate the complexity of these emergences that we can seek to positively impact children’s gender experiences in effective ways.
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Bates, Judy. "Understanding Gender in an Australian Trade Union. An Analysis Using Joan Ackers Theory of Gendered Organizations". Thesis, University of Bradford, 2018.

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ABSTRACT: Profoundly impactful and enduring, Joan Acker’s framework of gendering processes is among the most influential and highly cited in feminist organization studies. Nonetheless, it has been rarely applied, only partially so in the majority of cases and never operationalised fully in a union. This thesis applies the framework, operating through all five dimensions, to one atypical Australian union, having women in three of the most senior elected positions. It seeks to understand the gendering assumptions and practices that construct, maintain and frame the underlying relations in its structures. Voice centred relational analysis was used to examine life history interviews with women and men and my own in-depth ethnographic account of organizational life. The analysis suggests that the union was infused with a particularly authoritarian hegemonic masculinity but that this was hidden from public view. In this context, having women in senior positions worked to disguise continuing inequalities. The major contribution of this study is the in-depth understanding of gender in the context of an Australian union, through what is a rare and insightful application of Joan Acker’s framework for analysing gendered organizations in its entirety.
The full text will be available at the end of the embargo, 17th July 2024
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Langas, Alexia. "The Gender of Kinder-Chocolate : A Visual Analysis of TV Commercials and the Representation of Gender and Children". Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Tema Barn, 2018.

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This thesis examines the gender portrayal of gender in relation to children in TV commercials by the brand Kinder. Gender, Advertising and children are three topics that in relation to each other are a highly important study topic. While there currently are many studies on the analysis of the influence of advertising on children, less studies can be found on the influence of advertising showing children. Three commercials from 2012-2018 were chosen that showed human as well as non-human characters and how the commercials portrayed gender in relation to children were analyzed using visual analysis. Specifically, discourse analysis I and semiology helped analyzing the commercials and by the means of three themes, which were revealing to the portrayal of gender in the chosen commercials. Analysis of color, objects and appearance, behavior and relationship showed that characters in the commercial can grow in and out of gender and that different aspects are gender specific to age. Color wasused in the portrayal of girl’s/boy’s rooms, the objects/clothes they encounter and use showedgender specifics, and behavior and relationship also showed characteristics towards gender.
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Rovira, Asenjo Núria. "Complex network approaches to small team analysis. Conflict and gender". Doctoral thesis, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 2014.

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En un contexto donde los equipos juegan un papel cada vez más importante, es de gran importancia entender el conflicto y desarrollar herramientas de diagnóstico para evitarlo. Aquí, investigamos empíricamente si es posible predecir cuantitativamente futuros conflictos en equipos pequeños utilizando modelos de estructura de red social. Analizamos los datos de 16 equipos pequeños. Encontramos que los modelos basados en redes complejas anticipan el conflicto exitosamente mientras que los modelos utilizados tradicionalmente no lo hacen. También presentamos un estudio sobre las diferencias de género en el liderazgo. Este estudio tiene como objetivo entender los mecanismos detrás del proceso de evaluación del liderazgo. Analizamos los datos de 45 evaluaciones de líderes (33% mujeres). Encontramos que las mujeres líderes son mejor evaluadas que los líderes masculinos al principio. Más tarde, esta ventaja se desvanece junto con el efecto sorprendente de tener una líder femenino. También encontramos que la agrupación de la red de líderes mujeres crece significativamente más que la agrupación de líderes hombres.
In a context where teams play an increasingly important role, it is of major importance to understand conflict and to develop diagnostic tools to avert it. Here, we investigate empirically whether it is possible to quantitatively predict future conflict in small teams using models of social network structure. We analyze data of 16 small teams. We find that models based on complex networks successfully anticipate conflict whereas traditionally used models do not. We also present a study about gender differences on leadership. This study aims to understand the mechanisms behind the leadership evaluation process. We analyze data of 45 leader evaluations (33% women). We find that female leaders are better evaluated than male leaders at the beginning. Later, this advantage vanishes together with the surprising effect of having a female leader. We also find that the network clustering of female leaders grows significantly more than the clustering of male leaders.
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Joensen, Alma. "What's the Problem? : An Analysis of EU's Gender Equality Policy". Thesis, Södertörns högskola, Institutionen för samhällsvetenskaper, 2010.

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For the past decade, EU’s gender equality policies have undergone some changes that have affected the way in which the problem with gender equality is now represented. This case study analysis explores what the problem with gender inequalities is represented to be in EU’s Strategy for Equality between Women and Men, 2010-2015, and whether there are any presuppositions or assumptions underlying EU’s representation of the problem. The method used for analysis is Carol Lee Bacchi’s approach: What’s the Problem (represented to be)?, which is a post-structuralist approach that pays much attention to language and discourse. EU’s gender equality policy is then compared with Sylvia Walby’s theory on the patriarchy, that explains gender inequalities as being systematically produced through a system of social structures. The main conclusion is that EU’s gender policies are tailored to fit the political priorities of the union, which are to achieve the objectives of the EU 2020 Strategy.  The problems are mainly being represented from an economic perspective, and furthermore the EU dismisses the notion that gender inequalities are a result of our social structures, and rather explains the problem of gender inequality as being the problem of women.
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Williams, Wendy Claudia. "Stress and traumatic symptoms among police officers: a gender analysis". Thesis, University of Fort Hare, 2008.

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This study assessed the extent to which exposure to traumatic events affected the traumatic stress response of male and female police officers. A convenience sample of male and female police officers (N = 66: n Male=46, n Female=20) was surveyed at an Eastern Cape police station. The following instruments were used: 1) Biographical questionnaire 2) PTSS-10 scales 3) The 39-item stress incident scale. Findings of this study indicate that the frequency of exposure to stressful incidents especially for more serious events is significant higher than that of Peltzer (2001) study. The four most frequent stressful incidents experienced by all participants were 1) Finding a corpse after murder (86.4 percent), 2) Responding to a scene involving accidental injury of a child (84.8 percent), .3) Finding a corpse (died of natural causes) (84.8 percent), 4) Duty related violence (non-shooting) (84.8 percent ).The four least frequent incidents experienced by participants were: (1) Response to the depressing social situation (71.2 percent), (2) Dragging of a corpse (74.2 percent), (3) Taking a life in the line of duty (75.8 percent), (4) Violent death of a colleague (77.3 percent ).Female participants results indicated a positive relationship between frequency of stressful incidents and total threat, anxiety, helplessness and PTSS-scale , where male participants’ results indicate no significant relationship between frequency of stressful incidents and total threat, anxiety, helplessness and PTSS-scale. Findings on male participants however indicate a positive relationship between years of service in police, age of police officers and PTSS-scale, while female participants’ results indicated no relationship between years of service in the police, age of police officer and PTSS-scale.
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