Tesi sul tema "French Literature – 17th Century – History and crit"
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Fournier, Fidji. "La réception dix-septièmiste des Fables de La Fontaine : entre histoire, critiques et théories". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024SORUL136.
Testo completoDedicated to “The seventeenth-century reception of La Fontaine's Fables: history, criticism and theories”, this thesis will partly aim to analyze the historical reception of the work during the seventeenth-century. Nonetheless, the dissertation will mainly try, in the form of a thematically organized presentation, to do the synthesis of various speeches suggested by specialists of the author, interested in the case of an unusual reception. To this end, this work will, first of all, comment on how the Fables were built, by their own time (1668-1700), as a masterpiece. But, then, it will mainly consider the different theories developed regarding their reception. For this purpose, we collected a large number of scattered observations and theories that we then took care to organize according to different thematic overviews, trying to methodically create a dialogue between each of the critical answers given to the main questions that the Fables seem to ask from the point of their reception. By considering the main discoveries of the seventeenth-century critics concerning the Fables‘ reception, we wanted, in the form of a thematically problematized reflection, to provide the reader with a brief overview of the main achievements of contemporary research. In summary, this thesis, thought as a basic reference of the La Fontaine's critic, will aim to investigate the historical reception of the work while trying to broaden the perspective to a nuanced synthesis considering, one by one, the broad lines opened by a critic who, in the face of an extraordinary success, has, in many ways, endeavored to ask the question of the work's reception before trying to provide some answers. According to this project, the analyze will be conducted based on the large objects that have, until now, held the attention of contemporary research
Dufresne, Virginie. "De Versailles à Clarens : nature et politique dans les jardins littéraires de l'âge classique". Thesis, McGill University, 2006. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=99589.
Testo completoPatterson, Jonathan Hugh Collingwood. "Representations of avarice in early modern France (c.1540-1615) : continuity and change". Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2012. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.610850.
Testo completoJones, Suzanne Barbara. "French imports : English translations of Molière, 1663-1732". Thesis, University of Oxford, 2016. https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:8d86ee12-54ab-48b3-9c47-e946e1c7851f.
Testo completoMonette, Isabelle. "Récritures de récits criminels en France sous l'Ancien Régime". Thesis, McGill University, 2003. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=79966.
Testo completoWilton-Godberfforde, Emilia Eleni Rachel. "Mendacity and the figure of the liar in seventeenth-century French comedy". Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2011. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.609698.
Testo completoPreyat, Fabrice. "Le Petit Concile et la christianisation des moeurs et des pratiques littéraires sous Louis XIV". Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/211493.
Testo completoRibeiro, Ana Claudia Romano. "Sou do país superior : utopia e alegoria na libertina Terra Austral conhecida (1676), de Gabriel de Foigny : tradução e estudo". [s.n.], 2010. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/269938.
Testo completoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem
Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-02T19:50:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ribeiro_AnaClaudiaRomano_D.pdf: 462497191 bytes, checksum: 95a1bcb4a0a455fe962de04edb99c491 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010
Conteudo: v.1. Estudo ; v.2. Tradução
Resumo: Analisar e traduzir La Terre Australe connue são os objetivos desta tese de doutorado. Segundo "G. de F", narrador do prefácio, La Terre Australe connue é a tradução do relato da viagem de Nicolas Sadeur ao último continente ainda desconhecido no século XVII, chamado nos mapas da época de terra australis incógnita, um lugar aprazível, habitado e totalmente planejado - em todos os seus aspectos - por hermafroditas perfeitamente racionais. Este pseudodocumento é uma utopia literária que foi, em realidade, escrita por Gabriel de Foigny e publicada em Genebra, em 1676, sob falso nome de editor e de cidade. O trabalho está dividido em dois volumes. O volume 1 é dedicado à análise da obra e contém dois capítulos principais. O primeiro trata da definição da utopia como gênero literário partindo do texto paradigmático de Thomas Morus, A Utopia. No segundo capítulo, apresento uma biografia de Gabriel de Foigny, faço uma revisão bibliográfica da crítica já publicada sobre sua utopia para, em seguida, desenvolver minha interpretação da figura do hermafrodita como alegoria da hibridização 1) do poder real absoluto, 2) do Estado absolutista e 3) do panorama religioso francês desta época. Passo em seguida à análise da figura do hermafrodita tal como ela é descrita pelo autor, percebendo que ela se insere na tradição menipéia e luciânica. Na parte seguinte, estudo outros temas relevantes para a compreensão desta utopia: a questão religiosa no capítulo VI ("Da religião dos austrais"), a ciência e a técnica na Terra Austral, o prefácio e o narrador-editor, a temática das línguas e da tradução nesta utopia e, por fim, o libertinismo. Um apêndice é dedicado ao estudo das fontes gregas da utopia. No volume 2 está a tradução para o português, organizada numa edição bilíngue acompanhada de notas.
Abstract: The aim of this doctoral thesis is to analyze and translate La Terre Australe connue. According to "G. de F. ", the narrator of the preface, La Terre Australe connue is the translation of Nicolas Sadeur's voyage account to the last continent still unknown in the 17th Century, called terra australis incognita on the maps of the period, an inhabited place, in all aspects pleasing and totally planned by perfectly rational hermaphrodites. This pseudodocument is a literary Utopia. It was, in fact, written by Gabriel Foigny and published in Geneva in 1676, under a false name of city and editor. The work is divided into two volumes. Volume 1 is dedicated to the analysis of the text and contains two main chapters. The first one deals with the definition of Utopia as a literary genre starting from the paradigmatic text of Thomas More, Utopia. The second brings a biography of Gabriel de Foigny, a review of the published criticism about his Utopia with the purpose of, afterwards, presenting my personal reading of it, based on the figure of the hermaphrodite as an allegory of the hybridization of 1) the absolute royal power, 2) the absolutist state and 3) the religious panorama of 17th Century France. I examine, then, the figure of the hermaphrodite as it is described by the author, observing that it continues the menippean and lucianic tradition. After that, I study other relevant subjects to the understanding of this Utopia: the religious question in Chapter VI ("The religion of the Southern"), science and technology in the Southern Land, the preface and the narrator-editor, the thematics of language and translation in this Utopia and, eventually, the philosophical libertinism. An appendix is devoted to the study of Greek sources of Utopia. In volume 2 we present the Portuguese translation, organized in a bilingual edition, accompanied by notes.
Historia e Historiografia Literaria
Doutor em Teoria e História Literária
Gaubert, Benoit Céline. "Le goût d'écrire et de lire dans le conte de fées français des 17° et 18° siècles. Fantaisies de l'écriture, du livre, de la bibliothèque et de la lecture". Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017USPCA086.
Testo completoThe study of the fairy tale over the years 1690-1789, when the genre was in fashion in France, shows that, from its inception, the subject matter grew up with elements of realistic literary practice which were largely reshaped by imagination. The first storytellers (1690-1704) set up the literary genre according to a complex poetics allying the orality of naive times with literacy, which is the mark of a social and cultural practice of the story. The contributions of the forthcoming storytellers are imitations, parodies or are tinged with Orientalism. All the writers are affected, but to varying degrees: Perrault, Choisy and Fénelon are less inventive in this respect than Madame d’Aulnoy, Pétis de la Croix or the Chevalier de Mailly. The wonderland reveals its mysteries and the secret of its metatextual layout through more or less fleeting scenes of book reading or writing conjuring up a magical library
Schoenecker, Aurore. "Les traductions françaises de l'espagnol et le marché du livre (1600-1660) : enquête sur une pratique d'écriture". Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PSLEE090.
Testo completoThe literary influence exercised by Golden Age Spain on France in the first half of the 17th century is related to a very considerable mass of editorial activity. This thesis, which combines the history of the book and literary history, studies French translations of Spanish texts which circulated in France between 1600 and 1660 - translations concerning texts of all kinds (religious, literary, scientific, technical, etc.).In order to evaluate this editorial activity, a bibliometric enquiry must first be carried out. This enquiry allows us to reconstitute the history of of the circulation of this material in print. The principal centres of production are identified and the production of the workshops of the booksellers’ operating in this market are examined. The analysis then shifts to the activity of translation itself, in all its diversity. The profiles of the different principal translators from Spanish to French are laid out: the professional translator, the enlightened amateur, the printer, the cleric, the physician, etc. Particular attention is paid to men of letters who attempt to conciliate what is perceived as lowly hackwork with their literary ambitions. Finally, the translators’ practices themselves are the object of study, through comparison, using textual analysis as well as examining questions of format and layout, of different (concurrent or successive) translations of the same text. Account is thus made of the diverse motivations of these versions and the specificity of each writing project and publication. Taking as its base a large swathe of writing produced in French often neglected by literary history, this study of the penetration of Spanish culture in France and of the world of translators looks anew at the relation between writing and publication, as well as at the editorial role in the construction of literary legitimacy
De, Craim Alexandre. "L'unité narrative de L'Astrée: structures architextuelle, textuelle et thématique". Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/209749.
Testo completoDoctorat en Langues et lettres
Taylor, Helena. "The lives of Ovid : secrets, exile and galanterie in writing of the ‘Grand Siècle’". Thesis, University of Oxford, 2013. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:4571c071-a499-44e7-a870-ed747d69bdc5.
Testo completoSouchier, Marine. "Le statut de grand dramaturge au XVIIe siècle : Corneille, Racine et Molière, figures vedettes d’une histoire littéraire en construction (1640-1729)". Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018SORUL121.
Testo completoFrom the late 17th century, Corneille, Racine and Molière are given an undeniable superiority over all other contemporary playwrights. This hierarchy, from which current literary history has inherited, continues to make us consider the pre-eminence granted to this “classical” trio as obvious and the studies devoted to the so-called “minor” authors rarely question the “major” author status. Our goal has been to study the elaboration process of the great playwright status. Thus, this PhD thesis highlights the different aspects and manifestations of this construction, retracing its stages during the authors’ lifetime — from the 1640s to the 1680s — while identifiying the factors allowing to understand why these three playwrights were given such a status, at the detriment of their colleagues and competitors. Moreover, this work studies our authors’ immediate posterity — from the 1670s to the 1720s — in order to show how the hierarchy and classification at work in the “majoration” and “minoration” process lay the foundation of French theater history. To understand how the great playwrights’ pantheon was built, we analyze the writing mechanisms of “classical” theater history and bring out the process of mythification that leads to the birth of the “sacred triad” Corneille-Racine-Molière. We then explain how the French theater history is written in praise of these authors, from and around their three figures, classicized and converted into symbols of “the age of Louis XIV”
Forment, Lise. "L’invention du post-classicisme de Barthes à Racine. L’idée de littérature dans les querelles entre Anciens et Modernes". Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015USPCA163.
Testo completoThis dissertation interrogates the scepticism that falls on the categories of “classics” and “classicism”. Though they are considered key concepts in textbooks, these notions are viewed by many specialists as pure anachronisms, and declared irrelevant in defining the 17th century and its literature. Drawing influences from rhetoric and historical sociology, recent work dismisses the ideological divide between classicism and modernity, but an analysis of this opposition in Barthes’s corpus, supported by a study of the quarrels involving the Classics from 1898 to 1966, endows classicism with an unheralded substance, far from the irenicism for which it has been condemned. The notion of classicism, its antonym, and its parasynonyms (anti-modernism and post-classicism) first and foremost delineate, as far as literature is concerned, different regimes of historicity that are debated by the polemicists. The term ‘classicism’ is continuously associated with the establishment of a utopian apparatus within which writing, criticism and teaching go hand in hand. This blueprint was essential in the 17th century and is revisited again and again in the subsequent quarrels between Ancients and Moderns. In fact, most of the questions that critics continue to ask literature seem to arise between 1666 and 1694. Case in point, Barthes, Gide and Valéry all sought answers to these age-old questions in their attempts to determine both the functions and the prerogatives of literature. According to them, the concept of autonomy in literature cannot be separated from exemplarity. Thus, it proves useful, although anachronistic, in the reading of 17th-century texts. The art of “availability”, which Barthes recognized in the works of Racine, would then be the other name of literariness, a distinct – non formalist – literariness that the Classics have invented which allows their “vital, concerned” reading
Gaubert, Benoit Céline. "Le goût d'écrire et de lire dans le conte de fées français des 17° et 18° siècles. Fantaisies de l'écriture, du livre, de la bibliothèque et de la lecture". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017USPCA086.
Testo completoThe study of the fairy tale over the years 1690-1789, when the genre was in fashion in France, shows that, from its inception, the subject matter grew up with elements of realistic literary practice which were largely reshaped by imagination. The first storytellers (1690-1704) set up the literary genre according to a complex poetics allying the orality of naive times with literacy, which is the mark of a social and cultural practice of the story. The contributions of the forthcoming storytellers are imitations, parodies or are tinged with Orientalism. All the writers are affected, but to varying degrees: Perrault, Choisy and Fénelon are less inventive in this respect than Madame d’Aulnoy, Pétis de la Croix or the Chevalier de Mailly. The wonderland reveals its mysteries and the secret of its metatextual layout through more or less fleeting scenes of book reading or writing conjuring up a magical library