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MOSLEY, WALTER. "Equal Opportunity". Critical Quarterly 37, n. 4 (dicembre 1995): 116–28.

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Nyman, Roseline Mary. "Towards Equal Opportunity Legislation". Agenda, n. 23 (1994): 79.

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Lazenby, Hugh. "Bottlenecks: A New Theory of Equal Opportunity". Philosophical Quarterly 66, n. 264 (27 agosto 2015): 649–52.

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Fishkin, James S. "Liberty Versus Equal Opportunity". Social Philosophy and Policy 5, n. 1 (1987): 32–48.

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Abstract (sommario):
Liberalism has often been viewed as a continuing dialogue about the relative priorities between liberty and equality. When the version of equality under discussion requires equalization of outcomes, it is easy to see how the two ideals might conflict. But when the version of equality requires only equalization of opportunities, the conflict has been treated as greatly muted since the principle of equality seems so meager in its implications. However, when one looks carefully at various versions of equal opportunity and various versions of liberty, the conflict between them is, in fact, both dramatic and inescapable. Each version of the conflict poses hard choices which defy anysystematicpattern granting priority to one of these basic values over the other. In this essay, I will flesh out and argue for this picture of fundamental conflict, and then turn to some more general issues about the kinds of answers we should expect to the basic questions of liberal theory.
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Baker, John. "Joseph Fishkin, Bottlenecks: A New Theory of Equal Opportunity". Social Theory and Practice 41, n. 1 (2015): 170–78.

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Crittenden, Brian. "Equal Opportunity: The Importance of Being in Context". Journal of Educational Thought / Revue de la Pensée Educative 4, n. 3 (10 maggio 2018): 133–42.

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The roots of disagreement over the relationship between the principle of equal opportunity and the ideal of equal­ity are examined through a discussion of John Schaar's attempt to demonstrate their incompatibility. It is concluded that crucial questions of meaning cannot be answered without reference to a general context of social, political, and economic theory, and ultimately, to a normative philosophy of man. This variation of meaning with context has tended to be ignored or underestimated in contemporary discussions of equal educational opportunity. Special attention is drawn to the limitations of ordinary language analyses in this respect.
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Brooks, Thom. "Book Review: Joseph Fishkin, Bottlenecks: A New Theory of Equal Opportunity". Political Studies Review 14, n. 2 (maggio 2016): 243.

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Brunori, Paolo. "Review of Joseph Fishkin's Bottlenecks: A New Theory of Equal Opportunity". Review of Income and Wealth 62, n. 1 (1 luglio 2015): 198–205.

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Gomberg, Paul. "Dilemmas of Rawlsian Opportunity". Canadian Journal of Philosophy 40, n. 1 (marzo 2010): 1–24.

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Abstract (sommario):
In A Theory of Justice and elsewhere John Rawls writes that the basic structure of any society affects the life prospects of those growing up in different ‘starting places,’ yet his conception of equal opportunity seems to require that one's opportunities not be affected by the class position of one's birth. Here I explicate this apparent contradiction and reconcile these assertions. In Rawlsian fair equality of opportunity children from working-class families have lesser opportunity to attain advantaged positions.Rawls's view cannot be easily revised to allow equal prospects for all children. Within the framework of Rawls's understanding of a just society, he is right to say that his own conception of fair equality of opportunity allows deep inequalities in life prospects.
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Miller, Duane I., Mike Majors, Marty Giesen e Jeff S. Topping. "The Hooper equal opportunity measure: An operational definition of ecological dissonance theory". Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28, n. 2 (agosto 1990): 164–66.

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Miller, Duane I., Byron Burton, Marty Giesen, Jeff S. Topping e Carmen Reagan. "Ecological Dissonance Theory and Criterion Validity of the Hooper Equal Opportunity Measure". Psychological Reports 66, n. 3_suppl (dicembre 1990): 1155–58.

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Siddiquee, Noore Alam, e Md Gofran Faroqi. "Equal Employment Opportunity in the Public Service: Theory and Practice in Bangladesh". International Journal of Public Administration 33, n. 8-9 (30 giugno 2010): 451–62.

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Kaplan, Leslie S., e William A. Owings. "Practical Significance and Critical Resource Theory: Tools for Increasing Equal Educational Opportunity". Journal of Education Finance 49, n. 3 (gennaio 2024): 324–44.

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Abstract (sommario):
abstract: Creating equitable schools by removing barriers to student engagement and achievement is a central school leadership responsibility. Using equity audits to systematically examine disparities in school resources and student outcomes can help identify and remedy them. This article will explain how using practical significance linked with Critical Resource Theory’s methodology can advance school leaders’ equity efforts – despite today’s political climate.
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Fleurbaey, Marc. "EQUAL OPPORTUNITY, REWARD AND RESPECT FOR PREFERENCES: REPLY TO ROEMER". Economics and Philosophy 28, n. 2 (luglio 2012): 201–16.

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Abstract (sommario):
This rejoinder to Roemer (this issue) examines Roemer's amendment to his EOp criterion, explains the similarities and differences between Roemer's approach to equality of opportunity and the economic literature inspired by the fair allocation theory, and proposes some clarifications on the compensation principle and the role of the reward principle in the definition of a responsibility-sensitive social criterion. It highlights the power of the ideal of respect for individual preferences with respect to the reward issue and the concern for potential harshness of the social criterion toward the individuals who fail to make good use of their opportunities. It discusses Roemer's objection against holding individuals responsible for their preferences.
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Balakrishnan, Kannan, Boštjan Brešar, Manoj Changat, Sandi Klavžar, Aleksander Vesel e Petra Žigert Pleteršek. "Equal opportunity networks, distance-balanced graphs, and Wiener game". Discrete Optimization 12 (maggio 2014): 150–54.

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Berman, Robert. "Normativity, Equal Opportunity, and the Adjustment Problem in The Just State". Hegel Bulletin 33, n. 01 (2012): 45–56.

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Abstract (sommario):
The Just State, as Richard Winfield notes at the outset, is the culmination of an ambitious project devoted to limning the contours and content of a systematic philosophy of right. Apart from its value as a substantial contribution to the understanding of Hegel's Philosophy of Right, The Just State offers its own self-standing, content-rich account of political justice. Winfield's book is overflowing with argument and analysis, which calls for careful, detailed consideration, and the brief set of comments that follow cannot possibly do it full justice. It is useful, however, to focus on a specific topic concerning normativity discussed in the ‘Introduction’. In particular, I would like to raise some questions about the principle of equal opportunity and the adjustment problem that arises from it.Before turning to those questions, it might be helpful to offer an overview of the overarching structure of The Just State. The ‘Introduction’ and eight chapters can be clustered thematically into three parts. The ‘Introduction’ has the important task of clearing away the obstacles thrown up by sceptical arguments against the very possibility of a normative theory of political justice. Chapters 1-3 set the stage for the account of political justice proper, which then takes up the remainder of the book, chapters 4-8. So the argument starts, in the ‘Introduction’, with a refutation of the sceptical denial of the project of political philosophy understood as the normative theory of political justice. This is important because the positive upshot of this anti-sceptical argument is the identification of a singular normative criterion: self-determination.
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Pujab, Rahab. "Influence of Equal Opportunity on Employment of People with Disabilities in Ghana". Journal of Human Resource and Leadership 8, n. 2 (5 aprile 2023): 11–19.

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Abstract (sommario):
Purpose: The study sought to investigate the challenges and the influence of offering equal job opportunities to people with disabilities in Ghana. Methodology: The study adopted a desktop methodology. Desk research refers to secondary data or that which can be collected without fieldwork. Desk research is basically involved in collecting data from existing resources hence it is often considered a low-cost technique as compared to field research, as the main cost is involved in the executive’s time, telephone charges and directories. Thus, the study relied on already published studies, reports and statistics. This secondary data was easily accessed through online journals and library Results: The results revealed that in terms of supply, education emerged as a key aspect that employers looked at when it came to the employment of PWDs. Thus, it was seen as advantageous for PWDs to seek post-secondary and vocational education to enable them to access the labour market. Internships were also seen as a way for PWDs to gain relevant work experience and access the labour market. However, the transition rates into employment were quite low. Type of disability had a very strong relationship to the employment of PWDs. It was seen to negatively influence the employment of PWDs as HR personnel were more inclined to employ persons with physical disabilities than other types of disability. In conclusion employment of PWDs in the human resource sector was predicted by legislation, supply and type of disability Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: This study used virtue theory, the socio-economic theory of compliance and the Keynesian theory of employment. These theories may be used to anchor future studies in the employment sector. The study will benefit many stakeholders. The top management of companies in the country will also use the study findings to improve the employment sector and ensure high and stable performance in all their activities and programs. It is expected that the adoption of effective employment methods will help to improve efficiency in their major operations and activities. The study results will also benefit other stakeholders such as the policy makers as well as researchers and scholars from different parts of the world. Scholars may attempt to bridge the conceptual and contextual gaps identified in this study.
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Miller, Paul Steven. "Developing Diversity and Equal Opportunity: Why the Disability Perspective Matters". PMLA/Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 120, n. 2 (marzo 2005): 634–37.

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Aryal, Shiva. "Illusion in Equality of Opportunity in Education". Rupantaran: A Multidisciplinary Journal 4, n. 1 (31 dicembre 2020): 153–63.

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Abstract (sommario):
This article focuses on the portion of the confusion that has been addressed by the different sociological and philosophical perspectives on equality of opportunity. For this study, I have used the document review approach where books, reports and research articles are reviewed for the purpose. Basically qualitative information is used and adopted for the thematic information analysis process. This article attempts to settle the illusion of equality of opportunity through binary thinking like the egalitarian that believes on how well people’s lives go not just the formally as a support by Marxist view as the protection should have on the basis of socioeconomic position rather than their personal needs. Basic equality and the social democracy theory are concerned on, no one should be discriminated against their sex or gender, race or ethnicity, and socioeconomic background or to be given equal value as a human worth. This article concludes that the illusion of equality of opportunity still remains on which one standard of measurement is best to achieve equal opportunity that one is unanswerable within single pint and events.
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Adam, Janet, e John I’Anson. "The Elusiveness of Equal Access to Educational Opportunity: Scotland, After a Decade of Inclusive Policies." Scottish Educational Review 52, n. 1 (27 marzo 2020): 36–51.

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Abstract (sommario):
The achievement of equal access to educational opportunity is an international policy imperative that remains as elusive as it is desirable. Despite a plethora of inclusive policies and initiatives in Scotland such as Getting it Right for Every Child (2008 & 2012), Curriculum for Excellence (2009) and the Scottish Attainment Challenge (2015), significant numbers of young people cannot be said to experience equal access to educational opportunity. This paper draws upon complementary sociological and philosophical perspectives to explore why such barriers to equality of educational opportunity persist, before suggesting ways in which serious engagement with such theory might counter deficit assumptions in play and offer possible new ways forward. The point of departure is Bourdieu’s typology of various forms of social capital which highlights how possession of capital is advantageous to upper and middle class families, whereas lack of such capital serves to restrict educational opportunities for young people from working class and disadvantaged backgrounds. Such an analysis argues that reproduction of social conditions, styles of thinking and decision-making, coupled with oppressive societal structures, all serve to disempower young people and impact negatively upon their educational attainment. This paper explores a variety of ways in which theory might challenge and interrupt assumptions informing discourses associated with inequality and their associated remedies. Through engaging a series of problematics within current framings of inequality, the paper argues that a more sustained engagement with theory offers the possibility of more nuanced understandings of inequality and a provocation to imagine otherwise. Engaging in such imaginative work might, moreover, enable the barriers to equality of educational opportunity to be better addressed.
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Maniquet, François. "Opportunities, Welfare, and Social Justice: A Review of Fishkin's Bottlenecks". Journal of Economic Literature 55, n. 2 (1 giugno 2017): 580–91.

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Abstract (sommario):
In his Bottlenecks: A New Theory of Equal Opportunity, Joseph Fishkin claims he presents an entirely new way of thinking about equality of opportunity. The core of the new theory is the call for opportunity pluralism, which consists in enlarging the range of opportunities available to people at every stage in life. In this essay, we discuss how successful Fishkin is at shaking the way economists think about equality of opportunity. We identify two aspects of Fishkin's theory that deeply conflict with economic theories of equality of opportunity. Those aspects have to do with the way economists interpret the ethical values of respect for preferences and responsibility. We also argue that the way Fishkin suggests to look at opportunities can help economists fill gaps in the way they define well-being and social justice. (JEL A13, D63, I31).
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Yudiatmaja, Wayu Eko. "Equal Employment Opportunity in Indonesia: Antecedent of Human Resources Management Practices and Service Performance of Government Employees in Tanjungpinang". Jurnal Borneo Administrator 16, n. 2 (24 agosto 2020): 179–98.

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Abstract (sommario):
Recently, government employees encountered issues of service performance because of the rising citizen’s demand to get a better service quality. The concern of the researchers to relate employee service performance with equal employment opportunities and the practices of human resource management still limited. Using social exchange theory, recemt study aims to examine the relationship between equal employment opportunity and employee service performance in the public sector. This research also investigates the mediating role of human resource management practices between the equal employment opportunity and employee service performance. This study was conducted among public servants in Tanjungpinang. A total of 258 public servants responded to the survey. The data were analyzed using structured equation modeling. The findings showed a positive relationship between equal employment opportunity and service performance. Besides, this study also claimed that human resource management practices mediate the connection between equal employment opportunity and service performance. The research implications and future research area need further elaboration. Keywords: Social Exchange Theory, Equal Employment Opportunity, Human Resource Management Practices, Service Performance. Abstrak Saat ini, aparatur pemerintah menghadapi permasalahan kinerja pelayanan karena meningkatnya permintaan warga terhadap pelayanan yang berkualitas. Namun, masih sedikit dari para peneliti yang memberikan perhatian terhadap kinerja pelayanan dan keterkaitannya dengan kesempatan kerja yang setara dan praktik manajemen sumber daya manusia. Studi ini menganalisis hubungan antara kesempatan kerja yang setara dan kinerja pelayanan para pegawai di sektor publik dengan menggunakan teori pertukaran sosial. Studi ini juga menguji peranan praktik manajemen sumber daya manusia dalam memediasi pengaruh kesempatan kerja yang setara terhadap kinerja pelayanan. Survei dilakukan terhadap Aparatur Sipil Negara di Pemerintah Kota Tanjungpinang. Sebanyak 258 pegawai memberikan respon terhadap penelitian ini. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan model persamaan struktural. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan hubungan positif antara kesempatan kerja yang setara dan kinerja pelayanan. Selain itu, studi ini juga menemukan bahwa praktik manajemen sumber daya manusia memediasi hubungan antara kesempatan kerja yang setara dan kinerja pelayanan. Selanjutnya, bagaimana implikasi studi ini dan area riset di masa depan akan dielaborasi lebih lanjut. Kata Kunci: Teori Pertukaran Sosial, Kesempatan Kerja yang Setara, Praktik Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, Kinerja Pelayanan
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Elliehausen, Gregory E., e Thomas A. Durkin. "Theory and evidence of the impact of Equal Credit Opportunity: An agnostic review of the literature". Journal of Financial Services Research 2, n. 2 (giugno 1989): 89–114.

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Kim, Juhee, e Soo Jin Lee. "A Grounded Theory Study of the Math Learning Experiences of Equal Opportunity Students in a Science High School". Korean Society of Educational Studies in Mathematics - School Mathematics 26, n. 2 (30 giugno 2024): 151–80.

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Abstract (sommario):
This study applies the grounded theory research method to closely understand the difficulties experienced and the coping mechanisms employed by students admitted to science high schools through the equal opportunity admission system in their mathematics learning. Specifically, in-depth interviews were conducted with eight graduating third-year students from a science high school, and the collected data along with the participants' math learning journals were analyzed following the procedures of grounded theory. The findings revealed that all participants experienced academic burnout in relation to their mathematics studies. The timing, pace of entering burnout, and recovery varied among the participants. Although this academic burnout seemed to naturally resolve to a significant extent during the third year due to reasons such as early graduation of top-tier students, some participants remained in a state of burnout. Based on the results of analyzing the difficulties and coping strategies in mathematics learning from the perspective of students in the equal opportunity admission system, this study proposes implications for the guidance and program development for these students.
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Tyrowicz, Joanna, e Lucas Augusto van der Velde. "When Opportunity Knocks: Confronting Theory and Empirics About Dynamics of Gender Wage Inequality". Social Indicators Research 155, n. 3 (4 febbraio 2021): 837–64.

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AbstractWe present empirical evidence that large structural shocks are followed by changes in labor market inequality. Specifically, we study short-run fluctuations in adjusted gender wage gaps (unequal pay for equal work) following episodes of structural shocks in the labor markets, using several decades of individual data for a wide selection of transition countries. We find that for cohorts who entered the labor market after the onset of transition. Labor market shocks lead to significant declines in the gender wage gap. This decrease is driven mostly by episodes experienced among cohorts who enter the labor market during the transition. By contrast, we fail to find any significant relation for cohorts already active in the labor market at the time of transition. We provide plausible explanations based on sociological and economic theories of inequality.
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Vigdor, Jacob L. "Joseph Fishkin. Bottlenecks: A New Theory of Equal Opportunity. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. Pp. 288. $38.95." American Political Thought 7, n. 1 (gennaio 2018): 177–80.

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Ibragimova, Zulfiya, e Marina Frants. "Inequality of opportunities: Interpretation, methods and problems of estimation". St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies 36, n. 4 (2020): 624–52.

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The topic of this research is the theory of equal opportunities and its application to the relationship between inequality and economic development. The relevance of the work is due, first, to the fact that inequality grows throughout the world, creating conditions for the growth of social tension; second, to the lack of general consensus on the direction of the relationship between inequality and economic growth; and third, to contradictory results of empirical studies on this issue. The main hypothesis of the study is that these theoretical and empirical contradictions can be resolved by dividing inequality into two components —inequality of opportunity and inequality of effort — and studying their impact on economic growth separately. The idea of distinguishing between inequality of opportunity and inequality of effort is a core part of the theory of equal opportunities. The paper briefly reviews the roots, development, and current state of the theory. Methods for measuring inequality of opportunities have been developed and tested on microdata from many countries, including Russia. Also, at the theoretical level, mechanisms of the negative impact of inequality of opportunities and the positive impact of inequality of efforts on economic growth have been identified. At the same time, there are very few empirical studies dealing with the relationship between inequality of opportunity, inequality of effort, and economic growth. In practical terms, studies of the inequality of opportunity are important because they shift the goals and priorities of public policy from equalizing outcomes to equalizing opportunities. This makes it possible to move towards a more just and rapidly developing society.
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Kristanti, Dwi, e Wayu Eko Yudiatmaja. "Antecedents of Work Outcomes of Local Government Employees: The Mediating Role of Public Service Motivation". Policy & Governance Review 6, n. 3 (22 settembre 2022): 247.

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Many studies have analyzed the performance of government employees, but there is still little research on the relationship between equal employment opportunity and public service motivation. The purpose of this study was to examine whether equal employment opportunities affect individual job satisfaction and job performance. This study also evaluated whether the relationship is mediated by public service motivation. The survey research was implemented in the Bengkulu City Government to achieve the study objectives. There were 252 participants in this study who responded by completing an online questionnaire. The results of the structural equation modeling show that job satisfaction and individual job performance are equally influenced by job opportunities and public service motivation. In addition, the influence of equal employment opportunity on job satisfaction and individual job performance is mediated by public service motivation. The implications of this work on the theory and practice of human resource management in the public sector are outlined in the findings.
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Pieloch-Babiarz, Aleksandra. "Catering approach to the dividend payment policy on the Warsaw Stock Exchange". Equilibrium 10, n. 2 (30 giugno 2015): 183.

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Dividend payment policy is a significant issue of neoclassical theories of finance. One of the concepts which poses a challenge tothe neoclassical approach to dividend payment policy is behavioural finance, including a catering theory of dividends. The aim of the article is to examine whether and to what extent the catering theory of dividends is reflected in the behaviour of shareholders and managers on the WSE. The opportunity to accomplish the aim of this paper was conditioned by the empirical verification of research hypothesis stipulating that the number of dividend payers increases if the dividend payers are priced by the capital market higher that the nonpayers. The empirical verification of hypothesis was conducted basing on the equal- and value-weighted dividend premium as well as dividend payment ratios. Moreover, descriptive statistics, Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, linear regression and coefficient of determination were used. The study was carried out on the basis of companies operating in the electromechanical industry sector that were listed on the WSE in the period between 1999-2013. The figures were taken from the Stock Exchange Yearbooks, Notoria Serwis database and GPWInfostrefa platform. The preliminary results of empirical research in the range of the catering theory of dividends allow to draw a conclusion that this theory may be useful in explaining the dividend policy conducted by electromechanical industry companies listed on the WSE.
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Groen, A. F., J. A. M. van Arendonk, M. E. Goddard e A. R. Vollema. "On the use of opportunity costs in deriving the economic value of herd life". Animal Science 65, n. 3 (dicembre 1997): 335–41.

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AbstractThis paper presents the economic perspectives applied when either using or not using opportunity costs of postponed replacement in deriving the economic value of herd life. Results show the equivalence of the rescaling method and the correction for opportunity costs. In economic terms, using rescaling or correction for opportunity costs forces the value of genetic improvement to change from revenues of increased output to reduction of costs per unit of (fixed) ouput. Under the zero profit theory, the economic value of herd life is equal when either using or not using correction for opportunity costs. In deriving economic values to define breeding goals, the choice of a method and price parameters will have to depend on foreseen future production circumstances for the system under study.
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Rose, Julie L. "Bottlenecks: A New Theory of Equal Opportunity. By Joseph Fishkin. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. 288pp. $36.95." Perspectives on Politics 15, n. 3 (18 agosto 2017): 862–63.

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Olsaretti, Serena. "Fishkin, Joseph. Bottlenecks: A New Theory of Equal Opportunity. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. Pp. 288. $35.00 (cloth)." Ethics 126, n. 3 (aprile 2016): 821–25.

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Zoller, Coleen Patricia. "Plato and Equality for Women across Social Class". Journal of Ancient Philosophy 15, n. 1 (21 maggio 2021): 35–62.

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This essay will marshal evidence for Plato’s extension of equal education and professional opportunity to all women, including artisan women who are not his ideal city’s philosopher-queens. I examine the explicit commentary in the Republic, Timaeus, and Laws about women in artisan professions, and I link it together with the three of the core principles advanced in the Republic, particularly (1) the principle of specialization (R. 369b-370c), (2) the principle of irrelevant reproductive differences (R. 454b-e, 456b), and (3) the principle of children’s potential (R. 415a-c, 423c-d) that arises from the myth of metals. Plato uses his Socrates and the Athenian to argue against gender discrimination because it violates these principles. Plato offering a theory of equal opportunity for women across all classes ought to be highlighted as one of the central achievements of the Republic.
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Monahan, Camille. "The Failure of the Bona Fide Occupational Qualification in Cross‐Gender Prison Guard Cases: A Problem beyond Equal Employment Opportunity". Hypatia 28, n. 1 (2013): 101–21.

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Knowing the theory of gender that a court is using to understand and assess the issues in a case is vital to ensuring that women are afforded their full rights under the law. Unfortunately, courts often do not explicitly state what understanding of gender is informing their decisions. An exception is found in employment law: specifically, the bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ) exception to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which allows employers to engage in sex‐based discrimination in those instances in which the sex of the employee is a reasonably necessary qualification for the job. In these cases, because the court must analyze how “manness” or “womanness” impacts one's qualification to hold certain kinds of employment, the court must articulate its understanding of gender. This paper examines two BFOQ cases in the cross‐gender prison guard context, those cases in which an individual of one sex seeks to guard inmates of the opposite sex. In these cases the courts created a theory of gender that posits men and women as different in kind. The theory developed in this line of cases is an attack on Title VII protections and a potential barrier to women's equality under the law.
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Raubenheimer, H. "Varying cross-sectional volatility in the South African equity market and the implications for the management of fund managers". South African Journal of Business Management 42, n. 2 (30 giugno 2011): 15–25.

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Modern portfolio theory is founded on an understanding of longitudinal volatility but it is the cross-sectional dispersion among investment returns that provide active portfolio managers with their competitive investment opportunities. The varying cross-sectional volatility in the South African equity market provides varying opportunity sets for active managers: the higher the cross-sectional volatility, the greater the opportunity for active risk taking, all other things being equal. This article argues that cross-sectional volatility must be considered hand-in-hand with risk limits and active risk targets when investment mandates are set and when mandated risk compliance is monitored.
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Castañ, Lupe, e Claudine Sherrill. "Family Participation in Challenger Baseball: Critical Theory Perspectives". Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly 16, n. 4 (ottobre 1999): 372–88.

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The purpose was to analyze the social construction of Challenger baseball opportunities in a selected community. Participants were 10 boys and 6 girls with mental and/or physical disabilities (ages 7 to 16 years, M = 11.31), their families, and the head coach. Data were collected through interviews in the homes with all family members, participant observation at practices and games, and field notes. The research design was qualitative, and critical theory guided interpretation. Analytical induction revealed five outcomes that were particularly meaningful as families and coach socially constructed Challenger baseball: (a) fun and enjoyment, (b) positive affect related to equal opportunity and feelings of “normalcy,” (c) social networking/emotional support for families, (d) baseball knowledge and skills, and (e) social interactions with peers.
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Štrajn, Darko. "Fishkin, Joseph (2014). Bottlenecks. A New Theory of Equal Opportunity. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 267 p., ISBN 9780199812141." Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal 6, n. 2 (30 giugno 2016): 173–75.

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DE SHALIT, AVNER. "Joseph Fishkin (2014), Bottlenecks: A New Theory of Equal Opportunity. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. £32.99, 272 pp., hbk." Journal of Social Policy 44, n. 1 (22 ottobre 2014): 190–92.

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Febriyanti, Irma. "UNDERLYING MASTER NARRATIVE AND COUNTER-STORIES ON SELECTED AMERICAN ONLINE NEWS". International Journal of Humanity Studies (IJHS) 4, n. 1 (31 agosto 2020): 99–109.

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Abstract (sommario):
This paper extrapolates the contrasting discourse of master narrative and counter stories through an analysis of online news articles dealing with the marginalization of African-American students in Newark. The discourse of master narrative works to maintain the ongoing racism that limits the opportunity of African-American community in Newark educational field. The claim of equal opportunity, as is propagated by the discourse of Cami Anderson, the superintendent of Newark works to conceal the prevailing ideology of Whiteness and color-blind view that deny special privileged to the Whites. Employing Faircloughs CDA (2010) under the framework of Critical Race Theory (CRT), the study underlines micro-structures of linguistic features within the wider scope of racism in American education. This paper argues that Whiteness as ideology remains prevalent in American educational system, and one avenue to subvert this view by increasing the involvement of marginalized group in the policy making decision. The discourse of the public, as seen in Barakas narration aligns with the African-American communitys struggle for equal access to through its advocatory tone as a catalyst for social change.
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Sherrill, Claudine. "Women with Disability, Paralympics, and Reasoned Action Contact Theory". Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal 2, n. 2 (ottobre 1993): 51–60.

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Abstract (sommario):
The underrepresentation of women in the Paralympics movement warrants attention as the world prepares for Atlanta 1996, when Paralympics (conducted after the Summer Olympics) will attract approximately 3,500 athletes with physical disability or visual impairment from 102 countries. Barriers that confront women with disability, the Paralympic movement, and adapted physical activity as a profession and scholarly discipline that stresses advocacy and attitude theories are presented. Two theories (reasoned action and contact) that have been tested in various contexts are woven together as an approach particularly applicable to women in sport and feminists who care about equal access to opportunity for all women. Women with disability are a social minority that is both ignored and oppressed. Sport and feminist theory and action should include disability along with gender, race/ethnicity, class, and age as concerns and issues.
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Yang, Yuqian. "Rationality and Justice: Textual investigation based on A Theory of Justice". Communications in Humanities Research 33, n. 1 (24 maggio 2024): 270–75.

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Rawls put forward the concepts of "the original state" and "the Veil of ignorance" in his book A Theory of Justice, which made an outstanding contribution to the reconstruction of the social contract theory. On this basis, he demonstrated the combination of the two principles of justice, namely the principle of equal liberty, the principle of equal opportunity and difference principle, which had a strong impact on the long-term mainstream utilitarian view of justice. Based on the textual investigation of A Theory of Justice, this paper starts from the reason basis shared by the two, takes the relationship between reason and justice as a clue, analyzes the differences between Rawls and utilitarianism in moral philosophy and methodology, and explains the connotation of Rawls's two principles of justice in detail. On the other hand, Rawls' systematic recognition and adoption of utilitarianism, as well as the utilitarian characteristics presented in the principle of difference, make the relationship between the two show a complex state of opposition and interwoven. In this paper, Rawls's theory of justice will be deeply explored, and the internal logic of Rawls's thought of justice will be analyzed, so as to further clarify the relationship between reason and justice.
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Goosey, Stuart. "The legality and morality of judicial retirement ages". International Journal of Discrimination and the Law 18, n. 4 (21 settembre 2018): 197–217.

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The judicial retirement age in the United Kingdom, which requires judges to retire before they reach the age of 70, engages the age discrimination provisions of the Equal Treatment Framework Directive [2000/78/EC] and therefore is only lawful if it is shown to be a ‘objectively and reasonably justified by a legitimate aim’. This article argues that the judicial retirement age is justified and therefore lawful under European Union law. In support of this argument, I outline a pluralist theory of age discrimination that consists of principles that explain when age-differential treatment wrongs people and when that treatment is justified. The theory includes the following principles: equality of opportunity, social equality, autonomy, respect and efficiency. After considering these principles, I argue that the judicial retirement age in the United Kingdom is justified by advancing equality of opportunity and social equality by increasing the turnover of judges and therefore increasing the number of vacancies for younger people and under-represented groups.
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Nunes, Rui. "Fair Equality of Opportunity in Healthcare". Conatus 3, n. 2 (31 dicembre 2018): 83.

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Abstract (sommario):
The allocation of resources for health, as well as the distribution of other social goods, being a political problem, can also be observed as belonging to the universe of distributive justice, considering that all citizens must have the necessary means for an acceptable physical, psychological and social performance. Individual autonomy, paradigm of a full citizenship in a modern society, cannot otherwise be achieved. Human dignity seems to imply that no citizen can be excluded from the basic health system due to the lack of financial resources. Indeed, equal access of all citizens to basic social goods and therefore to key places in society – principle of fair equality of opportunities – is one of the core aspects of Rawls's difference principle. It is, in essence, about ensuring the exercise of the right to individual self-determination in the relationship between the individual and society, as well as the right to play a social role according to skills and merit. But, it is not only the theory of the social contract that provides for a fair equality of opportunities. Different perspectives of justice contemplate this ideal. As suggested by Tristram Engelhardt Jr individual autonomy must be interpreted as a value in itself and a determining factor for the exercise of a full citizenship. But, justice is an ideal that must be progressively built. Whether in a specific society or on a global scale. And, the great challenge of humanity is precisely to recognize the existing intercultural differences and propose sufficiently flexible ideological systems that can be applied in different countries with very different levels of social and economic development. Without detracting from the ethical principles that should underpin the construction of the 21st century global society.
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Soleh, A. Khudori. "Mencermati Teori Keadilan Sosial John Rawls". ULUL ALBAB Jurnal Studi Islam 5, n. 1 (26 dicembre 2018): 175–92.

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Abstract (sommario):
Rawls' justice theory is based on three basic concepts: concept of property from John Locke, social contract from Rousseau, and imperative categories from Kant. This Rawls' justice conception itself emerges as a respond for social injustice in society as well as i nequitable behavior affected by the ethics of utilitarianism. Furthermore, according to Rawls, justice is fairness. The principles of justice are, (1) equal and maximum feasible liberty for all, (2) power and wealth to be distributed equally, except where inequalities; would work for the adage of all and where all would have equal opportunity to attain the higher position. The first principle supposes as permanent principle and, which cannot be interpreted. On the other hand, the second principle degrades two formulas: (a) everyone’s advantage (b) equally open. So forth, from formula (a) can be degraded two possibilities: principle of efficiency and principle of differentiation, whereas from formula (b) also can be degraded two possibilities: equality as careers open to talents and equality as equality of fair opportunity): Hencefonh, from possibility of (a) and (b) yielded four possibilities of justice interpretation: natural freedom, free equality, free aristocracy and the equality democratize.
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Ferreira, Lusia Ribeiro, Anderson Betti Frare, Débora Gomes de Gomes, Flávia Regina Czarneski e Márcia Bianchi. "Effect of Affirmative Actions on Student Permanence at a Brazilian Federal University". Revista Facultad de Ciencias Económicas 28, n. 1 (30 giugno 2020): 123–43.

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The study aims to identify the Affirmative Actions (AAS) promoted among students of business programs at a Brazilian federal university and analyze whether, in the students’ opinion, they meet the fundamental assumptions of the theory of justice. The documentary survey of AA examines student housing, financial aid for student parents, food, transport, permanence, and pedagogical support. Sixty-two respondents took part in the survey. The results show that personal factors, especially those of a psychological nature, adversely affect the permanence and performance of university students. Considering the students’ perception of Rawl’s “equal liberty” and equality of opportunity, the university’s AAS are understood to reflect the assumptions of John Rawls’ theory of justice.
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Ordem, Eser, Omer Gokhan Ulum e Mustafa Ahmet Cebeci. "Critical Race Theory in English Language Education". International Journal of Higher Education 11, n. 6 (22 dicembre 2022): 108.

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Abstract (sommario):
Racism is still exercised in various social, political and academic spheres and remains to be deconstructed by constituting new discourses. One of these deconstructive discourses has been critical race theory which can be regarded as a productive realm where the oppressed individuals or communities have found the opportunity to address socio-political issues and take collective action where necessary. This study aims to incorporate critical race theory, critical antiracist pedagogy, radical pedagogy, critical consciousness and critical resistance into ELT, EFL and ESL settings and curricula since whiteness and white supremacy have been the dominant discourses in the west perceiving whiteness as Self and blackness as Other. A civil society organization, The Critical Resistance Organization, shown as an example of collective action, was introduced to emphasize how the black movement could produce meaningful changes in a given society. ELT departments in Turkey can adopt an inclusive educational policy and radical pedagogy by taking the issue of racism into consideration to open room for a more liberal, equal and just society. The normalizing discourses regarding whiteness ought to be criticized and displaced by adopting the tenets of critical race theory.
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Adams, Samantha, Gina Görgens-Ekermans e François De Kock. "Graduate Applicant Intentions and Behavioral Beliefs". Journal of Personnel Psychology 17, n. 3 (luglio 2018): 131–42.

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Abstract. Laws promoting equal employment opportunity (EEO) in favor of applicants from “protected groups” are commonplace in many countries. The present study compared graduate applicants from protected vs. unprotected groups. Drawing on the theory of planned behavior and on social cognitive theory we explored how intentions to apply for jobs are shaped by behavioral beliefs (internal factors) and protection status (external factor). Results from structural invariance analysis showed that, overall, beliefs influenced applicant intentions similarly in both groups. However, relative weights analysis revealed notable differences in the relative influence of attitude and norm beliefs. The findings suggest that recruitment practitioners and scholars may better understand how applicant intentions are formed if the role of protection status is considered in conjunction with applicant beliefs.
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Park, Sung-Guen. "John Rawls' theory of justice and moral education". Research Institute of Education Science, Jeju National University 26, n. 1 (31 marzo 2024): 133–56.

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Abstract (sommario):
This study aims to reveal that in the current morality curriculum and textbook descriptions, the teaching-learning content related to Rawls's theory of justice is focused on the second principle, so the intention of Rawls's theory of justice is not clearly revealed. And the purpose is to suggest an educational direction that can correct and supplement these problems in the next moral curriculum and textbook description. Rawls argues that the principles of justice as the basic structure of an ordered society are composed of the first principle that guarantees equal freedom, and the second principle that includes fair equality of opportunity and consideration for the worst-off, and that these principles have a lexical order. This hierarchy can be said to be a core concept of Rawls's theory of justice, which seeks to prevent the equal freedom of members of society from being violated due to the improvement of social and economic welfare. In addition, the second principle also serves to further enhance and enjoy the value of freedom sought to be guaranteed in the first principle. Despite the importance of the meaning of the first principle in Rawls's theory of justice, the meaning of the first principle or the content elements of the close relationship between the first and second principles are not highlighted and described in the current morality curriculum and textbook descriptions. Accordingly, this study seeks to reconstruct the theory of principles in Part 1 and the theory of institutions in Part 2 of Rawls's Theory of Justice, focusing on the relationship between the first and second principles. Based on these results, I would like to suggest the direction of Rawls's theory of justice education in the next morality curriculum, especially in the curriculum and textbook description of 『Life and Ethics』.
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