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Articoli di riviste sul tema "Dessin coréen"


Indah, Mutiara, e Tika Yulianti. "Sebuah Studi Pasangan Kedekatan di Late Late Show With James Corden". LITERATUS 4, n. 2 (3 novembre 2022): 730–37. http://dx.doi.org/10.37010/lit.v4i2.909.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Penelitian yang berjudul A Study of Adjacency Pairs in The Late Late Show with James Corden, A Case Study in An Afternoon with Prince Harry and James Corden Episode ini menyelidiki tindakan sosial tertentu yang ditunjukkan dari ujaran dan preferensi berpasangan. Penelitian ini mencoba menemukan jenis pasangan ketetanggaan yang termasuk dalam percakapan antara James dan Pangeran Harry, yang merupakan jenis pasangan ketetanggaan yang dominan, dan tindakan sosial tertentu yang terungkap antara James dan Pangeran Harry. Data dianalisis menggunakan teori Harvey Sack (1986) dan Yule (1996). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus untuk memperoleh hasil. data yang dianalisis diambil dari saluran YouTube The Late Late Show with James Corden yang meliputi transkripsi, identifikasi, koding, deskripsi, dan interpretasi. Peneliti menemukan tiga puluh lima pasangan ujaran yang terkonstruksi dalam percakapan antara James Corden dan Pangeran Harry yang merupakan sepuluh jenis pasangan ketetanggaan yang ditemukan. Akhirnya, peneliti menemukan bahwa question-answer adalah tipe dominan dari adjacency pair yang berhubungan dengan subjek penelitian ini, Talk Show, yang secara mutlak akan berisi segmen question answer dan prefered response adalah struktur preferensi dominan yang mengindikasikan James dan Prince Harry dekat. satu sama lain dalam perspektif pragmatis.
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Young-Gil, Song. "Une perspective coréenne pour arrêter la guerre en Ukraine". Revue internationale et stratégique N° 130, n. 2 (16 giugno 2023): 107–13. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/ris.130.0107.

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Abstract (sommario):
La Corée et l’Ukraine partagent des caractéristiques géopolitiques communes. Toutes deux sont des points de passage et de contact entre les grandes puissances. La guerre de Corée s’est inscrite dans un jeu de puissances au début de la guerre froide, et il a fallu trois ans avant de pouvoir conclure un armistice, qui est aujourd’hui le plus ancien en vigueur au monde. La guerre en Ukraine présente plusieurs ressemblances. Malgré l’ambition légitime du président Zelensky de vouloir restaurer l’intégrité territoriale de son pays, aucune victoire militaire unilatérale ne se dessine, le risque de conflit nucléaire ne doit pas être négligé, et il est souhaitable de rechercher une solution diplomatique, d’autant que la crise climatique constitue une menace plus importante encore pour l’humanité, qui nécessite l’action de tous.
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Guerreiro, Antonio. "Raymond Corbey, Jurookng. Shamanic amulets from Southeast Borneo. Leiden: C. Zwartenkot Art Books, 2018, cartes, photographies, dessin". Archipel, n. 101 (30 giugno 2021): 275–82. http://dx.doi.org/10.4000/archipel.2519.

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Apriliani, Izza M., Alexander MA Khan, Pringgo KDNY Putra e Pipit Fitriyani. "KARAKTERISTIK DESAIN KAPAL BANTUAN KEMENTERIAN KELAUTAN DAN PERIKANAN DI KABUPATEN SUBANG". ALBACORE Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Laut 5, n. 3 (11 febbraio 2022): 243–49. http://dx.doi.org/10.29244/core.5.3.243-249.

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Abstract (sommario):
Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP) memiliki program pemberian kapal bantuan penangkapan ikan kepada nelayan. Untuk mengetahui keberhasilan program pemberian kapal bantuan salah satunya dengan menganalisis karakteristik desain kapal tersebut. Tujuan dari riset ini yaitu menganalisis karakteristik desain kapal berdasarkan rasio dimensi, general arrangement dan bentuk badan kapal. Riset dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif untuk menggambarkan karakteristik desain. Pengambilan data selama bulan Februari-Mei 2021 dengan objek 6 kapal bantuan yang berbasis di Kabupaten Subang. Berdasarkan hasil riset kapal bantuan memiliki rasio dimensi yang sesuai dengan rasio dimensi kapal perikanan di Indonesia. General arrangement pada setiap jenis ukuran kapal memiliki kesamaan dalam mendukung operasi penangkapan ikan. Bentuk kasko kapal bagian depan berbentuk V-bottom, sedangkan bagian midship sampai buritan memiliki bentuk kasko kapal U-bottom, dan bentuk transom di bagian buritan. Hal tersebut sesuai dengan kebutuhan dalam mengoperasikan alat tangkap statis khususnya gillnet. Kata kunci: bentuk kasko, dimensi utama, general arrangement, rasio dimensi
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Noveldesra Suhery e Siti Anindita Farhani. "DESAIN DAN KONSTRUKSI “GELINDINGAN INOVASI” SEBAGAI ALAT BANTU MOBILISASI SAMPAN DAN JUKUNG". ALBACORE Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Laut 7, n. 3 (8 novembre 2023): 437–50. http://dx.doi.org/10.29244/core.7.3.437-450.

Testo completo
Abstract (sommario):
Nelayan tradisional dengan armada sampan dan jukung selalu memobilisasi armada mereka di pantai ketika melakukan operasi penangkapan ikan dengan menggunakan gelindingan konvensional yang terbuat dari potongan kayu (log). Hal ini dilakukan untuk memperpanjang umur teknis armada. Namun, dibutuhkan waktu dan tenaga yang relatif besar apabila menggunakan gelindingan konvensional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang, membangun dan menguji penggunaan “Gelindingan Inovasi” yang digunakan untuk memobilisasi sampan dan jukung. Penelitian dilakukan di pangkalan nelayan Ketapang Lampu, Pengambengan, Jembrana, Bali, bulan Maret-Desember 2022. Data yang dikumpulkan berupa profil kegiatan perikanan di lokasi penelitian serta teknis penggunaan gelindingan konvensional yang didapatkan dengan pengamatan langsung dan wawancara. Selanjutnya dilakukan Focus Group Discussion dengan perwakilan nelayan untuk melakukan konsultasi terhadap rancangan Gelindingan Inovasi yang digagas. Kegiatan konstruksi dilakukan di bengkel bubut setempat. Selanjutnya, dilakukan ujicoba penggunaan ‘Gelindingan Inovasi’ untuk memobilisasi sampan/jukung milik nelayan. Gelindingan Inovasi yang dibangun tetap mempertahankan pola kebiasaan nelayan dalam memobilisasi armadanya. Konstruksi Gelindingan Inovasi ini terdiri atas roda yang terbuat dari bahan kayu (log) yang diberi as roda (shaft) dan dudukan untuk menempatkan sampan/jukung. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan kecepatan mobilisasi yang siginifikan antara gelindingan konvensional dengan ‘Gelindingan Inovasi’. Kecepatan rata-rata mobilisasi dengan gelindingan konvensional 1,41-3,16 m/menit menjadi 9,38-29,75 m/menit dengan Gelindingan Invoasi (peningkatan 6-9 kali lipat). Kata kunci: artisanal, Bali, Jembrana, Ketapang Lampu, Pengambengan
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Mainnah, Muth, Liya Tri Khikmawati e Made Mahendra Jaya. "STUDI DESAIN KONSTRUKSI ALAT PENANGKAPAN IKAN JENIS PURSE SEINE DI PERAIRAN SELAT BALI". ALBACORE Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Laut 7, n. 1 (6 marzo 2023): 037–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.29244/core.7.1.037-046.

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Abstract (sommario):
Perikanan lemuru di Selat Bali memiliki potensi yang besar, sehingga nelayan melakukan eksploitasi besar-besaran terhadap ikan ini khususnya nelayan yang ada di PPN Pengambengan. Salah satu hal yang dapat dilakukan untuk mencegah sumber daya ikan lemuru tetap lestari adalah menggunakan alat tangkap yang hanya menangkap ikan lemuru layak tangkap. Nelayan PPN Pengambengan menangkap lemuru menggunakan pukat cincin sebagai alat tangkap. Berdasarkan pengambilan data rata-rata panjang ikan lemuru hasil tangkapan terbagi menjadi ukuran kecil (14,9 cm), ukuran sedang (15,7 cm) dan besar (16,4 cm). Berdasarkan literatur, ukuran layak tangkap ikan lemuru di selat Bali adalah 17,3 cm. Hal ini menjadi alasan bahwa perlu perbaikan ukuran mata jaring dan panjang tali ris yang tepat yang juga disesuaikan dengan aturan Permen KP No. 59 Tahun 2020. Panjang tali ris yang digunakan di lapangan adalah 400 m dengan ukuran mesh size 0,75 inci. Berdasarkan perhitungan ukuran layak tangkap ikan lemuru, harusnya ukuran mata jaring purse seine yang digunakan sebesar 1,5 inci. Gambar desain jaring purse seine modifikasi dibuat 100 kali lebih kecil dari ukuran yang sebenarnya. Kata kunci: lemuru, pukat cincin, Selat Bali
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Azi, Muh Arkam, Budhi Hascaryo Iskandar e Yopi Novita. "KAJIAN DESAIN KAPAL PURSE SEINE TRADISIONAL DI KABUPATEN PINRANG (STUDY KASUS KM. CAHAYA ARAFAH)". ALBACORE Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Laut 1, n. 1 (27 luglio 2018): 69–76. http://dx.doi.org/10.29244/core.1.1.69-76.

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Abstract (sommario):
Kapal perikanan merupakan kendaraan utama nelayan untuk menuju kefishing ground dan mengangkut alat tangkap khususnya purse seine. Di Kabupaten Pinrang kapal dibangun secara tradisional tanpa perhitungan naval arsitektur. Dimana alat tangkap purse seine di Kabupaten Pinrang mempunyai ukuran panjang jaring 220 depah dengan kedalaman jaring 36 m. Purse seine juga merupakan alat tangkap yang menangkap ikan bersifat schooling fish, sehingga harus memiliki kapasitas besar dan desain yang sesuai dengan alat tangkap yang dibawanya. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini mengkaji desain kapal purse seine di Kabupaten pinrang dengan menggunakan study kasus dan dianalisis dengan simulasi numerik sehingga mengahasilkan kapal di Kabupaten Pinrang memiliki model kasko yang berbentuk round bottom dan body yang ramping serta rasio dimensi kapal sudah sesuai dengan kapal-kapal (encircling) di Indonesia. Pada nilai koefisien bentuk hanya Cp dan Cw yang berada pada kisaran sehingga sesuai dengan tahanan gerak pada kapal encircling di Indonesia.Kata kunci:kapal perikanan, purse seine, desain, dimensi
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Risdianto, Anauta Lungiding Angga, M. Mustain, Akh Maulidi, Triyanti Irmiyana e Windra Iswidodo. "ANALISIS DESAIN KAPAL KAYU DENGAN LAMINASI POLYCARBONATE GUNA MENGEKSPLORASI WISATA BAWAH LAUT GILI GENTING". ALBACORE Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Laut 7, n. 2 (10 agosto 2023): 291–301. http://dx.doi.org/10.29244/core.7.2.291-301.

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Abstract (sommario):
Kabupaten Sumenep merupakan salah satu daerah dengan potensi wisata bawah laut yang melimpah, salah satunya adalah di Pulau Gili Genting yang memiliki keindahan ekosistem bawah laut, menawarkan pemandangan eksotis terumbu karang yang indah serta ribuan kawanan ikan hias. Namun, pada faktanya sarana dan prasarana guna menuju kawasan wisata bawah laut ini masih sangat minim. Hal ini terbukti dengan sedikitnya jumlah perahu maupun dermaga yang kurang dan sangat memprihatinkan. Perkembangan teknologi saat ini menawarkan berbagai macam jenis material pengganti kayu seperti fiber glass, HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene), aluminum, PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) dan material baru lainnya. Salah satunya adalah polycarbonate yang dikombinasikan dengan bahan kayu dapat menghasilkan produk kapal wisata yang unik. Proses desain kapal kayu wisata dengan laminasi polycarbonate diperoleh ukuran utama yakni L = 9 m, B = 1.8 m, H = 0.8 m, t = 0.42 m. Hasil simulasi model kapal dengan menggunakan aplikasi Maxsurf dengan kecepatan pengujian 8 knot diperoleh kebutuhan daya sebesar 4.646 kN, sehingga diperlukan daya mesin utama sebesar 30 HP. Kata kunci: desain, kapal kayu, polikarbonat, wisata
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Yuwandana, Dwi Putra, Eko Arifianto, Sugeng Hari Wisudo, Julia Eka Astarini e Didin Komarudin. "DESAIN KONSEPTUAL SISTEM BASIS DATA UNTUK PENDATAAN HASIL TANGKAPAN NELAYAN SKALA KECIL BERBASIS ANDROID". ALBACORE Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Laut 6, n. 1 (22 dicembre 2023): 101–13. http://dx.doi.org/10.29244/core.6.1.101-113.

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Abstract (sommario):
Logbook penangkapan ikan sangat diperlukan sebagai pencatatan data hasil tangkapan, yang umumnya berisi tentang jumlah dan jenis tangkapan, lokasi penangkapan ikan, dan waktu operasi penangkapan ikan. Namun, hingga kini data pencatatan dari aktivitas operasi penangkapan ikan tersebut, utamanya pada kelompok perikanan skala kecil, masih belum dapat berjalan baik. Hal ini karena belum ada mekanisme dan teknis pencatatan data yang sederhana dan handal untuk aktivitas penangkapan ikan skala kecil, utamanya untuk perahu ikan yang berukuran 5 GT kebawah. Kewajiban pengisian logbook penangkapan ikan hanya berlaku pada perahu ikan diatas 5 GT. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi struktur data utama yang diperlukan dalam pencatatan data hasil tangkapan untuk perikanan skala kecil, dan menyusun desain konseptual sistem basis data pendataan hasil tangkapan ikan perikanan skala kecil dibawah 10 GT berbasis aplikasi digital/android. Analisis data digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode analisis deskriptif dan pengembangan sistem informasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebutuhan struktur data utama dalam sistem basis data aplikasi yang dibuat, diantaranya adalah user id, nama kapal, nama pengguna, jenis alat tangkap, jenis ikan hasil tangkapan, harga ikan, daerah penangkapan ikan, lokasi pendaratan ikan, dan bobot ikan. Aplikasi sistem basis data untuk pendataan hasil tangkapan Nelayan Skala Kecil Berbasis Aplikasi Android yang telah dirancang ini diberi nama Buku Nelayanku. Kata kunci: aplikasi android, perikanan skala kecil, sistem basis data
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Bangun, Tri Nanda Citra, Ali Muntaha e Sunardi . "STABILITAS KAPAL IKAN KATAMARAN SEBAGAI PENGGANTI KAPAL PURSE SEINE DI KABUPATEN PAMEKASAN MADURA JAWA TIMUR". ALBACORE Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Laut 1, n. 1 (27 luglio 2018): 11–19. http://dx.doi.org/10.29244/core.1.1.11-19.

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Abstract (sommario):
Kapal yang berada di pamekasan sering mengalami kecelakaan kapal dilaut, yang disebabkanoleh cuaca yang ekstrim dan muatan yang berlebih. Kecelakaan tersebut terjadi karena kapal memilikistabilitas yang kurang baik. Salah satu cara untuk memperbaiki stabilitas kapal yaitu dengan mengubahbentuk kapal monohull menjadi katamaran. Kelebihan kapal katamaran yaitu memiliki stabilitas lebihbaik, daya jelajah yang lebih jauh, dan tahanan serta gesekan kapal lebih kecil dibandingkan kapalberbentuk monohull. Dalam penelitian ini metode yang digunakan yaitu simulasi dan uji model dengankomputer melalui tahapan desain kapal, uji tahanan kapal, desain bangun dan tata ruang, serta analisastabilitas kapal. Kapal purse seine yang diteliti bernama KM.Sampoerna, dengan ukuran utama kapalyaitu: panjang 17m, lebar 4,15m, kedalaman 1,5m, dan sarat air 1m. Berdasarkan hasil uji stabilitas padakapal katamaran dengan menggunakan kriteria IMO (International Maritime Organization ),didapatkan nilai GZ maksimum pada kondisi 1 sebesar 1,119m di sudut 310, kondisi 2 sebesar 1,11m disudut 320, dan kondisi 2 sebesar 1,104m di sudut 330. Sedangkan pada kapal monohull didapatkan nilaiGZ maksimum pada kondisi 1 sebesar 0,257m di sudut 640, kondisi 2 sebesar 0.289m di sudut 660, dankondisi 3 sebesar 0,245m di sudut 660. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa kapal katamaran memiliki stabilitasyang lebih baik, sehingga dapat membantu mengurangi masalah kecelakaan di laut.Kata kunci: desain, kapal katamaran, tahanan, stabilitas
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Tesi sul tema "Dessin coréen"


Ghannad, Mona. "Design and Synthesis of Collagen-binding Anti-microbial Proteins". Thèse, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/19981.

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Abstract (sommario):
The Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is a virus that commonly infects the skin, and mucous membrane of the mouth, genitalia, and the eye. HSV-1 is the strain that is most commonly associated with corneal infections, and it is the most frequent cause of corneal blindness in North America [1]. Currently no cure is available, and many limitations are characterized by the currently available synthetic antiviral drugs, which suggest the need for other potential drug alternatives and delivery strategies. Anti-microbial peptides are naturally occurring peptides that are potent killers of a broad range of micro-organisms, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses [2]. AMPs are known to be a key component of the innate immune response at the human ocular surface. The human cathelicidin-derived AMP, LL-37, expressed in human corneal epithelial cells provides a wide range of protection against viral pathogens such as HSV-1 [3]. My thesis research addressed the design and recombinant production of hybrid AMP sequences containing LL-37 with the potential ability to form chemical or physical associations with a Collagen scaffold material, such as those used in current artificial cornea constructs to address the need for alternative anti-viral drugs. Three fusion proteins were tested, and compared for feasible design anti-microbial peptide expression and purification in E. coli. It was illustrated that the thioredoxin and SUMO fusion systems are good candidates for successful recombinant production of active designed peptides. The point-mutated LL-37 sequence was successfully expressed and purified using the thioredoxin fusion system. It was demonstrated that this modified LL-37 was effective against HSV-1 infection. The SUMO system was used to express the bio-functional LL-37 containing a collagen-binding sequence. Further work is required to address issues regarding recombinant AMP production, such as increasing enzymatic cleavage efficacy, and minimizing proteolytic degradation or modification.
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Halldórsdóttir, Helga Lára. "CORNERED COMPOSITIONS : EXPLORING the CORNER of a ROOM as a METHOD of GARMENT CONSTRUCTION". Thesis, Högskolan i Borås, Akademin för textil, teknik och ekonomi, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-14907.

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Abstract (sommario):
This work began as an exploration of the spatial qualities of awkwardness. It eventually evolved into a fixation on the three planes within the corner of a room, representing the safe haven for an awkward individual. The corner has successfully demonstrated the relationship between body, space and garment as a concept. Furthermore, the corner has proved to function as the ultimate tool for creating a sculpture with the integrated body. The motive of this work is to spark interest and to provide an alternative criteria for what can be categorised as a sculpture. This new criteria represents functional interchanging sculptures that can be built around the body. The limits created within this work have been key in formulating the problem, and to generate a wide range of results within a concentrated field to challenge the method. The ultimate limit has been the corner itself, which has been manifested into the ultimate opportunity. This has resulted in a collection of examples all constructed through the method of the corner and finally bringing it to the body, effectively removing the corner from the space. This has created a mobile wearable space, that can be arranged according to desired fashion and shield awkwardness.
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Xu, Jun. "Transitions -- Design a Courthouse". Thesis, Virginia Tech, 1999. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/46203.

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Abstract (sommario):
The project is a courthouse designed in the town of Blacksburg. It will not only provides an important and functional public building in the local architectural history, but also improves the urban situation and zoning separation of the town. The corner condition of the project is the focus point of the design, with the architectural interpretation of transition of the scale, material, and the path. The hierarchy of the civic spirit is considered in the façade as well as in the courtrooms themselves.
Master of Architecture
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Malim, Salah. "L'impact de la relaxation sur l'asthme : étude projective de ses effets sur le travail psychique à travers le Rorschach et le test de Corman". Paris 13, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA131038.

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Wilson, Jacqueline Anne. "Core design aspects". Thesis, University of Manchester, 2011. https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/core-design-aspects(2b99527b-6153-45c0-895b-3ebb43207557).html.

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Abstract (sommario):
This statement gives an overall summary of the aims and achievements of the research work and scholarship carried out by the author during her time at The University of Manchester (and UMIST - now part of The University of Manchester) for which the publications presented give evidence. The research has been about exploring the design process, the activities and issues, and elements involved - from both an industry and student point of view. The publications explore design pedagogy, the skills required by designers and how these might fit into a curriculum for design today.In three parts it summarises the publications presented, reviews the main aspects of design and the current state of knowledge and research in design and summarises the core aspects as distilled from over 36 years practice, research and scholarship.The driver for much of the research undertaken has been to gain a better understanding of the core aspects of design - what key knowledge and skills are required by designers to allow the consistent design of better products and services which enhance the experiences of users. The work presented investigates design and design methods: the activities and processes and the elements involved. It considers responses to designs, the emotional aspect of design - why some designs are preferred over others, why some colour combinations are more desirable, and why repetition is so important to the human psyche. Underpinning the work presented are three research questions. • Are design rules and processes generic for whatever is being designed? • Can a better understanding of design theory and the emotional response to designs ensure a more effective process and thus lead to stronger designs? • Can students be educated to be better design thinkers and ultimately better designers? It concludes that: • 'design' is a process; • design is a problem-solving process and problem-solving is a design process; • for the most effective outcomes a creative and structured approach is required; • this process is based on generic rules and principles which are applicable across all discipline areas; • collaborative/cross disciplinary elements reinforce the concept that there are processes involved that are not unique to individuals or discipline specific; • a greater understanding of the process is of benefit to all individuals and organisations; • any design/problem solving activity will normally result in more than one solution option. The results of the research have informed the author's teaching practice and have been disseminated through publications to benefit the wider education arena. The work presented aims to inform students and design education practitioners.
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Jansková, Jana. "Design zahradního nábytku". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2009. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-228592.

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Abstract (sommario):
A garden furniture design is solved in this diploma work. This concept contains a design of armchair, two table sorts and deck-chair. This work is focused on a wider relation between design of garden furniture and a general exterior of a garden and a house. A general impression from these components of this configuration corresponds with modern and fresh trends. This makes provision for constructional accidence solution. Chances of current used material are deeply verified and knowledge of using new materials is availed. This work aroused from consultations with authorities from this field of knowledge. An originated design is an adequate and completely useful.
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Lescano, Sergio Andrée. "Design, fabrication and control of a microrobot for laser phonomicrosurgery". Thesis, Besançon, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015BESA2002/document.

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Abstract (sommario):
Cette thèse présente la conception, la fabrication et la commande d’un microrobot parallèle à deux Degrés de liberté (rotations θ1 et θ 2) qui est dédié pour la microchirurgie laser des cordes vocales.Ce travail a été développé dans le cadre du projet européen “Micro-Technologies and Systems for Robot-Assisted Laser Phonomicrosurgery” intitulé μRALP. D’une part, les aspects médicaux et biologiques ont permis d’extraire un cahier des charges pour le microrobot. D’autre part, l’ état de l’art a permis d’identifier et d’apporter une solution aux verrous technologiques pour satisfaire toutes les requêtes. Ce travail a proposé le développement de deux microrobots indépendants avec des structures parallèles. Bien qu’ayant le même objectif qui consiste à guider deux faisceaux lasers de manière précise vers les cordes vocales, chaque microrobot aune structure cinématique différente. Un miroir placé sur la plateforme de chacun des microrobots permet le guidage des faisceaux, en effectuant la réflexion et le changement de direction. La technique“Smart Composite Microstructures” a été utilisée pour microfabriquer les deux microrobots. En outre, les mouvements ont été réalisés grâce a à l’utilisation d’actionneurs piézoélectriques. Enfin, la précision attendue par la chirurgie des cordes vocales a été atteinte en associant la commande par asservissement visuel et la pré-compensation des non linéarités et des oscillations mal amorties
This thesis reports the design, fabrication and control of a parallel microrobot with two degrees offreedom in rotation, that is destined to perform laser microsurgery on vocal folds. This work has beendeveloped in the frame and in the context of the European project Micro-Technologies and Systemsfor Robot-Assisted Laser Phonomicrosurgery entitled μRALP.On the one hand, needs and limits of medical aspects have been abstracted to create the microrobotspecifications. On the other hand, the state-of-the-art has identified the technological stumblingblocks and has allowed to led to our proposition to satisfy the specifications. This work has envisagedthe fabrication of two independent parallel microrobotic structures. Each proposed microrobot hasa different kinematic structure, however they have the same objective that is to guide a laser beamonto the vocal folds. To this purpose, a mirror is placed on the end-effector of both microrobots inorder to reflect and guide the laser beam. Smart Composite Microstructures fabrication techniquewas used to fabricate the two microrobots. Moreover, piezoelectric cantilever actuators have beenused to generate the required rotations. Finally, the expected precision for laser microsurgery of thevocal folds was reached by coupling the feedforward compensation of nonlinearities and vibrations ofthe actuators with visual feedback control of the parallel kinematic mechanism
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Zanco, Philip. "Analysis of Optimization Methods in Multisteerable Filter Design". ScholarWorks@UNO, 2016. http://scholarworks.uno.edu/td/2227.

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The purpose of this thesis is to study and investigate a practical and efficient implementation of corner orientation detection using multisteerable filters. First, practical theory involved in applying multisteerable filters for corner orientation estimation is presented. Methods to improve the efficiency with which multisteerable corner filters are applied to images are investigated and presented. Prior research in this area presented an optimization equation for determining the best match of corner orientations in images; however, little research has been done on optimization techniques to solve this equation. Optimization techniques to find the maximum response of a similarity function to determine how similar a corner feature is to a multioriented corner template are also explored and compared in this research.
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Jacobsen, Hanna-Lydia. "Backsides / interiors : Tracing a treatment of backsides in domestic interiors". Thesis, Konstfack, Inredningsarkitektur & Möbeldesign, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:konstfack:diva-6405.

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Abstract (sommario):
Interiors are often dealing with the notion of front and back. Physically, with walls facing the occupant and concealing a “behind”, a backside, perhaps an adjacent room. But also, in organization; “in the back of the building” meaning the furthest away from the entrance or from the street, the public. There is also a variety of interiors that are backsides them self. Spaces that, in contrast to fronts or “primary” spaces not are intended to be shown perhaps because they are occupied by functions, or people that for some reason are desired to be hidden. The idea of a backside, though, whether considered good or bad, what belongs there and not, has shifted over time. I believe that this is a truly cultural issue, governed by social constructions that stabilize and become customs in the fabrication of interiors. In this project have I studied and reworked the information from a few domestic interiors. Through the methods of inverting and full-scale construction, have I investigated what a “backside of an interior” is, what it does and how the treatment of it has changed over time. In my studies, I have found that a contemporary apartment interior attempts to seamlessly exclude the “backside”, just like the parlours of a 100 years old bourgeoise palace. But in the contemporary apartment, it is because of praxis and standardization, and not because of what ideas govern the design. By building a full-scale part of an actual contemporary apartment - where I invert and reorganize the order of how it would have been costume - the praxis is brought to light and questioned.
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Islam, Akib. "Cab Door Design : Improvement of door corners". Thesis, Mälardalens högskola, Akademin för innovation, design och teknik, 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-25872.

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Abstract (sommario):
This thesis presents a product development process, where an existing solution on a cab door have been analysed and developed, with the aim to result in a cost-effective concept solution for handling tolerances on the door frame. The methodological approach in this thesis is based on Volvo Construction Equipment’s development model; The Global Development Process, which started with a pre-study phase where the problem formulation was established. The problem formulation in short is to find a solution for how to handle narrow tolerances in steel profiles for the door weldment on cab doors. Various solution ideas were discussed and concepts were generated with focus to design a new cab door corner that would solve the problems addressed by the project. The applied method resulted in a final concept consisting of the same steel profiles but with new dimensions, and two new concepts in each corner; one corner module that is placed inside the steel profiles and joined by welding, and a plastic shell that covers the welded corner. The concept was validated using a prototype of the proposed solution, where tests show that the requirements were achieved, besides a few deficiencies. A cost comparison between the existing and the proposed solution was made within limitations for this thesis. The result of the cost comparison shows an indication of that the proposed solution can be more cost-effective than the existing solution. Some of the recommendations after have completing the project are to make a complete cost comparison to ensure that the indication is correct and to analyse the new components to optimize and define the dimensions of them.
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Libri sul tema "Dessin coréen"


Chong-uk, Yi. Kŏrŭmyŏn poinŭn tosi, Sŏul: Tŭroing e tamŭn tosi ŭi sigandŭl. Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Ttuindol, 2021.

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1920-2004, Pignatti Terisio, e Romanelli Giandomenico 1945-, a cura di. Disegni dalle collezioni del Museo Correr, XV-XIX secolo. Venezia: Il Museo, 1985.

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G, Lomber Stephen, e Galuske Ralf A. W, a cura di. Virtual lesions: Examining cortical function with reversible deactivation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.

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Stetter, Martin. Exploration of cortical function: Imaging and modeling cortical population coding strategies. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, 2002.

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1962-, Papastergiadis Nikos, Zhu Jianfei 1962- e Sudjic Deyan, a cura di. Non-fictional narratives: Denton, Corker, Marshall. Basel: Birkhäuser, 2008.

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United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., a cura di. An investigation of bleed configurations and their effect on shock wave/boundary layer interactions: Final report. [Cincinnati, Ohio?]: University of Cincinnati, 1995.

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Hamed, A. An investigation of bleed configurations and their effect on shock wave/boundary layer interactions: Final report. [Cincinnati, Ohio?]: University of Cincinnati, 1995.

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González Montero, Sebastián Alejandro, e Germán Ulises Bula Caraballo. Paranoia. Bogotá. Colombia: Universidad de La Salle. Ediciones Unisalle, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.19052/9789588939971.

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Abstract (sommario):
Una universidad corre el riesgo de que se la lleve la corriente, de flotar a la deriva sobre lineamientos institucionales y mediciones estandarizadas que se importan desde afuera, irreflexivamente, con cierto afán de no quedar atrás en la carrera, sin mirar muy bien hacia dónde se corre. Y todo esto, al tiempo en que, en lo psicopolítico, crece la paranoia y la desconfianza. No es para extrañarse: la universidad es una comunidad política, ciertamente, con funciones y poderes asimétricos; pero también es una comunidad llamada a la reflexión común sobre el destino común. La obra es una celebración de las posibilidades vitales de nuestra comunidad, de las posibilidades y líneas de fuga que le es dado tomar, así como de la forma como podemos hacernos cargo de nuestro presente.
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Lomakina, Tat'yana, e Nina Vasil'chenko. Modern technology of teaching a foreign language: design and experience. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.12737/1111366.

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The monograph deals with the theoretical and practical issues of pedagogical design of the technology of teaching a foreign language in the system of secondary vocational education. Presents an analysis of key concepts "instructional design" and "technology of education" that is meaningful and reveals the basic principles of the system, activity-based and student-centered approaches to the design of learning technologies to address new opportunities and the status of the str system in the modern socio-economic conditions. The author has developed a method of selection of the content of learning English language, based on the modular structure of the course, taking into account international experience in building the content of language education for professional purposes, the requirements of the educational-methodical complex of teaching business English and core competencies stipulated by the Council of Europe, as well as the requirements of the labour market and the needs of employers standardisert, intensificarea language training specialist of middle management by reflection of the status and trends of professional activities in various fields. For use in the system of professional development of teachers of secondary vocational education, additional education and the system of corporate training.
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Rahmanov, Boris, e Vladimir Kibovskiy. Theoretical and experimental laser dosimetry. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.12737/2048102.

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The monograph considers models of the interaction of radiation fields of single-mode and multimode Gaussian laser beams with the optical system of the eye. Formulas have been obtained that allow calculating the coefficient of the degree of danger of laser radiation both by the criterion of damage to the skin and cornea of the eye, and by the criterion of damage to the retina at any distance from the radiation source. Methods for selecting control points are proposed. Examples of specific methods of dosimetric control of laser radiation at the workplaces of personnel servicing laser installations are given. The theoretical foundations of circuit design solutions for laser dosimeters are considered. Modern requirements for the metrological characteristics of dosimeters, as well as methods and means of their verification are presented. For students, postgraduates and teachers of technical and physico-mathematical universities and faculties.
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Capitoli di libri sul tema "Dessin coréen"


Salter, R. J. "The external cordon and screenline surveys". In Highway Traffic Analysis and Design, 18–21. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1996. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-349-13423-6_4.

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Salter, R. J. "The external cordon and screenline surveys". In Highway Traffic Analysis and Design, 19–22. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1989. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-349-20014-6_4.

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Qiao, Langhao, Renjun Yan e Yu Qiu. "Fatigue Life Assessment of Ship Hatch Corner Based on Hot Spot Stress Method". In Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 675–87. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-1876-4_54.

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AbstractThe hatch corner of ship is the most prone area for stress concentration, which makes the fatigue problem of hatch corner particularly serious, and becomes a position that is easily damaged. Firstly, the hot spot stress method based on surface extrapolation is introduced, and the hatch corner of a bulk carrier is selected as the research object, the scale model test is designed and carried out, the finite element model is established, and the parameters of the corner form and different transition radii are analyzed. The CCS calculation specification evaluates the fatigue strength of hatch corner, and compares the test results with the finite element calculation results. The results show that the hot spot stress method has good adaptability to the fatigue assessment of hatch corner, and the fatigue strength evaluation of hatch corner needs to select the corresponding S–N curve according to the position of the maximum hot spot stress. The form of corner and the increase of transition radius are of great significance for alleviating stress concentration effect and improving fatigue life of corner, which provides reference for fatigue resistance and optimal design of hatch corner structure.
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Norros, Leena, Paula Savioja e Hanna Koskinen. "Intervening: How to Develop the Work System". In Core-Task Design, 89–105. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-02211-1_5.

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Norros, Leena, Paula Savioja e Hanna Koskinen. "Introduction". In Core-Task Design, 1–14. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-02211-1_1.

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Norros, Leena, Paula Savioja e Hanna Koskinen. "Core-Task Design Methodology". In Core-Task Design, 15–48. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-02211-1_2.

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Norros, Leena, Paula Savioja e Hanna Koskinen. "Foreseeing: How to Uncover the Promise of Solutions for Future Work". In Core-Task Design, 69–88. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-02211-1_4.

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Kreku, Jari, Kari Tiensyrjä, Andreas Wieferink e Bart Vanthournout. "ASIP Exploration and Design". In Scalable Multi-core Architectures, 81–103. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-6778-7_4.

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Ciliberti, John. "Solution Design Using ASP.NET Core MVC". In ASP.NET Core Recipes, 171–220. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-0427-6_6.

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Zeng, Tongyan, Essam F. Abo-Serie, Manus Henry e James Jewkes. "Thermal Optimisation Model for Cooling Channel Design Using the Adjoint Method in 3D Printed Aluminium Die-Casting Tools". In Springer Proceedings in Energy, 333–40. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-30960-1_31.

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AbstractIn the present study, the adjoint method is introduced to the optimisation of the corner cooling element in two baseline cooling designs for a mould cavity, as examples of the Aluminium metal die-casting process. First, a steady thermal model simulating the Aluminium die-casting process is introduced for the two-corner cooling design scenario. This steady model serves as the first iteration of the optimised model using the adjoint method. A dual-parameter objective function targets the interfacial temperature standard deviation and pressure drop across the internal cooling region. For both design cases, multi-iterative deformation cycles of the corner cooling configurations result in optimised designs with non-uniform cross-section geometries and smooth surface finishing. Numerical simulations of the resulting designs show improvements in uniform cooling across the mould/cast interfacial contact surface by 66.13% and 92.65%, while the optimised pressure drop increases coolant fluid flow by 25.81% and 20.35% respectively. This technique has been applied to optimise the complex cooling system for an industrial high-pressure aluminium die-casting (HPADC) tool (Zeng et al. in SAE Technical Paper 2022-01-0246, 2022, [1]). Production line experience demonstrates that the optimised designs have three times the operational life compared to conventional mould designs, providing a significant reduction in manufacturing and operation costs.
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Atti di convegni sul tema "Dessin coréen"


"Double corbel". In SP-208: Examples for the Design of Structural Concrete with Strut-and-Tie Models. American Concrete Institute, 2002. http://dx.doi.org/10.14359/12416.

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Finotti, Vitor, e Bruno Albertini. "An Open-Source Soft-Microcontroller Implementation Using an ARM Cortex-M0 on FPGA". In Workshop em Desempenho de Sistemas Computacionais e de Comunicação. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBC, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.5753/wperformance.2021.15726.

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There is a myriad of projects that could be deployed on FPGA for architectural exploration. However, open-source platforms are scarce, and one with embedded software and operating system support to the application-specific hardware could not be found in the literature. We present an open-source soft-microcontroller architecture based on an ARM Cortex-M0, adaptable to different amounts of cores or new components, supporting an end-to-end deployment from code compilation using arm-gcc to loading the binary into the HDL memory cores. The proposed design is validated through simulation and implementation on a KC705 development kit, demonstrating busy-wait polling, DMA transfer, and deterministic real-time processing through FreeRTOS.
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Johns, Georgina, Jade Housewirth e Siripong Malasri. "Corrugated Box Corner Design". In International Engineering Science Technology Online Conference. Cloud Publications, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.23953/cloud.iestoc.310.

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Rubinstein, J., e G. Wolansky. "Designing a perfect cornea: computational aspects". In International Optical Design Conference. Washington, D.C.: OSA, 2002. http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/iodc.2002.iwb3.

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Rubinstein, Jacob, e Gershon Wolansky. "Designing a perfect cornea: computational aspects". In International Optical Design Conference 2002, a cura di Paul K. Manhart e Jose M. Sasian. SPIE, 2002. http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.486449.

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"Corbel at column". In SP-208: Examples for the Design of Structural Concrete with Strut-and-Tie Models. American Concrete Institute, 2002. http://dx.doi.org/10.14359/12415.

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Fuss, Philippe, Carole Moussu, Paul Da Cunha e Stein Strandmoe. "Study of the diffraction by the corner cube". In Optical Systems Design, a cura di Laurent Mazuray, Rolf Wartmann, Andrew Wood, Jean-Luc Tissot e Jeffrey M. Raynor. SPIE, 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.797438.

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Hnilicka, Tomas, Vladimir Schejbal, Ondrej Fisher e Tomas Zalabsky. "Design of Square Waveguide Corner". In 2018 New Trends in Signal Processing (NTSP). IEEE, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.23919/ntsp.2018.8524076.

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Lee, Hakchu. "Optical thin films on polarization preserving cube corner retroreflectors". In Optical Systems Design, a cura di Norbert Kaiser, Michel Lequime e H. Angus Macleod. SPIE, 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.796659.

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Boschetto, A., A. Ruggiero e F. Veniali. "Corner Shaping by Barrel Finishing". In ASME 8th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis. ASMEDC, 2006. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/esda2006-95683.

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Abstract (sommario):
Corner shaping is a necessary operation in manufacturing of most mechanical components. Edge radiusing is the principal way to reduce stress concentration in components like gear, crank shaft, ball bearing, to permit assembly and disassembly of parts, to avoid local damage and to reduce the possibility of hurting the operators. Often precise values of corner radius are specified in component design. Deterministic operations such as chipping, plastic deformation and non traditional ones such as electro discharge machining, abrasive jet deburring are well established technology. Yet, sometimes, it results not economic or even impossible to perform these operations due to the complicated part geometry, difficulty in part clamping and tool path, large number of parts to be produced. Barrel finishing is technique able to improve the roughness of parts of complicated shape by means of a soft mechanical action over the surface performed by abrasive media. The main features of this technology is that the parts do not need to be fixed. Radiusing is, in turn, a potential application area for barrel finishing which has been investigated in this paper. Experimental tests were conducted on finished specimens with sharp corners in order to achieve information about corner radius evolution as a function of the time for different set parameters. The radius values have been assessed by analyzing the acquired profiles with a proprietary fitting procedure. It has been found a square root relation between radius and working time and, by assessing the influence of single parameter, a radiusing model has been proposed.
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Rapporti di organizzazioni sul tema "Dessin coréen"


Betzler, Benjamin, Brian Ade, Aaron Wysocki, Michael Greenwood, Jesse Heineman, Phillip Chesser, Prashant Jain, Florent Heidet e Aurelien Bergeron. Advanced Manufacturing for Nuclear Core Design. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), agosto 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/1658005.

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Anderson, J. K., e E. C. Harvey. Core refueling subsystem design description. Revision 1. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), luglio 1987. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/464352.

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Stevens, A. J. Conceptual Design of the RHIC Dump Core. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), settembre 1995. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/1119219.

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Stauff, N., C. Lee e C. Filippone. Core Design of the Holos-Quad Microreactor. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), marzo 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/1863405.

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Rickard, N. D. STRUCTURAL DESIGN CRITERIA FOR REPLACEABLE GRAPHITE CORE ELEMENTS. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), settembre 1989. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/10197186.

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Fenves, Steven J. A core product model for representing design information. Gaithersburg, MD: National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2001. http://dx.doi.org/10.6028/nist.ir.6736.

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Copeland, G. L., W. R. Gambill, R. M. Harrington, J. A. Johnson, F. J. Peretz, H. Reutler, J. M. Ryskamp, D. L. Selby, C. D. West e G. L. Yoder. Advanced neutron source final preconceptual reference core design. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), agosto 1989. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/5745663.

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Stevens, John Gerald. A hybrid method for in-core optimization of pressurized water reactor reload core design. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), maggio 1995. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/672009.

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Deibele, C., e /Fermilab. Design of the Core 2-4 GHz Betatron Equalizer. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), gennaio 2000. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/984589.

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EDWARDS, HAROLD C. SIERRA Framework Version 3: Core Services Theory and Design. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), novembre 2002. http://dx.doi.org/10.2172/805863.

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