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Articoli di riviste sul tema "Evangelická teologie"


Lockwood O'Donovan, Joan. "John Paul II's Theology of Law: An Evangelical Appreciation". Roczniki Teologiczne 66, n. 3 (31 gennaio 2020): 5–16. http://dx.doi.org/10.18290/rt.2019.66.3-1.

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Abstract (sommario):
Teologia prawa według Jana Pawła II. Uznanie ze strony ewangelickiej Wychodząc z „ewangelickiej” perspektywy teologii reformacji angielskiej artykuł ten odnosi się z uznaniem do teologii prawa zawartej w encyklice Veritatis splendor, w jej implikacjach dla zrozumienia prawa publicznego. Podkreśla zwłaszcza trzy aspekty encykliki: (1) ujęcie prawa jako wewnętrznego wymiaru dynamicznego objawienia się Boga w Jezusie Chrystusie jako Prawdy i Dobra, który zobowiązuje ludzi jako sprawców działania moralnego oraz jest podstawą ich wolności; (2) ukazanie tendencji obecnych we współczesnej filozofii i teologii moralnej, które oderwały prawo i wolność stworzonej i upadłej wspólnoty ludzkiej od historii ich odnowy i udoskonalenia, czemu świadectwo daje Pismo Święte; (3) ukazanie Kościoła jako wspólnoty wiary i uczniów, której Chrystus powierzył objawienie jedności Bożej obietnicy i prawa oraz przekazał Ducha Prawdy i Świętości. Uwydatniając te aspekty, artykuł zwraca również uwagę na słabo rozwinięte zagadnienie prawa jako objawienia Bożego wyroku potępiającego grzesznych ludzi jako sprawców, tak na wewnętrznym forum sumienia, jak i na społecznym forum prawa publicznego. Wskazuje także na pokrewną kwestię Kościoła, który daje świadectwo o zmartwychwstałym Chrystusie przezwyciężającym potępienie płynące z prawa.
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Machado, Maria das Dores Campos, Cecília Loreto Mariz e Brenda Carranza. "Genealogia do sionismo evangélico no Brasil". Religião & Sociedade 42, n. 2 (agosto 2022): 225–48. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/0100-85872022v42n2cap10.

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Abstract (sommario):
Resumo: O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o desenvolvimento no meio evangélico brasileiro de discursos sionistas cristãos. A genealogia traçada privilegia os livros escritos em defesa do estado de Israel por lideranças nacionais de diferentes denominações e aponta fatores históricos e políticos que favoreceram essas publicações no século XX. Argumenta-se que, embora ganhe uma maior projeção nas eleições de 2018, o sionismo cristão e a teologia dispensacionalista que deram sustentação à maior parte das publicações sobre o tema, já faziam parte da cosmovisão evangélica brasileira tanto de igrejas históricas quanto das pentecostais. Examina-se ainda o impacto das peregrinações à Terra Santa, da teologia do domínio e do movimento Nova Reforma Apostólica no ativismo sionista cristão a partir da virada d século.
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Putrawan, Bobby Kurnia, Edi Sugianto e Yan Kristianus Kadang. "Refleksi Pada Relasi Antara Teologi dan Filsafat Dalam Perspektif Teologi Injili". Evangelikal: Jurnal Teologi Injili dan Pembinaan Warga Jemaat 4, n. 2 (31 luglio 2020): 222. http://dx.doi.org/10.46445/ejti.v4i2.218.

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The pros and cons of philosophy and theology have a reputation in the history of Chris-tianity. The importance of understanding philosophy and its importance can be explained correctly. Re-flections on the relationship between philosophy and theology will help Christians sharpen and develop their theology, especially evangelical theology. Therefore, philosophy and theology need to be har-moniously correlated in knowing God through His truth, by always thinking of God and advancing God's word through the perspective of evangelical theology. Philosophy and theology are mutually reinforcing and sharpening. Meanwhile, the relationships offered are mutually constructive in their task as a means of knowing God and also to build insight into the evangelical Christian world. Relasi pro dan kontra mengenai filsafat dan teologi telah tergores di dalam sejarah ke-kristenan. Pentingnya memahami filsafat dan teologi sangatlah penting, sehingga dapat merelasikan ke-duanya secara tepat. Refleksi terhadap relasi antara filsafat dan teologi akan membantu orang Kristen untuk menajamkan dan mengembangkan teologinya, khusus teologi injili. Oleh sebab itu, filsafat dan teologi perlu direlasikan secara harmonis di dalam mengenal Allah melalui kebenaran-Nya, dengan senantiasa bersikap takut akan Allah dan menghargai firman Allah melalui perspektif teologi injili. Keilmuan filsafat dan teologi saling menguatkan dan menajamkan. Adapun relasi yang dimaksud ialah keduanya digunakan saling membangun dalam tugasnya sebagai sarana pengenalan akan Allah serta sebagai kerangka untuk membangun wawasan dunia Kristen yang injili.
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Mojau, Julianus. "Analisis kritis konstruktif praksis teologi publik Gereja Masehi Injili Halmahera di era otonomi daerah". KURIOS 7, n. 2 (31 ottobre 2021): 315. http://dx.doi.org/10.30995/kur.v7i2.364.

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Abstract (sommario):
This paper highlights the praxis of public theology that resulted from the decisions of the Synod of the Evangelical Christian Church in Halmahera (GMIH Synod) in the context of the era of regional autonomy during the 2002-2017 ministry period. By using qualitative research methods through library research, this analysis examines theological discourse and living church praxis as stated in the decisions of the GMIH Synod. Starting from the analysis of the social function of the Church emphasized by Ricardo F. Nanuru and the praxis of inter-religious advocate public theology by Felix Wilfred, this study found that: (a) GMIH ecclesiastical documents have seeded the praxis of interreligious public theology in the form of a series of pastoral recommendations and information on the Church's social services; (b this interreligious public theology advocacy practice needs to have an adequate theological basis and a measurable translation into the practice of living in the GMIH church. This theologically measured programmatic integration helps GMIH demonstrate its ecclesiastical identity as a social-humanist-ecological body of Christ that has an impact on Halmahera's public sphere in the era of regional autonomy which is being overshadowed by the neo-liberal economy and the extractive and exploitive mining economy. AbstrakTulisan ini menyoroti praxis teologi publik hasil keputusan-keputusan persidangan Sinode Gereja Masehi Injili di Halmahera (Sinode GMIH) dalam konteks otonomi daerah selama periode pelayanan 2002-2017. Dengan meng-gunakan metode penelitian kualitatif melalui jenis penelitian kepustakaan, analisis ini mengkaji wacana teologis dan praxis hidup seperti tertuang dalam keputusan-keputusan Sidang Sinode GMIH. Bertolak dari analisis fungsi sosial Gereja yang ditekankan oleh Ricardo F. Nanuru dan praxis teologi publik advo-katif intereligius Felix Wilfred kajian ini menghasilkan: (a) dokumen-dokumen gerejawi GMIH telah membenihkan praxis teologi publik intereligius dalam bentuk serangkaian anjuran pastoral dan informasi pelayanan sosial Gereja; (b) praxis advokasi teologi publik interreligious ini perlu mendapat pendasaran teo-logis yang memadai dan penerjemahannya yang terukur dalam praktik hidup menggereja GMIH. Pengintegrasian programatis terukur secara teologis ini membantu GMIH meragakan identitas eklesialnya sebagai tubuh sosial-huma-nis-ekologis Kristus yang berdampak dalam ruang publik Halmahera di era otonomi daerah yang sedang dibayang-bayangi oleh ekonomi neo-liberal dan ekonomi pertambangan ekstraktif dan eksploitatif.
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Jalong, Angku. "PENINGKATAN KEROHANIAN PELAJAR SEKOLAH TEOLOGI: STUDI FORMAT SPIRITUAL DI MALAYSIA EVANGELICAL SEMINARY BELAGA". Excelsis Deo: Jurnal Teologi, Misiologi, dan Pendidikan 4, n. 2 (5 gennaio 2021): 41–58. http://dx.doi.org/10.51730/ed.v4i2.53.

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Abstract (sommario):
Abstract: Spirituality is highly emphasized for someone who wants to dive into the field of theological schools, especially in Malaysia Evangelical Seminary Belaga highlights the three main pillars for the existing Theology schools, which is to want those schools to be identical to the three pillars that are standard. such as; High academic, high discipline and high spirituality. The question that arises in the following question: How important is the Spiritual Development of Theological Students? How is the Bible's Guide to Improving Spirituality? What is the spirituality of a Condition to Meet the Degree Standards of Theology School Students? The answer is (1) Learning strategies to increase spirituality in METS Belaga schools will definitely continue to be realized with the involvement and cooperation of the center and METS itself with full submission to the leadership of the Holy Spirit. (2) The guide to improving the quality of spirituality based on the Bible is that teachers should give comprehensive attention so that students can assess and track the extent of their spiritual development. (3) By giving systematic instruction to the students alone they can understand this life which must change constantly in this life for the glory of His name. Abstrak: Kerohanian sangat ditekankan bagi seseorang yang mahu menerjunkan diri dalam bidang sekolah teologi, khususnya di Malaysia Evangelical Seminary Belaga mengetengahkan tiga pilar utama untuk sekolah-sekolah Teologia sedia ada, iaitu mahu sekolah-sekolah tersebut identik dengan tiga pilar yang menjadi piawan(standard) seperti; Academis yang tinggi, disiplin yang tinggi dan kerohanian yang tinggi. Persoalan yang muncul dalam pertanyaan berikut: Bagaimanakah pentingnya Membangun Spiritual Pelajar Teologi? Bagaimanakah panduan Meningkat Mutu Kerohanian berdasarkan Alkitab? Bagaimanakah kerohanian satu Syarat untuk Memenuhi Standar Gelar Pelajar Sekolah Teologi? Jawaban adalah (1) Strategi learning untuk meningkatkan kerohanian di sekolah METS Belaga pasti akan terus terealisasi dengan penglibatan dan kerjasama pihak pusat dan METS itu sendiri dengan penuh penyerahan kepada pimpinan Roh Kudus. (2) Panduan meningkat mutu kerohanian berdasarkan Alkitab adalah para guru harus memberi perhatian yang menyeluruh agar para pelajar dapat menilai dan mengesan sejauh mana keadaan perkembangan kerohanian mereka. (3) Dengan memberi pengajaran yang sistematis kepada para pelajar saja mereka dapat mengerti kehidupan ini yang harus berubah terus menerus dalam hidup ini bagi kemuliaan nama-Nya.
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Morée, Peter. "Zachovat kontinuitu evangelické teologie – za jakou cenu? Příběh Komenského evangelické bohoslovecké fakulty v letech tzv. normalizace". Slovo a smysl 17, n. 35 (5 febbraio 2021): 95–104. http://dx.doi.org/10.14712/23366680.2020.3.7.

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Schleicher, Marianne, Vigdis Aune e Hans Raun Iversen. "En alternativ ph.d.-afhandlings udfordring af den praktiske teologi". Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift 79, n. 4 (10 dicembre 2016): 278–90. http://dx.doi.org/10.7146/dtt.v79i4.105800.

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Tenna Mose Rhiger has written a PhD dissertation in which she has developed a new approach to the celebration of service in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark with the aim of furthering the intimate presence of pastors during service. The purpose of this extended review of Rhiger’s dissertation is first to share the enthusiasm of the assessment committee for the project as well as its perspectives for Practical Theology and the celebration of service in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark. Secondly, the authors behind the review wish to advance some critical reflections on the formal requirements forsimilar experimental research projects in the future since this dissertation– as the pioneer work that it is – is likely to set the standards for “product dissertations” in the future.
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Rantesalu, Marsi Bombongan. "Penderitaan dari Sudut Pandang Teologi Injili". Jurnal Ilmiah Religiosity Entity Humanity (JIREH) 2, n. 2 (23 dicembre 2020): 126–35. http://dx.doi.org/10.37364/jireh.v2i2.46.

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Discussions on theology of suffering are very often discussed lately with the co-19 pandemic. There are a variety of different views that emerge to address the problem of suffering and disaster. This study aims to find out one view of suffering, that is, from the evangelicals. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative using the literature as a source of data. From the results of the study the authors found that the evangelical view of suffering is that they consider suffering and disaster to be the will and sovereignty of God. In the suffering experienced by His people, God still shows His care. Evangelical groups also often associate disaster and suffering with eschatology. Pembahasan mengenai teologi penderitaan sangat sering dibicarakan diakhir-akhir ini secara khusus dengan adanya pandemi covid-19. Ada berbagai pandangan berbeda yang muncul menyikapi masalah penderitaan dan bencana. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu salah satu pandangan mengenai penderitaan yaitu dari kaum Injili. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan literatur sebagai sumber datanya. Dari hasil penelitian penulis menemukan bahwa pandangan kaum injili mengenai penderitaan adalah mereka menganggap penderitaan dan bencana merupakan kehendak dan kedaulatan Allah. Di dalam penderitaan yang dialami umat-Nya, Allah tetap menunjukkan pemeliharaan-Nya. Kelompok Injili juga sering mengaitkan bencana dan penderitaan dengan akhir saman.
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Saj, Marek. "Prawna strona ślubu czystości". Prawo Kanoniczne 52, n. 3-4 (10 dicembre 2009): 117–35. http://dx.doi.org/10.21697/pk.2009.52.3-4.05.

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Il legislatore ecclesiastico nel Codice di Diritto Canonico offre le norme riguardanti la vita secondo i consigli evangelici di castità, di povertà e di obbedienza in istituti religiosi. Sono indicazioni molto generici, perchè norme più dettagliate devono essere messe nella legge propria di ogni istituto. La castità viene sempre nominata come prima tra i consigli. Essa ha non solo un solido fondamento teologico e un significato religioso, ma anche una propria base giuridica. Nel codice di diritto troviamo delle prescrizioni che tendono a proteggere le persone consacrate a Dio tramite il voto di castità. Tra queste norme ci sono canoni che suggeriscono di trattare con prudenza le persone, la cui familiarità potrebbe mettere a pericolo il loro obbligo della perfetta continenza oppure suscitare lo scandalo dei fedeli. Ci sono anche altri canoni che invitano ad astenersi da ciò che è sconveniente al proprio stato e ad evitare ciò che, pur non essendo indecoroso, è alieno dal loro stato. Inoltre, ci sono canoni sull’adeguato approccio ai mezzi di comunicazione sociale. A proteggere la vita in castità è anche l’istituzione di clausura e l’abito religioso. Per prevenire le possibili trasgressioni contro questo consiglio il legislatore ha stabilito pure le sanzioni penali, non escludendo perfino la dimissione di una persona consacrata dall’istituto religioso. Le suddette norme del codice rivelano, dunque, non solo l’aspetto teologico, ma soprattutto quello giuridico del consiglio evangelico di castità.
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Jatmiko, Yudi. "Maksud Yesus dalam Peristiwa Baptisan: Sebuah Tanggapan Teologis terhadap Marcus J. Borg". DUNAMIS: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristiani 6, n. 1 (30 ottobre 2021): 220–37. http://dx.doi.org/10.30648/dun.v6i1.500.

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Abstract. Jesus’ baptism does not only refer to His divine role, but moreover to His divine identity. This is a theological declaration that He is God. However, Marcus J. Borg asserted that Jesus’ baptism was Jesus’ deep spiritual awareness toward spiritual world and the presence of God’s Spirit in His life. This does not indicate His divinity at all. Based on these two contradictory views, a problem remains to be solved: Is Borg’s assumption correct? What is actually Jesus’ true intention in His baptism? This was the focus of the research. This writing exerted to describe particularly Borg’s view on Jesus’ baptism, analyzed and responded to his view according to evangelical perspective. Despite the fact that Borg’s view on Jesus’ baptism has widely garnered support from modern theological readers, his theology is still far from orthodox theology because it was too socio-anthropological based analysis and ignored the Bible as God’s revelation.Abstrak. Baptisan Tuhan Yesus bukan hanya merujuk kepada fungsi jabatan-Nya, tapi lebih daripada itu, yaitu kepada identitas ilahi-Nya. Ini merupakan sebuah deklarasi teologis bahwa Ia adalah Allah. Tetapi Marcus J. Borg menyatakan bahwa baptisan Yesus sebagai sebuah kesadaran spiritual Yesus yang mendalam akan dunia roh dan kehadiran Roh Allah dalam hidup-Nya. Hal ini sama sekali tidak mengindikasikan keilahian-Nya. Mengaitkan kedua pandangan yang bertolakbelakang ini, muncul permasalahan: benarkah asumsi Borg di atas? Apakah sebenarnya yang menjadi intensi Yesus dalam peristiwa baptisan tersebut? Inilah yang menjadi fokus penelitian penulis. Tulisan ini berusaha untuk memaparkan secara khusus pandangan Borg dalam peristiwa baptisan Yesus dan menganalisis serta menanggapi pandangannya menurut perspektif injili. Terlepas dari pandangan Borg yang digemari di kalangan pembaca teologi modern tentang baptisan Yesus, pemikirannya masih jauh dari teologi ortodoks oleh karena terlalu berpijak pada analisis secara sosio-antropologis dan mengabaikan Alkitab sebagai wahyu dari Allah.
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Tesi sul tema "Evangelická teologie"


Almeida, Marcos de. "A crise do meio ambiente e a teologia de Leonardo Boff: uma resposta na perspectiva da teologia evangelical". Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, 2008. http://tede.mackenzie.br/jspui/handle/tede/2495.

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Abstract (sommario):
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:48:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcos de Almeida.pdf: 1007056 bytes, checksum: f101a4615725c62db72b22ea81207269 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-01-31
Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa
This research aims to reflect on the critical situation of our planet, from the Leonardo Boff s theological thought and the evangelical theology perspectives. We are fully aware that the ecological crisis will be expanded in the coming years and the whole world will be a witness of the wrath of a wounded ecosystem. The ecosystem degradation is generated by people themselves. Therefore, there is an urgent need for effective tools that can operate more deeply inside people in order to carry them into a real understanding of effective actions on environmental care. The humankind has chosen the path of competition, that leads to disconnection with the life. People are rationally alienated of its home natural condition. The conclusion is that the educational system has failed on the efficiency of an effective teaching on the preservation and maintenance fields. In this direction, the Religion has to be part of the solution, facing the growing environmental crisis. Here is the challenge, to build a fair and environmentally healthy society. For this, we should reestablish the spirituality as a partner, in a dialogue with the Science. Particularly, we believe the Christianity has the capacity to build a cosmovision, the competence to establish a moral authority, the facility to establish an ample base of members, and the ability to develop communities. Ahead of many theological approaches, the writing of Leonardo Boff on ecology submits a contextualized proposition that deserves attention. In a different way, the evangelical theology proposes an answer to the problem, in order to maintain a pedagogical teaching that holds its bases on the evangelical Christian doctrine. We understand that the Christianity has strength to engage believers in bilateral relationships, and inspire them to live a moral life, and has a tremendous ability to give meaning to life. However, another crisis outbursts, the delay in perceiving the current problem: the planet is dying. Consequently, a huge delay in getting involved on environmental matters, and effectively engaging in the promotion of a sustainable world.
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo refletir sobre a situação critica de nosso planeta, sob a perspectiva do pensamento teológico de Leonardo Boff e da teologia evangelical. Temos plena consciência da crise ecológica será ampliada nos próximos anos e todos testemunharão a fúria dos ecossistemas maltratados. A degradação do ecossistema é gerada pelas pessoas. Neste sentido, há uma urgente necessidade de instrumentos eficazes que possam operar mais profundamente no interior das pessoas para levá-las a uma real conscientização de ação efetiva para a conservação do meio ambiente. A humanidade enveredou pelo caminho da competição, resultando assim, numa desconexão com a vida. O ser está alienado racionalmente da condição natural do seu próprio lar. A conclusão é que a educação falhou no sentido da ineficiência de uma pedagogia eficaz no campo da preservação e manutenção. Neste sentido, a religião tem que ser parte da solução frente a crescente crise ambiental. Surge ao desafio, o de construir uma sociedade justa e ambientalmente saudável. Para isto deve-se restabelecer a espiritualidade como parceira em um diálogo com a ciência. Particularmente, entendemos que o cristianismo tem a capacidade de formar uma cosmovisão, a competência para estabelecer uma autoridade moral, a facilidade em estabelecer uma base ampla de membros, e a capacidade de desenvolvimento comunitário. Diante de diversas abordagens teológicas, o escrito de Leonardo Boff sobre ecologia apresenta uma proposta contextualizada e que merece análise. Em contra posição, a teologia evangelical propõe uma resposta ao problema, de modo a manter uma pedagogia com bases na doutrina cristã evangelical. Entendemos que o cristianismo tem como engajar os fiéis em relacionamentos bilaterais, inspirá-los a viver uma vida moral e uma tremenda capacidade de dar significado a vida. Porém, destaca-se outra crise, a saber, a demora na percepção do atual problema: o planeta está morrendo. Conseqüentemente, uma absurda demora em se envolver nas questões ecológicas e efetivamente se engajar na promoção de um mundo sustentável.
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Foster, Fabiano Sheila J. "Perceptions of Instituto Superior de Teologia Evangelica no Lubango graduates in Angola| Implications for theological education in learning and ministry practice". Thesis, Trinity International University, 2016. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=10109341.

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Given the frequently observed disconnect between people's learning experiences and their subsequent behavior or practice, this research inquired into the factors that contribute to coherence or congruence between learning and practice as perceived by graduates of ISTEL (Instituto Superior de Teologia Evangélica no Lubango), an interdenominational theological college in Angola, Africa.

Characteristics of African indigenous knowledge systems and general cultural characteristics were taken into consideration when analyzing these findings. Twenty seven graduates of ISTEL who completed their bachelor's degree in theology between 1997 and 2012 were interviewed using a semi-structured interview protocol. Research questions for this study inquired into graduates' perceptions regarding their learning experiences prior to ISTEL. They were also asked to recount how their learning at ISTEL differed from previous schooling. Finally graduates were asked to recount how their learning experiences were influencing their present ministry practice. It was found that the most frequently mentioned factors that contributed to coherence were: 1. The modeling of qualities of Christian life by faculty; 2. Experience in small group fellowships for spiritual formation; 3. Apprenticeships and "hands on" practical ministry experience; 4. Critical thinking skills.

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Rodrigues, Ricardo Gondim. "A TEOLOGIA DA MISSÃO INTEGRAL:APROXIMAÇÕES E IMPEDIMENTOS ENTRE EVANGÉLICOS E EVANGELICAIS". Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, 2009. http://tede.metodista.br/jspui/handle/tede/521.

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Abstract (sommario):
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T12:20:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ricardo Gondim.pdf: 474928 bytes, checksum: c5c425e193764100734e45b834ad3b54 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-09-03
The identity of the Evangelical Movement comes from the Puritans, from the revival movements, but specially from the milleniarisms that marked the final of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century. The fundamentalism concepts emerged to support the scatologic longing of these groups. The evangelical identity hás been formed from the fundamentalism attempt to diminish the impact of the Darwinism theory in the United States. The evangelicals organized themselves through conferences and seminars, magazines and evangelistic efforts that strenthgthened them throughout the world, specially in Latin America. Even though they showed a more flexible way in interacting with the culture, the evangelicals kept their millenarist and fundamentalist concepts. In Latin America , the evangelicals had a very relevant participation in the International Evangelization Conference in Lausanne, 1974. They proposed that the church mission should include social responsibility with the same importance as the proclamation of the faith contents. Even having arrived late in Brazil, young leaders mobilized themselves around the Integral Mission proposition. However, the question about what should be considered priority was not totally answered causing disappointment and discouragement among the evangelicals.(AU)
A identidade do Movimento Evangélico vem dos puritanos, dos movimentos avivalistas, mas principalmente dos milenarismos que marcaram o final do século XIX e o começo do século XX. Os pressupostos do fundamentalismo foram articulados exatamente para dar sustentação ao anseio escatológico desses grupos. A identidade evangélica se formou a partir dos vexames do fundamentalismo que tentou diminuir o impacto do darwinismo nos Estados Unidos. Os evangélicos se organizaram e mostraram capacidade de mobilização. Seminários, revistas, conferências e eventos evangelísticos tornaram os evangélicos uma força no cenário mundial, principalmente na América Latina. Embora tenham demonstrado maior flexibilidade em interagir com a cultura, os evangélicos mantiveram os pressupostos milenaristas e fundamentalistas. Na América Latina, conseguiram relevante participação no Congresso Internacional de Evangelização em Lausanne, 1974. Foi proposto que a missão da igreja incluísse responsabilidade social com a mesma relevância que a proclamação dos conteúdos da fé. Mesmo tendo chegado tarde ao Brasil, lideranças jovens se mobilizaram em torno da proposta da Missão Integral. Entretanto, a questão sobre o que deve ser considerado prioritário não foi totalmente respondido, gerando decepção e desencorajamento entre evangelicais.(AU)
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Santos, José Sidério dos. "Política e religião: um estudo da bancada evangélica eleita por São Paulo em 2002". Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, 2007. http://tede.mackenzie.br/jspui/handle/tede/2475.

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This work intents to analyse and to proceed a survey about Politics and Religion, in this way we try to study the Evangelic congressional bloc elected by São Paulo state, in 2002, for the Brazilian National Congress. We start discussing the brazilian evangelic's identity from the rebirth and Protestant Reform, afterward we start a study about the brazilian evangelic, discussing the Protestantism of Invasion, Immigration, Conversion and the Pentecostal Protestantism. Attempting to work with the identity elements, we conduct our surch denoting the evangelics while a small religious group and in this part we also discuss the relationship between the evangelic group and the media, consedering that group gets some visibility from the media. The second part presents the Evangelic congressional bloc and to do this study has been needed to discuss, initially, the social changing process of repudiation to the evangelic politic power adhesion, where we noticed two important moments. First of all there was a kind of bashfulness by some parts of evangelic group in to take part of the politic process, characterized by their repudiation; second of all, we noticed a signifant changing characterized by the enthusiasm by the politic process; however the evangelic church called "Congregação Cristã" still keeps its bashfulness. When we focus the Evangelic congressional bloc we present a historical survey of stablishment and its organization that started to take form since 1988 with the Brazilian Constituition; we have decided to do that, in summary, because there is a relationship between the congressional national bloc and the congressional bloc from São Paulo state. After that we studied about the Evangelic congressional bloc elected by São Paulo state, finishing making considerations about some subjects that we understand to be related to the Evangelic congressional bloc.
Este trabalho, pretende analisar e proceder a um levantamento sobre Política e Religião, onde buscamos estudar a Bancada Evangélica eleita por São Paulo em 2002, para o Congresso Nacional Brasileiro. Inicialmente discutimos a identidade do evangélico brasileiro a partir do renascimento e a reforma protestante, em seguida procedemos a um estudo sobre o evangélico brasileiro, discutindo o protestantismo de invasão, o de imigração, o de conversão e o protestantismo pentecostal bem como sobre o neopentecostal. Ainda, a fim de trabalhar os elementos de identidade, procedemos a pesquisa indicando o evangélico enquanto grupo religiosos minorizado e nesta parte tratamos também do evangélico e a mídia, considerando que através desta o evangélico consegue uma certa visibilidade. A segunda parte trata da bancada evangélica e para desenvolvermos este estudo foi necessário, inicialmente discutimos o processo de mudança social de repúdio para a adesão ao poder político pelo evangélico, onde constatamos dois momentos importantes. Primeiro houve um certo pudor por parte do evangélico em se fazer política, caracterizado por seu repúdio, em seguida verificamos uma mudança caracterizada por entusiasmo em fazer política, no entanto a Igreja evangélica Congregação Cristã ainda mantém este pudor. Ao tratar da bancada evangélica, inicialmente procedemos a um breve levantamento histórico da formação e organização da bancada evangélica, que começou a esboça-se a partir da constituinte de 1988, fizemos ainda um levantamento da bancada evangélica no Brasil, ainda que de modo sucinto, isto fizemos por entender que há relação entre a bancada em âmbito nacional com a bancada de São Paulo. Em seguida estudamos sobre a bancada evangélica eleita por São Paulo. E por fim elaboramos considerações sobre alguns temas relacionados com a Bancada evangélica.
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Costa, Magnus Carlo de Oliveira. "A Frente Parlamentar Evangélica e Apoio à Vida (FPE): desafios para a teologia pública". Faculdades EST, 2015. http://tede.est.edu.br/tede/tde_busca/arquivo.php?codArquivo=669.

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Abstract (sommario):
O presente trabalho se localiza no diálogo entre a atuação da Frente Parlamentar Evangélica e Apoio à vida (FPE) e a Teologia Pública em temas relacionados à participação social, dentro do escopo maior da relação entre religião e sociedade, como um jeito próprio de aproximação das igrejas de viés conversionistas aos temas da política nacional. O trabalho é organizado em três capítulos, sendo o primeiro relativo a considerações sobre a FPE e sua história e atuação, enquanto o segundo traz características e impressões a respeito das novas configurações do mundo evangélico e do debate político pela internet. Por fim, no terceiro capítulo encontram-se algumas considerações sobre a atuação da FPE a partir da Teologia Pública como uma ferramenta reflexiva e crítica dos pressupostos erigidos como princípios defendidos pelos parlamentares evangélicos reunidos na FPE.
This paper focuses on the dialog between the work of the Frente Parlamentar Evangélica [Evangelical Parlamentary Front], Apoio à vida (FPE) [Support of Life] and Public Theology on themes related to social participation, within the broader scope of the relation between religion and society, as a specific way of approximating the churches of conversion leanings to the national political themes. The work is organized in three chapters, being the first about considerations of the FPE and it history and work, while the second brings characteristics and impressions with regard to the new configurations of the Evangelical world and the political debate on internet. Finally, in the third chapter, there are some considerations about the work of the FPE using Public Theology as a tool for reflective and critical considerations of the presuppositions lifted up as principles defended by the Evangelical parliamentarians gathered in the FPE.
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Pinto, Tácito Lívio Maranhão. "A bioética e os evangélicos no Brasil: uma visão a partir da mídia evangélica". Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, 2008. http://tede.mackenzie.br/jspui/handle/tede/2500.

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This work aims to analyze the Evangelicals worldview concerning Bioethics, from the reading of its main official journals. In Brazil the reflexion about the theme has been done mainly by the Catholics, the Evangelicals are almost absent from that debate. This absence is due to the complexity of the theme, the insertion history of this group in Brazil and its present configuration. The objective of this work is to find out, from the Journals, how the ethical choices concerning life affect the Evangelical environment and to propose hypothesis to explain its behavior and reactions. A period of time has been selected: January 2005 to June 2007, during that time the general press has given great importance to Bioethics. The Evangelical Journals selected represent the most important groups in the country : Mission Protestantism considering the journal O Brasil Presbiteriano, the main press media of the Presbyterian (Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil) ; the Pentecostalism - journal Mensageiro da Paz from the Assembly do God and the Neopentecostalism Folha Universal, from Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus).
A dissertação analisa a cosmovisão dos evangélicos, no que diz respeito à Bioética, a partir de alguns de seus principais periódicos. A reflexão sobre o tema no Brasil é feita em quase a sua totalidade pelos católicos. Há pouca reflexão sobre o tema por parte dos Evangélicos. Tal fato deve-se à complexidade do tema, à história da inserção deste grupo no Brasil e à sua atual configuração. O objetivo do trabalho é verificar como os temas das escolhas éticas relativas à vida repercutem no ambiente evangélico e diagnosticar as suas reações (ação e omissão) segundo a sua própria mídia. Buscando a incidência, importância e destaque dado ao tema na mídia evangélica escrita, são propostas hipóteses que justifiquem os posicionamentos adotados por este grupo. Foi proposto um corte temporal: de janeiro de 2005 a julho de 2007, período em que a mídia geral deu grande destaque aos temas da Bioética. Os periódicos selecionados para a pesquisa representam os três segmentos principais dos evangélicos no país: protestantismo de missão por meio do jornal O Brasil Presbiteriano, da Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil; o Pentecostalismo jornal Mensageiro da Paz, das Assembléias de Deus e o neopentecostalismo Folha Universal, da Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus.
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Visani, Jennifer. "Proposta di traduzione parziale di How to seek and find the Lord di Peter Masters". Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2016. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/10794/.

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Lo scopo di questo elaborato è quello di proporre una traduzione parziale dall’inglese di un libretto teologico evangelico dell’autore Peter Masters, dal titolo How To Seek And Find The Lord. È un libretto molto conosciuto tra i cristiani evangelici di cui esistono già traduzioni in spagnolo, francese, portoghese e polacco; il mio obiettivo è proporne una in italiano. La scelta di questa tipologia testuale per il mio elaborato finale deriva dalla fede che professo, come si poteva immaginare. Essendo io di fede cristiana evangelica ho scelto di affrontare un tema con il quale sono costantemente a contatto, di cui mi interesso e che conosco a fondo, nonostante sia un argomento ostico. I testi teologici sono infatti delicati da trattare e hanno contenuti spirituali sui quali esistono diverse opinioni. Inoltre si pensa che ci siano diverse interpretazioni di un testo religioso come la Bibbia, ma il libretto che andrò a presentare mira proprio a chiarire che, in realtà, non è affatto così.
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Ferreira, Dieison Gross. "Música na IECLB: dialogando sobre a prática musical na Comunidade Evangélica Luterana Scharlau e teologia de Lutero". Faculdades EST, 2015. http://tede.est.edu.br/tede/tde_busca/arquivo.php?codArquivo=661.

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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo geral investigar as raízes teológicas dos hinos e cantos sacros cantados na Comunidade Evangélica Luterana Scharlau, da IECLB, para, assim, entender a teologia proveniente neste contexto. Tem como objetivos específicos examinar a história da IECLB, do Movimento Encontrão e da Comunidade Evangélica Luterana Scharlau, suas contribuições para o desenvolvimento da música comunitária e verificar em que medida ocorre a influência das correntes teológicas na definição dos hinários e músicas escolhidos, investigar em que medida as concepções teológico-musicais de Lutero estão presentes na música contemporânea entoada na Comunidade Evangélica Luterana Scharlau e delimitar, a partir da análise da modernidade e pós-modernidade em relação a teologia de Lutero, possibilidades de critérios para as escolhas das músicas a serem cantadas nas celebrações. Para fundamentar a investigação, foram utilizadas diversas referências bibliográficas como livros, jornais, revistas, atas, hinários e cancioneiros. A composição do hinário da Comunidade Evangélica Luterana Scharlau é analisada verificando as canções que são de outras confissões religiosas a partir da teologia luterana e do Movimento Encontrão. Os resultados da pesquisa permitiram observar como se configurou a história da IECLB e sua música, como Lutero tinha estima pela música e sua preocupação com o cuidado com a música, e como a escolha de critérios para a formação de hinários e cancioneiros podem caracterizar uma teologia musical das comunidades.
This research has the general objective investigate the theological roots of hymns and sacred songs sung in the Evangelical Lutheran Community Scharlau, IECLB to thus understand theology from this context, its specific objectives are to examine the history of IECLB , the Encontrão Movement and the Evangelical Lutheran Community Scharlau , his contributions to the development of community music and verify to what extent is the influence of theological currents in the definition of the chosen hymn books and music, investigate the extent to which theological and musical conceptions of Luther are present in contemporary music sung in the Evangelical Lutheran Community Scharlau and delimit, from the analysis of modernity and postmodernity in relation Luther's theology , criteria of possibilities for the choices of songs to be sung in the celebrations. To support the research , we used various references such as books , newspapers, magazines , minutes , hymnals and songbooks . The composition of the hymnal of the Evangelical Lutheran Community Scharlau is analyzed by checking the songs are of other faiths from the Lutheran theology and Encontrão Movement. The results of the research allowed to observe how to set up the history of IECLB and his music, as Luther had appreciation for music and his concern for the care of the music, and how the selection criteria for the formation of hymnals and songbooks may feature a theology music community.
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Melo, Flávia Váleria Cassimiro Braga. "NEM CULPA, NEM CONDENAÇÃO: A SAÍDA PODE SER JESUS. A ATUAÇÃO DAS IGREJAS PENTECOSTAIS NA AGÊNCIA PRISIONAL DE GOIÂNIA". Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás, 2005. http://localhost:8080/tede/handle/tede/819.

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This dissertation investigates the acting of the evangelical church in the prison of Goiânia. Three churches will be observed: Universal of the Kinydon of God (Universal do Reino de Deus), God is Love (Deus é Amor) and Light for the People (Luz para os Povos). This study analyzes the religion represented by these churches based on the necessity and difficulty lived by prisoner in the jail. This text is based in the sociology of religion establishing parameters that justify the intention of these churches, the prisoner and the jail when relating.
Esta dissertação investiga a atuação das igrejas evangélicas dentro da prisão em Goiânia. Três igrejas serão observadas: Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus, Igreja Pentecostal Deus é Amor e Igreja Luz para os Povos. Este estudo analisa o funcionamento da religião representado por estas igrejas face às necessidades e dificuldades vividas pelo presidiário dentro do cárcere. O texto baseia-se na sociologia da religião estabelecendo parâmetros que justificam as intenções das igrejas, dos presos e da prisão ao se relacionarem.
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Oliveira, Sérgio Batista de. "O LUGAR DA HERMENÊUTICA BÍBLICA NA FORMAÇÃO TEOLÓGICA DA IGREJA EVANGÉLICA ASSEMBLEIA DE DEUS". Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás, 2012. http://localhost:8080/tede/handle/tede/836.

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A hermeneutic analysis of IEAD (Igreja Evangélica Assembleia de Deus Evangelical Church Assembly of God) has been little discussedin dissertations and theses that deal with it. Therefore, our basic objective is to analyze what constitutes the Pentecostal theology present in IEAD,inquiring on what is the place of biblical hermeneutics in the theological formation of IEAD. With that in mind, we reflect here on this subject, aimingto understand the history of IEAD, its expansion in Brazil and its insertion in Pentecostalism, contemplating the analysis of the hermeneutic basis which underlies its theology. Methodologically, we will build an interpretative analysis of the few studies on that approach, ranging from authorswho have built a more religious study of the expansion of that movement, to thosewho have deepened their discussionsfrom an analysis of its administrative structure, while highlighting authors who turn specifically to other movements of Pentecostalnature which formed the basis of the theology of that religious group. As results obtained from research on previous movementsand the very IEAD, we highlight here the influence of Pahram and theologies present among Pietists, Methodists, Montanistsand the prosperity theology as well asthe way concordism has been presentin the literal interpretation of the Bible performed by that group.
A análise hermenêutica da IEAD tem sido pouco discutida em dissertações e teses que a abordam. Diante disso, nosso objetivo básico é analisar em que consiste a teologia pentecostal presente na IEAD, nos indagando sobre qual o lugar da hermenêutica bíblica na formação teológica da IEAD. Pensando nisso, firmamos aqui uma reflexão sobre este assunto que objetivará compreender a história da IEAD, sua expansão pelo Brasil e inserção no pentecostalismo, contemplando a análise da base hermenêutica que fundamenta a sua teologia. Metodologicamente, construiremos uma análise interpretativa dos estudos escassos desta abordagem que vão desde autores que construíram um exame mais religioso da expansão deste movimento àqueles que aprofundaram suas discussões a partir de uma análise da sua estrutura administrativa, sem deixar de apontar autores que se voltam especificamente para outros movimentos de cunho pentecostal e que embasaram a teologia deste agrupamento religioso. Como resultados obtidos a partir de pesquisas de movimentos anteriores e da própria IEAD destacamos aqui a influencia de Pahram e das teologias presentes entre pietistas, metodistas, montanistas e a teologia da prosperidade, bem como a maneira que o concordismo esteve presente na interpretação literal da Bíblia exercida por este grupo.
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Libri sul tema "Evangelická teologie"


Dvořák, Vladimír J., e Jan B. Lášek. Comenius als Theologe: Beiträge zur Internationalen wissenschaftlichen Konferenz "Comenius' Erbe und die Erziehung des Menschen für das 21. Jahrhundert" (Sektion VII) : anlässlich des 400. Geburtstages von Jan Amos Comenius. Prag: Nadace Comenius, 1998.

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Gogola, Jerzy Wiesław. Rady ewangeliczne: Teologia, praktyka, formacja. Kraków: Karmelitański Instytut Duchowości, 1999.

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1967-, Larsen Timothy, e Treier Daniel J. 1972-, a cura di. The Cambridge companion to evangelical theology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.

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Il Risorto: Indagine teologica sui racconti evangelici. Bologna: EDB Edizioni Dehoniane Bologna, 2020.

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Nastoupilová, Alena. Pojetí odpovědnosti v díle bratra Lukáše a J.A. Komenského. Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus, 2002.

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When God talks back: Understanding the American evangelical relationship with God. New York: Vintage Books, 2012.

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The Bible made impossible: Why biblicism is not a truly evangelical reading of Scripture. Grand Rapids, Mich: Brazos, 2011.

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When God talks back: Understanding the American evangelical relationship with God. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2012.

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Lubomir, Žák, a cura di. Sacramento e Parola nel fondamento e contenuto della fede: Studi teologici sulla dottrina cattolico-romana ed evangelico- luterana. Città del Vaticano: Lateran University Press, 2011.

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Úvahy nad žalmy: (1. kniha žalmů). Praha: Návrat domů, 2008.

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Capitoli di libri sul tema "Evangelická teologie"


Osculati, Roberto. "«Lex humilitatis et mititatis». La legge evangelica nella tradizione teologica francescana". In Lo scotismo nel Mezzogiorno d’Italia, 419–45. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.1484/m.tema-eb.4.00826.

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"Chapter Four. The Fraternidad Teologica Latinoamericana—Ftl". In Latin American Evangelical Theology in the 1970's, 83–119. BRILL, 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/ej.9789004176997.i-230.22.

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