Tesi sul tema "Enseignant·e·s débutant·e·s"
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Kamga, Kouamkam Raoul. "Analyse de la compétence de résolution collaborative de problèmes des futur(e)s enseignant(e)s de l'enseignement primaire". Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/36794.
Testo completoThis thesis presents an analysis of the collaborative problem solving skills of future primary school teachers in an educational robotics context. Nowadays, our daily lives are increasingly marked by the presence of technological advances like artificial intelligence or robotics. Hence, 21st century citizens must develop or improve on new skills. On the one hand, collaborative problem solving is identified in the scientific literature as a core competency of the 21st century. On the other hand, educational robotics, which is the pedagogical integration of robotic technologies to develop skills or to achieve learning objectives, is increasingly integrated into primary schools’ curricula in Quebec and in the initial training of primary school teachers. Thus, our aim was to understand how collaborative problem solving takes place in an educational robotics activity carried out by future primary school teachers. To achieve this, we mobilized a team of four future primary school teachers. They are enrolled in the third year of the Bachelor in Early Childhood and Elementary Education. They attend a course on the pedagogical use of information and communication technologies at preschool and primary school levels. They participated in two activities: the first being an educational robotics activity and the second, a Change Laboratory. The theoretical framework of our study is made up of the theory of expansive learning and the transformative agency. The investigation framework is made up of educational robotics and the matrix of collaborative problem solving skills derived from OECD (2013) and used in Programme for International Student Assessment (2015). We carried out a qualitative research. The research methodology was based on the Change Laboratory and the crossing of a historical-cultural reading and a cognitive framework of an educational robotics activity. The analysis of the educational robotics activity using the actions of the theory of expansive learning, led to the identification of six actions: questioning, empirical and historical analysis, modeling of new practices, examination of the new model, implementation of the new model and reflection on the process. The qualitative analysis of this educational robotics activity using the matrix of collaborative problem solving made it possible to describe the various actions of expansive learning previously identified. The participants reported having encountered several difficulties related to collaborative problem solving such as balancing their involvement throughout the activity and adapting to the working methods of other team members. As far as transformative agency is concerned, resistance is the most represented type of expressions. This implies that participants were more in conflict situations. The analytical method we developed to study the division of labour enabled us to identify emerging work units and two forms of team organisations namely the voluntary organisation and the involuntary organisation. This thesis documents collaborative problem solving in an educational robotics activity and presents an innovative framework for the analysis of this skill. Keywords: collaborative problem solving, complex problem, educational robotics, assessments.
Delcroix, Céline. "Professeur-e-s des écoles : carrières et promotions. Les identités professionnelles sexuées des enseignant-e-s du premier degré". Thesis, Paris 10, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA100109/document.
Testo completoIn our societies, each individual is categorized as woman or man. We use this difference of nature in order to culturally and socially build the visible differences between the genders. That is why, the own models’ transfer to the construction of identity has a key part in the perception of the sexual identity of each individual. Otherwise, the issue concerning the occupation of the positions in the « Education Nationale », in relation with the social and professional characteristics of women and men and with the definition of the roles and tasks according to the gender, has been slightly studied by the sociologists. On the basis of questionnaires and interviews of some school teachers and referencing to their career, to their choices related to it and to the promotions that they have had or considered, the target of this research is to deal with the appropriation or the refusal of the sex standards in the construction of the school teachers’ identity. And how these « feminine » and « masculine » models guide their professional path. It is a matter, in particular, of carrying the thought on the perception of the gender standards to the school teachers and showing their thought lightening their sexed professional standing compared with the gender’s socialization.Therefore, ask about the sexed professional school teachers’ identity issue, involves to examine, in a first place, the access path to the profession in order to understand how proceeds the profession’s apprehension and what is the function of the gender’s identity in the appropriation and the execution of the profession, and in a second place, how this professional identity evolves considering the contemplated careers and the possible promotions
Turner, Karine. "La transmission de la langue et de la culture en Ontario français: quel(s) rôle(s) pour le personnel enseignant?" Thèse, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/23086.
Testo completoRollin, Zoé. "Le lycée à I'épreuve du cancer : étude de la coordination des professionnel-le-s soignant-e-s, non soignant-e-s et enseignant-e-s autour du suivi des trajectoires scolaires d'élèves atteint-e-s de cancer". Paris, EHESS, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016EHES0148.
Testo completoThis doctoral research examine, from the case of the cancer, the tensions between serious chronic disease and schooling at the level of the high school. It is based on the study of 60 secondary pupils' school trajectories with cancer and three years old of ethnographical observation in schools and departments of cancer care. This thesis questions the temporality of the schooling in the face of the test of the disease at the level of trajectories and the school experiences of the high school students. On the long term, the management socially differentiated the disease, and it in interaction with a plurality of actors and actresses, lets in a part only of these pupils to invalidating school trajectories, which fall over to the field of the handicap. In the accompaniment of the social management of the disease, the parents, in particular the mothers, play a major role. These trajectories and experiences are marked by the sustainability of relationships of power which persist in the test of the serious illness. The square occupied by the schooling, the school and its representatives in hospital is also studied. The everyday life of the teaching in departments of care is modelled by the standards of the hospital and moved in a work of support compound of a wide beam of tasks surrounding the transmission of knowledge. Finally, this thesis comes to j underline what mean for the French school institution to welcome pupils with cancer. This one builts itself on the basis of undifferentiated pupils with no needs for specific adaptations. So, inclusion comes to push aside this building, a fortiori at the high school. Studying cancer highlights some logics: the part of the intrinsic care in teaching everyday life. A whole set of interstitial tasks as well as in a personalization of the educational relation is required in the context of serious illness
Hatchuel, Françoise. "Elèves et enseignant(e)s engagé(e)s dans une pratique volontaire des mathématiques : rapport au savoir et processus identitaires : étude clinique d'une innovation". Paris 10, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997PA100036.
Testo completoWe propose, through the analysis of about twenty non directive interviews of pupils and teachers, to show in what the commitment in a mathematical voluntary practice, inside so called "mathematical groups", is a part of an identity process. The first part treats of social and historical questions. It allows to notice that the teaching of mathematics has always been confronted to a double challenge : the elite training and the democratization of science, in which the groups take place. The second part is based on sociology, didactic, psychoanalysis and "sociopsychoanalysis". It demonstrates in what learning mathematics depends on the global construction of the personnality by showing that learning requires an ego ideal strong enough to resist the super ago elements, such as selectivity and definite difficulties. A dominating social origine, which reinforces the ego ideal, makes the access to knowledge easier. The study of pupils' interviews allows to understand how the groups let them free to "play" with mathematics without any danger by suppressing marks. Therefore, this way of working stimulates an ego idal reinforcement, but doesn't create it, because you need a minimal level of self-confidence to commit yourself into a group. As for teachers, we can notice that some of them consider the group as a mythical and totally satisfying world. It helps to reestablish the professionel narcissism, but may prevent them from asking themselves questions and from listening to the pupils. In the end, this work makes general educational elements appear : on one side, mathematical superego position, especially for pupils coming from popular classes who don't have any place to elaborate a real thought, and on the other side, the fondamental teachers' anxiety to lose their pupils' love
Nogueira-Fasse, Maryline. "Devenir enseignant-e : approche clinique des étayages à la construction identitaire dans la formation des enseignant-e-s du primaire : écriture et rites de passage". Thesis, Paris 10, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA100111/document.
Testo completoI firstly presented the review of the evolution of the provisions implemented in teacher training schools. Then, the analysis of qualified social context of "hypermodern" (Aubert 2006) allowed me to confirm the weakening of institutional support to professional identity construction. Using anthropological concept of 'rite of passage' 'I was able to grasp the essential functions of the physical mark and the primary role of the group in identity change process. In the second part, I analyzed the content of three interviews conducted with beginner-es, made according to a clinical approach to psychoanalytic orientation (Blanchard-Laville et al). This methodology has allowed me to approach the traces of unconscious processes that would disrupt the construction of a "so-professional" (Abraham Ada date). Moreover, by what I considered institutional discourse modalities take part in these processes. Finally, I presented the terms of a writing workshop offered to future teachers are I could implement within my formative missions. This presentation is supplemented by analysis of clinical interviews with two workshop participants. The attempt of a clinical look at the products and the content analysis of interviews texts have strengthened the hypothesis that a self-narrative, could take value of a "psychic shoring" vocational identity construction
Van, Steenkiste Gilles. "Enseigner ou former : représentations d’enseignant(e)s en Instituts Universitaires de Technologie". Thesis, Paris 10, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA100090.
Testo completoThis thesis concerns the representations of the teachers of University Institutes of Technology of their teaching and training practices. Thanks to a historical approach, the development of a double system of general and professional education in French higher education system is described and the place of technological training is specified.The massification of the universities from 1960s, the transformation of the French society from rural into urban, from agricultural into industrial and technological, the lack of high-level technicians lead to the creation of the IUTs, university institutions, in 1966. The IUTs offer varied trainings, which meet the needs of the students and the companies. They are characterized by industrial and tertiary courses, but especially by the variety of teachers’ statuses: teacher-researchers, detached from the secondary education teachers and professional trainers.This singular situation questions the place of “teaching” and “training” in this professional preparation. The qualitative investigation uses interviews (the analysis refers to social psychology and sociology of organizations) in order to understand the teachers’ representations of their missions of teaching. They depends on their statuses, their disciplines, their courses and the environment of their IUT
Metioui, Abdeljalil. "Les représentations des enseignant-e-s de science du secondaire et du collégial à l'égard des théories atomiques". Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 1987. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/29278.
Testo completoTouré, Oumar. "Analyse critique d'une échelle d'attitude des enseignant(e)s à l'égard de l'utilisation des objectifs pédagogiques en classe". Master's thesis, Université Laval, 1988. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/29375.
Testo completoBoyer, Stéphanie. "Les enfants au prisme des pratiques enseignantes d’éducation à la citoyenneté". Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/38248.
Testo completoJarty, Julie. "L'emploi, la famille et l'articulation des temps de vie chez les enseignant( e)s du secondaire : une comparaison France-Espagne". Toulouse 2, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010TOU20060.
Testo completoEsta tesis pretende analizar la articulación de las diferentes temporalidades sociales a partir de un estudio comparativo de las trayectorias profesionales, familiares y personales del profesorado de secundaria en Francia y en España. Apoyándose en una cartografía de los contextos societales, un examen de los modos de estructuración de la profesión docente, así como en 70 entrevistas biográficas y 17 ‘diarios de tiempo', la tesis propone un análisis de los mecanismos de diferenciación sexuada de las modalidades de gestión de la relación público/privada vía la articulación de estos diferentes niveles de análisis. Desde este punto de vista, el proceso comparativo permite identificar “contratos de género” y “ethos profesionales” distintos a ambos lados de los Pirineos. Respecto al nivel societal, las políticas públicas y las normas propias de la actividad remunerada y no remunerada hacen que la presencia de las madres en el mercado de trabajo sea menos conflictiva en Francia que en España. Al nivel profesional, la figura docente francesa conduce a una fuerte flexibilidad temporal mientras que la española supone temporalidades profesionales más largas en los centros de trabajo (Institutos). Estas diferencias, asimismo, implican prácticas y representaciones diferentes en lo relativo a la articulación de los tiempos de vida en los dos países, que las biografías individuales pueden tanto aceptar, cuestionar, como incluso transformar. La pluralidad de las situaciones empíricas está presentada a través de una tipología de las experiencias sociales de género en el profesorado
The research analyses the articulation of the different social times based on a comparative study of the work, family and personal paths of female and male secondary school teachers in Spain and France. Drawing on a cartography of the societal contexts, a study of the working conditions within the teaching profession, as well as 70 interviews and 17 “time budgets”, the research proposes to understand the gender differentiated mechanisms of the work/life balance through the articulation of these different levels of analyses. The cross-national comparative approach enables the identification of distinct “gender contracts” and “professional ethos” on both sides of the Pyrenees. On the societal level, public policies and the societal norms relating to paid and unpaid work make of the continuous activity patterns of French mother less problematic than in Spain. On the professional level, the normative model of the French teacher induces high levels of working time flexibility whereas the Spanish school system leads to more rigid working time norms. These differences reflect distinct practices and representations of work/life balance between the two countries, which are confirmed, questioned or even transformed at the individual biography level. A typology of the gender social experiences within the teaching profession provides an illustration of this variety
Boukou, Jean Claude. "Identités professionnelles des enseignant(e)s : analyse des situations et études comparatives entre le Congo-Brazzaville et le Congo-Kinshasa". Thesis, Paris, CNAM, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017CNAM1124/document.
Testo completoThe professional identity of teachers : Analysis of situations and comparison’s studies between the Congo-Brazzaville and the Congo-Kinshasa. During the last forty (40) years, teachers of both The Congo-Brazzaville and The Congo-Kinshasa have known social, economical and political problems which affected their professional ethic, forcing them to question themselves about their professional identity. Studies of the educational settings, professional actions, socio-relational, organisational, institutional and non formal aspects will enable us: to study the role of the teachers’ initial training, to assess the issues related to the funding of the educational structures together with its efficiency, to understand the generalized disaffection and the weakness of the social and economical position of the teacher’s duty. All these will enable a better explanation of the vulnerability of current teachers and justify the “idealized identity revetment” according to (Dubar.2000:165). The analysis of the outcomes of 103 biographic interviews conducted with teachers trained during 4 different periods revealed that each period corresponds to a basic professional identity.In the social context, teachers who consider themselves as Sisyphe of 21st century and the new kamikazes talk about an identity panic and scuttle. A comparative study will show the level of involvement in both cities geographically close to each other. The educational systems are different: the Congo-Brazzaville inherited the French system and The Congo-Kinshasa the Belgian one. The comparison will be intra-countries and inter-countries and will entail the initial and professional trainings of both countries in order to question their national systems and any eventual identity similarities or differences
Habib, Ali. "Analyse du discours pédagogique en classe de F. L. E. : repères linguistiques et discursifs dans l'interactivité langagière orale " Enseignant / Apprenant(s) "". Besançon, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004BESA1006.
Testo completoIn an attempt to analyze the teaching speech in French foreign language class, we chose a linguistic study which tries to approach the complex problem of the interaction teacher-learners while answering certain questions of a primarily discursive nature, but also teaching. In the light of the recent theories of the analysis of the speech, the pragmatic interactionnelle one and the didactic one of the foreign languages / seconds, the verbal interactions are studied in situation and of the linguistic and discursive traces are required through the analysis which made it possible to release from the general and particular characteristics of each speech of the corpus of analysis, but especially to stress the basically significant role of the meta-speech in the class, like on strategies frequently used by the teachers and the learners
Moreau, Marie-Pierre. "Comparer pour comprendre : la différentiation sexuée des parcours professionnels et familiaux des enseignant-e-s due second degré en France et en Angleterre". Thesis, London Metropolitan University, 2009. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.542796.
Testo completoDrot-Delange, Béatrice. "Outils de communication électronique et disciplines scolaires : Quelle(s) rationalité(s) d'usage ? : le cas de trois disciplines scolaires du second degré en France : la technologie au collège, l'économie-gestion et les sciences économiques et sociales au lycée". Phd thesis, École normale supérieure de Cachan - ENS Cachan, 2001. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00381040.
Testo completoSi les acteurs ont saisi les opportunités qu'offraient ces outils pour constituer ce que nous nommerons des " réseaux disciplinaires ", ont-ils pour autant créé des réseaux pédagogiques, tels que les définit J. Perriault (1986) ?
Notre travail a consisté à expliciter d'une part le processus d'émergence de ces réseaux en utilisant le cadre théorique de la sociologie de la traduction, d'autre part les rationalités à l'œuvre dans les usages d'adoption et de participation des enseignants en mobilisant les théories sur les médias coopératifs, empruntant elles-mêmes à la tradition de la sociologie de l'action collective.
Nous avons appliqué cette démarche à trois disciplines : la technologie pour le collège, les sciences économiques et sociales et l'économie-gestion pour le lycée. Concernant l'émergence des réseaux disciplinaires, nous avons analysé les discours des acteurs impliqués dans cette émergence, que ce soit sous forme d'articles, de sites ministériels ou de comptes rendus de réunion. Concernant les usages d'adoption et de participation, nous avons analysé les échanges sur les listes de diffusion pour l'année scolaire 1999-2000, enquêté auprès des abonnés, auprès des enseignants auteurs de sites personnels concernant leur discipline, ainsi qu'auprès des responsables académiques des pages web disciplinaires.
Cette approche nous a permis de caractériser les réseaux disciplinaires et de les situer par rapport aux réseaux pédagogiques.
Zlakomanova, Ludmila. "Agir enseignant et « naturel » didactique en situation hétéroglotte : études d'interactions verbales en classe de FLE dans les universités russes : le cas des cours de deuxième et troisième années de l’université pédagogique de Vologda". Thesis, Lyon 2, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009LYO20030/document.
Testo completoOur research project is concerned with the teaching/apprentiship of oral French in the « French as a Foreign Language » (FLE) program for Russian students in the second and, in part, third years in the Faculty of Languages of the teaching university of Vologda. We concentrated in particular on the action of the teacher, since the teacher is the key actor who ensures progress in the learning process in a situation using a non-native language in a foreign language context. The teacher assumes multiple functions with varying manifestations. Pedagogical polylogues are at the heart of our analyses. They aim to optimize the process of teaching/learning by modifying the action of the teacher via the application of our hypothesis of « natural didactics ». This method favors the creation of conditions allowing natural expression in a didactic situation by motivating the learners to speak on the one hand, and by reducing the asymmetry of the teacher-student relation on the other. Quantitative analyses allowed us to isolate particular aspects of verbal interaction in a FLE group within the Russian teaching university and in particular the specific action of the teacher. The results of these observations open up the possibility of a study of pedagogical methods appropriate for use in Russia
Buser, Mélanie. "Two-Way Immersion in Biel/Bienne, Switzerland : multilingual Education in the Public School Filière Bilingue (FiBi) : a Longitudinal Study of the Development of Languages of Schooling (French & (Swiss) German)". Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015USPCA125.
Testo completoThe two-way immersion program Filière Bilingue (FiBi) is a choice-based educational alternative in a Swiss public school situated on the language border in Biel/Bienne. This two-way immersion program integrates French-speaking and German-speaking students and «strives to promote bilingualism and biliteracy in addition to grade-level academic achievement for all students» (Christian 1994: 1). The presence of approximately equal numbers of native speakers of both languages in the same class provides opportunities for students to communicate with native-speaker peers, creating linguistic and intercultural benefits for both groups. Moreover, each class is composed of one third of allophone students having neither French, nor (Swiss) German as an L1 (or L1s). The amount of instructional time is equal in the two languages of schooling at all grade levels (50/50 program model). The focus of this thesis is the emergent multilinguals’ development in their two languages of schooling (French and (Swiss) German). The first part is theory-driven and defines some basic notions such as «language», «bilingualism vs. SLA», «multilingualism», «(two-way) immersion» and «translanguaging», resulting in the proposition to approach the emergent multilinguals’ proficiency outcomes from the perspective of what speakers do with the two languages of schooling in order to communicate efficiently and effectively. Considering multiple language practices in functional interrelationship can be referred to as a heteroglossic language ideology. Adopting thus a more holistic view on multilingual development forms the basis for the analysis of the outcomes of semi-structured and performance-oriented interviews – conducted with the emergent multilinguals in their two languages of schooling at five points in time (ten interviews in total).In the second part, an empirical study with data from our corpus – collected over a period of four years - is presented. Two approaches are combined for the analysis of data: whereas the qualitative analysis shows some illustrative examples of the learners’ translanguaging strategies (García, 2009), the quantitative analysis focuses on the measurement of their ability «to use language communicatively» (Bachman and Palmer, 2010). In lieu of measuring a current level of achievement in the learners’ two languages of schooling, process measures provide a broader picture, including variations in performance from a longitudinal perspective and documenting the emergent multilinguals’ dynamic process of becoming proficient in their two languages of schooling. In part three, major findings and limitations of the study are presented, including pedagogical implications resulting from the outcomes of this study. We conclude that practicing and future teachers of immersion schools need an appropriate teacher education with focus on the professionalization of two-way immersion education. This research-based and practitioner-informed teacher training should aim to train teachers who are able to best support emergent multilinguals in their process to learn content by means of two languages of schooling.The conclusion presents a summary of our study and suggests further possible research projects
Die Filière Bilingue (FiBi) ist eine öffentliche Schule. Deren Konzept basiert auf dem Prinzipder reziproken Immersion. Sie befindet sich an der Sprachgrenze in Biel/Bienne. Diese Schule – eineAlternative zu Schulen mit einer Schulsprache - fördert die Integration von deutschsprachigen undfranzösischsprachigen Lernenden und «fördert die Zweisprachigkeit sowie die Lese- undSchreibfähigkeit in beiden Zielsprachen und das Erreichen der Lernziele in allen Schulfächern vonallen Lernenden» (Christian 1994: 1). Ausserdem besteht ein Drittel jeder Klasse aus allophonenKindern, die weder Deutsch noch Französisch als Erstsprache(n) haben. Der Unterricht erfolgt je zurHälfte auf Französisch und Deutsch (50/50-Modell). Da die Klassen je hälftig aus deutsch- undfranzösischsprachigen Kindern zusammengesetzt werden, ermöglicht dies den Lernenden mitMuttersprachlern der «anderen» Schulsprache zu kommunizieren und interkulturelle Kompetenzen zuerwerben.Diese Arbeit dokumentiert die Entwicklung der Lernenden in ihren zwei Schulsprachen. Dererste Teil dieser Arbeit liefert einen theoretischen Rahmen und klärt Begriffe wie «Sprache»,«Zweisprachigkeit vs. SLA», «Mehrsprachigkeit», «(reziproke) Immersion» und «translanguaging»,gefolgt vom Vorschlag, eine Perspektive einzunehmen, die zeigt, wie die Lernenden dieSchulsprachen brauchen, um effizient zu kommunizieren. Die Betrachtung der multiplenSprachpraktiken in ihrer funktionellen wechselseitigen Abhängigkeit verweist auf eine HeteroglossieIdeologie.52 Eine solche ganzheitliche Betrachtung der mehrsprachigen Entwicklung der Lernendenbildet die theoretische Grundlage für die Auswertung der gesammelten Daten aus den halbstrukturiertenund auf Performanz ausgerichteten Leitfaden-Interviews (zehn Interviews insgesamt invier Jahren).Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit präsentiert eine empirische Langzeitstudie. Zwei Ansätzewurden bei der Analyse der gesammelten Daten kombiniert: während die qualitative AnalyseStrategien wie «translanguaging» (García, 2009a) von Lernenden zeigt, fokussiert die quantitativeAnalyse auf die Messung der Fähigkeit «Sprache auf kommunikative Weise zu verwenden» (Bachmanund Palmer, 2010). Anstatt das aktuelle Sprachniveau der Lernenden in den beiden Schulsprachen zumessen, wird ein breiteres Bild gezeigt, das Variationen in der Performanz der Lernenden einschliesstund den dynamischen Spracherwerbsprozess aufzeigt. So wird der effiziente und kreative Gebrauchder Sprache sowie mehrsprachige Diskurs-Praktiken wie «translanguaging» gezeigt. Diese multiplenSprachpraktiken zeigen das dynamische und interaktive Kommunikationssystem der mehrsprachigenLernenden und deren Spracherwerbsprozess in.Im dritten Teil werden die pädagogischen Schlussfolgerungen präsentiert. Eine angemesseneLehrerausbildung für diese Lehrpersonen fokussierend auf der Professionalisierung des Immersions-Unterrichts wäre wünschenswert, in welcher ein für die Praktiker/innen nützlicher Wissenstransfervon Forschungsresultaten stattfindet. So könnten die Lernenden bestmöglich beim Prozess, sichSchulstoff durch zwei Schulsprachen anzueignen, unterstützt werden. Der Schlussteil dieser Arbeitfasst die Studie und deren Ergebnisse zusammen und zeigt weitere Forschungsperspektiven auf
Koné, El Hadji Yaya. "Conceptualisation de l’activité pédagogique en contexte d’apprentissage hybride et développement professionnel des enseignant(e)s universitaires". Thèse, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/16326.
Testo completoThe integration of new technologies in higher education should not be seen as a mere fad, but rather a framework for redesigning the new orientations to be given to the University of the 21st century, in terms of institutional culture, organizational resources and achieving the objectives of research and teaching programs. Indeed, the emergence of a new trend of higher education, that is blended learning, has impacts on the pedagogical practices. Yet, there are no satisfactory models in the literature that describes the link pertaining to the relationship between teaching in the context of blended learning and faculty development. Throughout the whole semester of fall 2014, we collected data, by the means of participant observations and self-confrontation interviews, on the teaching activities of one full-time lecturer, in sociology of work, and one part-time lecturer, in project management, with one undergraduate class of each lecturer in the programs of certificate at HEC Montreal. The data analysis, using the conceptual categorizations, brought about theoretical statements underpinning the dynamics of the relationships between the phenomena of blended learning and faculty development. Scientifically, our research has shed a new light on the processes of professional identity construction in faculty development, regarding the technological, sociocultural and economic changes that the University, in general, and, especially, the teaching and learning practices undergo. Our inductive approach has helped to elucidate the structure of the interactions of the two phenomena, from the point of view of the two lecturers, and to construct models of pedagogical practices rooted in their daily teachings. Therefore, socially, these models translate a grammar of thought and action, anchored in the very values of the lecturers. We took into consideration the paradigm of the actual task, versus that of the prescribed task, in terms of implementation of the pedagogical processes, so that the results of this study be meaningful to the practice. The emerging models, from our redesign of the dialogical thinking processes of the two lecturers, can be used for the training of the faculty integrating online solutions to face-face instructions.
Chartrand, Caroline. "Comprendre l'expérience de la relation maître-élève(s) selon l'approche phénoménologique : le point de vue d'enfants de cinquième année du primaire". Mémoire, 2008. http://www.archipel.uqam.ca/897/1/M10313.pdf.
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