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Jordan, Wilhelm. Das Apostalgrab, der sakrale Grundstein detr Vatikansichen Basilika. Trier: Selbstverlag Rheinsichen Landesmuseum, 1990.

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Great Britain. Dept. of the Environment, Transport and the Regions. e London Research Centre, a cura di. Relationship breakdown: A guide for social landlords : a report to the DETR. London: Dept. of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, 1999.

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Association, Local Government. Modernising local government: Improving local services through best value : LGA response to DETR consultation paper. London: Local Government Association, 1998.

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Great Britain. Department of Transport. This is DETR: A guide to the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions. London: DETR, 1998.

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Great Britain. Department of Transport. Developing good practice in tenant participation: A guide for the DETR by: Ian Cole... [et al.]. London: Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, 1999.

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Institution, of Professionals Managers and Specialists. A public private partnership for NATS?: A union response to the DETR consultation paper National Air Traffic Services. London: Institution of Professionals, Managers and Specialists, 1999.

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Witwer, Ron. Deer tales and dear tales. Narvon, PA: R. Witwer, 2009.

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Barretta, Gene. Dear deer: A book of homophones. New York: Square Fish, 2010.

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Department of Environment,Transport and the regions. Performance indicators for 2000/2001: A joint consultation document produced by DETR and the audit commission on best value and local authority performance indicators for 2000/2001. London: HMSO, 1999.

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Croser, J. Dear Sam, dear Ben. Flinders Park: Era Pub., 1991.

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Drake, Juan. Detr. Independently Published, 2016.

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Vidal, Dolors Gimeno. Detr. Independently Published, 2018.

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Drake, Juan. Detr. Independently Published, 2015.

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Transport, &. the Regions Dept of the Environment. Contaminated Land (DETR Circular). Stationery Office Books, 2000.

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Transport & the Regions, Dept.of the Environment. Planning Appeals (DETR Circular). Stationery Office Books, 2000.

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Transport & the Regions, Dept.of the Environment. Planning for Telecommunications (DETR Circular). Stationery Office Books, 1999.

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Transport & the Regions, Dept.of the Environment. School Crossing Patrols (DETR Circular). Stationery Office Books, 2000.

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The Building Act, 1984 (DETR Circular). The Stationery Office Books, 1999.

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Transport & the Regions, Dept.of the Environment. The Building Act, 1994 (DETR Circular). Stationery Office Books, 2000.

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Transport & the Regions, Dept.of the Environment. Planning Controls for Hazardous Substances (DETR Circular). Stationery Office Books, 2000.

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Moran, Richard. Detr�s de Las Monta�as. Independently Published, 2019.

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Transport & the Regions, Dept.of the Environment. The Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act, 1996 (DETR Circular). Stationery Office Books, 2000.

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Citeroni, Marisa. Detr�s Del Velo: �Conocemos Verdaderamente a Las Personas? Independently Published, 2019.

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Guizar, Haroldo. Pacto: El Secreto Detr�s de la Bendici�n. Independently Published, 2019.

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Aristizabal, Juan David, e Juan David Ariza. Fracasa Mejor: Las Verdades Detr�s Del Fracaso de un Millenial. Independently Published, 2019.

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Campos, Carlos Patricio. Detr�s Del Arco Del Iris: El Secreto de Nuestros Ojos. Independently Published, 2020.

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Gras, David G—mez. Petrologia sedimentˆria de roques detr’iques: Manual de prˆctiques de laboratori. Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2000.

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Martinez, Aaron Manjarrez. Por Que Yo Estoy Aqu�: El Valor Detr�s de Quienes Somos. Independently Published, 2019.

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Hernandez, Yamitza, Mario Su�rez e Maria Vazquez. Cuentos Cotillas I, II: Primeros Instintos. Detr�s de Las M�scaras. Independently Published, 2019.

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Housing benefit and the private rented sector: A report to the DETR and the DSS. London: Dept. of the Environment, Transport, and the Regions, 1999.

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Villar, Mark del. Dear Deer. Good River Print and Media, 2022.

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Worth, Mary Kay. Dear Deer. Reid, Hunter, 2022.

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Villar, Mark del. Dear Deer. Good River Print and Media, 2022.

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Cross-cutting issues in public policy and public service: Report of a research project for DETR. London: Dept. of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, 1999.

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Book, Mano, e Shi Liu Xiao Jie. Cada Segundo Vivido 6: �Qui�n Est� Detr�s de la Cortina? Independently Published, 2019.

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(Firm), URS Thorburn Colquhoun, Jill Watkinson Research and Marketing Services. e Business and Market Research, a cura di. Transport choices of car users in rural and urban areas: A research study for the DETR. URS Thorburn Colquhoun, 2001.

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Bau, Jeanette. Are Deer Dear. Vantage Pr, 1997.

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Weber, Ruth E. Dear Deer Mouse. Dorrance Publishing Co. Inc., 2006.

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Schirmer, Jodi L. Dear Deer Friend. Outskirts Press, Incorporated, 2008.

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Grant, Simon. Comunicaci�n en el Matrimonio: 20 Reglas de Oro Detr�s de un Matrimonio Extraordinario. Independently Published, 2019.

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Dorsey, Charity, e A. MoJo. Feed the Deer, Dear. Independently Published, 2021.

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Banasiak, Allen. Oh Deer! Yes Dear. BookBaby, 2021.

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Diana Fern�ndez. Detr�s Del Mensaje: De Qu� Sirve Ganar el Mundo Si Pierdes el Alma en el Proceso. Page Publishing Inc., 2020.

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Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth. My Deer Is a Dear. ABDO Publishing Company, 2002.

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My deer is a dear. Edina, Minn: ABDO Pub. Co., 2002.

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Planning Requirement in Respect of the Use of Non-mains Sewerage Incorporating Septic Tanks in New Development (DETR Circular: 1999/3). The Stationery Office Books (Agencies), 1999.

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The value of urban design: A research project commissioned by CABE and DETR to examine the value added by good urban design. Tonbridge: Thomas Telford, 2001.

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Deer/Dear Hunt: The Vancouver Rendezvous. Great Writers Media, 2021.

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Dear Deer: A Book of Homophones. Henry Holt and Co. (BYR), 2007.

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Barretta, Gene. Dear Deer: A Book of Homophones. Square Fish, 2010.

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