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K, Wilson Angela, Peterson Kirk A, American Chemical Society. Division of Physical Chemistry. e American Chemical Society. Division of Computers in Chemistry., a cura di. Electron correlation methodology. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 2007.
Cerca il testo completoGöres, Jörn. Correlation effects in 2-dimensional electron systems: Composite fermions and electron liquid crystals. Stuttgart: Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung, 2004.
Cerca il testo completoMarch, Norman H. Electron correlation in molecules and condensed phases. New York: Plenum Press, 1996.
Cerca il testo completo1945-, Gonis Antonios, Kioussis Nicholas, Ciftan Mikael e International Workshop on Electron Correlations and Materials Properties (1st : 1998 : Crete, Greece), a cura di. Electron correlations and materials properties. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 1999.
Cerca il testo completoMatsen, F. A. The unitary group in quantum chemistry. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1986.
Cerca il testo completo1950-, Wilson S., a cura di. Electron correlation in atoms and molecules. New York: Plenum Press, 1987.
Cerca il testo completoH, McGuire J. Electron correlation dynamics in atomic collisions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Cerca il testo completoGordon Godfrey Workshop on Condensed Matter Physics (1991 University of New South Wales). Strongly correlated electron systems: Proceedings of the Gordon Godfrey Workshop on Condensed Matter Physics. Commack, N.Y: Nova Science Publishers, 1992.
Cerca il testo completoGreenspan, Donald. Computer experiments for molecular motions and chemical bonding. Arlington, Tex: University of Texas at Arlington, Dept. of Mathematics, 1995.
Cerca il testo completoWhelan, Colm T. (E,2e) & related processes. Dordrecht: Springer, 1993.
Cerca il testo completoT, Whelan Colm, e NATO Advanced Research Workshop on (e,2e) and Related Processes (1992 : Cambridge, England), a cura di. (e,2e) & related processes. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, 1993.
Cerca il testo completo1942-, Fukuyama H., Maekawa S. 1946-, Malozemoff A. P, Nihon Ai Bī Emu Kabushiki Kaisha. e IBM Japan International Symposium on Strong Correlation and Superconductivity (1989 : Keidanren Guest House), a cura di. Strong correlation and superconductivity: Proceedings of the IBM Japan international symposium, Mt. Fuji, Japan, 21-25 May, 1989. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1989.
Cerca il testo completoR, Taylor Peter, e Ames Research Center, a cura di. General contraction of Gaussian basis sets: II. Atomic natural orbitals and the calculation of atomic and molecular properties. [Moffett Field, Calif: NASA Ames Research Center, 1989.
Cerca il testo completoStallcop, James R. Ab initio potential-energy surfaces and electron-spin-exchange cross sections for H-O₂ interactions. [Washington, DC: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1996.
Cerca il testo completoHarry, Partridge, Levin Eugene e United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., a cura di. Ab initio potential-energy surfaces and electron-spin-exchange cross sections for H-O₂ interactions. [Washington, DC: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1996.
Cerca il testo completoStallcop, James R. Ab initio potential-energy surfaces and electron-spin-exchange cross sections for H-O₂ interactions. [Washington, DC: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1996.
Cerca il testo completoIvan, Bozovic, Pavuna Davor e Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers., a cura di. Strongly correlated electron materials: Physics and nanoengineering : 31 July-4 August, 2005, San Diego, California, USA. Bellingham, Wash: SPIE, 2005.
Cerca il testo completoL, Malli G., North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Scientific Affairs Division. e NATO Advanced Study Institute on Relativistic and Electron Correlation Effects in Molecules and Solids (1992 : Vancouver, B.C.), a cura di. Relativistic and electron correlation effects in molecules and solids. New York: Plenum Press, 1994.
Cerca il testo completoO, Teubner P. J., e Weigold Erich, a cura di. Correlations and polarization in electronic and atomic collisions and (e, 2e) reactions: Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium held at Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia, , 18-21 July 1991. Bristol: Institute of Physics, 1992.
Cerca il testo completoInternational Workshop on Magnetic Excitations in Strongly Correlated Electrons (1999 Hamamatsu-shi, Japan). Proceedings of the International Workshop on Magnetic Excitations in Strongly Correlated Electrons: August 19-22, 1999, Hamamatsu, Japan. A cura di Takigawa Masashi 1956-, Ueda Kazuo 1949- e Ueda Yutaka 1949-. Tokyo: Physical Society of Japan, 2000.
Cerca il testo completoInternational Workshop on Magnetic Excitations in Strongly Correlated Electrons (1999 Hamamatsu-shi, Japan). Proceedings of the International Workshop on Magnetic Excitations in Strongly Correlated Electrons: August 19-22, 1999, Hamamatsu, Japan. A cura di Takigawa Masashi, Ueda Kazuo, Ueda Yutaka 1960- e Nihon Butsuri Gakkai. Tokyo, Japan: Physical Society of Japan, 2000.
Cerca il testo completoLee, Timothy J. Comparison of the quadratic configuration interaction and coupled cluster approaches to electron correlation including the effect of triple excitations. [Moffett Field, Calif: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Ames Research Center, 1991.
Cerca il testo completoLee, Timothy J. Comparison of the quadratic configuration interaction and coupled cluster approaches to electron correlation including the effect of triple excitations. [Moffett Field, Calif: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Ames Research Center, 1991.
Cerca il testo completoKurt, Scharnberg, Kruchinin Sergei e North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a cura di. Electron correlation in new materials and nanosystems: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Electron Correlation in New Materials and Nanosystems, held in Yalta, Ukraine, 19-23 September 2005. Dordrecht: Springer, 2007.
Cerca il testo completoInc, ebrary, e NATO Advanced Study Institute on the Gap Symmetry and Fluctuations in High-Tc Superconductors (1997 : Cargèse, France), a cura di. The gap symmetry and fluctuations in high-Tc superconductors. New York: Kluwer Academic, 2002.
Cerca il testo completo1933-, Bok Julien, e NATO Advanced Study Institute on the Gap Symmetry and Fluctuations in High-Tc Superconductors (1997 : Cargèse, France), a cura di. The gap symmetry and fluctuations in high-Tc superconductors. New York: Plenum Press, 1998.
Cerca il testo completoG.B. Pant Social Science Institute., a cura di. Caste re-configurations and U.P. elections. New Delhi: Kanishka Publishers, Distributors in association with G.B. Pant Social Science Institiute, Allahabad, 2002.
Cerca il testo completoLaura, Chappell, a cura di. Advanced Cisco router configuration. Indianapolis, Ind: Macmillan, 1999.
Cerca il testo completoDeal, Richard A. CCNP Cisco LAN switch configuration. Scottsdale, Ariz: Coriolis Group Books, 1999.
Cerca il testo completoUnited States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., a cura di. Direct drive options for electric propulsion systems. [Washington, DC]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1995.
Cerca il testo completoUnited States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., a cura di. Multi-reactor power system configurations for multimegawatt nuclear electric propulsion. [Washington, DC]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1991.
Cerca il testo completoMiller-White, Marilyn. MCTS Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Configuration Study Guide. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2009.
Cerca il testo completoLammle, Todd. CCNP: Advanced Cisco router configuration study guide. San Francisco: Network Press, 1999.
Cerca il testo completo(Editor), Alex C. Hewson, e Veljko Zlatic (Editor), a cura di. Concepts in Electron Correlation (NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry). Springer, 2003.
Cerca il testo completoTremblay, Ándre-Marie, David Sénéchal e Claude Bourbonnais. Theoretical Methods for Strongly Correlated Electrons. Springer London, Limited, 2006.
Cerca il testo completoWilson, S. Electron Correlation in Molecules. Dover Publications, 2007.
Cerca il testo completo(Editor), David Sénéchal, Ándre-Marie Tremblay (Editor) e Claude Bourbonnais (Editor), a cura di. Theoretical Methods for Strongly Correlated Electrons (CRM Series in Mathematical Physics). Springer, 2003.
Cerca il testo completoCeraulo, Sandra C. Calculations of experimentally observable effects of electron correlation. 1993.
Cerca il testo completo(Editor), A. Gonis, Nicholis Kioussis (Editor) e Mikael Ciftan (Editor), a cura di. Electron Correlations and Materials Properties 2. Springer, 2003.
Cerca il testo completoBerakdar, Jamal. Electronic Correlation Mapping: From Finite to Extended Systems. Wiley & Sons, Limited, John, 2007.
Cerca il testo completoBerakdar, Jamal. Electronic Correlation Mapping: From Finite to Extended Systems. Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John, 2008.
Cerca il testo completoElectron Correlation in the Solid State. World Scientific Publishing Company, 1999.
Cerca il testo completoCarbocyclische Pi-Elektronen-Systeme. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme, 1985.
Cerca il testo completoSummerfield, John H. Large-D limit for correlation methods in atoms. 1994.
Cerca il testo completoSummerfield, John H. Large-D limit for correlation methods in atoms. 1994.
Cerca il testo completoMonarkha, Yuriy, e Kimitoshi Kono. Two-Dimensional Coulomb Liquids and Solids. Springer, 2004.
Cerca il testo completo(Editor), Janez Bonca, Peter Prelovsek (Editor), Anton Ramsak (Editor) e Sarben Sarkar (Editor), a cura di. Open Problems in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry). Springer, 2001.
Cerca il testo completo(Editor), Janez Bonca, Peter Prelovsek (Editor), Anton Ramsak (Editor) e Sarben Sarkar (Editor), a cura di. Open Problems in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry). Springer, 2001.
Cerca il testo completoGordon, M. S. Fragmentation: Toward accurate calculations on complex molecular systems. 2017.
Cerca il testo completoE, Hunter John. Experimental and theoretical studies of electron correlation in the alkaline-earth atoms. 1988.
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