Articoli di riviste sul tema "Dynamic stochastic models"
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Assaf, A. George, Mike G. Tsionas e Florian Kock. "Dynamic quantile stochastic frontier models". International Journal of Hospitality Management 89 (agosto 2020): 102588.
Testo completoDror, Moshe, e Warren Powell. "Stochastic and Dynamic Models in Transportation". Operations Research 41, n. 1 (febbraio 1993): 11–14.
Testo completoReichman, David R. "On Stochastic Models of Dynamic Disorder†". Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110, n. 38 (settembre 2006): 19061–65.
Testo completoYano, Makoto. "Comparative statics in dynamic stochastic models". Journal of Mathematical Economics 18, n. 2 (gennaio 1989): 169–85.
Testo completoZilcha, I. "Efficiency in Stochastic Dynamic Economic Models". IFAC Proceedings Volumes 22, n. 5 (giugno 1989): 357–61.
Testo completoPopkov, Yu S. "Macrosystems Models of Dynamic Stochastic Networks". Automation and Remote Control 64, n. 12 (dicembre 2003): 1956–74.
Testo completoCreal, Drew D., e Ruey S. Tsay. "High dimensional dynamic stochastic copula models". Journal of Econometrics 189, n. 2 (dicembre 2015): 335–45.
Testo completoFan, Ruzong, Bin Zhu e Yuedong Wang. "Stochastic dynamic models and Chebyshev splines". Canadian Journal of Statistics 42, n. 4 (3 novembre 2014): 610–34.
Testo completoTsionas, Efthymios G. "Inference in dynamic stochastic frontier models". Journal of Applied Econometrics 21, n. 5 (2006): 669–76.
Testo completoPopkov, Yuri S., Alexey Yu Popkov, Yuri A. Dubnov e Dimitri Solomatine. "Entropy-Randomized Forecasting of Stochastic Dynamic Regression Models". Mathematics 8, n. 7 (8 luglio 2020): 1119.
Testo completoDahani, Khawla, e Rajae Aboulaich. "Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium model for the Islamic economy". Investment Management and Financial Innovations 15, n. 3 (2 ottobre 2018): 370–82.
Testo completoMartins, Igor, e Hedibert Freitas Lopes. "Stochastic Volatility Models with Skewness Selection". Entropy 26, n. 2 (6 febbraio 2024): 142.
Testo completoMorales-Jiménez, Camilo. "Dynamic and Stochastic Search Equilibrium". Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2021, n. 055r1 (31 marzo 2022): 1–46.
Testo completoDolgui, Alexandre, e Jean-Marie Proth. "Stochastic Dynamic Pricing Models of Monopoly Systems". IFAC Proceedings Volumes 42, n. 4 (2009): 1469–80.
Testo completoAsai, Manabu, e Michael McAleer. "Dynamic Asymmetric Leverage in Stochastic Volatility Models". Econometric Reviews 24, n. 3 (luglio 2005): 317–32.
Testo completoGlickman, Mark E. "Dynamic paired comparison models with stochastic variances". Journal of Applied Statistics 28, n. 6 (agosto 2001): 673–89.
Testo completoSantos, Manuel S., e Adrian Peralta-Alva. "Accuracy of Simulations for Stochastic Dynamic Models". Econometrica 73, n. 6 (novembre 2005): 1939–76.
Testo completoFernández-Villaverde, Jesús, Pablo Guerrón-Quintana e Juan F. Rubio-Ramírez. "Estimating dynamic equilibrium models with stochastic volatility". Journal of Econometrics 185, n. 1 (marzo 2015): 216–29.
Testo completoNyarko, Yaw, e Lars J. Olson. "Stochastic dynamic models with stock-dependent rewards". Journal of Economic Theory 55, n. 1 (ottobre 1991): 161–68.
Testo completoDoraszelski, Ulrich, e Juan F. Escobar. "Protocol invariance and the timing of decisions in dynamic games". Theoretical Economics 14, n. 2 (2019): 597–646.
Testo completoSantonja, Francisco-José, e Leonid Shaikhet. "Analysing Social Epidemics by Delayed Stochastic Models". Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2012 (2012): 1–13.
Testo completoUrbina, Angel, e Thomas Paez. "Probabilistic Numerical Analysis of Large, Complex, Structural Dynamic System Models". Journal of the IEST 46, n. 1 (14 settembre 2003): 119–27.
Testo completoXing, Pengfei, Feng Zhao, Xiaoliang He e Guobin Li. "Investigation on Dynamic Behaviors of Ship Propulsion Shafting with Misalignment Based on Stochastic Uncertainty Models". Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 12, n. 11 (28 ottobre 2024): 1927.
Testo completoWang, Haibo, Yongfeng Cheng, Zhicheng Lu, Ronghua Huan, Qiangfeng Lü e Zhenlin Liu. "Stochastic Response of Composite Post Insulators under Seismic Excitation". Buildings 14, n. 6 (25 maggio 2024): 1539.
Testo completoHarrison, L. M., O. David e K. J. Friston. "Stochastic models of neuronal dynamics". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 360, n. 1457 (29 maggio 2005): 1075–91.
Testo completoBod’ová, Katarína, Enikő Szép e Nicholas H. Barton. "Dynamic maximum entropy provides accurate approximation of structured population dynamics". PLOS Computational Biology 17, n. 12 (1 dicembre 2021): e1009661.
Testo completoAvramenko, Olga, e Volodymyr Naradovyi. "Weakly nonlinear models of stochastic wave propagation in two-layer hydrodynamic systems". Mohyla Mathematical Journal 6 (18 aprile 2024): 39–44.
Testo completoArbeev, Konstantin, Olivia Bagley, Arseniy Yashkin, Hongzhe Duan, Igor Akushevich, Svetlana Ukraintseva e Anatoliy Yashin. "Applications of Stochastic Process Models to Constructing Predictive Models of Alzheimer’s Disease". Innovation in Aging 4, Supplement_1 (1 dicembre 2020): 263.
Testo completoZarrop, M. B. "Book Review: Dynamic Programming: Deterministic and Stochastic Models". International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Education 25, n. 4 (ottobre 1988): 376–77.
Testo completoCardwell, Hal, e Hugh Ellis. "Stochastic dynamic programming models for water quality management". Water Resources Research 29, n. 4 (aprile 1993): 803–13.
Testo completoĆMIEL, ADAM, e HENRYK GURGUL. "Dynamic input-output models with stochastic time lags". International Journal of Systems Science 27, n. 9 (settembre 1996): 857–61.
Testo completoBartolucci, Francesco, Maria Francesca Marino e Silvia Pandolfi. "Dealing with reciprocity in dynamic stochastic block models". Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 123 (luglio 2018): 86–100.
Testo completoKamenskaya, V., e L. Tomanov. "Stochastic principles in dynamic models of the brain". International Journal of Psychophysiology 131 (ottobre 2018): S23—S24.
Testo completoTriantafyllopoulos, K. "Multivariate stochastic volatility with Bayesian dynamic linear models". Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 138, n. 4 (aprile 2008): 1021–37.
Testo completoSchenk, C. A., H. J. Pradlwarter e G. I. Schuëller. "On the dynamic stochastic response of FE models". Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 19, n. 1-2 (gennaio 2004): 161–70.
Testo completoSchoder, Christian. "Are Dynamic Stochastic Disequilibrium models Keynesian or neoclassical?" Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 40 (marzo 2017): 46–63.
Testo completoPicci, G. "A Theory of Dynamic Aggregation by Stochastic Models". IFAC Proceedings Volumes 23, n. 8 (agosto 1990): 305–8.
Testo completoBowsher, Clive G. "Stochastic kinetic models: Dynamic independence, modularity and graphs". Annals of Statistics 38, n. 4 (agosto 2010): 2242–81.
Testo completoRuge-Murcia, Francisco J. "Methods to estimate dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models". Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 31, n. 8 (agosto 2007): 2599–636.
Testo completoEmvudu, Yves, Danhrée Bongor e Rodoumta Koïna. "Mathematical analysis of HIV/AIDS stochastic dynamic models". Applied Mathematical Modelling 40, n. 21-22 (novembre 2016): 9131–51.
Testo completoHutchinson, John M. C., e John M. McNamara. "Ways to test stochastic dynamic programming models empirically". Animal Behaviour 59, n. 4 (aprile 2000): 665–76.
Testo completoHafner, Christian M., e Hans Manner. "Dynamic stochastic copula models: estimation, inference and applications". Journal of Applied Econometrics 27, n. 2 (30 giugno 2010): 269–95.
Testo completoDuso, Lorenzo, e Christoph Zechner. "Stochastic reaction networks in dynamic compartment populations". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117, n. 37 (31 agosto 2020): 22674–83.
Testo completoBlueschke-Nikolaeva, V., D. Blueschke e R. Neck. "OPTCON3: An Active Learning Control Algorithm for Nonlinear Quadratic Stochastic Problems". Computational Economics 56, n. 1 (9 dicembre 2019): 145–62.
Testo completoStachurski, John. "BOUNDING TAIL PROBABILITIES IN DYNAMIC ECONOMIC MODELS". Macroeconomic Dynamics 16, S1 (30 dicembre 2011): 117–26.
Testo completoEL QALLI, YASSINE. "RECURSIVE BAYESIAN ESTIMATION IN FORWARD PRICE MODELS IMPLIED BY FAIR PRICING". International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 13, n. 02 (marzo 2010): 301–33.
Testo completoŽiniauskaitė, Eugenija, e Vitalijus Denisovas. "Weather forecast for simulation models of agroecosystem production". Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys, n. II (14 dicembre 1998): 334–41.
Testo completoMaass, Wolfgang, e Anthony M. Zador. "Dynamic Stochastic Synapses as Computational Units". Neural Computation 11, n. 4 (1 maggio 1999): 903–17.
Testo completoYe, Hongbo. "On Stochastic-User-Equilibrium-Based Day-to-Day Dynamics". Transportation Science 56, n. 1 (gennaio 2022): 103–17.
Testo completoGuatteri, M. "Strong Ground-Motion Prediction from Stochastic-Dynamic Source Models". Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 93, n. 1 (1 febbraio 2003): 301–13.
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