Articoli di riviste sul tema "Foundational rhetoric"
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Simeonov, Todor. "Neurorhetoric: Rhetoric Intersection with Neuroscience". Rhetoric and Communications, n. 61 (30 ottobre 2024): 57–67.
Testo completoMiller, Carolyn R. "Tilsløring og afsløring af retorikken". Rhetorica Scandinavica, n. 47 (2008): 30–54.
Testo completoKiewe, Amos. "Time in Rhetoric". Journal of Communication and Religion 34, n. 2 (2011): 144–57.
Testo completoSamuel Ayodele Ojurungbe. "Reconciling the Issues And Concerns of the Place of Rhetoric in Communication for Development Practice: an Essay". International Journal of Integrated Science and Technology 2, n. 7 (8 agosto 2024): 683–98.
Testo completoHallsby, Atilla. "Recanonizing Rhetoric: The Secret in and of Discourse". Journal for the History of Rhetoric 25, n. 3 (novembre 2022): 346–70.
Testo completoMcKie, David. "Finding Good Places to Work and Live: Contemporary Contexts and Ways Forward". Management Communication Quarterly 25, n. 3 (19 maggio 2011): 541–49.
Testo completoMiller, Susan. "Review Essays: Sweetening Rhetorical Projects". College Composition & Communication 51, n. 2 (1 dicembre 1999): 304–11.
Testo completoMiles, Chris. "Rhetoric and the foundation of the Service-Dominant Logic". Journal of Organizational Change Management 27, n. 5 (11 agosto 2014): 744–55.
Testo completoGrimwood, Tom. "The Rhetoric of Demonic Repetition". Janus Head 19, n. 1 (2021): 77–90.
Testo completoJ. B. BHEDA. "Comparative study of classical oratory traditions in East and West". Scientific Temper 15, n. 02 (29 giugno 2024): 2401–3.
Testo completoRiveros García, David. "Politics, technology, and accountability: The Transparency Façade of Open Government Data Reforms in Paraguay". JeDEM - eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government 11, n. 2 (18 dicembre 2019): 60–93.
Testo completoAbedalaziz, Maryam, Thabet Abu Al-Haj e M. Y. Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff. "القضايا البلاغية في شرح ابن عقيل على ألفية ابن مالك وأثرها في توجيه المعاني والدلالات القرآنية". Al-Bayan: Journal of Qur'an and Hadith Studies 22, n. 2 (7 agosto 2024): 318–45.
Testo completoChilders, Jay P. "Fearing the Masses: Gustave Le Bon and Some Undemocratic Roots of Modern Rhetorical Studies". Journal for the History of Rhetoric 17, n. 1 (gennaio 2014): 76–87.
Testo completoLambrecht, K. M., B. J. Hatchett, L. C. Walsh, M. Collins e Z. Tolby. "Improving Visual Communication of Weather Forecasts with Rhetoric". Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 100, n. 4 (1 aprile 2019): 557–63.
Testo completoBhandari, Amrit Kumar. "Participatory Needs Assessment in Local Development: Rhetoric or Reality: A Case of Putalibazaar, Syangja". Himalayan Journal of Sociology and Anthropology 5 (9 novembre 2012): 1–9.
Testo completoOnebunne, Amaka Peace. "From Aristotle to AI: Exploring the Convergence of Deepfakes and Persuasion and their Societal Consequences." International Journal of Arts and Humanities 6, n. 1 (10 gennaio 2025): 288–96.
Testo completoThomas, Alexandra. "A Review of "Media Primitivism"". Media-N 18, n. 1 (1 febbraio 2022): 143–46.
Testo completoPoirier, John C. "Pentecostalism as a Product of the Enlightenment". Pneuma 44, n. 3-4 (20 dicembre 2022): 497–524.
Testo completoLabelle, Gilles. "Le « Préambule » à la « Déclaration de souveraineté »: penser la foundation au-delà de la « matrice théologico-politique »?" Canadian Journal of Political Science 31, n. 4 (dicembre 1998): 659–81.
Testo completoBarris, Jeremy. "Rhetoric and Logical Reasoning as Engagement with Being". Informal Logic 39, n. 1 (15 marzo 2019): 70–105.
Testo completoLeuchter, Mark. "The Rhetoric of Convention: The Foundational S aul Narratives (1 S amuel 9–11) Reconsidered". Journal of Religious History 40, n. 1 (25 maggio 2015): 3–19.
Testo completoJackson, Ross A. "Haunted Across the Political Spectrum: The Specter of Communism in Two Midcentury American Organizations". International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics 7, n. 4 (dicembre 2021): 149–56.
Testo completoPlantin, Christian. "Types, typologies, arguments". Travaux neuchâtelois de linguistique, n. 65 (1 gennaio 2017): 67–78.
Testo completoOesterreich, Peter L. "Thesen zum homo rhetoricus und zur Neugestaltung der Philosophie im 21. Jahrhundert". Rhetorica 20, n. 3 (2002): 289–98.
Testo completoPaul, Joshua. "‘Not Black and White, but Black and Red’: Anti-identity identity politics and #AllLivesMatter". Ethnicities 19, n. 1 (9 agosto 2018): 3–19.
Testo completoTownsend, Mary. "Justice for All Without Exception: Julia Ward Howe's 1886 Lecture “The Position of Women in Plato's Republic”". Hypatia 36, n. 1 (2021): 145–71.
Testo completoLanigan, Richard L. "Immanuel Kant on the philosophy of communicology: The tropic logic of rhetoric and semiotics". Semiotica 2019, n. 227 (5 marzo 2019): 273–315.
Testo completoBorunda Magallanes, Ismael Antonio. "Gris: metáfora, símbolo y relato en (inter)acción." Sincronía XXV, n. 80 (3 luglio 2021): 314–34.
Testo completoHafiz, Muneeb. "Smashing the Imperial Frame: Race, Culture, (De)Coloniality". Theory, Culture & Society 37, n. 1 (30 ottobre 2019): 113–45.
Testo completoMerte, Melissa. "“Have another?”: Edwin Drood ’s Princess Puffer and the Distorted Ethics of Victorian Hospitality". Victorians: A Journal of Culture and Literature 144, n. 1 (2023): 136–50.
Testo completoStamboul, Naceur. "Spatial Semiotics in Pre-Islamic Arabic Poetry: The Study Case of Suspended Odes". Journal of Umm Al-Qura University for Language Sciences and Literature, SI Arabic Poetry (19 settembre 2024): 90–105.
Testo completoFatilua, Fatilua. "Mata o Masiasi (Face of Shame): Resituating Paul’s Fool’s Speech Within the Contours of Samoan Rhetoric". Journal for the Study of the New Testament 47, n. 1 (settembre 2024): 128–40.
Testo completoSchmid, Ulrich. "Constitution and narrative: peculiarities of rhetoric and genre in the foundational laws of the USSR and the Russian federation". Studies in East European Thought 62, n. 3-4 (27 ottobre 2010): 431–51.
Testo completoHunt, Stephen. "A Turn to the Rights: UK Conservative Christian Lobby Groups and the ‘Gay Debate’". Religion & Human Rights 6, n. 3 (10 marzo 2011): 291–313.
Testo completoMorris, Debra. "Charities and the Big Society: a doomed coalition?" Legal Studies 32, n. 1 (marzo 2012): 132–53.
Testo completoHenderson, John. "The Camillus Factory: Per Astra AD Ardeam". Ramus 29, n. 1 (2000): 1–26.
Testo completoRustamiy, Salimakhon. "The Science of “Balāǧat” and Oriental Classical Literature". Journal of Law and Sustainable Development 11, n. 12 (26 dicembre 2023): e2673.
Testo completoRebry Coulthard, Natasha. "Becoming What You Eat: Anna Kingsford's Vegetarian Posthuman". Victorian Literature and Culture 50, n. 2 (2022): 325–53.
Testo completoFlores, Samuel Ortencio. "Returning to the Heavens: Plato’s Socrates on Anaxagoras and Natural Philosophy". Apeiron 53, n. 2 (26 maggio 2020): 123–46.
Testo completoLowe, Robert J., e Richard Pinner. "Finding the connections between native-speakerism and authenticity". Applied Linguistics Review 7, n. 1 (1 marzo 2016): 27–52.
Testo completoFeruza, Khajieva. "A BRIEF OVERVIEW OF PRAGMATICS: LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT". American Journal of Philological Sciences 4, n. 3 (1 marzo 2024): 24–31.
Testo completoPalenchar, Michael J. "Concluding Thoughts and Challenges". Management Communication Quarterly 25, n. 3 (28 giugno 2011): 569–75.
Testo completoTunberg, Terence O. "What Is Boncompagno‘s ‘Newest Rhetoric’?" Traditio 42 (1986): 299–334.
Testo completoSharma, Bal Krishna. "Classical Foundation of Rhetorical Scholarship and its Contributions to Contemporary Rhetorics". Spectrum 1, n. 1 (16 maggio 2023): 1–14.
Testo completoKukharchuk, Iryna, e Liubov Luchkina. "Students’ rhetorical competence: content, structure and ways of formation". Bulletin of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University 1, n. 8 (346) (2021): 149–60.
Testo completoPrus, Robert. "Poetic Expression and Human Enacted Realities: Plato and Aristotle Engage Pragmatist Motifs in Greek Fictional Representations". Qualitative Sociology Review 5, n. 1 (30 aprile 2009): 3–27.
Testo completoPrescott, Heather Munro, e Lauren MacIvor Thompson. "A Right to Ourselves: Women's Suffrage and the Birth Control Movement". Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era 19, n. 4 (3 agosto 2020): 542–58.
Testo completoBath, Jessamy, e John Wakerman. "Impact of community participation in primary health care: what is the evidence?" Australian Journal of Primary Health 21, n. 1 (2015): 2.
Testo completoShafer, Luana. "Review of "Awful archives: Conspiracy theory, rhetoric, and acts of evidence by Jenny Rice," Rice, J. (2020). The Ohio State University Press". Communication Design Quarterly 9, n. 4 (dicembre 2021): 13–14.
Testo completoGolyshkina, L. A. "Decoding Rhetoric: Theoretical and Methodological Substantiation of the Scientific Direction". Nauchnyi dialog, n. 5 (30 maggio 2020): 9–24.
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