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Articoli di riviste sul tema "Fausse information"


Doutreix, Marie-Noëlle. "La fausse information au regard des vertus épistémiques de Wikipédia". Le Temps des médias 30, n. 1 (2018): 91. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/tdm.030.0091.

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Alloing, Camille, e Nicolas Vanderbiest. "La fabrique des rumeurs numériques. Comment la fausse information circule sur Twitter ?" Le Temps des médias 30, n. 1 (2018): 105. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/tdm.030.0105.

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Karp, Sergueï. "La censure française, la liberté anglaise et le « catéchisme moral » pour Catherine II". Revue française d'histoire du livre 141 (30 novembre 2020): 137–47. http://dx.doi.org/10.47421/rfhl141_137-147.

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Abstract (sommario):
Dans les Mélanges philosophiques pour Catherine II, Diderot, reprenant un projet de l’impératrice, insiste sur la nécessité de confectionner un petit catéchisme moral basé sur le Petit code de la raison humaine écrit par son ami Jacques Barbeu Du Bourg. Cet ouvrage interdit par la censure française (1772) fut publié à Londres par les soins de Benjamin Franklin (1770, 1772/1773), puis, à La Haye, chez Marc-Michel Rey, sous une fausse adresse (1774). On essaie de reconstruire le réseau qui a favorisé la diffusion du Petit code et son parcours vers l’impératrice, sa lectrice.
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RICHARD, C., MT LUSSIER e B. MILLETTE. "L'ASSERTIVITE PROFESSIONNELLE". EXERCER 33, n. 184 (1 giugno 2022): 276–79. http://dx.doi.org/10.56746/exercer.2022.184.276.

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Abstract (sommario):
Dans cet article vous est proposé une prolongation de la réflexion sur l’assertivité professionnelle en santé débutée en 2019 et publiée dans exercer1,2. Après deux ans de pandémie, nous ne pouvons que constater le foisonnement des sources d’informations à son propos. Cette « infodémic » fait circuler sur un même pied des informations appartenant à des registres très différents : connaissances, croyances, informations, opinions, commentaires, fausses nouvelles3… Comment un non-spécialiste en santé peut-il juger s’il est exposé à une connaissance, une croyance, un commentaire, un préjugé ou une fausse nouvelle ?
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Boyer, Marcel, e Jean-Jacques Laffont. "Une analyse économique de l’usage de faux prix réguliers en publicité". L'Actualité économique 63, n. 2-3 (27 gennaio 2009): 153–68. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/601415ar.

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Abstract (sommario):
Résumé Nous considérons dans cet article la publicité trompeuse, et en particulier la publicité portant sur un faux prix régulier lorsqu’un prix d’aubaine est annoncé. Afin de prendre en considération les interactions stratégiques entre les firmes ainsi que la rationalité des consommateurs face à la publicité des entreprises, nous développons un modèle formel de duopole à la Bertrand dans lequel les prix transmettent à l’équilibre de l’information sur la qualité des produits. L’usage d’un faux prix régulier apparaît alors comme la transmission d’une information indirecte, et fausse, sur la qualité du produit. Nous dérivons et caractérisons un équilibre avec prix d’aubaine dans lequel les consommateurs font un usage rationnel de l’information sur les prix (tout en reconnaissant qu’ils peuvent être parfois trompés par une information incorrecte, inexacte ou frauduleuse) afin d’inférer les caractéristiques de qualité des produits. Le modèle possède ainsi les caractéristiques essentielles des marchés de publicité : d’une part les consommateurs sont rationnels et à l’équilibre anticipent de façon rationnelle la qualité des produits qu’ils achètent et d’autre part les entreprises sont engagées dans un jeu stratégique de marché où les produits sont différenciés.
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Renaud, Pauline. "Repairing Deviant Journalistic Practice". Sur le journalisme, About journalism, Sobre jornalismo 12, n. 2 (22 dicembre 2023): 174–87. http://dx.doi.org/10.25200/slj.v12.n2.2023.581.

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Abstract (sommario):
EN. The current iteration of the information disorder has created several challenges for news organisations, not least exacerbated pressure to identify, rapidly, false and fabricated content, which has found new impetus through social media. In the current context, the imperative is also, for many journalists, to maintain their authority as truth providers. However, when journalists, themselves, contribute to the dissemination of false information, adhering to that imperative is compromised. Prior research (Bennett et al., 1985) has shown that the media may attempt to repair problematic news stories that fail to conform to expectations of fairness, accuracy, and quality by reaffirming the boundaries of what is acceptable journalistic practice. This paper examines the case of French news outlets falsely reporting the arrest of Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès, a man suspected of murdering his family in April 2011. The analysis of metajournalistic discourse, or discourse about journalism, in news articles about the aftermath of the false scoop demonstrates that the French media repaired this news story through three main narrative strategies: minimisation, externalisation, and circumscription. By either mitigating their responsibility vis-à-vis this false story, distancing themselves from it, or presenting it as an isolated incident, news organisations normalise this example of journalistic misinformation as an unfortunate case of deviant professional practice in an otherwise mostly sound paradigm. However, limited reflection on greater implications for journalism and on how to prevent such shortcomings in future hint at the fact that the question of accountability is yet to form an intrinsic part of journalists’ professional identity in France. ***FR. Le désordre informationnel confronte les médias à de nombreux défis, y compris la nécessité d’identifier, rapidement, les contenus faux et falsifiés qui ne cessent de circuler, notamment sur les réseaux sociaux. Dans le contexte actuel, l’impératif est aussi pour les journalistes de maintenir leur autorité en tant que pourvoyeurs de vérités. Cependant, lorsque les journalistes contribuent, eux-mêmes, à la diffusion de fausses informations, adhérer à cet impératif se trouve compromis. Des travaux de recherche (Bennett et al., 1985) ont montré que les médias, à travers leurs discours, tentent de réparer des articles ou reportages qui ne répondent pas aux attentes d'équité, d'exactitude et/ou de qualité en réaffirmant les contours de ce que constitue une pratique journalistique acceptable. Cet article examine le cas de journaux français ayant annoncé, à tort, l'arrestation de Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès, un homme soupçonné du meurtre de sa famille en avril 2011. L'analyse du discours métajournalistique, ou discours sur le journalisme, dans des articles de presse sur les conséquences de ce faux scoop démontre que les médias français ont réparé leur pratique professionnelle au moyen de trois narratives : la minimisation, l’externalisation et la délimitation. En atténuant leur responsabilité vis-à-vis de cette fausse histoire, en s’en distanciant, ou en la présentant comme un incident rare, la plupart des organes de presse ont normalisé cette fausse information comme un cas isolé de pratique déviante dans un paradigme journalistique par ailleurs plutôt sain. Cependant, la quasi-absence de discussion sur les implications pour le journalisme et sur la manière de prévenir de telles erreurs à l’avenir suggère que la question de la régulation des médias est encore à l’état d’ébauche dans les réflexions collectives des journalistes en France. *** PT. O caos informativo impõe uma série de desafios aos meios de comunicação social, especialmente no que diz respeito à necessidade de se identificar, com rapidez, os conteúdos falsos e desinformação que circulam constantemente, sobretudo nas redes sociais. No contexto atual, é também imperativo que os jornalistas mantenham a sua autoridade como fornecedores da verdade. No entanto, quando os próprios jornalistas contribuem para a disseminação de informações falsas, o cumprimento deste imperativo fica comprometido. Estudos demonstraram que os meios de comunicação social, através dos seus discursos, tentam corrigir narrativas ou histórias que não correspondem às expectativas da imparcialidade, exatidão e/ou qualidade, reafirmando os contornos daquilo que se espera de uma prática jornalística aceitável (Bennett et al., 1985). Este artigo examina o caso dos jornais franceses que anunciaram falsamente a detenção de Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès, um homem suspeito de ter assassinado a sua família na França, em abril de 2011. Uma análise do discurso meta-jornalístico, ou do discurso sobre o jornalismo, nas notícias sobre as consequências deste caso, mostra que os media franceses repararam a sua prática profissional através de três estratégias narrativas: minimização, externalização e delimitação. Ao minimizar a sua responsabilidade em relação a esta história falsa, distanciando-se dela, ou apresentando-a como um incidente isolado, os veículos de comunicação normalizam este exemplo de desinformação jornalística como um caso infeliz de prática profissional desviante num paradigma que, de resto, é maioritariamente consolidado. No entanto, a ausência de um debate sobre as implicações dessa prática no jornalismo e a forma de evitar tais erros no futuro sugere que a discussão sobre a responsabilização dos media ainda não faz parte da identidade profissional dos jornalistas na França. *** ES. Los medios de comunicación se enfrentan a numerosos retos frente al caos informativo : entre ellos, la necesidad de identificar en seguida los contenidos falsos y falsificados que circulan constantemente, sobre todo en las redes sociales. En el contexto actual, también es imperativo que los periodistas mantengan su autoridad como proveedores de la verdad. Sin embargo, cuando los propios periodistas contribuyen a la difusión de información falsa, el cumplimiento de este imperativo se ve comprometido. Estudios han demostrado que los medios de comunicación, a través de sus discursos, intentan reparar los artículos o reportajes que no cumplen las expectativas de imparcialidad, exactitud y/o calidad reafirmando los contornos de lo que constituye una práctica periodística aceptable (Bennett et al., 1985). Este artículo examina el caso de los periódicos franceses que anunciaron falsamente la detención de Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès, un hombre sospechoso de asesinar a su familia en Francia en abril de 2011. Un análisis del discurso metaperiodístico, o discurso sobre el periodismo, en los artículos de prensa sobre las consecuencias de esta falsa primicia muestra que los medios franceses repararon su práctica profesional mediante tres narrativas: minimización, externalización y delimitación. Al minimizar su responsabilidad en la falsa noticia, distanciarse de ella o presentarla como un incidente excepcional, la mayoría de los medios de comunicación normalizaron esta falsa información como un caso aislado de práctica desviada en un paradigma periodístico por lo demás bastante sano. Sin embargo, la práctica ausencia de debate sobre las implicaciones para el periodismo y la forma de evitar errores de este tipo en el futuro sugiere que la cuestión de la regulación de los medios de comunicación está todavía incipiente en el pensamiento colectivo de los periodistas en Francia. ***
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Mouron, Philippe. "De la rumeur aux fausses informations". LEGICOM N°60, n. 1 (2018): 53. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/legi.060.0053.

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Berriche, Manon. "La réception et le partage de (fausses) informations par les adolescents : des pratiques situées". Les Enjeux de l'information et de la communication N° 23/1A, S1 (15 febbraio 2024): 87–102. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/enic.hs13.0087.

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Abstract (sommario):
À partir d’une approche pragmatique et interactionniste, cette étude examine comment la réception et le partage de (fausses) informations peuvent être favorisés ou au contraire entravés par certaines situations selon les contraintes énonciatives qui les sous-tendent. En reposant sur des entretiens collectifs, des observations et un dispositif expérimental, conduits au sein d’une classe de 4ème, cet article montre que les réactions des adolescents face aux (fausses) informations sont loin d’être une constante dépendant uniquement de variables cognitives et individuelles, mais varient selon le degré de publicité des situations.
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Theviot, Anaïs. "Des « localiers » responsables de la diffusion de fausses informations ? Une défiance forte du politique Le cas de la campagne municipale d’Angers en 2020". Les Enjeux de l'information et de la communication N° 23/1A, S1 (15 febbraio 2024): 69–85. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/enic.hs13.0069.

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Abstract (sommario):
Comment est vu le rôle du journaliste par les candidats et les militants dans la lutte contre la circulation rapide et massive de fausses informations en campagne électorale ? Cette interrogation sur la perception du rôle des localiers dans la diffusion de « fake-news » s’est fait jour lors de la conduite de notre enquête empirique sur le cas de l’élection municipale à Angers en 2020. Il est rapidement ressorti des entretiens avec les militants un climat de crainte autour de l’usage des réseaux sociaux justifié par la peur des fausses informations et de leur diffusion généralisée, même par ceux qui sont censés lutter contre. Nous verrons que la défiance est forte entre candidats et journalistes : les premiers accusant les seconds de participer à des campagnes de désinformation, en privilégiant le sensationnel et les polémiques à l’analyse. Ces accusations par le politique participent au dénigrement du métier de journaliste et interrogent sur les spécificités de la lutte contre les fausses informations dans l’espace local.
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رمضان, عبد المجيد. "Les Fausses Nouvelles Pendant Les Crises : Etat Des Lieux Et Remèdes". مجلة المعيار 26, n. 2 (5 marzo 2023): 1129–41. http://dx.doi.org/10.37138/mieyar.v26i2.4915.

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Abstract (sommario):
Résumé Le présent article vise à mettre en évidence le phénomène des fausses nouvelles qui alimentent le web et les réseaux sociaux durant les crises. En Algérie, comme dans beaucoup d’autres pays au monde, ces fausses nouvelles sont fabriquées de toutes pièces coïncidant avec la propagation de la pandémie provoquée par le virus Covid-19. Elles ont semé la confusion parmi les citoyens, ce qui a nécessité l'intervention des autorités judiciaires et sécuritaires. La recherche a conclu que des méthodes de dissuasion devraient être adoptées, avec l'utilisation des technologies modernes pour détecter les fausses nouvelles, et l’intensification de la conscience religieuse et éthique de la gravité de la propagation de ces informations
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Tesi sul tema "Fausse information"


Laurent, Victor. "L'influence persistante des fausses informations malgré leur correction : étude de validité et de nouveaux déterminants". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lille (2022-....), 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024ULILH037.

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Abstract (sommario):
De nombreux travaux sur l'« effet d'influence continue » (Johnson & Seifert, 1994) observent qu'une correction est parfois insuffisante voire inefficace pour lutter contre l'adhésion à une fausse information. A une époque où les fausses informations constituent une problématique sociétale majeure et qu'une stratégie fréquemment utilisée pour lutter contre leur influence consiste à les corriger, il apparait nécessaire de mieux comprendre cet effet. Cette thèse présente une synthèse inédite des explications théoriques de l'effet d'influence continue et présente cinq recherches basées sur des méthodes expérimentale ou corrélationnelle qui examinent la validité et les déterminants de cet effet. Les résultats confirment sa validité tout en mettant en évidence que d'autres effets restent possibles à la suite de la correction d'une fausse information, tels qu'une correction efficace ou un effet de sur-correction. Ces travaux ont aussi permis d'observer que de bonnes performances en mémoire de travail réduiraient cet effet. Cependant, aucun effet protecteur du névrosisme et de l'implication dispositionnelle ou situationnelle n'a été relevé. Ces différentes observations invitent à poursuivre la recherche autour des variables capables de réduire l'effet d'influence continue
Numerous studies on the “continued influence effect” (Johnson & Seifert, 1994) have observed that corrections are sometimes insufficient or even ineffective in reducing belief in misinformation. In an era where misinformation poses a significant societal challenge, and correcting it is a widely used strategy, it has become essential to gain a deeper understanding of this effect. This thesis presents an original synthesis of the theoretical explanations of the continued influence effect and reports five studies using experimental or correlational methods that examine the validity and determinants of this effect. The results confirm its validity while also highlighting that alternative outcomes remain possible, such as an effective correction or even an over-correction effect. These studies also found that strong working memory performance may reduce this effect. However, no protective role of neuroticism or dispositional and situational involvement was identified. These findings underscore the need for further research into variables that can reduce the continued influence effect
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Maigrot, Cédric. "Détection de fausses informations dans les réseaux sociaux". Thesis, Rennes 1, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019REN1S085.

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Abstract (sommario):
Les fausses informations se multiplient et se propagent rapidement sur les réseaux sociaux. Dans cette thèse, nous analysons les publications d’un point de vue multimodal entre le texte et l’image associée. Plusieurs études ont été menées durant cette thèse. La première compare plusieurs types de médias présents sur les réseaux sociaux et vise à les discriminer de manière automatique. La second permet la détection et la localisation de modifications dans une image grâce à la comparaison avec une ancienne version de l’image. Enfin, nous nous sommes intéressés à des fusions de connaissances basées sur les prédictions d’autres équipes de recherche afin de créer un système unique
False information are multiplying and are spreading quickly on social networks. In this thesis, we analyze the publications from a multimodal point of view between the text and the associated image. Several studies were conducted during this thesis. The first compares several types of media present on social networks and aims to discriminate them automatically. The second one allows the detection and the localization of modifications in an image thanks to the comparison with an old version of this image. Finally, we focused on merged knowledge based on the predictions of other research teams to create a single system
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Otto, Carsten [Verfasser], Jürgen [Akademischer Betreuer] Giesl e Fausto [Akademischer Betreuer] Spoto. "Java program analysis by symbolic execution / Carsten Otto ; Jürgen Giesl, Fausto Spoto". Aachen : Universitätsbibliothek der RWTH Aachen, 2015. http://d-nb.info/1130402444/34.

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Mezher, Rawad. "Randomness for quantum information processing". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2019. https://accesdistant.sorbonne-universite.fr/login?url=https://theses-intra.sorbonne-universite.fr/2019SORUS244.pdf.

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Abstract (sommario):
Cette thèse est basée sur la génération et la compréhension de types particuliers des ensembles unitaires aleatoires. Ces ensembles est utile pour de nombreuses applications de physique et de l’Information Quantique, comme le benchmarking aléatoire, la physique des trous noirs, ainsi qu’à la démonstration de ce que l’on appelle un "quantum speedup" etc. D'une part, nous explorons comment générer une forme particulière d'évolution aléatoire appelée epsilon-approximateunitary t-designs . D'autre part, nous montrons comment cela peut également donner des exemples de quantum speedup, où les ordinateurs classiques ne peuvent pas simuler en temps polynomiale le caractère aléatoire. Nous montrons également que cela est toujours possible dans des environnements bruyants et réalistes
This thesis is focused on the generation and understanding of particular kinds of quantum randomness. Randomness is useful for many tasks in physics and information processing, from randomized benchmarking , to black hole physics , as well demonstrating a so-called quantum speedup , and many other applications. On the one hand we explore how to generate a particular form of random evolution known as a t-design. On the other we show how this can also give instances for quantum speedup - where classical computers cannot simulate the randomness efficiently. We also show that this is still possible in noisy realistic settings. More specifically, this thesis is centered around three main topics. The first of these being the generation of epsilon-approximate unitary t-designs. In this direction, we first show that non-adaptive, fixed measurements on a graph state composed of poly(n,t,log(1/epsilon)) qubits, and with a regular structure (that of a brickwork state) effectively give rise to a random unitary ensemble which is a epsilon-approximate t-design. This work is presented in Chapter 3. Before this work, it was known that non-adaptive fixed XY measurements on a graph state give rise to unitary t-designs , however the graph states used there were of complicated structure and were therefore not natural candidates for measurement based quantum computing (MBQC), and the circuits to make them were complicated. The novelty in our work is showing that t-designs can be generated by fixed, non-adaptive measurements on graph states whose underlying graphs are regular 2D lattices. These graph states are universal resources for MBQC. Therefore, our result allows the natural integration of unitary t-designs, which provide a notion of quantum pseudorandomness which is very useful in quantum algorithms, into quantum algorithms running in MBQC. Moreover, in the circuit picture this construction for t-designs may be viewed as a constant depth quantum circuit, albeit with a polynomial number of ancillas. We then provide new constructions of epsilon-approximate unitary t-designs both in the circuit model and in MBQC which are based on a relaxation of technical requirements in previous constructions. These constructions are found in Chapters 4 and 5
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Masny, Daniel [Verfasser], Eike [Gutachter] Kiltz e Sebastian [Gutachter] Faust. "Cryptography from hard learning problems / Daniel Masny ; Gutachter: Eike Kiltz, Sebastian Faust". Bochum : Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2016. http://d-nb.info/1114497037/34.

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Eckey, Lisa [Verfasser], Sebastian [Akademischer Betreuer] Faust e Matteo [Akademischer Betreuer] Maffei. "Blockchain Scalability through Secure Optimistic Protocols / Lisa Eckey ; Sebastian Faust, Matteo Maffei". Darmstadt : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, 2020. http://d-nb.info/1223618528/34.

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Hostáková, Kristina [Verfasser], Sebastian [Akademischer Betreuer] Faust e Jesper Buus [Akademischer Betreuer] Nielsen. "Foundations of Generalized State Channel Networks / Kristina Hostáková ; Sebastian Faust, Jesper Buus Nielsen". Darmstadt : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, 2021. http://d-nb.info/1227582250/34.

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Paglialonga, Clara [Verfasser], Sebastian [Akademischer Betreuer] Faust e Stefan [Akademischer Betreuer] Dziembowski. "Provable Secure Countermeasures Against Side-Channel Attacks / Clara Paglialonga ; Sebastian Faust, Stefan Dziembowski". Darmstadt : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, 2021. http://d-nb.info/1234657783/34.

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Artaud, Chloé. "Détection des fraudes : de l’image à la sémantique du contenu : application à la vérification des informations extraites d’un corpus de tickets de caisse". Thesis, La Rochelle, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019LAROS002/document.

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Abstract (sommario):
Les entreprises, les administrations, et parfois les particuliers, doivent faire face à de nombreuses fraudes sur les documents qu’ils reçoivent de l’extérieur ou qu’ils traitent en interne. Les factures, les notes de frais, les justificatifs... tout document servant de preuve peut être falsifié dans le but de gagner plus d’argent ou de ne pas en perdre. En France, on estime les pertes dues aux fraudes à plusieurs milliards d’euros par an. Étant donné que le flux de documents échangés, numériques ou papiers, est très important, il serait extrêmement coûteux en temps et en argent de les faire tous vérifier par des experts de la détection des fraudes. C’est pourquoi nous proposons dans notre thèse un système de détection automatique des faux documents. Si la plupart des travaux en détection automatique des faux documents se concentrent sur des indices graphiques, nous cherchons quant à nous à vérifier les informations textuelles du document afin de détecter des incohérences ou des invraisemblances. Pour cela, nous avons tout d’abord constitué un corpus de tickets de caisse que nous avons numérisés et dont nous avons extrait le texte. Après avoir corrigé les sorties de l’OCR et fait falsifier une partie des documents, nous en avons extrait les informations et nous les avons modélisées dans une ontologie, afin de garder les liens sémantiques entre elles. Les informations ainsi extraites, et augmentées de leurs possibles désambiguïsations, peuvent être vérifiées les unes par rapport aux autres au sein du document et à travers la base de connaissances constituée. Les liens sémantiques de l’ontologie permettent également de chercher l’information dans d’autres sources de connaissances, et notamment sur Internet
Companies, administrations, and sometimes individuals, have to face many frauds on documents they receive from outside or process internally. Invoices, expense reports, receipts...any document used as proof can be falsified in order to earn more money or not to lose it. In France, losses due to fraud are estimated at several billion euros per year. Since the flow of documents exchanged, whether digital or paper, is very important, it would be extremely costly and time-consuming to have them all checked by fraud detection experts. That’s why we propose in our thesis a system for automatic detection of false documents. While most of the work in automatic document detection focuses on graphic clues, we seek to verify the textual information in the document in order to detect inconsistencies or implausibilities.To do this, we first compiled a corpus of documents that we digitized. After correcting the characters recognition outputs and falsifying part of the documents, we extracted the information and modelled them in an ontology, in order to keep the semantic links between them. The information thus extracted, and increased by its possible disambiguation, can be verified against each other within the document and through the knowledge base established. The semantic links of ontology also make it possible to search for information in other sources of knowledge, particularly on the Internet
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Gonzalez, Gamboa Vladimir [Verfasser], Rainer [Akademischer Betreuer] Marggraf, Heiko [Akademischer Betreuer] Faust e Karin [Akademischer Betreuer] Kurz. "Social Network Patterns of Sharing Information on Land Use and Agricultural Innovations in Ethnically Heterogeneous Communities in Ecuador / Vladimir Gonzalez Gamboa. Gutachter: Heiko Faust ; Karin Kurz. Betreuer: Rainer Marggraf". Göttingen : Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2014. http://d-nb.info/1048219755/34.

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Libri sul tema "Fausse information"


A, Stelfox H., Ironside G. R e Canada Environment Canada, a cura di. Land/wildlife integration no. 3 =: Intégration terre/faune no 3 : proceedings of a technical workshop to discuss the incorporation of wildlife information into ecological land surveys, 16-19 September 1985, Mont Ste-Marie, Quebec. Ottawa: Land Conservation Branch, Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, 1988.

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Kintz, Salomé, a cura di. Décoder les fausses nouvelles et construire son information avec la bibliothèque. Presses de l’enssib, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.4000/books.pressesenssib.10908.

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Gabriel Fauré: A research and information guide. 2a ed. New York: Routledge, 2011.

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Disinformation and Manipulation in Digital Media: Information Pathologies. Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.

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Suiter, Jane, e Eileen Culloty. Disinformation and Manipulation in Digital Media: Information Pathologies. Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.

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Suiter, Jane, e Eileen Culloty. Disinformation and Manipulation in Digital Media: Information Pathologies. Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.

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Populist Disinformation in Fragmented Information Settings. Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.

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Democracy and Fake News: Information Manipulation and Post-Truth Politics. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.

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Giusti, Serena, e Elisa Piras. Democracy and Fake News: Information Manipulation and Post-Truth Politics. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.

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Giusti, Serena, e Elisa Piras. Democracy and Fake News: Information Manipulation and Post-Truth Politics. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.

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Capitoli di libri sul tema "Fausse information"


Pareigis, Stephan, Bernd Schwarz e Franz Korf. "FAUST: Entwicklung von Fahrerassistenz- und autonomen Systemen". In Informatik aktuell, 69–78. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-74837-3_8.

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Kintz, Salomé. "Une loi contre la fausse information ?" In Décoder les fausses nouvelles et construire son information avec la bibliothèque, 94–96. Presses de l’enssib, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.4000/books.pressesenssib.10983.

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Derieux, Emmanuel. "Lutte contre les « fausses informations » en France". In Les fausses nouvelles, nouveaux visages, nouveaux défis. Comment déterminer la valeur de l’information dans les sociétés démocratiques ?, 217–34. Presses de l'Université Laval, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv1g247t9.17.

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Farinella, Rose-Marie. "13. Traquer les fausses informations dès l’école primaire". In Des têtes bien faites, 207–22. Presses Universitaires de France, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/puf.gauvr.2019.01.0207.

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Ortoleva, Peppino. "Canards, Fausses Nouvelles, Paranoid Style". In Journalism and Truth in an Age of Social Media, 119–32. Oxford University Press, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780190900250.003.0009.

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Fake news has been cyclically surfacing in the history of journalism and public opinion. In the vein of some classic authors, the chapter identifies ideas that are surprisingly useful in the present media environment. It interweaves three historical threads relevant to today’s fake news: (1) the growth of canards in 19th-century Paris, observed by both Honoré de Balzac and Gérard de Nerval as the habitual invention of news when facts were not sufficiently attractive for readers; (2) the diffusion of fausses nouvelles during the Great War, described by Marc Bloch and propelled by the tendency, in times of crisis, to search for oracles more than information proper; (3) the propensity, suggested by Richard Hofstadter, to spread conspiracy theories, notably in the development of McCarthyism.
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"From Faust to Macintosh". In Sentencing in the Age of Information, 163–70. Routledge-Cavendish, 2005. http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781843146346-9.

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Parise, Salvatore. "Applying Social Network Analysis in a Healthcare Setting". In Encyclopedia of Healthcare Information Systems, 93–101. IGI Global, 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/978-1-59904-889-5.ch013.

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The people-to-people relationships where knowledge work actually gets performed in organizations are called social networks, and they may be in complete contradiction to the information flows expected, based on looking at the organizational chart of formal roles or titles. These informal or social networks are playing an increasingly important role in the healthcare industry, as medical and clinical knowledge needs to be shared effectively between people within and among healthcare organizations. Social network analysis (SNA) is a research methodology to analyze networks between people, groups, organizations, and systems within and across organizations (Wasserman & Faust, 1994). The results of the analysis inform the researcher of both the structure of the network, as well as the positions of nodes or people in the network. This article provides a description of how SNA can be applied in a healthcare setting.
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Gurau, Calin. "Codes of Ethics in Virtual Communities". In Information Security and Ethics, 101–8. IGI Global, 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/978-1-59904-937-3.ch007.

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The development of the World Wide Web has created new opportunities for interpersonal interaction. The Internet allows one-to-one (e-mail), one-to-many (Web sites, e-mail lists) or many-to-many (online discussion forums) interaction, which represent a unique feature in comparison with traditional communication channels (Armstrong & Hagel, 1996). On the other hand, the Internet has specific characteristics, such as: • Interactivity: The Internet offers multiple possibilities of interactive communication, acting not only as an interface, but also as a communication agent (allowing a direct interaction between individuals and software applications) • Transparency: The information published online can be accessed and viewed by any Internet user, unless this information is specifically protected • Memory: The Web is a channel not only for transmitting information, but also for storing information¾in other words, the information published on the Web remains in the memory of the network until it is erased. These characteristics permit the development of online or virtual communities¾groups of people with similar interests who communicate on the Web in a regular manner (Armstrong & Hagel, 1996; Goldsborough, 1999a, 1999b; Gordon, 2000). Many studies deal with the ethics of research in Cyberspace and Virtual Communities (Bakardjieva, Feenberg, & Goldie, 2004), but very few publications relate with the Codes of Ethics used in Public Discussion Forums (Belilos, 1998; Johnson, 1997). Other specialists have analyzed specific categories or uses of online discussion forums, such as online learning (Blignaut & Trollip, 2003; DeSanctis, Fayard, Roach, & Jiang, 2003) or the creation of professional communities of practice (Bickart & Schindler, 2001; Kling, McKim & King, 2003; Millen, Fontaine, & Muller, 2002), and in this context, have also discussed briefly the importance of netiquette and forum monitoring (Fauske & Wade, 2003, 2004). The difference between these online communities and public discussion forums is the degree of control exercised on the functioning and purpose of the forum by a specific individual or organization. This article attempts to investigate, analyze and present the main patterns of the codes/rules of ethics used in the public discussion forums, otherwise known as Newsgroups, and their influence on the profile and functioning of the community.
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Kintz, Salomé. "Mode d’emploi". In Décoder les fausses nouvelles et construire son information avec la bibliothèque, 9–20. Presses de l’enssib, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.4000/books.pressesenssib.10933.

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Froissart, Pascal. "Vrai et faux en contexte médiatique. « Fake news », infox, rumeur". In Décoder les fausses nouvelles et construire son information avec la bibliothèque, 22–37. Presses de l’enssib, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.4000/books.pressesenssib.10957.

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Atti di convegni sul tema "Fausse information"


Namira Purba, Diya, Ghina Khoerunnisa e Isman Kurniawan. "Firefly Algorithm Under-Sampling (FAUS) in Handling Imbalance Data on Drug Target Interaction Prediction". In 2024 12th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT), 73–78. IEEE, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/icoict61617.2024.10698356.

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Wachter-Zeh, Antonia, Sven Puchinger e Julian Renner. "Repairing the Faure-Loidreau Public-Key Cryptosystem". In 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). IEEE, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/isit.2018.8437561.

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Strazzi, Jessica R., Renata C. Portella e Priscila L. Farias. "Catalogação de tipos móveis do acervo da oficina tipográfica da FAUUSP: cavalete A". In 7th Information Design International Conference. São Paulo: Editora Edgard Blücher, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.5151/designpro-cidi2015-congic_29.

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Deng, Jingtai, Jiaming Cao, Siyi Zhao, Zan Yang, Wei Nai e Dan Li. "Stochastic Neighbor Embedding Based on Faure Sequence Initialized Chimp Optimization Algorithm". In 2022 IEEE 10th Joint International Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Conference (ITAIC). IEEE, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/itaic54216.2022.9836748.

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Hong, Tingzhi, Leiyan Qian, Jiayi Fang, Tongshuai Wang, Zhicheng Zhu, Xin Qin, Wei Nai e Zan Yang. "Metamorphic relationship generation based on Faure Sequence Initialized Slime Mould Algorithm". In 2024 IEEE 14th International Conference on Electronics Information and Emergency Communication (ICEIEC). IEEE, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/iceiec61773.2024.10561718.

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Gila, Cristina Iulia. "Challenges and Achievements of European Education Ministers on Information Exchange and Collaboration within the European Economic Community between 60s and 80s". In World Lumen Congress 2021, May 26-30, 2021, Iasi, Romania. LUMEN Publishing House, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.18662/wlc2021/25.

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This article examines the concerns of all national education systems in Europe regarding exchanges of information, ideas and collaborations since the beginning of the configuration of the European Community in the 1960s. The idea of working together member states for a better future for the younger generation was found both in the documents of the Conferences of Heads of State on Education and in the consultations of education experts. This was pointed out by education ministers, such as Edgar Faure or Olivier Guichard, in France, who made strong arguments, demonstrating responsibility for action for future generations. Although the beginning was difficult, in the 1960s the documents referred to the education of the children of migrant workers, the importance of learning modern languages, the recognition of diplomas. In the 1980s, meetings at the level of education ministers highlighted a deepening and strengthening of cooperation to adapt language teaching models, expand the study of European history and European institutions in secondary education increasing access to education for children with special needs, setting up school spaces for language learning, but especially the creation of a European Centre for Education.
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Sorbo, Emanuela, e Gianluca Spironelli. "INFORMATIVE MODELS OF CULTURAL HERITAGE. THE “UNFINISHED” CHURCH OF BRENDOLA." In ARQUEOLÓGICA 2.0 - 9th International Congress & 3rd GEORES - GEOmatics and pREServation. Editorial Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia: Editorial Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/arqueologica9.2021.12097.

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The paper is an initial form of dissemination of the research activities carried out by the IUAV University of Venice working group which, on behalf of the Municipal administration of Brendola, seeks to delineate the application of a methodology for the study and analysis of the architectural and landscape heritage of significant cultural interest that is in a state of abandonment. The case study application is the church of San Michele Arcangelo in Brendola (Vicenza), known as the “Incompiuta” (“Unfinished”). The case study proposed is an interesting exemplar of ecclesiastical architecture, designed by engineer-architect Fausto Franco, in which its characteristics of being unfinished and in a state of ruin contribute to redefining the image of a work that fits in a historical context of architectural and technical experimentation, where the reference to historical architecture is mediated by contemporary forms and by the use of modern building materials, among which, the use of reinforced bricks is noteworthy. The research activity, which is taking place in the context of the COVID-19 health emergency, aims at putting a series of strategies and operational practices based on the digitisation of data to the test, so as to allow increased interoperability and sharing through the building of an online open data repository addressed to the actors involved in the conservation process and to the community. In the processes of conservation and valorisation, in-depth knowledge and documentation of the materials and construction techniques involves multidisciplinary areas; effectively organising them in a system that regulates their collection, cataloguing, processing and archiving according to shared procedures, therefore becomes a fundamental prerequisite for the development of operational planning of the valorisation strategies. All the instruments that make it possible to collect data and reach a true knowledge of the object therefore become indispensable. From this point of view, the push towards the digitisation of the data that emerged during the pandemic phase plays a fundamental role in the range of application possibilities, from the survey to the mechanisms for the conservation and management of the cultural heritage.
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Wang, Te-Chuan. "Comparison of Severe Accident Results by Using MAAP5 and MAAP4 Codes". In 18th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. ASMEDC, 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/icone18-29017.

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MAAP5 (Modular Accident Analysis Program Rev. 5.0.0), developed by Fauske & Associates, Inc.’s (FAI) based on the MAAP4 code, is a severe accident analysis code. It is a computer program capable of simulating the response and mitigation actions of light water reactor nuclear power plants (NPPs), including advanced boiling water reactor (ABWR) during severe accident. A specific loss of all core cooling accident sequence, LCLP-PF-R-N, based on Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) of Lungmen (ABWR) NPP, was selected as a based case and simulated by the MAAP5 and MAAP4 codes. The MAAP5 and MAAP4 parameter files for Lungmen NPP were established based on Lungmen NPP design data and the MAAP5 and MAAP4 users’ guides. The main severe accident phenomena and the fission product release fractions associated with the LCLP-PF-R-N sequence were simulated. The purpose of this paper is to compare the analysis results of LCLP-PF-R-N sequence calculated by MAAP5 and MAAP4 codes. The two codes give similar results for important phenomena during the accidents, including core uncovery, core support plate failure, debris relocation to the lower plenum, vessel failure, passive flooder opens, containment overpressure protection system (COPS) activation, noble gases and volatile species (like CsI) release to environment, except for the amount of hydrogen production in core. MAAP5 predicts a greater amount of hydrogen production in core than that of MAAP4. This is because MAAP4 predicts earlier reactor pressure vessel (RPV) depressurization than that of MAAP5. That results in earlier steam exhaustion and oxidation reaction termination in core than those of MAAP5. This paper successfully demonstrates the severe accident of Lungmen NPP, and analysis results can provide useful information for the MAAP5 and MAAP4 users.
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Kubo, Tomoya, Tomoyuki Yokogawa, Kazutami Arimoto, Masaki Hokari e Isao Kayano. "Enhancing the Generalization Performance of Drowsiness Estimation AI in Drivers Using Time-Series Data from FAUs with Limited Datasets". In 2023 15th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics Winter (IIAI-AAI-Winter). IEEE, 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/iiai-aai-winter61682.2023.00039.

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Faust, Maria. "Revitalizing Eastern and Western Online Communication: A Micro-Meso-Macro Link of Temporal Digital Change". In GLOCAL Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology 2019. The GLOCAL Unit, SOAS University of London, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.47298/cala2019.2-2.

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This paper explains in a de-westernized sense (Gunaratne, 2010) how internet-mediated communication changes the way we deal with and plan time both individually and culturally in Germany and China. Therefore, it blends Western and Eastern culture and media theories. The paper focuses on two distinct phenomena: temporal change due to social media, and Online journalism, as the core of Internet-mediated communication (for Germany 39% communication, media use 24% Projektgruppe ARD/ZDF-Multimedia, 2016; for China 90.7% instant messaging, 82% Internet news China Internet Network Information Center, 2017), with other temporal change via smart devices touched upon (Ash, 2018). General research on time in post modern societies, recently more focused on media’s temporal change phenomena (e.g. Barker, 2012; Barker, 2018; Castells, 2010; Eriksen, 2001; Hartmann, 2016; Hassan, 2003; Innis, 2004; Neverla, 2010a, 2010b; Nowotny, 1995; Rantanen, 2005; Wajcman, 2010; Wajcman and Dodd) has not yet linked the different societal and cultural levels of temporal change. Thus, we suggest the following to fill this research gap: For a micro perspective the notions of network theories (e.g. Granovetter, 1973; Schönhuth, 2013), media synchronicity (Dennis, Fuller, and Valacich, 2008) and the idea of permanent connectivity (Sonnentag, Reinecke, Mata, and Vorderer, 2018; van Dijck, 2013; Vorderer, Krömer, and Schneider, 2016) are linked. On a meso level, institutional change in Online journalism with a focus on acceleration is modeled (Ananny, 2016; Bødker and Sonnevend, 2017; Dimmick, Feaster, and Hoplamazian, 2011; Krüger, 2014; Neuberger, 2010). On a macro level, mediatization theory (Couldry and Hepp, 2017; Krotz, 2001, 2012) and recent acceleration theory (Rosa, 2005, 2012, 2017) is discussed. The levels are systematically linked suggesting a micro-meso-macro-link (Quandt, 2010) to then ask if and how many of the dimensions of the construct temporal understanding (Faust, 2016) can be changed through Internet-mediated communication. Temporal understanding consists of nine dimensions: General past, general future, instrumental experience (monochronicity), fatalism, interacting experience (polychronicity), pace of life, future as planned expectation and result of proximal goals as well as future as trust based interacting expectation and result of present positive behavior. Temporal understanding integrates the anthropological construct of polychronicity (Bluedorn, Kalliath, Strube, and Martin, 1999; Hall, 1984; Lindquist and Kaufman-Scarborough, 2007), pace of life (Levine, 1998) and temporal horizon (Klapproth, 2011) into a broader framework which goes beyond Western biased constructs through the theory driven incorporation of Confucian notions (Chinese Culture Connection, 1987). Finally, meta trends are laid out.
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