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Dequidt, Clotilde. "Étude des conditions d'efficacité d'une analogie mécanique instrumentée pour l'enseignement de l'électrocinétique en terminale scientifique". Thesis, Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2015.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Depuis plus de trente années, des recherches en didactique de la physique ont montré dans un grand nombre de pays que les élèves rencontrent des difficultés d'apprentissage en électricité et ce, quel que soit le niveau scolaire. Ces difficultés s’expliquent notamment par un certain nombre de conceptions qui viennent entraver la compréhension des phénomènes électriques. Pour palier ces difficultés, les didacticiens, et de fait les enseignants, utilisent des analogies plus ou moins adaptées et performantes. Pour réaliser notre travail de recherche, nous étudions une analogie innovante entre les domaines mécanique (domaine source) et électrique (domaine cible), cette analogie a la particularité d'être instrumentée, ce qui permet d'expérimenter dans le domaine source. Notre travail de recherche s’intéresse aux conditions d’efficacité de cette analogie pour l'apprentissage des élèves. La revue bibliographique dans les domaines de la didactique de la physique, l'ergonomie et la cognition incarnée a permis, dans un premier temps, d'établir un ensemble de conditions auxquelles doit répondre l'analogie pour être efficace. Notre travail a permis de montrer que cette analogie possède les critères requis pour être considérée comme une analogie potentiellement efficace. Dans un second temps, nous avons vérifié l'impact de la mise en oeuvre de cette analogie avec des élèves de terminale scientifique. Pour cela nous avons réalisé des questionnaires et des entretiens avec les élèves. Les résultats aux questionnaires mettent en évidence une efficacité moindre que celle que laissait supposer l'étude sur le potentiel didactique de l'analogie. C'est par le biais d'entretiens auprès des enseignants et d'enregistrements de cours qu'une très grande disparité d'utilisation de l'analogie a été repérée. L'étude des données recueillies permet de mieux comprendre les raisons qui expliquent la faible utilisation de l'analogie. Ces résultats ont permis la conception d'une première version d'un guide d'utilisation à destination des enseignants
For over thirty years, research in didactics of physics have shown in many countries that students encounter learning difficulties in electricity and that, regardless of the grade level. These difficulties can be especially explained by a number of misconceptions that prevent the understanding of electrical phenomena. To overcome these difficulties, researchers in didactics and teachers use analogies which are more or less adapted and powerful. To achieve our research, we study an innovative mechanical analogy between mechanical domain (source domain) and electrical domain (target domain). This analogy has the feature of being instrumented, which allows to experiment in the source domain. Our research focusses on the conditions of effectiveness of this analogy for student learning. The literature review in physics, science education, ergonomics and embodied cognition allowed, firstly, to establish a set of conditions to be met by the analogy to be effective. Our work has shown that this analogy has the necessary criteria to be considered an effective analogy. Secondly, we tested the impact of the implementation of this analogy with scientific 12th grade students. For this, we made tests and interviews with students. The test results show a lower efficiency than suggested by the study of the potential of the analogy. Through interviews with teachers and course records, we note a great disparity of use of the analogy. The study of collected data allows to better understand the reasons of the low use of the analogy. These results allowed to design a first version of a manual for teachers
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Montiès-Farsy, Sophie. "Situations d'apprentissage et activités de conception en baccalauréat technologique "Design et Arts appliqués" : représentations et instruments". Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2018.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Dans la formation du baccalauréat STD2A, il n’est pas question d’enseigner à des élèves la profession de designer, contrairement aux formations supérieures, mais de les préparer à intégrer ces formations. Son objectif est de donner plus des éléments de compréhension des démarches de conception qu’une compétence professionnelle de designer. La finalité de ce travail est de regarder comment l’activité de conception est enseignée au lycée. Le cadre théorique interroge les articulations entre activité, instrument, milieu, tâche et compétences et activité de conception. Le cadre de l’étude a été circonscrit à l’épreuve certificative « Projet en Design et AA » . La méthodologie s’appuie (1) sur une analyse a priori de la tâche prescrite par l’institution et redéfinie par des enseignants travaillant dans trois lycées différents, et (2) sur une analyse de l’activité d’un échantillon de leurs élèves. Les activités sont regardées à travers des entretiens menés avec les enseignants sur le dispositif qu’ils conçoivent, à travers des entretiens menés avec les élèves sur les tâches qu’ils ont réellement effectuées, et à travers les signes produits par les uns et les autres. Les résultats montrent d’une part, que l’activité d’apprentissage est instrumentée plus par les représentations différentes que les enseignants ont de la situation de référence prescrite que par leur représentation d’un état prescrit de compétence de conception. D’autre part, bien que l’activité de l’élève soit motivée par l’obtention du baccalauréat et non par la conception d’artefacts, il élabore des instruments sémiotiques et matériels propres à l’activité des étudiants qui apprennent à devenir designers
The secondary school leaving certificate in Science and Technology: Design and Applied Arts prepares pupils to integrate postsecondary design programmes.The purpose of this study was to investigate how design activity is taught in secondary school. In an attempt to highlight the impact of the environment on the learning activity, the theoretical framework questions the relationship between activity, instrument, environment, task and skills, design activity.The study favoured an exploratory analysis based on the observation of real situations in an unambiguous and operational way. The scope of the study was limited to the certification exam “Project in D and AA”. The research design was empirical and based on (1) a priori analysis of the task prescribed by the institution and redefined by teachers belonging to three different high schools, and (2) an analysis of the activity of a sample of their pupils. Observation tools were based on the abstention from direct observation. The activities were viewed: through interviews conducted with teachers; through interviews conducted with pupils on the tasks they have actually accomplished; through the signs produced by teachers and pupils. The results show that the learning activity is instrumented to a greater extent by the different representations teachers have of the prescribed reference situation than by their representation of a prescribed state of design skills. In addition, although the pupil’s activity was motivated by the obtention of a school leaving certificate and not by the design of artefacts, the pupil develops semiotic and material instruments specific to the activity of students who train to become designers
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Isaïa, Emmeline. "Le système d’éco-visualisation lexicale : hiérarchisation ontologique pour la médiation des connaissances lexicales en espagnol langue étrangère". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Rennes 2, 2024.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Cette thèse explore le domaine peu étudié de la didactique du lexique en espagnol langue étrangère (ELE) et de l’ingénierie pédagogique pour les supports d’apprentissage lexical. Elle met en évidence le manque d’attention portée aux processus de conceptualisation nécessaires à l’acquisition lexicale. L’objectif principal est d’approfondir les notions de conceptualisation et de mémorisation à travers une approche transdisciplinaire intégrant la didactique du lexique, la didactique générale, l’ingénierie cognitive et la linguistique cognitive. Elle s’organise en trois phases distinctes. Le premier volet explore la médiation dans la didactique des langues et son impact sur la conception d’outils de transmission, en considérant le langage comme un instrument de médiation. Il propose une description ontologique du lexique via une hiérarchie d’abstraction, transformant ainsi les mots en instruments de médiation. Le deuxième volet contextualise la recherche dans le domaine de la didactique du lexique en langue étrangère, en mettant en lumière les différentes dimensions du mot nécessaires à l’acquisition lexicale et en analysant les mécanismes cognitifs sous-jacents à cet apprentissage. Cette analyse aboutit à la création d’un outil appelé système d’éco-visualisation lexicale. Enfin, l’étude expérimentale menée en classe confirme l’efficacité du système d’éco-visualisation lexicale, démontrant une meilleure progression des connaissances lexicales chez les élèves par rapport aux supports traditionnels basés sur des listes de vocabulaire
This thesis explores the little- studied field of lexicon didactics in Spanish as a foreign language and pedagogical engineering for lexical learning supports. It highlights the lack of attention given to the conceptualization processes necessary for lexical acquisition. The main objective is to deepen the notions of conceptualization and memorization through a transdisciplinary approach integrating lexicon didactics, general didactics, cognitive engineering, and cognitive linguistics. It is structured into three distinct phases.The first part explores mediation in language didactics and its impact on the design of transmission tools, considering language as a mediation instrument. It proposes an ontological description of the lexicon through a hierarchy of abstraction, thus transforming words into mediation instruments. The second part contextualizes the research in the field of lexicon didactics in foreign language teaching, highlighting the different dimensions of the word essential for lexical acquisition and analyzing the underlying cognitive mechanisms of this learning. This analysis leads to the creation of a tool called lexical eco-visualization system. Finally, the experimental study conducted in the classroom confirms the effectiveness of the lexical eco-visualization system, demonstrating better progress in lexical knowledge among students compared to traditional supports based on vocabulary lists
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Balas, Stéphane. "Le référentiel, un outil de formation, un instrument de développement du métier : Le métier de masseur-kinésithérapeute en référence". Phd thesis, Conservatoire national des arts et metiers - CNAM, 2011.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Un référentiel est un document textuel qui cherche à décrire une réalité, souvent complexe, pour qu'elle fasse " référence " et qu'ainsi, elle devienne discutable pour chacun. Il existe des référentiels de diplômes professionnels, des référentiels de compétences utilisés dans l'entreprise, des référentiels d'évaluation, de formation...Cependant, la conception de référentiels pose question sur deux plans : aux problèmes méthodologiques souvent mis en avant, s'ajoutent de vrais enjeux théoriques. La question est de parvenir à saisir, dans un document par nature inerte et généralisant, une activité de travail dynamique et singulière. Cette thèse cherche à montrer, en s'appuyant sur deux interventions avec des masseurs-kinésithérapeutes, conduites avec des méthodologies de clinique de l'activité, comme on peut référentialiser, non les éléments réglés du métier, mais ce qui reste discuté entre professionnels et ainsi obtenir un référentiel qui peut favoriser le développement du métier décrit et seconder les opérateurs dans la reprise en main de leur pouvoir d'agir.
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Rocha, Elizabeth Matos. "Uso de instrumentos de mediÃÃo no estudo da grandeza comprimento a partir de sessÃes didÃticas". Universidade Federal do CearÃ, 2006.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
RESUMO O trabalho aborda o estudo da grandeza comprimento no ambiente real da sala de aula. De acordo com minhas pesquisas, autores como Miguel e Miorim (1986), Lima e Bellemain (2002) verificam posturas, por parte da comunidade escolar, que comprometem, seriamente, o ensino de Geometria, especialmente o das grandezas geomÃtricas. Dentre essas posturas, cito a Ãnfase nos conteÃdos voltados para a AritmÃtica, como problemas com as operaÃÃes fundamentais e fraÃÃes, enquanto os tÃpicos de Geometria sÃo abordados superficialmente. A partir dessa constataÃÃo, elaborei e apliquei sessÃes didÃticas cujo objetivo central consistiu em investigar o uso de instrumentos de mediÃÃo como suporte para a aprendizagem da grandeza comprimento. Os referenciais teÃricos norteadores do aspecto cognitivo estÃo vinculados aos processos de assimilaÃÃo e acomodaÃÃo de Piaget (1982), no processo de interaÃÃo social de Vygotsky (1994) e em elementos da EducaÃÃo MatemÃtica. A pesquisa à de natureza qualitativa, na abordagem de um estudo de caso (LÃDKE & ANDRÃ, 1986) e teve uma prÃtica pedagÃgica, por meio da intervenÃÃo de sessÃes didÃticas, com alunos, na faixa etÃria de 11 a 15 anos, de uma escola pÃblica municipal de Fortaleza. Como resultado, confirma-se que o trabalho, com instrumentos de mediÃÃo, desenvolvido com os alunos se mostrou um recurso eficiente para o aumento do conhecimento do assunto proposto. Espero que a evidÃncia deste fato possa ajudar a desconstruir o mau hÃbito, por parte do sistema escolar, da abordagem do estudo das grandezas, com os alunos, tomando como recurso didÃtico, somente o livro texto adotado.
ABSTRACT This work approaches a study of âlargeness lengthâ in a real environment of a classroom. According to my researches, authors such as Miguel and Miorim (1986), Duarte (2002), Lima e Bellemain (2002) verify some postures from the school community, which seriously compromise the Geometry teaching, especially in the study field of geometry largeness. Among these postures, I can cite the emphasis given to the contents directed toward to Arithmetic, such as basic Math operations and fractions, while some Geometry topics are superficially approached. From this evidence, I applied and elaborated didactic sessions which the central objective consisted of investigating the use of measurement instruments as a support for the learning of âlargeness lengthâ. The theoretical references that give direction to the cognitive aspect are tied with the Piagetâs assimilation and accommodation processes (1982), in the social interaction process of Vygotsky (1994) and also tied with some Math education elements. This research is of qualitative nature, and in its approach of study of case (LÃDKE & ANDRÃ, 1986) it had a pedagogical practice, through didactic intervention sessions with some students, ages from 11 to 15, in a public school of FortalezaÂs city. As a result, it was confirmed that the work using measurement instruments with students has showed itself as a very efficient resource for the knowledge growth of the considered subject. I hope the evidence of this fact, helps in the destruction of a bad habit created by the school system regarding the approach given to the Math study field âGeometry largenessâ, and not to make students use the adopted textbook as the only didactic resource anymore. Key-Words: largeness length, didactic sessions, instruments of measurement.
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Feitosa, Radegundis Aranha Tavares. "O ensino de trompa: um estudo dos materiais didáticos utilizados no processo de formação do trompista". Universidade Federal da Paraí­ba, 2013.

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Abstract (sommario):
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:52:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 parte1.pdf: 3947611 bytes, checksum: 9453979f5d939cdb409198b7bcbc5cb0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-15
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
Research on instrumental teaching have gone through significant development in recent decades, gaining, as a result, considerable importance and legitimacy, especially within the context of research in music education. Based on this fact, the present work shows the results of a study on instrumental teaching, contemplating most specifically the teaching of the French horn in northeastern Brazil. Thus, the research involves horn teachers working in the Federal University of Paraíba, Federal University of Pernambuco, Federal University of Bahia and Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. This dissertation aims at presenting and analyzing the didactic materials employed by these teachers, reflecting on the main features of such materials, their uses and applications towards the formation of horn players. The research methodology included bibliographical studies, documental research, semi-structured interviews and the empirical experiences consolidated by the author s expertise both as a performer and a teacher of the instrument at Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte and in other parts of Brazil. One can easily see from the survey that the main didactic material used was of European origin, focusing on the European orchestral repertoire and the soloist horn repertoire. However, teachers use this material, adapting it to their pedagogical purposes, combining it with Brazilian music. The study demonstrates that teachers have adopted it to their own guidelines, organizing the material and adapting it in accordance with the professional profiles and realities of both teachers and students.
Os estudos sobre ensino de instrumento têm se expandido significativamente nas últimas décadas, ganhando espaço e legitimidade, sobretudo no âmbito das pesquisas em educação musical. Considerando essa realidade, esta dissertação apresenta resultados de uma pesquisa acerca do ensino instrumental, contemplando mais especificamente o ensino de trompa no Nordeste brasileiro. Assim, o universo da pesquisa foi constituído pelos professores de trompa atuantes na Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Universidade Federal da Bahia e Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. A dissertação tem como objetivo geral apresentar e analisar os materiais didáticos que vem sendo utilizados pelo professores de trompa na Região, refletindo sobre as características desses materiais, seus usos e possibilidades de aplicação no processo de formação do trompista. A metodologia da pesquisa abrangeu estudos bibliográficos, pesquisa documental, entrevistas semiestruturadas, bem como experiências empíricas consolidadas a partir da atuação do autor como trompista e professor do instrumento na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte e em outras localidades do país. A partir da pesquisa realizada ficou evidente que os principais materiais didáticos utilizados são de origem europeia e focam o repertório orquestral europeu e o repertório para trompa solista. Apesar disso, os professores utilizam estes materiais adequando-os a suas propostas pedagógicas, inserindo cada vez mais o trabalho com a música brasileira. O trabalho demonstrou que cada professor possui direcionamentos próprios, organizando os materiais que utilizam, principalmente, em função da realidade da trajetória profissional de cada um e do perfil dos estudantes de cada contexto de ensino.
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Beaudoin, Michel, e Catherine Lanaris. "The Relationship between Didactics and Classroom Management: Towards New Tools for the Training of Math Teachers". Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2012.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
This paper presents the interest of the “instrumental conflict” concept, developed by Marquet (2005), to understand the relationship between didactics and classroom management in the training programs of math teachers. It also shows some results of a survey, conducted in 2008 among pre-service teachers in the Université du Québec en Outaouais (Canada), revealing a perceived gap between both domains. However, those two domains are closely related during teaching in the classroom. The paper also presents a plan to better understand and improve the situation. Cooperation between classroom management and didactics specialists is highlighted.
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Beaudoin, Michel, e Catherine Lanaris. "The Relationship between Didactics and Classroom Management:Towards New Tools for the Training of Math Teachers". Proceedings of the tenth International Conference Models in Developing Mathematics Education. - Dresden : Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft, 2009. - S. 43 - 46, 2012.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
This paper presents the interest of the “instrumental conflict” concept, developed by Marquet (2005), to understand the relationship between didactics and classroom management in the training programs of math teachers. It also shows some results of a survey, conducted in 2008 among pre-service teachers in the Université du Québec en Outaouais (Canada), revealing a perceived gap between both domains. However, those two domains are closely related during teaching in the classroom. The paper also presents a plan to better understand and improve the situation. Cooperation between classroom management and didactics specialists is highlighted.
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Klingovsky, Ulla, Ria Reich e Alexandra Schmidt-Wenzel. "Die Lehrhospitation : ein hochschuldidaktisches Instrument im Professionalisierungsprozess von Hochschullehrenden". Universität Potsdam, 2010.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
In diesem Beitrag werden das hochschuldidaktische Instrument der „Lehrhospitation“ und seine Relevanz im Professionalisierungsprozess von Hochschullehrenden als subjektwissenschaftlich begründetes vorgestellt. Damit richtet sich der Beitrag an Praktikerinnen und Praktiker in der hochschuldidaktischen Weiterbildung, deren Gegenstand die Professionalisierung des Lehrhandelns von Hochschullehrenden ist sowie an interessierte Hochschullehrende, die ihre Handlungsoptionen in der Lehre professionalisieren möchten.
This publication focuses on „Lehrhospitation“ as an instrument to audit and evaluate teaching in higher education. In doing so, it is figured how the implementation of it has an impact on the professionalisation of teaching staff. This contribution addresses on one hand practitioners who train the teachers in higher education and on the other hand interested teachers in higher education themselves, who are looking for improvement to their teaching - as a way of professionalisation.
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ROCHA, Elizabeth Matos. "Uso de instrumentos de medição no estudo da grandeza comprimento a partir de sessões didáticas"., 2006.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
ROCHA, Elizabeth Matos. Uso de instrumentos de medição no estudo da grandeza comprimento a partir de sessões didáticas. 2006. 225f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Brasileira, Fortaleza-CE, 2006.
Submitted by Maria Josineide Góis ( on 2012-07-06T17:57:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2006_Dis_EMRocha.pdf: 1282206 bytes, checksum: 75215e922308c2f1c0059d4149cb1450 (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by Maria Josineide Góis( on 2012-07-10T14:13:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2006_Dis_EMRocha.pdf: 1282206 bytes, checksum: 75215e922308c2f1c0059d4149cb1450 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2012-07-10T14:13:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2006_Dis_EMRocha.pdf: 1282206 bytes, checksum: 75215e922308c2f1c0059d4149cb1450 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006
This work approaches a study of “largeness length” in a real environment of a classroom. According to my researches, authors such as Miguel and Miorim (1986), Duarte (2002), Lima e Bellemain (2002) verify some postures from the school community, which seriously compromise the Geometry teaching, especially in the study field of geometry largeness. Among these postures, I can cite the emphasis given to the contents directed toward to Arithmetic, such as basic Math operations and fractions, while some Geometry topics are superficially approached. From this evidence, I applied and elaborated didactic sessions which the central objective consisted of investigating the use of measurement instruments as a support for the learning of “largeness length”. The theoretical references that give direction to the cognitive aspect are tied with the Piaget’s assimilation and accommodation processes (1982), in the social interaction process of Vygotsky (1994) and also tied with some Math education elements. This research is of qualitative nature, and in its approach of study of case (LÜDKE & ANDRÉ, 1986) it had a pedagogical practice, through didactic intervention sessions with some students, ages from 11 to 15, in a public school of Fortaleza´s city. As a result, it was confirmed that the work using measurement instruments with students has showed itself as a very efficient resource for the knowledge growth of the considered subject. I hope the evidence of this fact, helps in the destruction of a bad habit created by the school system regarding the approach given to the Math study field “Geometry largeness”, and not to make students use the adopted textbook as the only didactic resource anymore. Key-Words: largeness length, didactic sessions, instruments of measurement.
O trabalho aborda o estudo da grandeza comprimento no ambiente real da sala de aula. De acordo com minhas pesquisas, autores como Miguel e Miorim (1986), Lima e Bellemain (2002) verificam posturas, por parte da comunidade escolar, que comprometem, seriamente, o ensino de Geometria, especialmente o das grandezas geométricas. Dentre essas posturas, cito a ênfase nos conteúdos voltados para a Aritmética, como problemas com as operações fundamentais e frações, enquanto os tópicos de Geometria são abordados superficialmente. A partir dessa constatação, elaborei e apliquei sessões didáticas cujo objetivo central consistiu em investigar o uso de instrumentos de medição como suporte para a aprendizagem da grandeza comprimento. Os referenciais teóricos norteadores do aspecto cognitivo estão vinculados aos processos de assimilação e acomodação de Piaget (1982), no processo de interação social de Vygotsky (1994) e em elementos da Educação Matemática. A pesquisa é de natureza qualitativa, na abordagem de um estudo de caso (LÜDKE & ANDRÉ, 1986) e teve uma prática pedagógica, por meio da intervenção de sessões didáticas, com alunos, na faixa etária de 11 a 15 anos, de uma escola pública municipal de Fortaleza. Como resultado, confirma-se que o trabalho, com instrumentos de medição, desenvolvido com os alunos se mostrou um recurso eficiente para o aumento do conhecimento do assunto proposto. Espero que a evidência deste fato possa ajudar a desconstruir o mau hábito, por parte do sistema escolar, da abordagem do estudo das grandezas, com os alunos, tomando como recurso didático, somente o livro texto adotado.
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Maniadaki, Evanthia. "Bland musiksamling, sånger, ljud, rytm och instrument : En studie om förskollärares tolkning av läroplanens mål gällande musik och hur de kan nås". Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Avdelningen för utbildningsvetenskap, 2019.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Syftet med denna studie är att erhålla fördjupad kunskap om hur förskollärare ger uttryck åt läroplanens uppdrag angående musik och hur musik som innehåll och som metod används i förskolepraktiker. För att undersöka för detta har semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta verksamma förskollärare i lika många förskolor gjorts utifrån följande forskningsfrågor: 1) Hur tolkar förskollärare de mål gällande musik som finns i läroplanen? 2) Hur gör förskollärare för att uppnå dessa mål? Intervjumaterialet har transkriberats, analyserats och presenteras i förhållande till tidigare forskning och det sociokulturella perspektivet med fokus på begreppen den proximala utvecklingszon, stöttning, kulturellt redskap, mediering samt undervisning. Studiens resultat visar att förskollärarna är medvetna om läroplanens mål kring musik att de ska undervisa med musik som ett innehåll och de ska använda musik som en metod för lärande i andra ämnen. Många av de musikaktiviteter de gör använder musiken både som ett eget ämne för barnens lärande i och om musik och som metod för annat ämneslärande. Undervisning i och om musik som ett innehåll genomförs av förskollärarna både spontant och planerat genom att skapa, utforska ljud, spela musikinstrument och uppleva olika sorters musik. Undervisning med musik som metod genomförs för lärande i andra ämnen såsom matematik och språk. Musik används även som stöttning i omsorgssituationer. Musik som kopplas med glädje, gemenskap och kommunikation har betonats av förskollärarna under intervjuerna. Kollegialt samarbete och stöd, samt förskollärares kreativitet, intresse och engagemang poängteras av förskollärarna som avgörande förutsättningar för undervisning i musik som metod och innehåll.
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Chagas, Alexandre Henrique Isler. "A Orquestra de Cordas infanto-juvenil como instrumento metodologico na educação musical". [s.n.], 2007.

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Abstract (sommario):
Orientadores: Aci Taveira Meyer, Emerson Luis de Biaggi
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Artes
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-10T07:48:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Chagas_AlexandreHenriqueIsler_M.pdf: 3476541 bytes, checksum: c06ee7b64f68a0ed8cc3ccfddf4699ac (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007
Resumo: Esta pesquisa tem por finalidade permitir um novo enfoque ao trabalho com orquestra infantil de cordas. Não é um ensino coletivo do instrumento, mas é a prática de estudos dirigidos, aliada a um processo de planejamento didático pedagógico, no qual o repertório não é um fim em si mesmo, mas o resultado do processo ensino-aprendizagem em que a orquestra de cordas se torna um instrumento de desenvolvimento da percepção musical do aluno através de sua interação ativa com o grupo. O primeiro capítulo trata da importância e necessidade da pedagogia (Piaget, Vygotsky, Wallon) na educação musical, das propostas pedagógicas dos principais estudiosos (Rousseau, Pestalozzi, Herbart, Froebel), e da contribuição dos educadores musicais (Dalcrose, Kodály, Willems, Orff e Suzuki) para fundamentar a elaboração dos estudos dirigidos do capítulo II. O segundo capítulo consiste na apresentação de exercícios práticos para orquestra de cordas, com o objetivo de desenvolver a percepção musical do aluno no grupo. Os estudos propostos foram elaborados com fins específicos, testados em uma orquestra infantil de cordas experimental, selecionados corrigidos e organizados da seguinte forma didática: estudos preparatórios, estudos dirigidos à questão harmônica, estudos dirigidos à questão rítmica e estudos dirigidos à questão da técnica de arco. Finalmente, o terceiro capítulo abordará a dinâmica do ensaio, o planejamento e a avaliação no processo de ensino-aprendizagem e o uso do repertório como meio na formação musical do aluno
Abstract: This research has a purpose to allow a new approach to the string orchestra for kids. It is not a method to teach a class but conduced practical exercises, allied to a process of a pedagogical and didactical plan in which the repertoire is not the only reason, but the result of a teaching-learning process where the string orchestra becomes a tool to develop the student¿s musical perception by the interaction with the group. The first chapter deals with the importance and the necessity of pedagogy in music education, with the pedagogical proposals of the main scholars, (Piaget, Vygotsky, Wallon), the pedagogical proposals of the main studious (Roussseau, Pestalozzi, Herbart, Frobel), and with the contribution of the music educators (Dalcrose, Kodály, Willems, Orff and Suzuki) to substantiate the elaboration of the conducted studies on chaptter II. The second chapter consists on the practical exercises presentations to string orchestra, aimming to improve the student¿s musical perception in a group. The proposed studies were formulated for specific purposess, tested in an experimenttal children string orchestra, selected, correctted and organized in a didactical formula as follows: preparatory studies, directed studies for the harmonic issue, directed studies for the rhythm matter and directed studies for to the bow technique. Finally the third chapter broachees the rehearsal dynamics, the plan and evaluation on the teaching-learning process, and the use of the repertoire as a way to the student¿s musical education
Mestre em Música
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Assis, Nayara Regina Bispo. "Educação e cidadania: análise do livro didático como instrumento para construção de propostas de ensino de Química". Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018.

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Abstract (sommario):
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira ( on 2018-09-24T11:02:42Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Nayara Regina Bispo Assis - 2018.pdf: 4706402 bytes, checksum: bc4aff9973f2874ecdb3edc6374f50a6 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira ( on 2018-09-24T11:16:38Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Nayara Regina Bispo Assis - 2018.pdf: 4706402 bytes, checksum: bc4aff9973f2874ecdb3edc6374f50a6 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-24T11:16:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Nayara Regina Bispo Assis - 2018.pdf: 4706402 bytes, checksum: bc4aff9973f2874ecdb3edc6374f50a6 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-08-23
The general objective of this work was to analyze the approach of Citizenship and Scientific Literature in the contents of thermochemistry in the textbooks of Chemistry of the National Program of Didactic Book (PNLD) from 2008 to 2018. This research had as premise a qualitative methodological approach, of the type study of case. For data collection, bibliographical and documentary analysis and the treatment of data in a posteriori categories were used. The categories found were: historical perspective of Science; scientific literacy; Education for environmental citizenship and the multicultural approach. The results were obtained through the observation of the data extracted from the textbooks. It was possible to infer that the historical content was approached very superficially, most of the books were destined to small boxes with images of scientists, very few historical texts and lack of activities that rescued the content. In environmental issues, the works of PNLD 2008 were not addressed with such emphasis we have been the predominance of conservative environmental education. In this way, the problems are presented in a synthetic and partial way. As for the PNLD 2012, 2015 and 2018 books, the approach was more intensified; more texts, issues and activities were found to help promote sustainable development. The category of literacy was examined the predominance of texts written by the production agents of the textbook and few texts of varied sources and textual genres. The multicultural category needs to be more explored, because, if there were predominance of images of white men in contrast few of black men, very few images of women and absence of Indians. It still needs more punctual discussions that better emphasize the genres in their different pluralities, because it is a necessity that the issues can be defended in all the areas. Thus, the observations collected were compared to the authors cited as a bibliographical contribution indicating that despite the advances some Chemistry books throughout the PNLD still do not contemplate the formation for citizenship.
O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi analisar a abordagem da Cidadania e Letramento Científico nos conteúdos de termoquímica nos livros didáticos de Química do Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD), de 2008 a 2018. Esta pesquisa teve como premissa uma abordagem metodológica qualitativa, do tipo estudo de caso. Para a coleta de dados, foram utilizadas as análises bibliográfica e documental; o tratamento de dados em categorias deu-se a posteriori. As categorias encontradas foram: perspectiva histórica da Ciência; letramento científico; Educação para cidadania ambiental e a abordagem multicultural. Os resultados foram obtidos por meio da observação dos dados extraídos dos livros didáticos. Foi possível inferir que o conteúdo histórico é abordado de forma muito superficial; na maioria dos livros são destinados pequenos boxes com imagens de cientistas, muito poucos textos históricos e falta de atividades que resgatassem o conteúdo. Nas questões ambientais, as obras do PNLD 2008 não foram abordadas com tanta ênfase; temos que houve o predomínio da educação ambiental conservadora. Desta forma, os problemas são apresentados de maneira sintética e parcial. Já nos livros do PNLD 2012, 2015 e 2018, a abordagem foi mais intensificada; foram encontrados mais textos, questões e atividades que auxiliassem na promoção do desenvolvimento sustentável. Na categoria do letramento foi examinada a predominância de textos escritos pelos agentes de produção do livro didático e poucos textos de fontes e gêneros textuais variados. A categoria multicultural necessita ser mais explorada, pois, encontrou-se predomínio de imagens de homens brancos e, em contrapartida, poucas de homens negros, muito poucas imagens da mulher e ausência de índios. Verifica-se que ainda é preciso discussões mais pontuais que ressaltem melhor os gêneros nas suas diferentes pluralidades, pois é uma necessidade que as questões possam ser defendidas em todas as áreas. Dessa forma, as observações coletadas foram comparadas aos autores citados como aporte bibliográfico, indicando que, apesar dos avanços alguns livros de Química ao longo do PNLD, ainda não é contemplada a formação para a cidadania.
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Jesus, Gilson Bispo de. "As construções geométricas e a gênese instrumental: o caso da mediatriz". Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2012.

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Abstract (sommario):
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:57:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gilson Bispo de Jesus.pdf: 2003628 bytes, checksum: b76e6d0b8ebbf82f910e9ece19c3d41a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-10-05
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
This thesis deals with the Instrumental Genesis, which is the preparation process of instrument by the subject. Studies on national and international levels have addressed this process, however, no studies that dealt with Instrumental Genesis referring to an abstract artifact were found. This research revealed the bisector as an abstract artifact. Thus, the goals were to analyze based on the actions of two teachers as the bisector artifact becomes an instrument to solve geometric problems, and investigate how this process could contribute to the learning of geometry by these teachers. Based on these objectives, the research conducted answered the following research questions: how the bisector of Instrumental Genesis happens when the subject interacts with this mathematical object to solve a geometric problem? How the insertion of a bisector mathematical object may interfere in the geometric content learning process by the subject? The methodological choice was the case study that contributed to the achievement of research objectives and the studies those carried out regarding Theory of Instrumentation and Anthropological Theory of Didactics which provided the theoretical elements appropriate for this research. The task, techniques and theoretical-technological discourse analysis enabled to perceive the various instruments developed by teachers while they organized their actions. Furthermore, the didactic organization enabled teachers to develop different techniques supported in the theoretical-technological discourse by solving geometric construction tasks proposed in this organization. The process of Instrumental Genesis of bisector was found in the teachers actions, since these actions emphasized the mobilization and/or construction of various use schemes that were added to this mathematical object. At the same time, this process contributed to the learning mediated by bisector of some topics of Plane Geometry
Esta tese trata da Gênese Instrumental, que consiste no processo de elaboração do instrumento pelo sujeito. Estudos em níveis nacionais e internacionais já abordaram esse processo; no entanto, não foram encontrados trabalhos que tratassem da Gênese Instrumental, tomando como referência um artefato abstrato. Nesta pesquisa, evidenciou-se a mediatriz como artefato desse tipo. Assim, seus objetivos foram analisar com base nas ações de dois professores, como o artefato mediatriz transforma-se em instrumento na resolução de problemas geométricos e investigar como esse processo poderia contribuir para a aprendizagem de conteúdos geométricos por parte desses professores. Com base nesses objetivos, a pesquisa realizada respondeu às seguintes questões de investigação: de que modo acontece a Gênese Instrumental da mediatriz, quando o sujeito interage com esse objeto matemático na resolução de problemas geométricos? Como a inserção do objeto matemático mediatriz interfere no processo de aprendizagem de conteúdos geométricos por parte do sujeito? A escolha metodológica foi o estudo de caso que contribuiu para o alcance dos objetivos da pesquisa e os estudos realizados a respeito da Teoria da Instrumentação e da Teoria Antropológica do Didático forneceram os elementos teóricos apropriados para esta pesquisa. A análise das tarefas, das técnicas e do discurso tecnológico-teórico fez perceber os vários instrumentos elaborados pelos professores, quando eles organizavam suas ações. Além disso, a organização didática favoreceu que os professores desenvolvessem técnicas diferentes apoiadas no discurso tecnológico-teórico, ao solucionarem as tarefas de construção geométrica propostas nessa organização. Constatou-se, nas ações dos professores, o processo de Gênese Instrumental da mediatriz, visto que essas ações evidenciaram a mobilização e/ou a construção de vários esquemas de utilização que foram agregados a este objeto matemático. Ao mesmo tempo, esse processo contribuiu para a aprendizagem mediada pela mediatriz de alguns tópicos de Geometria Plana
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Batézat, Batellier Pascale. "Analyse des pratiques effectives de l'enseignement apprentissage d'un instrument de musique à l'école : entre individuel et collectif". Thesis, Brest, 2017.

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Abstract (sommario):
Cette thèse a pour objet une étude qualitative de l’enseignement d’un instrument de musique en orchestre et en groupe restreint dans deux écoles primaires d’un Réseau d’Education Prioritaire en France et dans un conservatoire. La finalité est de comparer dans ces deux configurations, les moments de travail collectif et les moments de travail individuel entre professeur et élèves pour savoir s’ils s’opposent, se complètent et/ou convergent.Nos outils théoriques, en didactiques comparées, s’appuient sur la Théorie de l’Action Conjointe enDidactique principalement avec les notions de jeux d’apprentissage, la double dialectique contrat/milieu etréticence/expression et la dévolution. Nous convoquons également les concepts sociologiques suivants : concept de configuration, habitus social, habitus didactique. Notre méthodologie s’appuie sur les transcriptions et photogrammes tirés des séances de cours filmées pendant trois ans.Des premiers résultats montrent que les élèves ne jouent en tutti autour de cinquante pourcent du temps du cours en orchestre. Ce qui influence la pratique d’enseignement et le contenu enseigné, de même que le rapport des élèves aux savoirs et le rapport au corps. Ce qui se retrouve aussi bien dans le jeu instrumental des élèves que dans la signification qu’ils donnent aux gestes et aux mimes du professeur. Les compétences décrites lors des analyses didactiques montrent que les enseignements en collectif, en groupe restreint et en individuel sont complémentaires (pour le jeu d’ensemble : la compréhension gestuelles des chefs d’orchestre,L’écoute collective, la synchronisation et pour les cours d’instrument : le jeu technique et musical) convergent (écoute de la justesse, le travail sur les sensations) et sont indissociables. Grâce à une étude détaillée de l’activité musicale, la thèse a montré comment les élèves tirent profit d’un enseignement individuel et collectif dans les relations qu’ils construisent entre les deux
This thesis aims at a qualitative study of the teaching of an orchestral musical instrument and of a small group at two primary schools and one conservatory. The aim is to compare these configurations with that of individual teaching in order to know if they are opposed, complementary, and convergency.Our theoretical is on the Joint Action Theory in Didactics. We take support on the notions of learning games, the double dialectic contract/milieu and reluctance/expression, devolution. We also convene the following sociological concepts: concept of configuration, social habitus, didactic habitus. Our Methodology is based on the transcripts and photograms taken from the lecture sessions filmed during the three years of observation.Initial results show that students do not play in tuttis fifty percent of the time in the orchestra class. This teaching configuration of course influences the teaching practice and the content taught, as well as influencing the students’ relationship to knowledge through the choice of modes of privileged knowledge transmission. The relationship to the body, both in the students’ instrumental play and in the meaning they give to the teacher's gestures and mimics, is complex. The skills acquired by the pupils and described in the didactic analyses show that collective, restricted and individual teachings are complementary on certain points (collective playing, gestural understanding of conductors, collective listening, synchronization and/for instrumental courses, technical and musical play). They are convergent on other points (e.g. listening to the corrections, working on the sensations). They are complementary and inseparable
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Souza, Thauane Lima de. "O uso de v?deo e jogo educativos como instrumento de ensino e divulga??o da Astronomia". Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, 2016. http://localhost:8080/tede/handle/tede/465.

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Abstract (sommario):
Submitted by Ricardo Cedraz Duque Moliterno ( on 2017-03-30T21:29:02Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTACAO THAUANE-FINAL (3).pdf: 2270065 bytes, checksum: 57e7cc71a5309821de988ba9e5addcf8 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-30T21:29:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTACAO THAUANE-FINAL (3).pdf: 2270065 bytes, checksum: 57e7cc71a5309821de988ba9e5addcf8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-21
Currently, due to the various technological options, the vast access to information and the demotivation of some students, much is discussed in the literature about the way of teaching so that it becomes diversified and attractive. The teacher / classroom model with traditional teaching has leaved to be the main medium in the teaching-learning process. Faced with this new educational paradigm, the need arises to seek strategies that increase the interest, the motivation and consequently the level of learning of the students. In this sense, we have the ludic forms of teaching, such as the application of didactic games, which are increasingly present in the school environment. From this context, a didactic game, entitled "Space Track" and an educational video called "Unraveling the Universe", was created. The theme is about Planets and Dwarf Planets, Eclipse, Seasons of the Year, General Astronomy and Constellations. In particular, these tools can be used in both formal and non-formal learning environments. In this work the product was applied in five classes of Elementary School and four of the High School of the Col?gio Estadual Ferreira Pinto. The survey of prior knowledge and learning after the implementation of activities was carried out through pre- and post-tests on the above topics.
Atualmente, em virtude das v?rias op??es tecnol?gicas, do vasto acesso ? informa??o e da desmotiva??o de alguns estudantes, muito se discute na literatura sobre a forma de ensino de modo que ela se torne diversificada e atrativa. O modelo professor/sala de aula com o ensino tradicional tem deixado de ser o principal meio no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Diante desse novo paradigma educacional, surge a necessidade de buscar estrat?gias que aumentem o interesse, a motiva??o e consequentemente o n?vel de aprendizagem dos alunos. Neste sentido, temos as formas l?dicas de ensino, como, por exemplo, a aplica??o de jogos did?ticos, que est?o cada vez mais presentes no ambiente escolar. A partir desse contexto, foi elaborado um jogo did?tico, intitulado ?Trilha Espacial? e um v?deo educativo chamado ?Desvendando o Universo?, cuja tem?tica trata sobre Planetas e Planetas An?es, Eclipse, Esta??es do Ano, Conhecimentos Gerais de Astronomia e Constela??es. Em particular, estas ferramentas podem ser utilizadas em ambientes de ensino formal e n?o formal. Neste trabalho o produto foi aplicado em cinco turmas do Ensino Fundamental e quatro do Ensino M?dio do Col?gio Estadual Ferreira Pinto. A sondagem do conhecimento pr?vio e do aprendizado ap?s a aplica??o das atividades foi realizada por meio de pr? e p?s-testes sobre os temas citados.
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COUTO, Rosilângela Maria de Lucena Scanoni. "Mediações didáticas da tutoria online da geometria analítica: Uma análise à luz da orquestração instrumental e das representações semióticas". Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 2015.

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Abstract (sommario):
Submitted by Rafael Santana ( on 2017-05-17T18:56:36Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Dissertação Rosilângela - Versão Final - Revisada.pdf: 2331690 bytes, checksum: 3e8ce7637d7e410c69933e4f2aef3a4e (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-17T18:56:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Dissertação Rosilângela - Versão Final - Revisada.pdf: 2331690 bytes, checksum: 3e8ce7637d7e410c69933e4f2aef3a4e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-24
Esta pesquisa investiga as mediações didáticas da tutoria online que ocorrem em um curso de Geometria Analítica, em um cenário rico em tecnologias e com a articulação de diferentes representações semióticas. Disciplina essa com foco no trabalho entre duas representações semióticas de objetos geométricos. Nosso quadro teórico-metodológico é composto pela Teoria da Orquestração Instrumental (TOI), a Teoria dos Registros de Representação Semiótica (TRRS) e a Teoria da Mediação Cognitiva e Mediação Didática (TMCMD). A metodologia compôs-se da análise da ação dos tutores de duas turmas, em anos consecutivos de um único curso de Licenciatura em Matemática, em que o moodle é a plataforma suporte do ambiente de ensino e aprendizagem. Além da configuração das salas virtuais, os dados de 18 sessões de duas salas de aula em que se observou alguma mediação didática feita por tutores foram analisados com a ferramenta da análise de conteúdo. Nossa análise ficou dividida em quatro etapas: Configurações Didáticas das Salas (realizadas por ProfessoresExecutores); Configurações Didáticas dos Tutores; Reconfigurações Didáticas dos Tutores; Modo de Operação. Nessa análise desenvolvemos uma classificação das situações de geometria analítica propostas nas duas salas virtuais: reconfigurações dos tutores para o desenvolvimento da mediação didática e uma classificação das Estratégias de Mediação Didáticas. Os resultados mostram que os tutores reconfiguram o cenário virtual de ensino e aprendizagem da tutoria online para realizar a mediação didática de situações matemáticas que necessitam de representações semióticas não disponíveis no chat. Quatro modelos de orquestrações instrumentais do tutor foram identificados.
This research investigates didactic mediation of online tutoring in an Analytic Geometry course of an under graduation, in a scenario rich in digital technologies and articulations of different semiotic representations. This course deals with two different register of representation of the same geometric objects: graphical and analytical. Our Methodological and theoretical frameworks includes the Instrumental Orchestration Theory, The Register of Semiotic Representation Theory and The Didactic and Cognitive Mediation Theory. The method is composed by an analysis of tutor online activities from two academic years of a under graduation on Mathematics teaching, in which the used LMS is Moodle. In addition to the virtual classes configurations, the data of 18 sessions of two academic years of the course in which some teaching mediation made by tutors could be observed were collected and analyzed with the content analysis tool. Our analysis has been divided into four phases: didactic configuration of the virtual classroom (made by performers teachers); didactical configuration and then didactical reconfigurations made by the Tutors; Exploitation mode. In this analysis we developed classifications: of the proposed analytical geometry situations in both virtual classrooms; of the reconfigurations made by the tutors for the development of didactic mediation; and of didactic mediation strategies. The results show that the tutors reconfigure the virtual teaching and learning settings to make the didactic mediation of the mathematical situations when requiring semiotic representations not available in the chat. Four models of tutor´s instrumental orchestrations were identified.
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Benedito, Celso José Rodrigues. "O mestre de Filarmônica da Bahia: um educador musical". reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFBA, 2011.

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Abstract (sommario):
162 f.:il
Submitted by JURANDI DE SOUZA SILVA ( on 2013-03-15T12:30:38Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Celso Jose Rodrigues Benedito.pdf: 1079327 bytes, checksum: 24eaf18903131f9cb987e587dfe96332 (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Meirelles( on 2013-03-22T14:12:38Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Celso Jose Rodrigues Benedito.pdf: 1079327 bytes, checksum: 24eaf18903131f9cb987e587dfe96332 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2013-03-22T14:12:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Celso Jose Rodrigues Benedito.pdf: 1079327 bytes, checksum: 24eaf18903131f9cb987e587dfe96332 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011
O presente trabalho teve como objeto de estudo a prática de ensino-aprendizagem de música dos mestres de filarmônicas da Bahia. Os mestres baianos, figuras centrais desta pedagogia, desenvolveram um modelo de educação musical que possibilita a adequação do treinamento à individualidade de cada aprendiz. Grande parte deste aprendizado ocorre com os músicos mais antigos e persiste na convivência de seus integrantes com a rotina musical da entidade. Na filarmônica jamais se perde de vista o fazer musical e a metodologia de ensino favorece o preparo rápido para o ingresso do aluno no grupo. O trabalho está estruturado em quatro capítulos denominados a partir de expressões usuais extraídas da pedagogia das filarmônicas: ― "Conforme Lê, conforme toca” (Metodologia); ― "Pegar o instrumento" (Fundamentação Teórica). O ― "Passar para a estante" (Transcrição dos dados) e o ― "Ingresso no Grupo" (Análise). A investigação abordou as seguintes questões: quais competências os mestres de filarmônica necessitam para exercer sua função; quais os processos de ensino, como o corpo musical da banda concebe a formação dos mestres, as dificuldades desta prática nos dias de hoje e a possibilidade de incluí-la no ensino básico. A pesquisa constatou ser o mestre de filarmônica um educador musical. Muitos dos procedimentos didáticos adotados pelos mestres podem proporcionar uma valiosa contribuição à Educação Musical Brasileira. É preciso valorizá-los como educadores, reconhecer suas práticas musicais e oportunizar a disseminação de tais saberes.
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Hovstam, Amanda. "Är matematikundervisningen som en öppen bok? : En kvalitativ fallstudie med fokus på hur två gymnasielärare i matematik förhåller sig till läroboken i undervisningen". Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för matematik (MA), 2019.

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Abstract (sommario):
Läroboken utgör en stor roll i gymnasielärares undervisning både då det handlar om planering och genomförande. Studien syftar till att besvara hur läroboken används av gymnasielärare och hur lärarna frångår den. Det handlar både om när läroboken används samt vilket innehåll i den som används. Frångående av läroboken innebär att läraren avviker från det matematiska innehåll som presenteras i läroboken. Det kan exempelvis handla om att en lärare anpassar sin kommunikation till ett vardagligt och enkelt språk som inte uttrycks i läroboken. Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär och är en fallstudie. Resultatet är baserat i empiri av två informanter, där tillvägagångssätten är intervju, observation av lektion samt granskning av planeringsdokument och läromedel. Resultatet har analyserats utifrån ett antal teorier och begrepp, där de mest betydelsefulla för studien är orkestreringsteorin samt ett relationellt perspektiv mellan läraren och läroboken. Analysen visar att läroboken är synlig och används under alla studerade aktiviteter, både i lärarnas planering, genomgång på skrivtavlan samt under elevernas individuella räknande. Det framkommer även att lärarna inte alltid använder lärobokens innehåll i en kronologisk ordning och att lärarna hjälper eleverna att sålla bland mängden av uppgifter i läroboken.
The textbooks are an important foundation in the education of mathematics. The aim of this study is to examine how teachers in the upper secondary school actually use the textbook and to study when the textbook is absence in their teaching. The study aims to investigate, from a teacher’s perspective, when the textbook is being used and what content in the textbook that the teacher uses. The absence of the textbook implicates when and how the teachers deviate from the content and how the content is presented in the textbook. An example of absence of the textbook is when the teacher adapts the explanations of a mathematical content to an everyday language or to an informal way, which the textbook does not. The study is a qualitative case study and the results are founded in interviews with two informants and by an observation of their practice as teachers in mathematics. The teacher’s textbook and document that are used as planning materials are also reviewed and presented. The result of the study is analyzed by some theoretical concepts, where the theory of orchestration and the relation between the teacher and the textbook are of importance in this study. The analysis of the study implicates that the textbook in mathematics is visible in every moment that were investigated. This means that the textbook is visible in the planning of the course and lessons, in the instructions on the whiteboard lead by the teacher and when the pupils independently use the textbook. The analysis also showed that the use of the textbook was not always presented in a chronological order and that the teachers helped the pupils to organize the tasks in the textbook.
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Miranda, Silvia Cristina. "A gramática reflexiva como um instrumento para a produção escrita no ensino de Língua Portuguesa do 9º ano do Ensino Fundamental II". Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2014.

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Abstract (sommario):
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T19:33:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Silvia Cristina Miranda.pdf: 2253205 bytes, checksum: 27f50744a9ab82d48d9b220ddfa7ca78 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-14
Teaching the mother language to a native speaker seems a very simple issue, but in fact it is not so. If then, the language teacher was actually a grammar teacher, now, after so many linguistic theories, teaching grammar has become its greatest challenge. From The transphrastic analysis to the linguistic discourse, the concern is to develop a productive grammatical study, taking the text as a unit of meaning and not as a reason for grammar studies on isolated sentences. However, it is not what happens in most classrooms. The theme of this dissertation is the reflexive grammar as a tool for producing written in Portuguese language teaching 9th year of elementary school. The analysis of the corpus, consisting of a case study shows that the choice of this type of reflection for the grammar school treatment can achieve the criteria of lexical-grammatical pedagogy according to the assumptions of Language Education. To achieve the objectives, this dissertation is structured as follows: theoretical foundations of linguistics Education, conceptualization and reflective considerations of grammar, the description and analysis of the case study and, finally, a proposed instructional sequence for production of an opinion, whose linguistic reflection module makes use of a reflective grammar as a tool for the development of grammatical competence of learners-ensinantes. The analysis results show that the grammatical study in the classroom is important to develop the communicative competence of learners-ensinantes, however only have satisfactory results to prioritize reflection, that is, if the grammatical study is focused on analysis of resource use linguistic and textual genres considering the communicative situation. Thus the reflexive grammar, is presented as an appropriate grammars for the school since it constitutes treatment as part (module) of a teaching sequence based on the assumptions of linguistic education
Ensinar língua materna ao próprio falante parece uma questão muito simples, mas na prática não é assim. Se antes, o professor de língua era, na verdade, um professor de gramática, hoje, depois de tantas teorias linguísticas, ensinar gramática se transformou no seu maior desafio. Da análise transfrástica à linguística do discurso, a preocupação é desenvolver um estudo gramatical produtivo, tomando o texto como unidade de sentido e não como pretexto para estudos gramaticais no nível de frases isoladas. Entretanto, não é assim que acontece na maioria das salas de aula. O tema desta dissertação é a gramática reflexiva como um instrumento para a produção escrita no ensino de língua portuguesa do 9º ano do ensino fundamental. A análise do corpus, constituído por um estudo de caso, mostra que a escolha desse tipo de reflexão gramatical para o tratamento escolar pode alcançar os critérios da pedagogia léxico-gramatical de acordo com os pressupostos da Educação Linguística. Para atingir os objetivos pretendidos, o presente trabalho estrutura-se da seguinte forma: fundamentação teórica da Educação Linguística, conceituação e considerações acerca da gramática reflexiva, a descrição e análise do estudo de caso e, por fim, uma proposta de sequência didática para a produção de um artigo de opinião, cujo módulo de reflexão linguística utiliza-se da gramática reflexiva como instrumento para o desenvolvimento das competências gramaticais dos aprendentes-ensinantes. Os resultados da análise mostram que o estudo gramatical na sala de aula é importante para desenvolver a competência comunicativa dos aprendentes-ensinantes, contudo só terá resultados satisfatórios se priorizar a reflexão, isto é, se o estudo gramatical estiver focado na análise do uso dos recursos linguísticos considerando os gêneros textuais e a situação comunicativa. Assim, a gramática reflexiva, apresenta-se como uma das gramáticas adequadas para o tratamento escolar desde que se constitua como parte (módulo) de uma sequência didática fundamentada nos pressupostos da educação linguística
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Adami, Luciana Aparecida Mani. "Análise da usabilidade de material didático como instrumento de aprendizagem no ensino superior na modalidade EaD /". Franca, 2019.

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Abstract (sommario):
Orientador: Rodrigo Touso Dias Lopes
Resumo: Com o intuito de democratizar o acesso ao Ensino Superior, houve uma grande expansão da Educação a Distância (EaD) no Brasil, que culminou na ampliação de Políticas Públicas que flexibilizaram a implantação de cursos oferecidos nessa modalidade de ensino. Essa experiência trouxe diversas reflexões acerca dos desafios e das dificuldades encontradas na busca pela qualidade de projetos em EaD, sobretudo, relacionados aos diversos componentes que o estruturam, dentre os quais se destaca o material didático. Considerando sua relevância nesta pesquisa, optou-se pela análise do material didático, por ser um recurso que pode potencializar o processo de ensino e aprendizagem na EaD. A questão que motiva o empreendimento de uma pesquisa sobre esta temática consiste em identificar quais estruturas de materiais didáticos e quais componentes podem facilitar o processo de aprendizagem e possibilitar a construção do conhecimento; assim, avaliar a usabilidade do recurso material didático nos cursos de Ensino Superior na modalidade a distância constitui o principal objetivo deste estudo. A metodologia que conduz esta pesquisa se caracteriza como qualitativa, exploratória e descritiva, por pretender, inicialmente, verificar em que proporção o material didático auxilia na aprendizagem dos alunos que estudam nessa modalidade de ensino e, posteriormente, pela análise das Políticas Públicas de EaD, avaliar se os critérios de qualidade de material didático definidos nos Referenciais de Qualidade do... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Abstract: In order to democratize the access to University graduation, there was a great expansion of Distance Education (EAD) in Brazil, which culminated in the expansion of Public Policies that made flexible the implementation of courses offered in this type of education. This experience has brought several reflections about the challenges and difficulties faced in the search for quality of EAD projects, mainly related to the several components that structure it, among which didactic material stands out. Considering its relevance in this research, we opted for the analysis of didactic material, since it is a resource that can potentiate teaching and learning process in EaD. The question that motivates the development of a research on this subject is to identify which didactic material structures and which components can facilitate the learning process and enable the construction of knowledge; thus, evaluating the usability of the didactic material resource in University graduation courses in the distance modality is the main purpose of this study. The methodology that conducts this research is characterized as qualitative, exploratory and, descriptive, as it initially aims to verify in which proportion didactic material assists in the learning of the scholars who study in this modality of teaching and, later, by the analysis of the Public Policies of EaD, evaluate if didactic material quality criteria defined in the Quality Benchmarks of Ministry of Education are efficiently certifyi... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Fonseca, Daniel Guerra Vale da. "Modelagem e controle adaptativo de uma planta did?tica de n?vel com instrumenta??o industrial". Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, 2012.

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Abstract (sommario):
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:56:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DanielGVF_DISSERT.pdf: 2881772 bytes, checksum: 5236953fb6bb70560393eeeaa01f96f9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-31
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico
The control, automation and optimization areas help to improve the processes used by industry. They contribute to a fast production line, improving the products quality and reducing the manufacturing costs. Didatic plants are good tools for research in these areas, providing a direct contact with some industrial equipaments. Given these capabilities, the main goal of this work is to model and control a didactic plant, which is a level and flow process control system with an industrial instrumentation. With a model it is possible to build a simulator for the plant that allows studies about its behaviour, without any of the real processes operational costs, like experiments with controllers. They can be tested several times before its application in a real process. Among the several types of controllers, it was used adaptive controllers, mainly the Direct Self-Tuning Regulators (DSTR) with Integral Action and the Gain Scheduling (GS). The DSTR was based on Pole-Placement design and use the Recursive Least Square to calculate the controller parameters. The characteristics of an adaptive system was very worth to guarantee a good performance when the controller was applied to the plant
As ?reas de controle, automa??o e otimiza??o contribuem para a melhoria dos processos utilizados pelas ind?strias, permitindo uma linha de produ??o r?pida, aprimorando a qualidade do produto final e reduzindo os custos de produ??o. Boas ferramentas para o desenvolvimento de pesquisas nestas ?reas s?o as plantas did?ticas, pois proporcionam um contato direto com equipamentos semelhantes ou at? mesmo usados no setor industrial. Em vista dessas capacidades, o objetivo deste trabalho ? modelar e controlar uma planta did?tica que consiste de um sistema de controle de processo para vaz?o e n?vel com instrumenta??o industrial. Com o modelo ? poss?vel construir um simulador capaz de permitir estudos a respeito do funcionamento do sistema, sem os gastos com a opera??o do processo real. ? o caso de experimentos com controladores, que podem ser testados diversas vezes antes de serem efetivamente utilizados no processo real. Dentre os diversos tipos de controladores existentes, foi dado foco aos de tipo adaptativo, principalmente ao auto-sintoniz?vel direto (Direct Self-Tuning Regulator DSTR) com a??o integral e ao controlador com Escalonamento de Ganho (Gain Scheduling GS). O controlador DSTR foi projetado com base no m?todo de posicionamento de p?los e teve seus par?metros calculados atrav?s da t?cnica dos m?nimos quadrados recursivos. As caracter?sticas dos sistemas adaptativos foram de grande valia para garantir um desempenho satisfat?rio dos controladores, quando aplicados ? planta
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Cobo, Dorado Karina. "Les processus d’enseignement-apprentissage de la clarinette dans le cadre spécialisé en France : vers une pédagogie de groupe ?" Thesis, Paris 4, 2014.

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Abstract (sommario):
Cette recherche vise la compréhension des processus d’enseignement-apprentissage de la clarinette en groupe restreint, dans une perspective évolutive des situations individuelles légitimées à travers l’histoire de la pédagogie instrumentale en France. Le travail en groupe viendrait enrichir les modalités d’apprentissage développées dans les situations individuelles et changerait la place de l’élève dans la construction des différents savoirs (techniques, cognitifs, esthétiques, expressifs, déclaratifs, etc.) imbriqués dans le savoir instrumental. Dans un cadre où la relation asymétrique enseignant-élève place souvent l’enseignant en seul détenteur du savoir, le groupe apparait comme une possibilité méthodologique d’équilibration des contrats didactiques. C’est à travers le développement d’activités de collaboration et la résolution des conflits sociocognitifs, créés dans une grande variété d’interactions, que le groupe permet une co-construction des savoirs musicaux. Les analyses des situations d’enseignement-apprentissage individuelles et en groupe, sont fondées sur des pratiques enseignantes instrumentales réelles et étayées d’une théorisation des travaux socioconstructivistes dans le cadre scolaire. Cette démarche s’inscrit dans un lien étroit entre la pratique et la recherche, qui semble fondamental dans l’évolution de la pédagogie et de la didactique instrumentale
The purpose of this research is to better understand the impact of teaching/learning clarinet-playing in small groups in the perspective of individual progress situations validated by the history of instrument pedagogy in French “conservatoires”. It would seem however that group work would better serve the development of learning modes as it expands the learning processes involved in the traditional one-to-one approach. Group work would change the learner’s position as he/she acquires the various (technical, cognitive, esthetic, expressive, declarative, etc.), skills involved in playing a musical instrument. In a context in which the asymmetrical teacher/student relationship often sets the teacher as the sole expert, the group appears as a pedagogical means to establish some balance and better define each person’s role. An array of activities requiring all forms of interaction will encourage collaboration and develop an aptitude to resolve socio-cognitive conflicts, the group thus becomes the place where musical skills are mutually acquired and structured. This analysis is based on authentic teaching of musical instruments and is supported by the analysis of socio-constructivist work carried out in schools. This study therefore combines both the theoretical field of research and the practical experience of teaching, which is fundamental when dealing with the evolution of both pedagogy and the teaching of musical instruments
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Barros, Neto Antônio José de. "A construção de instrumentos matemáticos didáticos com tecnologia digital: uma proposta de empoderamento para licenciandos em Matemática". Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2015.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:57:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Antonio Jose de Barros Neto.pdf: 2526978 bytes, checksum: f3ee9a3acdd75ca8c9ebf5d93ead8a59 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-04-29
This study aimed to investigate whether the construction of Didactic Mathematical Instruments with digital technology incorporated, together with a strategy based on creating didactic situations, could empower the future teachers of mathematics beyond the user condition. This study is justified because the use of technologies, from the most traditional and recently, digital, to teach and learn of Mathematics has been a constant concern in mathematics education since the creation of the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI) in 1908. Since then, the use of computers in mathematics education was the only issue to be focus of two ICMI studies: one in 1985 and another in 2006. In addition, researchers noted a change in focus of contributions to groups work and lectures in the latest edition of the International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME) in relation to digital technologies: first, the focus was on the impact of technology in the curriculum and student learning, and more recently has become in the teacher preparation . It is believed that during undergrad studies, with time and the appropriate didactic organization, the new programmable microworlds, like Scratch, along with their robotic interfaces can be used in the construction of Didactic Mathematical Instruments with digital technology incorporated as teaching strategy to empower future teachers regarding computer programming with educational purposes in the teaching of Mathematics. To conduct this research, teaching activities were designed and implemented by which the subjects, students of two classes of the second year of the Licenciatura em Matemática from the State University of Pará (UEPA) in group, and time points individually they had to use Scratch and interfaces mentioned to acquire fluency, thinking together and with the technology, design and develop themes and teaching strategies in an investigative route, mediated by technology in movements of action, formulation and validation characteristic of the Theory of Didactic Situations (TDS). The results showed that groups of students involved in the activities have achieved the necessary implementations, showing personal commitment, sense of ownership, creativity and fluency in technology used
Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar se a construção de Instrumentos Matemáticos Didáticos com tecnologia digital incorporada, em conjunto com uma estratégia baseada na criação de situações didáticas, poderia empoderar o futuro professor de matemática para além da condição de usuário. Tal estudo se justifica, pois o uso de tecnologias, desde as mais tradicionais e, recentemente, as digitais, no ensino e aprendizagem de Matemática tem sido uma preocupação constante na área da Educação Matemática desde a criação da International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI) em 1908. Desde então, o uso de computadores na educação matemática foi o único tema a ser foco de 2 (dois) Estudos ICMI: um em 1985 e outro em 2006. Além disso, pesquisadores notaram uma mudança no foco das contribuições para os grupos de trabalho e palestras nas mais recentes edições do International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME) com relação às tecnologias digitais: antes, o foco era no impacto da tecnologia no currículo e no aprendizado do aluno, e mais recentemente passou a ser na preparação do professor. Acredita-se que na formação inicial do professor de matemática, com o tempo e a organizacão didática adequados, os novos micromundos programáveis, como o Scratch, juntamente com suas interfaces robóticas, podem ser utilizados na construção de Instrumentos Matemáticos Didáticos com tecnologia digital incorporada como estratégia didática para empoderar os futuros professores em relação a programação de computadores com fins didáticos no âmbito do ensino de Matemática. Para realizar esta investigação, atividades de ensino foram elaboradas e aplicadas por meio das quais os sujeitos, alunos de duas turmas do 2o ano do curso de Licenciatura em Matemática da Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA), em grupo e, em momentos de avaliação, individualmente, tinham que usar o Scratch e as interfaces mencionadas para adquirir fluência, pensar em conjunto e com a tecnologia, elaborar e desenvolver temas e estratégias didáticas, em um percurso investigativo, mediado pelas tecnologias, em movimentos de ação, formulação e validação característicos da Teoria das Situações Didáticas (TSD). Os resultados apontaram que os grupos de alunos envolvidos nas atividades conseguiram realizar as implementações necessárias, demonstrando engajamento pessoal, senso de propriedade, criatividade e fluência na tecnologia utilizada
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Chiuminatto, Orrego Marcello. "La improvisación musical como eje vertebrador del aprendizaje instrumental. Diseño y validación de una programación didáctica para la iniciación del saxofón en música moderna". Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2018.

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Abstract (sommario):
La presente tesis doctoral se enmarca en la enseñanza de la improvisación musical, en el área del aprendizaje instrumental. A través del análisis de las diferentes fuentes que nutren la investigación se pudo evidenciar una carencia de organización metodológica que permita estructurar la enseñanza de la improvisación dentro del proceso de iniciación al saxofón. A partir de esa información, surgió el objetivo general de la tesis: Diseñar y validar una programación didáctica para alumnos de saxofón de enseñanzas no regladas, que permita guiar el proceso de iniciación del aprendizaje instrumental incorporando la improvisación en música moderna como eje vertebrador. La investigación se nutre de cuatro fuentes claramente demarcadas. 1) El marco teórico que trata los antecedentes o marco referencial y las consideraciones teóricas respecto a la improvisación y su enseñanza; 2) unas entrevistas a profesores de saxofón que aportan la visión y practica de los docentes sobre la materia; 3) un cuestionario a alumnos de saxofón que contribuye a saber las percepciones de los estudiante sobre el tema; 4) el análisis de manuales de improvisación que entrega información sobre diferentes enfoques metodológicos relacionados con el objeto de estudio. De los principales resultados destaca la gran inquietud y la disposición positiva de los estudiantes por aprender la improvisación, así como la necesidad por parte de los profesores de organizar de mejor forma el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de la improvisación en sus clases. Así mismo, de los métodos se desprende que la organización deliberada de la enseñanza de la improvisación es factible a través de múltiples enfoques metodológicos. El resultado de la tesis es el diseño y la validación de un programa para alumnos que se inician en el aprendizaje del saxofón, fundamentado en la improvisación musical como eje vertebrador del aprendizaje. Dentro de las conclusiones más destacadas resaltan: la necesidad de formación docente relacionada con la enseñanza de la improvisación; la carencia de organización metodológica específica que establezca y guíe el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de la improvisación musical en las enseñanzas no regladas de saxofón; la improvisación debe tener un rol destacada desde el comienzo de las enseñanzas musicales, pues sus aportes son positivos y fructíferos durante las primeras etapas; a los alumnos les cautiva improvisar y los profesores consideran que es una actividad enriquecedora en todo el espectro del aprendizaje; la improvisación debe ser el eje vertebrador del proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de la música, no exclusivamente de la música moderna, sino de cualquier estilo que pretenda enriquecer la creatividad de sus alumnos y aspire a potenciar la expresividad, pues finalmente la música manifiesta con viveza los sentimientos de las personas y se relaciona directamente con el pensamiento original y la imaginación constructiva.
The present doctoral thesis is part of the teaching of musical improvisation, in the area of ​​instrumental learning. Through the analysis of the different sources that nourish the research, it was possible to demonstrate a lack of methodological organization that allows structuring the teaching of improvisation within the initiation process to the saxophone. Based on this information, the general objective of the thesis arose: Design and validate a didactic program for students of saxophone of non-regulated education, which allows to guide the process of initiation of instrumental learning incorporating modern music improvisation as a backbone. The research is based on four clearly demarcated sources. 1) The theoretical framework that deals with the background or referential framework and the theoretical considerations regarding improvisation and its teaching; 2) interviews with saxophone teachers who contribute the vision and practice of the teachers on the subject; 3) a questionnaire to students of saxophone that contributes to knowing the perceptions of the students on the subject; 4) the analysis of improvisation manuals that provide information on different methodological approaches related to the object of study.  The main results highlight the great concern and positive disposition of students to learn improvisation, as well as the need for teachers to better organize the teaching and learning process of improvisation in their classes. Likewise, it is clear from the methods that the deliberate organization of the teaching of improvisation is feasible through multiple methodological approaches. The result of the thesis is the design and validation of a program for students who start learning saxophone, based on musical improvisation as the backbone of learning. Among the most important conclusions highlight: the need for teacher training related to the teaching of improvisation; the lack of specific methodological organization that establishes and guides the teaching and learning process of musical improvisation in the non-regulated saxophone teachings; improvisation must have a prominent role since the beginning of musical teachings, because their contributions are positive and fruitful during the first stages; the students are captivated by improvising and the teachers consider that it is an enriching activity in the whole spectrum of learning; improvisation must be the backbone of the teaching and learning process of music, not only of modern music, but of any style that seeks to enrich the creativity of its students and aspire to enhance expressivity, because ultimately the music manifests with vividness the feelings of the people and is directly related to the original thought and the constructive imagination.
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Nascimento, Alessandra Zeman do. "Uma seqüência de ensino para a construção de uma tabela trigonométrica". Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2005.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T17:13:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Alessandra Nascimento.pdf: 1945223 bytes, checksum: f6950936e78897c5cfc27568b8cd6159 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-07-17
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-25T17:25:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Alessandra Nascimento.pdf.jpg: 2104 bytes, checksum: c4715912a635b5fbde63d2a9b070733f (MD5) Alessandra Nascimento.pdf: 1945223 bytes, checksum: f6950936e78897c5cfc27568b8cd6159 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-07-17
The objective of this study is to construct a trigonometrical table, on the basis of historical surveys of the works of Ptolomeu and other mathematicians of Old Greece, to investigate the appropriation of the meaning of the concepts of the trigonometrical reasons: sine, cosine and tangent, in the rectangular triangle, for students of first year Average education. We look for to answer to the research question: How to teach trigonometry in the rectangular triangle in significant way? E also decurrent questions: Which factors influence the acquisition of such knowledge? How to distanciar the use of Trigonometry in Average Education of mechanization? For in such a way we use the estimated theoreticians of Vygotsky in that if relates to the importance attributed to the social interaction, the language and the simbolizaction in the gradual domain of a conceptual field for the pupils, of the estimated theoreticians of Vergnaud, when dealing with the operations invariants: concept-in-action and theorem-in-action, of its conception, of conceptual field and concept, e also in the model presented for Parzysz for a theoretical picture of the education of geometry, where it detaches four stages of the development of the geometric thought. The results of the experimentation point with respect to an imbalance in Geometry and Algebra. The experimentation showed that despite this, an education of the Trigonometry of the generating rectangular triangle of motivations, including diversified activities, with problems situations, that stimulate thinking, the inquiry and carrying through, contributes so that the pupils construct the meaning of the trigonometrical reasons, besides favoring the argument and modifying some wrong conceptions
O objetivo deste estudo é construir uma tabela trigonométrica, com base em levantamentos históricos dos trabalhos de Ptolomeu e outros matemáticos da Grécia Antiga, para investigar a apropriação do significado dos conceitos das razões trigonométricas: seno, cosseno e tangente, no triângulo retângulo, por estudantes do 1o ano do Ensino Médio. Procuramos responder à questão de pesquisa: Como ensinar trigonometria no triângulo retângulo de maneira significativa? E também questões decorrentes: Quais fatores influenciam a aquisição de tal conhecimento? Como distanciar a utilização da Trigonometria no Ensino Médio da mecanização? Para tanto utilizamos os pressupostos teóricos de Vygotsky no que se refere à importância atribuída à interação social, à linguagem e à simbolização no progressivo domínio de um campo conceitual pelos alunos, dos pressupostos teóricos de Vergnaud, ao tratar dos invariantes operatórios: conceito-em-ação e teorema-em-ação, de sua concepção de campo conceitual e de conceito, e também no modelo apresentado por Parzysz para um quadro teórico do ensino da geometria, onde ele destaca quatro etapas do desenvolvimento do pensamento geométrico. Os resultados da experimentação apontam para uma defasagem em Geometria e em Álgebra. A experimentação mostrou que apesar disso, um ensino da Trigonometria do triângulo retângulo gerador de motivações, incluindo atividades diversificadas, com situações problematizadoras, que estimulem o pensar, a investigação e o realizar, contribui para que os alunos construam o significado das razões trigonométricas, além de favorecer a argumentação e modificar várias concepções errôneas
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Oliveira, Márcia Andrea Almeida de 1979. "O ensino de língua portuguesa : usos do livro didático, objetos de ensino e gestos profissionais". [s.n.], 2013.

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Abstract (sommario):
Orientador: Roxane Helena Rodrigues Rojo
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T17:39:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Oliveira_MarciaAndreaAlmeidade_D.pdf: 29425372 bytes, checksum: 6fbc45d93009561121ed48292dc305a7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013
Resumo: Essa tese se insere na área de Linguística Aplicada e procura integrar três dimensões essenciais para se compreender o uso do Livro Didático de Língua Portuguesa: os objetos de ensino, as ferramentas do professor e os gestos profissionais. Tem como objetivo descrever, analisar e compreender como as professoras dos 6º e 9º anos apropriam se dos livros didáticos da coleção Tudo é Linguagem, adotada no triênio 2008-2010, em uma escola estadual da cidade de Belém. Neste trabalho, buscou-se (1) examinar as apreciações dos professores a respeito do manual adotado, levando-se em consideração o caráter ideológico do enunciado, o papel da linguagem na constituição social do sujeito (BAKHTIN, 1993 [1934]; 1997 [1953]); (2) investigar quais gestos didáticos é proposto pelo livro didático e aqueles implementados pelas professoras participantes da pesquisa, tomando-se como referência as reflexões sobre gesto (AEBY-DAGHÉ; DOLZ, 2008, SCHNEUWLY; DOLZ, 2009); e (3) verificar em que medida o uso do Livro Didático de Língua Portuguesa favorece a reconfiguração dos objetos de ensino em sala de aula (CHEVALLARD, 1991[1985], MARTINAND, 1986; 2001). Além disso, para se analisar os objetos dedetizados, ensinados e avaliados, bem como analisar os gestos didáticos implementados durante a construção do objeto de ensino em aula, recorreu-se à noção de ferramenta/megainstrumento (SCHNEUWLY, 2004 [1994]), às reflexões sobre tarefa (DOLZ et al., 2001), às noções de apropriação tecnológica (BAR; PISANI; WEBER, 2007, CARROL et al., 2003, CARROL, 2004) e à ideia de sedimentação das práticas (SCHNEUWLY; CORDEIRO; DOLZ, 2005). Para se alcançar os objetivos propostos usaram-se a metodologia qualitativa (LÜDKE; ANDRÉ, 1986) de cunho etnográfico (ANDRÉ, 1995) e se seguiu o princípio da triangulação dos dados e uma orientação interpretativista (MOITA-LOPES, 1994). Com base nessa fundamentação, descreveram-se e analisaram-se quatro unidades do livro didático, quatro cadernos de alunos e duas provas dos 6º e 9º anos, além de se descrever e analisar quatro entrevistas com as professoras dos 6º, 7º, 8º e 9º anos e as aulas observadas. A partir da análise desse corpus, verificou-se que o professor, ao ter o livro em mãos, não se depara com um conjunto fechado de atividades escolares e tarefas, mas o ressignifica de acordo com as suas apreciações sobre o material e as necessidades dos alunos. Observou-se também que esse instrumento materializa o objeto de saber por meio de textos e tarefas, ao mesmo tempo em que o elementariza, dirigindo a atenção do professor e do aluno para algumas das dimensões do objeto. Percebeu-se ainda que o livro didático analisado e as aulas de Língua Portuguesa passam por processos de sedimentação e continuidade das práticas de ensino (SCHNEUWLY; CORDEIRO; DOLZ, 2005). Além disso, notou-se que tanto nas práticas de ensino das professoras, quanto no livro há a implementação/proposição reduzida do gesto institucionalização (síntese e explicitação dos saberes didatizados e ensinados), sendo este último quase sempre vinculado aos objetos gramaticais, indicando assim que existe uma necessidade de melhor se explorar e se sistematizar os objetos discursivos e textuais
Abstract: This thesis is inserted in the area of Applied Linguistics and it seeks to integrate three essential dimensions in order to understand the use of Portuguese Language Textbooks: the teaching objects, the teacher's tools and the professional gesture. It aims to describe, analyze and understand how 6th and 9th grade teachers appropriate the collection of textbooks Tudo é Linguagem adopted between 2008 and 2010 in a secondary school in the city of Belém. In this work, we (1) review the teachers' assessments concerning the textbook adopted, taking into consideration the ideological nature of the utterance, the role of language in the social constitution of the subject (BAKHTIN, 1993 [1934]; 1997 [1953]); (2) investigate which didactic gestures are proposed by the textbook and those implemented by the teachers who participated in the research, having as a reference the reflections about gesture (AEBY-DAGHÉ; DOLZ, 2008, SCHNEUWLY; DOLZ, 2009); and (3) verify to what extent the use of the Portuguese Language Textbook favors the reconfiguration of teaching objects in the classroom (CHEVALLARD, 1991 [1985]; MARTINAND, 1986; 2001). Furthermore, in order to analyze the didactized, taught, and assessed objects, as well as to analyze the didactic gestures implemented during the construction of the teaching object in the classroom, we used the notion of tools/megatools (SCHNEUWLY, 2004 [1994]), the reflections about task (DOLZ et al., 2001), the notions of technological appropriation (BAR; PISANI; WEBER, 2007, CARROL et al., 2003, CARROL, 2004) and the idea of sedimented practices (SCHNEUWLY; CORDEIRO; DOLZ, 2005). As to achieve the proposed objectives, we used the qualitative methodology (LUDKE; ANDRÉ, 1986) through an ethnographic approach (ANDRE, 1995) and we follow the data triangulation principle and the interpretive orientation (MOITA-LOPES, 1994). Based on this methodological and theoretical framework, we described and analyzed four units of the textbook, four notebooks of students and two tests of the 6th and 9th grades, in addition to describing and analyzing four interviews with 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th grade teachers and their classes observed. From the analysis of this corpus we showed that, by having the textbook in their hands, the teachers do not face a closed set of school activities and tasks, but instead they (re)signify them according to their assessment of the material and the needs of students. We also observed that this instrument presents the teaching object through texts and tasks and points the elements of object, directing the attention of the teacher and the student to some of the dimensions of the object. We also realized that the textbook analyzed and the Portuguese language classes undergo processes of sedimentation and continuity of teaching practices (SCHNEUWLY; CORDEIRO; DOLZ, 2005). In addition to that, we noted that there is the use/proposition of the institutionalization gesture (synthesis and explicitness of taught and didactized knowledges) both in the teaching practices and in the textbook, which is almost always related to the grammatical object, indicating thus that it is necessary to better explore and systematize the discursive and textual objects
Lingua Materna
Doutora em Lingüística Aplicada
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Zhu, Fangchun. "Teachers' Knowledge for Integrating Dynamic Geometry Software into Mathematics Lessons : contrasting Chinese and French Cases". Thesis, Lyon, 2020.

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Abstract (sommario):
En raison du développement de nouvelles technologies comme l'informatique dans l'enseignement des mathématiques, il est important pour nous de repenser à l'un des termes critiques de la pratique des enseignants en classe : les connaissances des enseignants. Il existe de nombreuses recherches qui portent attention à définir ce que sont les connaissances des enseignants ou le type de connaissances dont les enseignants ont besoin. Comme certains chercheurs l'ont dit, nous devons tenir compte des technologies si nous voulons décrire les connaissances des enseignants. Les connaissances des enseignants peuvent se refléter dans leurs activités en classe. Cette recherche a besoin d’analyser la pratique didactique des enseignants avec l'une des technologies importantes : le logiciel de géométrie dynamique.Prenant l'orchestration instrumentale comme la cadre théorique critique, cette recherche décrit les activités des enseignants avec un logiciel de géométrie dynamique en classe en fonction de la vue de leurs connaissances. Il a choisi 5 professeurs chinois et 1 professeur français pour observer leurs cours afin d'analyser leurs connaissances démontrées dans leur pratique avec la technologie. Les principales questions de cette recherche sont la suivante :1 Que pouvons-nous apprendre des connaissances des enseignants présentées dans leur orchestration instrumentale en comparant les différents usages du DGS entre les enseignants chinois et français ?1.1 Que pouvons-nous apprendre de l'analyse des rôles du DGS dans les tâches mathématiques ? 1.2 Que pouvons-nous apprendre de l'organisation des tâches en comparant la pratique pédagogique entre les enseignants chinois et français ? 1.3 Que pouvons-nous apprendre de l'interaction enseignant-élève en comparant les enseignants français et chinois ?Afin de répondre à ces questions, je me concentre sur les rôles des logiciels de géométrie dynamique dans les tâches mathématiques et les questions ou retours d'expérience dans l'interaction enseignant-élève. Le logiciel de géométrie dynamique joue deux rôles principaux dans mathématiques : amplificateur et générateur. Ce type de logiciel affecte également l'interaction enseignant-élève. L'enseignant montrerait sa concentration différente en utilisant un logiciel, par exemple, se concentrer uniquement sur les mathématiques ou se concentrer sur les mathématiques liées aux logiciels.Telle que conçue, cette recherche choisit plusieurs professeurs de mathématiques de deux contextes différents pour confronter leurs connaissances qui se reflètent dans la pratique de l'enseignement dans la situation créée par les technologies. Au total, 11 leçons de ces 6 enseignants sont observées et enregistrées. Ils seraient également interviewés avant et après leurs cours de mathématiques qui seraient enregistrés par l'auteur, afin de comprendre en profondeur leurs opinions sur DGS. Basé sur l'analyse, différents enseignants montrent leurs différents points de vue sur les rôles des logiciels de géométrie dynamique. La plupart d’entre eux considèrent le logiciel comme un amplificateur de présentation des contenus au cours du processus d’enseignement, bien que le logiciel puisse changer la stratégie des apprenants pour résoudre les tâches. Et pendant l'interaction, la plupart des enseignants se concentrent sur des contenus mathématiques sans technologie, bien qu'ils choisissent différentes façons d'orchestrer les leçons. Il existe de nombreux facteurs qui peuvent affecter l'utilisation des logiciels par les enseignants, comme la configuration physique, la capacité des élèves, l'objectif pédagogique, l'examen, qui ont été discutés par les enseignants lors de l'entretien et nécessitent également de nombreuses études supplémentaires pour les chercheurs
Because of the development of using new technologies like computer science in mathematics education, it is important for us to rethink about one of the critical terms for teacher’s practice in classroom: teacher knowledge. There are many researches pay attention to definite what is teacher knowledge or what kind of knowledge teacher needs. As some researchers said we need to take technologies into account if we want to describe teacher knowledge. Teacher knowledge can be reflected in their class behavior. So this research aims at analyzing teacher’s didactical practice with one of the important technologies: dynamic geometry software. Taking instrumental orchestration as critical theoretical framework, this study describes teacher’s activities with dynamic geometry software in the classroom based on the view of their knowledge. It chose 5 Chinese teachers and 1 French teacher to observe their mathematics lessons in order to analyze their knowledge shown in their practice with technology. The main question of this research is as following:1. 1 What can we learn about the teachers’ knowledge shown in their instrumental orchestration by contrasting the different usage of DGS between Chinese and French teachers? 1. 1.1 What can we learn from analyzing the roles of DGS in mathematics tasks? 2. 1.2 What can we learn from tasks organization by contrasting the teaching practice between Chinese and French teachers?3. 1.3 What can we learn the teacher-student interaction by contrasting French and Chinese teachers?In order to answer these questions, I focus on the roles of dynamic geometry software in mathematics tasks and the questions or feedbacks in the teacher-student interaction. Dynamic geometry software plays two main roles in mathematics teaching and learning: amplifier and generator. This kind of software also affects teacher-student interaction. Teacher would show their different focus by using software for example only focus on mathematics or focus on mathematics related to software. As designed, this research chooses several mathematics teachers from two different contexts to contrast their knowledge which reflected into teaching practice in the situation created by technologies. I altogether observed and recorded 11 lessons for them. They would also be interviewed before and after their mathematics lessons which would be recorded by the author, to make deep understanding of their opinions on DGS.Based on the analysis, different teachers show their different views on the roles of dynamic geometry software. Most of them see software as an amplifier of presenting contents during the teaching process, although the software can change learners’ strategy to solve the tasks. And during the interaction, most teachers focus on mathematics contents without any technology, although they choose different ways to orchestrate lessons. There are many factors which may affect teachers’ using of software, like physical configuration, ability of students, teaching objective, examination, which talked by teachers during the interview and also need to much further studies for researchers
由于在数学教学中使用了诸如计算机科学之类的新技术,因此,研究制约课堂教学实践的关键因素之一:教师知识,就变的非常重要。有很多研究都在关注教师知识是什么或教师需要什么样的知识进行教学。其中,某些研究指出我们需要关注技术在教师知识方面起到的重要作用。教师知识可以反映在他们的课堂活动中。因此,本研究选择了数学教学中最重要的技术之一:动态几何软件,以研究参与课堂实践的教师知识。• 本研究以工具编配(Trouche,2004 年)作为理论框架,基于对5 位中国老师和1 位法国老师的数学课的观察,分析他们在使用该技术的教学实践中所呈现的知识。工具编配充分涉及了教学实践的方方面面,从教师备课到实际的课堂行为等。有许多研究涉及动态几何软件,并且分析了教师如何使用它。例如,动态几何软件在数学任务和问题解决中扮演着两个不同的角色:放大器或发生器(Laborde,2001)。 这类软件还同时影响着师生互动(Hollebrands&Lee,2016)。最后,通过使用软件,教师可以显示他是专注于数学还是专注于与软件相关的数学(Hollebrands&Lee,2016)。• 关注技术• 关注技术,同时涉及数学• 关注数学,同时需要使用技术进行回答• 关注数学本文所做的假设是:• 教师知识通过使用动态几何软件进行工具编配的过程中得以展现,我们可以通过对比中法教师的教学实践来表征和描述他们的教师知识。• 具体地说:• 通过分析动态几何在教师选择的数学任务中的作用,我们可以了解什么?• 通过对比中国老师和法国老师的教学实践,我们可以从任务安排中了解什么?• 通过比较法国和中国的案例,我们可以从师生互动中了解什么?vi本研究总共观察并记录了6 位老师的11 堂数学课。在观察的数学课之前和之后,还对所有教师进行了访谈,以深入了解他们对动态几何的看法。结果显示,尽管动态几何软件可以改变学习者解决任务的策略,但大多数教师将软件视为在教学过程中呈现内容的辅助工具。在课堂上以及与学生的互动过程中,尽管他们在上课时使用不同的工具编配形式,但大多数教师都将重点放在数学内容上,而不论其技术如何。另外,通过访谈,对于教师而言,有许多因素会影响教师对软件的使用,例如:班级的物理环境,学生的能力,教育目标,考试。当然这些因素还需要进一步研究进行论证。例如,如果老师在计算机房里上课,他更可能允许每个学生分别使用动态几何软件,那么老师可以更多地使用该软件为学生创建新的学习环境,而他可以在普通课堂上对其进行更多控制。
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Warnich, Pieter Gabriël. "Uitkomsgebaseerde assessering van geskiedenis in graad 10 / Pieter Gabriël Warnich". Thesis, North-West University, 2008.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
In 2006, Outcomes Based Education (OBE) was introduced into Grade 10 (as part of the FET band) for the first time. For the Grade 10 History teacher, this new teaching approach implied modified assessment practices, setting new demands and challenges. It brought about an adjusted assessment strategy through which the focus of formal assessment was shifted to an interactive and learner-centred approach of "doing" History rather than "facts" simply being assessed. Whether outcome based assessment (OBA) is executed meaningfully, is determined by the Grade 10 History teacher's ability to develop learning and assessment strategies that can integrate the critical outcomes, the development outcomes, the learning outcomes and the assessment standards meaningfully with the facilitation of the historic content. The overarching aim of this research was to investigate the assessment practices of History teachers in Grade 10. It was undertaken within the framework of an extensive literature study on OBE and OBA as teaching processes - internationally and nationally. In order to determine the assessment practices of Grade 10 History teachers, an empirical investigation was undertaken that was based on both quantitative and qualitative research methods, with a view to: • establish to what extent the Grade 10 History teacher followed the guidelines/ prescriptions of OBA; • determine the Grade 10 History teacher's knowledge, attitudes and skills regarding OBA; • identify deficiencies and problems that prevent the Grade 10 History teacher from implementing OBA effectively; and • design an OBA model for the Grade 10 History teacher. A random sample of schools was drawn nationally. A structured questionnaire was sent to the Grade 10 History teachers of these schools [n = 424], of which a total of 122 was received back. The results were analysed quantitatively and qualitatively and the following are but a few findings of this research: • Most of the teachers were positively inclined towards OBA because it is aimed at developing the entire learner. • Most of the teachers had sufficient knowledge of the assessment documents made available to them, and it was comprehensible. • Most of the teachers were convinced that the training they had received, had not sufficiently empowered them professionally speaking for implementing OBA. • Most of the teachers expressed the need for more support from the Department of Education concerning better in-service training programmes, more support from subject and curriculum advisors and more resources and learning and teaching support material being made available. • Generally speaking, the theoretical knowledge of OBA of most of the teachers was good, but they desired more and longer practice oriented in-service training in specific aspects regarding OBA. Based on the results proceeding from the research, recommendations were made in order to promote the practical implementation of OBA in schools. A holistic OBE quality model for teaching History was also designed that will empower the History teacher to implement OBA effectively to then especially complement the critical outcomes.
Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.
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Nusser, Stefan. "Die aktuelle Anwendungssituation in Deutschland erschienener Orgellehrwerke". Doctoral thesis, Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2010.

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Abstract (sommario):
Die Dissertation behandelt aus unterrichtspraktischen Fragestellungen heraus Gestalt und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten aktuell nutzbarer Lehrwerke des Orgelspiels. Aus der Perspektive einer Lehrtätigkeit des Autors an der Musikhochschule erwächst eine Reflexion zur Funktionalität und Wirksamkeit von Orgellehrwerken nach gegenwärtig zugrunde liegenden Kriterien. Es wird der Frage nachgegangen, inwieweit sich didaktische Zielsetzungen früherer und heutiger Zeit unterscheiden und Thesen zur Verwendung elementarer Orgelschulen aufgestellt. Ausgehend von den Entwicklungen bei der Anwendung von Orgellehrwerken im Verlauf der Musikgeschichte wird sichtbar, dass sich die berufspraktischen Anforderungen innerhalb des Aufgabenbereiches eines Organisten am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts spürbar verändert haben. Es wird die Bedeutung interpretatorischer, methodischer, musikwissenschaftlicher und psychologischer Aspekte für den heutigen Verlauf des Unterrichtsprozesses beleuchtet. Zudem wird dargestellt, inwieweit speziell der Orgelunterricht einen Sonderfall im Spannungsfeld gegenwärtiger Instrumentalpädagogik bildet.
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Nusser, Stefan. "Die aktuelle Anwendungssituation in Deutschland erschienener Orgellehrwerke". Doctoral thesis, Hochschule für Musik und Theater Leipzig, 2007.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Die Dissertation behandelt aus unterrichtspraktischen Fragestellungen heraus Gestalt und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten aktuell nutzbarer Lehrwerke des Orgelspiels. Aus der Perspektive einer Lehrtätigkeit des Autors an der Musikhochschule erwächst eine Reflexion zur Funktionalität und Wirksamkeit von Orgellehrwerken nach gegenwärtig zugrunde liegenden Kriterien. Es wird der Frage nachgegangen, inwieweit sich didaktische Zielsetzungen früherer und heutiger Zeit unterscheiden und Thesen zur Verwendung elementarer Orgelschulen aufgestellt. Ausgehend von den Entwicklungen bei der Anwendung von Orgellehrwerken im Verlauf der Musikgeschichte wird sichtbar, dass sich die berufspraktischen Anforderungen innerhalb des Aufgabenbereiches eines Organisten am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts spürbar verändert haben. Es wird die Bedeutung interpretatorischer, methodischer, musikwissenschaftlicher und psychologischer Aspekte für den heutigen Verlauf des Unterrichtsprozesses beleuchtet. Zudem wird dargestellt, inwieweit speziell der Orgelunterricht einen Sonderfall im Spannungsfeld gegenwärtiger Instrumentalpädagogik bildet.
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Voltolini, Anne. "Duo d'artefacts numérique et matériel pour l'apprentissage de la géométrie au cycle 3". Thesis, Lyon, 2017.

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Abstract (sommario):
L’objet de notre recherche en didactique des mathématiques est d’étudier l’introduction des technologies numériques comme environnement complémentaire à des manipulations concrètes. Nous définissons les duos d’artefacts comme l’articulation fructueuse entre un artefact numérique et un artefact matériel qui soit une plus-value pour les apprentissages. L’approche instrumentale de Rabardel nous permet d’établir les critères de cette articulation; chaque artefact du duo enrichit l’autre à travers les instruments construits. Un duo d’artefacts provoque des genèses instrumentales associées. Afin de fonder les conditions d’un apprentissage au sens de Brousseau, un duo n’existe que lorsqu’il est mobilisé dans une situation didactique. Notre enjeu est alors d’élaborer un duo d’artefacts incluant le compas matériel en vue de la conceptualisation du triangle à partir de sa construction à la règle et au compas. La composition du duo et son orchestration dans une situation ont pour intention de faire émerger une nouvelle genèse instrumentale du compas et, selon les travaux de Duval, une déconstruction dimensionnelle 1D du triangle. Des expérimentations en classe nous ont permis de valider l’hypothèse selon laquelle la situation et le duo provoquent l’élaboration d’un nouvel instrument compas pour faire pivoter un segment. Le modèle de conceptions de Balacheff nous a aussi permis d’identifier l’évolution des conceptions des élèves sur le triangle et le cercle au fil de la situation, en particulier l’apparition d’une vision 1D du triangle comme une ligne brisée fermée et d’une caractérisation du cercle comme la trajectoire d’une extrémité d’un segment pivoté
Our research project in didactics of mathematics is to study the use of digital technologies as a complementary environment to concrete manipulations. We define a duo of artefacts as the fruitful link between a digital artefact and a material one in such a way that this linking is an added value for the learning process. The instrumental approach of Rabardel allows us to establish the requirements for this link, each artefact enriching the other through the constructed instruments. A duo of artefacts sets off associated instrumental geneses. In order to base the conditions of the learning process, in the sense of Brousseau, a duo exists only when it is mobilized in a didactic situation. Our issue is to develop a duo of artifacts including the pair of compasses for the conceptualization of the triangle in the teaching of its geometric construction. The composition of the duo and its orchestration in a didactic situation are intended to bring out a new instrumental genesis of the compasses and, according to Duval's work, a 1D dimensional deconstruction of the triangle. Experiments in classes have enabled us to validate the hypothesis that the situation and the duo cause the development of a new pair of compasses instrument to rotate a segment. Balacheff's model of conceptions also allowed us to identify the evolution of pupils' conceptions of the triangle and the circle as the situation progressed, specifically the improvement of a 1D vision of the triangle as a closed broken line and a characterization of the circle as the trajectory of one end of a pivoted segment
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Annocque, François. "Les enseignements d’expression-communication et les pratiques instrumentées : regards d’enseignants et d’apprenants". Thesis, Lille 3, 2019.

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Abstract (sommario):
Cette thèse décrit et analyse d’un point de vue didactique les discours d’enseignants et d’étudiants sur la place des outils numériques dans des enseignements universitaires d’expression-communication en DUT dont les finalités, prescrites par les programmes de 2013, sont d’outiller méthologiquement les étudiants dans leur cursus universitaire et de préparer l’insertion professionnelle de ces futurs techniciens supérieurs. La question est posée des rapports entre les usages du numérique et ce qui est enseigné et appris dans ces enseignements. L’assise théorique est construite à partir des notions d’instrument et de genèse instrumentale (Rabardel, 1995) à partir desquelles je considère qu’un outil numérique est le résultat d’une construction qui en partie s’opère selon les représentations que les enseignants et étudiants ont de ce qui est enseigné et appris en expression-communication. Sont aussi mobilisés les travaux de Fluckiger (2011, 2014) relatifs aux usages numériques ordinaires en situation éducative pour décrire et comprendre la manière dont les étudiants et enseignants conçoivent les fonctions des outils numériques utilisés et leurs rapports aux objets enseignés et appris. Ces objets sont exprimés dans cette recherche en termes de contenus (Delcambre, 2007/2013) et de représentations de ces contenus avec une double visée : - primo, montrer que ces représentations orientent les choix des outils ainsi que leurs genèses ; - secundo, montrer que le numérique dans ces enseignements n’est pas réductible à des usages mais donne aussi lieu à l’enseignement/apprentissages d’objets qui mobilisent des outils numériques. Cette recherche se propose de contribuer aux travaux actuellement menés en didactiques sur les contenus (Daunay & Reuter, 2013) avec pour objectif de discuter certains discours médiatisés sur l’omniprésence du numérique dans le paysage éducatif et l’homogénéité des habiletés et des pratiques des étudiants. La notion de contenu dans cette recherche montre que les usages éducatifs du numérique ne reposent pas seulement sur le transfert d’habitudes et de compétences sociales mais sont à entendre en fonction de ce qui se joue dans des systèmes disciplinaires historiquement constitués et comportant leurs propres enjeux et représentations (Baron, 2014)
This work describes and analyzes from a didactic point of view the discourses of teachers and students on the place of digital tools in university courses of expression-communication in DUT whose aims, prescribed by the 2013 programs, are to equip students in their university curriculum and to prepare the professional integration of these future senior technicians. In this work, the question is posed of the relationships between numérical uses and what is taught and learned in these courses. The theoretical basis is constructed from the notions of instrument and instrumental genesis (Rabardel, 1995) from which I consider that a numerical tool is the result of a construction which partly takes place according to the representations that the teachers and students have what is taught and learned in expression-communication. In addition, Fluckiger's works (2011, 2014) on digital’s ordinary uses in the educational setting are used to describe and understand how students and teachers view the functions of the numerical tools used and their relation to the objects taught and learned. These objects are expressed in this research in terms of content (Delcambre, 2007/2013) and representations of these contents with a double aim: - first, show that these representations guide the choice of tools and their genesis; - secondly, show that the digital in these courses is not reducible to uses but also gives rise to the teaching and the learning of objects that mobilize numerical tools. This research aims to contribute to the current works in didactics on content (Daunay & Reuter, 2013) with the goal of discussing some publicized discourses on the omnipresence of digital in the educational landscape and the homogeneity of skills and practices of students. The notion of content in this research shows that the uses of digital tools are not only based on the transfer of habits and social skills but must be understood to what is played out in historically constituted disciplinary systems with their own issues and representations (Baron, 2014)
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Moudouma, Emmanuel. "Dialectique entre dispositifs pédagogiques et acquis procéduraux des élèves dans les classes technologiques et professionnelles au Gabon". Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2015.

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Abstract (sommario):
La problématique qui justifie ce travail de recherche s’inscrit dans le paradigme de l’adéquation formation-emploi au Gabon et les conjectures théoriques qui nous ont permis de traiter de cette problématique s’inscrivent dans le paradigme socio-constructiviste en tant que paradigme épistémologique de la connaissance. En se centrant sur le volet formation, cette problématique fait état des dysfonctionnements dont le corollaire se traduit par un faible rendement scolaire des apprenants. Si toutes-fois ce faible rendement scolaire n’était manifestement plus à démontrer, il n’en demeurait pas moins que la diversité et la complexité des causes possibles n’en facilitaient point la visibilité et la lisibilité des solutions possibles. En se penchant un peu plus du domaine de réalité à partir duquel pouvaient prendre naissance les phénomènes observés et récriminés, il était question en effet d’interroger la situation d’enseignement et d’apprentissage en recherchant tous les liens de causalité ou de corrélation possibles entre la qualité des acquis des élèves et la diversité des facteurs susceptibles de favoriser ces insuffisances. Si cette indétermination nous situait entre : - une évidence des faits et - le souci d’élucidation des facteurs explicatifs, les résultats de notre thèse viennent de montrer avec cohérence et très grande significativité, l’existence d’une similarité entre les niveaux de rendement scolaire préexistants et les niveaux des acquis des élèves issus des dispositifs pédagogiques conçus et mis en œuvre par les enseignants dans les classes technologiques
The problem which prompted this research work, registers in the adequacy between training and employment in Gabon; and the theoretical conjectures that enabled us to treat these problems are related to socio-constructivism as an epistemological paradigm of knowledge. While focusing on training aspects, these problems mention the dysfunctions whose corollary results in poor learning output. However, if these school poor outputs were obviously debatable, the diversity and the complexity of the possible causes did not facilitate the visibility, and the legibility of the possible solutions. Basing on the field from which the phenomena observed and recriminated originated, it comes out that the teaching and training situation, by searching all the possible causal or correlative links between the learners’ background knowledge and the diversity of factors likely to explain the insufficiencies. If this indetermination proves the facts to be obvious and requires clarification of the incriminated factors, the result of our thesis have just shown with coherence and very great clarification, the existence of a similarity/interdependence between the levels of preexistent school output and the levels of learners’ output resulting from the teaching devices designed and implemented by the teachers in technological classes
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Malan, Rencia. "Optimalisering van leerbekwaamhede by graad nege-leerders 'n vergelyking van enkele vakdidaktiese meetinstrumente /". Diss., Pretoria : [s.n.], 2001.

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Miras, Gregory. "Approche plurielle des liens musique-parole pour la didactique de la prononciation du français comme langue étrangère/seconde". Thesis, Paris 3, 2014.

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Abstract (sommario):
Cette thèse s’intéresse aux utilisations de la musique instrumentale pour la didactique de la prononciation du français comme langue étrangère/seconde (FLES). Elle s’inscrit dans une perspective plurielle et un cadre théorique émergentiste et socioconstructiviste. La thématique est abordée par trois études (1) psychosociale, (2) psychoacoustique et (3) didactique permettant de questionner à plusieurs niveaux les apports potentiellement développementaux de la musique instrumentale pour la prononciation du français en contexte FLES.Le but de cette thèse est une contribution à la didactique des langues afin d’apporter des réponses empiriques à des pratiques pédagogiques présentes depuis longtemps mais peu questionnées scientifiquement. Elle permet également de prendre du recul sur les récents résultats en neurocognition et notamment leurs applications pour un développement langagier.L’étude 1 psychosociale, par questionnaire, montre que la didactique de la musique peut nous aider à amener les apprenants à se focaliser sur le son plutôt que sur le sens des unités sonores langagières. L’étude 2 psychoacoustique révèle que les musiciens ont de meilleurs temps de réaction que les non- musiciens chez des apprenants du français pour un test AXB d’oppositions fines des phonèmesvocaliques du français. Grâce à l’étude 3, didactique interventionniste et quasi-expérimentale, nous avons montré qu’une association entre notes de piano et aperture suggère une potentialité développementale des phonèmes vocaliques du français mais que cette dernière n’est pas supérieure à d’autres approches plus conventionnelles. Cependant, elle semble être un apport cognitif pour certains apprenants même si cet apport montre une tendance bimodale. Ces trois études permettent de montrer que la musique instrumentale peut trouver sa place dans la « boîte à outils » de l’enseignant
This work deals with the use of instrumental music in the teaching and learning of French as a foreign language. It is part of a pluralistic theoretical framework and an integrated approach of emergentism and social cultural theories. The topic is discussed through three studies: (1) a psychosocial study, (2) a psychoacoustic study and (3) an applied linguistics study – questioning at different levels the potentially developmental intake of instrumental music for French pronunciation as a foreign language.The aim is a contribution to applied linguistics in order to bring empirical data to long-lasting pedagogical practices but also to question recent neurocognitive results in an applied perspective. The first study, which is psychosocial and was led by questionnaires, shows that music learning and teaching can help us to have students focus on sound rather than meaning. The second study, which is psychoacoustic, reveals that, among learners of French, musicians have better reaction times than non-musicians to an AXB discrimination test of close French vowels. The third study, which is quasi- experimental and in intervention, suggests that associating piano notes and vowel aperture doesn’t lead to bigger developmental intake compared to more conventional approaches. However, it seemsto point out to the fact that some learners experience cognitive input even if such impact evokes bimodal tendencies. These three studies prove that instrumental music can be a tool to assist teachers
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Aldon, Gilles. "Interactions didactiques dans la classe de mathématiques en environnement numérique : construction et mise à l'épreuve d'un cadre d'analyse exploitant la notion d'incident". Phd thesis, Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, 2011.

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Abstract (sommario):
Ce travail de didactique des mathématiques s'appuie sur le cadre de la Théorie des Situations Didactiques et s'intéresse à l'action conjointe des professeurs et des élèves dans un environnement numérique et à la dynamique que cette action conjointe engage. Il s'appuie aussi sur le cadre théorique de l'approche documentaire, qui complète et prolonge le cadre de l'approche instrumentale : les artefacts numériques présents dans cet environnement sont ainsi considérés comme des éléments du système documentaire des professeurs et des élèves. Considérant l'intégration de ces artefacts dans la classe ordinaire de mathématiques, nous mettons en évidence l'importance de moments particuliers, que nous nommons incidents didactiques, qui engagent des perturbations modifiant la dynamique de la classe. En développant cette notion d'incident didactique, nous construisons un cadre d'analyse permettant de mettre en évidence des phénomènes de genèse documentaire des enseignants et des élèves et d'en suivre les effets, à court ou à long terme, sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage des mathématiques. Nous montrons que les incidents didactiques peuvent être, sous certaines conditions, des occasions de réorganisation locale et globale des connaissances pour le professeur dans le cadre de son enseignement ou pour l'élève dans son apprentissage des mathématiques
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Rosa, Rute Isabel Alves. "Os géneros de texto como instrumentos de aprendizagem da cidadania". Master's thesis, 2021.

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Abstract (sommario):
O presente relatório, inserido no âmbito da componente não curricular do Mestrado em Ensino do Português no 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino Secundário, constitui uma contextualização e descrição de caráter reflexivo da intervenção pedagógica realizada na Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES), que decorreu no ano letivo de 2020-2021, na Escola Secundária Pedro Nunes. Privilegiando a perspetiva e princípios teóricos, epistemológicos e metodológicos do quadro do Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo (ISD), o relatório tem como tema Os géneros de texto como instrumentos de aprendizagem da cidadania. Se, por um lado, a apropriação de diferentes géneros textuais faz parte de todo o percurso de ensino-aprendizagem da disciplina de Português, mediando as aprendizagens nos diferentes domínios, por outro, os conhecimentos adquiridos e as competências desenvolvidas nestes domínios são condição de cidadania, tendo em conta que possibilitam o acesso, a representação e construção de conhecimento, constituindo formas de intervenção e de socialização. Neste sentido, assume-se que os géneros de texto, como mediadores no desenvolvimento destas competências, constituem instrumentos de aprendizagem da cidadania, sendo, desta forma, importante que haja uma reflexão sobre o seu papel neste âmbito e, consequentemente, que sejam definidas estratégias para operacionalizar a sua utilização consciente e refletida na abordagem das diferentes áreas temáticas contempladas nos domínios da Educação para a Cidadania (EC). Para demonstrar a relevância dos géneros de texto no âmbito da aprendizagem da cidadania, através do recurso à abordagem metodológica e princípios base de uma Sequência Didática de Género (SDG), desenvolveram-se percursos didáticos com duas turmas, uma do 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, o 7.º B, e outra do Ensino Secundário, o 10.º F. Articulando géneros literários com géneros não literários, percorrendo todos os domínios de aprendizagem e contemplando diferentes temáticas de cidadania, a implementação destes percursos, permitiu, por um lado, a melhoria do conhecimento e/ou apropriação de diferentes géneros de texto e, por outro, através destes, o desenvolvimento de competências de cidadania, nomeadamente as capacidades de refletir criticamente, de falar e escrever sobre diferentes temáticas deste domínio: Educação para os Media e para o Consumo, Interculturalidade/Racismo e os Direitos Humanos, no caso da turma 7.º B, e Igualdade de Género e Direitos Humanos, com a turma 10.º F.
This report was written within the scope of the non-curricular component of the Master in Portuguese Teaching in the 3rd Cycle of Basic Education and in Secondary Education. It provides a contextualization and a reflexive description of the pedagogical intervention carried out in Supervised Teaching Practice (PES), which took place in the academic year 2020-2021, at Escola Secundária Pedro Nunes. Focusing on the theoretical, epistemological and methodological perspective and on principles of the framework of Socio-Discursive Interactionism (ISD), the report’s theme is Text genres as instruments for learning citizenship. On the one hand, the appropriation of different textual genres is part of the entire teaching-learning course of the Portuguese subject, mediating learning in different domains; on the other hand, the acquired knowledge and skills that are developed in these domains are a condition of citizenship, bearing in mind that they enable access, representation and construction of knowledge, and that they constitute forms of intervention and socialization. Thus, it is assumed that text genres, as mediators in the development of these skills, are instruments for learning citizenship; therefore, it is important to reflect about their role in this context and, consequently, that further strategies are defined to operationalize its conscious use, which is reflected in the approach of the different thematic areas covered in the fields of Education for Citizenship (EC). To highlight the relevance of text genres in the context of learning citizenship, through the use of the methodological approach and basic principles of a Didactic Gender Sequence (SDG), didactic pathways were developed with two classes, one from the 3rd Cycle of the Basic Education, the 7th B, and another of Secondary Education, the 10th F. Linking literary genres with non-literary genres, covering all learning domains as well as different themes of citizenship, the implementation of these pathways allowed, on the one hand, to improve students’ knowledge and/or appropriation of different text genres and, on the other hand, to develop several citizenship skills, namely the abilities to critically reflect, speak and write about different themes in this domain: Education for the Media and for Consumption, Interculturality/Racism and Human Rights, in the case of class 7. º B, and Gender Equality and Human Rights, within class 10.º F.
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Neiva, Eva Sofia Ferreira. "A disciplina de Música de Câmara do 3º grau : construção partilhada de um portefólio de sugestões didáticas". Master's thesis, 2013.

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Abstract (sommario):
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino da Música
O presente relatório de estágio da Prática Profissional está inserido no Mestrado em Ensino da Música sob a orientação da Professora Doutora Maria Helena Vieira, apresentado ao Instituto de Educação da Universidade do Minho em Braga. O tema A disciplina de Música de Câmara do 3ºgrau. Construção partilhada de um portefólio de sugestões didáticas, surgiu devido à constatação da falta de um programa para a disciplina de Música de Câmara na entidade acolhedora. Sendo uma disciplina nova no presente ano letivo, não havia nenhuma linha orientadora a seguir durante as aulas. Por isso, como havia alguma liberdade na planificação destas, sentiu-se a necessidade de criar e planificar atividades, de forma a explorar nos alunos o seu lado criativo e que eles passassem a agentes ativos na construção da própria disciplina. A intervenção foi executada numa instituição de ensino de música do Alto Minho e o contexto de estágio dividido a dois níveis: instrumento - viola d´arco, e grupo – música de câmara. Trabalhou-se a nível individual além do programa deliberado pela instituição, também diferentes estratégias de forma a que os alunos executassem o programa com mais motivação. Os principais objetivos para o ensino em grupo consistiam não só no desenvolvimento do espírito de grupo, trabalhando estratégias que levassem a isso, mas também abordando diferentes músicas escolhidas pelos alunos, atividades a nível da criatividade e da improvisação, levando no final à construção partilhada de um portefólio de atividades. Utilizou-se para recolha de dados um inquérito na fase inicial, e durante todo o processo foi usada a gravação áudio/visual. As estratégias utilizadas resultaram numa evolução gradual dos alunos relativamente à sua criatividade, passando estes para agentes mais ativos na sala de aula, e notando-se neles um maior empenho e vontade de estarem envolvidos, quer na construção das atividades, quer no processo educativo em geral.
The present internship report of Professional Practice is inserted in the Master of Teaching Music under the guidance of Professor Maria Helena Vieira, presented to the Institute of Education, University of Minho in Braga. The topic, The subject Chamber Music - 3rd Grade. Shared Construction of a portfolio of didactic suggestions emerged due to the lacking of a program for the discipline of Chamber Music at the host entity. Being a new subject in this school year, there was no guideline to follow during lessons. Therefore, as there was some freedom in planning these lessons, we felt the need to create and plan activities in order to explore the students creativity side and that they become active agents in the construction of the subject itself. The intervention was performed in an institution of music education of Alto Minho and the context of the internship is divided in two levels: instrument – viola, and in group – chamber music. We worked in an individually level beyond the program deliberated by the institution, and we also worked different strategies so that students execute the program with more motivation. The main purposes of teaching in groups consists not only in the development of team spirit, working strategies that would lead to this, but also addressing different songs chosen by students, activities at the level of creativity and improvisation, leading at the end a shared construction of a portfolio of all the activities. At the beginning, it was made a survey for data collection and throughout the process it was used an audio /visual record. The strategies used resulted in a gradual evolution of the students regarding their creativity, becoming more active in the classroom, noticing there gradual commitment and desire to be involved either in constructive activities, whether in the educational process in general.
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Lavoie, Maryse. "Conceptualisation et communication des nuances de timbre à la guitare classique". Thèse, 2013.

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Abstract (sommario):
La version intégrale de cette thèse est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l’Université de Montréal (
La problématique de cette thèse concerne le lexique descripteur de timbre, ses définitions, ainsi que les stratégies d’enseignement de la production sonore à la guitare classique. Notre méthodologie est issue de la recherche par les méthodes mixtes, en ce sens qu’elle combine à la fois des données qualitatives et quantitatives, tandis que nos méthodes relèvent de différentes disciplines. En effet, la présente recherche est ancrée dans le domaine de la musicologie de l’interprétation, alors qu’elle porte plus exactement sur la conceptualisation des nuances de timbre à la guitare classique par les guitaristes classiques. La construction de cette recherche repose sur trois études distinctes. La première de ces études porte sur l’analyse d’adjectifs employés pour décrire les nuances de timbre ainsi que leurs définitions d’après des guitaristes classiques. Les résultats démontrent que la construction du lexique descripteur de timbre se rapporte principalement à la matière, renforçant ainsi la conception du timbre en tant que matière sonore. En ce qui concerne l’interaction entre le timbre et les autres paramètres sonores, une analyse du discours et des thèmes émergents a dévoilé l’importance du registre, de l’intensité et de la durée dans la définition du timbre. La mise en place d’un second questionnaire a permis de mieux définir encore les caractéristiques du vocabulaire descripteur du timbre de la guitare classique. En l’occurrence, la distribution des catégories lexicales a démontré que les adjectifs renvoient à une description souvent métaphorique du timbre alors que les substantifs rendent essentiellement compte de la technique instrumentale. Pour définir les nuances de timbre, les guitaristes classiques ont communément recours aux paramètres sonores, aux modes de production ainsi qu’à d’autres descripteurs de timbre. Notre analyse a par ailleurs mené à la construction d’un dictionnaire terminologique de huit nuances de timbre (métallique, rond, brillant, mince, sec, velouté, sombre et sourd). Finalement, l’élaboration d’un espace sémantique du timbre à partir de l’évaluation de la proximité sémantique de ces huit descripteurs de timbre révèle deux axes principaux, le premier est défini par la présence de l’attaque et le point de pincement, alors que le second se rapporte à la résonance, à la projection ainsi qu’aux jugements de valeur. La troisième et dernière étude porte sur les stratégies de communication employées dans le cadre de deux classes de maître. Les résultats de notre analyse mettent en évidence l’exploitation de trois modalités principales visant à expliciter la production sonore ainsi qu’à caractériser le rendement musical. Les professeurs analysés ont ainsi recours à l’explication verbale, à la démonstration instrumentale ainsi qu’à la vocalisation, voire à l’imitation. En définitive, notre recherche a permis d’illustrer que la conceptualisation des nuances de timbre se rapporte à la matière, aux paramètres sonores, à la description métaphorique, ainsi qu’aux modes de production. Une conceptualisation aussi inclusive permettrait d’accéder à toutes les subtilités de la production et de la perception sonore. En ce qui a trait à la communication, les nuances de timbre s’explicitent à travers la verbalisation, l’exécution ainsi que la vocalisation ou encore l’imitation.
This thesis is about the lexicon of timbre descriptors, its definitions, and teaching strategies regarding sound production of the classical guitar. Our methodology is based on mixed methods research, in that it combines both qualitative and quantitative data, while our methods are derived from different disciplines. This research is grounded in musicology of performance and focuses more specifically on the conceptualization of classical guitar timbral nuances by classical guitar players. The design of this research is based on three separate studies. The first study focuses on the analysis of adjectives used to describe timbral nuances and their definitions from classical guitarists. The results demonstrate that the construction of the lexicon of timbre descriptors relates primarily to matter, thus reinforcing the concept of timbre as sound matter. Regarding the interaction between timbre and other sound parameters, a discourse and emergent themes analysis has revealed the importance of register, intensity and duration in the definition of timbre. The implementation of a second questionnaire helped to define further the characteristics of the timbre descriptor vocabulary of the classical guitar. The distribution of lexical categories showed that adjectives often refer to a metaphorical timbre description while nouns essentially give an account of the instrumental technique. To define timbral nuances, classical guitarists commonly use sound parameters, production modes and other descriptors of timbre. Following those results, a terminological dictionary of 8 timbral nuances (metallic, round, bright, thin, dry, velvety, dark and dull) was also proposed. Finally, the development of a semantic space of timbre from the evaluation of semantic proximity between those 8 timbre descriptors reveals two main axis, the first is defined by the presence of the attack and the plucking position, while the second refers to the resonance, the projection and the value judgment. The third and final study examines the communication strategies used in the context of two master classes. The results of our analysis highlight the use of three main ways to explain the sound production and to characterize the musical performance. The participating professors have recourse to verbal explanation, instrumental demonstration as well as vocalization or imitation. Our research has demonstrated that the conceptualization of timbre nuances refers to matter, sound parameters, metaphorical descriptions, as well as production modes. Such an inclusive conceptualization allows access to all the subtleties of the production and perception of classical guitar. In regards to communication, timbral nuances are expressed by verbalization, performance as well as vocalization or imitation.
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HOSPODÁŘSKÝ, Miroslav Václav. "Soubor úloh pro laboratorní cvičení oboru Elektrotechnika na střední odborné škole". Master's thesis, 2017.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
This diploma thesis is focused on use of measuring interface myDAQ by National Instruments company in teaching of electrotechnical measurement at vocational school. The aim of this work is the design of set of suitable measuring tasks covering the curriculum in electrotechnical measurements for the 3rd and 4th class of study branch of 26 41 M/01 Electrotechnics. Description of the properties of the measuring interface myDAQ and the respective utility programme National Instruments Multisim is a part of this work. The practical part contains technological and photographic documentation of the various products that can be connected to the interface myDAQ. This thesis is built on the author's bachelor thesis.
Gli stili APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO e altri
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